Mini Hobby Horse is a fun little pattern perfectly sized... a 15” or 18” doll. It is a very...

Mini Hobby Horse is a fun little pattern perfectly sized for
a 15” or 18” doll. It is a very easy and quick pattern to
sew! This little toy will provide hours of creative play for
your child.
Fabric Requirements:
Horse head: 1/4 yard
Mane: 1/8 yard
Eye: scraps of white and black felt
Suggested fabrics:
Any medium-weight fabrics such as
cotton, denim, twill, broadcloth, felt
One ¼” dowel rod approx 12” long, ¼ yd
of ¼” wide ribbon, pink, white, and black
embroidery floss, Heat and Bond light,
small bag of polyfill, misc. optional notions
such as ribbon or rope for the bridle and
reins and a ½” button or ½” fabric rosette
Mini Hobby Horse Email: For 15” and 18” Dolls
Designed by Laura Johnson
Cover by Erin Kimmons © December 2013
Mini Hobby Horse
by Laura Johnson
Please read through all directions before beginning.
This Mini Hobby Horse pattern will perfectly fit both
your 15” and 18” dolls to scale.
Finished Width: 6”
Finishing seam edges – There are three ways to
achieve a professional seam inside your
garment with this pattern.
1.  Use a serger when stitching the seams.
2.  Use an overlock stitch or a zig-zag stitch on
your sewing machine when stitching the
3.  Use french seams to enclose the raw edges.
Finished Length: 5 ½”*
*excluding dowel rod
Shaded areas in diagram – in all of the diagrams
in this pattern, the shaded areas are the wrong
side of the garment.
IMPORTANT: All seams, unless otherwise marked are ¼”.
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
Inner eye Cut 2 from felt Pattern pieces are found on the following page.
Outer eye Cut 2 from felt •  Cut out TWO of the head pattern piece.
Ear Cut 4 •  Cut out TWO of the inner and outer eye pieces.
•  Cut out FOUR ears.
•  Cut TWO rectangles 4 ½” x 5” for mane.
Head Cut 2 © December 2013 Laura Johnson
Mane Cut 2 Ellie Inspired
3 © 2013 Designed by Laura J
ohnson “Mini Hobby H
Ellie Inspired Head Cut 2 1” Ear Cut 4 Outer eye Cut 2 from felt Inner eye Cut 2 from felt © December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
4 Sewing the Hobby Horse
Eye Construction:
1.  Iron heat and bond light to the back of each of the
inner and outer eye pieces. (Diagram A). Peel off
the backing and place the outer eye where
indicated on the head pattern piece. Press in place
Diagram B on the right side of one of the head pieces until it
adheres to the fabric. (Diagram B). Repeat with
other outer eye and the other head piece.
2.  Peel off the backing on the inner eye pieces
and place on top of the outer eye as shown
below. Press in place as before. Repeat with
other side.
Diagram A © December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
5 3. Stitch in place around outside edges of both inner
Mane Construction:
and outer eye by hand or machine.
1.  Press each rectangle in half, lengthwise, with
wrong sides together. Each rectangle should
measure 4 ½” x 2 ½” after folding.
2.  Place on the outer neck of the horse with raw
edges facing in. Baste in place.
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
6 3. Place the other horse head on top with the wrong
4. Turn the horse right side out. Cut the mane into 1”
side facing up. Stitch around the outside edges of the
wide strips of fabric by cutting through the layers with
horse, leaving the bottom open to turn it right side out.
pinking shears (if not using felt).
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
7 Ear Construction:
1.  Place two ear pieces right sides together. (If
3.  Clip curves and turn right side out. Turn the raw
edges to the inside. Press well.
desired, cut one more ear piece and lay that on
top of the other two to add support.)
2.  Stitch all around the ear, leaving an opening at
the bottom to turn it.
4.  Pinch the bottom of the ear together to make the
ear stand up. Stitch along the bottom edge,
securing the pleat.
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
8 Stuffing the Horse Head:
Attaching the Ears:
1.  Place one of the ears where indicated on the
1.  Stuff the horse head with the polyfill using
small handfuls and packing it tightly. Be
pattern. Using strong thread in the needle, stitch
careful to get it into all the curves.
the bottom of the ear to the horse head. Pull the
(Diagram A).
stitches tightly so they won’t be visible when
looking at the horse.
Diagram B Diagram A 2.  Place dowel rod inside the horse head and
stuff more around the base of the dowel rod.
(Diagram B).
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
9 Stitching the Nose and Mouth:
3.  Fold the bottom raw edge to the inside 1”. Using
1.  With pink embroidery floss in the needle,
strong thread, wrap around the bottom of the
place the needle in the beginning spot of the
horse’s neck tightly.
mouth on one side, coming out the other
side. Wrap the thread around the nose and
place the needle back at the beginning spot
and pull the thread tight. Repeat once more
and then knot off the thread.
4.  Tie a ribbon around the base of the neck where
the thread was wrapped and tie it in a bow.
2.  Repeat step 1 with pink embroidery floss
again and start at the beginning spot of the
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
10 Optional Embellishments:
1.  Create a bridle and reins for the horse, if
desired, from ribbon, rope, or lace.
2.  Wrap a section of rope or ribbon around the
base of the nose as shown in the diagram.
This can be hot-glued in place or stitched in
place by hand.
3.  Next, cut a section of rope or ribbon to start
at the nose piece, wrap around the head
behind the ears and end on the other side of
the nose piece. Hot-glue or stitch in place by
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
11 Optional Embellishments:
1.  Finally, cut a 12” length of ribbon, robe, or
2.  To hide the ends at each of the two
intersections of the bridle (either side of the
lace and stitch or hot glue it to the
nose), glue a rosette or button or hand-stitch
intersection of the nosepiece and earpiece
in place.
on either side of the nose for the reins.
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired
12 Mini Hobby Horse
By Laura Johnson. For personal use only. All rights reserved. Copyright © December 2013. No part of this
pattern may be reproduced or copied without permission in writing from the author. To see more patterns by
Ellie Inspired go to
Thank you for your continued business and friendship this past year! This pattern is a special gift for you.
Special thanks to Erin Kimmons for the cover pictures. This would not be possible without all of your help!
Fair use of this pattern are subject to the following conditions:
There can be NO resale or reproduction of this pattern in part or whole
without written consent from the designer Laura Johnson. This includes
sharing, tracing, or forwarding the pattern to anyone except the
original purchaser.
If you sell garments made using this pattern, in consideration of the
many hours spent on the design, please always give credit to Ellie
Inspired as the designer (i.e. “Mini Butterfly Dreams” pattern by Ellie
Inspired, No mass production is permitted
using this pattern.
For questions on sewing patterns by Ellie Inspired, visit the
facebook group at:
© December 2013 Laura Johnson
Ellie Inspired