The Official Newsletter of the Bellport Teacher’s Association Long Island Forums March/April 2015 Who Are You Fighting For? With her blog hitting the 18 understand what their (former) chilmillion mark, it is without question dren could use additional instruction that Diane Ravitch has an important in. message that people want and need There was much conversation to hear. Ravitch is a research about the standards and its shortcomprofessor at NYU and has a strong, ings. One point, the standards were clear message to all, “Organize, never field tested. Another point, mobilize, defend your students. . (backed by a study conducted by over Refuse the test, Opt-Out!” 500 educators) came to the same conOn March 9th, at Long Island clusion-that the standards are developUniversity a 1,000 educators and mentally inappropriate. Yet another, parents gathered as Diane delivered that there is a wide spectrum of norher message. She spoke of an ill- mal development so kids don’t necescon ceive d, p o orly dev elop ed sarily need to achieve each standard in curriculum and tests which provide a specific grade. no insight to student’s strengths nor Diane speaks of a climate weaknesses. change in teaching due to this excesRavitch equated these tests sive testing. “Teaching to the test used to taking your temperature every 10 to be unprofessional, now it’s necesminutes to check if it went down or sary.” Teachers are made to feel that weighing yourself more, to lose they must prepare students for these weight. Her point-tests should not be tests, or else. given unless they are used to drive Teachers are fearful of being instruction. NYS tests are given to deemed ineffective. Those deemed students in April but teachers are not ineffective for 2 years could be fired. given the results until after students Though studies have shown that the are no longer in their classes. Common Core reading and math tests Teachers are not given the are generally 2 levels above their inchance to break the test down to tended level, teachers are still being held accountable for student success. Ravitch points out that high-performing nations do not test in this manner, they generally test 3 times over the course of 12 years. In Finland, they do not use any testing measures like these. Ravitch is not antitesting, she thinks testing to drive instruction is valuable. She does believe that students are being tested excessively and funds are being misused. She is alarmed that, 3rd graders are spending as much time testing as people taking the bar exam. She believes that the money put into testing should instead be given to schools that need support. These schools would be given assistance in the form of more psychologists, guidance counselors, social workers, community helpers, fine arts pro- Who Are You Fighting For? (cont.) -grams, and additional resources that provide support. At Saxton Middle School, 1000’s turned out to support New York students. All those who attended were student focused and on the crusade for a better education for all. One student Daniel Carpenter said it best, “I’m refusing the test because I’m fighting for a better education for my younger brother. Save a student, Saxton Forum Save a teacher, Refuse the Test.” The messages were clear by all who spoke. Students are not failing the Common Core, the Common Core is failing our students. There has been a loss of quality of instruction and of local control. It is not their job to be ready for college in their childhood. Children and communities feel threatened by loss of funding if students don’t succeed. Nothing that students or teachers have been subjected tohas to do with reform. The messages are loud and clear. Be vigilant, get educated on what is happening, and be involved. Who are you fighting for? LIU Forum Our own Kevin Glynn in the role of monitor at LIU. Letters from the Editor Dear Loyal Readers, Letters to the Editor Dear Fellow BTA Members, It seems that it has been a long time since there is not Thank you to all those who attended the rallies on Long something significant to talk about in education. As educators, we Island. It is evident that are voices are being heard and we must are constantly being put in the spotlight and not usually to shine! not stay silent. We must remember that we need to stay strong to preserve all I know that I will continue to be there for my students that it good and right about what we do. It is exciting to see and my fellow educators– I hope you join me too! many of us, embracing the good fight! Thank you! As always I welcome “Letters to the Editor” where you can voice your opinion on the happenings in our district. Of course I will respect your anonymity if you wish. Contributions can be sent to Stephanie at Please send information from your home email address. I can also be reached by pony at Kreamer Street. Thank you for all of you support and contributions. Yours in Unity…Stephanie Pirozzi Important Information: Save the Date: Retirement Party Please be on the look-out for ways to contribute your time. There will be emails and texts. If you are not receiving them, please go to the BTA website or speak to your union representative. Please join us in honoring our retirees. Sunset Harbour Thursday June 18th from 6 to 10 Send $40 to Mary Zaffarano at FPL BTA Website: B EL L PO RT T EACHER S’ AS SO CIAT IO N Executive Board: President and NYSUT Delegate: Wayne White Vice-President and NYSUT Delegate: Pat Brady 2nd Vice-President and NYSUT Delegate: Teri Palermo Treasurer and NYSUT Delegate: Don O’Hanlon Recording Secretary and NYSUT Delegate: Christine Napolitano Corresponding Recording Secretary and Middle School: Matt Kinigson (Senior Rep) Eric Kramer, Heidi Devitoi, Ann Metz, Jason Burmeister SCOSH: Chris Belford Frank Long: Diane Etzel (Senior Rep), Bill Mentoring: Daria Hagemeyer Freda, Tracey Behl Elections: Jamie Calise Brookhaven Elementary: Victoria Suarez (Senior Rep), Jeanine Madrigales Community Relations: Mark Nolan Kreamer Street: Nicole Albrecht (Senior Rep) and Michelle Stiriz Budget: Don O’Hanlon Public Relations: Camille Masem Grievance: Sue Hartmann Verne Critz Karen Hughes (Senior Rep), Lori Klamut ,Judi Lindo APPR: Ellen Plain, Aimee Volk, Debbie Becht Southaven: Drew Cameron Social: Mary Zaffarano and Glenn McAvoy NYSUT Delegate: Donna Snyder BTA Website: Dave Perkins NYSUT/Ed Delegate: Trish Gallina Beacon Editor: Stephanie Pirozzi NYSUT/Legislative Delegate: Debbie Becht Ed Problems: Christine Schlosser, Kevin Glynn, Erika Watson Building Representatives: Chief Negotiator: Donna Snyder Bellport High School: Matthew Feddern (Senior Rep) Lisa Conk, John Romanshko, Wendy Palladino, Joe Malandro BTA Sickbank: Teri Palermo, Laurie O’Hara Grants: Rodney O’Neal Bellport Teachers Association PO Box 443 Bellport, NY 11713 (631)286-7511
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