Appealing Solutions Presents an On-line Workshop How to Design and Implement Efficient Learning Programs for Staff and Clients Do you train staff only to discover that they still don’t know how to do their jobs? Do you teach clients only to find out that they still don’t know how to achieve their goals? This workshop will teach you how to apply behavior-analysis to improve the efficiency of your teaching and training programs. Workshop Objectives Step I: Define Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. Given descriptions of desired client and stakeholder outcomes, define desired client products. Given definitions of desired client products, define necessary client behaviors. Given definitions of desired client products and necessary client behaviors, define desired system, process and individual staff products. Given definitions of desired system, process and individual staff products, define necessary staff behaviors. Step II: Identify Deficits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design tests to collect useful measures of desired client products and necessary client behaviors. Collect useful measures of desired client and staff products and necessary client and staff behaviors. Design tests to collect useful measures of desired staff products and necessary staff behaviors. Collect useful measures of desired client and staff products and necessary client and staff behaviors. Given useful measures of client and staff products and behaviors, identify causes of client and staff behavior problems to ensure that you recommend training solutions only for client and staff know-how problems. Step III: Create Training 1. 2. 3. 4. Given client product and behavior objectives, design efficient learning activities to achieve those objectives. Given a list of know-how problems for individual clients and staff, implement learning activities to achieve those objectives. Given staff product and behavior objectives, design efficient learning activities to achieve those objectives. Given a list of know-how problems for individual clients and staff, implement learning activities to achieve those objectives. Step IV Evaluate Training 1. 2. 3. When implementing learning activities with clients and staff, collect accurate, frequent, and sensitive measures of necessary behaviors and desired products and their actual learning efficiencies. Given learning efficiency values for individual clients and staff, compare current to desired efficiencies in order to identify learning activities that do not meet learning efficiency goals. Given learning activities that do not meet learning efficiency goals, use an instructional design checklist to identify which components of the learning activities need revision. Workshop Training Procedures This workshop will provide a variety of training aids including case studies, practice cards, practice exercises, project worksheets, job aids, and computer-based charting software. Audience Attend this workshop to to learn the skills you need to ensure that staff will be effective in helping clients achieve their goals. Earn a total of 18 CEs. About the Presenter Guy Bruce, Ed. D., BCBD-D, earned his doctorate in Educational Psychology from the Behavior Analysis in Human Resources program at West Virginia University. Since then, Dr. Bruce has taught behavior analysis in both undergraduate and graduate programs and worked as consultant to for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. He has supervised students completing their intensive practicum training for BCBA certification. He is the author of “Instructional Design Made Easy,” a workbook for designing more efficient learning programs and PARSE™, a data-based process that can be used by schools to help their students achieve desired learning outcomes. His goal is to help individuals and organizations achieve desired results through the use of positive methods to improve their performance. Workshop Dates and Times Eight 2-Hour Weekly Meetings, Summer 2015. Dates and Times To Be Determined by Participants Workshop Costs $300 (USD) which includes all materials and 18 CEs Click Here to Register Questions: E-mail or call 309-303-1527
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