Scoil Mhuire na nGrdst, Guala, Co. Chorcai. Bial Belgooly Central School, Belgooly, Co. Cork. Roll No:19672H Principal: Diarmuid Hennessy Deputy Principal: Gerardine O'Connor Telephone: 021 4770712 Email: Website: t 4/04/1s Dear Parents/Guardians, STAFF MEETING In order to facilitate a staff meeting, children will finish and leave school at 1.30pm on Monday, 27 Aprit. The usual school bus provision will operate at this time. SCHOOL CLOSARE Friday, 22 May has been confirmed as the date for the forthcoming referendum. The school will be closed on that day as the building will be used as a polling centre. FAMILY FAN NIGHT AT THE DOGS FANDRAISER (FRIDAY 24 APRIL) The Parents' Association has been working very hard on this initiative since January with many meetings and it is hoped their endeavours will be successful. They have secured programme sponsorship, raffle spot prizes and have been actively engaged in ticket sales in local shops and businesses over the past few weeks and related advertising. The success of this venture is reliant on ticket sales and it is hoped to secure same over the remaining few final days. In order for the school to benefit from sales, tickets need to be purchased locally (ocal businesses or at school) and prior to the night. If tickets are bought at the stadium, the school does not benefit. To assist, another ticket order form accompanies this note and it also contains details in relation to the rafflepnze draw. 'Ticket Sale' envelopes will be collected this Friday and tickets will issue to families on Monday morning, 20 April. Families who paid for tickets before the Easter break will have received their tickets yesterday. EASTER 2015 WORKS The school was fortunate to secure limited funding from the Department of Education & Skills to facilitate upgrade work in respect of water tanks and related supply pipe-work throughout the school over the Easter break. It also presented an oppoftunity to generally upgrade other school areas, subject to school funds. Your Annual Voluntary Family Contributions 2014/2015 (€50 p/family) assisted in this regard. The school is grateful for contributions to-date and any fuither contributions can be given to class teachers. SCHOOL TOURS 2015 A note containing details in relation to School Tours 2015 accompanies this correspondence. For ease of payment and to assist with administration, the school is piloting an e-payment facility in respect of this money collection. All families will receive a text tomorrow, Wednesday, with related payment advice details. Altematively, there is also the option, if you wish, of forwarding the money to your eldest child's class teacherby Friday, 08 May. Should you wish to avail of this method, we would be grateful if payment could be made by cheque, if possible. Cheques should be made payable to 'Scoil Mtruire na nGr6st, Belgooly' and please write your child's/children's names and classes on back of cheque. /Over...... Cont'd / ...... Page 2 CITY SPORTS Trials for Cork City Sports will be held next week. The Cork City Sports will take place in CIT Complex, Bishopstown onWednesday, l0 htne. We would like to thank our Cork City Sports Committee for organising our school's participation at this annual event. CONFIRMATION 2015 The Clontead Parish confirmation ceremony was held at St. Joseph's Church, Riverstick on Monday, 23 March. Twenty-nine children from Ms. Murphy's class received the sacrament this year. Most Reverend Dr. Patrick Coveney confirmed the children in a ceremony that was enriched by the generous input of many within the school and wider community - the pupils, parents, former pupils and parents, Ms. Murphy, the school's,Deputy Principal Mrs. O'Connor, the organist, the musical accompanists, the church choirs and An tAthair O Murchir . We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making this such a special celebration. ENROLMENTS & ENROLMENT REWEW - SCHOOL YEAR 2015/2016 We would like to thank the parents of new school entrants (School Year 201512016) for attending our recent 'Information Night' . Should any pupil have younger pre-school age siblings not already enrolled for this September, please contact the office (4770712) as soon as possible. In addition, we would be grateful if you could advise any neighbours and relatives who live in the parish and who may intend sending their pre-school children to Scoil Mhuire na nGrdst in September to also contact the school as soon as possible. We are presently reviewing our pupil enrolment numbers for the 2015/2016 school year. If there are any pupils currently enrolled in the school who will not be attending next September, we would be grateful if their parents could please notify the school. SCIATH NA SCOL Well done to the hurling team's recent win against Glenville and to the camogie team who were just narrowly defeated. The school will play Berrings in Riverstick on Friday 17 April (girls at 12 noon & boys at 12.45pm). Well done to all involved. GAA CAL CAMPS The Camp will run from Monday 06 to Friday 10 July from 10.00am to 1.30pm at Riverstick GAA Grounds. Further details (e.g. what to bring etc...) and on-line registration on For any queries, please contact Liam Webb on 086-1278732. BELGOOLY TIDY WLLAGES We are very grateful to Belgooly Tidy Villages Association who help to maintain the school grounds. They will soon be putting in Summer bedding plants both in the rockery and in wall planters. They also maintain the stony bank outside the fifth class rooms. In return, fifth class pupils will assist the Belgooly Tidy Villages Association during the annual National An Taisce Spring Clean in April, when they gather litter on the road from the school to Belgooly village. Many thanks to our parent volunteer for planting beautiful ornamental trees in the school grounds. ROAD SAFETY The Board of Management would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their co-operation and support in facilitating a flow of traffic outside the school in the mornings and aftemoons. Your observation of the new pedestrian pathway markings on the approach road to the school is also appreciated by the pupils. Over...... Cont'd / ...... Page 3 WELL DONE & CONGRATUALTIONS o To the quiz team (Eddie Corkery, Evan O Riordan & Dean Harrington) who reached the County Finals in Ovens last month and finished joint third. Well done to all involved in Sc6r 2015 o World Book Day/Week Events - Six word story project, reading assembly, decorating classroom doors in a literary theme and dressing up as your favourite book character. Thanks to Mrs. O'Connor and all staff for co-ordinating these events and for your many impressive 'Six Word' story entries! o Eating Heatthily when Engaging in Sport & Exercise - 5ft & 6ft classes enjoyed a recent talk, facilitated by Catriona O'Donnell M.Sc (Sports Nutrition) o Bhaineamar taitneamh agus sult as na himeachtai 6agsirla i rith Seachtain nct Gaeilge - comhghairdeas agus mile buiochas do gach 6inne. o ,S/ Patrick's Day Art Competition 2015 - Well done to Oonagh McCarthy, Oisin Whyte, Sylvia Plant & Kate Redmond. All winning entries are on display in the Tourist Information Office, Kinsale. SOME UPCOMING EVENTS o o o . Sciath na Scol - The school will play Berrings in Riverstick on Friday, 17 April (girls at 12 noon & boys at l2.45pm), please come along and suppofi Do This In Memory Mass - Sunday, 19 April at St. Joseph's Church, Riverstick Benefi.t & Fundraising Night (ICT Resottrces), Curraheen Park- Friday night, 24 ApiI. Ticket order forms may be retumed to your child's class teacher. The National Spring Clean 2015 (An Taisce) - 1't to 30ft April Yours faithfully, Diarmuid Hennessy School Principal ;o .o ht c) sF S,6 \d \H \o rr 2\ocrr .Y c\.l \,Qu!D l< ti .o .* c.l co o'r qu \f, - \11.l o ; ^ '= ti o a tr o A ) 60 F() T [< J P d -iv I d U \ -n I I P 4 !) !u oU I -c .() o0 !V lil SI = s.l sl S h)l -; q= sl .u 3 r\l .Sl r t-rl C !6 o (J d 9r '!" a a:ll ^/. € ^0)= ;E\-/ rrtrO oo_d #ab r- E/rl <r €= ! = Lri .eg>. \-/E9 v -a ^Vi9^+ :6 J qi A ! .i /i.9 EO cd U9 lr6) (gd riE = vr \) ao P d# ()d LA dCg do od ia P"E ._ a a uv;v = o i 7,9cs n''dE qE> ,() Z: --: !p=E tr 'r- s, PE } (o q.? 2 R C) A FS> = i* Ci:dbho .I^ Ro- (g /i -c=*<, fr E EE EE? P ^-BE oerf. a .L-Hd '=.iJ 3v :9 * a V^^i-Y 6 69 H o u)J (6 o g O€ r) ; -v AA !at ,lu xo= -trt L.) I J--\ F3 IJi I, ; r- 3 \i I o-g x9 trr o.; , i .iE b lc cd s'= *"'F o.r 6E i*=.= 6';4 qE O a € 8'A E5o i!;i -c) o'+ "Udl. dU .+u); HKH Ei E iril'= €t€ E- LV) :! a6E .! I I A+.Y'H\e(\(- Ad o cd E d'a s o.rE q, Ei ;'=J ;Ei 9, 6 a -o o u)2 v C 9 o L ;: '=aB$ EF ..3+E i =-q A93 s'Ei '6 ..9 6'S 00)a .i >'H Olr PAa Ia.= ,\ o aE -3 6 l'= ch c) r.= Q<o (u 88 r.'= Eq= 9 -'= ,\-= ? .ii LaL rc'iE oc Ti *OLH H a CO HEH s)a < Iol E 3E O:: -vo<!zoo !ca :1= .22 =_8. E F X bo bo ptr) vt d o o 6 X v -=F- d .H d F :< 9s !.r HE 3g; 5 EE EEs >\e X Y tr r -oo *o o(€ o a *i : a $I 6 \)t o .J-v- PfrI 6vH O :Us ,; -> 0().itYa .= +: ti.rJ-9- g .}lsl(, r,l-o xi9 \-/u5a o ()U €xU S?)+_ $q-3 J,TJ .S E qr E qx a; = tiatr af() AJ'=A v) o)O B (do -d 8 Nl lr := e\_E 'Is Y(H r5 .E9o EE = .o otrE -n()!1 \9r(s !4tr. OJ i r^r .E C) o U) o d 9 I ir' 'q, tl= 0' ; €u )v 5 ^ t a d l E ;iYo) E= F i< g rE 5 o, q O <aE >s = = Fun Fomily Night ot the Dogs Curroheen Pork, Cork Fridoy, 24 April ?Ol5 L4/04/t5 Deor Porent/Guordion, Finol few doys to purchose tickets for the Scoil MhuirenanGrdst 'Fomily Fun Night ot the Dogs'ot Curroheen Pork on Friday 24th April 2O15. Just to note thot the school will only benefit from funds roised from the sole of tickets ot the following outlets: o Scoil Mhuire na n6rdsf a Allens Bor a The Bobbling Brook a a Colemons Bor a The Huntsmon Allen Shop Belgooly a Centra Riverstick Trckefs are €10 each and under 16s go free. Please note thaf any money from tickets purchased on fhe nrght Park Qreyhound Sfadium willllOTgo fo fhe school. from the Curraheen Currently the children ore toking port in an arf competifion ond their ortwork will be on disploy of the greyhound trock with the winners from eoch closs being onnounced on Fridoy,24 April. A raffle will be held with the winning tickets being drown ot Curroheen Pqrk on the night. There are great prizes on off er ond roff le tickets will be €2 eoch or €5 for 3. Tickets will be sold ot the school in odvonce on Friday 17h epril and Thursday 2* April fron 1:3opn-2:OOpn & 2:3opn-3:OOpn on both days. Roff le tickets will qlso be qvoiloble for purchose ot the event on Fridoy, 24 April. To ossist with the purchose of tickets, we would be groteful if you could complete the ticket order form below ond return some, together with the relevqnt omount of money, rn an envelope morked with your child's nome to your eldest child's closs teocher by Fridoy 17 April. Tickets will be issued to fomilies on Mondoy 20 April. Should you hove olreody purchosed tickets, your support is much opprecioted. We look forword to seeing you on whot promises to beavery entertoining ond enjoyoble fomily night. 24 Pupil's Nome: Class Teacher: '15) Trcket Order No of Tickets reouired: Amount Submitted €: €
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