Practical Challenges Faced by Cellular Radio and Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Research and Development – A Work in Progress Capstone Final Paper April 30th, 2015 Stefan Tschimben Mason Ryan Aaditya Goyal Assyl Zhakupov Interdisciplinary Telecom Program University of Colorado Boulder Abstract— When search and rescue operations set out to save an avalanche victim, locating the victim within a reasonable amount of time is critical for survival. Also, as 4G LTE smartphones are becoming more ubiquitous within The United States, those emissions can be gathered using unmanned and automated drones to provide crucial locational information for search and rescue (SAR) teams. This project set out to utilize technological advances in compact drones and a mounted enterprise small cell to improve the current state of SAR procedures with the purpose of more efficiently locating a buried victim in an unserviceable area during an avalanche. The main goal of this project was to utilize 4G LTE emissions and drones to provide emergency communications to SAR efforts, while expanding on the previous research completed at CU, which proved the feasibility of receiving a cell signal under several feet of snow within the presence of a common carrier signal. In order to conduct this research, our team made the decision to operate legally and adhere to all regulatory requirements. However, this decision exposed significant practical challenges which were not at first anticipated. A Certificate of Authorization (COA), issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is required to legally fly an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) both for research and regular operation. This proved very challenging for our team as it required extensive knowledge in avionic engineering and our team was the first to file a COA for a rotary UAS, compared to the traditional fixed wing or quad UAS. Additionally, a Special Temporary Authority (STA) had to be requested from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to operate the enterprise small cell as an active transmitter for each geographic area. Due to our innovative idea of a completely mobile low power transmitting base station on a drone, or what we refer to as Cell on Drones (COD), the attempt to legally follow regulatory requirements created a substantial challenge for our research team due to the unique nature of our solution. While these barriers proved to be more substantial than first thought, the team was able to establish a viable geolocation strategy and gain significant experience when working with real world FCC and FAA regulatory requirements. Our research furthermore garnered substantial endorsement and cooperation from industry experts such as Cisco and Northrop Grumman, as well as government agencies including NTIA and the Department of Commerce working on FirstNet. These high levels of interest and support shown to our solution reinforced the critical importance of not only our research, but also the challenges our team faced, while creating various opportunities for our team to continue this research beyond our school careers. Search Terms—4G LTE; SAR; COA; FAA; UAS; FCC; COD Dr. Harvey Gates Team Assistant Professor University of Colorado Boulder Nicholas Little CEO/Industry Advisor Forge Aero LLC I. INTRODUCTION A. Statement of the Problem Time and communication are of essence in search and rescue operations. In fact, the ability to communicate is a crucial element of emergencies as it ensures that first responders are able to react as quickly as possible. Failure, or the absence of communications infrastructure can be fatal in such situations. Unfortunately, during large-scale disasters or emergencies in remote areas, such infrastructure is often one of the first things to fail, either due to direct damage, power outage or network overload [1], [2]. Its absence also considerably slows down first responder efforts. During the floods in Boulder County of 2013 both landlines and cell services had been interrupted in remote locations; some areas could even only be reached by radio [3]. This research will focus on another type of noteworthy natural disaster, more specifically avalanches. Especially in Colorado, where a considerable part of all avalanche related deaths within the United States occur [4], this topic gains in importance. Avalanches present a special challenge for SAR teams. The situation demands a great amount of efficiency and speed as a complete burial of the victim reduces survival chances significantly after only 15 minutes due to the high risk of asphyxiation [5], [6]. As skiers and snowboarders increasingly seek out untouched snow in back country areas [7] the number of potential deaths increase. These continuing developments make it of utmost importance to develop a solution that makes it possible to shorten the recovery time by determining the victim’s location as fast as possible by relying on opportunities offered by current technology such as a smartphone. While special beacons make it possible to speed-up the SAR operations to a certain degree, they still come with two considerable disadvantages: they have to be activated and are comparatively expensive. The ubiquity of smartphones on the other hand continues to grow. By now, 169 million people in the US own a smartphone, 70% of all mobile phone users [8]. More importantly, over one third of mobile broadband usage in the first quarter of 2014 has occurred using LTE (Long Term Evolution) [9]. With the current advances in LTE, this offers an incredible opportunity for SAR operations to improve available communication technology on site, as it is rarely one of the first aids to arrive, slowing down the rescue operations by delaying coordination and the communication of crucial information [10]. Indeed, the United Nations Foundation not only emphasizes the importance of information sharing during emergencies, but 1 also highlights the potential of these new mobile technologies [11]. Combined with the ability of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to carry a number of different payloads along with the potential to be rapidly deployable over an extended amount of time [10], this development opens up a great amount of incredible opportunities [2]. Different UAS could therefore be deployed in emergency situations for SAR operations in order to fulfill a variety of purposes and solve traditional SAR issues. While the propagation of the phone’s signal while buried under considerable amounts of snow might present a challenge, recent research by CU determined that the cellular signal in fact propagates through up to 7 feet of snow with only very little loss [12]. Regardless of the specific circumstances of the disaster and the SAR operation, one important aspect will always remain, determining the location of the victim to be rescued. This can be significantly sped up using the signals emitted by the victim’s smartphone. Especially in remote areas with no communication and difficult access due to terrain, UAS could offer an optimal platform to speed up SAR efforts by enticing a cell phone into connecting to its payload and revealing its location through its cell signal. The signal could be processed by the UAS using a variety of passive direction finding methods and algorithms. B. Research Question In emergency situations, communication is critical for search and rescue teams to be effective and swift in their operations [11]. Communication becomes even more important when a natural disaster ceases all cellular communications. By utilizing leading mobile technology, SAR teams can become more effective in times of an emergency in an unserviceable area. By utilizing the unique features of new mobile and drone technology, the opportunity for saving lives could be significantly improved. Emergency communication, other than immediate life safety, is the most crucial aspect within a disaster. However, significant regulatory hurdles exist and must be faced before implementing this new technology. This proposal will seek to overcome these hurdles and improve the current state of the art in SAR by answering the following question: What challenges do researchers and search & rescue teams face when developing innovative solutions with the intent of better locating a victim’s position in an emergency situation in absence of a cellular network? C. Sub Problems Improving the current state of the art in SAR is a challenging task. Search and rescue teams choose to not regularly implement unproven methods due to the very life or death nature that comes from their duty. For the sake of this proposal and to limit the scope for the reader, this research will focus on search and rescue teams in response to natural disasters, more specifically avalanches. Avalanches are the most prevalent natural disaster in Colorado. In fact, one third of all avalanche related deaths in the United States occur in Colorado [4]. When exploring the current SAR methods in response to avalanches, we seek to improve current standards and push the envelope in developing groundbreaking rescue methods enhanced by new technologies. Within our innovative solution lie three major problems. This section will present the three sub problems in the form of a question, the assumptions used, the background of the problem and what action steps are suggested in order to solve each of them. Discovery: What is the best method for awakening a mobile phone device in sleep mode within an unserviceable area? Assumptions: A major assumption involved with this problem is that a person needs rescue assistance due to a natural disaster. Along with this assumption, the person must have a mobile smart phone turned on, but he/she does not have cellular service or any other means of communication during the emergency. If the cellular device is within an unserviceable area, we assume the phone will enter a “sleep mode”, where the phone stops actively seeking out the nearest base station [13]. These assumptions form the basic premise of why SAR teams do not currently rely on smart phones and will have a significant impact on our proposed solutions. We assume there is a possible way to awaken a phone out of sleep mode, by convincing the smart phone of the presence of a nearby base station available for connection. Associated with that assumption, we conclude the UAS being deployed is capable of holding and powering a small cell during flight. This could prove to be a challenge as both the UAS and the small cell will rely on limited battery life, ultimately limiting flight duration. As the industry is developing solutions, our final assumption is that we will be able to obtain the enterprise small cell, weighing less than fifteen pounds, which was offered to us as a loan by Global Wireless Technology vendor. This programmable and flexible small cell will be essential for our purposes to awaken a phone from a designated sleep mode. Problem Background: When a mobile smart phone device enters an unserviceable cellular area, it still continues to search for the nearest base station. Even though mobile phones are constantly searching for an active signal, this process is greatly reduced when within an unserviceable area. When no base station can be found, a smart phone will enter sleep mode, where the phone stops searching for a connection to a base station to conserve battery life [13]. In order to wake up a phone from sleep mode, it requires a burst from a base station signaling a connection is present and ready to be made [14], [15]. If a person is downed with no cellular service, it presents a tough challenge for SAR to locate that person via the person’s cell phone, and is the main reason why SAR teams do not currently rely on smart phones. Within a mountainous environment, there are multiple back country areas where cellular service is not provided. Even if a cellular network is nearby, when a person is buried under several feet of snow, the signal’s propagation might be impacted and the smart phone could have a harder time searching for an active signal. Proposed Solution: Our team conducted extensive interviews of industry professionals and research in order to discover the best means of waking up a smart phone out of sleep mode. Our proposed solution was centered on an enterprise small cell, or an emulated base station, to provide service to an otherwise unserviceable cellular area. The small cell would be attached to an UAS which is then actively seeking out the downed smart phone and theoretically would emit a burst strong enough to notify the smart phone of a nearby connection. The benefits of using a small cell include the capability of operating on different mobile bands and the ability to be programmed to 2 suit our SAR needs. The payload from the small cell would notify the smart phone of a nearby base station, therefore putting the phone back into an active search mode and become visible for SAR discovery. This proposed solution would require no interaction by the downed person and could be used in a variety of emergency situations to either find a missing person or to even provide basic coverage for a cellular phone network. Locational Tracking: How can SAR teams locate a downed person’s cell phone based on its 4G LTE emissions using a UAS and geolocation techniques? Assumptions: Following the previous problem’s assumptions, this problem will contain some similarities. A person would still require rescue assistance due to a natural disaster and the SAR team must be ready to initiate their rescue process. One major difference in assumptions related to this problem is the method of passive direction finding. Passive direction finding indicates the searching techniques and analysis performed are not in real time. In order to achieve real time results, which will be crucial for future SAR operations, this theory first must be tested and then further adopted amongst the industry. Another assumption is the SAR team has a capable and rapidly deployable UAS on hand, with the intention of performing passive direction finding. We also have to assume we can perform field tests by obtaining a Leptron Avenger helicopter, a UAS with military grade features, and a UAS is the preferred vehicle for rescue operations [16]. The final assumption is the UAS must be programmable and capable of flight time long enough to support SAR operations. Problem Background: In order to implement passive direction finding as a viable option for search and rescue teams, our team had to first validate the advantages it would have over traditional SAR methods. In the avalanche scenario, SAR teams typically rely on an avalanche transceiver. The transceiver is used mostly in back country skiing areas and can be very costly, averaging around $300 [17]. There are many limitations to transceivers, but they have proven to be reliable in avalanche disasters in the past and are still heavily used today. Search and rescue teams rely on what works, but also need to explore future technologies so they are not behind the curve when a critical disaster strikes. Henceforth, assuming every skier or snowboarder has a smart phone, this technology will be far more advantageous than a traditional avalanche beacon due to the ubiquity of smartphones today. Another major problem with current SAR methods is the timeliness and limitations of an avalanche mountain rescue operation. SAR teams are limited by the mountainous terrain and dependent on a downed person having activated an avalanche transceiver. A challenge that was not tackled in this report are the resources needed to deploy an active SAR solution with real time results. This means allowing for real time locational tracking, while establishing a communication infrastructure for SAR teams on the backbends of most unserviceable mountainous areas. This active SAR solution will require app development, extensive funding, and additional testing even before initial implementation. Implementing an active SAR solution is more suited towards a business and was out of scope for our project purposes. Proposed Solution: Our project sought to find a viable and inexpensive solution via passive direction finding when compared to a traditional avalanche transceiver. Passive direction finding will be used to measure emitting signals from the person’s smart phone and measure the spikes at a specific location. Our proposed solution focused on the UAS performing the passive direction finding in a programmed search pattern on the mountain. This pattern will be programmed to swing inwards and outwards, similar to an “S” shape, in order to cover a wide area of land, but still keep the search area well defined. The data will be gathered in 30 minute flight intervals and the transmission spikes will be analyzed to determine the location. Assuming the smart phone has no signal, it is not possible to locate the device via cooperative communication or even a traditional GPS sense. With future testing and funding UAS would also be capable of using a camera to display a live feed of the suggested area of entrapment. Although the majority of the passive direction finding will be conducted by a UAS, it will also be important to test this solution using ground elements. Motor vehicles such as cars and snowmobiles can cover a good area of land, and could even be used simultaneously during the active UAS search. By utilizing a passive direction finding technique, it would allow SAR teams to traverse treacherous terrains and deploy rescue efforts at a more rapid rate. Helicopters are used in conjunction with avalanche transceivers but are limited by the mountainous terrain and slow deployment period. When time is of the essence, UAS could provide a significant advantage by flying over hard to traverse land, leading to an improvement of the state of the art in search and rescue. Regulatory Barriers: What regulatory restrictions are currently in place and present considerable practical challenges to future research and implementation? Assumptions: For the scope of this project we assumed that these regulatory barriers were not big enough barriers to hinder our research efforts. For sake of the research we also assumed operating in the public safety Band 14 frequency at 700 MHz using 4G LTE, was the best means to simulate the intended conditions. Testing was focused on areas where cellular service is very limited or ideally not available, also known as radio silent. Another assumption is that the Leptron Avenger UAS model would be provided and the Certificate of Authorization (COA) to properly fly it would be completed in a timely manner. These assumptions evolved to be breaking assumptions and had a significant impact on our project scope. Problem Background: These barriers proved to be a noteworthy practical challenge for our research team. When attempting to use an enterprise small cell the base tower would be operating on a specific frequency that is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). For plausible and practical implementation, the SAR teams would have to comply with FCC spectrum policies and definitely obtain a license in order to legally operate in the needed frequency range. With further research, emergency communications may rely on nonpublic frequency bands and would require a series of action items in order to operate on those frequencies. In regards to emergency communications, the FCC has unique policies during 3 a time of crisis and these policies would have to be made well known and clear. [18] For our purpose, along with the FCC is the FAA, or the Federal Aviation Administration, the controlling authority on the ability to occupy air space. Similar to the limited and regulated spectrum, airspace is a regulated zone and requires a license and certificate to operate in. For our purposes of field testing, we had to acquire not one, but two Certificate of Authorizations in order to fly the UAS legally [19]. For flying the UAS on a local ski mountain it would require the owners of the land to approve of the UAS flying around and acquiring a COA for the specific area as well. In order to receive a COA, one must file the specific tail number and model of the registered UAS to be used with the FAA, and the purpose of UAS use. Additionally, extensive aeronautic information had to be submitted which we and Leptron had to provide. Operating in a realistic field testing scenario such as a ski resort posed potential problems. Due to the nature of ski resorts, many visitors carry smartphones which could potentially interfere with our data collection due to the countless emissions being broadcasted. Also, the mountainous terrain at a ski resort could prove to be too difficult to conduct tests on as the terrain is hard to traverse for a team of non-skiers. The back country areas where the tests would have been conducted require accessibility via snowmobile and snow shoes, making it an ordeal to perform a simple test scenario. Proposed Solution: In order to comply with the challenging regulatory requirements, it was necessary to take extra precaution and work diligently to resolve these issues as early as possible. Towards the end of 2014, we established contact with James Mack of the University of Colorado at Boulder and have provided him with the information needed and also the timely importance of filing a COA. On our behalf, Professor Mack was supposed to file a COA for the use of the Leptron Avenger UAS with the registration and tail number for the duration of the spring 2015 semester. By starting this process as early as fall 2014, it was supposed to ensure the near two month long authorization process would be approved and not hinder us from conducting research. However, our support fell short due to a hectic schedule and we were forced to file the intricate COA ourselves. We also received approval to use the local range from the Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV). This field would have provided us with a great range to test different equipment, flight of the UAS, and simulate an unserviceable area. However, another COA would have had to be filed for this location as well, totaling our COA submissions to the FAA to two. For our realistic mountain field testing, we obtained official permission to conduct testing at Copper Mountain Ski Resort by the Ski Patrol manager Hagan Lyle. Copper would have allowed our team to conduct tests as long as the school could cover a three million dollar liability coverage for the resort. As a student research group, it was difficult to cover this large liability and we could only get the school to cover half, leaving us to seek out vendors to pay the other half. When faced with spectrum regulations we received assistance from the University of Colorado at Boulder Law School. This allowed us to perform due diligence towards the regulations we had to adhere to. In the end, the goal of this solution was to follow all regulations and practical challenges faced by a SAR operator with intentions to operate completely legally, considering airspace as well as spectrum. Following a legal path however proved to create more problems than solutions unfortunately. II. LITERATURE REVIEW The possibility of using UAS as an airborne multipurpose communications relay has been examined on a theoretical basis in a number of reports and journals [2], [10], [20], [21]. The general consensus is that, compared to alternatives like cells on wheels (COW) that could be used for this purpose, UAS have the advantage of being rapidly deployable, able to cover a greater area, less affected by the terrain and they use the spectrum more efficiently [10]. The system is in fact comparable to the reliability of GEO satellites, with the advantage of increased flexibility and reduced costs [20]. This advantage can furthermore be exploited to determine the location of user equipment more rapidly and reliably using passive direction finding (DF) techniques. In fact, the literature further suggests the idea of using airborne vehicles like drones in combination with special antenna systems is intelligent [22]– [24]. Thanks to new compact directional finding antenna designs which could be easily mounted onto UAS of different sizes [24], and the fact that passive systems weigh less due to lighter hardware requirements, UAS offers a very suitable platform for the deployment of a passive direction finding system [23]. While it is true that passive systems provide lower accuracy than real time active systems, it should be noted that such systems are not only less complicated and require less power, but furthermore can be enabled by a single aircraft in order to locate signal sources [23], [25]. Direction finding, in the literature is often referred to as angle of arrival (AOA) determination, which can operate under the important advantage that no knowledge about specific features of the signal is required [26]. A single UAS can therefore be used in SAR situations in order to determine the AOA of signals and consequently the location of user equipment (UE). Besides simple mechanical rotation of antennas, three main methods for passive direction finding are commonly used: time difference of arrival (TDOA), amplitude comparison, and phase interferometry [24]–[28]. Phase interferometry determines the AOA by comparing the phase difference of a wave front arriving at spatially separated antennas [28]. While this method allows accuracy with measurements in short distance from each other, it faces however size and bandwidth limitations. In order for phase interferometry to produce minimal error, antennas should not be further apart from each other than the wavelength of the frequency to be measured. On the other hand, the further apart the antennas are, the greater the time delay and the better the measurements [25]. Alternatively, amplitude comparison methods are not limited by bandwidth or frequency. They are usually implemented by using two squinted antennas that receive the signal at different power levels and consequently allow to derive the angle of arrival [27]. However, amplitude comparison is much more sensitive to noise fluctuation, which can differ significantly in different locations. Still, in an environment with no or only little 4 radio communication this might not present a noticeable challenge [25]. Finally, time difference of arrival (TDOA) methods measure the time difference between the arrivals of a signal at multiple antennas. However, in order to determine the AOA with accuracy these antennas would have to be placed kilometers apart from each other. This necessity however makes such systems impractical for airborne SAR systems that would rely on quick measurements over a short distance [25]. The literature suggests this will not be a practical solution for our research. As the literature highlights, each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, making some more useful in specific situations. The effectiveness of each is further dependent upon the algorithm that is used for the direction finding, such as Wattson-Watt, Butler Matrix, and MUSIC [28], [29] What the literature in general lacks is a practical application of the theories in the context of search and rescue emergency operations. Therefore we will have to conduct experiments using multiple passive direction finding methods in order to determine the most practical solution for SAR. By being able to equip a drone with a programmable micro cell, such as a GWT Small Metro Cell 053-2 [30], it would be possible to determine how it might be best accomplished to make a phone reveal its location. We could theoretically test any other similar device that would make it possible to conduct field tests, by measuring the signals such a system would receive and the signals being exchanged. The technology to intercept calls and spoof GSM cell towers has in fact already been in use by law enforcement and successfully recreated in the form of homebrewed devices that entice cell phones to connect to them [31]. The result of these tests would be of great assistance in the search for cheap, robust, and efficient location finding equipment to improve the current state of SAR operations. III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Sub-Problem: What is the best method for awakening a mobile phone device in sleep mode within an unserviceable area? Methodology: Industry interviews and library research In most emergencies, there is a high likelihood of communications being ceased within an area caused by a disaster. The use of commercially available programmable small cells could negate this issue. The micro cell simulates a mini cell tower for a mobile phone to latch onto. They are also used by operators to extend and improve the coverage within a small area of an existing network. In the scope of this research, small cells were intended to be used to mimic the behavior of cell towers and introduce an efficient enough signal within the disaster area. This would theoretically enable the phone to ping its identification information to the tower in an effort to connect onto the network. In order to solve this first sub problem, our team focused on the distinct advantages of small cells and alternative solutions. Interviews with industry experts where then used to discover the practicality of this solution. Small cells, have a huge competitive advantage over most current technologies, but they are difficult to acquire and implement for emergency purposes. Relying on small cells 053 and 054 from Global Wireless Technologies would have provided us with these needed capabilities and seemed to be a viable option for our team to acquire. These small cells have a built-in real time interference mitigation mechanism, which is helpful for identifying specific bands [32]. This mechanism helps to avoid any unwanted radio signals or any other signals that can provide interference and lead to potential path loss. These cells are highly programmable and can search for any type of signal in a variety of bands. They already have an inbuilt network listening capability for rapid location identification and are highly reliable and robust in providing connectivity for wireless devices to the core network. These models can be tuned to multi channels and offers support for 2G, 3G and 4G LTE signals. Additionally, they can also be configured with an operations, administration and management module (OAM) which can provide alarms and performance management data to the core network using SNMP (simple network management protocol). However, this is done in real time and is beyond the scope of this research. These small cell features are advantageous and would provide search & rescue teams with a feasible option of awakening a mobile phone in an unserviceable area. The plan therefore was to use these features to perform multiple tests within a variety of locations and cellular variations. Initial testing was planned to occur in simulated environments with the main objective to simulate a base signal and have a phone search and find the emissions form the small cell. These tests would have been completed with a variation of cellular signals and bands, to include 4G LTE, and within areas with and without established cellular service. This would have included enabling a small cell capable of transmitting a base signal and a mobile device becoming aware of this unverified and newly introduced signal. The mobile phone and small cell would have to be in very close proximity for this purpose, as the small cell’s transmissions would be limited to very low power to negate any interference to local carriers such as AT&T. The second round of field testing would have included different locations and variations in distance and signal strength. We would have explored the limitations of the small cell in regards to height, distance, signal strength and reliability. This can be achieved through the use of motor vehicles to test distance and UAS to test for height variation. In order to analyze signal strength and reliability of multiple records, emissions would have been collected in order to determine the duration for which the mobile phone awakens in order to maximize data collection. When all of the requirements would have been fulfilled, this testing could have been performed at the RECUV range, or in a more realistic environments such as the back country of Copper Mountain Ski Resort, which already expressed their support for our testing. Ultimately, due to the small cell vendor’s failure to deliver a promised item and similar FCC regulatory hindrances faced, we were only able to conduct several interviews with industry experts from Cisco and Northrop Grumman in order to obtain knowledge about similar techniques and industry opinions on implementing a small cell in this environment. We furthermore interviewed Hagen Lyle, ski patrol manager at Copper, and discussed the current communication infrastructure at Copper 5 Mountain, reliability of the network in a disaster, and opinions on realistic implementation. implemented in the preliminary lab and ground tests and in order to determine how it operates in a more realistic environment. Research Sub-Problem: How can SAR teams locate a downed person’s cell phone based on its 4G LTE emissions using a UAS and geolocation techniques? Research Sub-Problem: What regulatory restrictions are currently in place and present considerable practical challenges to future research and implementation? Methodology: Library research and industry interviews Methodology: Extensive research and industry interviews Direction finding generally requires two or more antennas operating simultaneously in order to determine a difference either in amplitude, time of arrival, or phase of the signals arriving at the antennas. While TDOA methods would require the UAS to fly over large distances in order to acquire significant time differences in the signal, both power and phase methodologies can acquire the AOA of the signal within short distances [27]. The antennas used for the passive direction finding are also an important consideration. While directional antennas such as Horn and Yagi antennas are very suitable for determining the source of the signal by collecting data on amplitude differences, omnidirectional antennas like aerial loop antennas with equal gain in all directions are also an option [25]. In fact, phase interferometry for example can be conducted using arrays of Log-periodic antennas or passive vector sensor arrays consisting of multiple dipoles [22], [24]. This final sub problem was the most crucial to solve and overcome as it had dire implications in accomplishing our capstone project. Regulatory barriers and privacy concerns are not something a traditional methodology such as field testing can solve for. The methodologies that were used to solve for this problem are qualitative instead of quantitative in nature. Library research, presentations, meetings, and discussions with industry and policy experts was a key methodology to ensure our team stayed in compliance with current policies by operating legally and represented our university accordingly. In order to overcome this sub problem, proper due diligence was performed and this sub problem was always in the forefront of our mind in regard to regulation and policy. By collecting additional information regarding antenna specifications, advantages and disadvantages, we were able to make preliminary decisions regarding the proposed solutions. Library research provided further assistance in establishing the specific needs and constraints our proposed system would potentially put on a UAS, which in turn allowed us to determine the optimal choice regarding the UAS specifications. While later tests with multiple antennas are still necessary, initial tests to determine the theoretical feasibility would have to be conducted first. Using a highly interactive and flexible software would make it possible to determine the best, theoretical solution for the presented problem and plan the field testing accordingly. A software such as MATLAB makes it possible to answer questions relating to the UAS available power, payload capacity, number and type of antennas, and flown distance. Conducting theoretical testing in lab-like conditions would have important beneficial effects on the time needed for the eventual field testing, but this is another research project entirely on its own. We propose field testing would mainly consist in verifying lab results. Ground tests would again be conducted under simplified conditions. This makes it possible to verify the type and number of antennas determined to be the best solution in MATLAB, or other software tests. Lab results on the three different methodologies, Cell ID, Angle of Arrival, and RSSI, would further determine which algorithm should be utilized in realistic environments, ultimately making it easier to develop a viable solution. In the end, the goal was to do the final testing at Copper Mountain under less controlled conditions. In order to simulate such conditions at the ski resort, a cell phone would be buried under a considerable amount of snow while a UAS with a small cell payload would fly the optimized direction finding pattern. The methodology highlighted as optimal would then be Our team researched current FCC policies in regard to small cells and spectrum issues. It was not enough to just research current policies for spectrum use, we also had to consider how these polices can fluctuate when given an emergency situation. Emergency disasters allow public safety officials authorization to use specific bands, otherwise unallocated or restricted. The FCC has well defined policies during emergency situations and due to spectrum being a scarce resource, licenses play a major factor in using given frequencies [18]. We also had to take into account whether it would be feasible for SAR teams to rely on the FirstNet bands for introducing a base tower turned small cell. The final crucial aspect regarded mobile credentials and network policies. Our team had to research possible repercussions due to the result of a mobile phone located on an existing major network attempting to connect to an unverified small cell. The plan was to avoid any distress with network providers when attempting to introduce a base tower at Copper Mountain. The goal of this research methodology was to gather pertinent information to regulations, while protecting the integrity of our research findings in a legal manner. Another major regulatory figure is the FAA. Since we will be using an Unmanned Aircraft System, it was essential to our team to be in compliance with all FAA standards. The first action step we had to take was to obtain permission to use the regulated airspace via obtaining a COA. The COA is very specific authorization request and can only be used in certain areas, with a specific registered aerial vehicle, and for a limited amount of time [19]. Unfortunately, it turned out that the Leptron Avenger B lacked an appropriate FAA airworthiness certificate, which resulted in additional regulatory paperwork. The Leptron Avenger is a rotary UAS, not a standard quad, and we were one of the first people to file a COA for this type of aircraft. The COA we requested would have only been sufficient enough for the spring semester and within a limited geographic area within the state of Colorado. If anything happened to the Leptron Avenger, such as it crashing or malfunctioning, we would be unable to obtain another aerial vehicle to complete our 6 project. This being said, it never was our responsibility to pilot or program the UAS, for legal liability reasons. Obtaining the COA was only the first part of complying with FAA regulations. This is where additional research had to be completed to ensure no other airspace barriers posed any issue. Additionally, we had to research how the FCC and the FAA policies intertwine when in regard to emergency situations. This factor was crucial due to the nature of two authoritative figures coming together and which policies are restrictive or enabling. Interviews, meetings and presentations with government and industry representatives was another method used to overcome these policy concerns. The industry advisors came into contact with were a substantial factor in closing in on these barriers. Advisors such as Nicholas Little and Ben Posthuma were able to bring their experience in communication and regulations to our project, which was without any doubt, a great help. With our limited industry knowledge, we relied on interviews to ensure we stayed within the scope of the project and solved for the regulatory restrictions. Along with the multitude of regulatory barriers we also had to consider certain privacy concerns. Searching for a person’s phone without his/her explicit permission is a potential invasion of privacy that might still be neglected thanks to its main purpose, as for our research and scenario testing, the passive direction finding was only supposed to be used during emergencies and in SAR operations. However, nothing would prevent this technology from being used for other tracking or signal acquisition purposes, which might pose significant privacy concerns. IV. RESEARCH RESULTS While we were able to research the most effective direction finding methods and also the best methods of waking up a phone to transmit temporarily, our main research results consisted in the great amount of obstacles and challenges a search and rescue team would have to surmount in order to implement our solution and save lives in a lawful manner adhering to all regulations. The barriers we encountered could not only potentially result in the loss of lives, but furthermore discourage first responders from following these strict regulations. This will lead to a limitation in innovation as any advances would not be available to the public. The following section represents a breakdown of the results for each of our proposed and analyzed by each sub-problem: Results Sub-Problem: What is the best method for awakening a mobile phone device in sleep mode within an unserviceable area? Cell phones have to communicate regularly with a base station, however as determined in our preceding research, phones enter into a “sleep mode” when no cell tower is detected in its vicinity in order to reduce power consumption and have more left for the time when it is needed most [13]. This technological characteristic leads to the phone transmitting at a much lower frequency in such an environment. While those signals can be used to determine the phone’s location, they would be transmitted too infrequently to accurately determine the device’s location. The goal therefore was to introduce an element into the cell phone’s limited environment which would result in the phone transmitting for a certain amount of time at a much higher frequency. A so-called “Cell on Wheels” (COW) could be brought in by the rescue team to provide a cell tower for the phone to connect with, resulting in the phone transmitting at a normal frequency. However, COWs are usually the size of a truck and very difficult to deploy in some environments, and would be entirely unfeasible in backcountry areas that are only accessible by helicopter. The alternative solution our research therefore focused on was the development of a custom platform using an enterprise class small cell carried and powered by the drone it is mounted onto. The small cell is such a disruptive technology, only beta versions have been created and our promised unit never came in on time. Not only are enterprise small cells like the GWT 052 highly customizable and programmable and can therefore collect and use additional emissions such as WiFi and Bluetooth for direction finding, but additionally offer the prospect of providing communication to search and rescue teams. In fact, given a cellular operator’s cooperation, one small cell could be deployed on a ridge as a repeater while another Cell on Drone locates the victim and provides network infrastructure to the first responders working within its reach. Therefore, instead of simply pinging a victim’s location, an enterprise class small cell could provide meaningful communication in areas without connectivity in conjunction with a backhaul cell on a ridge. Result Sub-Problem: How can SAR teams locate a downed person’s cell phone based on its 4G LTE emissions using a UAS and geolocation techniques? Once the smartphone has been provided with a reason to transmit, that collected data has to be interpreted correctly in order to determine the devices location. Research has shown that a variety of methods are currently being used, further indicating that a single direction finding method alone would not be optimal. Instead, it is often suggested to combine different methods in order to maximize results and the location probability [24]–[28]. Most traditional wireless localization techniques are based on trilateration, a technique that uses the distance between the mobile station and three base stations in order to locate the device. Triangulation on the other hand is the method of computing the distance by estimating the signal’s direction of arrival. In combination with either deterministic or probabilistic algorithms these are used to locate a device for communication purposes [33]. Position location techniques can be divided into two main categories: (1) network-based and (2) device-based. It should be noted that the second category consists mainly of solutions like the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which however requires a direct line of sight between receiver and transmitter, and is therefore not applicable for our purpose. Consequently, a network-based localization technology is necessary and can be implemented either at the base station conducting the search or nearby devices. 7 The following are the main network-based techniques used for location finding of mobile devices: 1) Cell ID (CID) Cell ID and Enhanced Cell ID are the techniques used in cellular networks to identify the location of the device based on the cell site location [12], [33], [34]. Depending on the type of small cell in use (micro, pico, or femto) this method might present different results. It is considered the least precise technique of position locating as its position accuracy depends on the cell size. 2) Angle of Arrival (AoA) AoA uses the angle of arrival of the received signal from a mobile device with respect to a reference direction, usually the geographic North, in order to determine the devices location [3]. As described in LTE 3GPP Rel.9 [5] the Sounding Reference Signals or the Demodulation Reference Signals (DM-RS) received from the mobile device are used for the angle calculation purposes. The angle calculation could be performed using the phase difference estimation across the array (interferometry) or using the power density estimation across the array (beamforming). The use of multiple antennas on the base station and simple triangulation makes it possible to determine the incident angle of an arriving signal and as a result, a direction of the received signal. 3) Received Signal Strength (RSS) RSS estimates the distance between an energy source and a receiver based on the received energy levels. This technique requires at least three reference points to determine the twodimensional location of a given mobile device, four to determine its three-dimensional location. However, due to its dependence on path loss and channel characteristics this method is considered to be somewhat unreliable [33]. Equipment such as a small cells can be used to calculate the received signal strength indication (RSSI) at all the coordinates (x, y) collected by the drone. The stronger the RSSI value, the closer the transmitter is. This makes it possible to calculate the probability of the transmitter’s location along the drone’s flightpath. The accuracy increases as more data on received signal strength is collected from additional coordinates, ultimately allowing the SAR team to narrow down a possible location. Based on our research, our solution consists of a multielement antenna connected to a base station – our enterprise class small cell. In addition, the RSSI, the drone’s movement and angle would be used for our direction finding solution. While the multi-element antenna would make both an angle and possible Doppler Effect measurable, the small cell could support both a carrier, small cell, and public safety capability. However, due to complications with multiple small cell suppliers, it was unfortunately not possible to obtain a multielement antenna as our small cell solution was not delivered in time. Since our solution proposes the option of using any cell phone emission for the direction finding, WiFi and a phone turned into a hotspot were considered instead. This however proved not to be a viable alternative as it increasingly depends on individual phone settings and is more prone to interference from other WiFi transmitters. Results Sub-Problem: What regulatory restrictions are currently in place and present considerable practical challenges to future research and implementation? Major results in our attempt to develop a search and rescue solution for avalanche victims were ultimately achieved in our regulatory sub-problem. In order operate legally and in accordance with regulations, the project team had to acquire both a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA, and a highly technical airworthiness certificate which details the specific qualifications of the UAS and the emergency plan for a multitude of scenarios. By complying with the FAA requirements and establishing a standard of use for CU, this would have allowed us to lawfully fly the UAS provided by Leptron, the Avenger drone. However, several issues where encountered on the path to the certificate. First, the application for a COA is a highly technical document that requires considerable aeronautical knowledge in order to be able to complete it without the help of a seasoned expert. While support was initially offered from the University, it was ultimately not possible to garner enough support and assistance in order to complete the meticulous application. Additionally, experienced operators like CU’s Research & Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV) solely applied for fixed wing COA’s in the past, while our project relied on a 22lb helicopter with a 6’ rotor span. Different from our anticipation, this new technology was different enough for RECUV to not be able to assist us. These hurdles were further exacerbated by the fact that it would have been necessary to acquire a COA for each location at which we wanted to test. While the original plan was to do final testing at Copper Mountain, due to liability issues a Plan B was outlined, which included operating on RECUV’s Table Mountain range. This solution however would have required the drafting of an additional application and air worthiness document. While it would have been possible to fly one of RECUV’s fixed wing drones on the range, it would not only have missed our goals of a stationary drone but would have further made it necessary to find an experienced pilot, who could fly the drone. Leptron’s Avenger UAS in fact is equipped with fully featured avionics and autopilot, which would have made it possible for any person to fly the drone in a variety of environments, including snow, rain, and winds gusting at 40 mph. In addition to the hurdles presented by the required amount of substantial aeronautical knowledge and a background in aerospace due to the highly specialized information, our research was furthermore confronted with the necessity of a Special Temporary Authorization (STA) from the FCC. Acquiring this license would have made it possible for us to transmit a signal on Band 14 to the cell phone that would simulate a cell tower appearing in the phone’s vicinity and consequently lead to more frequent transmissions from the phone. Our team even garnered permission from Adam’s county to operate on Band 14, but unfortunately this regulatory barrier added further hurdles to search and rescue efforts. While the technical details required to obtain a license are, with some help from the manufacturer and compared to the details required for a COA, easier to obtain, other elements of 8 the application proved far more challenging. Having a moving transmitter mounted onto a drone presented a considerable challenge as it made it necessary to widen the area for which a license needed to be acquired. While the small cell is only transmitting at very low power, transmission licenses are limited by location, making it necessary to specify a location within which the transmission would occur. To our extensive knowledge, we were one of the very first groups to file for a STA for a moving transmitter on a UAS, which, lacking the benefit of additional sources or experiences, further increased the practical challenges presented by FAA and FCC regulations. Coupling UAS with a low powered small cell 4G LTE technology seemed to boggle the minds of most regulators and enforcers of both the FCC and FAA when confronted with it. This did gain us significant interest in our research, but not enough substantial support was offered to overcome these sophisticated documents. While an STA application can take up to two months to be granted, a co-existence analysis should show that no interference is caused with neighboring cell site operators. These operators additionally have within a limited amount of time the option to provide opposition to an application. Even though we gained the support of the Department of Commerce and Colorado’s Office of Information Technology, we were not able to gain any neighboring operator’s support. Additionally, one STA application would not be sufficient as each geographic transmission location would require an additional license. These two major hurdles all derived from our decision to operate legally and follow regulatory authorization as any search and rescue team would hopefully do. These real life regulatory problems proved to be too substantial for our small research team, but the lessons learned and the interest shown from industry professionals in our experiences validated our results to our entire team. We will be presenting these challenges at the 2015 Public Safety Broadband Stakeholder Conference in San Diego and we also gave a personal presentation to NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology about our results. Additionally, steps are now being taken by The University of Colorado Law School to integrate FAA policy into the curriculum and the popular Silicon Flatirons Conferences. V. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Although research, as well as current developments in Canada and the US have shown that Cell on Drones is a feasible solution[35], the capacity of complying with all regulatory requirements and of operating legally presented a great number of challenges for any researcher and search and rescue group. The goal was to be among the first to legally operate a drone carrying a legally certified radio system operating on band 14, the frequencies dedicated to the public safety first responder network. Instead of following admittedly burdensome regulatory requirements, many conduct their research, development, and operations under the banner of radio controlled model airplane rules, established between the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and the FAA, operating standards established back in 1981 [36]. In just recent months the emergence of the term of COD has started to appear as a general idea, and more strides are being taken outside of the United States due to the lack of regulatory barriers. We were one of the first groups or business to attempt COD within The United States of America. Our research was further hampered by harsh liability requirements. While AMA members and their hobby aircraft flights are covered by AMA liability insurance, Non-AMA flights operate illegally and hence don’t require liability coverage. On the other hand, testing and conducting research at Copper Mountain using a certified Drone and transmission equipment would have made it necessary to provide a three million dollar liability coverage, an amount that ultimately was not possible to be achieved by a small university research team. Additionally, the FAA does not have the staff to enforce these rules and usually only catches those with flight malfunctions that result in various levels of damage, and those advertising their illegal flight operations. This project however dedicated itself to respect our university’s reputation, to follow all proper flight rules and to face all the practical challenges an honest researcher and search & rescue team would have to follow when trying to acquire the necessary certifications from both FAA and FCC. In the end the technical focus, modeling efforts, and experimentation goals of this project were diverted by the time dedicated to license applications. A great amount of time was spent researching documents and obtaining technical details necessary to file all required paperwork and forms. While the FAA’s COA required deep aeronautical knowledge, usually only available to long-time experts, the FCC’s STA provided the vague potential outlook that license holders operating within our research area could provide reasons to deny our application and ultimately halt any effort to advance the state of the art of SAR technology. This fact further diverted attention from our technical focus by making it necessary to warn operators and gather support for the pending application. However, apart from these technical missteps we gained significant experience in real life policies and the strenuous nature of government agencies. A further challenge represented the fact that a mobile, airborne transmitter close to ground stations can still be considered a novel, thought-provoking initiative that combines UAS, commercial small cell radio systems, and public safety broadband radio services associated with Band 14 4G LTE. This uncharted domain of research and development is still an area even government stakeholders, agencies, departments, and organizations are unfamiliar with. Trying to advance the state of the art will always be met with uncertainty and a lack of general advice. VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH After a yearlong of research, preparations, and establishing a concept of operations, the project’s main goals were ultimately impeded by bureaucratic challenges. These practical challenges that many researches and SAR teams have to face not only affected our original research plan, but even our back-up alternatives. Still, our research provided many valuable lessons learnt and highlighted regulatory barriers, which need to be addressed in the future for any research group. Implementing our suggested direction finding method and using a small cell attached to a UAS will enable future researchers to collect a smart phone’s emissions for radio geolocation. Moreover, our 9 research garnered remarkable attention from both industry professionals and government, ultimately validating its value and the importance of advancing the current state of the art for both SAR operations and the deployment of small cells in the form of Cell on Drones. Future research needs to make sure that all regulatory barriers are tackled early enough. Overcoming the painstaking barriers of COA and STA would allow future researchers to legally conduct flight trials and transmit signals. 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