2 Index for Feb-March 2014 The Country Register of Oregon 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128 • Phoenix, AZ 85085 602.942.8950 • 888.942.8950 Fax 602.866.3136 oregon@countryregister.com www.countryregister.com/oregon Barb Stillman Lolly Konecky Publisher barb@barlomedia.com Publisher/Art Director lolly@barlomedia.com Patty Duncan Sandi Nickler Sales/Office Assistant Graphics Assistant Nancy Williams The Oregon Country Register is published by: Consultant Kayce Westfall Sales/Office Assistant The Deadline for the April-May Issue is March 1st for Ads & Articles. Our feature articles will focus on Take a Break! Great Recipes, Tea Rooms and More! The Country Register is a United States and Canadian network of independently owned and published specialty newspapers for the consumer who enjoys outstanding shopping, events, day & overnight excursions and specialty classes. Publisher’s contact numbers across the USA & Canada for The Country Register Send $3 to any publisher below to obtain a paper from another area: * Indicates these editions are available on-line at www.countryregister.com USA Alabama: Dana Wilburn, 6349 Knollwood Ct. Frederick, MD 21701, 301-698-2694 * Arizona: Barbara Stillman and Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950 * Arkansas: Lenda Williams, P.O. Box 32581, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, phone/fax 405-470-2597 * California and N. Nevada: Betty Fassett, 26941 Cabot Rd., Suite 132, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653, 800-349-1858 Colorado: Jan & John Keller, 16755 Oak Brush Loop, Peyton, CO, 80831, 719-749-9797 * Connecticut: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC , 27603, 919-661-1760 * Delaware: Merle and Gail Taylor, P.O. Box 594, New Market, MD, 21774, 888-616-8319 * Florida: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 * Georgia: Linda Parish, P.O. Box 389, Lexington, GA, 30648, 706-340-1049 * Idaho (N): Dee Sleep, 10563 Chicken Creek Road, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 * Idaho (S) WA & E. OR: Barbara Stillman and Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950 * Illinois: Lenda Williams, P.O. Box 32581, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, phone/fax 405-470-2597 * Indiana: Gail & Merle Taylor, P.O. Box 594, New Market, MD, 21774, 888-616-8319 Iowa: Linda Glendy, P.O. Box 6, Tama, IA 52339, 641-751-2619 * Kansas: Cindy Baldwin, 988 9th Ave., McPherson, KS 67460, 866-966-9815 * Kentucky: Chris & Kelly Kennedy, 5804 Whitrose Way, New Market, MD 21774, 443-243-1118 Maine: Gail Hageman, 221 Winslow Rd, Albion, ME 04910, 207-437-2663 * Maryland: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 * Massachusetts-RI: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 Michigan: Bill and Marlene Howell, 3790 Manistee, Saginaw, MI, 48603-3143, 989-793-4211 * Minnesota: Kim & Mickey Keller, 12835 Kiska St. NE, Blaine, MN, 55449, 763-754-1661 * Missouri: Lenda Williams, P.O. Box 32581, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, phone/fax 405-470-2597 * Montana: Dee Sleep, 10563 Chicken Creek Road, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 * Nebraska: Barbara Stillman and Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950 * Nevada (N): Betty Fassett, 26941 Cabot Rd., Suite 132, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653, 800-349-1858 * Nevada (S): Glena Dunn, 4568 Carol Circle, Las Vegas, NV, 89120, 702-523-1803 New Hampshire: Kathleen Graham, 330 North Road, Deerfield, NH, 03037, 603-463-3703 * New Jersey: Merle and Gail Taylor, P.O. Box 594, New Market, MD, 21774, 888-616-8319 New Mexico: Jan & John Keller, 16755 Oak Brush Loop, Peyton, CO, 80831, 719-749-9797 * New York: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 * N. Carolina: Barbara Stillman and Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950 * North Dakota: Dee Sleep, 10563 Chicken Creek Road, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 * Ohio: Barb Moore, P. O. Box 37, Cable, OH, 43009, 800-842-2730, 937-652-1157 * Oklahoma: Lenda Williams, P.O. Box 32581, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, phone/fax 405-470-2597 * Oregon: Barbara Stillman and Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950 * Pennsylvania: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 * Rhode Island: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC , 27603, 919-661-1760 * S. Carolina: Barbara Stillman and Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950 * South Dakota: Dee Sleep, 10563 Chicken Creek Road, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 * Tennessee: Chris & Kelly Kennedy, 5804 Whitrose Way, New Market, MD 21774, 443-243-1118 * Texas: Lenda Williams, P.O. Box 32581, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, phone/fax 405-470-2597 * Utah: Daniel & Stacy Tueller, 153 S 2050 W, Provo UT 84601, 801-592-8498 Vermont: Chris & Kelly Kennedy, 5804 Whitrose Way, New Market, MD 21774, 443-243-1118 * Virginia: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 * Washington & E. OR & S. ID: Barbara Stillman and Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950 * West Virginia: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 * Wisconsin: Scott & Jennifer Hughes, P. O. Box 276, Altoona, WI, 54720, 715-838-9426 * Wyoming: Dee Sleep, 10563 Chicken Creek Road, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 CANADA * Alberta: Ruth Burke, P.O. Box 97, Heisler, AB, T0B2A0, (780) 889-3776 British Columbia: Bryan Stonehill, Box 1338, Summerland, BC, V0H 1Z0, 800-784-6711 * Manitoba & Saskatchewan: Scott & Marj Kearns, Box 850, Kipling, SK, S0G 2S0, 306-736-2441 Ontario: Laurie Holcombe, 166-B Craig Henry Drive, Nepean, Ontario K2G 4M7 613-864-8667 The Country Register is a United States and Canadian network of independently owned and published specialty newspapers for the consumer who enjoys outstanding shopping, events, day & overnight excursions and specialty classes. The Country Register provides targeted, effective, and affordable advertising for the promotion of Specialty Shops For more information about publishing The Country Register contact Barbara Floyd at 602237-6008. Barbara Floyd, The Country Register Founder barbara@countryregister.com www.countryregister.com Oregon Lebanon • Albany • Jefferson • Brownville........................... 3 Stayton • Independence • Dallas • Springfield.................... 4 Quilting & Needlework Events......................5, 13, 15, 17, 20 Philomath • Corvallis.......................................................... 5 Creswell • Eugene • Drain.................................................. 6 Prairie City • Bend • LaPine................................................ 7 Redmond........................................................................7-8 Sisters................................................................................ 8 Antique and Vintage in the Northwest........................... 9-11 Roseburg • Stanfield • Oregon City • Medford.................... 9 Klamath Falls.................................................................9, 12 Sunnyside, WA • Kent, WA • Olympia, WA......................... 10 Beaverton • Monroe, WA • Portland • Walla Walla, WA....... 11 Dillard • Sutherlin • Myrtle Creek..................................... 12 Lakeview • Medford •Roseburg........................................ 12 Quilting Services........................................................13, 15 Canby • Sandy • Aurora • Happy Valley............................ 14 Molalla........................................................................14, 17 West Linn......................................................................... 16 Beaverton • Hillsboro • Portland....................................... 17 Forest Grove • Clatskanie • Gleneden Beach.................... 18 Oregon Coast.............................................................. 19-20 Cover Story Rebecca Barker’s Quiltscapes Rebecca Barker grew up on her family’s dairy farm in Oxford, Ohio. Her childhood appreciation for quilts and country life inspires the subjects she paints today. She began painting in her early teens and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Ohio University. She also attended Miami University’s graduate painting school. Rebecca has painted a series of paintings she dubs “QUILTSCAPES.” The title of the quilt pattern is depicted in the picture. For example, the Log Cabin Quilt has a log cabin in the background. Rebecca paints her QUILTSCAPES in acrylic on board (masonite). The patterns come from quilt history books and she attends quilt shows. Her style is realistic with clean, clear colors and a sensitivity to composition and texture. “My work is meant to honor the beauty of old time quilt patterns.” For a free color brochure call or send a SASE to: Rebecca Barker’s Quiltscapes 1085 willow Ave. Glendale, OH 45246 Phone: 513-521-4021 Website: www.barkerquiltscapes.com Send in this form or go online to receive each issue of... C R The ountry egister Six issues mailed directly to you for only $18.00 Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City:______________________ State:_______________ Zip:__________ (OR) Send check or money order to: The Country Register 515 E. Carefree Hwy, #1128 Phoenix, AZ 85085 Start my subscription: Current Issue THE COUNTRY REGISTER, Months of Feb-March 2014. THE COUNTRY REGISTER is published every other month. Copyright 2014. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited by law. 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ 85085. Subscription price: 1 Year, 6 Issues, $18.00. Single copies: $3.00. The paper is furnished free to the customers at each advertiser. THE COUNTRY REGISTER is registered as a business trade name and also a trademark in the State of Arizona. Disclaimer Articles published in this newspaper, which are contributed from an outside source, express the opinions of their authors only and may not express the viewpoint(s) of the management or staff of The Country Register. Such articles that are accepted for publication herein may be edited at the sole discretion of the publisher. Responsibility for products advertised in this newspaper lies with the advertisers themselves. Though The Country Register will not knowingly publish fraudulent materials or fraudulently obtained materials, we are not liable for any damages arising from the purchase or use of products advertised herein. Notification regarding any consumer complaints related to merchandise purchased from our advertisers would be appreciated and would assist in our efforts. Copyright © 2014 by The Country Register, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ 85085. Lebanon • Albany • Jefferson • Brownsville Feb-March 14 Finally Together Quilt Shop Is in New Building in Lebanon It’s always a pleasure to let our readers know when one of our advertisers celebrates an important milestone! So we’re happy to tell you that Finally Together Quilt Shop in Lebanon is now in its new building and ready for you to stop by and check things out. Owners Paula Lammert and Claudina Wilson will tell you all about it . . . “We are so excited to tell everyone that we have moved for the final time! We have purchased a 5,000 square foot building in downtown Lebanon and our new address is 54 West Ash Street. We are just half a block west of the previous location and our shop name is now in lights with our new sign over the front of our building. Many quilts are hung along the walls and it is nice to have a permanent home after our three previous locations! “This building has made a great partnership for us to expand our services to our loyal customers. We have more than doubled the size of our showroom to display our fabrics, notions, patterns and books. We also added all new true-lights making our shop bright and beautiful! We have many bolts of fabric available, have monthly shipments coming in with all new lines and fabric collections and are known for our very large selection of wildlife fabrics. We offer long arming services. “The classroom is also more than double in size and has an open small kitchen. The Show and Share quilting meeting is on the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. We would love to invite any and all interested quilters to come and join in on this fun evening. Also, Thursday is a good time to come in and work on any projects you have; we are available to help you with your needs and questions. “We are a Mother/Daughter team who has been in business for over 10 years, starting out in a small shop with about 500 square feet. The name Finally Together Quilt Shop came from us always wanting to open a quilt shop together, but we had always been in different states or just not at a point that we could do it together. Quilting and sewing has always been a love of ours and now we are living our dream. “Our increasing business has allowed us to offer more and more to our great customers. This move into our own building is due to them and we want to take this opportunity to personally say thank you. Our success would not have been possible without their continued support! “Please stop by and say hello—we look forward to seeing you soon!” For more information about Finally Together Quilt Shop, call 541-258-6006, email finallytogetherquilt@gmail.com, go to www.finallytogetherquilt.com/ or visit them on Facebook. Victorian Tea Room& Lavender Rose Gift Shop Queen of Hearts Tea • Saturday, Feb. 15th 2pm • $16/person • Call for reservations Anne of Green Gables Tea • Saturday, March 15th 2pm • $16/person • Call for reservations Serving Afternoon High Tea • Wednesday through Saturday High Tea 11am or 2pm • Lunch: Tues-Sat 11:30-2:30 Lavender Rose Gift Shop open Tuesday-Saturday • 10-4:30 55 West Grant, Lebanon, OR 97355 541-259-5100 3 4 Stayton • Independence • Dallas • Springfield Oregon Quilting with Barbara Looking Ahead by Barbara Conquest And suddenly it’s January! All the urgency associated with the holidays—finishing projects, baking, wrapping, hosting, visiting—has vanished and we have a brief time to reflect on the past year and anticipate the new one. No wonder the ancient god Janus, after whom January was named, is pictured looking both backward and forward. Some people make resolutions for a new year. I prefer to call them goals. Somehow it seems less damaging to one’s self-esteem not to reach one’s goals than to break one’s resolutions; breaking something is so final. My general goals for 2013 were to use large quantities of my stash, thus reducing it, and to finish a number of BOMs, kits, etc., that I had made or bought, but not completed, in previous years. I worked diligently to reduce my stash, but somehow when I wasn’t looking it replenished itself, so net loss is not as great as I had hoped. I haven’t given up, just moved my goal a little farther back. I came closer to reaching my second goal; complete sets of BOMs are no longer languishing in dark cupboard corners nor are there as many unfinished kits as there were this time last year. Instead, they have become 8 completed quilts plus 4 completed quilt tops awaiting quilting and binding. Some of the finished quilts have gone to flood victims in southern Alberta; some await the next call for help. This year, my minor goal is to quilt the four tops. My new and major goal involves the extensive use of a recently acquired book called Panel Play (Barbara Becker, Four Paws Quilting). For those of us who think that sewing two borders around a panel is the ultimate finish, this book is a revelation. Like many quilters, I love to buy those seductive pre-printed panels—cute, beautiful, topical and thematic. I bring them home, pet and gloat over them for a week or two and then relegate them to a shelf, promising myself that someday I’ll come up with a unique way to use them. That rarely happens. Panel Play will change all that. It is a comprehensive book with practical information for making the most of all sizes, shapes and number of panels. Ideas for framing and enhancing panels range from “Why didn’t I think of that?” to “Wow! Fantastic! I’d never think of that!” Basic and specific techniques (e.g. measurements in inches) are given, but perhaps more importantly, variations that lead the user to design original arrangements are also shown, using ideas in the book as foundations. Information includes thorough and specific directions for preparation, sashing construction, setting techniques, colour combinations, diagonals, mitres, pieced borders and much more. The coloured illustrations are profuse and clear. A gallery showing possible uses for orphan quilts and worksheets for pieced borders of various types adds further value. It’s a long time since I’ve been so intrigued by a new publication. Panel Play will fill a niche in the book collections of many quilters. My major goal for 2014 has emerged loud and clear: get those panels off the shelves and onto the cutting table! P.S. I have no affiliation. If you would like a copy of this book, it will be in some quilt shops soon or you can order from the website www.fourpawsquilting.com. Barbara Conquest writes her column from Blue Sky Quilting in Tofield, AB, Canada. ©Barbara Conquest Deepwood announces 2014 Heritage Talk Series “Fascinating Women of Oregon” A series of small group conversations at Historic Deepwood Estate with a focus on remembering and preserving pieces of the past. February 11th Heritage Talk #2 - Photographers: Myra Albert Wiggins, 1869-1956; Presented by Carol Glauber who teaches at Mt. Hood Community College March 18th Heritage Talk #3 - A Woman Alone: Mona Bell, Sam Hill, and the Mansion on Bonneville Rock; Presented by John Harrison, writer, author, & Information Officer at the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. April 8th Heritage Talk #4 - Abigail Scott Duniway—Her Journey West & Life as a Visionary Campaign for Equal Rights; Special guest and presenter Linda Long, Manuscripts Librarian at the University of Oregon. All Heritage Talks are from 6:00 – 8:00 PM and admission is free. Seating is limited and reservations are recommended, so please call to reserve a seat 503-363-1825 or online at HistoricDeepwoodEstate.com Historic Deepwood Estate is located at 1116 Mission Street SE, Salem. Free parking at 12th and Lee Streets. Apple Pie Bars Courtesy of CooksRecipes.com “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year” —Ralph Waldo Emerson This recipe just might be an apple pie masquerading as dessert bars! 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 large egg - divided use Milk 1 cup butter 6 to 8 tart green apples 1 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour Granulated sugar for sprinkling Combine 2 1/2 cups flour, butter and salt with a pastry blender. Separate egg; set aside egg white at room temperature. Put egg yolk into a glass measuring cup and fill with milk to measure 2/3 cup. Pour into the flour mixture and mix well. Divide dough in half and roll out on a lightly floured surface to fit a cookie or baking sheet. Save other half of dough for top crust. Peel, core and slice apples. Arrange slices in side by side rows on unbaked bottom crust to make 1/2-inch layer. Combine sugar, salt, cinnamon and 4 tablespoons flour, mixing well. Sprinkle mixture over apples. Roll out top crust and place over apple slices, pinch and seal edges. Beat the egg white until stiff and spread over the top of crust. Sprinkle 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar over the top of egg white. Bake at 450°F (230°C) for 10 minutes. Reduce to 400°F (205°C) and bake about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Cool and cut into 2 1/2-inch bars. Makes about 36 bars. Philomath • Corvallis • Quilting Special Event Feb-March 14 Piecing Life Together Another “Auld Lang Syne” by Barbara Polston Hard to believe, but here we are, welcoming another New Year. “Auld Lang Syne” is the song associated with the New Year. The first line of the song means, loosely interpreted, “for the sake of old times.” In singing Auld Lang Syne, we look back. Another tradition associated with the New Year is the writing of New Year’s Resolutions. In doing so, we look forward, resolving to make the coming year better than the last. Are you a resolution writer? I don’t write resolutions but I do set annual goals. At the end of each year, I revisit them, asking how many I achieved, where I came close and where I fell short. If I’ve fallen short of achieving a goal, I also ask myself, “Why?” I’m not making excuses, but determining if it was necessary to change the goal, if I really put forth the effort to achieve it, or if circumstances beyond my control made achieving the goal impossible or unlikely. It’s important to do this analysis; how else will you know if you’ve been successful? Some of my goals from last year were achieved and, on some, I fell woefully short. The ones I considered most important were, of course, the ones I worked on the hardest. We staged a successful charity sew event, generating 120 quilts to comfort women and children fleeing domestic violence. The committee worked hard for an entire year to ensure this would happen. A check mark placed in the “achieved” column! On the other hand, I still have those pesky 10 pounds to lose. A check mark made in the “failed” column. Each year’s goals include some related to my quilting career. Last year’s quilting goals were achieved and I was able to squeeze in a couple of projects for gifts, commissions and pieces for auctions for causes I believe in. Most of my quilting was taken up with a really big project that will culminate in the months ahead. I’m excited that I’ll soon be able to talk about that. This year, I’m thinking it might be fun to make something just for me, committing to a project, or two, that has been sitting on my shelf and nagging at my brain for years. I’ve added completing at least one of those projects to my goals. I wonder, by the next “Auld Lang Syne,” if I will be able to put a check in the “achieved” column. Abraham Lincoln said, “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” I believe he means that those goals we work on are the ones most important to us. Achieving them brings feelings of success. If you haven’t already set your New Year’s Goals, put pen to paper, set some goals and get to work! Barbara Polston an author, designer and award-winning quiltmaker. You can see Barbara’s quilts, join her on Facebook or book her class and lecture offerings at www. barbarapolston.com. She was inducted into Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame in September 2013. Barbara, who has lived in Phoenix, Arizona, for over 27 years, is calmly quilting in Studio Narnia. ©Barbara Polston, Phoenix, AZ, December 2013 5 6 Creswell • Eugene • Drain Oregon Giveaways and Winners The Quilt Patch Fabrics • Books • Patterns • Classes • Notions 448 W. 3rd Ave • Eugene, OR quiltpatch@preferredld.com www.quiltpatch.biz 541-484-1925 Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 12 noon - 4pm We would like to take a moment to thank all our wonderful advertising shops and events for making The Country Register possible. We’d also like to thank our loyal readers who support these great local shops, visit the fun events and use the paper as a guide to their travels. Wishing you all a happy and bright 2014! The Oregon Country Register Barb, Lolly, Patty, Kayce & Nancy When you enter our contests, please share with us how you use The Country Register in your travels and shopping trips around the state. Be sure to thank the advertisers who bring you The Country Register each issue. We have two giveaway winners from the last issue. Linda Juran of Salem will be sent The Christmas Cowboy by Shanna Hatfield. And Carol Frost will be picking up her copy of Quiltmania from Speckled Hen Quilts in Aurora. Linda wrote, “Another wonderful issue! It seems I always find a new place to check out in The Country Register, whether it be a quilt shop, tea room or an antique store. Thanks for a great publication.” Carol told us, “I’ve been to the Speckled Hen many times! How great for her that her project is in the wonderful Quiltmania magazine!! Reader Roberta Holmes said, “I have visited Speckled Hen Quilts shop many times. It’s a wonderful shop. Look forward to receiving The Country Register. Always glance through it to see what is in it before I actually read it. Love to see the quilt shop hops. Planning on doing the Oregon Coast 101 Quilt Run and taking friends with us who have never done it before. There are so many shops in the paper that I have visited that it would be hard to say which one is my favorite one. Sixteen ladies go in April each year to Beachcombers Haven and have our own quilt retreat. We are fortunate enough to be able to spend 5 days down there. So much fun! Thanks for all the hard work you do putting the paper together. We are going to Victoria, Canada, this fall so plan on getting ahold of one of their Country Registers and see just what they have going on while we are there.” Georgia Presley told us, “We are lucky to have so many talented people who are featured in national magazines. I try and support local ones in Salem.” Beverly Wheeler wrote, “I always enjoy getting your paper when I go to The Quilt Patch in Eugene.” Judy Anzo’s favorite quilt shop is Something to Crow About in Springfield. “It has a unique primitive atmosphere, with their real brick floors.” Here is a note we received from previous drawing winner Jo Durfee. “I was so surprised when Airstream Memories arrived. (My husband was thrilled!). I, of course, had forgotten my entry. Thank you, thank you! I pick up The Country Register at my favorite quilt shop here in Eugene – The Quilt Patch. I enjoy the ads from surrounding areas and the calendar items, too. Again, thank you for this delightful book. (Editor’s note: Thank you Jo, we enjoy sharing the prizes from our drawings with our readers and hope they bring pleasure to the recipients.) We have more giveaways in this issue, so be sure to enter. We love hearing from our readers, so drop us a note with your entry. We are grateful to all the authors, publishers and advertisers who provide the prizes for our drawings throughout the year. The Country Register is in 46 states across the U.S. and in five provinces in Canada. Going out of state? Call ahead to the state(s) you will visit and get a copy of that area’s Country Register. Prairie City • Redmond • Bend • La Pine 7 Feb-March 14 Building Harmony Raising Kane by Jeff Cappis His name is Kane, our latest grandchild. He is two and a half. He has deep blue eyes, walks and runs, always smiles and knows exactly three words: “Papa” (that’s me), “Truck” and “Ope.” “Ope” means you’ve dropped something, fallen down or just unloaded in your diaper. Sometimes all three. “Ope” is never good. “Ope,” however, is a fact of life. In keeping with tradition, we’ve tried to give him a cute little rhyme to go with his name. The kids love that. It shows them that you care. Kane has gone by various names in his 2 1/2 years (so far) on this planet: Candy Kane, Sugar Kane, Kane the brain, Kaner-kaner-bo-bainer . . . You get the idea. No one can explain it, but he has this calmness. An old soul deepness. He is cautious when he needs to be, but it’s like he knows that no matter what goes on around him, he’ll be O.K. This is good, because at the same time, things do seem to go on around him, but not to him. Once, I had a whole Saturday afternoon with him. I love this time. I find he is easy to entertain. He finds everything funny, so when I discovered an old clown costume in the back of my closet, I thought I’d be a hit for sure. I had a pair of glasses with the nose and mustache, big shoes, a frizzy wig, a red ball and a hat with a big sunflower hanging out of it. I topped it all off with an old robe and a small umbrella. “Ta-da!” I yelled as I stepped into the living room with my arms outstretched. I expected lots of laughter. Nothing. He just sat there looking at me. My sunflower fell off and I found myself somewhat embarrassed, having acted too childish for a two year old. He noticed the ball in my hand and pointed at the front door. I was happy to play catch outside if it made me look fun again. We went out. “O.K.,” I said, “Toss the ball to me and I will catch it.” Now, I’m not going to say how, but the ball landed up on the roof. Kane pointed to it. “Ope.” Then a slightly sad look came over his face. Out of a sense of guilt (and because it was actually my fault the ball went on the roof), I went and got a ladder. It was an awkward climb. My big clown feet were clumsy on the rungs and it wasn’t easy holding up that umbrella. On top of that, a breeze came up and blew the hair in my eyes. I scrambled off the ladder to the roof, then made my way to the ball. I was ecstatic when I finally got it in my hands. That changed when I heard the ladder fall over. I sat on the edge of the roof. Kane just watched me. I tried to show him a trick with the ball, but I dropped it. After bouncing four times, it rolled to Kane’s feet. “Ope,” he said shaking his head. I guess he got bored because he picked up the ball and went into the house. (I think I even heard him lock the door). I was frantic to get down. I even considered using the umbrella as a parachute. Luckily and just by chance, my nosey neighbor (Belinda the gossip) heard me. She came running over, stopped and stared at me for a moment, then called 911 exclaiming, “There’s some clown on my neighbor’s roof!” Both the police and the fire department showed up. They tried to be good about it, but I could hear them snicker when their backs were turned. As it turned out, Belinda is a reporter, too. The pictures made the local newspaper with a caption that read “Local Crackpot Caught on Roof: Claims he was entertaining children.” Kane didn’t care; he was inside taking a nap. “Ope.” Copyright by Jeff Cappis. Email: jcappis@telus.net. Winter Words Scramble High Mountain Fabric Quilt Shop 2500 sq. ft. of Quilting Stuff!! 100% Cotton Fabrics • Books • Notions Stop By, Check out our Prices and Discounts! 541-548-6909 1542 S. Hwy 97 • Redmond, OR 97756 Tues - Fri 10-4 • sat 10-2 • Closed Sun & Mon Sew Many Quilts 2008 TOP TEN QUILT SHOP 1375 SE Wilson Ave., #170 (just east of Parr Lumber) Bend, OR 97702 Check out our website Check out our new block-of-the-months for 2014! Winter Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am-5:30pm Sat 10:00am-5pm • Sun 12pm-4pm Phone: 541-385-7166 • email: sewmanyquilts@bendtel.net Please visit our website at www.sewmanyquiltsinbend.com Lagenlook Is Free-Spirited Fashion, Finds Home in Antique Faire World by René Groom Lagenlook continues to find a home in the U.S Antique Faire world. In large part due to the famed Robin Brown of Magnolia Pearl fashion out of Texas, who has been supplying Faire goers at Round Top in Texas for a number of years. Rarely can one attend an antique faire across the U.S anymore and not see someone, or a group of someones, dressed to the nines in this fun loving, chic, free-spirited fashion. Coined “Lagenlook” in Europe, the word means “the layered look.” Usually crafted in vintage linens of cream, white and black or vintage lace and tatting—some with clean seam lines and some with a tatted edge—this fashion has been described as a cross between romantic Victorian and steampunk with a splash of Gypsy for good measure. The uber-feminine look is often times balanced out with chunky boots or even vintage cowgirl boots and belts. The ability to layer the clothing is truly an art form, which is certainly made easier with the foundational pieces of lightweight bloomers, long- bodied tank-top shirts and shorty jackets. Unique looks can be created by combining different shades of creams and white and mix and matching lace patterns. While Lagenlook has been around for generations in Europe, often times those looks were more Victorian and confining. But, designers like Magnolia Pearl, Paris Rags, and Ivey Abitz has found fun and unique ways to loosen up the corset by bringing the once undergarments out, exposing them for the beautiful coverings that they are. It has been said that this particular look has to have a special person to carry it off. But, in truth, there is so much that is precious about this particular style that I think anyone could adapt parts of it into their every day wardrobe. If one is looking to create this look for themselves, their best bet is to find costume patterns for steampunk, Victorian, and Gypsy wear and go from there. If you are looking to buy pieces to add to your wardrobe, you can check out MettaMarie, Ivey Abitz, Magnolia Pearl and Paris Rags on the Internet or on Facebook. René Groom is a freelance writer and public speaker who loves to share her adventures, misadventures and the amazing people she meets down life’s dusty trails. She and her husband, Tom, make their home in Prosser, WA. She is the mom of four amazing men. Some of her stories can be found at www.adventureswithdusty.blogspot.com. 8 Sisters • Redmond Oregon KISSed Quilts We Can Do It!—Part 1 by Marlene Oddie I was already scheduled to make my first visit to the AQS QuiltWeek® in Des Moines, Iowa, last October so I could experience my quilt, ‘Rosie’s BOMb,’ getting juried into the American Quilter’s Society show. What made the trip even more fun was getting the phone call telling me that my quilt had won second place in Bed Quilts—Machine Quilted! This journey started in 2011 when I discovered a quilting skill builder happening online but chose not to participate because I didn’t think I needed to build skills—plus I had a busy schedule at the time. However, near the end of 2011, I realized the We Can Do It! Skill Builder Sampler Quilt Along (QAL), hosted by “Sewn by Leila,” was using the iconic ‘Rosie the Riveter’ poster image as her blog button for the project. As a female engineer with a can-do attitude, I relate to Rosie and decided I had to jump in even though they were six months into the QAL. Making a ‘Rosie’ quilt was a natural progression in my thought process. It became an interesting challenge—one that made me realize I still had a lot to learn. Using my Electric Quilt 7 software to design a layout, which included the Rosie poster as a center medallion, I chose colors that would coordinate with the poster. I used colors within each block to create a layout to frame and mimic the poster’s colors—blue/white backgrounds in the top area, yellow in the sides and red at the bottom (dark and ‘anchoring’ to the whole quilt). Mid-year 2012, I was away from my longarm for several weeks while my husband took a job out of state. I worked diligently to catch up on the QAL. Towards the end, I drafted the feathered star through a paper piecing technique so no “Y” seams were necessary, and was honored to be asked by Leila to draw up the butterfly pattern so that all followers could use the necessary templates through an easy PDF download. The whole idea of this QAL was to start out with basic techniques, building confidence and moving on with more difficult ones. This included doing things improvisationally, creating your own ‘crumb’ fabric and designing your own house block. I laid them out in the quilt from start to finish, top row to bottom row, left to right. There were typically about 3 blocks per technique. Now I needed to create the poster on fabric. I tried a couple of times, after much planning, to print it on an inkjet plotter on self-treated muslin. The ‘rinse’ process took out all magenta and it looked quite ‘antique.’ The effect might have been nice, but I had used such brilliant colors in the quilt, I really wanted a brilliant level of color in the poster. I decided to try spoonflower.com and got wonderful results. My sashing details included finding a MODA fabric that had a row of buttons. I fussycut many yards of it. Finding the red fabric that reads as a polka dot but is actually various buttons was great for the border since it tied in with Rosie’s headband so nicely. I then added appliquéd rivets to emphasize the original concept of what was going on with ‘Rosie’ in WW II. The bottom of the poster needed to be filled in. I had found a fabric with all the different quilt block names and terms printed on it that seemed to be very appropriate. In designing the quilting I wanted to be able to show my clients, in one piece, different types of quilting. For example, one block might have a background fill and the next one doesn’t. Some have formal feathers, others open feathers. Others have an edge-to-edge design within a block following the piecing as a registration guide and some just ignore the piecing. The border quilting was designed to look like polished steel and I wanted the rivets themselves to have a movement about them. I used some kitchen tools to help. (Thank you, Martha Stewart, for your rubber rings made to put around a rolling pin to get consistent pie dough depth!) Quilting Rosie herself was the biggest challenge. So grateful to find Virginia Graeves online—she provided me with some advice and gave me the confidence to move forward with Rosie’s face, arms and blouse details. (To be continued. In Part 2, I’ll tell you about my journey with the completed ‘Rosie’s BOMb.’) Marlene Oddie is an engineer by education, project manager by profession and now a quilter by passion in Grand Coulee, WA. She enjoys long-arm quilting on her Gammill Optimum Plus, but especially enjoys designing quilts and assisting in the creation of a meaningful treasure for the recipient. Follow Marlene’s adventures via her blog at http://kissedquilts.blogspot.com or on http://www.facebook. com/kissedquilts. Note: Modern block credits used in ‘Rosie’s BOMb’ include: Breaking Out: Jennie Finch, Canandaigua, NY (generously sharing); Starry Night: Faith @ Fresh Lemons (only for personal use); and Circle of Geese: Beth McBride @ Piece by Number (see piecebynumber.com for usage details). Black Forest Brownie Jumble Courtesy of CooksRecipes.com This chocolate brownie dessert will bring to mind a classic cake with roots in Germany. Ingredients: 1 (21-ounce) box fudge brownie mix 2 large eggs 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup vegetable oil or melted butter 16 chocolate cookie wafers, broken into large pieces 1 (10-ounce) jar maraschino cherries, drained and halved 1/2 cup chocolate chips 3/4 cup chopped walnuts (optional) 3/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated milk) Directions: Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Mix brownie mix, eggs, water and oil in a large bowl until well blended. Spread batter in a 13x9-inch greased pan. Scatter top of batter with cookie pieces, cherries, chocolate chips and walnuts. Drizzle with condensed milk. Bake for about 35 minutes or until topping is golden. Let cool and then cut 4x4 into 16 pieces. Makes 16 brownies. Note: If using a glass baking pan, increase cooking time to 40 minutes. Feb-March 14 Antique and Vintage Shopping & Events • Roseburg • Stanfield • Oregon City • Klamath Falls • Medford Shopping Antiques & Vintage in the Northwest Savvy and Thrifty: Great Gifts For Valentine’s Day and Beyond by Mary Dessoie With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about your gift-giving needs. Instead of patronizing the crowded malls and box stores and paying top dollar for quite ordinary mass-produced trinkets and home accessories, why not be remembered this year for your spectacular, unique and antique Valentine’s Day gifts? My area of interest is antique china. In that niche, you will find everything you need to fit all taste levels on your gift list. You are holding the best resource for your antiquing jaunts in your hands. You can make your shopping easy and a delight by patronizing the advertisers who appear in this paper. Please make a point to attend auctions, shows, estate sales, visit your local antique malls and shops and say “hello” to your neighbors. Have fun getting out and about while crossing off the names on your gift list. One of the best buys is a partial lot of china. These incomplete sets usually can be found for great prices. Don’t overlook pieces that are dusty or have small imperfections. They can be spruced up! Everyone loves vintage teacups. Why not purchase several? Teacup sets are items of enduring beauty that will get you through your Valentine’s gift list and on to birthdays, get well or hostess gifts. Fill the cup with an assortment of individually packaged tea bags. Place the cup and saucer on a large square of tulle. Bring the tulle up around the cup and saucer and wrap with a long colorful piece of fabric ribbon. What a welcome gift! Try the same with butter pats! Place one large wrapped chocolate on a pat and surround it with tulle and a beautiful ribbon. Don’t forget to set one of these delightful treasures at each guest’s place setting at your next luncheon or dinner party and enjoy your guests’ complimentary remarks. Butter pats are also great votive candleholders. Buy several votive candles to accompany your bounty of antique butter pats. Voila! You now have several inexpensive but delightful gifts for your special girlfriends, not only for February 14 but also throughout the year ahead. Bouillon cups always remind me of my transatlantic crossings on the QEII and the mandatory “elevenses.” It is so rare to see these vestiges of gracious 19th Century living. Bouillon cups are charming gifts. Place tiny color foil-wrapped bouillon cubes in the cup. Use gift wrap with a nautical theme and surround your pretty package with tulle. Use an extra long flowing fabric ribbon festooned with lighthouses. For the mustachioed man in your life, a mustache cup is a must! These relics of Victoriana will be treasured for years ahead. Antique shaving mugs are another terrific present. Pack up a gift bag of shaving creams and lotions and you will be able to present a gift that you are proud of and one that won’t cost you a bundle! Add a brush to the mug and you will surely please the special man in your life. A day of snooping around antique shops and bidding at auctions should provide you with the opportunity to pick up several inexpensive soap dishes. Make a side trip to your local discount store for a variety of decorative soaps. Pack a bar of soap with each dish and wrap the ensemble in vintage hankies tied up with big red ribbon. The possibilities for great gifts are endless when you go antiquing. Add your own touches to create truly memorable gifts. Why not bake up a storm and artfully arrange the heartshaped goodies on a 19th Century Havilland dessert plate? Surely someone on your gift list would love a matching sugar and creamer. Do you have a dog-lover on your gift list? Fido certainly would appreciate some doggy treats presented on a 19th-century Staffordshire bone dish! Always remember, it is the thought that counts. Gifts of antique china are packed with memories and, by adding your own special touches, you will relay the message that your gifts have been packaged with careful thought and love. Mary Dessoie covers a variety of topics in the field of antiques and collectibles. She founded the Butter Pat Patter Association for beginner and advanced collectors of exquisite china butter pats from the Victorian through Edwardian eras and 19thCentury to currentday transportation and restaurant ware pats. Butter pats are miniature plates that were introduced during the mid-1800s for individual servings of butter. A subscription to The Patter newsletter costs $22 and includes a mint-condition Royal Doulton butter pat and 10 issues. Sample copies are available by sending $4 and a LSSAE (66 cents) to: Mary Dessoie, 7950 E. Keats Avenue, No. 178, Mesa, AZ 85209-5025. Those who would like to start their subscriptions immediately and receive their Royal Doulton pat by return mail, please send your check or money order, in the amount of $22, payable to Mary Dessoie. Mention this article and you will receive an extra butter pat. Please mention this special double china premium offer when you write! 9 10 Sunnyside, WA • Kent, WA • Olympia, WA • Antique and Vintage Shopping & Events Over les tab 200 37th Annual Green River Glass Show and Sale Saturday - February 22, 2014 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Kent Commons 525 4th Ave. N., Kent, Washington Selling Glass, Jewelry & Collectibles from Early to Mid 20th Century Including: Depression • Elegant • 50’s, 60’s & 70’s Glass by: Cambridge • Fenton • Fostoria • Heisey • Northwood Westmoreland and many more!!! Also: Pottery/China/Kitchenware Glass Identification by Special Guests: Randy & Debbie Coe Authors of many books on American Glass (2 pc. limit) Roy’s Glass Repair Presented by Green River Depression Era Glass Club Admission: $3 proceeds to benefit Selected Charities For additional Info call: Becki Ray (206) 295-6794, Kay Larsson (253) 852-5250, Dave Ownbey (206) 246-2642, Terry Martin (table info) (206) 937-4104. Lots of FREE covered parking! Oregon Feb-March 14 Beaverton • Monroe, WA • Portland • Walla Walla, WA • Antique and Vintage Shopping & Events Portland Antique & Collectible Show Will Be Held March 1 & 2 at Expo Center The largest indoor collector show in the U.S., the Portland Antique & Collectible Show, returns to the Portland Expo Center on Saturday and Sunday, March 1 and 2. Top dealers will take part at this enormous spring event. The show features hundreds of exhibitor booths (more than 1,000) selling restored turnof-the-century furniture, antique toys, Victorian décor, vintage clothing, holiday collectibles, garden antiques, wacky memorabilia, estate jewelry and more. Appraisers will be on hand to identify and evaluate show patron’s individual antique pieces; it’s only $5.00 each piece to help the Sunshine Division—the Portland Police Food Bank. As a special feature this year, Oregon’s former Governor Victor Atiyeh is loaning his collection of memorabilia from the Lewis and Clark Fair, which was held in 1905. Portland staged its first and only world’s fair from June 1 through October 15, 1905. During those four and a half months, 1,588,000 paying visitors passed through the gates to the 400-acre fairgrounds on the northwest edge of town. The collection on display includes photos of the amazing structures that were built, including the World Forestry Center, which was destroyed by fire in August 1964. The display includes original photos of The Fair, examples of all of the many souvenirs that were sold during the time it was running. There are only a few major collectors in this category and Governor Atiyeh and Mike Cramer, both of Portland, have the largest number of items. Together, they are putting more pieces of Lewis and Clark Fair items on display than have ever been displayed before. Also at the Portland Antique & Collectible Show, patrons can buy pop culture collectibles from the 50s, 60s and 70s, a ton of vintage clothing, outstanding glassware and old radios from the 1930s, turn-of-the-century furniture (almost dozens of booths), movie memorabilia, collectible toys, and sports memorabilia. The more classic collector can look for sterling silver pieces, Tiffany glass, bronzes, paintings and Native American artifacts and, of course, toys from the 1880s to the 1960s and much more. Home decorators can find furniture in American, European, 1890s golden oak, mahogany and country styles. This year’s Portland Antique & Collectible Show takes place just as spring starts and is the place to find the vintage garden items that are so popular today. The expert appraisers, several of whom have worked on The Antiques Roadshow and the major shows around the country, will provide verbal market evaluations of family treasures. All proceeds will go to the Portland Police’s Food Bank, The Sunshine Division. Show hours are: Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $7.00, which is good for both days. The Portland Exp Center is located at 2060 N. Marine Drive, Portland. Parking is $8.00 at the Expo Center or park free at the Portland Meadows Race Track (shuttle provided). Also, the MAX Yellow Line directly serves the Portland Expo Center from downtown Portland. The Portland Antique & Collectible Show is produced by Christine Palmer & Associates. For more information, call 503-282-0877, go to: www.christinepalmer.net or visit America’s Largest Antique & Collectible Shows on Facebook. 11 Dillard • Sutherlin • Myrtle Creek • Klamath Falls • Lakeview • Medford • Roseburg Oregon Mountain Stars Quilters Guild Show To Be Held in Medford, June 27 to 29 Mountain Stars Quilters Guild will hold its biennial quilt show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 27, 28 and 29, at the Medford Armory, 1701 S. Pacific Hwy. in Medford. This year’s show theme is “Sisterhood of Quilting.” Show hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily and admission is $5. More than 250 quilted items will be on display. Featured quilters are guild members, Cathy Penland and Kathy Medina. The two are friends who have been quilting together for years, putting their own individual twists on identical quilts. In addition, there will be a vendor mall, a guild consignment boutique and a daily bed turning featuring historical quilts from the area. This year’s show will feature challenge quilts from the guild challenge, “Home – What it Means to Me;” challenge quilts from the Jacksonville Museum Quilters; and a special display from sisters who quilt together. Founded in 1984, Mountain Stars members hail from southern Oregon and northern California. To learn more about Mountain Stars Quilters Guild, go to: www.msquilters. com. For information on the show or to be a vendor, please email: msquiltshow@gmail.com. APWQ 2014 Symposium Workshops Will Be Held in Tacoma, WA, 7/31 to 8/3 Three days of fiber, friends and fun is on the menu for the 2014 Symposium of workshops being held by the Association of Pacific West Quilters (APWQ). The Symposium will be presented July 31 to August 3 on the campus of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA. The Symposium faculty includes Michele Byrum, Nancy Eha, Lyric Kinard, Helene Knott, Cheryl Malkowski, Kathy McNeil, Cindy Needham, Barbara Olson, Katie Pedersen, and Lura Schwarz Smith. A wide variety of class offerings will be announced early February and online registration will begin March 1. Visit www.apwq.org for complete, up to date information or contact APWQoffice@gmail.com. Welcome to our amazing quilt shop filled with displays, kits & samples to inspire you. We truly have something for everyone! We offer Quilt-cations along with our annual Spring & Fall retreats. We look forward to your visit! Come see our fresh new look and renovation!! Spring Retreat April 11th, 12th & 13th at Running Y Resort M-F 10-5 and Sat 10-4 www.taterpatchquilts.com 109 E. Front St., Merrill, OR 97633 (541) 798-5955 Downtown Merrill “We Go For The Old-Time Quilting” 1.5 miles to store 26654 Rocky Point Rd. Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Fire Hall 541-356-2218 541-281-0030 Quilting Sisters Medford 140 Hwy 66 Hwy Open: Mon-Sat • 8-5 RJR • In The Beginning • Moda Hoffman • P&B • Clotheworks Marcus Brothers • Northcolt Baum Textile Mills Timeless Treasures Old Feed Sacks Rocky Roint Rd 12 We have classes and a big smile on our faces Happy Valentine’s Day from The Country Register Feb-March 14 Quilting & Needlework Events & Services Book Giveaway Dream Again Tells the Story Of Young Girl’s Journey on Oregon Trail by Patty Duncan Although cataloged as a children’s book, Dream Again by Dennis McGregor will be enjoyed by readers of all ages as it tells the story of a young girl’s journey along the Oregon Trail. Annie’s adventure begins as her treasured family quilt slips off a covered wagon into the icy Deschutes River. “The only thing Annie has to remember her family is a patchwork quilt made from their worn-out clothes. She knew that quilt by heart and she loved every story it told in every piece. In this way, her family was with her night after night, mile after mile. It brought sweet dreams from the hardships of pioneer life.” Annie and her companion horse, Grace, leave the safety of the wagon train and follow the river for almost three weeks in search of her lost quilt. Through her determination, Annie never loses faith that she will be reunited with her beloved heirloom. Author Dennis McGregor weaves the story of this young pioneer and her dreams of a future through his wonderful storytelling and beautiful illustrations that brings the story to life in vibrant color. He shares, “The story, set in 1845, was driven by the notion that every antique quilt in every home today would have some kind of story to tell. I looked at my old quilt and wondered what did this quilt go through over the last century and a half before it ended up in my home?” For his illustrations, Dennis used friends for models and Central Oregon’s landscapes as backdrops. He explained, “I imagined the wagon floating in water and immediately thought of a quilt falling from it. To see what the quilt would look like underwater, I asked my photographer brother, Brent, to take some pictures. I dragged him up to Blue Lake and he jumped in with his snorkel and Continued on page 14... 22nd Annual Odessa Spring Fling Quilt Show Not Just Another Small Town Quilt Show April 25th-26th Odessa High School Gym, Odessa, WA Friday 10am - 7pm • Saturday 9am - 5pm Admission is $4.00 Featured Quilter ~ Linda Reisterer Hoffman Fabric Challenge • Quilting Demos 4th Annual Downtown Quilt Walk For updates: www.odessaquiltclub.com 509-982-2908 13 14 Molalla • Sandy • Aurora • Happy Valley Oregon From Lydia’s Recipe File: Hearty Baked Potato Soup Fabric • Notions • Patterns Fat Quarters • Books • Classes We Service Sewing Machines Machine Quilting Available! 38821 Proctor Blvd. • Sandy, OR 97055 503-668-3106 Tues- Fri 10-5 • Sat 10-2 E-mail paradisequilts@frontier.com • www.paradisequilts.net Sandy Historical Society Inc’s 16th Annual Quilt Show Thursday, Friday & Saturday June 26th, 27th & 28th, 2014 Pioneer Building (old Sandy High School) Thursday 10A-5P • Friday 10A-5P Saturday 10A-4P 17100 Bluff Road, Sandy, OR 140+ quilts on display Vendors’ Mall Door Prizes • Additional Exhibits Adults $5.00 Seniors (60+ yr) $4.00 Youths 6-12 $3.00 Children 5 & under Free Pass for all 3 days $12.00 2014 Raffle Quilt: “Midnight Starburst” Questions and Quilt Entry Applications • www.SandyHistory.com • • sandyhistorical@sandynet.org • • 503-668-3378 • Enjoy this souper-duper soup. Add a heart-shaped piece of toast to make it hearty in more ways than one. Ingredients: 4 large red potatoes 3 slices bacon 1 tablespoon bacon drippings 1/2 cup onion, chopped 1 1/4 cups chicken broth (or water with one chicken bouillon cube) 2 cups milk, divided 3 tablespoons flour 1/4 cup sour cream 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 green onion, thinly sliced 1 slice of bread per person Directions: 1. Pierce potatoes with a fork. Microwave on high for 13 minutes or until tender. Cut in half; cool slightly, and peel if desired. (Skins add fiber and nutrients.) 2. While potatoes cook, place bacon in frying pan and cook until brown and crisp. Remove and place on paper towel to absorb grease. Cool; crumble into small pieces. 3. Save one tablespoon bacon drippings to fry onion. Add onion to fry pan, and sauté for 3 minutes or until cooked. Set aside. 4. Pour chicken broth into 6-cup saucepan. Combine flour and 1/2 cup milk in small bowl; add to pan of broth, and mix. 5. Sautéed onions and the remaining 1 1/2 cup milk. Bring to a boil; cook two minutes, stirring often. 6. Remove from heat; stir in sour cream, salt and pepper. 7. Add potatoes and coarsely mash with a potato masher. On low, heat the soup until hot. 8. To serve, top with cheese, green onions and crumbled bacon. 9. For a heart-y Valentine’s touch, toast bread; butter and cut into heart shapes. Top each serving of soup with a toasted heart. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Dream Again, continued from page 13... waterproof camera. Many photos were taken as we cast my quilt out again and again, reeling it in with the string we had attached.” It was these reference shots that inspired Dennis to paint “The Crossing” on page 10 of the book. Dennis McGregor is a graphic designer, songwriter and musician who is best known as an illustrator specializing in poster design. His definition of a successful poster is one that people like enough to buy, frame and hang on their wall. He concluded long ago that if his advertising posters didn’t get stolen from store windows where they were hung, he wasn’t doing his job. Dennis now proudly adds “author” to his list of numerous accomplishments. The illustrator-author is the featured artist at the Piecemakers Quilt Club’s Quilt Show, RainFest 2014, which will be held in Forks, WA, on April 25 to 27. He will be autographing his book during the show and is the illustrator in the Show’s ad in this issue. Dream Again, a 9”x12” hardcover book with 52 pages and 25 full-color illustrations, sells for $29.95. To purchase this book, please visit www.dreamagainchildrensbook.com. The Bulletin, Central Oregon’s largest paper, recently listed the book as one of the top ten of the most popular media consumed by Central Oregonians in 2013. Patty Duncan hails from Northern Virginia and now lives in Glendale, AZ, where she spends lots of time spoiling her grandchildren. She enjoys quilting, photography, small town history and is also an avid digital storybook maker. She works in the sales department of The Country Register. Patty says, “As I get to know many of the authors of our book giveaways, I find their back stories are often as captivating as the books they write. McGregor’s thought process for both the story itself and his illustration are as interesting as the author himself.” Book Giveaway! Enter to Win! One lucky reader will win an autographed copy of Dream Again by Dennis McGregor. To enter the drawing for his book, send an email to: oregon@countryregister.com and put “Dream Again” in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your name, address and phone number. Or you can send a letter or postcard to: The Country Register, 515 E. Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ 85085. The drawing will be held on March 1 and the winner will be announced in our April-May issue. Walnut and Anise Biscotti Courtesy of CooksRecipes.com Delicious and simple, anise seed adds a distinctive note to these walnut biscotti and makes every bite a delight. Ingredients: 1/2 cup butter 3/4 cup lightly packed light brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups roughly chopped California walnuts 1 cup dried cranberries or dried cherries 1 teaspoon anise seed 2 teaspoons lemon zest Directions: Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C). In bowl beat butter and sugar with hand mixer until pale and fluffy. Beat in eggs until well combined. In small bowl whisk together flour and baking powder, walnuts, dried cranberries, anise and lemon zest. Add to butter mixture and mix well. Shape dough into a large log, about 4 x12-inches. Arrange on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake in center of preheated oven until golden, approximately 30 minutes. Let cool for 15 minutes and slice into 1/4-inch thick slices (diagonally for longer cookies or straight across for smaller). Return biscotti to baking sheet, cut side down, and bake for an additional 10 minutes. Flip to other side and bake 10 minutes longer, or until completely dry. Makes 24 biscotti. Feb-March 14 The Way It Was and the Way It Is! Winter’s Light is Special by James A. Nelson Surprisingly, the sight that reminds me most of winter is not when leaves turn golden and fall to the ground. It’s not the chill in the air as night approaches and the days grow short. It’s not even the light wisps of snow mixed with rain. It’s the color of the sky and surrounding area as evening approaches and at sunrise. It’s that blue-pink color that turns to a purple glow all around us. When this starts, you know winter is here. No other season produces this aura. My memories are always stirred by it. A picture of an outdoor skating rink comes to mind along with crackling bonfires, warm sweaters and sweatshirts. I look forward to that cozy feeling of cotton fleece next to my skin. Laughter echoes through the sharp winter air as children play and shuffle in large mounds of fallen leaves. This always brings a smile to my face. An aroma of cold air lingers on my clothes as I step inside my home—never forgetting to stomp my feet free from the messy wet snow. The smell and sight of wood smoke as it curls from chimneys throughout the neighborhood completes this Norman Rockwell winter scene in my mind. Most of all it reminds me of families gathered around a fireplace, engaged in lively conversation and the feeling of love as you tuck the little ones into bed at the end of the day, their faces flushed the color of red roses from the crisp outdoor air. I just looked out the window and saw a mule deer doe and yearling, belly-deep in snow. They were unconcerned, but the excitement they caused in our house was something to see and hear. The grandchildren pressed their faces to the window and chattered excitedly as they viewed this winter mural created by Mother Nature. Moments like these are always more memorable when shared with a child, especially a grandchild, an extension of your own life. Yes, the color of the sky does affect my mood. I always await the purple glow of winter evenings with great anticipation. Perhaps it will add another memory to my life, like the doe and fawn belly-deep in snow seen from the front window with the purple aura all around them. Jim Nelson enjoyed a career at the Spokane Review and retired in Spokane. WA. His writings have been widely published in nationally known magazines, including five times in Chicken Soup of the Soul books. His book, The Way It Was and The Way It Is, can be found in the public libraries and school systems in Spokane. It is available for purchase through Amazon.com and contains 46 nostalgic short stories. Jim Nelson enjoys hearing from our readers and can be reached at 43 E. Weile, Apt. 214, Spokane, WA 99208. Jim has been writing for over 50 years. Quilting & Needlework Events 15 Snowflakes and Stitches Shop Hop In Northern Willamette Valley in March Quilters are invited to join in on ten days of shop hop fun in Oregon’s Northern Willamette Valley when Stitches Shop Hops celebrates its 1st annual Snowflakes and Stitches Shop Hop from March 5 to 15. The event is organized and coordinated by Deb Messina, owner of Quilter’s Corner Store in Beaverton, and Sandra Christopher, owner of Sandra’s Stitches in Hillsboro. Ten area independent quilt shops have joined together to offer shop hoppers a bit of fun and a range of projects large and small with something different at every shop. All ten shops are within easy driving distances (SW Portland, west to Hillsboro and south to the McMinnville and Salem areas). All shops will be open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with some shops open extended hours and on Sunday. Participating shops include: • A Common Thread • Bernina/Stretch & Sew Fabrics • Boersma’s Sewing Center, Inc. • Grandma’s Attic • Greenbaum’s Quilted Forest • Quilter’s Corner Store • Sandra’s Stitches • Sharon’s Attic • Tea Time Calicos • The Cotton Patch Every shop hopper will receive a pattern and the fabric to complete a 6” (finished) quilt block from each participating shop visited. Each block will use at least one of the theme fabrics—Fusion Illusion from Blank Quilting. Ten shops—ten different project ideas! Winning a prize is so much fun! Each shop is conducting an in-store drawing for a $25.00 prize—the more shops visited, the more chances to win. Shop hoppers who visit all ten shops and turn in their completed passport will be eligible to win larger prizes, including: • The Grand Prize: A three-night stay at the Oregon Coast • 1st Prize: A Prize Bag filled with fabric, patterns and so much more! ($300.00 value) • 2nd Prize: A Prize Bag filled with fabric, patterns and so much more! ($250.00 value) • 3rd Prize: A Prize Bag filled with fabric, patterns and so much more! ($200.00 value) • 4th Prize(s): A $50 Gift Certificate (10 total - 1 from each participating shop) Passports will be available at each participating independent quilt shop and are also available for download at www.StitchesShopHops.com. Shop hop news, updates and information about participating shops will be available on the website and also at Facebook. com/StichesShopHops. Stitches Shop Hops organizes twice yearly Quilt Shop Hops—Snowflakes and Stitches™ Shop Hop in March (February starting in 2015) and Sunshine and Stitches™ Shop Hop in July. 16 West Linn Oregon Poppy’s Brown Coat Come see our all-new Christmas-inspired store, “Boughs of Holly!” Fabrics, quilts, gifts and home decor for the holidays! Call 503-607-0600 for details or come out and visit with us! “Where inspiration lives and creativity begins” Over 6000 bolts of fabric! Andover featuring Jo Morton, Hoffman, Lakehouse, Maywood Studios, Michael Miller, Moda and many more! The largest assortment of Moda pre-cut Charm Packs, Jelly rolls and Layer Cakes in the area! 1914 Willamette Falls Dr., Suite #160 West Linn, OR 97068 503-607-0600 Open Tues-Sat 10am-5pm • Closed Sun & Mon Spring 2010 Top Ten Shop Better Homes & Gardens Quilt Sampler Magazine! www.hollyhillquiltshoppe.com by Kerri Habben To a grown-up, the brown coat was merely that—a brown coat. To a six-year-old afraid of many things, it was a knight’s armor. To others, the man who wore the coat was merely a man. To a six-year-old, the man was a knight. Wearing his brown coat, he wrapped the six-year-old in its furry fabric on winter days when the school bus was late. He kept away little dogs and big dogs—and for those things he was a hero. As the six-year-old grew, the knight aged, and she saw that he was actually a man with a big battle to wage. Eventually the armor that had stretched across broad shoulders hung on a shrinking body. The day came when the man and the knight spent much of the time in a chair that wheeled him from room to room. The knight’s body grew too tired to fight anymore and, at the end of one year and the beginning of the next, he fell asleep for the last time and met his King, whom he had served faithfully all the days of his life. But this is a story about a coat, a brown coat with furry fabric inside. The coat lingered inside a closet for a few seasons and then a few more until the day the girl wrapped herself in the coat one last time. The coat was placed among clothing to be given away. The brown coat with furry fabric inside would keep somebody warm, which was what the man and the knight would have wanted. A woman found the coat on a rack at the corner donation store. She knew that it wouldn’t truly suit her, but it was the warmest coat there. She had ten blocks to walk to work—a stroll in the springtime, a struggle against the wind in the wintertime. She wore the coat for three winters. It hung on a hanger during the spring she received a promotion at work and she had just taken it out during the next fall when she was offered a job in a place warmer where she would rarely need the brown coat. So, on her last day’s ten-block walk from one building to another, knowing the nights were cold, she left the coat beside a man sleeping in an alley. As the night darkened and the autumn air chilled, the man huddled in the coat. He wondered who had left the coat beside him, but he was happy to be warm. As he sat, immersed in the brown coat, he remembered other feelings of being warm. The sturdy walls of a house he’d once lived in, the aroma of pot roast and mashed potatoes, and the soft strands of long hair of the woman he loved. Across the alley, a small child watched the man in the coat. The man studied the child’s thin coat and smiled gently as he opened the coat. They sat cocooned together—the brown coat their armor against the night. Somewhere, the girl remembered the knight as she fell asleep beneath the cover. Somewhere, the woman tucked her children in and remembered the dark nights. And, somewhere, to the child, the man was the knight and the brown coat was an armor that kept away big dogs and little dogs. Kerri Habben is a writer, photographer and historian living in Raleigh, NC. Also an avid crocheter and knitter, Kerri learned these skills from her grandmother and mother. She donates many of her yarn creations to those in need. A published writer for nearly twenty years, Kerri is currently gathering a decade of essays into a book. She can be reached at khwriter@outlook.com. She says, “I wrote this partially imaginative story in memory of my grandfather, who passed away on New Year’s Day 26 years ago. He is forever a knight in the now grown-up heart of his grateful granddaughter. Beaverton • Hillsboro • Portland • Quilting Events 17 Feb-March 14 Making Memories Over Family Favorites by Barbara Floyd The last column I wrote was about cleaning out my cookbook collection along with a drawing for a Susan Branch Cookbook, which was posted on The Country Register’s company home page at www.countryregister. com as well as in a number of Country Register newspapers across the country. Every day now a few entries come in for the cookbook drawing that will be held the end of February. It is amazing to read of others’ interests and love of cooking and collecting cookbooks. Here is an entry that came from Anita Bell: “This is my first time reading The Country Register (TN and KY edition). I found my copy at a rest area and enjoyed it very much, as I like all things domestic. I, too, collect cookbooks. So did my mother. She probably had over 400 in her collection. Mother is now in a nursing home with dementia, but she still talks about cooking. When she moved, my brother and sister and I each took some of her cookbooks for ourselves. We donated the remainder to the local library for their used book sales. I tend to be sentimental so I took mostly ones I remembered from my childhood. My favorite is The Mississippi Cookbook, a hardbound edition that is literally in pieces. I have many memories of Mother studying that book for new dishes in the 1970s. In fact, some of the recipes she found, I use today in my cooking. I keep my cookbooks in a white wooden cabinet that my grandmother purchased upon her marriage in 1920 as a 15-year-old bride. I think your idea is wonderful!” And I just had to write back to tell her that I would probably be just like her mom when my memory dims and be talking about cooking in the nursing home. No, I would probably try and get into the nursing home kitchen and do the cooking! All kidding aside, the kitchen used to be the heart of the home and so it is heartwarming to hear many responses to a cookbook drawing that tell me for some people it still is. This past weekend in Lake Havasu City, starting on January 9th, which was my sister JoAnn’s 80th birthday, a group of 10 of the family (all cousins - three generations) from AZ, GA, ND, CA and Canada spent four days together. I do like planning events, especially surprises. Part of the fun was the food planning and preparing, much of it ahead of time. I pulled out some family favorite recipes such as JoAnn’s Rum cake. She also made a great carrot cake for years and years. (Some of you may remember that cake from Gooseberries Tea Room when we first opened it. JoAnn used to make the carrot cake and was a part time hostess.) I did not have JoAnn’s recipe so I made carrot cake loaded with coconut, crushed pineapple, walnuts and substituted half the oil for applesauce and, of course, cream cheese frosting. Of the three cakes served on antique cake stands at a friend’s home on the Friday evening, the carrot cake was voted best with the rum cake a close second and the wine cake came in third. The wine cake tastes a bit like eggnog with the nutmeg in it. Serious dents were put in all three moist Bundt cakes, ice cream and a few other goodies by the twentyfour guests. A few family members did not like the loaded carrot cake but the rest of us were glad to eat their share. My sister’s recipe calls for only the walnuts and the shredded carrots. Another family recipe, which everyone loves but I am afraid will die with my generation, is our Danish grandma’s Floating Island dessert. I must admit, it is more work than some desserts. There is the fluffy white egg whites folded into a thickened lemon mixture and over that is served the thickened egg yolk, lemon rind, milk sauce that you can’t boil and it takes forever to heat it to the point where it coats the spoon. My Canadian cousin had just flown across country and landed in Phoenix to spend the night with me. Tired as she was, she made the mistake of asking if she could help in the kitchen. So, she got the job of overseeing this “coating of the spoon” job. What she failed to realize is my gas burner and the short handle on the whisk was working together to roast her whole right arm to well done. When this dessert appeared for the family dinner the next night (at another friend’s home in Lake Havasu), it created a lot of excitement. There was no problem cleaning up the tad bit that was left over. I think the last time any of us had this dessert was at a family reunion years ago. A newly tried cookie recipe for Baklava Cookies was also a big hit. (Google it and see what you come up with. A buttery crisp cookie with lots of chopped walnuts and a honey, lemony, cinnamon glaze—or write to me if you want the exact recipe.) It is my thinking that family favorites from the past should not be forgotten, but trying new recipes can add a lot to this thing called food, family and fun. Check The Country Register’s company website homepage at www.countryregister.com for another cookbook drawing to start in February. Winners will be posted there as well as personally notified. Barbara Floyd, Founder of The Country Register, The Antique Register of Arizona, and Love of Junk, Walla Walla’s Vintage Market, resides in Phoenix, AZ, and still loves the kitchen. She can be reached at barbara@countryregister and will soon celebrate two years of semi-retirement. Coffee Creek Quilters’ Sale To Be Held in Yamhill in February The Coffee Creek Quilters (CCQ) is a non-profit 501c Foundation whose members spend many hours each week teaching the art of quilting to women serving time at the Coffee Creek Women’s Prison in Wilsonville. On February 21 and 22, CCQ will hold a fund-raising sale in Yamhill to help support this important program. During the quilt making process, inmate-students learn many life skills, including patience, problem solving and math. In addition, they enjoy the therapeutic benefits provided through their creativity. Not only are these newfound skills beneficial to the students, the rewards of their completed quilts are then passed on to other charitable organizations, such as hospice care, abuse shelters, needy children’s programs and more. Each student makes three quilts—two to pass along and a third one to keep or give to a loved one. The CCQ program runs entirely on volunteers, donations and grant funding. The group always welcomes tax-deductible donations of quilting related fabric, patterns, sewing machines, tools, books and, of course, financial contributions. Because donations of goods are not always useable in the program itself, those items are sold at a “Quilters Bonanza” garage sale. This year’s sale will be held on Friday and Saturday, February 21 and 22, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Quilted Hill, 7601 NE Blackburn Road in Yamhill. Many great books, (both sewing and cooking), patterns, tools, fabric, antique quilt tops and more can be found at bargain-basement prices! All proceeds raised go into the general fund to maintain the program and buy needed supplies, do machine maintenance, etc., for the Coffee Creek Quilters program. For more information about Coffee Creek Quilters program or how to donate, please visit their website at www.CoffeeCreekQuilters.org. For directions or a map to The Quilted Hill, please visit www.thequiltedhill.com. 18 Molalla • Forest Grove • Clatskanie • Gleneden Beach Oregon Three Bears’ Tea by Lydia E. Harris Who would have thought a fairy tale and leftover soup would inspire a tea party? But they did. When I looked into my refrigerator and found several leftover soups, I decided to invite my sister Ruth and her husband Bill to “come for tea” and lunch. Bill was going through chemotherapy and I recalled that special touches had encouraged me on chemo days. I decided on a Three Bears’ theme with soup served in three different-sized bowls. Since Ruth hangs a teddy-bear quilt on her wall and Bill could be described as a lovable teddy bear with a generous heart, a teddy-bear setting would suit them. My Three Bears’ lunch began to take shape. Cozy Setting Wintry weather and chemo call for a warm, cozy setting. A soft fleece, blueplaid blanket became the tablecloth, which A bowl of Hearty Baked Potato Soup I topped with a table runner made from teacup-patterned fabric. Blue plates, china teacups and blue and white cloth napkins created inviting place settings, and a handmade felted tea cozy warmed my teapot. For a centerpiece, Papa Bear sat in a doll-sized wicker chair with Baby Bear on his lap. Mama Bear stood beside them. Surrounded by candles, a tiny tea book and a miniature tea set, the three bears were ready to welcome guests. e congratulate Lydia as Comfort Foods she begins her fifteenth When Bill and Ruth arrived, I served the soups in three courses. We began with Baby Bear’s year of writing “A Cup of Tea choice of split pea soup or corn chowder served with Lydia.” We hope you enjoy in small, colorful custard cups. Bill chose corn reading her articles as much as chowder and Ruth sampled split pea. “That was we enjoy bringing them to you! yummy,” she said. “Would you like to try the corn chowder?” I asked. So, while Ruth ate corn chowder, Bill tried split pea. Both Baby Bear soups hit the spot. Next we sampled Mama Bear’s soup, served in medium-sized glass bowls. We enjoyed my mother’s borscht, a tasty beef-vegetable soup made with cabbage, beets, dill seasoning and sour cream. Then we savored large bowls of Papa Bear’s baked potato soup, cooked fresh that day. Men like this heart-TEA soup topped with grated cheddar cheese, bacon and green onions. We felt stuffed like bears after finishing three bowls of soup. The menu also included cornbread muffins, dill pickles (Bill’s favorite) and Bigelow’s decaffeinated Earl Grey tea. I served the desserts in fancy blue goblets. Bill chose tapioca pudding with blackberry topping and Ruth selected mini cream puffs stacked in a goblet. Creative Touches A Three Bears’ theme works well for all ages. For adults, all you may need for a fun teatime is hearty homemade soups, tasty teas and time to chat. But for children, invite them to bring their cuddly teddy bears and read the story of “The Three Bears.” Bear-shaped cookie cutters make un-bearably cute sandwiches for kids. Or bake teddy-bear-shaped cookies for them to frost. And, at their place settings, include inexpensive favors such as stickers, honey straws, gummy bears or Three Bears Centerpiece (Papa Bear, Mamma Bear, and Baby teddy grahams. Bear) I like this cozy setting. Two-for-one “Souper” Supper With soup left over from our teatime with Bill and Ruth, I invited an older widow for round two that evening. I added a fruit parfait and served green tea, her favorite. Together, we enjoyed a hearty “souper” supper. Serving a Three Bears’ Tea is fun and brings a warm response. My guests expressed gratitude and my friend emailed, “Thank you for dinner last night. Good soups, good friends, good everything!” It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day. And you’ll be glad you did. Now, a year later, my brother-in-law Bill is home in heaven. You never know when “come for tea” will become a “comfort tea” with happy memories of times you shared. Who can you invite for a cozy Three Bears’ Tea? The winter season and Valentine’s Day are natural times to warm hearts and share love over a Place Setting for Three Bears Tea cuppa’ tea. Won’t you join me? (lots of blue and softness) Lydia E. Harris, M.A. in home economics, is blessed with five grandchildren and is the author of Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting. Known as “Grandma Tea,” she enjoys sharing tea with family and friends. No reprint without author’s permission. Contact Lydia at LydiaHarris@Qwest.net. Editor’s note: Find Lydia’s Recipe for Hearty Baked Potato Soup on page 14. W Oregon Coast 19 Feb-March 14 Book Giveaway World War II Coast Guardsman Recalls Little Known Risks to U.S. Shores As WW II raged across the world, few Americans were aware just how close to our shores the mighty German Navy operated. Much has been written about the epic battles of that conflict, but the individual stories of combatants illuminate the war in ways that detached historical renderings cannot. In his book, Recollections of a World War II Coast Guardsman, Detective Jim Jesson takes you back to that time, sharing his insights and experiences in a way that only a WW II veteran can. As German U-boats approached the Atlantic shore of the U.S., they set their sights on civilian and navy vessels alike. Dropping onto our shores spies and saboteurs, the Nazi war machine may have been laying the groundwork for possible conflict on our homeland. As a young man like so many others, Jim set out to do his part for America. From his first confrontation with a German U-boat as a teenage civilian working on a Boston-based tugboat to a later military service encounter with Germans on Nantucket Island, Jim carries the reader back to a frightful time in history. Thanks to his service and many others, visitors today to Nantucket can enjoy a fine lobster with champagne butter. Readers will be amazed at the little known heroics of a team of specially trained Police Officers who came face to face with a squad of German SS troops protecting a German communications outpost. Jim further brings to words the experience of a mere teenager aboard a Mystery Q-ship out in the fierce North Atlantic. The Q-ship is heavily armed with concealed weaponry but is acting as a decoy to a merciless enemy. These and other short stories in the book build a gateway for the reader to enter the war, walking step by step with those who were there. As a big city street kid growing up in the depression, Jim quickly adapted to life, working winter nights at the age of 14 salting switches for the Union Freight Railroad. In the summers, he worked as a longshoreman and deckhand on dredges and tugboats. During WW II, he joined the US Coast Guard at age 17. In Recollections of a World War II Coast Guardsman are some of the stories he recalls. These are actual events in Coast Guard history with the dates, places and statistics recalled to the best of Jim’s memory. Identities, names and places may be changed. Jim is retired and lives in Cape Neddick, ME. Profits from the sale of this book will go to veterans’ organizations. Recollections of a WW II Coast Guardsman by Jim Jesson (Dec 11, 2012) is available on Amazon or by visiting www.jimjesson.org. Enjoy Jim’s first book, The Casebook of Detective Jim Jesson. He is now working on a follow-up. Win a Free Copy! One lucky reader will win a free copy of Recollections of a World War II Coast Guardsman To enter, send an email to: oregon@countryregister.com and put “Coast Guardsman” in the subject line. Or send a letter or postcard to: The Oregon Country Register, 515 E. Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ 85085. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. One entry per person, please. The drawing will be held on March 1st and the winner will be announced in the AprilMay issue. 1110 Main Ave. Tillamook, Oregon 97141 • 503-842-9392 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5 • Sat 10-4 Super Bolt Sale • Sunday, Feb 2nd • Noon-4pm Stop by during Quilt Run 101 • Feb 7-17th We are your “Creative Sewing” Center Come & See Us For All Your Sewing Needs We are Now a Janome Dealer Greek Chicken-Lemon Soup Courtesy of CooksRecipes.com A delicious rendition of the Greek pastel yellow, citrus-scented soup called avgolemono. Fresh minced dill, basil, cilantro or tarragon stirred in just before serving complements this soup nicely. 6 cups chicken broth 8 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breast, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1/2 cup long-grain rice, uncooked 2 large eggs, at room temperature 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice Kosher or sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Lemon zest for garnish (optional) In a large nonreactive saucepan or Dutch oven, bring the broth and chicken to a boil over medium-high heat. Gradually stir in the rice, keeping the broth at a boil; reduce heat and simmer, covered, until the chicken and rice are done, about 20 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs to blend. Gradually beat in the lemon juice. Slowly whisk about 1 cup of the hot soup into the eggs. Stirring constantly, gradually pour the egg mixture into the soup. Return the pot to the stove and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, just until the soup is thickened slightly, about 1 minute. Do not let the liquid come to a simmer, or the eggs will curdle. Taste and season with salt and pepper as desired. Serve immediately. Garnish servings with lemon zest, if desired. Makes 6 servings. Open 7 Days/Week During Quilt Run Everything for the Quilter Authorized APQS Sales Longarm Quilting - You or Me Mon~Sat 9:30~5:30 Large Selection of Kits Closed Sun Original Patterns E-mail: threadsthatbind@frontier.com 120 Central, Coos Bay, OR • (541) 267-0749 When Coming to Astoria....Visit our great quilt shops! Quilt Run 101 ~ Feb 7-17 Homespun Quilts 108 10th St. Sewing Machine Spa Astoria, OR Open at 10am Daily 503-325-3300 www.homespunquilt.com Custom Threads 1282 Commercial St. Astoria, OR 97103 503-325-7780 Tue-Fri 10-5:30 • Sat 10-3 email: eda.marie@gmail.com We have quilting fabrics, patterns, notions & great friendly service! “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” - Edith Sitwell 20 Oregon Coast Oregon
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