Bench Elementary School Monthly Newsletter Published Monthly. May 2015 Principal’s Message A Focus on Fitness Last month, at our staff meeting, we began a d iscussion about the purpose and spirit behind what we called the Whole School Run. From that discussion, we confirmed that, as a school, our focus for that time was to promote fitness and a sense of community. The last thing we want is to cause any of our learners to be anxious or intimidated by b eing pressured to “run.” In that light, we not only decided to rename the event to “Fitness Friday” but to also begin to bring in some other fitness options. For now, those options are limited to running, jogging, or walking (with purpose! Not strolling!). It is our hope that we can begin to introduce some other options. Stay tuned! In addition to all of the different fitness options, we would also like to bring some of the community to our Fitness Fridays. I am excited about what that might look like! Bench 2015-‐2016 It’s getting to be that time of year again, when we begin to prepare for the upcoming school year. With that in mind, please remember the following: 1. If you, or anyone you know, will NOT be enrolling your son or daughter at Bench next year, please let us know ASAP 2. Learners will return to their 2014-2015 class at the beginning of September, as we adjust classes to accommodate for any staffing changes that might arise 3. Learners are placed into classes based first and foremost on academic and special needs. Preferences for teachers or friendships are taken into consideration, but cannot be guaranteed. Gaga Ball (aka Atom Ball) You might have noticed a new addition over near the back of the school. That structure is a Gaga Ball Court, and boy is it POPULAR!! Over the last two years, Bench has gone from a K-‐5 school to a K-‐7 school. Last year, the PAC decided that it would be great to have something "older" for the 6s and 7s to do during their play time and they chose to purchase a Gaga Ball pit for the older students. There has been some delays in getting the permanent structure installed, so last month, they decided to purchase a portable gaga ball pit for the meantime, while we wait for the permanent one to be installed. That is the one that's out there right now. Up until the point that the new court was installed, students have been playing gagaball in the sunken cement area behind the courtyard. When the new equipment went up, we decided that it would be safer for the older and bigger students to play in the bigger area, and the primary students could have the sunken cement area to play in, without big kids getting in their way. The cement Gaga Ball area is now for students in Grades 1-‐3, and the new wooden structure is for students in Grades 4-‐7. Each day at lunch and afternoon recess, all students (except Kindies) can play Gaga Ball, just in two different areas. It is our hope that, when the permanent structure is installed, we will have THREE areas to play Gaga Ball in. Of course, outside of recess times, ALL classes (K-‐7) are welcome to use the new Gaga Ball pit during their own classroom gym time, play time, or outside break time. In fact, we have a few older classes who are timing their outside break to align with younger classes so that the older kids can teach the younger ones how to play. THE TOP 10 Ten Great things that happened at Bench last month: 1. Our students celebrated Terry Fox and all that he accomplished by raising money (nearly $1000.00) and running “for Terry” 2. We were privileged to be the first audience for Alex Aitken’s Drum Line club 3. Classrooms participated in “Lights Out Canada” & “Community Clean Up” in celebration o f Earth Day 4. The Grade 5s held a very successful Bottle Drive to raise funds for their upcoming year-‐end trip 5. Students in Grades 2 and 6 participated in the Salmon Enhancement Project 6. Intermediate students enjoyed Arts & Culture Week where they learned about different artists of the Cowichan Valley 7. The “We Make a Difference” club rose awareness for youth without a voice in their W e are Silent campaign 8. Our talented Grade 3 students performed for the entire school at the month-‐end assembly 9. Many Bench learners participated in the Annual Times Colonist 10K or 1.5K road race 10. Our generous PAC group purchased and put together a portable Gaga-‐Ball court for our Intermediate students School Supply Kits As part of the Supreme Court Ruling of September 29, 2006, section 82 of the School Act requires school boards to provide an educational program free of c harge to every student of school age resident in BC. Boards may not charge for educational resource materials necessary to participate in an educational program sufficient to meet the general requirements for graduation. School boards can charge a refundable deposit for educational resource materials. Fees can be charged for: ! ! ! ! ! ! School supplies/equipment for students’ individual use if provided by the school Optional materials to enhance prescribed learning outcomes Optional field trips Extra-‐curricular activities Optional purchase of student made projects Appropriate personal clothing for school activities Fees for the Bench Elementary School Supplies Kit for 2014-‐15 will be $25.00 if purchased through the school. Parents who do not wish to purchase their supplies through the school will be provided, in September, with a list of supplies required at each grade level. Please note that individual supplies can be purchased through the office if your child runs out over the course of the year. 2 PAC NEWS UPCOMING DATES: Friday, May 8 – Bagged Lunch Friday, May 22 – Hot Lunch Monday, May 25 -‐ Popcorn Day Tuesday, May 26 – PAC Meeting (6:30pm) Friday, May 29 – FUN FAIR!! (4pm – 7:30pm) FUN FAIR -‐ It’s always busy when it’s FUN FAIR month. School Plan Here are your reminders for things we are asking for from parents. Please contribute what you can or we might have to resort to asking you to volunteer at stations again next year ;) Filled jars for LUCKY JARS game – Our goal is to have one jar for every child at Bench. Lots of empty jars ready for filling available just inside the school front doors. Our School Goal for the 2015-‐2016 school year has been written and approved by the staff and the PAC. For next year, w e w ill continue on the same theme of learning and implementing a new strategy, and following the data to see if those new strategies will pieces of data (from the report cards): Numeracy Raffle item for GIFT BASKETS – One $5-‐ish item from each student please by theme as below: Divisions 1 – 4 ~ Pamper & Relax (bath stuff, candles, lotions, wine glasses …) Divisions 5 – 7 ~ Family Entertainment (movies, games, popcorn, puzzles) Divisions 8 – 10 ~ Chocolate Extravaganza (anything chocolate related) Divisions 11 – 13 ~ Coffee Time (beans, mugs, cookies, specialty teas) Divisions 14 – 16 ~ Creative in the Kitchen (specialty foods, kitchen gadgets …) (computing with understanding and accuracy), lead to an increase in student learning. The “official” goal is: “To what degree does implementing a new teaching practice lead to improved student achievement?” For this year and next, we will be following three key Collection boxes for all these items are in every classroom. And don’t forget to think about those “Anything F lying” themed cake ideas. Entry form will be sent home in a couple of weeks. Reading (reading for information with understanding), and writing (using writing conventions like spelling, grammar, and punctuation SEE YOU ALL THERE! appropriately). Staff selected these three data pieces after studying our big-‐picture data. We noticed the biggest gaps in learning in these areas and decided to focus here, where the potential for the greatest improvement lies. In order to help o ut at home, consider practicing not just reading skills with your son and daughter at home, but also basic math and writing skills. Regular at-‐home review of the basics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as w ell as spelling and grammar) will help “cement” the learning that takes place at school. 3 Important Upcoming Dates: May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 08 08 13 14 15 18 21 21 22 25 26 26 26 28 29 03 04 04 04 05 05 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 23 23 24 25 25 25 Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Friday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Young Authors Metis Camp for Div 6 and 7 Lacrosse Lessons for Div 3,4,5,8,9,10 Grade 7s visiting FKSS Grade 6s Trip to Chinatown Kindergarten Trips to the Dentist Cross Country Meet @ Evans Park Spring Photos (individual + class) Hot Lunch (Good Bite bagged lunch) PLC – Dismissal at 12:25pm Intermediate Track Day @ Chesterfield (tentative) Day in Lieu – No classes Victoria Day – No classes Art Starts Assembly Bottle Drive Hot Lunch (Wraps Mill Bay Pizza) Popcorn Day PALS (Kindergarten) Div 5 Field Trip (details TBA) PAC Meeting @ 6:30pm Ready, Set, Go (for upcoming Kindies) Bench Family Fun Fair 4:00-‐7:30pm Grade 6s to Camp Thunderbird Grade 6s at Camp Thunderbird Grade 5s to Camp Imadene District Track and Field Meet Grade 6s home from Camp Thunderbird Grade 5s home from Camp Imadene Popcorn Day Parent Appreciation Morning Div 1 & 2 Fine Arts Showcase Bottle Drive Grade 4s and 5s field trip to Fort Rod Hill Grade 7 Year End Trip (details TBA) Grade 7 Year End Trip (details TBA) Hot Lunch (Pizza from Moos) Primary Sports Day Grade 7 Leaving Assembly (details TBA) Last day for Students 2.5 hour Early Dismissal (11:55am) Term 3 Report Cards go home COMMUNITY NEWS VANCOUVER ISLAND HEALTH AUTHORITY Active children often need to be encouraged to drink to prevent dehydration (not enough water in the body). Water is the best choice to keep children h ydrated. Other good choices are milk and fortified soy, almond or rice beverages. Sports drinks are over-‐used and are high in sugar and calories. Sports drinks are intended for rehydration for non-‐stop physical activity lasting longer than one hour. Energy drinks are not recommended for children. Keep active children hydrated: *Offer water often, especially during activity. *Provide water or milk and watery snacks like watermelon, cucumber or smoothies after activity. *Avoid or limit juice to 1/2 cup a d ay. Is your child’s water bottle safe? Disposable plastic bottles that are filled with water, pop, sports drinks, etc., should not be reused. Use stainless steel bottles or bisphenol A-‐free (BPA-‐Free) plastic bottles that are designed for reuse. Reusable water bottles: Wash water bottles well by hand each day. Dishwasher water does not reach all parts of the inside of the bottle and may not be the best way to clean bottles. Recycle any bottles that show signs of wear such as scratches, dents, or a cloudy, cracked appearance. For more information: Call HealthLinkBC at 8-‐1-‐1 and ask to speak to a Registered Dietitian or visit Health Units: Duncan -‐ Margaret Moss Health Centre 250-‐709-‐3050 Lake Cowichan – Kaatza Health Centre 250-‐749-‐6878 THE HUB – At Cowichan Station The HUB at Cowichan station is excited to offer a free after-‐school sports and recreation drop-‐in program for youth age 11-‐14. This program is suppored by Canadian Tire Jumpstart, which recognized the imporatn life benefits that participation in sports and physical activity can have in the life of a child/youth. Everyone is welcome! A parent or guardian must complete a participant information form for their child on the first visit. Fridays, May 22-‐June 12 3:45-‐5:00pm Contact Sadie for more information: / 5
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