Beer C of E Primary School Mare Lane Beer, Seaton, Devon EX12 3NB Tel and Fax 01297 20077 Headteacher: Mr Martin O’Mahony Chair of Governors: Mrs Jean Smith Friday 17th April 2015 26 Dear Parents, May I take this opportunity to welcome you back after the Easter break and I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather we are having. Beer really is a special place to come to school when the sun is shining. We have had plenty of children coming to school in shorts and summer dresses which is great but this does leave the children’s skin a little exposed, so please can you ensure your child has sun cream applied before they come to school and a hat to wear whilst at school. Similarly, there are days when raincoats are still needed as we do try to go outside for playtimes and lunchtimes whenever possible. Please can you also make sure that the children have their correct P.E kit in school as we do seem to have a number of children wearing inappropriate P.E clothing. From September 2015, the school is proposing to change the time by which it will be opening the doors to the school from 8.45am -8.50am. This is because our class based teaching assistants will be paid from 8.30am so that they can work with the teacher before the school starts; preparing lessons, reviewing planning and feeding back to each other. The time of registration will not change from 8.55am. From next week our Head Boy and Head Girl will ring the bell at 8.55am to symbolise the start of registration. Please see the attached dates for the rest of term. Next week I will be in school on Monday and Wednesday all day. Monday 13th April NP Day Tuesday 14th April Children return to School nd Wednesday 22 April Class photographs - 9.30am Sunday 10th May Beer Blazer - 10.30am th W/C 11 May KS2 SATs Week W/C 18th May Class 3 Assessment Week th W/C 25 May Half Term Wednesday 3rd – Friday 5th June W/C 15th June Rockley – Y6 Activity Days – Y5 (Clip & Climb and mackerel fishing/beach combing activities) KS1 SATs Week and Yr 1 phonics screening W/C 22rd June Big Arts Week th Monday 29 June Big Arts Week Gallery & Open Evening Tuesday 30th June Open Morning 9.30 – 11.50am W/C 6 July Parent Consultations – FS through to Y5 children (not Y6) Monday 6th July Whole School Maths Day th th Friday 10 July Sports Day 1pm Friday 17th July Sports Day backup date 1pm Tuesday 21 July Leavers’ Rounders 3.15pm Wednesday 22nd July Y6 Leavers’ Service - 2.30pm st rd Thursday 23 July Last Day of the school term Friday 24th July Occasional Day School Class Photographs Tempest photography are coming to take class photographs at 9.30am on Wednesday 22nd April. Classes 1 and 2 Beach Trip We are planning to go to the beach next Friday 24th April, in the morning, as part of our Humanities topic on Seaside Places. This is dependent on the weather and having enough parent helpers. Please could your child bring wellies to school and if it is sunny, please apply suncream in the morning and bring a sun hat. We will be doing a variety of activities on the beach and would welcome a number of parents as helpers. We will be leaving school at approximately 9.15am. Please see Mrs Timmins if you are able to help. Thank you. Thank You Certificates Congratulations to the following children: Class 1: Lawrie Rowe for an excellent start to his new school and Class 1, Lulu Thomson for her hard work and resilience in Maths, Darcie Green for learning her fishwords, Kian Aris for lovely handwriting and Gabby Sweetland and Lauren Aris for always being so helpful and caring towards others. Class 2: Lana Partridge for working so hard, Clara Orlando for some interesting linked sentences about the Spring walk and for writing in paragraphs, Bartek Plociennik for lovely writing, Harriet Ford for being loving and kind, Lily Bowker for trying so hard with Venn diagrams and Charlie Vine for a beautiful recount. Class 3: Christian Pinnock for contributing so well during the Geography presentations, Innes FitzGerald for applying your Maths skills in a Science lesson, Lewis Gorman and Jake Paget for working so hard in Science and finding a relevant poem, Daisy Somers for working so hard on your presentation and targets across the curriculum, Evie Wilkins for remaining confident and completing excellent work and Leo Weatherall for achieving the most rungs. Class 4: Ben Banfield for doing all your homework during the holiday, Adam Carr for a good start to the new term – keep up the good work, Edward Meakin and Finn Hourihan for an excellent introduction to writing your explanation text and Paris Davis for always showing love and respect to others. Summer Term Clubs Attached to the back of this newsletter is a consent form so please fill this in if you wish your child to attend any lunchtime or afterschool clubs during this term. School Crossing Patrol We are looking for somebody who would be able to do the school crossing patrol on Monday mornings. Full training provided. Please let the school office know if you are able to help out on this day or could volunteer your services on any other day. Many thanks. Summer Term JM DanceFit Zumba Classes – Book your child a place NOW!! - *KIDS HAVE FUN & IMPROVE FITNESS & CONFIDENCE LEVELS* New children are welcome to join the termly classes after the Easter break. *Every Friday* RECOMMENCING April 17th 2015 - 3.30pm - 4.15pm in the MAIN HALL. Summer Term Class Dates: April: 17th, 24th, May: 1st, 8th, 22nd, June: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, July: 3rd, 10th, 17th The cost of each class is £4 per child, with half-termly fees paid upon first lesson. If you would like to book your child a place, please contact Johanna directly on 07739518587 or at For further details on all JM DanceFit Adult and Children's Zumba classes held in Seaton, Sidford, Sidmouth Beer, Newton Poppleford, and Exmouth please visit Kind regards, Martin O’Mahony Hyo Play Day Saturday 25th April – 10.00am – 4.00pm + Social For school age musicians of Grade 1 standard upwards. To be held at St Paul’s church, Honiton. Come to play together, make new friends, be inspired and perform a concert. Event followed by fun and food social locally. £10 each max. all in. Contact to book/receive finer details as plans develop. Honiton Youth Orchestra. Seaton Cricket Club Colts Outdoor Sessions start Friday 17th April – soft ball for under 10 year olds 4.00 – 5.00pm. Under 12’s & Under 14’s 5.00 – 6.00pm. £2 per session (for members). Any questions ring Stephen Pritchard on 07989 978618 or Lynley Doulton on 07712 112148. Seaton Tennis Club Coaching Programme Tennis Sessions On Offer Sessions running after school and weekends every week in termtime. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Session cost £5 per hour. First trial session Free. To book your place or enquire please contact Jason Martin (Head Coach) - 07931-743168 or email Beer Parish Council elections Are you interested in what is happening in your village? Would you like to be part of the decision making process? Have you considered standing for election in the forthcoming Parish Council elections which will take place on 7 May 2015. This is a chance for you to join a new Council and share your views, your ideas and your knowledge. Nomination packs are available from the Parish Clerk or from the EDDC offices at the Knowle, Sidmouth. Completed nomination packs should be returned to the Knowle, Sidmouth by the 9th April 2015. If you have any queries about the nomination process or would like an informal chat about standing as a Parish Councillor, please contact: Annie Dallaway, the Parish Clerk Alternatively, use this link to find out more general information about standing for election Workshop and Drop in Service - For Parent and Carers We hope to make this an informal discussion group lead by a Parent support Advisor. Each week we will have a common parenting challenge topic. You are not committing to a course so you can attend one or all sessions and please tell friends. Weekly Topics on common parenting challenges. Basic strategies for parents. Time for discussion and to share ideas and resources in a safe supportive environment with other parents who are facing similar issues. Guest professional advisors Venue: Dates : Time: Seaton Children’s Centre, Trevelyan Building, Fore Street, Seaton. EX12 2AN 29 April until 24th June for 8 weeks Wednesday’s from 11am to 1pm If you are interested in attending our workshops please contact: Gerry Fry (PARENT SUPPORT WORKER FOR AXE VALLEY LEARNING COMMUNITY) Phone 07712854023 or The Children’s Centre 01297 20542 Topics will include: Setting boundaries and keeping them with love Communicating and playing with your children Strong wills and tantrums (Rewards and Sanctions) Bedtime Blues Teenagers Co Parenting with your ex Rewards and sanctions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… BREAKFAST CLUB W/C 20/04 AFTER SCHOOL CLUB W/C 20/04 Name: ……………............................ Name: ………………………………… £2.60 per session (8am-8.45am) Tues Thurs Fri Days Required ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. NEW After School Club We are in the process of setting up an after school club to run within the school, starting this summer. In order that we can gauge how much of a need there is for out of school childcare, please could you tick the box below and return to the office, alternatively you can let Ali Chapman (Kynan’s Mum) know during school drop off/pick up. If you have any questions please see Ali or email There will be more information in the Friday Flier next term I would use an after school club ( ) please specify if you have more than one child who will use it _____ (you are not committing to anything at this point) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. MARSHALS NEEDED FOR THE BEER BLAZER On Sunday 10th May 2015 Race Start 10.30am from Pecorama top car park. Please fill in the slip below and return to the school office or you can email Katherine: Beer Blazer – Sunday 10th May 2015 I/we can help marshal Name:_______________________________ Mobile number:________________________ Email:________________________________ Beer C of E Primary School Club Timetable Summer Term 2015 Day Club Classes or Yr Groups MONDAY Netball Club Yrs 4 & 5 MONDAY Maths Club Yr 6 (before half term) TUESDAY Technology Club Yrs 5 & 6 (after half term) Teacher/Helper Time Start Date Mrs Sanders 12 – 12.30pm 20 April 20 July FOC Ms Porter 12 – 12.30pm 20th April 18th May FOC Ms Porter 12 – 12.30pm 2nd June 21st July FOC th Finish Date th Cost Sewing Club Yr 1 Mrs Robertson 3.30 – 4.15pm 21st April 21st July FOC Recorder Club Yrs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Mrs Timmins 3.30 – 4.15pm 21st April 19th May FOC Homework Club Yrs 3, 4, 5 & 6 Mrs Teasdale 3.40 – 4.30pm 21st April 21st July FOC Music Instrument Tuition Yrs 3, 4, 5 & 6 West Country Schools Music (Sian English) 10.30am – 12pm Please contact WSM/see their website for tuition enquiries KS2 Multi Sports Yrs 3, 4, 5 & 6 Mr Bailey & Mr Simier 3.40 – 4.30pm 21st April 19th May FOC KS1 Multi Sports Yrs R, 1 & 2 Mr Bailey & Mr Simier 3.40 – 4.30pm 2nd June 21st July FOC THURSDAY School Council Nominated Children Mrs Hawtin 12 – 12.30pm THURSDAY Tag Rugby Classes 2, 3 & 4 Sporting Chance 3.30 – 4.30pm All year groups Mrs Fitzgerald/Ms Arnold 8.00 – 8.45am TUESDAY TUESDAY (before half term) TUESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (before half term) WEDNESDAY (after half term) TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY Breakfast Club Please note that if clubs are over-subscribed, we may need to split groups. Club Consent form – Summer 2015 My child (Class ……) wishes to take part in the following club(s): *I have enclosed cheque for Breakfast Club / Rugby – Sporting Chance. I will collect him/her promptly from school / They will walk home Signed: Please tel: 07740117227 FOC 23rd April th 14 April 21st May rd 23 July £12.00 for 5 weeks. Cheques payable to Sporting Chance Book via the Office £2.60 per session
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