Upcoming events • March 4 Noon, Bellmead Chamber meeting, Bellmead Civic Center Sponsored by Bellmead Chamber banquet slated for May 7 The Bellmead Chamber of Commerce banquet will be May 7 at the Bellmead Civic Center. Scholarships will be presented to La Vega high school students. Funds for the scholarships were raised through the annual Bellmead Chamber golf tournament. Sponsorships are $400, a table of six is $175 and an individual ticket is $35. For more information, visit BellmeadChamber.com or call (254) 799-1552. • April 1 Noon, Bellmead Chamber meeting, Bellmead Civic Center Sponsored by SIMER & TETENS • May 6 Noon, Bellmead Chamber meeting, Bellmead Civic Center • May 7 Bellmead Chamber Banquet, Bellmead Civic Center • June 3 Noon, Bellmead Chamber meeting, Bellmead Civic Center • Oct. 1 Bellmead Chamber Golf Tournament Call (254) 799-1552 to sponsor a meeting. Inside Bellmead City Update City of Bellmead election La Vega Honor Rolls The City of Bellmead will install a new welcome sign near Sam’s Club and the corner of Highway 84 / Bellmead Drive and Interstate 35. City of Bellmead installs new welcome sign The City of Bellmead is installing a new welcome sign near Sam’s Club and the corner of Highway 84 / Bellmead Drive and Interstate 35. The project has been delayed by weather but is expected to be completed soon. The foundation and flag poles have been set, according to Bellmead City Councilman Kevin Wilson. The project is being funded by the Bellmead Economic Development Corporation. “The total cost for the project including landscape, wall, flag poles with solar powered lights, and sign construction will be approximately $32,000,” said Wilson. The signage is similar to the project that was installed near Tirey Road to welcome motorists entering Bellmead from the east. “Good quality signage and boundaries are an important part of any city’s identity and definition,” said Wilson. “It shows that the citizens have pride and ownership of their city and want to be recognized as a special entity deserving the attention of others. By taking pride in ourselves and our city we demonstrate to others that we are valuable and worthy of their attention. This in turn should allow for the peaked curiosity and interest of the many thousands of people who pass through Bellmead everyday and encourage them to see us as we see ourselves.” BellmeadChamber.com Wilson said the investment in signage is an investment in the city. “We believe this effort, along with other ongoing efforts, will entice these visitors and cause them to be more likely to feel SIGN Page 8 Bellmead Chamber Directors Adam Barber Suzann Chavez Lynn Everett Armando Fajardo Ritchie Garrett Linda Paredez Gunn P.O. Box 154615 | 3400 Bellmead Drive Bellmead, TX 76705 BellmeadChamber.com Business Hours: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. | Monday, Wednesday & Friday Phone: (254)799-1552 Office manager Cheryl Morgan Board of Trustees Randy Devorsky - President Mildred Watkins - Vice President Wayne Samford - Secretary Kevin P. Harris - Assistant Secretary Phil Bancale - Board Member Henry C. Jennings - Board Member Raymond Koon -Board Member Contact Information 400 E. Loop 340, Waco, Texas, 76705 LaVegaISD.org Phone: (254) 799-4963 or (254) 299-6700 Fax: (254) 799-8642 La Vega Pirates Education Foundation The mission of the La Vega Pirates Education Foundation is to generate and distribute resources to support creative and innovative programs that will enhance the quality of educational programs provided to our students. Contributions to the La Vega Pirates Education Foundation can be mailed to: La Vega Pirates Education Foundation | P. O. Box 154897 | Waco, Texas 76715 For more information, contact Cindy Michaelis at cindy.michaelis@lavegaisd. org. The next La Vega Pirates Education Foundation Meeting is at noon March 10 in the Building F Meeting Room. ALICE training class to teach survival strategies A two-day instructor training course designed to teach proactive survival strategies in violent intruder or active shooter situations to law enforcement, school, church, hospital and workplace administrators and employees will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 16-17 at La Vega Junior High George Dixon Campus, 4401 Orchard Lane. The cost is $595 per person. Registration is available at AliceTraining.com. This course provides training that bridges the gap between the time a violent event begins and law enforcement arrives. For more information, call La Vega ISD Police Chief Kerry Blakemore at (254) 299-6838 or e-mail kerry.blackmore@lavegaisd.org. 2 April 2015 Kaye Horacek Duane Hoxworth Betty Mars Kaye Morgan Jose Neira Rashmi Patel Erik Royal David Ridley Dr. Sharon M. Shields Mike Sullivan Diane Taylor Josh Tetens Connie Wilson Chamber Officers President Adam Barber Vice President Dr. Sharon M. Shields Secretary/Treasurer Kaye Morgan To advertise or submit material, e-mail lesly@acceleratedpowermarketing.com. Administration Superintendent Dr. Sharon M. Shields Deputy Superintendent for Finance Diane Roepke Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Administration Dr. Valerie Baxter Administration Assistant for the Superintendent & Public Information Officer Lori Mynarcik BellmeadChamber.com Wal-Mart Supercenter LESIA cOBBS Store Manager 1521 I-35 East P - 254-867-8084 Bellmead, TX F - 254-867-8932 Bellmead Chamber Members Aaron’s Sales & Lease ABC Health Care, Inc. Accelerated Power Marketing LLC Advantage Furniture Advantage Press American Bank American Legion Post 121 Armstrong Wilson ATMOS Energy The Atrium of Bellmead Baird Brothers Express Car Wash Baylor University BBVA Compass Bellmead Community Clinic Bellmead Enterprises LLC - Chevron Bellmead Funeral Home Bellmead Lions Bellmead Pools Best Western Plus Waco North Better Business Bureau Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Brazos Family Dentistry Budget Tax Cargill Caritas of Waco Carter BloodCare Cen-Tex African American Chamber of Commerce Center for Business Excellence Central Texas Senior Ministry Centroplex Sweeping Christi’s Hamburgers City of Bellmead City of Lacy Lakeview The Clay Pot Clear Springs Healthcare Collin Street Bakery Comet Cleaners Comfort Inn & Suites Comfort Suites Connect Church Country Kitchen Cracker Barrel Curtis Cox Jewelers Day’s Inn Denny’s Direct Auto Eagle Crest Apartments El Conquistador Coy Emert ETMC Extraco Banks Festive Occasions First Central Credit Union First Convenience Bank First Title Company of Waco GENCO Federal Credit Union Go Small Biz Gold’s Gym Express Greater Waco Chamber H&R Carpet Hampton Inn Waco North Robert Hawkins H-E-B Plus! Hewitt Chamber of Commerce Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center Holiday Inn Home Depot Horace Mann/Seedmin Financial Services H.O.T.C.O.G. Italian Granite Jack of All Trades J.M.J. Wrecking & Used Cars Knight’s Inn Lacy Lakeview Chamber of Commerce L-3 Platform Integration La Vega Community Church La Vega ISD La Vega Little League Lochridge Priest Lone Star Steakhouse Loop 340 Overhead Doors Lorena Chamber of Commerce Luby’s Lynn’s Pharmacy Mama Lena’s Pizza and Sub Edward Jones Matthew Dollar Mazanec Construction McLennan Community College Members Choice Federal Credit Union Judge Vicki Menard Michna’s Bar-B-Q Molly’s Restaurant Motel 6 Neel Assoc. Inc. NeighborWorks New Life Praise Center Oncor Pendley Party Productions Placements Unlimited Popeye’s of Laredo R-Ash Properties Rapoport Academy Red Man Bingo Rent-A-Center Robinson Chamber of Commerce Roy Beatty Cleaners Sam’s Wholesale Club Sanderson Farms Sandy’s Get Away Travel Scott and White Clinics Shipley’s Donuts Simer, Tetens and Fanning Attorneys at Law Skate Country Sparks Memorial United Methodist Church Steve’s Place Texas Animal Medical Center Texas Beverage Texas Machine & Tool Inc. Texas Meter and Device Texas State Technical College Waco The Real Estate Company TLC Auto Sales TYMCO Inc. Vacations Unlimited Waco and The Heart of Texas Waco Tribune-Herald Walmart Super Center Willis Plumbing Kevin Wilson Wireless Concepts Woody Butler Homes April 2015 3 Bellmead Update Greetings Bellmead citizens, Bellmead City Government Mayor Doss Youngblood Mayor Pro-Tem Gary Moore Council Members Carlos Luna, Pct. 1 Kevin Wilson, Pct. 2 Gary Moore, At-Large Mathew Jordon, Pct. 3 U.F. Roberts, Pct. 4 Doss Youngblood, Pct. 5 Police Chief Lydia Alvarado Fire Chief / Marshal William T. Hlavenka, Jr. City Manager Bo Thomas City Secretary Cynthia Ward Chief Finance Officer Victor Salas City Attorney Charlie Buenger and Associates Municipal Court Judge Ray Black City Engineer Jed Sulak Public Works Director Scott Coleman Civic/ Tourism Director Tony Torres IT Manager Devin Kluk City Hall 3015 Bellmead Drive Community Center 3900 Parrish St. 799-2418 Non-Emergency Numbers: Fire 700 Kane Police 3015 Bellmead Drive Ambulance Bellmead Water Dept. 799-1661 799-0251 753-0355 799-2436 4 April 2015 799-2436 BELLMEAD’S BOOMING WITH ELECTION TIME APPROACHING! Every year, three of the six City Council Seats are open for candidates to run for the office. On odd years, residents can only vote if the seat is open for their precinct. On even years everyone can vote for the at-large position and some can also vote for their precinct. This year, the seats for Precinct 1, 2 and 5 are open. Election day will be May 9. Does your one vote count? You bet it does. In the Bellmead City Council election, we had a tie vote twice within the last few years. One additional vote on either side would have won the election. So be sure to get involved and vote. Bellmead means business! The February City Council meeting on Tuesday Feb. 10 began with a prayer and a Pledge of Allegiance to our nation’s flag. It was announced that the Bellmead City Secretary had accepted a job for another city and would be leaving Bellmead. Mrs. Ward has faithfully served the City for many years and will be missed. After approving and passing the minutes the regular agenda went as follows: • The final reading of an ordinance to amend the water, sewer and sewage disposal was approved. This change should have no effect on residential service but includes a slight increase for business and sprinkler (summer water use only) rates. This will help keep our water supply in line with public need for years to come. • The Council decided to participate with the Baylor Philanthropic Grant and provide $7,000 in matching funds to spay/neuter large breed dogs in Bellmead. This is in cooperation with Waco’s Animal Birth Control Clinic and is designed to help reduce the number of unwanted animals in Bellmead. Last year, Bellmead spent more than $42,000 as a result of unwanted animals. We hope to reduce this cost in the future which will result in reduced expenses in future years. • We voted to hold our next General Election on May 9. One major change from previous elections is that there will be no early voting at city hall. Our closest voting location for early voting will be in the MulitPurpose Building next to the East Waco YMCA at 1020 Elm St. Again, this will be for City Precincts 1, 2 and 5, which are currently filled by Councilman Carlos Luna, Kevin Wilson and Doss Youngblood. The following candidates have submitted their application to appear on the Bellmead City Council ballot: Precinct 1 Alfreda Love Precinct 2 Orulia “Marty” Hernandez and Travis Gibson Precinct 5 Doss Youngblood • Council agreed to amend the Letter of Agreement with the firm known as Financial Recovery of Extra Expenses (F.R.E.E.) to include additional areas where the City may not be receiving the full amount of taxes that are due. This firm will seek to find the delinquencies and recover the money for the City. Their charge is a small percentage of what is recovered and the City gets the remaining portion. This expansion will now include taxes for the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, hotel stays and gas/fuel taxes. The net result should be an increase in funds to the City of Bellmead. • We approved the purchase of cellular service for the 21 tablets used by our police department. The tablets and this approved cellular service are part of a grant previously awarded to the city. Council decided to award a contract with RBDR Architects for services related to construction of a new Municipal Court building and remodeling of the police and fire Station buildings. Council ratified the expense to repair the fuel injection system for Fire Engine 1. We also accepted the 2014 Racial Profiling Report submitted by the police department. • Council had discussions about changing a fire prevention ordinance to allow for land owners with five acres or more to apply for a burn permit and be allowed to have a controlled burn of excess brush after proper inspection. Additional discussion was had about who should bear the cost if the fire department should need to respond to such a fire. We also discussed a proposed expense for a Waco Animal Shelter Renovation Project. About 20 percent of all of the non-Waco animals taken to the shelter are from Bellmead. The cost to our City will be based on this information and will be paid over a number of years. Public Hearings / Town Hall Meetings will be held prior to the start of our next two regular Council Meetings to allow for public input. Please come to share your thoughts and ideas and to tell us what you want for your city. Please take the time to get to know your Council representative and the challenger and make an informed vote for the person of your choice. Have a Beautiful day in Bellmead! Kevin Wilson Councilman Precinct 2 City of Bellmead hiring city secretary This position is accountable for the administration, monitoring and compliance of services and functions which are legally mandated by ordinances, City Charter and applicable state laws. The incumbent serves as the administrator and custodian of City ordinances, proclamations, minutes of City Council and all boards and commission meetings. Outstanding oral communications and interpersonal skill to be able to meet with the public and discuss their problems • Manages services and activities of the Office of City Secretary by: Preparing the agenda for City Council meetings, Attending all public City Council meetings, Preparing and preserving accurate minutes, Recording, publishing, indexing maintaining and authenticating City Council minutes, ordinances, resolutions and other legal documents of the City, Posting notices of meetings, Monitoring and providing information on meetings, Certifying City documents, Preparing and maintaining various legal notices Prepares proclamations, Assists in the preparation and development of Council Agenda packets, Acts as agent for the purposes of serving civil process • Considerable knowledge of municipal ordinances, policies and procedures; knowledge of Council – City Manager form of government and state statutes relating to the power and duties of the City Secretary is recommended. Special Requirements • Possess considerable knowledge of Texas Public information and Open Meetings Law, federal and state election laws, City Codes and ordinances, policies and procedures, and general office practices and procedures. • Able to work effectively with elected officials, co-workers, the general public, and government agencies on all levels. • Possesses the ability to understand, interpret, and apply City ordinances and policies applicable to a wide variety of situations. • Must be able to meet deadlines in a timely manner. • Handle open records requests. • Responsible for conducting all city related elections. Conducts elections by staying informed on applicable laws, preparing all legal notices and required documentation for elections, receiving and verifying candidate applications, conducting drawing for position on ballot, serving as Early Voting Clerk, receiving and posting election results, overseeing recounts, providing general information to elected officials and other duties required by law. • The City Secretary is also the City’s Record Management Officer. • Manages the City’s Records Management program and ensures compliance with Open Records laws and responds to Open Record requests within time constraints established by law. • Administers program, works in cooperation with other departments, provides records management advice and assistance, disseminates information pertinent to records management and maintains inventory and integrity of records. • Develops long-range plans related to records storage and retrieval, space and equipment needs. • Administers the Oath of Office to most City Officials; is the keeper of the City Seal. Additional Requirements Must have a high school diploma and or G.E.D. Certification in the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program recommended. Responsible for regular attendance and arriving to work on time. Five years of related experience as a City Secretary or Deputy City Secretary is preferred. associate or bachelor’s degree preferred. City News Bellmead Civic Center 3900 Parrish | Bellmead TX 76705 (254) 799-2418 BellmeadCivicCenter.com The Bellmead Civic Center is available for rental for all types of occasions. The Civic Center consists of three rooms, auditorium, Lions Room and the Senior Room. City of Bellmead hiring truck driver TRUCK DRIVER Job Description Operates trucks utilized in construction, maintenance and repair activities. Performs a variety of semi-skilled tasks in the maintenance of light, street, water, sewer and storm drainage systems. Essential Duties: • Operates trucks of various sizes and weighs in the loading, hauling and unloading of various equipment, materials and supplies. • Operates construction and power equipment. • Performs routine inspection, preventive maintenance and cleans assigned equipment. • Directs traffic in congested areas around construction sites. • Cleans curbs, gutters and drainage ditches. • Inspects curbs, streets and gutters for repair needs. • Calculates loads and adjusts to legal standards. • Spreads and unloads asphalt. • Other duties as assigned. For more information, visit Bellmead.com. Bellmead Police Department hiring patrol officers The Police Officer serves the needs of the community by supporting the protection of life and property, prevention of crimes, apprehension of criminals and enforcement of laws by patrolling an assigned beat on foot, bicycle or in a radio-equipped patrol car, responding to calls for assistance, conducting criminal investigations and performing special assignments at the discretion of the supervisor. For more information, visit Bellmead.com. Bellmead Police Department hiring lieutenant The Bellmead Police Department is hiring a police lieutenant. This is a senior-level, professional staff, full-time position with the City’s Police Department. An individual in this position will be responsible for providing senior level supervision and administrative support as the head of their assigned division. For more information, visit Bellmead.com. City of Bellmead hiring Civic Center Worker The City of Bellmead is hiring a Civic Center Worker. This is a full/part time position, requiring good phone and people skills, must be able to follow orders and work in a team atmosphere. Good customer service is a must. Essential Duties: Moving assorted tables, chairs and special equipment for catered and special events; sweep, vacuum, mop, dust, strip, wax, polish and buff floors, carpets, and dust furniture; must follow MSDS chemical safety protocol; empties trash and garbage cans and relines cans with liners; cleans and sanitizes restrooms and replenishes supplies; cleans spills; drinking fountains, mirrors, tables, walls, fixtures, blinds, light fixtures; wash and maintain building surfaces; maintains safe entry into buildings (i.e., wet or icy areas in front of the entry doors, etc.) Build and maintain a relationship with the public. Other duties as assigned. Required Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent. Must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Must be able to work in a secured environment. Must be able to pass a drug/alcohol screening. Must be able to work independently Special Requirements; Must have a valid Texas driver’s license by date of hire Must be able to work evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays. Multi-lingual a plus. A basic computer and audio/visual knowledge is a plus. Bellmead City Calendar City Council Meeting BellmeadEDC.com Information on programs to The regular monthly City Council meeting is scheduled for help businesses in Bellmead 6:30 p.m. March 10 at Bellmead prosper as well as properties that are for sale. City Hall. Bellmead.com Online payment, meeting and community information and calendar of events. BellmeadCivicCenter.com Information on room rentals and upcoming events. BellmeadChamber.com The Bellmead Chamber of Commerce promotes business and raises funds for scholarships for La Vega students. April 2015 5 Helping Hands Ministry helps churches reach people in need Helping Hands Ministry is a service of an interdenominational group of about 10 to 20 Baptist, Methodist, Catholic and Assembly of God churches. The program is beginning a new season with Megan Byrd as the director of community ministry. Byrd has a master of divinity and master of social work from Baylor University and a bachelor of business administration from HardinSimmons University. She is also a licensed minister. Byrd is working out of Connect Church, formerly Praise Temple Assembly God in Bellmead, to manage the ministry that serves people in the immediate area. The Tri-Cities Ministerial Association started working together about 25 years ago to pull together the churches in Lacy Lakeview, Bellmead and Elm Mott to serve more people than they could individually. The Bellmead Police Department helped to initiate the program by asking the area churches to partner with them so they could send people to them who were in need of emergency assistance. ”My position is funded by a private donor, and the rest of the ministry is funded by donations from the churches,” said Byrd. “We can offer emergency shelter, which is typically two nights stay in a hotel or we can refer them to a shelter if need be. We also offer food bags. The food bag for families contains enough to feed a family of four for about a week. Megan Byrd Helping Hands Ministry Transient assistant food bags are available for individuals.” The ministry also can help people who meet certain criteria with bill pay assistance, including utilities and rent. Gasoline can be provided for people who need help getting to their place of employment or who are passing through on Interstate 35. The ministry is specifically charged with serviing people in zip codes 76705 or 76640 in northern McLennan County. Helping Hands is pursuing its 501c3 designation as a non-profit organization. This would be helpful as the ministry partners with businesses and community leaders to provide resources. The designation would also open the door for grants as another funding source. Byrd is the ministry’s first employee to manage the program that has previously been handled through the various church secretaries. “We try to identify the most pressing and important need,” she said. “We have a dollar limit for the help we can provide to an individual or household. Obviously, having a roof over their head is very important so we start that and then can refer them to some of the churches for additional assistance outside of Helping Hands.” The ministry has certain guidelines including proof of auto insurance for people seeking gasoline. “Currently, we have pretty loose guidelines, but they are going to become a little more strict. Right now, the only requirements we have is a valid Texas ID or driver’s license and a statement of their needs. We are revising our document so I can get enough information about the individual to best meet their needs.” Helping Hands partners with the Bellmead Police Department for any request they receive other than food. “We send each individual who comes to us seeking gasoline, bill pay or rent assistance with a voucher to the Bellmead Police Department,” said Byrd. “We want to see the crime reduced. Some people may have warrants. In partnership with the Bellmead Police Department, we are trying to foster safety in our area.” The goal is to maintain safety for the community at large as well as others who may be receiving assistance and staying in local places that provide shelter. “As Christians, that can raise questions and eyebrows should we turn down service to people who have a criminal record,” said Byrd. “We believe that every person deserves a meal and the love of Christ, but you have multiple irons in the fire and we have to be aware of the safety of others.” The program also is working to create a list of resources in its particular service area so that churches can advocate for people who come to them for assistance, she said. “They can help to connect people with the correct resources and what they need to access those resources,” said Byrd. “Helping Hands Ministry will continue to provide benevolent assistance to our neighbors in need but would also like to be a part of working to develop our communities and see less people in poverty. To quote one of the pastor’s of our churches, Jack Bodenhamer at First Baptist Church Elm Mott, ‘We want communities to be healed, to see the ravages of poverty lessened and to see people come to Jesus because the unified church loved them.’ ” Helping Hands Ministry is open to assist the public from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday and Wednesday at Connect Church at 1201 N. I-35, Waco, Texas 76705. For more information, call (254) 3152908. Bellmead Chamber seeks ambassadors The Bellmead Chamber of Commerce is in search of reputable individuals to serve as ambassadors. The best candidate will be trustworthy, diligent and caring for their business and personal communities with free time to devote to assisting the Chamber with membership growth/retention and chamber events. Please complete the Ambassador Application at BellmeadChamber. com for consideration. For more information, contact Erik Royal at (254) 523-9371 or ambassadors@bellmeadchamber.com. TSTC Waco Women in Technology Day April 2 The Texas State Technical Waco Women in Technology Day will be April 2. The event focuses on encouraging women to pursue careers in the technical fields. Interactive activities will allow high school girls to get a taste of hands-on STEM fields, along with career development opportunities for current TSTC female students. TSTC Waco is seeking female industry representatives from the technical fields who would 6 April 2015 Texas State Technical College TM be interested in participating in a panel discussion at Women in Technology Day. Anyone wanting to share their expertise, contact Angela Evilia at angela.evilia@tstc.edu or call (254) 867-2366. Spring Break Round Up at the Texas Ranger Museum The Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum will host its annual Spring Break Round Up event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 14. The come-and-go event will feature activities and programs for children and adults. The focus is a camp and chuck wagon cooking demonstration by Texas Top Guns. Scott Bundy of Texas Top Guns says, “We enjoy making history come alive for kids and adults with things they’ve seen on television and the movies but never experienced.” Texas Ranger Jake Burson from Company F will talk about the duties and equipment of the modern Rangers. The camp will hold a demonstration of how women on the Texas Frontier spun fiber on both a spinning wheel and a drop spindle to make yarn for clothing and fabric goods. Visitors will be able to touch fibers including wool, cotton and flax. Entrance to the event is free with general museum admission. Biolympics welcomes biology students for Saturday academies All current La Vega biology students and retesters are invited to participate in the Biolympics Feb. 28, March 21, April 11, April 25 and May 2. Buses pick up students at normal time for an 8 a.m. start. They are taken back home at 12:30 p.m. after lunch. A free breakfast and lunch are provided as part of the day. Attendance incentives include: Attend 1: Sonic gift card Attend 2: Sonic gift card and movie ticket Attend 3: Sonic gift card, movie ticket and free T-shirt Attend 4: Sonic gift card, movie ticket, free T-shirt and field trip to the movies during school hours Attend all 5: Sonic gift card, movie ticket, free T-shirt and field trip to the movies during school hours and ticket to Hawaiian Falls. For more information, contact the student’s biology teacher or school counselor. Join the Bellmead Chamber (254) 799-1552 • BellmeadChamber.com For easy access to L-3 Platform Integration, Texas State Technical College Waco & Baylor University, stay in one of Bellmead’s hotels and motels. Take the Behren’s Circle exit and see what Bellmead has to offer. Visit BellmeadChamber.com for more information on churches and restaurants in the area to make your stay more enjoyable. 1509 Hogan Lane Bellmead ••• 799-4957 • Pool • Free HBO/ESPN • Free Local Calls • Dataport / Modern Hookups • No Long Distance Surcharge • Kids 17 and Under Stay Free • Free Morning Coffee • Small Pets Welcome April 2015 7 SIGN from Page 1 welcome in Bellmead and stop and shop in our city. We offer many places to fuel up their cars, varied types of food to eat in a restaurant or take with them on the road, and many recreational and service-oriented businesses as well as larger stores like Sam’s, Walmart, HE-B and Home Depot. This will increase business and employment opportunities for our local folks as Bellmead continues to prosper. This is one of the primary goals of Economic Development.” Three flags, much like at the Bellmead Civic Center, will be installed. The American flag will be on the highest pole in the center surrounded by the Texas flag and the Bellmead City flag. The flag poles will be lit with solar-powered lights. A four-foot high dark tan stone wall will provided the backdrop accented with landscape. The centerpiece Bellmead sign will be installed as the final piece. New Life Praise Center Lion of Judah Ministries 4th annual Easter Praise in the Park / Easter Egg Hunt 1 to 4 p.m. | April 4 | Brame Park Live Praise & Worship from our Praise Team and others. Free hot dogs, chips & drinks for everyone, face painting and more. Door prizes and free Easter Baskets to the first 150 children. Bring your lawn chairs and come enjoy a great time. New Life Praise Center – Lion of Judah Ministries A non-denominational ministry | 501 E. Loop 340 | Bellmead (254) 405-1938 La Vega ISD Calendar • March 4 Noon to 1 p.m., Bellmead Chamber meeting, Bellmead Civic Center; 5 to 6 p.m., Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym • March 5 11:30 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m., PAC/SHAC/ SDFSC Meeting, Building F Meeting Room; 5 to 6 p.m., Dance Fitness with Lacy, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus; 5:30 to 9 p.m., GED/ESL Classes, Family Resource Center • March 6 1:30 p.m., La Vega High School Girls’ Semi-Final State Basketball Game vs Argyle, Alamodome, San Antonio • March 9-13 Spring Break • March 9 5 to 6 p.m., Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym • March 10 Noon to 1 p.m., La Vega Pirates Education Foundation Meeting, Build F Meeting Room; 5 to 6 p.m., Dance Fitness with Lacy, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus; 5:30 to 9 p.m., GED/ESL Classes, Family Resource Center • March 11 5 to 6 p.m, Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym • March 12 5 to 6 p.m., Dance Fitness with Lacy, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus; 5:30 to 9 p.m., GED/ESL Classes, Family Resource Center • March 16-20 La Vega Elementary Spring Book Fair • March 16 5 to 6 p.m., Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym • March 17 5 to 6 p.m., Dance Fitness with Lacy, 8 April 2015 La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus; 5:30 to 9 p.m., GED/ESL Classes, Family Resource Center • March 18 8 to 9:30 a.m., GIT Meeting, Building F Meeting Room; La Vega Junior High School George Dixcon Campus Career Day; 9:30 a.m. to noon, PDIF Meeting, Building F Meeting Room; 5 to 6 p.m., Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym • March 19 5 to 6 p.m., Dance Fitness with Lacy, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus; 5:30 to 9 p.m., GED/ESL Classes, Family Resource Center; 5:30 to 7 p.m., La Vega Primary School Fiesta Night • March 20-23 NSBA Annual Convention, Nashville • March 21 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., La Vega High School Biolympics • March 23 5 to 6 p.m., Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym • March 24 1 to 3 p.m., VIA Meeting, Building F Meeting Room; 5 to 6 p.m., Dance Fitness with Lacy, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus; 5:30 to 9 p.m., GED/ESL Classes, Family Resource Center; 7 p.m., La Vega ISD Board of Trustees Meeting, Administration Building • March 25 5 to 6 p.m., Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym • March 26 5 to 6 p.m., Dance Fitness with Lacy, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus; 5:30 to 9 p.m., GED/ESL Classes, Family Resource Center • March 30 5 to 6 p.m., Pirate Fitness with Tyler, La Vega Intermediate School H.P. Miles Campus gym U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds set for first Waco performance in 23 years The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds will appear in Waco June 6-7 at the Heart of Texas Airshow. The Heart of Texas Airshow is proud to announce the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds military jet demonstration team will bring the red, white and blue to the skies over Waco Saturday and Sunday June 6-7 at Texas State Technical College Waco airport in their first performance in Waco and Central Texas in 23 years. “We are thrilled to bring the USAF Thunderbirds to Waco,” said Airshow President Debby Standefer. “Only a few places in the country receive this honor, and we are so proud to share this patriotic opportunity with the people of Central and North Texas as well as those throughout the state and to further our mission to honor our military services and inspire our youth to be involved in aviation. TSTC celebrates its 50 th anniversary this year, and L-3 Platform Integration in Waco has its 30th. What a way to celebrate these great entities!” “The Thunderbirds are looking forward to showcasing the pride, precision and professionalism of the U.S. Air Force at the Heart of Texas Airshow,” said Maj. Darrick Lee, Thunderbird 12. “We plan to put on a safe, entertaining performance with our F-16s. But more importantly, we want to make a connection with people as demonstrate what Airmen can do.” The USAF Thunderbirds are internationally known for their hard-charging demonstration of precision formation flying while pushing their F-16 Fighting Falcons to the limit. This is the first time that the Thunderbirds will appear at the Heart Of Texas Airshow. Known as “America’s Ambassadors in Blue,” the Thunderbirds have traveled throughout the world performing before millions of spectators. Their distinctive red, white and blue F-16 Falcon jets along with their precise routines make the Thunderbirds a must see! The Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, which will be demonstrated at 2015 Heart of Texas Airshow, represents the full range of capabilities possessed by the Air Force’s front-line tactical fighters. This highly maneuverable, multi-role fighter has proved to be one of the world’s best precision tactical bombers and air-to-air combat aircraft. The only modifications needed to prepare aircraft for air demonstrations are a smoke-generating system and the addition of Thunderbird colors. TSTC Waco interim president Rob Wolaver said, “Texas State Technical College Waco was established in 1965 on the former James Connally Air Force Base, and we are proud to welcome the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds back home to perform at the 2015 Heart of Texas Airshow. The Thunderbirds have a rich and interesting history, much like TSTC. The team represents hundreds of thousands of brave and dedicated Airmen, and we are thrilled they could be a part of TSTC’s 50th year.” The Heart of Texas Airshow is not just an air show; it is an experience that will affect all of the senses with something to offer every age. The Heart of Texas Airshow promises to provide something for everyone in an action packed day of fun. Experience thrilling entertainment with USAF Thunderbirds, Army Golden Knights Parachute Team, jets, helicopters, warbirds, airplanes and more in the sky and on terra firma. With June 6 the anniversary of D Day, the airshow will provide World War II bombers and aircraft in a commemoration of this important day in history. Flights will be available to the public in helicopters and historic warbirds. Don’t stay on the ground, get in the Air! Wander through concessions of delicious foods, exhibits, vendors and activities for kids of all ages. Bring the whole family, introduce them to the vast wonderful world of aviation and become involved. Debby Standefer said, “We are exited to return to Texas State Technical College and their incredible airport, previously James Connally AFB, with a tremendous event this year and to show off the TSTC state of the art Aviation and Aerospace Division (they have a champion flight team of their own) as well as many of the departments and programs TSTC offers. Baylor University Aviation Sciences will be on hand and has signed its third year of sponsorship with the airshow. Waco is strongly focused on aviation with its own Aviation Business Alliance. We are proud to be able to bring attention to and support aviation in Waco.” The airshow honors our military. Many exhibits guests can experience include the debut of the new Air Force Performance Lab interactive exhibit with its F-16 and static aircraft from the Texas Air National Guard. Opening ceremo- nies at the start of the airshow will be action packed including honor guards, fly-bys, the Golden Knights and more. T h e Tr o j a n P h l y e r s Demo Team with their astounding formation aerobatics will keep guests on the edge of their seat. Piloted by highly decorated combat veteran pilots performing exciting precision close formation aerobatic routines demonstrating the cutting-edge performance of the Trojan T28 warbird and the flying expertise acquired in formal military training, the Trojan Phlyers demonstrate high speed action with the roar of the big engines as they fly their historic aircraft rich in military history in a unique and thrilling performance and salute the veterans or our great nation and the men and women who continue to serve and protect us today. The famous B-17, B-25, A-26 World War II bombers will be on hand with more to be added. Follow the Heart Of Texas Airshow on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and visit HeartofTexasAirshow, for information updated continuously. Discounted tickets are available online, and many area hotels have special rates for air show attendees. April 2015 9 La Vega High School band members excel at UIL competition Congratulations to the following La Vega High School band members on their first division ratings at the Region 8 Solo and Ensemble Contest held at University High School. Rayanne Bandy Oboe Solo Class Three Joshua Mendoza Trombone Solo Class Two Jessica Millsaps Flute Solo Class Two The follow ensembles received a First Division rating and will advance to State Contest May 23. Brass Sextet Nick Cottrell, Trever Freeman, Pedro Guerrero, Jose Pargas, Mirella Rodriguez and Rebecca Rusu Flute Trio Ana Gallegos, Cecilia Ojeda and Dulce Rodriguez Saxophone Quartet Ana Gallegos, Chad Cotton, Raymundo De La Cruz Enriquez and Daniel Martinez Flute Trio Class One Advanced to State Ana Gallegos, Dulce Rodriguez and Cecilia Ojeda Joshua Mendoza Trombone Solo Class 2 First Division Brass Sextet Advance to State Nick Cottrell, Trever Freeman, Rebecca Rusu, Jose Pargas, Mirella Rodriguez and Pedro Guerrero La Vega sixth grader Elisa Vigil will advance to state with her history fair exhibit Salem Witch Trials: Hanging in the balance of law versus religion. La Vega sixth grader advances to state history fair La Vega sixth grader Elisa Vigil has advanced to the state history fair with her exhibit Salem Witch Trials: Hanging in the balance of law versus religion. Elisa’s homeroom teacher is Beth Aldridge. She is the daughter of Genevieve Garcia. Elisa received the Baylor Law School Award and first Place for the Junior Individual Exhibit The state fair will be in May. Saxophone Quartet First Division Class One Advanced to State Raymundo Del La Cruz Enriquez, Ana Gallegos, Chad Cotton and Daniel Martinez Spring Break at the Texas Ranger Museum The Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum will host its annual Spring Break Round Up event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 14. The come-andgo event will feature activities and programs for children and adults. The focus is a camp and chuck wagon cooking demonstration by Texas Top Guns. Scott Bundy of Texas Top Guns says, “We enjoy making history come alive for kids and adults with things they’ve seen on television and the movies but 10 April 2015 never experienced.” Texas Ranger Jake Burson from Company F will talk about the duties and equipment of the modern Rangers. The camp will hold a demonstration of how women on the Texas Frontier spun fiber on both a spinning wheel and a drop spindle to make yarn for clothing and fabric goods. Visitors will be able to touch fibers including wool, cotton and flax. Entrance to the event is free with general museum admission. Rayanne Bandy Oboe Solo Class Three First Division Jessica Millsaps Flute Solo Class Two First Division 2015 La Vega Pirate Baseball Schedule Date Days Team(s) March 6 Fri Varsity March 9 Mon JV/V March 12-14 Thurs-Sat V March 20 Fri JV/V March 24 Tues JV/V March 27 Fri JV/V April 2 ThursJV/V April 7 Tues JV/V April 10 Fri JV/V April 14 Tues JV/V April 17 Fri JV/V April 21 Tues JV/V April 24 Fri JV/V April 28 Tues JV/V Opponents Alumni Game Mart Connally Tourney Mexia China Spring** Robinson** Gatesville** Lorena** Connally** China Spring** Robinson** Gatesville** Lorena** Connally** Site Home Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Time 6 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. TBA 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. 4:30/7 p.m. Head Coach: Brad Lewis | Assistant Coaches: Ara Rauls, Scott Blassingame Athletic Director: Willie Williams | Athletic Trainer: Keith Patterson National restaurant expert to appear at SBDC event National Restaurant Expert Chris Tripoli will be at the Greater Waco Chamber at 101 S. Third St in Waco from 9 to 11 a.m. with an open Q & A from 11 am to noon April 13. This presentation is meant to inform all attendees of current market trends and industries best practices used to manage exciting restaurants more profitably, market correctly and plan expansion successfully. We will provide specific examples, recent restaurant case studies and suggestions for the independent restaurant operator to become more successful. Chris Tripoli is president of A La Carte Food Serivce Consulting group and has more than 35 years of service in the hospitality industry as a designer, developer, owner and operator. He graduated from Phoenix College after completing Food Service Management and moved to Houston, where he assisted in the rapid expansion of a casual family restaurant chain. Later, Chris founded his first restaurant company and expanded it into a small chain. He has developed award winning restaurants and provided assistance on a variety of airport, convention center, parks, theaters and retail center projects.Chris consults on concept development operations, and growth related matters with a variety of chains (franchisors and franchisees) and independent operators. He teaches courses in “opening restaurants” and proper growth strategies at the Small Business Development Center of the University of Houston. Chris has written for The Consultant, My Table magazine and Presented by Chris Tripoli Restaurant Start-up and Growth and has been featured in various other trade publications. He is a guest speaker for a variety of hospitality meetings, seminars and a participant in industry workshops. Chris is currently providing one-day seminars on restaurant operations and growth strategies throughout the United States and Mexico. Chris remains active in the Foodservice Consultant Society International, National Restaurant Association, Texas Restaurant Association, the TRA Education Foundation, and is on the advisory board of the University of Houston Small Business Development Center and a board member of the Greater Houston Convention and Visitor Bureau. April 2015 11 Bellmead Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 154615 Bellmead TX 76715 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit #32 Waco TX Change Service Requested Bellmead Community Calendar • March 4 Noon to 1 p.m., Bellmead Chamber of Commerce meeting, Bellmead Civic Center, sponsored by Sam’s Club • March 10 6:30 p.m., Bellmead City Council meeting, Bellmead City Hall. • April 1 Noon to 1 p.m., Bellmead Chamber of Commerce meeting, Bellmead Civic Center, sponsored by Simers and Teeten • April 3 Good Friday • April 5 Easter • April 14 6:30 p.m., Bellmead City Council meeting, Bellmead City Hall. • May 6 Noon to 1 p.m., Bellmead Chamber of Commerce meeting, Bellmead Civic Center • May 7 Bellmead Chamber Banquet, Bellmead Civic Center • May 9 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Bellmead elections • May 12 6:30 p.m., Bellmead City Council meeting, Bellmead City Hall. • June 3 Noon to 1 p.m., Bellmead Chamber of Commerce meeting, Bellmead Civic Center • June 9 6:30 p.m., Bellmead City Council meeting, Bellmead City Hall BellmeadChamber.com The Bellmead Bulletin is a publication of: • Bellmead Chamber of Commerce • La Vega ISD For more information, advertising rates or to submit information lesly@ acceleratedpower marketing.com Follow the Bellmead Chamber City of Bellmead Bellmead EDC and Bellmead Civic Center on Facebook. 12 April 2015
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