SOILS AND THE FOOD WE EAT International high-level conference Södertälje, Sweden May 20th, 2015 Background 2015 has been declared the International Year of Soils by the 68th UN General Assembly. The Year of Soils aims to be a platform for raising awareness of the importance of soils for food security and essential eco-system functions. “Soils and the Food We Eat” is a 3-day conference about soils and food as a tool to combat environmental challenges on a local, regional and global scale. It is organized by BERAS International together with its partners and it is part of the UN International Year of Soils event calendar. We invite you to the open public high-level conference day on May 20th. Based on research and full scale examples in two BERAS EU projects (2003-06 and 2010-13), this conference will discuss and showcase examples of Ecological Regenerative Agriculture, Learning Centers for Sustainable Food Societies and the Diet for a Green Planet concept. The Diet for a Green Planet concept – designed for actors in both public and private sectors – is currently being implemented by Södertälje Municipality in all public meals (24 000 meals per day), having resulted in the award “2014 School Food Municipality of the Year” by Junior White Guide. The concept is also being spread to other cities in Europe through an EU supported pilot transfer project (URBACT II Programme). The high level conference on May 20th gathers key note speakers from the United Nations, Swedish national and local government and other experts. It facilitates discussions and workshops targeting concrete and practical ways for public and private actors to contribute to more sustainable agricultural systems and food production chains. The focus is to create systems where local farmers and producers are recognized as essential and where surrounding food chain actors support a development towards more environmentally friendly agriculture practices. The conference also includes the final conference for a Thematic Partnership project financed by The Swedish Institute including partners from Sweden, Lithuania and Belarus ( In line with BERAS’ principles of “Multi Actor Approach” we are inviting farmers, farm advisors, actors from the whole food chain, authorities, researchers, NGOs, banks and the business sector to the conference. Program May 20th Theme: Diet for a Green Planet 09:00 09:15 OPENING SPEECHES featuring: Jostein Hertwig, CEO, BERAS International Boel Godner, Mayor of Södertälje Municipality KEY-NOTE SPEECHES featuring: Gunnar Rundgren, Co-Author of the 2013 UN Report "Wake up before it is too late - make agriculture truly sustainable now for food security in a changing climate". Agr. Dr. Artur Granstedt, Ecological Regenerative Agriculture. 10:00 Coffee break 10:30 THE FOOD WE EAT featuring: Introduction to “Diet for a Green Planet”: BERAS International International outlook: Dr. S. Natarajan/Dr. K. Perumal (India). Dr. Caesar Lopez (Dominican Republic). Farmers University development in Sweden, Belarus and Lithuania (speaker to be confirmed). Business sector approach to the Diet for a Green Planet concept: Johan Ununger, CEO Saltå Kvarn & board member, Organic Sweden. Transformation of public meals – food as a driver for sustainable development: Sara Jervfors, Head of the Diet Unit, Södertälje Municipality. 12:30 Lunch à la Södertälje’s public school meals 13:30 Diet for a Green Planet workshops 16:00 Conclusions & summary Target groups In addition to representatives from BERAS International network the conference is designed for: Municipalities in Sweden; diet units, environmental strategists, sustainability officers, politicians etc. Private sector; companies interested in implementing Diet for a Green Planet or in joining teams or networks that work in this direction. Farmers and farm advisors; key players who will be the suppliers of the sustainable food that is discussed. Researchers. Banks and financing institutions Environmental and Agriculture NGOs. The public at large. Expected outcomes Approximately 200 participants representing a wide variety of interests (authorities, universities and research institutes, agricultural advisory services, farmers’ organizations, ecological and environmental NGOs, farms, food companies, social banks etc.) Raising awareness of the importance of soils for food security and essential eco-system functions. A deeper understanding of the Diet for a Green Planet concept and its potential to contribute to better food and a sounder environment. Concrete ideas about implementation of Diet for a Green Planet in other municipalities than Södertälje – initiated by either public or private actors. A strengthening of the BERAS network and its associated networks. Sign up Please visit our registration site to announce your participation. Follow this link: About BERAS International BERAS International is an independent institute working with research, development and implementation in concepts regarding ecological regenerative agriculture, sustainable food societies and sustainable and healthy diets that account for regional and cultural adaptations. Visit for more information. Contact Daniel Dworetsky, project manager, BERAS International Tel: + 46 8 551 577 99. E-mail:
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