Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r February 2014 It’s Quilt Show Time! Hello AIQ Guild members, It’s quilt show time! We’ve been quilting and sewing, and planning and prepping for three years to get ready for this and now it’s time to put on a show. Do you feel like the last three years went by fast? Then just think how fast the next three weeks will go by. That’s all the time we have left before we open the doors of the Peck Center Gymnasium and invite the world to come see what we made. Let’s make this our best show ever. Speaking of how time flies, it was ten years ago, February 2004, that I attended my first meeting of the Amelia Island quilt guild. I had just moved here from Georgia and the first order of business was connecting with the island quilters. I had been to the 2002 quilt show at the Atlantic Rec Center and knew this was a group with talent and passion. Here’s to Quilts by the Sea 2014 and ten years of quilting by the sea with you. Piecefully, Linda Martin February Program: Getting Ready ! PAGE 2 Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r Community Service Projects • Habitat For Humanity (Pam Wise)—Bed size quilt for each Habitat home in Nassau County. • Hospice (Faye Justice)—Lapsize quilts (45X 55, 40 X 50) for all ages. • Shands (Sheri Inserra)—Placemat size (18 X 22, up to 30”square) for neonatal unit; laundered at hospital and sometimes go home with baby or parents. • Kits are available at the meetings, or contact the coordinators. The Charity Quilt Ladies (see Small Groups) work on these quilts. People are needed to help rotary cut the kits. • Quilts of Valor (Gail Niedernhofer) - bed sized quilts for wounded service men and women; preferred size is 54 X 67, but they can be from 50 X 60 to 77 X 87; masculine quilts are especially in demand; a label, perhaps just saying thank-you and a pillowcase are helpful • There are many other one time projects. Small Groups FAYE JUSTICE GROUP: Meets every Monday at 2 pm Kathy Dean’s home 2406 Via Del Rey • Call Kathy at 261-7189 • Show & tell, sharing, advice, hand sewing • • SANDI NEAL’S GROUP: • Meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 12:30 pm • Sandi’s home 1716 McArthur St. • Everyone is welcome. CHARITY QUILT LADIES: • Meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am - noon • Fernandina Shores Clubhouse 631 Tarpon Avenue, 3rd entrance. • Bring your sewing machines and sewing supplies. We have cutting mats, rulers, etc. • Call Theresa Megna (277-2143) for information • Drop-ins Welcome - come pick up fabric to work on at home! Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r MEETING MINUTES January 14, 2014 The meeting was called to order by President Linda Martin at 7:05 We had one new visitor. 1. Show and Tell - Please remember to sign in on sheet in front when showing a quilt. This helps Leslie Kiger to identify the members when putting the pictures on the website. 2. The minutes of the November meeting were approved at the December meeting. 3. We have a new website today ( Charlie Russ had been learning a new program and refreshing the look. Please look at the different items and test it out. Any additions or corrections should be emailed to Charlie. ( 4. It has been proposed that youth quilters should qualify to enter quilts in our show. Proposed Addition to Article 11: Membership: Youth membership is open to quilters under the age of 18. Youth members are not required to pay dues and are eligible to enter the quilt show. Youth members may not vote or hold office. Please let the board know of your thoughts, concerns or comments regarding this change. 5. The Woman’s Club been contacted and will be setting up and taking down tables and chairs for the guild meetings for the remainder of the year for a fee of $35 per month. 6. Announcements: The library thanked us for the quilt they plan to hang in the new library. (Committee to improve the new Fernandina Library) And we also received a thank you note from Habitat for Humanity for all the quilts received. 7. Committee Reports: Quilt Show: Tonight was the deadline for entries. There are sign up sheets tonight for help with the show. Need silent auction and boutique items. PAGE 3 Sunday, February 16 will be take in at the Anglican Church in Amelia Park, Judging on Monday and Tuesday. Hanging, Thursday at the Peck center. Show, Friday and Saturday. Important: Bring your quilts with a picture of the quilt on the pillowcase with proper labeling. (Labeling information was in the last newsletter page 8 ) Dell Dunman explained the process of judging and all the jobs involved. Check your quilts for threads, pet hair etc. before turning them in. Publicity for the show: packets of brochures were passed out to distribute. Retreat: Janet Sebastian announced that the retreat will be November 5-9th, 2014 at Epworth by the Sea in St. Simons, Georgia. This time you will be making your reservations directly with Epworth. Information will be on the website. 8. Monthly Birthdays were announced. The April program will be Kathy Miller the singing quilter. 9. The Program was on Quilters Favorite Tools. Jeanette Pippen and Mindy Chabot talked about the Martelli Rotary Cutter.(Can be purchased at Lollipops) It is easier on the wrist and cuts through many layers. Mary Williams demonstrated the Altos quilt cutting system. Diane Keagy showed Chopsticks. She uses them for turning in corners and blue painters tape for machine quilting. Roz Warren talked about Shape Cut by June Tailor purchased at Joann Fabrics. It cuts strips and squares. Linda Berry likes the Door Spy found at Home Depot for looking at your quilts, showing shades of color. Dora Yelk showed triangle and wedge rulers and samples of what they do. Leslie Kiger uses a scalpel type instrument to take out small stitches. It has a curved blade. Also a set of gel pens that disappear when ironed. 10. Next months program will be "Quilt Show Prep" The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Donna Pearce, Secretary Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r PAGE 4 AIQ Meetings—Woman’s Club at 201 Jean La Fitte Ave on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30 7:00 Sign up and ticket time Meeting Starts ☺Let Sherry Cobb-Thompson know about any address changes ☺Wear your Name Tag ☺ Bring your Show and Tell 2013-2014 Programs October 8: October 9-13: November 12: December 10: January 14: February 11: February 21-22: March 11: April 8: May 13: June 10: Nancy Mahoney Trunk Show Retreat Round Robin 4 Groups Potluck Maureen Paschke from Community Hospice of Northeast Florida Favorite Tools Ten Members share their favorite tools and why! Quilt Show Prep Meeting Quilt Show Bed Turning - Quilts from the Show Quilts and their stories from their makers Cathy Miller - The Singing Quilter String Theory Mary and Linda Potluck Trash to Treasure Yard Sale Pin Program Certificates Perfect Attendance Awards AIQ 2013-2014 Board Members President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Website Newsletter Hospitality Pins Habitat Hospice Tickets Retreat Quilt Show Linda Martin Leslie Kiger Donna Pearce Jeanette Pippin Sherry Cobb-Thompson Charlie Russ Charlie Russ Laurie Malm Mary Davis Debbie Dunman Pam Wise Faye Justice Mike Polese Janet Sebastian Diane Keagy 415-0066 (985)630-5940 310-6362 491-6285 335-7496 261-0191 261-0191 912-656-5540 941-822-5842 261-4374 321-4118 261-3138 548-99 556-6815 277-2055 Linda Berry Pam Wise 410-726-4162 321-4118 Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r PAGE 5 Quilt Show: February 21-22, 2014 Remember to pick up raffle tickets if you haven't already! If you are like Linda and I, you are putting the last minute touches on your entries, boutique items or silent auction quilts. We would like to thank all of you who have helped or signed up to help at the show. We think there will be approximately 200 quilts and can hardly wait to see them. You will find the timeline and quilt entry information in this newsletter. At the February meeting, the members of the Quilt show committee will tell you what is happening at each area of the show and answer any questions that you may have. It is still not too late to sign up to help at the show and sign up sheets will be at the meeting also. Also, if you did not bring in a nice fat quarter for our raffle, please bring it this time. I have to quit now an finish my binding. See at the meeting. Thanks, Pam Registration Info: There will be a print out of your quilt entry information at the sign-in desk at the February meeting. Please pick up your information sheet and check it for spelling and content - especially the paragraph telling about your quilt. Sometimes the data entry person (me) makes typos and stuff gets messed up. We don’t want those mistakes on the card displayed on your quilt! Then, initial the sheet and leave it on the check-in table. Thanks a bunch! :) Charlie Russ PAGE 6 Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r Entrance Requirements for Quilt Show 2014 1. You must be a member of the Amelia Island Quilt Guild, Inc. 2. Items shown must not have been shown at a previous AIQ show. 3. All quilts must be clean and odor free. 4. All quilts must have a sleeve for hanging (quilts without a sleeve will be rejected). 5. Categories may be combined by the judge if there are not enough entries in a particular category. 6. Each entry must be placed in a pillowcase, labeled with the quilter’s name and phone number. 7. A color photo must be submitted with each entry and attached to the pillowcase. 8. Each entry must have the label covered with muslin or painter’s tape. Boutique Items News! You can still bring your items for the boutique to the meeting this month. Please, no more magazines, but we can use patterns, books and definitely new, crafted items. The Monday group has helped price, and we have some lovely items. Thanks to all who have already donated! When you pick up your quilts on Saturday afternoon from the show, stop by the boutique area and pick up any donations that did not sell if you would like them back. Items not picked up will either be saved for the next sale or be donated to charity. Quilts on consignment must be picked up. If you would like the boutique open for the Awards program on Thursday evening, we need volunteers. You will be able to sign up at the meeting or you can call us. We're looking for onehalf hour shifts, so it won't be too long for any one person. Thanks, Kathy Dean and Dora Yelk Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r PAGE 7 Silent Auction Items Needed! The Silent Auction is still looking for more small quilts to add to the auction selection. Anything related to Amelia Island, beach, boating, fish & shrimp is always popular. Thanks, Mike Quilt Show Dates: February 16 2:00 - 6:00 PM - Bring your quilt entries to the Anglican Church in Amelia Park. February 17 &18 9:00 AM - Judging takes place. Molly Waddell is our judge. February 19 Finish judging if needed; prepare small quilts for hanging. February 20 8:00 AM - We hang the quilts for display at Peck Center Gym (the more help that day the better and faster it gets done). Set up boutique, silent auction, raffle baskets February 20 7:00 - 8:30 PM - Member Reception and Awards February 21 & 22 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - The show is open to the public! Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r PAGE 8 For Sale! Heavy all wood, 4 ft By 8 ft table on wheels, with drawers, cabinets and pull outs, two drop down wells for sewing machines to fit with your own custom made sew steady tables. $750 call Mary Burnette at 753 1217 if interested. For Sale! Horn Sewing Table for $75 contact Barbara Tucker, 261-9969. For Sale! A Brother 1500s high-speed straight stitch 6x9 arm space quilting machine . Also included is a Grace speed control so it can be used on frame. Lots of extras !! Price is $ 400.00 for all . Please call me at 548-0881. Marina Thomason Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r February Birthdays: 16 18 26 26 New Members: Kristen Campbell 96356 Light Wind Drive Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 321-0060 (H) 556-1268 © 18-Feb Rob Sarah E. Rogers 96133 Palm Bluff Drive Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 277-2864 (H) 19-Aug Sharon Wagner 86083 Knotted Oak Way Yulee, FL 32097 548-9860 (H) 1-Dec Earl Mike Polese Kristen Campbell Emily Baker Andrea Golding PAGE 9 PAGE 10 Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r At the January meeting Linda Martin, President, proposed the following revision to the bylaws to be voted on at the February 2014 meeting: Add item 6 to Article II. Membership as follows, Article II: Membership Membership is obtained by the payment of dues. Membership dues (set by membership vote) are payable each September. A check for dues must be mailed to the Treasurer before the September meeting or deposited in a drop box at the September meeting. Any member two months in arrears of dues will be suspended from the privileges of membership, and dropped from the rolls. A visitor may attend two meetings before being expected to join, or discontinue attending. Members age 80 and over are not required to pay dues, but it is the member’s responsibility to inform the membership chairman of their age. (adopted 11/14/2006) Youth membership is open to quilters under the age of 18. Youth members are not required to pay dues and are eligible to enter the quilt show. Youth members may not vote or hold an office. (proposed January 2014)
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