April 14, 2015— Golf Scramble JUNE 28, 2015 Never too soon to

Volume 22 Number 1
Spring 2015
April 14, 2015—
Annual Founders Dinner 6:00 pm, Belpre Church of Christ, Fellowship room.
Patty Cooper as Amelia Earhart
Reservations required call 423-5359 or 423-7382 Still just $20.00
Golf Scramble JUNE 28, 2015 Never too soon to register your team
or buy your commemorative sign.
Call Larry Barr 740-423-7455.
The Ohio History Alliance has awarded the Belpre Historical Society a grant
to allow us to improve the Past Perfect data base program for the museum.
This will be a great aid in keeping track of many things concerning the museum.
Membership dues run from January 1December31. Please check
the number after your name to see if your
dues are current. If you only
received one by email please check page
8, there will be an indication
if your dues are not up to date. If you did not get this in the mail but only by email and
you need to have one mailed please let us know 740-423-7588 or email BHSFCMEC@gmail.com
Farmers' Castle Journal
Published Quarterly by the
Belpre Historical Society
509 Ridge Street PO Box 731
Belpre, Ohio 45714
A new opportunity: Be a “Partner in History”. The $50.00
fee entitles your organization and your contact person
to be listed here, free admission to the Farmers Castle
Museum Education Center and one newsletter for your
Partnerships are from Jan—Dec.
Leave message
President................Nancy Sams
Vice President........Connie Barr
Secretary................Charlotte Powell
Treasurer................Roger Deem
Please remit by January 30 if you plan
to remain a partner.
Directory of Area Historical Societies
Partners In History
Belpre Historical Society
Belpre Lions Club
PO Box 731, Belpre, OH 45714. Meets the second Tuesday
of March, May, Sept., Oct, Nov., and Dec. at 7:00 pm at
the "Farmers Castle Museum Education Center" (FCMEC),
509 Ridge St. Belpre, OH. For more info call 740-423-7588
or740-423-7382 to arrange a tour.
Bill McAfee 740-423-7029
Belpre Savings Bank
Lowell Historical Society: Steve Weber, President, PO Box
112, Lowell, OH 45744,740-896-2838
Tammy Belcher 740-423-7504
.Lower Muskingum Historical Society
Belpre Shrine Club
meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Oliver Tucker
Museum in Beverly, OH. Contact Francis Sampson, 256
Sampson Rd., Waterford, OH 45786
Kenny Powell 740-989-2764
Belpre Women’s Club
Matamoras Area Historical Society PO Box 1846, New
Matamoras, OH 45767, Meets in their Museum at 2000
Main St..
Judy Drake 740-423-4540
O&LK Railroad History Group Caboose meets the first
Monday at 7:00 PM at FCMEC, contact Eldon Young, leave
message 423-7588
Mayle of Belpre
Darwin Mayle 740-423-4093
Washington County Historical Society meets the first
Monday of the month at 7:30PM 740-373-1788 PO Box
103 Marietta, Ohio 45750
Rob’s Help Desk
Western Washington County Historical Society
Rob Mason—740-401-9121
Meets at the Barlow Library, 2nd Thursday of the month,
Contact John Hannan, 2424 Layman Rd. Vincent, OH
45784 678-2991
The Pioneer City Casting Company
Don Simmons 740-423-7533
Parkersburg/Wood County History and Preservation Society meets the last Monday of the month at the
Parkersburg/Wood County Library, Emerson Ave., for
more info write PO Box 565, Parkersburg, WV 26101
Unicorn Wine Guild
Barbara Whitaker 740-423-1300
Nancy’s Notes:
Florida visit ---While everyone in
Belpre was enjoying the snow in
February, Marvin and Nancy Sams
were visiting family and friends in Florida and
Georgia. It was not warm in Florida either (34 degrees in Orlando)
We had the opportunity to visit one of our special supporting Society members, Guy Stephens in
Orlando. He met us at the entrance to his residential complex on his motorized Scooter and escorted us to his ground floor apartment. We had a
great visit and conversation about Belpre and
what is happening at the museum. Guy is now 95
years young, looks great and is doing well. if you
would like to send him a card or message, here is
his address. 5455 Vineland Rd. Orlando, FL 328
We also have another member a little closer
home that would appreciate cards and notes -Elizabeth Norod who has been active in the past
now lives at Apple Tree Home i685 Warrior Dr.
Vincent, OH 45784. Elizabeth is hoping to be well
enough to attend “Founders Day” Dinner. April 14.
The Belpre Historical Society received a very generous donation of $1000 from Wayne and Joan
Fontaine of Belpre. The Fontaine’s were recently
awarded the Jenco Award for their community
service work in a number of different aspects of
this area.
Curators Corner
We have accepted several items this winter in spite of the weather. Richard and
Sandy Matheny donated some WWII ration books, photo of unknown soldier
and a useable wheelchair. Karen Neel
and her husband of Bellville, Ohio, delivered an 1867 Shoniger pumped air organ
that was made for T. C. Collins of Little
Hocking, Ohio. It is displayed beside the
Collins cases. This was a wonderful donation. Elinor Gillespie sent us a wooden
butter mold. We then acquired the embroidered quilts with the transportation
and covered bridge themes that were on
loan from Ruby Hall. Jeff and Jacinta Allen sent us a large 1892 Pulpit Bible.
There were also some cash donations.
Many thanks to all.
"History Matters" If you don't know History,
you are like a leaf without a tree
Ohio & the Civil War
150 Years Later
April 1- April 30 2015
Abraham Lincoln traveling exhibit
Farmers Castle Museum Education Center
509 Ridge St. - Belpre, Ohio
Last chance to see this in Ohio
Farmers Castle Museum Education Center extended hours in April while
exhibit is here.
Closed Most Sundays and Mondays
Monday April 6- Special Patty Cooper presentation of Harriet Beecher
Stowe who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
7:00 pm.
$5.00 Admission.
Sunday April 19 - 2pm - 6pm to afford an opportunity to anyone who can
not come any day besides Sunday to visit this extraordinary display
Extended Hours for April 2015
Tuesdays - 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesdays - 11:00 AM - 4:00PM
Thursdays - 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
-11:00AM - 4:00 PM
Saturdays Noon - 6:00PM
For more information: Call 740-423-7382 or email:
Website: www.belprehistory.com
Farmers’ Castle Museum Education Center’s
Richard Thomas Annex
Thank You For Making This Dream A Reality!
Richard (Dick) Thomas, former Mayor of Belpre
Dick was very instrumental in the Belpre Historical Society acquiring the St. Ambrose Hall
Building as the first building for the Farmers Castle Museum Education Center Campus.
Pam Thomas
McDonough Foundation
Belpre Rotary Club
Braver, Lorentz, Hardman.
Belpre Area Community
Belpre Savings Bank
Hineman, Trautman, Dupont,
Sandy & Mike Fuller
Belpre Women’s Club,
Freda Hedge
Saylor, Rogers, Ruck, Webster,
Hillcrest Rental
Belpre First Federal
Millie Spencer
People’s Bank Grant
Marietta Community
George Hausser
Guy Stevens
Marion Metz
Please if we missed
you or you are in the
wrong category let us
know and we will correct any errors.
Kenny & Charlotte Powell
Marvin & Nancy Sams
Belpre Civitan Club, Brook,Brook, Chichester, Cowell, Drake, Ery,
Fleming, Gebzyk, Harris, McAfee, Holdren, Marc, Miller, Miller,
Moore, Newman, Norod, Norris, Nutter, O’Donnell, Old Colony
Realtors, Phillips, Dr. Poole, Purdue, Robbins, Roderick, Ryan,
Spring, Stone, Unicorn Wine
Ayors, Belpre Garden Club, Belpre Shrine Club, Buck, Casto,
Deem, Dever, Doss, Easter, Givens, Hall, Hall, King, Lohr,
McGregor, Pickerell,
Museum Happenings
2015 January & February
Financial Report
Starting balance for January 2015
Building Construction
Door Donations
Donation Fountaine
Safe deposit box
Sales tax debit
Real estate taxes
ATT telephone
City of Belpre water
Noe computer ink and copies
Belpre Chamber of Commerce dues
Total Expenses
Ending balance in Checking
Ryan Family donation
Total income:
Further Explanations: The Belpre Historical Society will be reimbursed for the Real estate tax.
Dee Baker was chosen the Belpre
Historical Society’s recipient of the
Belpre Lions Club’s William Weinrich
Senior Citizen Award on January 31,
2015. Dee is in charge of the Farmers
Castle Museum Education Center’s
gift shop. She has donated many
hours to many jobs and chores at the
Museum, yard sales, promoting the
museum at the middle school, and
helping visitors tour the museum
The History Fund Needs Your Help!
Dear Friend of the History Fund grant program,
We need you to help promote the state income tax check-off for Ohio History. The check-off is on
Ohio's state income tax return and is the main source of support for the History Fund grant program - a
program that supports projects at organizations like yours.
How can you help?
Go to ohiohistory.org/makehistorycampaign to see all the materials available: nifty posters, short (and
humorous) YouTube videos, articles for your newsletter, sample letters to the editor, talking points,
Cut and paste the articles found here and include them in your newsletter in March and April (before
the tax filing deadline of April 15).
Post the YouTube videos and other images on your website or Facebook page.
Ask local libraries to hang the flyers in places where they distribute tax return forms and instructions.
Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about the tax check-off and History Fund.
Contribute yourself and tell friends and family - and tax preparers - about the Ohio History Connection's tax check-off and the History Fund.
The more the Ohio History Connection receives through the tax check-off on state returns, the more
grants it can make to organizations like yours through the History Fund. There's a real need for this
program. In its first year, 2013, the History Fund received $891,000 in grant requests and had $114,000
to grant. In 2014, the Fund received $788,000 in requests and had $110,000 to grant. We must generate a minimum of $150,000 in contributions through the tax check-off in 2015, or by 2017 the tax
check-off box could disappear.
The Ohio History Connection's goal is to build a strong History Fund grant program that can help organizations like yours. Please help by spreading the word about the Ohio income tax check-off that makes
these grants possible.
To find out who received History Fund grants this year, click here. Recipients were announced at
Statehood Day on March 4. For a list of previous grant recipients, go to ohiohistory.org/historyfund.
For more information about applying for a grant, also visit ohiohistory.org/historyfund. The application
for 2015 is tentatively scheduled to be posted in June and will likely be due in early September. (in the
meantime, last year's application is posted for your information.)
Thanks for your help, and if you have any questions about the tax check-off or History Fund, please
contact me.
Andy Verhoff|History Fund Grant Manager & Historical Markers Coordinator
Ohio History Connection|800 E. 17th Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211
p. 614.297.2341|f. 614.297.2567|averhoff@ohiohistory.org
Museum Hours of Operation
Belpre Historical Society 2015 Calendar
April - Oct. Wed.& Sat 1 - 4
Suggested admission donation
March 10 – 2015 First Membership meeting 7 pm at FCMEC
Adults $5.00 Students $2.00
Yearly Membership Dues
January - December 2015
Student Individual $ 5.00
January & February- no membership meetings
April 1, 2015 - Opening Day FCMEC
April 14– Annual Founders Dinner, Belpre Church of Christ,
Fellowship room
May 12 – 7:00 pm membership meeting – FCMEC
June 9– to be announced
Adult Individual
$ 20.00
June 28 – Golf Scramble Sunday Tee off at 9:00 AM
$ 25.00
July 14–Soc.& O&LK Railroad Group Picnic 6:00pm
$ 30.00
August – No membership meeting – Belpre Homecoming week
September 8 – 7:00 pm membership meeting, FCMEC
Please if you have an email address send a
request for the newsletter to BHSFCMEC@gmail.com You will then be able to
see it in color and will save the museum
printing and postage expense.
October 13 – 7:00 pm membership meeting, FCMEC
October 17- ***Heritage Day
November 10 – membership meeting, FCMEC
December 9– Holiday Party Gathering - FCMEC
The number after your zip code indicates the last year you paid your
dues. A zero indicates life membership. Please let us know if your records are
different than ours.
Belpre Historical Society
PO Box 731
Belpre, OH45714-0731