THE WINDOW 5775 Pesah Edition April - May 2015 Nisan - Iyar 5775 From the Rabbi 3 Ritual Matters 6 - 7 Service Times 7 Adult Education 8 - 9 Club Chaverut 10 Sisterhood 11 Youth 12 -13 Families 14 Brotherhood 15 Gift Giving Opportunities 18 Micky’s Corner 19 Our Congregation 20 - 28 See Page 7 for Service Times A festive & generous Passover! See Back Cover THE WINDOW is published by Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am 5 5 Ye o m a n s R o a d , To r o n t o , O N , M 3 H 3 J 7 Te l e p hone: 41 6. 633. 5 5 0 0 Fa x: 41 6. 633. 1 740 Web: www. m BETH DAVID Beth David Synagogue Presents participate • learn • grow Yom Yerushalayim Concert Featuring The King of Kosher Gospel Joshua Nelson & Friends May 17, 2015 • 8 PM With Lisa Sonshine Marshall Loomer Rebecca Finkelstein Two Moishes Michael Rubin & Marshall Loomer Gal Fuchs Also, featuring The Nafshi Band Alan Direnfeld Drums, Arnold Davidson Bass, Jeff Weisbrot keyboard, Martin Loomer Guitar. General Admission 50.00 Premium Admission 100.00 Buy tickets by calling: 416-633-5500 ext. 0 or at Beth David • 55 Yeomans Road, Toronto ON 111854 Joshua Nelson Flyer.indd 1 2015-02-20 1:45 PM “ Four children, four Jews coming from different places. Philip S. Scheim The Haggadah of Pesah represents the bringing together of divergent points of view. One of its most beloved sections is The Four Children, in which sages of the Mishnaic period take the four verses in the Torah that anticipate a child questioning the Passover ritual, and fashion each verse as representing a different child-type. Thus, “when tomorrow your child asks you, what are these laws, statutes and ordinances which God has commanded you all about (Deut. 6:20)?” becomes the question of the wise child. “What is all this service to you (Ex. 12:26)?” is attributed to the wicked child.” “What is this (Ex. 13:14)?” is the question of the simple child, and finally, the fourth instance of an anticipated question where only an answer, “You shall tell your child (Ex. 13:8),” and no question appears, is attributed to the child unable to ask. As you know each of these questions receives its own answer in the Haggadah, ostensibly an answer appropriate to the intellectual or moral status of the child in question. The wise child is told to go study the halakhot, the laws of Pesah, and the simple child is told that the reason for all the ritual of Pesah is that God freed us from Egypt. Thus the wise child, because of his academic capabilities, is told Rabbi to further his learning, while the child of lesser intelligence is offered a more simplistic explanation. Four children, four Jews coming from different places. Can we not say that each one, in his or her own way, has something to offer the discussion, something to say of value, something to teach us? The beauty of the Seder is in its gathering together Jews of divergent backgrounds, of differing levels of knowledge and understanding, and enabling those four children, those four Jews, to be seated at the same table! Even the so-called rasha, the wicked child, in a sense is deemed rasha tongue-in-cheek, for, were he or she really wicked, he or she would not be at the table, would not remain part of the family, the community. He is more bandit than rasha, mischievous perhaps, somewhat hutzpadik, but still, in most cases perhaps, deserving of love and a continued presence at the Yom Tov table. Sociologists tell us that the Passover Seder is one of the most widely-observed Jewish rituals. Most Jews attend at least one Seder each year. Obviously, there is a great variation of Seder experiences; some in which not a single syllable of the Haggadah is omitted, others, where little else than a meal takes place. But as the four children of the text remind us, diversity is central to the Seder – and we are thankful for every Jew who feels called upon to make an appearance at an event linked to our traditions and our identity. 5775 Pesach Window 2015 From the Rabbi But where there can be coexistence, where Jews of diverse practice can sit at the same table, recognizing and respecting their differences while emphasizing their shared values and goals, breaking up that table would represent unnecessary tragedy, too much fragmentation in an already over-fragmented people. “The Torah speaks of four children,” we are told, brought to life in our Haggadah of Pesah. We are blessed with a multiplicity of personalities, of opinions, of understandings of the issues that keep us awake at night. Our willingness to learn from others, to seriously consider opinions divergent from our own, to listen carefully to all those who choose to sit around our Seder table, our willingness to do all this, makes us worthy of the freedom we so enjoy, that we celebrate this holy season. Philip S. Scheim 3 5775 Pesach Window 2015 The event of the year is coming - Save the Date! Beth David’'s 60th Anniversary Gala Celebration Thursday, November 19th 2015 Watch for details - coming soon! ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday May 11, 2015 7:30 PM In the Sisterhood Hall Best of Israel 2015 Led by Rabbi Philip Scheim Beth David Grand Tour and Community Mission June 29 – July 9, 2015 Cari Kozierok Bahar, Executive Director (ext. 22) Robyn Zajac-Cooper, Events Coordinator/Rabbi’s Assistant (ext. 35) Jeev Logan, Finance Manager (ext. 27) Thanuja Perera, Bookkeeper (ext. 25) Faye Major, Administrator (ext. 0) Helene Jacobs, Administrative Assistant (ext. 28) Simmi Toby, Youth Director (ext. 24) Philip S. Scheim - Rabbi | Marshall Loomer - Cantor | Michael Rubin - Ritual Director Cari Kozierok Bahar - Executive Director David Bienstock - President Andy Pascoe - Vice President, Finance and Administration Madeleine Sarick - Vice President, Programming and Ritual Steven Risenman - Vice President, House and Property Karen Bernstein - Secretary Jerry Paskowitz - Treasurer Ettie Schimmer - Past President Steven Risenman - Brotherhood President Lisa Levine - Sisterhood President Barry Levine - Chairman of the Board Beth David - Executives 2015 4 Beth David - Staff 2015 No one belongs here more than us 5775 Pesach Window 2015 12th Wednesday, April 15 at 7:30 p.m. Beth David & Beit Halochem Canada Are looking for Host Families & Co-Host Families to participate in this year’s ANNUAL GROUP VISIT May 31-June 14, 2015 Beth David is proud to host the annual Beit Halochem Breakfast and City Tour on Tuesday June 2, 2015. “Adopt” an Israeli veteran for those two weeks and enrich the experience for a wounded hero and your family together. Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity! Call 905-695-0611 or email 5 Chapter Ritual matters Reader MEGILLAT ESTHER CHANTERS - 5775 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Karen Reinblatt 1Stephen Frances Kraft Kraft Yi sha r Ko' a ch to our M eg i l l a h Cha nte r s ! Elise Rose Rael Herman Cari Kozierok Bahar Breanne Bornstein Unbelievably, we succeeded in increasing the number of chanters this Marla Levant Bornstein year yet again! No fewer than 62 from our community participated in Karen Bernstein this annual "chantorama"! Many were veteran Megillah readers, but 17 took part for the first time in what we hope will be the beginning of Lauragaye Jackson a long and illustrious Bible chanting career! Kyle Schwartz Jeff Cooper On the Thursday morning, we continued our tradition of reading the Reena Parl Megillah in a more dramatic manner, assigning most of the dialogue Yona Tugg verses of personalities in the Megillah to various readers. Morly Shoshan Our gratitude and appreciation to those who took on the challenge – Erica Sacoransky Jay Silverstein Esther Meisels as Achashveirosh and Esther, Elise Rose and Avi Roth Marshall Silverstein as Memuchan, Faye Major as the King's Young Men and the King's Barry Levine Servants at the King's Gate, Cari Kozierok Bahar as Zeresh. This was followed by a sumptuous Purim Se'udah brunch thanks to Ben Nemirov Avi Roth the generous contributions of some of our members. Aime Maman Hannah Finkelstein Naomi Nemirov 2 3 4 5 Beth Karstadt Pamela Schimmer Rosalie Selick Shinshin Gal ! ! 2 6 S R E D A E R L ATOT Steven Risenman Cantor Loomer Lisa Levine Esther Meisels Eric Epstein Shinshin Ishai 6Olivia Faye Major Varkul Molly Pascoe Simmi Toby David Cuttler Andrea Shugar 7Jordan Madeleine Sarick Juravsky Josh Finkelstein 8Sidney Gayle Goldberg-Marcus Hacker Maya Hartman Serena Hacker Jeremy Galper Annual Pesach Chanting of Shir HaShirim As we have done in recent years, we shall once again read the appropriate Megillah during the seasonal Festival, Shir HaShirim for Pesah. Please join us on Shabbat evening, Hol HaMo’ed Pesah, April 11 at 8:00 PM for this musical event. We have had more chanting participants in recent years and if you might be interested in taking on 2-3 verses to be offered in the special Festival Megillah trope, please contact Michael Rubin at as soon as possible for your assignment. Looking for an exciting and engaging Jewish education for your kids? Beth David Hebrew School Rhonda Franklin 9Mindy Howard Ganz Ganz ü Small classes, maximum 10 students Gitta Ganz ü Personal attention based on the individual level David Rubin Brenda Osler ü Hebrew language skills and Judaic content Megan Osler ü Dynamic and experienced teachers Barry Reinblatt Alana Galper ü Unique component offered by young Israeli emissaries Jacob Galper When: Mondays: 5:00 – 7:30 PM – **Dinner included!** Mindy Simon Galper Michelle Galper Ages: Grade 3 through Grade 7 Elah Gershon Rubin Where: Beth David Synagogue - 55 Yeomans Road, Toronto Rabbi Scheim Robyn Zajac Cooper 10 6 Michael Rubin TOTAL READERS 62!! For more information: Call: (416) 633-5500 ext. 23 Email: Judaic Studies for our Youth SYNAGOGUE SERVICE TIMES April - May 2015 Candle Lighting Friday Evening Saturday Evening Sunday to Thursday March 27 – April 2 7:20 PM 7:30 PM 7:15 PM 7:30 PM April 3 – 11 SEE PASSOVER SCHEDULE in Rabbi's insert April 12 – 167:00 PM April 17 – 23 7:45 PM 6:00 PM 7:45 PM 7:00 PM April 24 – 30 7:53 PM 6:00 PM 7:45 PM 7:00 PM May 1 – 7 8:01 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM May 8 – 14 8:09 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM May 15 – 21 8:17 PM 6:00 PM 8:15 PM 7:00 PM May 22 – 23 8:24 PM 6:00 PM 8:15 PM MORNINGS: Sundays 8:30 AM | Shabbat 9:00 AM | Monday – Friday 7:00 & 8:00 AM SPECIAL MORNINGS: Friday, April 3 Mon. April 6 – Th. April 9 Monday, May 18 Siyyum Bechorim Hol HaMo'ed Pesach Victoria Day 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Ritual Matters 7:00 AM ONLY 7:30 AM ONLY 8:30 AM ONLY A Ben Gavra has been dedicated In Memory of Norton Lorne Grimson & Barbara Frances Grimson by Melanie & Jeremy Bobet and Family & R o c h e l l e & M i c h a e l K e r z n e r a n d F a m i l y. Tanach Reading Opportunity Corner Reading Openings: This corner is for those who would like to read Torah or a Haftarah in general, but also especially for anyone who might like to mark the anniversary of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration or Wedding Aufruf by reading from the same portion chanted on that special occasion. You will find here a list of coming Shabbatot & Festivals when there is no Simcha taking place at our Synagogue, meaning the Haftarah and any Torah reading is open to our members. If you are interested, please contact Michael Rubin directly by email – – and confirm your chanting assignment! Also, we would like to update our records of when your Bar/Bat Mitzvah took place. Please email Michael Rubin with details – Gregorian date and Parashah. We look forward to hearing you relive the excitement of that special day, however many years ago! Shabbat / Festival Parashah Haftarah Torah Shabbat May 9 Emor Available Available Shabbat May 16 BeHar-BeHukkotai Available Available Sunday May 24 Shavu'ot I Available Available Shabbat June 6 BeHa'alotecha Available Available Shabbat June 27 Hukkat N/A Available Shabbat July 4 Balak Available Available Shabbat July 11 Pinchas Available Available Shabbat July 18 Mattot-Mas'ei Available Available Shabbat July 25 Devarim-Hazon N/A Available Sunday July 26 Tish'ah b'Av – Shacharit Available Available Sunday July 26 Tish'ah b'Av – Mincha Available Available Shabbat August 1 Va'Etchanan – Nachamu N/A Available Shabbat August 8EikevAvailableAvailable Shabbat August 15 Re'eh (RH) Available Available Shabbat August 22 Shofetim Available Available Shabbat August 29 Ki Teitzei Available Available Shabbat September 5 Ki Tavo Available Available Shabbat September 12 Nitzavim Available Available Shabbat September 19 VaYeilekh-Shuvah Available Available Shabbat September 26 Ha'azinu Available Available Dear Members, Please note that in consideration of the potential challenge of garnering a minyan during the late summer evenings, starting April 12th, we have made the weekday, including Sunday, evening services at 7:00 PM and starting April 17th, we have made the Friday evening services at 6:00 PM and consistently through the Labour Day weekend. Of course, that is with the caveat that you all continue to help make up the quorum! 7 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Adult Education Classes Our Women’s Study Group Led by Rabbi Philip Scheim and Ritual Director Michael Rubin Topic for 5775: “Genesis: The Beginning of Desire” A year-long course (based on the writings of Avivah Zornberg) exploring the roles and traditions of women in the Book of Genesis. Classes meet twice monthly. Tuesdays, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. March 17th and 31st. Admission Free Open to all Shabbat Sidra Luncheons with various discussion leaders SATURDAYS: Following morning services. Each session includes a discussion of the Torah and Haftarah portions of the day by a member of the Beth David Congregation. DateParashahDiscussion Leader Mar. 28th Tzav Beth Feffer and Sorele Urman Apr. 18th SheminiBaila Lubek May 9th Emor Michael Rubin Jun. 6th BeHa’alotecha Jack Pollock Advanced registration for luncheon required . Contact the Synagogue office or register on-line at Cost is $10 per person. Weekly studies with Norman Shelson MONDAYS: Parashah of the week in summary (beginners welcome) MONDAYS: 10 AM Current events with emphasis on Israel This class meets weekly for the study of Yiddish literature and language. Beginners are welcome. From 9:10 AM - 10:00 AM following morning services Open to all TUESDAYS: Everyone welcome. 8 Yiddish Literature self-study program Dinner Lecture with Dr. Shawna Dolansky Scroll & Spade: Where Torah & Archaeology Intersect February 4: February 11: February18: February 25: March 11: March 18: SUNDAY MARCH 22ND AT 6:00 PM Explore the amazing truth behind major archeological finds and how they intersect with the Torah. We will examine a variety of artifacts and sites and engage in a discussion about the ways in which they impact, or are impacted by, our understanding of the biblical text. A fascinating look at how archaeology can improve our understanding of the history and religions of the people who produced it. Dr. Shawna Dolansky is adjunct Research Professor, College of the Humanities & Religion Program, Carleton University, author of books and scholarly articles as well as a contributor to the Women’s Torah Commentary, Encyclopaedia Judaica and The Huffington Post. Dinner & Lecture $36 Advanced registration required or (416) 633-5500 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Adult Education Lectures Theodor Herzl Rav Abraham Isa Vladimir Ze’ev Ja David Ben Gurio Menachim Begin Today’s leaders & Leaders of Modern Zionism February 4: February 11: February18: February 25: March 11: March 18: Theodor Herzl Rav Abraham Isaac Kook Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky David Ben Gurion Menachim Begin Today’s leaders & tomorrow’s outlook with Rabbi Philip Scheim Wednesday March 18: at 7:30 PM Today’s leaders & tomorrow’s outlook “JEWISH LEGAL ETHICS in an AGE of TERRORISM” with RABBI MOSHE MEIROVICH A three part lecture series with Rabbi Moshe Meirovich, Thursdays at 7:30 PM Join us for a lively and facinating discussion. March 12 - Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die- Jewish Concepts of War March 19 - Biblical and Rabbinic Concepts of “Rodeif” March 26 - Rescue of Hostages: a. Efficacy of Prayer; b. Which Hostages’ Life is more Precious; c. Torture: Yes or No? Join us for a lecture on JEWISH ROCK STARS with EYAL BITTON and Beth David Shinshinim Sunday, April 26 2015 at 7:30 PM EYAL BITTON is a composer and lyricist who is currently serving as Cantor, Beth Jacob Synagogue, Hamilton, Ontario Join us as we learn together with RABBI WAYNE ALLEN HAGGAI : THE UNKNOWN HERO of THE SECOND TEMPLE A two-part lecture series Thursdays, May 7 & 14 7:30 PM For registration, additional details and program updates please check our website at or call Beth David at 416-633-5500 or e-mail 9 Club Chaverut 5775 Pesach Window 2015 MARCH Members: $7.00 Non–members: $10.00 RSVP to Rose Haspel at 905 764 8141 by March 16, 2015 Sunday March 22, 2015 1:30 PM Sisterhood Hall THE GOLDEN AGE of RADIO “A new look at a fascinating era” APRIL Sunday April 26, 2015 1:30 PM Sisterhood Hall Noted lecturer and humorist Anne Balaban presents: “COMMON SENSE IS UNCOMMON” Members: $7.00 Non–members: $10.00 RSVP to Rose Haspel at 905 764 8141 by April 20, 2015 MAY Members: $7.00 Non–members: $10.00 RSVP to Rose Haspel at 905 764 8141 by May 25, 2015 Sunday May 31, 2015 1:30 PM Sisterhood Hall Michael Kinkis and Rachel “A MUSICAL SALUTE to the STATE of ISRAEL” JUNE Members: $10.00 Wednesday June 17, 2015 Non-members: $12.00 12 Noon Sisterhood Hall RSVP to Annette Ross at 416 635 8910 Everyone has a wonderful time at the by June 8, 2015 THE CLUB CHAVERUT ANNUAL BBQ An afternoon of good food and great entertainment Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Watermelon For your pleasure: Three Plus One- The Jack Gelbloom Quartet “Exciting music to get your toes a-tapping” Theatre Trips Thursday May 7 “Carousel” - Stratford Festival Tuesday June 23 “Sweet Charity” - Shaw Festival Wednesday September 2 “The Sound of Music” - Stratford Festival Tickets (including bus): Club Chaverut or Sisterhood Members $90 Non-Members $95 Bus departs Beth David 9:45 AM Bus returns Beth David approx. 6:30 to 7:00 PM 10 Contact: Leona Eligberg 905-881-6343 Ruth Shapiro 905-771-1893 “ Sisterhood has had a busy time in the last few months. As Pesah approaches most of us are preparing to enjoy the holiday with family and friends. Last year I posted the recipe for my family’s favourite apple cake. This year I decided on lasagna that you would never know was made with matzah! Lisa Levin e Pre side nt Lasagna made with matzah! 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Sisterhood Casserole dish (square 8 or 9 inch depending on size of 1 piece of matzot 4 eggs 1 and ½ lbs cottage cheese 9 whole matzot ½ lb mozzarella cheese Sisterhood has had a busy time in the last few months. Sheila Frohlich conducted a cooking demonstration of sufganyot. They were delicious! You could dunk the donuts in chocolate, sprinkles, icing sugar or caramel. I am sure we all put a few pounds on that evening. We also listened to an interesting update on cancer research from Dr. Jennifer Alami, a biomedical research consultant. In March, in a joint programme with Brotherhood, we hosted our annual wine tasting, focusing on some Israeli wines. We were be able to purchase what we needed for Pesah. Looking forward, Sisterhood Shabbat will be in May. We will keep you updated about the speaker and date. International Northeast Region will be having its regional convention in Syracuse New York on April 26th and 27th. We hope to send quite a few women to this special bi-annual event. Keep coming to our programs, and bring your ideas to the table. Parmesan cheese 1 jar tomato sauce Milk as needed Salt and pepper to taste Oregano to taste. Optional: fried mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant Preheat oven to 350 degrees Farhenheit. In a bowl, combine eggs, cottage cheese, salt, pepper, garlic and oregano. Wet the matzot in milk. Pour a little tomato sauce into the bottom of a casserole dish. Layer ingredients as follows: matzot, cheese mixture, tomato sauce, and mozzarella. End with layer of mozzarella cheese, then sprinkle with parmesan. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 45-50 minutes. Let rest for 5-10 minutes before serving. Enjoy! Hag Pesah Sameach, Lisa, Barry, Sara and Benji 11 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Youth 12 SING, PLAY & LEARN REGISTER YOUNG FAMILIES SHABBAT SERVICE BETH DAVID YEDIDIM SKY ZONE PARTY HAPPENING AT BETHDAVID IN A ROOM WITH TONS OF SPACE TO RUN AROUND! APRIL 19 2015 12-3PM MEET AT BETH DAVID Saturday, March 28 10AM - 12PM GRADES 1-6 PRE-PASSOVER TREATS, PRIZES, SHABBAT SONGS & STORY TIME There’s no better way to have active fun than experiencing awesome! Bounce around with all your friends at Sky Zone. Register: $10 Matzah Making FOOD DRIVE MARCH 26 AT BETH DAVID SYNAGOGUE YEDIDIM WORKSHOP GRADES 1-6 MARCH 29 2-4PM ape edges Learn how to make matzah while doing a good dead with the Mazon, the Jewish response to hunger. ape edges 6-7PM GRADES 6-12 REGISTER: BETH DAVID a text block PASSOVER ENTRY with MAZON TEXT HER HOW TO APPROACH TEXT HERE 4700 BATHURST ST. REGISTER: TEXT HERE THE SUBJECT OF ISRAEL ON CAMPUS Register 5775 Pesach Window 2015 a text block April 26th, 2015 6AM - 10AM 301 FRONT ST. W. Grade 8 - 12 Can burning calories count for good? Walk up all 144 flights of stairs to raise funds and awarness for the World Wildlife Foundation CN TOWER CLIMB GRADES 9 - 12 YOUR STUDENT VOICES MATTER, WE WANT YOUR INPUT! Join Vera Held and Lisa Cohen from the Centre for Jewish Culture and Education for an interactive, focus group session. March 29 5-6PM REGISTER: TEXT HE Youth DO YOU LOVE TO SING? LEARN WITH A PRO TO PREFORM POP SONGS LIKE 'BLANK SPACES' BY TAYLOR SWIFT THE GAL'EE CLUB At Beth David Beth David upcoming events Grade 5-12 6 WEEK SERIES monday 7pm - 8pm February 9 February 23 March 2 March 9 March 30 April 13 Register TEXT HER 13 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Families 14 “ I would like to welcome the newly formed board for our specific committee as we are in full swing for 2015 . It is unbelievable that we have arrived at Passover finally, after our deep freeze this winter! The Youth and Families Committee and our fabulous Youth Director have been working all winter long. I am certain everyone has enjoyed all our events such as our Hanukkah party last December where Sonshine and Broccoli dazzled us with great songs! Our committee participated in the Shabbat Unplugged event where all families enjoyed board games and playing sports with Mark Hendry and Ishai. Our USY /Kadima kids were busy with snow tubing, slumber party here at the shul and of course the sleep over at the Science Centre! We also hosted a fabulous and much loved author, Barbara Reid who talked about her books and illustrations. Big kids and the little ones all lined up to have their books autographed. The workshop on plasticene brought out the artist in everyone who participated. This year as always Purim was organized chaos. We featured inflatables, carnival games, crafts, loot bags, hamentashen and more. And of course our gourmet bbq hotdogs! As always our annual awesome thanks to Adele Goldberg who chaired the event and Simmi Toby our Youth Director. The Purim Carnival was fantastic and we were so delighted that we saw so many of you there! Please keep an eye out for many more upcoming programs that our Youth Director is working at diligently.The Window has Friday, May flyers for all our upcoming events such as the Mitzvah Project with Simmi, Yom Hazikron , Yom Hashoah and our celebration of Yom Haatzmaut with our Shinshinim Gal and Ishai. Also save the date for our annual Shabbat dinner Friday May 29th! The audience for our Junior Congregation is just having Carla Af fe Chair of Families and Youth Committee so much fun every Shabbat . We have Simmi, Sharon, and Alana creating great programs for the kids! Let’s not forget Pray n' Play with Hailey for our youngest members. Every Shabbat there are games, stories and snacks. We have an exciting new twist to our committee. I would like to welcome the newly formed board for our specific committee as we are in full swing for 2015 . Past Chair – Adele Goldberg, Chair -Carla Affe- Bienstock, Secretary- Brenda Osler, Treasurer- Nava Blankenstein, Liaison for Youth programming (Kadima and USY) - Judy Steiner, Liaison for Junior Congregation - Avital Stopnicki. These roles will allow us to effectively liaise with our Youth Director, Shul staff and the Clergy. We hope that this structure will enable us to run exciting, innovative and engaging programming for all the families at Beth David. We would love to have more volunteers to come and join our committee. Suggestions and ideas are always welcome! Carla Affe Chair of Families and Youth Committee Adele Goldberg Past Chair 29th, 2015 “ As the outside temperatures warm up, we have several upcoming and exciting programs to entertain our audiences.. Steven R isenm an As I write this insert, I am shivering through the coldest temperatures we have seen in a number of years. Spring is almost here and I want all male members of our synagogue to know that joining Beth David Brotherhood will warm you inside. While this may sound like a cliché or even a contrived marketing phrase, warm feelings are what you will receive when attending and participating in Brotherhood events and programs. Over the past year our very successful and entertaining programs have shown steady and increased attendance and participation. On December 7, 2014, we presented “A Magic Afternoon with Fish the Magish”. Fish charmed an overflow crowd of seniors, adults, young adults, children and toddlers and everyone left not only thoroughly entertained but wanting more. Our January and February 2015 presentations were held in association with the innovative “Beth David Celebrates Israel” program. In January 2015, Lance Davis, Executive Director of JNF Toronto, provided a large crowd with an enthusiastic update of JNF’s efforts in Israel both past, present and future. All those in attendance left with an increased interest and desire to visit Israel. I want to thank our active Programming committee for continuing to present interesting and entertaining programs. I especially want to single out a new member of our programming committee – Steven Baker - who was responsible for organizing the December 2014 and January 2015 programs. Steven’s diligence, organizational skills President and strong feelings about Israel, led to very successful programs both in content and turnout. Our annual World Wide Wrap program, organized by our extremely capable World Wide Wrap Chairman – Aaron Daniels – was very well attended and received. Dr. Aaron Nussbaum, a noted scholar, spoke to the history of tefillin in Israel and the Diaspora. Our annual Shoah Candle program has begun and will continue until Yom Hashoah which begins on the evening of April 15, 2015. Shoah candles are now available to everyone and can be obtained from the table kiosk in the synagogue lobby, from Motzei Shabbat to Erev Shabbat each week. Please join us by participating in this very distinctive program, which encourages our present and future generations to honour and remember the millions of lives that were tragically destroyed during the Shoah. A portion of Shoah candle proceeds is given to support Magen David Adom in Israel, which provides emergency medical services and saves lives in Israel every day. As the outside temperatures warm up, we have several upcoming and exciting programs to entertain our audiences. This year's theme for our annual Brotherhood Shabbat, to be held on March 28, 2015, is “March of the Living”. We not only have an exceptional speaker on Shabbat morning and a special Kiddush but we will have an interactive roundtable brunch program on Sunday March 29, 2015, featuring numerous participants of past March of the Living missions, sharing their stories and experiences. Please come out and participate during this unique weekend. 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Brotherhood In April 2015 we are planning on having a speaker discuss current political developments in Israel as part of our continuing joint programming with the “Beth David Celebrates Israel” committee. On Sunday May 10, 2015, we will be presenting a Musical Mother’s Day brunch. Details for these events will follow in your weekly Shabbat Shalom. On Sunday June 7, 2015, we have our annual visit to the Rogers Center to cheer on our Blue Jays, who this year are a realistic contender for the playoffs. Our past three annual visits produced three Blue Jay victories so please join us this year for win number four. Tickets for this event are very popular and last year we sold out. Please contact Peter Reynolds, Richard Long or myself for tickets as early as possible. I want to extend a thank you to Faye Major, Helene Jacobs, Thanuja Perera, Robyn Zajac-Cooper, Jeev Logan and Cari Kozierok Bahar, for all their assistance in ensuring all our Brotherhood programs have been, are and will continue to be successful. On behalf of the Risenman family, I want to wish everyone a Happy and Kosher Pesach. Steven Risenman BDBIBA Brotherhood President 15 Proud to provide your Weekly Shabbos Kiddush, Meals, Catering and assisting you with all your Kosher for Passover needs. Smoked & Carved Turkey Available HIGH QUALITY MEATS • PREPARED FOODS & SALADS • CATERING • SHIVA MEALS • WE OFFER FREE DELIVERY 416-789-5333 / 3459 BATHURST STREET Gift Giving Opportunities 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Support Beth David through any of these donation opportunities. A receipt for Income Tax purposes will be issued annually for all contributions of $18.00 and over. Tree of Life $250.00 A wonderful way to honour someone special or to commemorate a special occasion is to purchase a “leaf” on our beautiful “Tree of Life” adorning the wall opposite the check-room. There are many more leaves available for your personal inscriptions. Charitable Registration No. 11880 4616 RR001 Looking for a way to honour a loved one or mark a special occasion? Inscribe a Book Etz Hayim Humash Sefer HaHaftarot Scroll Scribal Dedications High Holy Days Haftarot Festival & Special Occasion Haftarot Dedication of Weekly Haftarot $720.00 What better way to honour a loved one or commemorate a special occasion than by dedicating a pew in our sanctuary. The name you choose, be it your own, that of a loved one, a parent, or a child will receive recognition by way of an engraved name plate on one of the seats in the Sanctuary. Torah Sash $360.00 18 $1800.00 $1200.00 $900.00 Special Verse Word Illumination of a Haftarah Dedicate a Seat $108.00 $613.00 $360.00 $72.00 For additional Sefer HaHaftarot dedication opportunities, contact Michael Rubin. Cards To send a Get Well, Condolence, or Special Occasion card, call the Beth David office, 416 633 5500 Ext. 28 Beth David Synagogue is offering Sign Language Services in order to make our synagogue more welcoming to the hearing impaired community. Sponsorship would be greatly appreciated. By Mikl o s Em he cht If I Leave The Injustice Many people in life work very hard in vain without earning rewards and they never complain. Nature often imitates our daily life. The caterpillar works very hard nights and days; the butterfly will get the publicity and the praise.. If I ever go, as everyone will one day, I’ll say farewell like a man who’s getting away from prison, and smiles at the coming freedom; or as a south-bound bird, before he starts to fly, will, for the pale, fading sun, trill his last good bye. 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Micky’s Corner Maybe I won’t have to say too much when I leave; not too many knew me, not too many will grieve. I’ve just been a petal falling in the mud; a work that had no echo, or maybe a sigh that was sent to the stars, but never reached the sky. I have helped a few who happened to come along. I had a few good words, and here and there a song. The song is what stays important, not the bard. When time will come, my good friend, the scythe-holder will shed a tear when he taps me on the shoulder. ISRAEL attractions-Jerusalem museums Where else can you see the whole country in one day? From Jerusalem's holy sites to the desert's magnificent views and then straight to the bustle of Tel Aviv? This experience is possible only in one place: the Mini Israel Park. With hundreds of amazingly exact models of the most important architectural, historic, archeological, religious and social sites of Israel, including 25,000 7cm high miniature residents within the models themselves! Mini Israel is an exciting attraction that features over 385 beautifully crafted exact replica models of Israel's most important historical, religious, archeological and modern sites, at a scale of 1:25. The models are situated among rich greenery, Bonsai trees and thousands of miniature figures of all types Israelis. NEW!! Enjoy our 3D MiniMax aerial movie of Israeli sites. Rediscover Israel and see its landscapes in a way you've never seen them before. Breathtaking photography, spectacular angles and Israeli landscapes – all in 3D . The park is located in Latrun-, just off the main Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway, 20 minutes from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. 19 Milestone Birthdays 5775 Pesach Window 2015 April Randi Amber Mimi Bibla David Dimitry Carey Drutz Jack Engelberg Ethel Feldt Grace Freedlander Haya Grosman Irving Gruneir Eileen Herman Jessica Kimmel Howard Klaiman Paula Klaiman Jake Kornblum Luis Lubecki Maureen Morris Henry Nirenberg Miriam Orbach Morris Polansky Maxine Povering Evelyn Rabkin-Yuditsky David Schwartzbein Cheryl Shour-Adler Gerald Sigal Leon Steinberg Carol Udell Zena Wise June 20 Faye Baine Samuel Chvertkin Lynn Cohen Harold Cohen Al de Castro Joseph Feldt Abe Gertler Harry Gorman Michele Himelstein Roberta Hoffman Marla Kleinberg Larry Lexchin Zoltan Marek Michael Morris Phil Myerson Heather Ordon Dianne Orfus Irwin Ozier Morry Parl Erwin Pesses Madeleine Sarick William Shelson Bertram Shinwell David Shopiro Ann Shour Yetta Shubert Albert Wasserman Beatrice Weiss Zomoroud Yaghobian May Gerald Belz Evelyn Bernstein Sharon Cohen Goldie Dilman Joseph Fialkov Edward Fox Susan Gelman Joyce Gordon Rene Katzman Ken Kraft Theodore Larson Debbie Malek Zelda Marshall Arlene Mendlowitz Rhonda Moss David Polsky Elise Rose Dorothy Rosner Gary Rubin Louise May Rubin Sheldon Rudolph Allan Sheps Isaac Szpindel Janet Temple Saul Yablo Estelle Young April 2015 Carla & David Bienstock April 2 Lynn & Mervyn Stone April 3 Frances & Lawford Harris April 8 Roma & Jack Buchman April 13 Evelyn & Coleman Bernstein April 15 Linda Godel & Richard Seligman April 29 20 60 64 60 62 25 May 2015 Rosie & Kenneth Shelson Sharon & David Goldberg Ester & Isaac Ratz Sondra & Jerry Mendlowitz Sonia & Morris Goldlust Margaret & Joseph Feldt Kristen & Len Ganz Jordana Sheps & Kevin Greenglass Barbara & Dennis Perlin Doris & Norman Siegel Enid & Ralph Orvitz Bernice & Sol Layton Sylvia & Erwin Epstein Mira Katz & Howard Cadesky Cecile & Phil Myerson Myrna & Hyman Schwartz Suzanne & Stephen Karr May 9 May 11 May 12 May 15 May 17 May 18 May 23 May 23 May 24 May 24 May 25 May 25 May 26 May 28 May 28 May 29 May 30 30 35 63 35 67 40 15 5 45 63 40 63 62 30 15 55 30 June 1 June 1 June 1 June 3 June 5 June 5 June 6 June 8 June 8 June 8 June 9 June 11 June 12 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 21 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 25 June 25 June 26 June 29 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 60 40 40 35 10 60 30 35 40 35 30 65 50 30 25 20 45 35 35 40 40 30 60 20 30 30 40 30 June 2015 Jean & Chaim Bernholtz Sheila & Howard Isenberg Judy & Andrew Menceles Esther & Enio Zeppieri Karen Bensoussan & Perry Finklestein Shirley & Harry Weiss Paula & Howard Klaiman Penny & Lawrence Geffen Lola & Mark Kochman Francine & Marty Sigal Laurie & Mark Bernick Basha & Simon Kerbel Eleanor & Bernard Schimmer Naomi & Stephen Nemirov Wendy & Rony Mayer Julie Levine-Bleiwas & David Bleiwas Cynthia & Kalman Bielak Pearl & Mark Gryfe Paula & Theodore Larson Dianne & Sidney Orfus Esther & Allan Bortnick Sheryl & Sheldon Cheskes Leah & Sidney Finkelstein Anjie & Richard Tarek-Kaminker Sherry & Joe Garber Avra & Marty Goldhar Naomi & Martin Kingston Andrea & Martyn Wayne Special Anniversaries B’nai Mitzvah Megan Osler 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Daughter of Brian and Brenda Osler, sister to Perry Osler, granddaughter of Morton and Roslyn Goldstein, Shirley Osler-Sitzer and Martin Osler. Elia Gross Daugther of Rey Tabarrok & Michael Gross Granddaughter of Marian Gross and Arnold John Gross z"l. Jordan Snow Jessica Pajak Daughter of Barb & Mike Pajak, sister of Samantha and Allison, granddaughter of Betty Flynn z"l and Lionel Flynn z"l and Asia Pajak z"l and Stanley Pajak z"l. Booking a simcha for 2015 - 2017! Do you have a son born in 2002 or a daughter born in 2003? It's not too soon or too late to book your Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration. If you are looking for 2015 to 2017 bookings, you can book your simcha now! Please contact Robyn Zajac-Cooper 416-633-5500 Ext 35 or email Son of Rhonda and Stephen Snow, brother of Danielle, Ryan, Jamie and Cori, grandson of Esther and Al Climans z"l and Marilyn and Milton Snow. Musically enhance your Bar/Bat Mitzvah luncheon with TWO MOISHES A CAPPELLA SINGERS FOR YOUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH Two Voice Harmony Marshall Loomer Michael Rubin 92 Searle Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M3H 4A7 416-633-5500 ext 34 | 21 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Mazal Tov on the engagement of Bram Berk son of Alec and Maris Berk to Maxine Silberg daughter of Hilton and Shirely Silberg. Bram Davine and Rebecca Goldstein are delighted to announce their recent engagement. Bram is the son of Shelly Davine and the late Leon Davine, stepson of Henry Teitelman and grandson of Rivy Nosov and the late Nathan Nosov. Rebecca is the daughter of Arnie and Rosalie Goldstein. Everyone is thrilled! Karen and Barry Reinblatt are happy to announce the engagement of their son Evan, to Ellie Tennenhouse, daughter of Susan and Howard Tennenhouse of Winnipeg. Proud grandparents are Esther Tozman and Eugene Tozman z”l and Charlotte Reinblatt and Sid Reinblatt z”l. Jo-Anne and Mark Slobodsky are thrilled to announce the engagement of their son Josh to Jordana Warner daughter of Miriam and Marc Warner. Mazal Tov Mazal Tov on the birth of Charlotte Abby Bernholtz, daughter of Sarah & David Bernholtz, granddaughter of Gloria & Marty Bernholtz, Jeannette Altman and Irving Wajchendler and great granddaughter of Jean & Chaim Bernholtz. Mazal Tov to Faye & Murray Major on the birth of their granddaughter Anna Lily, February 23, 2015, 6 lbs 5 oz. Daughter of Jodi & David Major and sister of big brother Jake. Belle Feldman "Mazal Tov on your 90th birthday!! You are as beautiful today as you were then. Love from your husband Sam, your children, your grandchildren and your four great grandsons. Mazal Tov to Faith Feldman, J.D. (Juris Doctor) who was called to the Ontario bar. She is the daughter of Gary and Debby Feldman and granddaughter of Sam and Belle Feldman Danya Tugg with Rabbi Gustavo Surazski from Kehillat Netzach Israel Ashkelon. 22 Danya Tugg who is spending her year on the Nativ program spent last Shabbat with Kehillat Netzach Israel Ashkelon. She was hosted by the Davis Family along with another four participants from Nativ from the States. Saturday she had lunch with the Ashkelon Noam Youth Movement Branch. She already received a Rosh Hashana package from our Kehillah and will be receiving shortly another package for Chanukah as part of our twinning with Beth David B'nai Beth Am and also the Sisterhood as part of the IN-Region Twinning with our Kehillah. Mazal Tov to Brian Risman on receiving a Political Appointment from the City of Vaughan., He has been appointed to the Property Standards Committee of the City of Vaughan from 2015-2018. Benjamin Chaim Chelsky, son of Steven & Rebecca Chelsky, brother of Moshe & Natan and grandson of Ruth Shapiro & Brenda & Sid Chelsky will become Bar Mitzvah in Israel on May 16th. 5775 Pesach Window 2015 BethDavid_February2015_printready.pdf 1 2/11/2015 12:51:01 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K The Window Notice!!! The Window is published four times per year, in time for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Pesah and Shavuot, and distributed to all Beth David members via mail and e-mail. In view of the increasing cost of printing and recent hikes in Canada Post rates, beginning this year, we will deliver the Rosh Hashanah Window and Pesah Window via mail and e-mail, while the Hanukkah and Shavuot Window will be delivered only via e-mail. Copies of the Hanukkah and Shavuot Window will also be available in the Beth David lobby and at the office. Thank you for your understanding and support. THE WINDOW החלון BETH DAVID B’NAI ISRAEL BETH AM ADVERTISE IN THE WINDOW Call Faye at Beth David Synagogue 416.633.5500. EXT. 0 Or email for information and to place your ad. Full back page (colour) $750 Full colour page $650 (Anywhere in book) Full Page black & white $400 ½ page $225 ¼ page $125 23 5775 Pesach Window 2015 In Memoriam “We mourn the loss of the following members of our congregational family and extend our sympathy and prayers for comfort and consolation.” Condolences Pal Shanto, husband of Eva Shanto Richard Lichtman, husband of Rose Lichtman, father of Noreen & Monty Shelson Sylvia Lipton, wife of the late Hushy Lipton Frida Weller, wife of the late Aron Weller Joseph Gayne, husband of the late Shirley Gayne Evelyn Shafir, wife of the late Max Shafir Gussie Yutman, wife of the late Albert Yutman Yetti Dobbs Sandra Snitman Aileen Romberg, wife of the late Sam Romberg Esther Litovitz, husband of the late Morris Litovitz, mother of Allan Litovitz and Marla Kleinberg Vivian Levine, mother of Carol & Lawrie Manilla, sister of the late Shirley Papoff. Frances Grossman, wife of the late Seymour Grossman Marcia Miller Brassel, wife of the late Lou Miller, and wife of the late Sydney Brassel Nancy Justmann, sister of Gitta Ganz & the late Sam Ganz Anne Hoffman, mother of Rochelle & Bernie Goldberg Marsha Litvack, sister of Sheldon Reinsilber Minnie Borden, mother of Howard & Hedi Borden Eddie Greenberg, father of Suzanne & Stephen Karr Larry Tannenbaum, father of Jeffrey & Becky Tannenbaum Thank You! Breakfast 24 Mrs. Etty Alami Mr. & Mrs. Ron Amber Dr. Arthur Ameis Mr. & Mrs. Max Ander Mrs. Cari Kozierok Bahar Mr. Michael Balter & Ms. Alonna Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Shael Beckenstein Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Bernholtz Mr & Mrs. Martin Binstock Mrs. Elaine Bisgould Dr. Harold & Mrs. Frances Borenstein Mr. Sheldon Bornstein & Ms. Marla Levant-Bornstein Mrs. Freda Brodbaker Mrs. Maxine Budin Mr. Gary Cohen & Ms. Judy Hain-Cohen Mr. Harold Cohen Mr. Morris Diamond Mr. Nicolas Dorget Mr. & Mrs. Carey Drutz Mr. & Mrs. Philip Elias Mrs. Beth Feffer Mr. & Mrs. Gary Feldman Mr. Alan Freedman Dr. & Mrs. Steven Frohlich Mrs. Gitta Ganz Dr. & Mrs. Joe Garber Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Golberg Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gold Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goldfarb Mrs. Rebecca Golosky Mr. & Mrs. Morrie Herman Mrs. Gloria Himelstein Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kasman Mrs. Elizabeth Katz Mr. Dale Lastman & Mrs. Robin Diamond-Lastman Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mr. Gilbert Levy & Mrs. Sally Mintz Levy Mrs. Adele Lightman Mr. Carl Mahoney & Ms. Robyn Perlmutar Mr. Aime Maman & Mrs. Nava Blankenstein Dr. Lawrence & Mrs. Carol Manilla Mr. Gadi Mayman & Ms. Judy Steiner Mr. Phillip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Murray Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Ms. Felicia Nefsky Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nemirov Mr. & Mrs. Brian Osler Mrs. Clare Ozier Mr. & Mrs. Danny Panzer Mr. Morris Polansky Dina Prager Mrs. Nancy Pruskin Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ptasznik Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ratz Mr. Jakob Ripshtein & Ms. Stella Arbitman Mrs. Francine Ritchie Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Salz Mr. & Mrs. Allan Sheps Dr. Jay Silverberg & Linda Miller Mr. & Mrs. David Solomon Mrs. Noreen Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Norman Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Grant Spiegelman Mr. & Mrs. David Star Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Udell Mr. & Mrs. Allen Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. David Weinniger Mr. & Mrs. Joe Weinberg Mrs. Zena Wise Mr. & Mrs. Morris Wosnick Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wronzberg Mr. & Mrs. Dov Zevy Mr. Jesse Zimmerman & Ms. Jennifer Chasson Kiddush Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Bielak Mr. & Mrs. David Bienstock Mr. Aaron Cohen Mr. Jeffrey Cooper Drs. Joshua & Miriam Devon Mr. Eric Epstein Mr. Paul Gardner & Mrs. Lisa Rodin-Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Jay Goldberg Dr. & Mrs. Michael Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goldfarb Mr. Alex & Dr. Anna Gropper Ms Joanne Shinwell Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kingston Mr. Morry Parl & Ms. Morly Shoshan Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Pinto Mr. Avi Pollock & Ms. Nicole Shuckett Mr. & Mrs. David Rubin Dr. Aaron & Mrs. Ettie Schimmer Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Shinwell Mr. & Mrs. Adam Silver Mr. Jerry Weiner Ms. Frances Winer Seudah Shlishyt Mr & Mrs. Martin Binstock Mr. Harvey Bitterman Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cohen Mr. Jacob Galper & Mrs. Mindy Simon-Galper Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gold Mrs. Sybil Jackson Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mr. & Mrs. Rob Rosenblat Mr. Irving Switzman Building Maintenance Fund Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Agulnik Mrs. Barbara Berman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bernick Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Epstein Mrs. Mildred Fink Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fruchtman Mrs. Tsippie Geffen Mrs. Bess Good Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hoffman Mrs. Grace Horenfeldt Mr. Richard Langer Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. & Mrs. Paul Levine Mr. Gordon Magrill Miscellaneous Wendy Orbach Miss Irma Pappenheim Mr. & Mrs. Jerel Paskowitz Dr. & Mrs. Barry Reinblatt Mrs. Charlotte Reinblatt Mrs. Helen & Mr. Arthur Rose Mr. & Mrs. Marty Rubenstein Mrs. Estelle Shane Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sonshine Mr. & Mrs. Motek Szpindel Ms. Vivian Weinstock Mrs. Honey Wise Cantor’s Fund Dr. Arthur Ameis Mrs. Faye Baine Mr. Gerald Belz Mr. Gary Cohen & Ms. Judy Hain-Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Irving Foreman Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mendlowitz Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Modlin Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Murray Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Jack Noble Max Plosker & Bess Direnfeld-Plosker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pollock Mr. Brian Risman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rittenberg Mrs. Dorothy Rosner Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sigal Adult Education Fund Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mrs. Beth Feffer Mr. Jacob Galper & Mrs. Mindy Simon-Galper Mr. & Mrs. Alan Giller Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Golberg Mrs. Rose Haspel Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Barry Levine Mr. Gilbert Levy & Mrs. Sally Mintz Levy Mr. & Mrs. Marvyn Lubek Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Murray Mrs. Nancy Pruskin Mr. Brian Risman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rittenberg Mrs. Helen & Mr. Arthur Rose Mr. Alex Roth & Ms. Elise Rose Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Samson Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Schimmer Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Allan Sheps Mr. Brian Stein Mrs. Zena Wise Double Mitzvah Israel Bonds Mr. & Mrs. Max Balaban Mr. Gerald Belz Mrs. Shirley Birbrager Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bloom Ms. Nadine Bukmuz Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chisvin Mrs. Ava Cross Mrs. Goldie Dilman Mrs. Beth Feffer Ms. Mindy Ganz Mr. Paul Gardner & Mrs. Lisa Rodin-Gardner Mrs. Tsippie Geffen Dr. David & Mrs. Sharon Goldberg Mrs. Grace Horenfeldt Mr. & Mrs. Robert Igel Mr. & Mrs. Barry Levine Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Miss Michelle Randall Mrs. Roslyn Rotin Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Samson Mr. & Mrs. David Schlanger Mrs. Mildred Sonshine 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Thank You! Families Fund Mr. & Mrs. Ari Bitnun Dr. Stephen & Mrs. Frances Kraft Mr. Jay Shanker & Ms. Dena Arback Mr. & Mrs. Norman Silver Higher Jewish Education Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. & Mrs. Phil Myerson Mr. Norman Shelson Mrs. Esther Tozman Itanu Accessibility Fund Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mrs. Flora & Mr. Aaron Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Carey Drutz Mrs. Miriam Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Ms. Marcia Krestell Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mrs. Zelda Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Mrs. Molly Starr Jeannette Cohen Fund Mr. Harold Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Sam Cohen Library Fund Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fruchtman Megillat HaShoah Mr. & Mrs. Alex Eisen Memorial Board Mr. Harold Cohen Kiddush Club Miscellaneous Donations Beth David Brotherhood Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kafka Dr. Aaron Nussbaum Mrs. Francine Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sonshine 25 5775 Pesach Window 2015 Thank You! Prayer Books Etz Hayim Humash Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mr. Glenn Daurio & Ms. Rhonda Franklin Mrs. Beth Feffer Mrs. Sybil Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Jon Lazarus Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. Gilbert Levy & Mrs. Sally Mintz Levy Mr. David Moses & Ms. Yasmin Nizami Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Allen Richman Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mr. & Mrs. David Schlanger Ms. Karen Shane Dr. David Shaw The Blankenstein Family Foundation Prayer Books High Holy Day Mahzor 26 Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Agulnik Dr. Arthur Ameis Ms. Maureen Ander Mrs. Faye Baine Drs. Brian & Rica Berger Mr. & Mrs. Sol Budd Ms. Nadine Bukmuz Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chisvin Mr. Jozef Cipin & Dr. Brenda Kane-Cipin Mr. Gary Cohen & Ms. Judy Hain-Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Ted Cohen Mrs. Ava Cross Mr. & Mrs. Al de Castro Mr. & Mrs. Alan Federman Mrs. Beth Feffer Mr. & Mrs. Ken Fuller Dr. & Mrs. Joe Garber Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Golberg Mr. & Mrs. Hymie Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gorman Mrs. Grace Horenfeldt Mrs. Sybil Jackson Mr. Frank Kaplan Dr. Ronald & Mrs. Marsha Klein Mrs. Millie Lax Mrs. Marsha Levitt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Levin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Levine Mr. Philip Levitt Mr. Israel Mida Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Muskat Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mrs. Roslyn Rotin Mr. & Mrs. Jack Salz Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Samson Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Shinwell Dr. Jay Silverberg & Linda Miller Mrs. Mylene Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Harry Temple Mr. Leonard Vanek & Ms. Arlene Lax Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vilensky Mrs. Eleanor Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wolfson Mrs. Belle Yaphe The Estate of Gussie Yutman Mr. Jeffrey Zacks & Ms. Corinne Berman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pollock Mrs. Nancy Pruskin Mr. Brian Risman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rittenberg Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mrs. Roslyn Rotin Dr. Avram & Mrs. Rosalie Selick Ms. Karen Shane Mr. & Mrs. Allan Sheps Rabbi’s Fund Scholarship Fund Dr. Arthur Ameis Mr. & Mrs. Barry Applebaum Mrs. Faye Baine Drs. Brian & Rica Berger Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Bielak Mrs. Shirley Bocknek Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Feldman Dr. Mark Florence & Ms. Cindy Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Ken Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Barry Levine Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. Gary Lipton Mrs. Lucille Mosher Mr. Lyle Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Jack Noble Mr. Elliott Peranson & Ms. Sharon Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pollock Mrs. Eva Ringwald Mr. Jakob Ripshtein & Ms. Stella Arbitman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rittenberg Mrs. Dorothy Rosner Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Samson Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Schimmer Mrs. Rhoda Shack Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Shapiro Rabbi Mark Smiley & Ms. Aviva Silverman Dr. Harvey Taub Dr. Jack & Mrs. Debbie Wasserman Mr. Glenn Daurio & Ms. Rhonda Franklin Mrs. Rachel Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Ritual Donations Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chisvin Mr. Morris Cutler Mrs. Goldie Dilman Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Epstein Karen Fainman Mr. Eran & Ms. Elisheva Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feldt Mr. Steven Friedman & Ms. Cathie Smith Mrs. Molly Goldsman Mr. Fred Goren Mrs. Estelle Keshen Dr. Stephen & Mrs. Frances Kraft Mr. Gilbert Levy & Mrs. Sally Mintz Levy Mr. & Mrs. Murray Major Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Murray Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Perlmutter Shabbat Dinner Donation The Blankenstein Family Foundation Shabbat Shalom Sponsorship Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Bernholtz Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Bielak Mr. Sheldon Bornstein & Ms. Marla Levant-Bornstein Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Feldman Dr. & Mrs. Michael Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Barry Levine Mr. & Mrs. David Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Adam Silver Ms. Barbara Swimmer Tallis Fund Mr. & Mrs. Allen Richman Torah Maintenance Fund Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Blankenstein Mrs. Flora & Mr. Aaron Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Allan Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hayward Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ratz Mrs. Rhoda Shack Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mrs. Rose Stone Ms. Barbara Swimmer Mr. Michael Taylor Ms. Vivian Weinstock Youth Fund Mrs. Mary Becker Mr. & Mrs. Al de Castro Mr. Julius Greenblatt Mr David Katz & Mrs. Marilyn Shapiro Ms. Barbara Klein Mrs. Greta Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Ms. Gloria Ostroff Mr. & Mrs. Martin Pivnick Associated Cedarvale (Pre-Nursery to JK) Beth Sholom Synagogue 1445 Eglinton Ave. W. –––––––––––– Kamin Education Centre (Pre-Nursery to Grade 5) 300 Atkinson Ave. –––––––––––– Posluns Education Centre (Nursery to Grade 5) 18 Neptune Dr. –––––––––––– Hurwich Education Centre Danilack Middle School (Grade 6 to 8) 252 Finch Ave. W. To schedule your visit, please contact Pearl Greenspan at or 905-889-3998, ext. 337 or go to VIEW our e-brochure at 5775 Pesach Window 2015 18 Holes of Golf 4 person shot gun Power cart with GPS & green fees Use of club practice facilities with club Pros for onsite lessons Gift Bag loaded with goodies! All day use of Gym Sauna, Whirlpool & Swimming Pool Complimentary bucket of balls Register at Early Bird Deadline: May 28, 2015 Fee $180 per player $200 beginning May 29th Sign up Today! WANT TO HELP OUT? FOR MORE INFORMATION, TO VOLUNTEER OR DONATE AUCTION ITEMS Contact: Faye Major (416) 633-5500 28
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