Directory Perennial - Sorted by Common Name Common Name Species Genus Bench # Alpine Aster alpinus Happy End Aster 9 14 3.79 20 Rose pink flowers. Alpine Cinquefoil neumanniana Nana Potentilla 25 34 3.79 10 Single Yellow Buttercup Flowers Alpine Columbine alpina Aquilegia 3 36 3.79 30 Bright blue flowers Alpine Wall Cress ferdinandi Old Gold Arabis 17 54 3.79 8 White flowers. Alyssum Perennial sax. Summit Aurinia 17 18 3.79 20 Tiny bright gold-yellow flowers. Anise-Hyssop Blue Fortune Agastache 14 12 9.99 65 Anise-hyssop Bolero Agastache 14 8 10.99 40 Arctic Iris setosa Artica Iris 6 12 9.99 20 Arctic Iris setosa Artica Iris 6 14 3.79 20 Arkansas Blue Star hubrichtii Amsonia 13 15 10.99 80 Wands of dusky violet-blue flowers. Loose spikes of rose-purple flowers Sharp Looking Lavender Blue Flwrs Sharp Looking Lavender Blue Flwrs Steel blue starry flowers Asparagus Jersey Giant Asparagus 33 48 6.99 120 Insignificant green flowers. Asparagus Purple Passion Asparagus 33 16 6.99 90 Insignificant green flowers. Aster Japanese incisa Blue Star Kalimeris 2 16 10.99 30 Babies Breath Cerastioides Gypsophila 17 25 3.79 15 Babies Breath, Creeping repens Filou White Gypsophila 10 18 3.79 15 Pale blue daisies with yellow centers Starry flowers. White petals w/ pink veins small starry white flowers Bachelor's Button montana Amethyst in Snow Centaurea 11 16 10.99 40 Bachlors Buttons Black Sprite Centaurea 11 16 12.99 30 Baltic Ivy helix Baltic Hedera 21 8 24.99 800 Baltic Ivy helix Baltic Hedera 23 60 3.79 12 No Flower Baltic Ivy helix Baltic Hedera 21 12 14.99 800 No Flower Barren Strawberry ternata Waldsteinia 24 18 3.79 15 little yellow flowers in spring Barrenwort versicolor Sulphureum Epimedium 27 8 19.99 30 Bearberry uva-ursi Vancouver Jade 29 11 4.49 15 Beard Tongue digitalis Husker Red Arctostaphylo s Penstemon Sprays of soft primrose yellow flowers. Pink Bell Shaped 11 18 7.99 75 Beard Tongue Prarie Dusk Penstemon 11 14 7.99 60 Beardtounge Hot Pink Riding Hood Penstemon 11 15 7.99 50 Beardtounge Marble Riding Hood Penstemon 11 12 7.99 45 Red Riding Hood Penstemon 11 12 7.99 60 Beard-Tounge Red Rocks Penstemon 11 12 7.99 30 Beebalm Coral Reef Monarda 8 8 10.99 90 Beebalm didyma Blue Stocking Monarda 8 32 10.99 90 Deep Violet flowers Beebalm didyma Raspberry Wine Monarda 8 7 10.99 75 Clear wine red flowers Beebalm Gardenview Scarlet Monarda 8 8 7.99 100 Brillant Red Flowers. Beebalm Grand Marshall Monarda 8 16 11.99 20 BeeBalm Pink Lace Monarda 8 5 12.99 40 Beebalm Purple Rooster Monarda 8 14 12.99 90 Heads of large shaggy fuchsia purple bloom heads of pink flowers with purple centres Flower cluster of royal purple. Beebalm Dwarf Cranberry Lace Monarda 8 16 12.99 30 Pink-purple flowers. Bellflower garganica Dickson Gold Campanula 7 25 3.79 15 Bright Blue Flowers Bellflower Peachleaf perscifolia Takion White Campanula 7 5 12.99 45 Bellfower, Clusterd glom. Genti Blue Campanula 7 8 12.99 40 Bergenia Bressingham Ruby Bergenia 18 15 14.99 35 Outfacing cupshaped violet white flowers. bear large clusters of bright blue flowers Rose Red Flowers Bergenia Dragonfly Angel Kiss Bergenia 18 12 12.99 30 Berry Bladder Fern bulbifera Crystoptersis 30 10 4.49 45 Beardtounge Inventory Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Shaggy white petals with deep purple base. silky, purple-black, starburst petals No Flower Very Pale Pink Almost White Flower Strong stems of vivid purple flowers Upright spikes of bright pink flowers. Upright spikes of silver pink blooms. Upright spikes of bright red trumpet shape spikes of bright rose-pink trumpet blooms Large shaggy deep pink flowers. snowy-white flowers mature to soft pink Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 1 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Bittersweet Female scandens Diana Celastrus 22 6 15.99 100 Bittersweet Male scandens Hercules Celastrus 22 10 15.99 100 Black Eyed Susan fulgida Goldsturm Rudbeckia 7 32 9.99 60 Black Eyed Susan fulgida Goldsturm Rudbeckia 7 65 3.79 50 Black Eyed Susan Little Goldstar Rudbeckia 7 16 14.99 40 Black Raspberry Black Raspberry 26 10 10.99 Blackberry Arapaho Blackberry 33 7 17.99 120 Flowers in late May. Blackberry Marionberry Blackberry 33 8 17.99 120 Blooms during spring. Blackberry Navaho Blackberry 33 8 17.99 140 Flowers in early June. Blackberry Lily chinensis Belamcanda 2 10 16.99 100 Blackberry Thornless Apache Blackberry 33 9 17.99 120 Large orange flowers speckled red spots. Blooms during late spring. Black-leaved Thrift maritima Vesuvius Armeria 17 36 3.79 10 Bright pink flower heads Blanket Flower Arizona Apricot Gaillardia 2 16 10.99 30 Blanket Flower Arizona Apricot Gaillardia 2 30 3.79 30 Blanket Flower Arizona Sun Gaillardia 2 15 10.99 30 Blanket Flower Fanfare Blaze Gaillardia 2 16 10.99 60 Blanket Flower Gallo Fire Gaillardia 2 30 8.99 30 Blanket Flower Gallo Peach Gaillardia 2 30 8.99 30 Blanket Flower Gallo Red Gaillardia 2 30 8.99 30 Blanket flower grandiflora Burgundy Gaillardia 2 22 3.79 75 yellow edges deepen to apricot centers yelloe edges deepen to apricot centers Large flame-orange daisies with golden tip Burnt orangetones with yellow tips Flaming oragne, bright yellow tips. Peachy orange-yellow, rust coloured button Rich burgundy-red, rust coloured eye Deep Flame Red Flowers. Blanket Flower Mesa Bright Bicolour Gaillardia 2 14 10.99 40 Bright Yellow with wide red band. Blanket Flower Mesa Peach Gaillardia 2 16 10.99 45 Blanket Flower Mesa Yellow Gaillardia 2 14 10.99 40 Blanket Flower Sunset Cutie Gaillardia 2 14 10.99 30 formosa Luxuriant Dicentra 19 24 9.99 35 Peach-coloured petals dipped in yellow. solid bright-yellow petals, lg golden eye Red-bronzes petals edged with cream. Cherry Red Flowers Bleeding Heart King of Hearts Dicentra 19 20 12.99 30 Deep Pink Flowers Bleeding Hearts Valentine Dicentra 19 24 14.99 60 cherry-red blooms with white tips Bloody Cranesbill sanguineum Max Frei Geranium 16 11 12.99 20 Large Deep Magenta Flowers Blue Bleeding Heart flexuosa Blue Panda Corydalis 27 4 9.99 25 Fragrant Sky Blue Flowers Blue Oat Grass sempervivens Helictotrichon 12 8 12.99 90 Blue Oat Grass sempervivens Sapphire Helictotrichon 12 10 12.99 60 Tan Spikes On Graceful Arching Ste Tan Flower Spikes Blue Sage nemerosa Marcus Salvia 3 15 8.99 25 Blueberry Blue Ray Vaccinium 26 12 19.99 60 Blueberry corymbosum Blue Crop Vaccinium 26 16 19.99 150 Blueberry corymbosum North Blue Vaccinium 26 8 19.99 75 Blueberry corymbosum Spartan Vaccinium 26 12 19.99 150 White Blooms. Blueberry Highbush corymbosum Blue Jay Vaccinium 26 12 19.99 180 Blueberry Highbush corymbosum Jersey Vaccinium 26 15 19.99 180 Medium sized, mid flavoured berries. White Flowers Blueberry Highbush Pink Lemonade Vaccinium 26 6 19.99 120 Blooms late spring. Blueberry Lowbush Angustifolium Vaccinium 26 7 15.99 50 White Flowers. Blue-Eyed Grass angustifolium Lucerne Sisyrinchium 17 12 10.99 15 Bright blue star shaped flowers. Bluestem Grass scoparium Standing Ovation Schizachyriu 13 8 12.99 100 Silver Blooms Border Pinks Neon Star 10 10 10.99 20 Deep magenta-pink single flowers Boston Ivy tricuspidata 'Veitchi' 21 21 15.99 200 Greensih White Flowers Brass Buttons Green squalida 25 25 3.79 4 Tiny yellow flowers. Bleeding Heart m Dianthus Parthenocissu s Leptinella Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Yellow-white flowers Bright orange berries Yellow white flowers. Deep Orange Yellow Brown Center Deep Orange Yellow,dk. Center Golden yellow blooms, dark eye. Black Fruit Showy Spikes of Violet Blue Flowers. Large, firm, sweet & tasty blue berries. Large blue fruit is large and flavorful. white blooms Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 2 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Bronze Peacock Rodgersia Bronze Peacock Rodgersia 18 12 18.99 50 Tall plumes of pink flowers Bugbane s. James Compton Actea 18 6 19.99 100 Bugbane Actea racemosa Hillside Black Bea Cimicifuga 18 16 24.99 160 Very fragrant white flowers w/ pink tingne Fragrant Pale Pink Flowers Bugleweed Chocolate Chip Ajuga 24 18 3.79 15 Bright Blue Flowers Bugleweed Mahogany Form Ajuga 24 25 3.79 15 Bright Blue Flowers. Bugleweed repans Bronze Beauty Ajuga 27 30 3.79 10 Bright Blue Flowers. Bugleweed repens Black Scallop Ajuga 27 45 3.79 15 Large dark violet blooms. Bugleweed reptans Burgundy Glow Ajuga 27 60 3.79 15 Bright blue flowers in spring Bugleweed Carpet Dixie Chip Ajuga 24 36 3.79 10 Short spikes of deep blue flowers. Bugleweed Carpet reptans Mint Chip Ajuga 27 54 3.79 15 Short spikes of deep blue flowers. Bugleweed Mini Mini Crisp Red Ajuga 27 15 3.79 10 Squat spikes of blue flowers. Butterfliy Bush Buzz Sky Blue Buddleia 5 30 8.99 60 Butterfly Bush Buzz Ivory Buddleia 5 25 8.99 60 Wands of shades of lavender to light blue Wands of White blooms Butterfly Bush Buzz Magenta Buddleia 5 20 8.99 90 Wands of magenta pink blooms Butterfly Bush Buzz Purple Buddleia 5 20 8.99 100 Wands of deep purple flowers. Butterfly Guara Rosy Jane Guara 2 30 8.99 60 Butterfly Weed tuberosa Asclepias 2 70 11.99 60 White flowers w cherry-pink picotee edge. Clusters of bright orange flowers Campion Rollies Favourite Silene 16 16 12.99 40 Candytuft Evergreen semper. Little Gem Iberis 17 12 3.79 20 Carnation Hardy caryophyllus Grenadin Mix Dianthus 10 33 3.79 50 Carpathian Harebell carpatica Blue Clips Campanula 7 160 3.79 20 Medium Blue Shades Of Flower Carpathian Harebell carpatica Blue Clips Campanula 7 16 9.99 20 Medium Blue Shades Of Flower Carpathian Harebell carpatica White Clips Campanula 7 110 3.79 20 White Flowers Carpathian Harebell carpatica White Clips Campanula 7 15 9.99 20 White Flowers Catmint Dropmore Hybrid Nepeta 2 12 9.99 30 Catmint r. Walkers Low Nepeta 2 8 9.99 60 Clusters of bright blue Flowers For Weeks Masses of bright blue flowers. Chameleon Plant cordata Chameleon Houttuynia 23 144 3.79 30 Insiginificant White Flowers Chamomile Creeping nobile 25 18 3.79 10 Small white daisy flowers. Cheddar Pinks Baths Pink Chamaemelu m Dianthus 10 36 3.79 25 Cheddar Pinks Blue Hills Dianthus 10 36 3.79 10 Numerous fringed soft pink flowers. Single Rose-Pink Flowers Cherry -Shrub Form kerrasis Valentine Prunus 33 11 29.99 240 White fragrant flowers. Chinese Pagoda Primrose vialii Primula 18 31 3.79 45 rocket-shaped spike of flowers Chinese Wisteria sinensis Shiro Kapitan Wisteria 20 11 18.99 800 White Clusters of Flowers. Christmas Fern acrostichoides Polystichum 30 12 4.49 25 No Flower Cinnamon Fern cinnamomea Osmunda 30 30 4.49 25 No Flower Clematis Belle of Woking Clematis 22 9 16.99 240 Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud Clematis 22 6 16.99 300 Silvery-mauve open double flowers. Bright Mauve Pink flowers Clematis Countess of Love Lace Clematis 22 4 16.99 300 Lilac Blue rosette flowers. Clematis Dr. Ruppel Clematis 22 4 16.99 300 Clematis Duchess of Edinburgh Clematis 22 13 16.99 250 Clematis Ernest Markham Clematis 22 6 16.99 300 Clematis Etiole Violette Clematis 22 11 16.99 300 Deep rose-pink flowers with darker bar Double light green aging to white flowers. Glowing red flowers with golden anthers. Deep Puple Flowers Clematis Fireworks Clematis 22 11 16.99 350 Clematis General Sikorski Clematis 22 4 16.99 300 Clematis Hagley Hybrid -Pink Chiffon Clematis 22 6 16.99 200 Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Clusters of starry rich pink flowers. Bears clusters of small white flowers. Pink, Rose, red or white flowers. Purple flowers with reddish central bar Elegant Deep Blue Open Flowers Shell pink flowers with brown anthers. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 3 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Clematis Henryi Clematis 22 7 16.99 300 Clematis Inspiration Clematis 22 6 16.99 180 Clematis Jackmanii Clematis 22 6 16.99 300 Clematis Jackmanii Superba Clematis 22 18 16.99 450 Large Dark Velvet Purple flowers Clematis Kardinal Wyszinski Clematis 22 19 16.99 225 Clematis Kivso Piilu Clematis 22 6 16.99 200 Clematis Lady Betty Balfour Clematis 22 6 16.99 300 Beautiful dark crimson red flowers. Light purple-pink with dark purple-red bar Dark Violet Blue Flowers Clematis My Angel Clematis 22 3 16.99 450 Clematis Nelly Moser Clematis 22 7 16.99 300 Clematis Niobe Clematis 22 6 16.99 300 Clematis Pink Fantasy Clematis 22 11 16.99 225 Clematis Prairie Travelers Joy Clematis 22 11 8.99 500 Clematis Proteus Clematis 22 10 16.99 300 Clematis Red Cardinal Clematis 22 19 16.99 300 Clematis Rhapsody Clematis 22 11 16.99 300 Clematis Romantika Clematis 22 4 16.99 175 Clematis The President Clematis 22 6 16.99 370 Clematis Vancouver Morning Mist Clematis 22 6 16.99 200 Clematis Vancouver Mystic Gem Clematis 22 4 16.99 250 Clematis Vancouver Sea Breeze Clematis 22 5 16.99 200 Clematis Vancouver Starry Nights Clematis 22 6 16.99 250 Clematis Ville de Lyon Clematis 22 11 16.99 300 Clematis vit. Mme. Julia Correvon Clematis 22 5 16.99 300 Clematis vit. Polish Spirit Clematis 22 11 16.99 350 Clematis Warsaw Nike Clematis 22 10 16.99 250 Rich Purple Open Flowers Clematis Westerplatte Clematis 22 8 16.99 200 Climbing Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Hydrangea 20 3 129.99 120 Velvety red wide flowers w/ dark red centr Large White Flower Clusters Climbing Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Hydrangea 21 21 19.99 120 Large White Flower Clusters Climbing Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Hydrangea 21 12 24.99 120 Large White Flower Clusters Climbing Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Hydrangea 21 10 99.99 120 Large White Flower Clusters Cobweb Hen and Chicks arachnoideum Sempervivum 17 20 6.99 10 Tiny Pink flowers Columbine Origami Blue and White Aquilegia 3 15 10.99 35 Bicolour blue and white flowers. Columbine Origami Rose and White Aquilegia 3 13 9.99 35 Columbine Origami Yellow Aquilegia 3 10 10.99 35 Upright facing rose and white flowers. Upfacing blooms are pale yellow. Columbine Clematis Flowered vulgaris Clementine Red Aquilegia 3 20 11.99 40 Columbine Clematis Flowered vulgaris Clementine Rose Aquilegia 3 5 11.99 40 ConeFlower nitida Herbstsonne (Autumn Rudbeckia 7 8 9.99 200 Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Lg Creamy White Open Flowers, Dark Anthers Vivid hot pink petals, yellow stamens Dark Velvet Purple flowers Yellow and maroon blooms atop purple stems Pale pink-mauve flowers with crimson bar. Velvety deep ruby-red with yellow anthers. Pretty pale pink flowers with darker bar. Masses Of Starry White Flowers Semi-double soft mauve pink flowers Crimson flowers apprears richly textured. Large sapphire-blue flowers. Deep purple flower appear almost black. Large velvety textured bluepurple flowers Large creamy white flowers with plum edge. Pink on white with red stamens. Lavender flowers with cream anthers Pink Bicolour, dusted with shimmering gold Bright Crimson Red Flowers, yellow anthers Lovely wine-red flowers. Simply stunning. Velvety Rich Purple-Blue Flowers Shades of rosy red with yellow centers Shades of rose pink with yellow centers. Large Lemon Yellow With Green Cnt double, deep rose-pink flowerheads Watermelon-pink flowers, coppery cone White Daisy like flowers with large center Purple Pink flowers Coneflower p. Prairie Splendor Echinacea 7 9 11.99 60 Coneflower Pica Bella Echinacea 7 11 16.99 75 Coneflower PowWow White Echinacea 7 5 11.99 60 Coneflower purpurea Echinacea 7 36 3.79 120 Coneflower purpurea White Swan Echinacea 7 36 3.79 80 Pure White flowers Coneflower purpurea Hot Papaya Echinacea 7 7 19.99 70 Double red blooms. Coneflower purpurea Magnus Echinacea 7 70 3.79 100 Deep Rose Red Flowers Coneflower Solar Flare Echinacea 7 9 16.99 60 Deep magenta red, dark cone Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 4 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Coneflower Hybrid Gold Fountian Goldquelle Rudbeckia 7 16 10.99 100 Coneflower Purple purpurea Merlot Echinacea 7 10 19.99 75 Coral Bells Bella Notte Heuchera 32 10 18.99 25 Coral Bells Berry Smoothie Heuchera 32 18 18.99 50 White flowers. Coral Bells Black Taffeta Heuchera 32 8 18.99 30 Spikes of small white flowers Coral Bells Carmel Heuchera 32 38 18.99 30 Small pinkish white blooms. Coral Bells Citronelle Heuchera 32 19 18.99 30 Cream Flowers. Coral Bells Fire Alarm Heuchera 32 10 18.99 25 Sprays of pink blooms. Coral Bells Fire Chief Heuchera 31 8 18.99 25 Coral Bells Gotham Heuchera 31 12 12.99 15 Pink and white flowers on short stems. Creamy yellow flowers. Coral Bells Lava Lamp Heuchera 32 19 18.99 40 Coral Bells Lime Marmalade Heuchera 32 32 18.99 25 Coral Bells Little Cutie Blondie Heuchera 31 11 12.99 20 Spikes of mellow, creamy yellow. Coral Bells Little Cutie Coco Heuchera 31 15 12.99 15 Very nice light pink flowers. Coral Bells Little Cutie Peppermint Heuchera 31 10 12.99 15 Coral Bells Little Cutie Sugar Berry Heuchera 31 14 12.99 15 Long blooming bright pink flowers. Flower spike of pale-pink Coral Bells Little Cutie Sweet Tart Heuchera 31 9 12.99 15 Coral Bells Marmalade Heuchera 32 48 18.99 30 Coral Bells Marvelous Marble Heuchera 31 36 3.79 60 Coral Bells micrantha Palace Purple Heuchera 31 70 3.79 50 Coral Bells micrantha Palace Purple Heuchera 32 32 9.99 50 Small whitish-pink flowers Coral Bells Midnight Rose Heuchera 32 14 18.99 25 Insignificant flowers. Coral Bells Obsidian Heuchera 32 50 18.99 40 Insignificant rose-red flowers. Coral Bells Paris Heuchera 32 12 18.99 50 Large deep rose-pink flower. Coral Bells Peach Flambe Heuchera 32 15 18.99 20 White flowers on tall stems. Coral Bells Pear Crisp Heuchera 32 17 18.99 18 Ivory Flowers. Coral Bells Plum Pudding Heuchera 32 20 14.99 60 Greenish White Flowers Cotyledon oppositifolium 18 15 10.99 20 Cranesbill cantabrigiense Biokovo Chiastophyllu m Geranium 25 15 3.79 20 upright stems, dangling chains brt yellow White flowers with pink center Cranesbill cantabrigiense Cambridge Geranium 25 34 3.79 20 Bright pink showy flowers Cranesbill Rozanne Geranium 16 8 14.99 30 Cranesbill Dwarf cant. Karmina Geranium 16 8 7.99 20 Cransbill ox. Miss Heidi Geranium 16 7 14.99 35 Creeping Jacobs Ladder Stairway to Heaven Polemonium 18 11 14.99 30 Bright violet-purple cupped shaped flowers Clusters of bright bubblegum pink flowers pink flowers with subtle darker pink veins Clusters of violet-blue bells. Creeping Jenny nummularia Lysimachia 23 120 3.79 10 Golden yellow flowers Creeping Jenny nummularia Goldilocks Lysimachia 28 6 9.99 10 Golden Yellow Flowers Creeping Phlox subulata Candy Stripe Phlox 9 36 3.79 15 Creeping Phlox subulata Emerald Blue Phlox 9 18 3.79 15 White/Rose stripe flowers with crimson eye Lilac Blue flowers Creeping Phlox subulata Emerald Blue Phlox 9 17 10.99 15 Lilac Blue flowers Creeping Phlox subulata Millstream Daphne Phlox 9 36 3.79 15 Intense Pink Blooms Creeping Speedwell prostrata Blue Mirror Blausp Veronica 10 25 3.79 15 Bright clear blue flowers. Creeping Speedwell repens Veronica 25 22 3.79 2 White Flowers. Creeping Speedwell Waterperry Blue Veronica 25 45 3.79 5 Creeping Speedwell Whitewater Veronica 10 10 8.99 15 Creeping Thyme praecox Albiflorus Thymus 24 30 3.79 5 Small soft blue flowers with a white eye. Long-blooming pure white flowers Clear white flowers Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Fluffy chrome-yellow double daisy flowers. Bright rose magenta petals, orange cone Pink flowers on dark stems. Deep purple scapes carry the white flowers Clusters of Tiny bell flowers Cerise and pale pink bicoloured flowers Narrow spires of creamy flowers. Sprays of small ivory-white bell flowers. Small whitish-pink flowers Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 5 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Cushion Spurge polychroma Euphorbia 11 16 Cushion Spurge polychroma Euphorbia 11 Daylily Adorable Tiger Hemerocallis 4 Daylily Alpha Centauri Hemerocallis Daylily Baby Moon Cafe Daylily Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Bright chome-yellow flower bracts. Bright chome-yellow flower bracts. Orange with large red eye and picotee Large citron yellow ruffled blooms. Creamy butter yellow, narrow wine-purp eye True purple blooms with lime green throat. Rich yellow-orange, maroon eye, org throat Whote Flower with Violet Eye, Green Throat Complete butter yellow self, yellow stamen Sunny golden yellow, edge w frilly ruffles Brilliant orange, slightly darker halo. Golden Yellow, deep red eye and picotee. Ruffled rose red blooms, brt green throat. Canary Yellow, Rebloomer 10.99 40 27 3.79 40 24 14.99 65 4 50 14.99 75 Hemerocallis 4 20 14.99 55 Bela Lugosi Hemerocallis 4 24 14.99 80 Daylily Black Eyed Susan Hemerocallis 4 23 14.99 70 Daylily Blueberry Candy Hemerocallis 4 20 12.99 55 Daylily Buttered Popcorn Hemerocallis 4 22 11.99 80 Daylily Erin Lea Hemerocallis 4 25 11.99 60 Daylily Fire King Hemerocallis 4 25 14.99 75 Daylily Fooled Me Hemerocallis 4 25 14.99 60 Daylily Funny Valentine Hemerocallis 4 24 12.99 70 Daylily Happy Returns Hemerocallis 5 200 10.99 Daylily Hyperion Hemerocallis 4 25 11.99 90 Lemon Yellow Flowers Daylily Joan Senior Hemerocallis 4 45 12.99 60 Large Near White Flowers Daylily Just Plum Happy Hemerocallis 4 25 11.99 50 Mauve pink with plum purple eye. Daylily Little Grapette Hemerocallis 4 40 11.99 50 Daylily Marque Moon Hemerocallis 4 24 14.99 60 Daylily Nosferatu Hemerocallis 5 17 14.99 65 Daylily Pizza Crust Hemerocallis 4 23 14.99 75 Daylily Purple De Oro Hemerocallis 4 80 9.99 50 Daylily Raspberry Suede Hemerocallis 4 16 12.99 70 Daylily Red Razzmatazz Hemerocallis 4 22 14.99 80 Rosy Returns Hemerocallis 4 22 11.99 40 Daylily Ruby Spider Hemerocallis 5 21 16.99 85 Daylily Scottish Fantasy Hemerocallis 4 24 14.99 70 Daylily Siloam Peony Display Hemerocallis 5 13 16.99 45 Daylily Spiritual Corridor Hemerocallis 4 25 14.99 65 Daylily Stephanie Returns Hemerocallis 4 20 14.99 40 Summer Blush Hemerocallis 4 16 12.99 70 Daylily Sunday Gloves Hemerocallis 4 22 14.99 65 Daylily, Dwarf Stella de Oro Hemerocallis 5 500 10.99 Cute purplish coloured flowers. 6 cm size. Cream with yellow throat & picotee edge. Darkl purple, ruffled petal w dark veining Pale peach, rose & cream. Yellow center. Dark purple with lighter midrib and edge. Rich raspberry red, velvet smooth texture. Clear fire engine red with a yellow throat Rose pink blend with rose purple band. LARGE ruby red flowers with long petals. Large rose pink blooms, yellow watermark. Pach, diamond dusted, rose blush centers Lavender pink, creamy yellow eye & picotee peach-pink, narow purple eye, yellow throt Lt Apricot with a well-defined rose eye. Near-white blooms, loosely ruffled petals. Smaller Golden Yellow Flowers Dead Nettle maculatum Shell Pink Lamium 24 36 3.79 20 Clusters Of Clear Pink Flowers Dianthus Scent First Passion Dianthus 10 15 7.99 15 Dogwood or Bunchberry Canadensis Cornus 29 8 4.49 15 Cherry-red double carnation-like flowers Minature Greenish White Flowers Dragon Blood spurium Dragons Blood Sedum 16 30 3.79 15 Showy Dark Red flower clusters Dragon's Blood spurium Tricolour Sedum 16 20 3.79 10 Pinkish flowers Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle brownii Dropmore Scarlet Lonicera 20 20 15.99 300 Scarlet Tubular Shaped Flowers Drumstick Primula denticulata Primula 18 28 3.79 30 Ball Shaped Mixed Colours Dwarf Bearded Iris Greenspot Iris 6 30 10.99 30 Dwarf Bearded Iris Petite Polka Iris 6 30 10.99 30 Dwarf Bearded Iris Splash of Red Iris 6 30 10.99 30 Dwarf Bearded Iris Yo-Yo Iris 6 30 10.99 30 translucent flowers with sagegreen spot White flowers boradly edged in lavender Yellow with large splashes of red & orange Orchid flowers, purple falls. Dwarf Catmint x faassenii Junior Walker Nepeta 2 16 12.99 40 Daylily Daylily 8.99 8.99 45 35 Densely clustered pale lavender flowers. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 6 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Dwarf Clustered Bellflower glomerata Purple Pixie Campanula 7 13 14.99 35 Rich violet purple flowers Dwarf Crimson Scabious mac. Mars Midget Knautia 3 15 8.99 30 small ruby-red button flowers Dwarf Fountain Grass alopecuroides Hamelin Pennisetum 12 9 12.99 75 Tan Coloured Feathery Spikes Dwarf Fountain Grass Little Bunny Pennisetum 12 16 12.99 20 Petite Very Fluffy White Blooms Dwarf Japanese Silver Grass sinensis Adagio Miscanthus 13 12 12.99 120 Showy pink flower plumes. Dwarf Tufted Hair Grass cespitosa Pixie Fountain Deschampsia 13 14 12.99 40 Echibeckia Summerina Orange Echibeckia 13 14 14.99 60 Echibeckia Summerina Yellow Echibeckia 13 16 14.99 60 Elephant Ears Britt Marie Crawford Ligularia 18 15 19.99 80 Showy purple seed heads on arching stems. Orange petals surround a dark brown cone. Gold petals surround a redbrown cone. Orange yellow flowers. Elephant Ears Eden's Dark Margin Bergenia 18 15 14.99 35 Elephant Ears Pink Dragonfly Bergenia 18 9 12.99 30 Elephant Ears Purpurascens Bergenia 18 25 3.79 50 Elephant Ears stenecophala The Rocket Ligularia 18 16 10.99 100 Elijah Blue Fescue cinerea Elijah Blue Festuca 12 13 8.99 20 Tan Slower Spikes Elijah Blue Fescue cinerea Elijah Blue Festuca 12 24 12.99 20 Tan Flower Spikes Elijah Blue Fescue cinerea Elijah Blue Festuca 17 18 16.99 20 Tan Slower Spikes Engelman Ivy quinquefolia 'Engelmanii' 21 23 15.99 150 White Flower Engelman Ivy quinquefolia 'Engelmanii' 21 12 24.99 150 White Flower English Daisy perennis Speedstar Pink Parthenocissu s Parthenocissu s Bellis 10 25 3.79 15 English Daisy perennis Speedstar Red Bellis 10 70 3.79 15 English Daisy perennis Speedstar White Bellis 10 36 3.79 15 English Daisy Super Enorma Mix Bellis 10 20 3.79 20 Bright pink, semi-double with yellow eye Semi-double red petals with yellow eye. Semi-double white petals with yellow eye. Shades of white, soft pink, rose and red. English Ivy hedera Thorndale Hedera 21 12 14.99 300 English Lavender angustifolia Lady Lavandula 3 12 3.79 30 English Primrose Double Val Horncastle Primula 18 6 8.99 15 Everbearing Raspberry Red Heritage Raspberry 26 45 8.99 100 Ever-Bearing Strawberry Tristar -Everbearing Strawberry 33 32 14.99 10 White Flowers Ever-Bearing Strawberry Tristar -Everbearing Strawberry 33 60 3.79 10 White Flowers. False Indigo Decadence Lemon Meringue Baptisia 9 10 22.99 90 Cool lemon flowers. False Indigo Purple Smoke Baptisia 9 9 14.99 110 False Indigo Solarflare Prairieblues Baptisia 9 10 22.99 100 Smoky violet-blue and purple bicoloured. Spike of yellow flowers False Indigo variicolor Twilite Baptisia 9 9 22.99 120 Spikes of violet purple flowers. False Spirea arendii Snowdrift Astilbe 29 22 8.99 60 False Spirea arendsii August Light Astilbe 30 20 8.99 70 Feathery, pure white plumes of flowers. Long scarlet red plumes. False Spirea arendsii Bridal Veil Astilbe 30 24 8.99 70 Profuse Pure White Long Plumes False Spirea arendsii Fanal Astilbe 29 44 8.99 60 False Spirea Burgundy Red Astilbe 29 23 9.99 50 False Spirea c. Milk and Honey Astilbe 29 19 9.99 50 False Spirea chin. Purple Candles Astilbe 30 41 8.99 100 False Spirea chinensis Visions Astilbe 30 18 9.99 35 False Spirea chinensis Visions in Red Astilbe 29 40 9.99 35 Deep Blood Red Full Narrow Plumes Rich burgundy-red, triangular plumes. Plumes of white and very pale pink blend. Plume emerge violet-red, then lighten. Raspberry pink plumes are sweetly fragrant True pink plumes, purple flowers False Spirea japonica Deutschland Astilbe 29 17 8.99 60 Loose white plumes False Spirea japonica Montgomery Astilbe 30 18 8.99 70 Dark red full flowers False Spirea japonica Peach Blossom Astilbe 29 24 9.99 70 Salmon Pink Flowers False Spirea japonica Red Sentinel Astilbe 29 21 9.99 60 Vibrant scarlet-red flowers. Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Short stems of magenta-purple flowers. bell-shaped coral-pink flowers Loose spike of bright magenta flowers. Stately Yellow Flowers Loose clusters of soft lavender flowers Double pale sulfur-yellow blossoms Large sweet dark red berries. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 7 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # False Spirea japonica Rheinland Astilbe 29 21 8.99 60 Bright Watermelon Pink Flowers Feather Reed Grass acutiflora Eldorado Calamagrostis 12 32 12.99 150 Feather Reed Grass arundinacea Karl Foerster Calamagrostis 12 70 11.99 120 Soft feathery greenish-mauve plumes. Slender Yellow Buff Flower Spikes Feather Reed Grass arundinacea Overdam Calamagrostis 12 40 12.99 70 Purplish Flowers Turning Gold Feather Reed Grass arundinacea Overdam Calamagrostis 12 8 16.99 70 Purplish Flowers Turning Gold Featherleaf Rodgersia pinnata Elegans Rodgersia 18 8 14.99 90 Creamy white flowers Fern Japanese Painted Regal R nipponicum Regal Red Athyrium 30 8 12.99 45 None Fernleaf Peony tenuifolia Paeonia 14 20 39.99 45 Ruby Red Single Flowers Fernleaf Peony Double tenuifolia Plena Paeonia 14 2 79.99 40 DOUBLE crimson-red flowers Fescue Grass, Blue g. Beyond Blue Festuca 12 25 14.99 30 Spikes of tan flowers. Firewitch Pinks Feuerhexe Firewitch Dianthus 10 12 7.99 20 Fragrant magenta pink blooms. Flame Grass sinensis purpurascens Miscanthus 13 10 19.99 150 Spikes of rose flowers Flame Grass sinensis purpurascens Miscanthus 13 33 12.99 150 Spikes of rose flowers Fleece Flower polymorphum Persicaria 14 16 14.99 200 Cream White Plume Astilbe Like Foamflower Running Tapestry Tiarella 27 15 8.99 30 Clouds of white flowers Foamy Bells Buttered Rum Heucherella 32 8 18.99 30 White blooms on short spikes. Foamy Bells Golden Zebra Heucherella 32 16 18.99 30 Small White Flowers. Foamy Bells Solar Eclipes Hercherella 32 17 18.99 25 White flowers. Foamy Bells Sweet Tea Heucherella 32 20 18.99 50 Small White Flowers. Forest Grass Japanese macra All Gold Hakonechloa 13 12 16.99 20 Forest Grass Japanese Sunny Delight Hakonechloa 13 16 18.99 30 Forget-me-nots Bluesylva Myosotis 10 36 3.79 20 Forget-me-nots Roseylva Myosotis 10 9 3.79 20 Forget-me-nots Snowsyla Myosotis 10 7 3.79 20 alop. Burgundy Bunny Pennisetum 12 12 14.99 30 Tiny Green flowers hidden amongst leaves. Tiny green flowers are hidden by leaves. Bright blue flowers, tiny yellow eye. Medium-pink flowers, tiny yellow eye. snow-white flowers, tiny yellow eye. Small tufted cream flower plumes. Fountain Grass alop. Red Head Pennisetum 12 14 12.99 75 Foxglove mertonensis Digitalis 15 34 3.79 100 Foxglove p. Camelot Lavender Digitalis 15 11 9.99 100 Foxglove purpurea Camelot Rose Digitalis 15 11 9.99 100 Foxglove purpurea Excelsior Mix Digitalis 15 78 3.79 150 Foxglove purpurea Foxy Digitalis 15 30 3.79 100 Bright mix of colours Foxglove purpurea Pams Chioce Digitalis 15 25 3.79 100 Gayfeather spicata Liatris 14 18 3.79 90 Spikes of huge white bells with spots. Violet Blue Spikes of Flowers Gayfeather spicata Floristan Violet Liatris 14 32 9.99 90 Wands of bright violet purple. Gayfeather spicata Floristan White Liatris 14 17 3.79 90 White Spikes of Flowers Gayfeather spicata Floristan White Liatris 14 16 9.99 90 White Spikes of Flowers Gazania Hardy linearis Colorado Gold Gazania 17 30 6.99 20 Golden yellow daisies. Gentian True Blue Gentiana 10 9 16.99 60 Germander Summer Sunshine Teucrium 2 34 3.79 20 True Blue Flowers, 2" tubular shaped. Rosy purple flowers Geum Fire Storm Geum 2 4 14.99 30 Geum flora plena Blazing Sunset Geum 2 9 10.99 60 Giant Chinese Silver Grass floridulus giganteus Miscanthus 13 5 32.99 300 Reddish Pink Flower Spikes Giant Chives schoenoprasum Forescate Allium 2 6 16.99 30 Globe Flower Golden Queen Trollius 8 23 7.99 60 Extra large rose purple balls of flowers Large Golden Orange Flowers Globe Thistle ritro Vietch's Blue Echinops 11 7 10.99 90 Fountain Grass Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Rose coloured soft spikes of plumes, Dangles bells of bright rose to pink shade Soft spike of lavender mauve bells. Tall spikes of glowing rose pink bells Bright mix of colours golden, suffused with scarletorange fully double tangerine-red blooms Stems of ball shaped steel blue flowers. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 8 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Globe Thistle White bannaticus Star Frost Echinops 11 17 3.79 90 White ball shaped flowers. Gloriosa Daisy hirta Cherokee Sunset Rudbeckia 7 30 3.79 70 Gloriosa Daisy hirta Denver Daisy Rudbeckia 7 30 3.79 50 Gloriosa Daisy hirta Indian Summer Rudbeckia 7 30 3.79 90 Large double golden orange to red flowers. Large golden yellow daisies black cone. Huge golden orange daisies. Gloriosa Daisy hirta Rustic Colours Rudbeckia 7 30 3.79 50 Goats Beard Dwarf Misty Lace Aruncus 18 16 14.99 70 Golden Alexander Loosestrife Golden Alexander Lysimachia 28 6 9.99 50 Golden Birds-foot corniculatus Plenus Lotus 25 15 3.79 8 Golden Creeping Jenny nummularia Aurea Lysimachia 23 90 3.79 10 Golden Star virginianum Golden Acres Chrysogonum 25 18 3.79 20 Yellow star shaped flowers. Golden Variegated Hakone macra Aureola Hakonechloa 13 80 14.99 45 Tan Golden Variegated Hakone macra Aureola Hakonechloa 13 24 16.99 45 Tan Goldflame Honeysuckle heckrotti Goldflame Lonicera 20 19 15.99 400 Goldflame Honeysuckle heckrotti 'Goldflame' Lonicera 20 12 24.99 400 Goutweed podograria Variegatum Aegopodium 23 60 3.79 30 Pink Yellow Flowers Inside Crimson Outside Pink Yellow Flowers Inside Crimson White Flowers Grape Concord Blue Grape -Vitis 26 4 12.99 500 Grape Niagara White Grape -Vitis 26 9 12.99 500 Grape Vine Baco Noir Grape -Vitis 26 8 12.99 600 Grape Vine Vidal Grape -Vitis 26 11 12.99 900 Great White Trillium grandiflorum White Trillium 29 25 5.99 35 Hall's Honeysuckle japonica Halliana Lonicera 20 9 15.99 500 Fragrant White Fade To Yellow Hardy Maiden Grass sinensis Graziella Miscanthus 13 16 12.99 150 Pure White Large Flower Plumes Hart's Tongue Fern Scolopendrium Asplenium 30 30 9.99 30 No Flowers Hascap, Honeyberry Borealis Lonicera 33 7 19.99 120 White blooms early spring. Hascap, Honeyberry caerulea Berry Blue Lonicera 33 4 19.99 120 White blooms early spring. Hellebore Honeyhill Joy Helleborus 19 7 24.99 25 Hellebore Ivory Prince Helleborus 19 6 19.99 40 Hellebore, Lenten Rose Ballerina Ruffles Helleborus 19 12 24.99 60 Hellebore, Lenten Rose Mango Magic Helleborus 19 5 24.99 45 large out-facing cream-center, white bloom Reddish pink buds open to a creamy-white. Fully double, shades of pink, purple speck Range from mango, yellow to apricot. Hen and Chicks arach. Forest Frost Sempervivum 17 65 3.79 Cobweb and Buttons Sempervivum 17 50 3.79 Hen and Chicks Emerald Empress Sempervivum 17 70 3.79 Hen and Chicks Hopewell Sempervivum 17 30 3.79 Hen and Chicks Jade Rose Sempervivum 17 60 3.79 Hen and Chicks Moss Rose Sempervivum 17 30 3.79 Hen and Chicks Red Beauty Sempervivum 17 18 6.99 Hen and Chicks Red Heart Sempervivum 17 30 3.79 Hen and Chicks Silver King Sempervivum 17 10 3.79 Hollyhock rosea Chaters Double Pink Alcea 15 32 Hollyhock rosea Chaters Double Yellow Alcea 15 Hollyhock rosea Spotlight Polarstar Alcea Hollyhock rosea Spotlight Sunshine Hollyhock Hen and Chicks Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Single, Yellow/Gold /Orange/Bronze/DeepRed Airy plumes of ivory white flowers. Star shaped yellow flowers. Smoothered with golden-yellow pea-flowers. Golden Yellow Flowers Highly aromatic popular blue grape. Late. Sweet and strong foxy flavour. Light Green Bears fruit in July, ripens in September. Large loose clusters of soft white berries Beautiful White Flowers 15 Short spikes of pastel flowers 10 Pinkish White Flowers 3.79 180 Large double salmon pink flowers 32 3.79 150 15 36 3.79 150 Double flowers in shades of yellow. Clear white petal, yellow eye. Alcea 15 30 3.79 150 Spotlight Blacknight Alcea 15 30 3.79 150 Hollyhocks rosea Chaters Double Mix Alcea 15 36 3.79 180 Hollyhocks rosea Queeny Purple Alcea 15 34 3.79 60 Spike of single, Bright yellow shades Shades of purple black with a yellow eye. Large double ruffled blooms. Double purple blooms on short spikes. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 9 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Hollyhocks rosea Spotlight Mars Magic Alcea 15 36 3.79 150 Bright to deep red with yellow eye Honeysuckle semp. Major Wheeler Lonicera 20 21 15.99 180 Bright red to orange blossoms Hybrid Summer Phlox pan. Early Purple Phlox 8 30 8.99 45 Ice Plant Fire Spinner Delosperma 10 14 3.79 4 Ice Plant Moonstone Jewel of Desert Delosperma 10 26 3.79 15 Ice Plant nubigenum Delosperma 25 15 3.79 10 Large clusters of fragrant, purple flowers bright apricot around vibrant pink centers Pure white starry flowers, yellow center. Bright Yellow flowers Ice Plant Ruby Jewel of Desert Delosperma 10 11 3.79 15 Ice Plant Gold Nugget congestum Delosperma 10 8 3.79 7 Iceland Poppy nudicale Champagne Bubble Papaver 12 54 3.79 30 Indian SummerTrumpet Vine tagliabuana Kudian Campsis 20 9 16.99 400 Iris Tall Bearded Again and Again Iris 6 16 10.99 90 Very large, bright yellow flowers. Iris Tall Bearded Batik Iris 6 15 10.99 65 Iris Tall Bearded Bountiful Harvest Iris 6 20 10.99 82 Iris Tall Bearded Coal Seams Iris 6 16 10.99 100 Iris Tall Bearded Color Strokes Iris 6 11 10.99 95 Iris Tall Bearded Crowned Heads Iris 6 17 10.99 95 Royal Purple with irregular white streaks. Violet standards & edges, white falls. Ruffled petals glimmer like black coal! Cream above golen org, magenta red falls Blue-violet stds, icy blue falls. Iris Tall Bearded Decadence Iris 6 16 10.99 95 Iris Tall Bearded Feed Back Iris 6 14 10.99 90 Iris Tall Bearded Immortality Iris 6 16 10.99 75 Iris Tall Bearded Lenora Pearl Iris 6 8 10.99 65 Iris Tall Bearded Poem of Ecstasy Iris 6 15 10.99 90 Iris Tall Bearded Sea Power Iris 6 16 10.99 95 Iris Variegated Sweet pallida Argentea Variegata Iris 6 14 14.99 75 Showy Lavender Blue Flowers Iris Variegated Sweet pallida Aurea (Albo) Variegat Iris 6 7 15.99 80 Lavender Blue flowers Irish Moss subulata Sagina 25 200 3.79 5 Tiny white flowers Italian Bugloss azur. Loddon Royalist Anchusa 11 8 14.99 90 Jack-in-the-pulpit triphylum Arisaema 29 45 8.99 60 Jacobs Ladder boreale Heavenly Habit Polemonium 18 27 3.79 25 Sprays of royal blue bell shaped flowers. Hooded Spathe Striped Green And Pu Starry violet blue flowers. Jacob's Ladder Bambino Blue Polemonium 18 16 12.99 30 intense blue flower clusters Jacobs Ladder Purple Leaved Bressingham Purple Polemonium 18 16 12.99 30 Japanese Beech Fern decursive Pinnata Thelypteris 30 6 12.99 40 Heads of star-shaped rich blue flowers. No Flower Japanese Blood Grass cylindrica Red Baron Imperata 12 80 13.99 45 Japanese Maple Cutleaf palmatum diss. Crimson Que Acer 17 20 84.99 300 Japanese Painted Fern n. Burgundy Lace Athyrium 30 6 14.99 30 Japanese Painted Fern niponicum Pictum Athyrium 30 34 8.99 40 No Flower Japanese Painted Fern niponicum Pictum Athyrium 30 90 4.49 40 No Flower Japanese Spurge terminalis Pachysandra 23 45 3.79 20 Spikes Of White Flowers Japanese Spurge terminalis Pachysandra 28 4 52.99 20 Spikes Of White Flowers Japanese Spurge terminalis Pachysandra 28 48 8.99 20 Spikes Of White Flowers Japanese Spurge terminalis Green Sheen Pachysandra 25 30 3.79 15 Spikes of white flowers Japanese Spurge Varigated terminalis Varigata Pachysandra 25 36 3.79 20 bearing spikes of white flowers Knotweed, Varigated Japanese japonica Milk Boy Fallopia 18 16 14.99 150 Clusters of fragrant white flowers. Labrador Violet labradorica Viola 23 30 3.79 15 China Blue flowers Lady Fern filix-femina Athyrium 30 30 4.49 60 No Flower Lady s Mantle mollis Alchemilla 18 36 3.79 45 Billowing Sprays Of Yellow Flower Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Starry flowers with rose-pink, white halo. Starry Yellow Flowers. Large flowers with wide range on colours. Orange with red stripes Apricot, plum burgundy with orange beards. Large Blue-violet with yellow beards. Ruffled Pure White self, pale yellow beard Soft pink with a hint of peach. Peachy Pink Standards, Lavender Falls. Very large purplish-blue blooms. Unual And Dramatic Grass Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 10 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Lady s Mantle mollis Alchemilla 18 16 10.99 45 Billowing Sprays Of Yellow Flower Lady's Mantle Gold Strike Alchemilla 18 6 9.99 30 Bright chartreuse flowers Lambs Ear byzantina Silver Carpet Stachys 24 18 3.79 20 Rarely Blooming Variety Lambs Ears Fuzzy Wuzzy Stachys 11 18 3.79 30 Lamium maculatum Anne Greenaway Lamium 24 30 3.79 20 upright spikes of magentalavender flowers Mauve Flowers. Lamium maculatum Chequers Lamium 24 36 3.79 20 Lamium maculatum Mega Purple Lamium 28 54 3.79 15 Lamium maculatum Pink Pewter Lamium 28 50 3.79 15 Soft Pink Flowers Lamium maculatum Purple Dragon Lamium 24 36 3.79 15 Lamium maculatum Red Nancy Lamium 24 30 3.79 20 Clusters of deep magenta purple flowers. Cherry-red to purple flowers. Lamium maculatum White Nancy Lamium 24 90 3.79 15 Clear White Flowers Larkspur elatum M.F. Dark Blue Whit Delphinium 15 34 3.79 70 Dark Blue flowers with white bee Larkspur elatum M.F. Pure White Delphinium 15 30 3.79 70 Tall spikes of Pure white flowers Larkspur elatum M.F. Sky Blue White Delphinium 15 25 3.79 70 Sky Blue flowers with white bee Larkspur grand. Blue Elf Delphinium 15 35 3.79 40 Single gentian-blue flowers. Larkspur grand. Summer Blues Delphinium 15 10 9.99 30 Soft pale blue flowers. Larkspur grand. Summer Morning Delphinium 15 36 3.79 30 Larkspur grand. Summer Nights Delphinium 15 30 3.79 35 Loose sprays of single, soft-pink flowers Intense blue coloured flowers. Larkspur grand. Summer Stars Delphinium 15 33 3.79 30 Spikes of showy white blooms. Larkspur grand. Summer Stars Delphinium 15 12 9.99 30 Spikes of showy white blooms. Larkspur Guardian Lavender Delphinium 15 30 3.79 90 Lavender angustifolia Jean Davis Lavandula 3 15 11.99 35 Spikes of satiny lavender mauve flowers. Pale Pink flowers Lavender angustifolia Jean Davis Lavandula 3 40 3.79 35 Pale Pink flowers Lavender angustifolia Munstead Lavandula 3 30 3.79 35 Bright Lavender Blue Flowers Lavender Hidcote Blue Lavandula 3 33 3.79 25 Rich Purple Flower Spikes Lavender Hidcote Blue Lavandula 3 14 9.99 25 Rich Purple Flower Spikes Lenten Rose G.C. Merlin Helleborus 19 11 24.99 35 Lenten Rose hybridus Tutu Helleborus 19 15 24.99 60 Lenten Rose Penny Pink Helleborus 19 7 24.99 50 Lenten Rose Pink Frost Helleborus 19 7 24.99 35 Sunshine Selections Helleborus 19 20 12.99 40 Lenten Rose Winter Sunshine Helleborus 19 8 24.99 30 Lenten Rose WT Green Gambler Helleborus 19 7 24.99 30 Light pink to pink, age to cranberry. Medium pink, small double center. Mauve-pink flowers mature to a deeper pink Single Soft pink age to burgundy red. Wide range of pastel shades often w/ spots Single white flowers, age to pink and red single blooms of crisp apple green Lepord's Bane orientale Leonard Compact Doronicum 11 36 3.79 20 loads of large yellow daisies Lewisia Little Peach Lewisia 17 13 11.99 15 Lewisia Little Plum Lewisia 17 10 11.99 15 Lewisia Little Tutti Frutti Lewisia 17 20 7.99 15 Lewisia Rainbow Mix Lewisia 17 6 11.99 15 Ligularia Swarf Osiris Fantaisie Ligularia 18 8 24.99 60 Lilac Fairy Barrnewort grandiflorum Lilafee Epimedium 27 8 19.99 40 Pale peach coloured flowers with red veins Plum-pink coloured flowers with red veins Rainbow of pinks, peaches with red veins. Rainbow of pinks, peaches with red veins. Purple stems, golden-yellow daisy flowers Lavender Flowers Lily Asaitic LA Hybrid Fangio Lilium 6 16 6.99 80 Lily Asiatic Tiny Bee Lilium 6 32 6.99 30 Lily Asiatic Tiny Ghost Lilium 6 16 6.99 35 Lily Asiatic Tiny Hope Lilium 6 16 6.99 40 Lily Asiatic Tiny Orange Sensation Lilium 6 32 6.99 45 Lenten Rose Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Pink Flowers Throughout Summer Large purple flowers. Deep scarlet-red upright facing blooms. Bright golden yellow upright facing blooms Rich magenta purple-red upright facing Upright facing blooms of scarlet red. Bright orange, heavily spotted maroon cent Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 11 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Lily Asiatic Tiny Padhye Lilium 6 16 6.99 35 Lily Asiatic Tiny Pearl Lilium 6 16 6.99 45 Lily Asiatic Tiny Sensation Lilium 6 16 6.99 30 Lily Asiatic LA Hybrid Dazzle Lilium 6 16 6.99 80 Lily Asiatic LA Hybrid Madrid Lilium 6 16 6.99 80 Lily Of The Valley majalis Convallaria 23 60 3.79 20 Lily Tiger Leichtlinii Yellow Lilium 6 16 6.99 80 Lobelia Queen Victoria Lobelia 8 10 10.99 90 Brilliant red blooms. Lungwort High Contrast Pulmonaria 27 16 16.99 25 pink bells that age to bright blue Lungwort Opal ('Ocupol') Pulmonaria 27 16 15.99 30 Lungwort Silver Bouquet Pulmonaria 27 8 16.99 25 Blooms open pale blue and fade to white Pink bells mature to bright blue Lungwort Trevi Fountain Pulmonaria 27 6 16.99 30 Large cobalt blue flowers Lupine Gallery Mixture Lupinus 15 32 10.99 50 Spikes of red flowers Lupine Popsicle Mixture Lupinus 15 50 7.99 60 pink, yellow, red, blue and purple Lupine Russell Mix Lupinus 15 36 3.79 90 Large spikes of blue flowers Lupine Tutti Frutti Lupinus 15 24 11.99 100 Lupine Woodfield Hybrids Lupinus 15 90 7.99 100 Maiden Grass Dixieland Miscanthus 13 8 14.99 120 Mix of red, pink, yellow, purple, blue, cr Bloom in nearly every shade of the rainbow Silky Pink plumes in fall. Maiden Grass sinensis Huron Sunrise Miscanthus 13 11 14.99 150 Full burgundy plumes. Maidenhair Fern pedatum Adiantum 30 30 4.49 50 No Flower Maltese Cross chalcedonica Lychnis 11 35 3.79 90 Mandarin Honeysuckle Mandarin Lonicera 20 14 15.99 600 Mandarin Honeysuckle Mandarin Lonicera 20 9 24.99 600 Masterwort Varigated major Vanilla Gorilla Astrantia 14 8 24.99 40 Clusters of flaming scarlet orange flowers Reddish Orange Out, Yellow Orange Reddish Orange Out, Yellow Orange Silver-pink pincushion flowers. Mastorwort Pink major Roma Astrantia 14 7 15.99 60 Mazus repens Mazus 25 33 3.79 5 Mazus reptans Albus Mazus 25 18 3.79 5 Meadow Rue Black Stockings Thalictrum 11 7 16.99 150 Meadow Sage May Night Salvia 3 16 9.99 50 Meadow-rue Dwarf Kiusianum Thalictrum 11 12 8.99 15 Meadowsweet Golden ulmaria Aurea Filipendula 16 16 12.99 80 Sprays of white flowers. Mexican Evening Primrose berlanderi Siskiyou Oenothera 11 14 6.99 25 Beautiful Light Rose Flowers Michaelmas Daisy novi-belgii Little Pink Beauty Aster 9 16 3.79 35 Michealmas Daisy novae-angliae Alma Potschk Aster 9 18 3.79 100 Mme. Galen Trumpet Vine tagliabuana 'Madame Galen' Campsis 20 9 15.99 500 Bright pink shades of semidouble flowers. Warm glowing salmon pink flowers Large Salmon Red Trumpets Monkshood carmichaelli fischeri Aconitum 18 6 10.99 70 Dark Royal Blue Flowers Monkshood napellus Aconitum 18 4 14.99 120 Bright Violet Blue Flowers Monkshood napellus Album Aconitum 18 6 10.99 90 Creamt white hooded Flowers Moss Phlox subulata Amazing Grace Phlox 9 40 3.79 15 Mossy Saxifrage arendsii Red Saxifraga 17 12 3.79 15 White flowers with a tiny maroonred eye. Upfacing cup-shaped red flowers Mossy Saxifrage arendsii Rose Saxifraga 17 12 3.79 15 Mossy Saxifrage arendsii White Saxifraga 17 12 3.79 15 Mother of Thyme Serpyllum Thymus 24 36 3.79 15 Mountain Phlox pulchra Phlox 9 8 9.99 30 Mrytle Spurge myrsinites Euphorbia 28 15 3.79 15 Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour White petal tips, stained deep red at base Bright pink upright facing blooms. yellow petals heavily spotted maroon red. Bright golden yellow upright facing blooms Brilliant orange upright facing flowers. Fragrant White Bell Shaped Flowers Yellow flowers with dark speckles. Lareg silvery-pink blooms with bracts Lavender flowers with yellow spots. Small white flowers. Huge clusters of bright lavendermagenta. Rigid Spike Dark Blue Black Flower petals of delicate lilac-mauve Upfacing cup-shaped rose-pink flowers Upfacing cup-shaped white flowers clusters of bright rose-purple flowers Clusters of fragrant lilac-blue flowers. Clusters of sulphur-yellow flowers. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 12 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Mullein Jackie Verbascum 16 5 12.99 45 Mullien Temptress Purple Verbascum 16 5 11.99 40 Northern Lights Hair Grass caespitosa Northern Lights Deschampsia 13 14 15.99 40 Tan coloured flowers Northern Sea Oats latifolium 12 19 11.99 75 Dangling flower spikes Nutmeg Thyme praecox Nutmeg Scented Chasmanthiu m Thymus 24 63 3.79 5 Obedient Plant Crystal Peak White Physostegia 2 14 10.99 40 Smoothered with mauve-pink flowers. Spikes of classy white flowers. Old Fashion Bleeding Heart spectabilis Dicentra 19 48 9.99 75 Drooping Chains Of Pink Hearts Oregano vulgare Aureum Origanum 25 14 3.79 15 Fragrant pale mauve flowers Oriental Lily Casablanca Lilium 6 16 6.99 120 Star Shaped White Flowers Oriental Lily Dizzy Lilium 6 16 6.99 105 White with dark pink mid-rib. Oriental Lily Mona Lisa Lilium 6 16 6.99 45 Oriental Lily Salmon Star Lilium 6 16 6.99 120 Oriental Lily Starfighter Lilium 6 16 6.99 90 Pink Flowers With Spots, Fragrant orange center strips and orange spots Wine Red edged in White Oriental Lily Stargazer Lilium 6 16 6.99 80 Oriental Poppy orientale Allegro Papaver 12 12 3.79 50 Oriental Poppy orientale Brillant Papaver 12 12 11.99 80 Searing scarlet flowers. Oriental Poppy orientale Brillant Papaver 12 40 3.79 80 Searing scarlet flowers. Oriental Poppy orientale Royal Wedding Papaver 12 12 3.79 75 Ornamental Onion Millenium Allium 2 23 14.99 50 White petals with black purple eye-zone. 5 cm rose-purple ball clusters. Ostrich Fern struthiopteris Matteucia 30 32 12.99 100 Perhaps most common fern Ostrich Fern struthiopteris Matteucia 30 90 4.49 100 Perhaps most common fern Ostrich Fern struthiopteris Matteucia 17 14 19.99 100 Perhaps most common fern Ostrich Fern struthiopteris The King Matteucia 30 32 12.99 100 Palntain Lily Devil's Advocate Hosta 42 20 22.99 90 Light lavender flowers. Palntain Lily June Fever Hosta 37 64 14.99 40 Lavender blue flowers. Pasque Flower vulgaris Alba Pulsatilla 10 9 7.99 20 Pearly white crocus-like flowers Pasque Flower vulgaris Pearl Bells Pulsatilla 10 34 3.79 20 Pasque Flower vulgaris Rubra Pulsatilla 10 16 7.99 20 Pearly soft pink crocus-like flowers Showy red flowers Peach-leaved Bellflower persicifolia Alba Campanula 7 25 3.79 80 Large white flowers Peach-leaved Bellflower persicifolia Blue Campanula 7 18 3.79 80 Deep Blue flowers Peony lactiflora Bowl of Beauty Paeonia 14 6 16.99 80 Rosy Pink Flowers, Yellow Center Peony lactiflora Kansas Paeonia 14 4 16.99 85 Peony lactiflora Karl Rosenfield Paeonia 14 30 16.99 95 Peony lactiflora Pecher Paeonia 14 6 19.99 100 Peony lactiflora Sarah Bernhardt Paeonia 14 19 16.99 90 Peony lactiflora Shirley Temple Paeonia 14 14 19.99 85 Double, Large Carmine Red Flowers Double, Large Dark Wine Red Flower Semi double pink to white flowers. Medium Rose Pink Doulbe Flowers Large Blush pink to white flowers Peony Itoh Hybird Scarlet Heaven Paeonia 14 8 49.99 75 Large, single flowers in bright red. Peony Itoh Hybrid Bartzella Paeonia 14 10 74.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Berry Garcia Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid First Arrival Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Julia Rose Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Lollipop Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Magical Mystery Tour Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Morning Lilac Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Pastel Splendor Paeonia 14 8 49.99 75 HUGE double soft sulphuryellow petals Large semi double, pink with pink flares Semi double blooms, lavender pink petals semi-double flowers open a coralred shade Emerge brt yellow, develops purple stripes Heavy flush of lilac pink, over creamy yel Lav Pink with streaks of white and fuchsia Dark red flares on pale rose petals. Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Pale Cantaloupe Coloured Flowers. Grape coloured flower spikes. Pink Flowers With White, Fragrant Scarlet Orange Blooms. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 13 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Peony Itoh Hybrid Raggedy Ann Paeonia 14 8 49.99 60 Peony Itoh Hybrid Scrumdidleumptious Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Sequesterd Sunshine Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Simply Red Paeonia 14 8 49.99 75 Peony Itoh Hybrid Simply Red Paeonia 14 5 74.99 75 Beautiful deep red flowers Peony Itoh Hybrid Singing In The Rain Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Peony Itoh Hybrid Smith Family Yellow Paeonia 14 8 49.99 70 Creamy yellow petals flushed w peachy salm Petals of clear and deep yellow Peony Itoh Hybrid Yellow Doodle Dandy Paeonia 14 8 49.99 75 Perennial Sage Sweet Sixteen Salvia 3 8 14.99 60 Perennial Sage Blue nemorosa New Deminsion Bl Salvia 3 12 3.79 25 Perennial Sage Rose nemorosa New Dimension R Salvia 3 10 3.79 25 Chubby spikes of bright rose pink Perennial Salvia nemerosa East Friesland Salvia 3 15 7.99 45 Dark Violet Purple Flowers Perennial Sweet Pea latifolius Lathyrus 16 72 3.79 200 Periwinkle minor Alba Vinca 23 90 3.79 15 Mixed shades of pink and white flowers White Flowers Periwinkle minor Alba Vinca 28 24 9.99 15 White Flowers. Periwinkle minor Aureo Variegata Vinca 23 60 3.79 15 Blue Flowers. Periwinkle minor Bowles Vinca 23 170 3.79 15 Large light blue blooms. Periwinkle, Myrtle minor Vinca 23 90 3.79 15 Periwinkle, Myrtle minor Vinca 28 96 8.99 15 Periwinkle, Myrtle minor Vinca 28 9 52.99 15 Phlox Hybrid Papparazzi Angelina Phlox 9 8 12.99 15 Phlox Hybrid Papparazzi Miley Phlox 9 13 12.99 25 Abundant Periwinkle Blue Flowers Abundant Periwinkle Blue Flowers Abundant Periwinkle Blue Flowers Fragrant. Lavender with dark purple eye. Fragrant flowers are violet. Phlox Moss subulata Drummons Pink Phlox 9 18 3.79 10 Phlox Moss subulata Purple Beauty Phlox 9 18 3.79 10 Phlox Tall Summer pan. Early Dark Pink Phlox 8 26 8.99 45 Phlox Tall Summer pan. Early pink w/ Dark Eye Phlox 8 28 8.99 45 Phlox Tall Summer pan. Purple Kiss Phlox 8 30 7.99 40 Phlox Tall Summer paniculata Glamour Girl Phlox 8 29 8.99 80 Pincushion Flower columbaria Butterfly Blue Scabiosa 3 12 7.99 45 Pincushion Flower columbaria Pink Mist Scabiosa 3 22 7.99 45 Pale Soft Pink Flowers Pink Borders Red Beauty Dianthus 10 16 12.99 20 fragrant single scarlet-red blooms Pink Flowered Coreopsis rosea American Dream Coreopsis 2 36 3.79 35 Pinks Coral Reef Dianthus 10 30 7.99 25 Pinks Early Bird Fizzy Dianthus 10 10 7.99 15 Pinks Kahori Dianthus 10 14 7.99 20 Bright Rose Pink Daisy Type Flower Deep coral petals with white picotee edges Double lavender-pink, maroon eye fragrant, lilac-pink blooms Pinks Memories Dianthus 10 6 7.99 25 Pure white, frilly double flowers Pinks Romance Dianthus 10 25 7.99 25 frilly, salmon-pink petals Pinks Sugar Plum Dianthus 10 12 7.99 25 Pinks Early Bird Early Bird Chili Dianthus 10 15 7.99 20 Pinks Early Bird Early Bird Frosty Dianthus 10 8 7.99 15 Double maroon, pink and white flowers electric cherry-pink, double flowers Double Snow white flowers. Pinks Fire Star Devon Xera Fire Star Dianthus 10 14 10.99 20 Fragrant fiery-red single flowers Pinks, Maiden delt. Confetti Carmine Rose Dianthus 25 30 3.79 15 tiny starry magenta-pink flowers Pinks, Maiden delt. Confetti Deep Red Dianthus 25 30 3.79 15 tiny starry cherry-red flowers Pinks, Maiden delt. Confetti White Dianthus 25 38 3.79 15 tiny white starry flowers Plantain Lily Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta 39 48 14.99 45 White Tubular Flowers Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour large soft-pink petals are deeply cut Large semi double, creamy yellow to pink Large single blooms clear yellow petals Beautiful deep red flowers Large, double soft butter-yellow flowers Profuse displays of Vibrant pink blooms Chubby spikes of deep violet blue Pink flowers with deep pink centers. starry light purple flowers Dark pink flowers with darker eyes. Pink flowers with darker eyes Deep magenta-puple surrounding a white eye Large clusters od coral pink blooms. Small Lavender Blue Flowers Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 14 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Plantain Lily Afterglow Hosta 40 20 22.99 60 Pale lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Alligator Alley Hosta 37 19 24.99 45 Plantain Lily Andrew Hosta 39 18 17.99 50 Near white flowers on chartruese scapes. Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Big Daddy Hosta 40 64 14.99 60 Near White Bell shaped Flowers Plantain Lily Blue Angel Hosta 42 45 11.99 90 Near White Flowers Plantain Lily Blue Mouse Ears Hosta 31 60 5.49 20 Lavender flowers on short scapes. Plantain Lily Blue Mouse Ears Hosta 35 34 11.99 20 Lavender flowers on short scapes. Plantain Lily Blueberry Muffin Hosta 36 20 16.99 35 Plantain Lily Bridal Falls Hosta 40 19 16.99 65 Lavender flowers with matching mauve scape Light lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Brother Stefan Hosta 37 40 19.99 50 Near White Flowers Plantain Lily Captain Kirk Hosta 39 20 18.99 50 Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Cathedral Windows Hosta 39 20 19.99 50 Large, fragrant near white flowers. Plantain Lily Cherry Tomato Hosta 35 19 17.99 10 Plantain Lily Church Mouse Hosta 35 17 22.99 20 Plantain Lily Diamonds are Forever Hosta 35 17 17.99 25 Purple flowers on striking red scapes. Perfect sized scaped carry lavender flower Purple flowers. Plantain Lily Dream Weaver Hosta 39 20 17.99 45 White Flowers. Plantain Lily Electrocution Hosta 36 16 17.99 35 Lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Fire Island Hosta 35 8 14.99 30 Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily fortunei Aureomarginata Hosta 41 120 8.99 6.99 60 Trumpet Shaped Violet Flowers Plantain Lily fortunei Francee Hosta 31 210 5.49 4.99 55 Funnell Shaped Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily fortunei Francee Hosta 38 500 8.99 6.99 55 Funnel Shaped Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily fortunei Gold Standard Hosta 38 150 8.99 6.99 60 Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Fragrant Blue Hosta 37 20 15.99 45 Fragrant Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Frances Williams Hosta 40 40 16.99 60 Near White flowers. Plantain Lily Ginko Craig Hosta 35 17 14.99 25 Medium Purple Flowers. Plantain Lily Golden Tiara Hosta 36 48 8.99 30 Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Goodness Gracious Hosta 39 14 17.99 50 Light lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Grand Tiara Hosta 36 32 16.99 40 Lavender flowers in mid-summer Plantain Lily Hadspen Blue Hosta 37 18 14.99 40 Whitish Flowers Plantain Lily Halcyon Hosta 37 32 11.99 40 Very Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Halcyon Hosta 31 100 5.49 40 Very Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Half ad half Hosta 36 19 19.99 30 White scapes with white flowers. Plantain Lily Happy Dayz Hosta 39 16 19.99 45 Light lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Heat Wave Hosta 36 20 19.99 30 Near white flowers. Plantain Lily High Society Hosta 35 18 19.99 20 Pale Lavender Flowers. Plantain Lily Hollywood Lights Hosta 40 40 19.99 60 Pale Lavender Flowers. Plantain Lily Hudson Bay Hosta 40 12 16.99 60 Near White flowers. Plantain Lily Humpback Whale Hosta 42 48 19.99 90 Near White Flowers. Plantain Lily June Hosta 31 30 5.49 30 Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily June Hosta 36 48 12.99 35 Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily June Spirit Hosta 36 32 19.99 35 Plantain Lily Key West Hosta 40 16 16.99 70 Lavender blue flowers on chartruese scapes Lavender Flowers plantain Lily Komodo Dragon Hosta 39 16 16.99 50 Plantain Lily Lakeside Paisley Print Hosta 35 16 18.99 25 Plantain Lily Little Treasure Hosta 35 19 19.99 15 Price Sale $ 4.99 6.99 4.99 4.99 Height Flower Colour Pale Lavender Flowers Light lavender flowers on cream scapes. Lavender flower held on cream scapes. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 15 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Plantain Lily Maui Buttercups Hosta 35 32 14.99 25 Near white flowers. Plantain Lily Mayflower Moon Hosta 37 20 16.99 45 Pale lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Mighty Mouse Hosta 35 18 19.99 20 Plantain Lily Minuteman Hosta 39 48 12.99 45 Pale Lavender Plantain Lily Old Glory Hosta 37 20 17.99 50 Lavender flowers Plantain Lily Orange Marmalade Hosta 37 5 19.99 45 Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Pandoras Box Hosta 35 13 14.99 10 Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Paradigm Hosta 39 48 14.99 50 Pale Violet Flowers Plantain Lily Patriot Hosta 41 160 12.99 60 Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Patriot Hosta 31 180 5.49 60 Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Pauls Glory Hosta 41 48 16.99 65 Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Pocketful of Sunshine Hosta 35 32 19.99 25 Light lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Popcorn Hosta 36 20 19.99 30 Pale lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Praying Hands Hosta 37 50 15.99 40 Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Rainforest Sunrise Hosta 36 28 15.99 25 Pale Lavender Flowers. Plantain Lily Rainforest Sunrise Hosta 31 50 5.49 25 Pale Lavender Flowers. Plantain Lily Rare Breed Hosta 37 20 24.99 50 Pale lavender flowers. Plantain Lily Regal Supreme Hosta 40 20 19.99 70 Lavender flowers on tall scapes. Plantain Lily Remember Me Hosta 36 24 16.99 35 Lavender Flowers. Plantain Lily Rockets Red Glare Hosta 36 17 17.99 30 Plantain Lily Royal Standard Hosta 41 48 9.99 65 Arching red scapes with lavender flowers. Fragrant White Flowers Plantain Lily sieboldiana Elegans Hosta 42 48 14.99 70 Near White Flowers Plantain Lily sieboldiana Northern Expos Hosta 42 40 14.99 65 Near White Flowers Plantain Lily Striptease Hosta 39 32 16.99 55 Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Sum and Substance Hosta 42 130 12.99 90 Lavender Flowers, Tall Scapes Plantain Lily Sum and Substance Hosta 31 60 5.49 90 Lavender Flowers, Tall Scapes Plantain Lily Sun Power Hosta 40 32 12.99 60 Orchid coloured flowers. Plantain Lily Thunderbolt Hosta 39 32 16.99 45 Near White Flowers Plantain Lily T-Rex Hosta 40 16 16.99 75 Plantain Lily Victory Hosta 31 60 14.99 80 White flowers appear in late summer. White lily-like blooms. Plantain Lily Wheee! Hosta 39 24 19.99 45 Light Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Wide Brim Hosta 38 150 8.99 45 Pale Lavender Flowers Plantain Lily Wishing Well Hosta 40 17 16.99 60 Near white flowesr. Plantian Lily August Moon Hosta 31 60 5.49 50 Near White Flowers Plantian Lily Dancing Queen Hosta 37 12 16.99 45 Pale lavender flowers Plantian Lily Empress Wu Hosta 42 36 19.99 120 Pale reddish violet flowers. Plantian Lily sieboldiana Elegans Hosta 31 60 5.49 70 Near White Flowers Poppy Iceland n. Garden Gnome Papaver 12 20 6.99 30 papery, brightly coloured flowers Poppy Oriental orientale Flamenco Dancer Papaver 12 14 14.99 75 Porcelain Berry brevipedunculata 'Elegans' Ampelopsis 21 9 15.99 300 Brilliant true red blooms, black center. Blue and Purple Berries Porcupine Grass sinensis Strictus Miscanthus 13 24 14.99 160 Reddish Purple Flowers Primrose acaulis Danova Mix Primula 34 200 3.79 15 Beautiful Mix Of Large Flowers Primrose Capitata capitata Noverna Deep Blue Primula 18 12 3.79 25 Primrose Double English vulgaris Ken Dearman Primula 18 4 8.99 15 Deep blue flower raised upon a drumstick. Double Copper cpoloured Flowers Purple Coneflower purpurea Ruby Star Echinacea 7 54 3.79 90 Price Sale $ 4.99 4.99 4.99 6.99 4.99 4.99 Height Flower Colour Lavender flowers. Deep magenta-red shade petal, lareg cone Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 16 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Purple Coneflower purpurea Ruby Star Echinacea 7 11 9.99 90 Purple Winter Creeper fortunei Coloratus Euonymus 28 25 3.79 200 Raspberry Red Boyne Raspberry 26 25 8.99 100 Raspberry Summer Bearing Purple Raspberry 26 9 10.99 120 Red Valerian ruber Centranthus 11 12 3.79 60 Rhubarb Canada Red Rhubarb 33 24 6.99 60 Tall Spikes. Rhubarb German Wine Rhubarb 33 100 6.99 75 Tall Spikes. Rhubarb Strawberry Red Rhubarb 33 24 6.99 75 Tall Spikes. Rhubarb Valentine Rhubarb 33 8 6.99 75 Ribbon Grass arund. Strawberries and Cre Phalaris 12 12 10.99 70 Tall Spikes, produce few to no seed stalks Cream Coloured Flowers. Rock Cress cauc. Lotti Deep Rose Arabis 17 30 3.79 15 Small clusters of deep rose flowers Rock Cress cauc. Lotti White Arabis 17 36 3.79 15 Small clusters of white flowers Rock Rose Cerise Queen 17 30 3.79 30 Rockcress deltoidea Royal Red Helianthemu m Aubrieta 17 65 3.79 15 Double pom-pom magenta pink flowers Red to Rose Flowers Rockcress Royal Blue Aubrieta 17 30 3.79 10 Rockcress Sturii Arabis 25 54 3.79 10 Rockfoil Cloth of Gold Saxifraga 17 35 8.99 10 Short Stalks Of White Flowers Rose Campion c. Gardeners World Lychnis 16 14 11.99 60 Sage Perennial nemorosa Blue Marvel Salvia 3 15 8.99 30 Fully double rich deep blood-red shades. Upright bright blue flower spikes. Sage Perennial nemorosa Lyrical Rose Salvia 3 8 10.99 60 Sage Perennial nemorosa Lyrical Silverstone Salvia 3 8 10.99 60 Sage Perennial nemorosa Lyrical White Salvia 3 8 10.99 60 Sage Perennial superba Merleau Blue Salvia 3 16 3.79 30 Sage Perennial sylvestris Caradonna Salvia 3 20 9.99 60 Spiky flowers of deep violet-blue. Saxifrage Mossy Peter Pan Saxifraga 17 10 7.99 15 Scabious m. Thunder and Lightning Knautia 3 7 14.99 30 Scotch Moss subulata Aurea Sagina 25 240 3.79 5 upfacing, star-shaped rose-pink flowers Reddish-purple pincushioned flowers. Tiny white flowers Sea Holly p. Blue Glitter Eryngium 11 10 10.99 75 Sea Holly Variegated planum Jade Frost Eryngium 11 7 15.99 60 Self-Heal Bella Blue Prunella 11 16 12.99 20 Violet Blue fflowers. Serbian Bellflower poscharskyana Campanula 25 36 3.79 15 Starry lavender blue flowers Shasta Daisy Becky 13 48 9.99 90 Large single flowers Shasta Daisy Freak 13 6 14.99 30 Shasta Daisy s. Real Dream 13 5 12.99 40 Shasta Daisy s. Whoops-a-Daisy 13 16 12.99 37 Shasta Daisy Sante 13 8 9.99 60 Shasta Daisy superbum Banana Cream 13 24 14.99 45 Shasta Daisy superbum Silver Spoons 13 14 3.79 100 Shasta Daisy superbum Snowcap 13 16 9.99 35 White fluffy petals, yellow button center. Greenish-yellow petals with gold center. Large white daisy flowers with gold center double shaggy white petals, yel button eye 10cm Lemon Yellow, brighten to butter yell Golden Yellow centers, narrow white petals Large single white daisy flowers Shata Daisy Highland White Dream 13 16 10.99 70 Showy Stonecrop spectabilis Autumn Joy Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Leucanthemu m Sedum 16 14 10.99 50 Siberian Bugloss mac. Alexander's Great Brunnera 27 12 19.99 30 Siberian Bugloss macro. Jack Frost Brunnera 27 48 16.99 30 Siberian Bugloss macro. Silver Heart Brunnera 27 6 19.99 30 Sprays of deep blue. Siberian Bugloss macrophylla Sea Heart Brunnera 27 12 19.99 30 Sprays of two-tone pink and blue flowers. Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Deep magenta-red shade petal, lareg cone Tender juicy dark red berries, sweet Fruits are very large. Firmn & flavourful fragrant, rosy-red flowers Shades of deep-blue to violetblue flowers Large white flowers Upright spikes of intense pink flowers. Spikes of deep blue flowers, silver edging Upright spikes of pure white flowers. Deep violet blue flowers. Umbels of prickly steel-blue flowers. clusters are a rich violet blue Semi-double white with bright yellow eye. Salmon Pink Aging Bronzy Red Sprays of blue Forget-me-not flowers. Clear Blue Flowers Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 17 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Siberian Iris siberica Contrast in Style Iris 6 16 9.99 75 Siberian Iris sibirica Butter and Sugar Iris 6 16 9.99 65 Siberian Iris sibirica Ruffled Velvet Iris 6 16 9.99 70 Siberian Iris sibirica White Swirl Iris 6 16 9.99 70 Siberian Iris Strawberry Flair Iris 6 16 9.99 70 Silver Cushion Mount Atlas Da p. Silberkissen Anacyclus 17 28 3.79 10 Silver Mound schmidtiana Silver Mound Artemisia 11 48 9.99 25 Insignificant Yellow Flowers Silverlace Vine aubertii Polygonum 20 15 15.99 900 Sprays of fleecy white flowers Sirbian Bellflower Blue Waterfall Campanula 7 10 8.99 25 Dark blue bell shaped flowers. Sirbian Bellflower Blue Waterfall Campanula 7 8 12.99 25 Dark blue bell shaped flowers. Sirbian Bellflower poscharskyana Blue Rivulet Campanula 7 5 14.99 20 Six-sided Stonecrop sexangulare Sedum 25 26 3.79 8 Star shapped lavender blue with white eye Clusters of yellow flowers. Snakeroot simplex Black Negligee Actea 18 12 19.99 120 Very fragrant white flowers Snakeroot Actaea Chocoholic Cimicifuga 18 5 24.99 75 Sneezeweed Moerheim Beauty Helenium 14 5 9.99 90 Rich mauve pink bottle brush shaped blooms Brownish red flowers. Snow In Summer tomentosa Cerastium 25 36 3.79 15 Tons of white flowers cover plant. Snowdrop Anemone sylvestris Anemone 27 30 6.99 35 Delicate nodding white flowers Soapwort ocymoides Pink Saponaria 17 12 3.79 20 Soapwort Rock ocymoides Snow Tip Saponaria 17 15 3.79 15 Solomens Seal multiflorem Polygonatum 29 20 7.99 40 Speedwell First Love Veronica 10 5 10.99 30 Smothered with pink flowers in spring Smoothered with starry white flowers. Greenish White Bell Shaped Flowers glowing fluorescent-pink flowers Speedwell prost. Goldwell Veronica 10 6 10.99 15 Speedwell Tall First Glory Veronica 10 8 10.99 40 Speedwell Tall long. Eveline Pink Veronica 10 8 9.99 50 Long spikes light pink flowers. Speedwell Tall longifolia Candied Candle Veronica 10 8 12.99 40 Spikes of burgundy red flower Speedwell Tall longifolia First Lady Veronica 10 8 10.99 35 Speedwell Turkish liwanensis Veronica 25 24 3.79 5 Many spikes of pure white flowers. Small bright blue flowers. Speedwell Woolly Pectinata Veronica 25 36 3.79 6 Spiderwort Sunshine Charm Tradescantia 18 24 15.99 50 Spiderwort Sweet Kate - Blue and Gold Tradescantia 18 48 12.99 50 Spurge amygd. Purpurea Euphorbia 11 8 12.99 40 Cluster of chartruese flowers. Spurge Golden Turm Golden Turm Euphorbia 11 8 14.99 40 St. Johns-Wort Purple a. Albury Purple Hypericum 11 10 11.99 70 Stinking Benjamin erectum Red Trillium 29 20 5.99 30 Large clusters of chartreuseyellow. Yellow flowers contrasts well with foliage Red flowers Stokes Aster laevis Mel's Blue Stokesia 9 32 14.99 30 Stonecrop dasphyllum Major Sedum 16 10 3.79 10 Stonecrop Lime Zinger Sedum 16 10 3.79 15 Stonecrop rupestre Angelina Sedum 16 32 10.99 12 Clusters of starry yellow flowers. Stonecrop spurium Blaze Sedum 25 5 3.79 15 Stonecrop spurium John Creech Sedum 25 18 3.79 10 small clusters of ruby star-shaped flowers Pink flowers Stonecrop spurium Red Carpet Sedum 16 30 3.79 15 Red Flowers. Stonecrop Sunsparkler Cherry Tart Sedum 16 12 3.79 15 Clusters of deep pink flowers Stonecrop Sunsparkler Firecracker Sedum 16 18 3.79 20 Large medium-pink flower heads Stonecrop Swedish album Faro Form Sedum 16 14 3.79 2 Little white star flowers. Strawberry Allstar - Junebearing Strawberry 33 23 14.99 25 White Flowers. Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Rich wine red w/ prominent white & yellow White flower with Yellow Falls Velvet purple with black and gold marking Beautiful white flowers Magenta pink falls, lav stds, white signal White daisies with yellow eye. Short spike of soft violet blue flowers. Spikes of dark royal blue flowers. True blue saucer shaped with white eye. Lovely mauve-purple triangular flowers Steel blue flowers. Large, shaggy periwinkle blue flowers. Clusters of white-tinged pink flowers Lareg clusters of soft pink flowers. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 18 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Strawberry Allstar - Junebearing Strawberry 33 60 3.79 25 White Flowers. Summer Phlox p. Early Start Light Pink Phlox 8 25 8.99 35 Summer Phlox pan. Delilah Phlox 8 15 7.99 60 Summer Phlox paniculata David Phlox 8 50 7.99 100 Light pink flowers with dark centers. Large clusters of deep red/purple flowers Large White Blossoms Summer Phlox paniculata Franz Shubert Phlox 8 28 6.99 90 Lilac Blue with darker eye Summer Phlox paniculata Laura Phlox 8 30 7.99 90 Summer Phlox paniculata Nora Leigh Phlox 8 29 8.99 80 Lavender-Rose Flowers, Bright White Center Near white with pink eye Summer Phlox paniculata Starfire Phlox 8 25 8.99 90 Brilliant Cherry Red Flowers Summer Phlox paniculata Swizzle Pholx 8 15 8.99 30 Summer Phlox paniculata Tequila Sunrise Phlox 8 30 7.99 40 Large cluster of pink-white w hot pink eye deep salmon-orange, tiny red eye. Sun Rose Wisley Pink 17 25 3.79 30 Large soft pink single flowers Sun Rose Wisley Primrose 17 34 3.79 15 Pale primrose-yellow flowers. Sweet William barbatus Sooty Helianthemu m Helianthemu m Dianthus 10 30 3.79 30 Sweet Williams barbatus Dwarf Double Mix Dianthus 10 125 3.79 20 Sweet Williams Perennial barbatus Heart Attack Dianthus 10 49 10.99 30 Sweet Woodruff odorata Galium 23 60 3.79 15 Clusters of chocolate-red to black flowers Mix of Double Flower, Wide Range of Shades Brilliant red-black carnation like blooms. Clusters Of Starry White Flowers Switch Grass Tall virgatum Northwind Panicum 13 12 12.99 120 Tall Speedwell longifolia Charlotte Veronica 10 8 14.99 75 Thorndale Ivy helix Thorndale Hedera 23 60 3.79 9 Thorndale Ivy helix Thorndale Hedera 28 72 8.99 9 Thorndale Ivy helix Thorndale Hedera 28 8 52.99 9 Approx. 50 Plants per Flat Threadleaf Coreopsis verticillata Zagreb Coreopsis 2 11 9.99 30 Bright Chrome Yellow Flowers Thrift maritima Alba Armeria 17 40 3.79 20 White Balls Thrift Nifty Thrifty Armeria 17 36 3.79 10 Pink Pompom heads. Thrift p. Ballerina Lilac Armeria 9 29 8.99 30 Lilac pink clusters on taller stems. Thrift p. Ballerina Red Armeria 9 29 8.99 30 Thrift p. Ballerina White Armeria 9 30 8.99 30 Rose red flower cluster on tall stems. White clusters on taller stems. Thyme praecox Elfin Thymus 24 60 3.79 4 Soft Pink Flowers. Thyme preacox Purple Carpet Thymus 24 90 3.79 5 Light Mauve Purple Flowers Thyme serphyllum Pink Chintz Thymus 24 72 3.79 10 Salmon Pink Flowers Tickseed grandiflora Rising Sun Coreopsis 2 18 3.79 60 Tickseed Jethro Tull Coreopsis 2 13 10.99 35 Tickseed Solanna Golden Sphere Coreopsis 2 45 8.99 30 Tickseed Sunny Day Coreopsis 2 30 3.79 60 Bright yellow flowers with burgundy eye, Bright golden yellow fluted blooms. large, double golden-yellow rounded flower large single golden-yellow daisies Tickseed Dwarf Little Sundial Coreopsis 2 27 3.79 30 Tiger Lily tigrinum Splendens Lilium 6 16 6.99 110 Trillium Toadshade Red Sessile Red Trillium 29 20 5.99 30 Trumpet Vine radicans Campsis 20 9 15.99 500 Variegated Jacob's Ladder Brise D'Anjou Polemonium 18 8 14.99 60 Variegated Periwinkle minor Atropurpurea Vinca 28 24 9.99 15 Deep wine-red Flowers Variegated Russian Stonecrop kamtschaticum Varigatum Sedum 16 30 3.79 15 Golden orange flowers Variegated Solomens Seal odoratum Variegatum Polygonatum 29 36 7.99 45 Violet Perennial Viola 1 999 3.99 Fragrant Waxy White Bells, green on tips. Check tag for flower colours. Virginia Blue Bells virginica (pulmonarioides) Mertensia 29 12 12.99 45 Virginia Creeper quinquefolia Parthenocissu s 21 24 15.99 150 Price Sale $ 3.49 Height Flower Colour 15 bearing airy heads of tiny green flowers Slender spikes of pure white flowers single golden-yellow daisies, Maroon eye Salmon-orange blooms with black dots Deep Maroon red flowers. Clusters Of Scarlet Trumpetshaped Stems of Violet Blue Flowers Pink turning into porcelain blue flowers. White Flowers Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 19 of 20 Inventory Common Name Species Genus Bench # Virginia Creeper quinquefolia 21 12 24.99 150 White Flowers Wax Bells Palmata Parthenocissu s Kirengeshoma 18 7 14.99 110 White Bleeding Heart spectabilis Alba Dicentra 19 20 7.99 75 Soft Yellow Bells on Purple Black Stems. Glistening White Flowers Whitley's Speedwell whitleyi Veronica 25 54 3.79 5 Soft Blue Flowers Wild Ginger Canadense Asarum 29 25 6.99 15 small brownish red flowers Windflower Honorine Jobert Anemone 27 18 12.99 80 Large Single White Flowers Windflower hupehensis September Char Anemone 27 32 12.99 90 Light Pink Flowers with Yellow Center Winter Creeper Dwarf fortunei Kewensis Euonymus 25 30 3.79 20 Wintergreen procumbens Gaultheria 28 140 4.49 15 Pinkish White, Orange Berries Wisteria brachybotrys Okayama Wisteria 20 11 18.99 500 Wisteria floribunda Domino Wisteria 20 10 18.99 300 Large dark violet/mallow coloured blooms Long showy lilac flowers Wisteria Chinese sinensis Wisteria 20 11 18.99 800 Wisteria Japanese floribunda Black Dragon Wisteria 20 15 18.99 800 Wisteria Japanese macrostachya Blue Moon Wisteria 20 11 29.99 400 Woodland Phlox divaricata May Breeze Phlox 9 16 10.99 40 Wooly Thyme pseudolanuginosis Thymus 24 60 3.79 5 Wooly Yarrow lewisii King Edward Achillea 7 15 3.79 20 Soft primrose yellow flowers Wormwood stelleriana Silver Brocade Artemisia 11 10 6.99 20 Insignificant Yellow Flowers Yarrow Desert Eve Deep Rose Achillea 7 7 10.99 45 Large, deep rose flower clusters Yarrow Desert Eve Terra Cotta Achillea 7 7 10.99 75 Dark pink flowers Yarrow Laura Achillea 7 8 9.99 45 Yarrow Little Susie Achillea 7 8 9.99 40 Yarrow m. Summer Pastel Achillea 7 15 3.79 50 Yarrow Moonshine Achillea 7 15 7.99 50 rich ruby-red blooms, tiny white eye. clusters of rose-pink, age to soft lilac cream, yellow, pink, salmon, mauve & red. Rich Canary Yellow flowers Yellow Archangel galeobelon Hermans Pride Lamiastrum 28 23 3.79 20 Small But Showy Yellow Flowers Yellow Bleeding Heart lutea Corydalis 27 4 9.99 25 Yellow Locket-shaped Flowers Yellow Everbearing Raspberry Yellow Fall Gold Raspberry 26 28 8.99 100 Yellow Trumpet Vine radicans 'Flava' Campsis 20 5 15.99 500 Extra large sweet n juicy golden berries Yellow Trumpet Shaped Flowers Yellow Wakerobin luteum Yellow Trillium 29 27 5.99 30 Yellow blossoms. Zebra, Little Maiden Grass sinensis Little Zebra Miscanthus 13 13 12.99 100 Reddish purple plumes held above foliage. Price Sale $ Height Flower Colour Mauve to deep purple clusters of blooms. Double Dark Purple Clusters of Flowers. Lavender blue spray of blooms Fragrant starry flowers of very pale blue Soft Pink Flowers. Availability Changes Constantly and Rapidly May-08-15 Page 20 of 20
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