THE WINDOW 5775 Shavuot Edition Iyar - Elul 5775 May - August 2015 SHAVU'OT SCHEDULE Shavu'ot Eve Saturday, May 23 Candle Lighting..................................... 9:25 PM Mincha – Ma'ariv...................................8:15 PM Evening Study Program with Rabbi... .10:00 PM First Day Shavu'ot Sunday, May 24 Morning Service...................................9:00 AM Mincha – Ma'ariv.................................. 8:30 PM Second Day Shavu'ot Monday, May 25 Morning Service (Yizkor).....................9:00 AM Mincha – Ma'ariv.................................. 8:30 PM With chanting of Megillat Ruth From the Rabbi 3 From the President 4 Beth David by the Numbers 5 From the Cantor 6 From the Executive Director 6 From the Ritual Director 7 Service Times 8 Ritual Matters 9 Adult Education 10 Club Chaverut 11 Sisterhood 12 Brotherhood 13 Youth 14 - 15 Families 16 Shinshinim 17 Our Congregation 18 - 28 page 9 Beth David by the numbers PG 5 THE WINDOW is published by Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am 5 5 Ye o m a n s R o a d , To r o n t o , O N , M 3 H 3 J 7 Te l e p ho ne : 4 1 6 . 6 3 3 . 550 0 Fa x: 41 6. 633. 1 740 Web: www. bethd a v i d . c om See Back Cover for 11th Annual Beth David GOLF Tournament info SHAVOUT 2015 MEGILLAT RUTH Monday May 25th 8:30 PM Your Shavuot holiday experience is not complete without hearing the moving story of Ruth. Join us for the chanting of the megillah and consider learning a few verses yourself this year. Contact Michael Rubin for as small or as large a portion as you would like. Cheesecake to follow (of course!) “ I share, here, my reflections offered at our gathering this past April. I t was fourteen years ago, under the inspired vision and leadership of Alex Eisen, that our congregation was instrumental in producing Megillat HaShoah, a text to be read annually on Yom HaShoah. Through the Rabbinical Assembly and the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem, the Megillah that we have continued to read, year in and year out, was created. I share, here, my reflections offered at our gathering this past April. This year, there having been no Shabbat of Hol Ha-Moed Pesah, we did not have occasion to read as a Haftarah, the stirring prophecy of Ezekiel (37), envisioning a valley filled with dried out bones of the dead. You remember how God tells the prophet to prophesy over the bones, saying: “Look. I am going to cause breath to enter you. You are going to live! I will lay sinews upon you and cover you with flesh and form skin over you. I am going to put breath into you and you are going to live!” The prophet prophesies, and lo and behold, “there was a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to matching bone....” And God says to the prophet: “These bones are the entire house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up, our hope is gone; we are doomed.’ Thus said the Lord God: ‘I am going to open up your graves, O My people, and I am going to bring you to the land of Israel.’ ” It’s a fantastic prophecy. In our day it speaks more loudly perhaps than at any other time in history Philip S. Scheim Rabbi since Ezekiel walked the land of Israel 2600 years ago. We, in our own day, have seen our nation arise, quite literally, from the ash-heaps of Europe, and join together, “bone to matching bone.” We have been privileged to be witness to the miracle of national revival. In the Talmudic discussion (Sanh. 92b) surrounding Ezekiel’s prophecy, the sages pondered what happened to the Jews that Ezekiel revived. Rabbi Eliezer, the son of Rabbi Yose HaGelili argued: “The dead that Ezekiel revived made aliyah to Israel, they married and had children.” Rabbi Yehudah ben Batayra excitedly stood up, waved his Tefillin in the air, and shouted: “[Rabbi Eliezer is right!] Look! I am their descendant! These Tefillin, which belonged to my grandfather, came from them!” What is most remarkable about this astoundingly remarkable story is how Rabbi Yehudah, hundreds of years after the Destruction of the First Temple, was able to bring physical evidence of the miraculous endurance of the faith of Israel that followed that traumatic Destruction. There would be numerous occasions in world history when one could have expected, reasonably, an end to the Jewish people. But just as those Tefillin proudly waved by Rabbi Yehudah almost two millennia ago attested to our people’s unwillingness to quietly march off the pages of history, as so many predicted, as so many wished – the resurgent vibrancy of the Jewish people today is reflected in the emergence and vitality of the State of Israel, and in the numbers of our people, young and old, who readily, willingly and enthusiastically embrace the traditions and the practices that have lovingly and carefully been passed down to us. Just as Rabbi Yehudah inherited those sacred Tefillin, relics of a time of turbulence and turmoil in our ancestral history, that which we have inherited reminds us of what our annual gathering to read Megillat HaShoah is all about. 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 From the Rabbi We gather each year to remember and to mourn six million lives stolen from us by unimaginable acts of cruelty and evil. But just as we gather to remember, to mourn – we also gather to marvel – to marvel at the tenacity of the Jewish people, our unwillingness to succumb, our insistence upon not merely surviving – but rather, upon thriving, upon growing, upon leading the world by our example to a better place. Together, we hold on to the Tefillin, passed down to us through the generations, that have weathered the worst storms of human history, but remain intact, that are ever reflective of “Mir Zaynin Da,” of our undying commitment to carry that sacred inheritance, lovingly, from generation to generation, into eternity. Rabbi Philip S. Scheim 3 From the President “ 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 I’d like to start my Presidency by thanking all the people who have worked so hard as volunteers... Barry Levine Beth David - Staff 2015 havuot marks the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and at Beth David, it also marks the time of year when Members elect our new Directors and Officers. In addition to our very fine Clergy and professional team, our congregation is fortunate to have a group of highly dedicated lay leaders and volunteers to assist in making our community a great place to participate, learn and grow as Conservative Jews – not to mention the opportunity to get to know some wonderful people! As many of you know, my parents have been members of Beth David harkening back to the days of Beth Am. My wife – Lisa – has been active as President of Sisterhood, and my children – Sara and Benjamin – represent the third generation of our family to be active at Beth David. So it is an honour to serve as your President. I’d like to start my Presidency by thanking all the people who have worked so hard as volunteers to make Beth David what it is. Over the last several years, as Chairman of the Board, I’ve had an opportunity to get to know some outstanding people, many of whom have also become good personal friends. Thanks to you, we have much to celebrate as a congregation. Thank you for all your efforts, and keep up the good work! To the rest, I’d like to extend an invitation to join this exceptional group of volunteers. At times it is not easy, but it is certainly a rewarding experience. Whatever your passion may be, there is likely an opportunity to assist in some capacity, no matter how big or small. Whether it is helping to stuff envelopes in the office, taking a leadership role in running a major event, or helping to govern the shul through involvement on a committee, there is literally something for everyone. Beth David will be celebrating its 60th Anniversary later this year – a significant milestone in our history. A committed group of volunteers is planning a gala event for the fall, which will not only provide for a fantastic celebration, but will also be the launch pad for raising some new and much needed capital funds to continue to improve our facilities. Beth David is a great community, but we are not without our challenges. Like many Conservative synagogues throughout North America, we have seen a decline in membership. This puts a strain on our finances, and although much work has been done to trim costs and find creative new sources of revenue, the pressure continues to mount. If we are going to be a viable congregation for the next 60 years, then we need to start thinking about how to do things differently. The Board of Directors has done much to lay the groundwork to tackle these issues. For example: Last year, in addition to the Rabbi’s Circle, we introduced a new per-capita fee category that allows our members to opt-in to pay a more fulsome share of the true cost of running the shul. New fundraising activities were launched, including a highly successful mishloach manot program at Purim, and the formation of a 60th Anniversary Gala committee. We recently received our first major endowment and the groundwork is being put in place to accept new endowments and to arrange for planned giving such as bequests and life insurance. A variety of new programs have been introduced with the goal of appealing to different demographics within the community. We will continue to explore the possibility of joining forces with other congregations with similar ideological perspectives and challenges. Over the coming months and years, you will see the continued evolution of these ideas. We know that change is not easy, but it is necessary if we are to stay relevant and viable. We need to enhance what we do well, and augment this with fresh new ideas. A key focus for my term as President will be to increase our attention on new membership development while retaining our wonderful current members. In particular, we need to find ways to convince busy young families with a multitude of priorities to become engaged. Attracting new families must become part of our culture. I welcome your input as we embark upon this journey together. Please reach out to me if you would like to contribute to making Beth David an even better place to participate, learn and grow. Chag Sameach from the Levine family. Barry Levine President Philip S. Scheim - Rabbi | Marshall Loomer - Cantor | Michael Rubin - Ritual Director Cari Kozierok Bahar - Executive Director Cari Kozierok Bahar, Executive Director (ext. 22) Barry Levine - President Robyn Zajac-Cooper, Events Coordinator/Rabbi’s Assistant (ext. 35) Steven Risenman - Vice President, Finance and Administration Jeev Logan, Finance Manager (ext. 27) Andy Pascoe - Vice President, Programming and Ritual Thanuja Perera, Bookkeeper (ext. 25) Madeleine Sarick - Vice President, House and Property Faye Major, Administrator (ext. 0) Allan Sheps - Secretary Helene Jacobs, Administrative Assistant (ext. 28) Jerry Paskowitz - Treasurer Simmi Toby, Youth Director (ext. 24) David Bienstock - Past President Steven Risenman - Brotherhood President Lisa Levine - Sisterhood President Gregg Tugg - Chairman of the Board Beth David - Executives 2015 4 S President 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Beth David by the numbers 5 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 From the Cantor T Marshall Loomer Cantor “Were the sky of parchment made, A quill each reed, each twig and blade, Could we with ink the oceans fill, Were every man a scribe of skill, The marvelous story Of G-d’s glory Would still remain untold; For He, Most High, The earth and sky Created alone of old. ” he festival of Shavuot is recognized in the Torah as one of the three pilgrimage festivals. While it is also known as the festival during which the first fruits were brought to the Holy Jerusalem Temple, we are most familiar with Shavuot as the time of the giving of the Torah. It is traditional to stay up all night on the eve of the festival and study, re-enacting the excitement and trepidation of our ancestors as they anticipated receiving the Torah. Preoccupation with the Torah and the Majesty of the Holy One Blessed Be He is continued into the services on the first day of Shavuot, with the chanting of the epic hymn, Akdamut, which is said just prior to the reading of the first verse of the Torah portion. A quote from my friend Cantor Michael Krausman, “Rabbi Meir, who was the son of Hazzan Isaac Nehorai and a contemporary biblical commentator Rashi, used lines beginning with each of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet twice through. The Rabbi used the letters of his name, his father’s name and a short blessing asking for strength, (which he no doubt needed after this huge work). The resulting composition is 90 verses proclaiming the majesty and greatness of The Creator, the beauty and wisdom of the Torah and praise and hope for the Jewish people.” This year as we chant the Akdamut responsively, along with Michael Rubin, let’s try to imagine what it must have felt like to be at Har Sinai receiving the Torah in all its wonder and glory. I wish everyone a Hag Sameach, a year filled with Torah, maasim tovim and the sweetness of milk and honey to complement our study of Torah in good health. Cantor Marshall Loomer From the Executive Director W 6 hat Does the Executive Director do? It is a question that my children have asked me a thousand times and one which I continue to attempt to answer for myself each day as I strive to develop a deeper and deeper understanding of what our community needs and wants. For those of you who attend shul for programmes, classes, services and events on a regular basis, you know that there is a lot happening at Beth David. We are a vibrant shul with an incredible clergy team, many volunteers and programming geared toward every segment of the shul population. Behind all of that there is the serious business of running the day to day operations of the Synagogue. There are service contracts to negotiate, an aging building with aging infrastructure to maintain, Human Resources to manage and the big picture of generating revenue and saving costs to help us direct your generous support and donations to the places that will benefit the organization the most. In my time as your Executive Director I have focused on these key areas: Revenue Generating Activities: Increasing revenue through catering, event/space rentals, advertising sales, the development of a planned giving programme and augmenting ritual donations. Supporting and assisting with fundraising initiatives such as Mishloach Manot, Golf Tournament and the upcoming 60th Anniversary Gala. Cost Savings: Lowering expenses through streamlining administrative systems, staffing arrangements, renegotiating contracts with outside service providers and creating more cost effective purchasing and inventory arrangements. Leadership/Programming: Encouraging the development of new leadership and new programming ideas through cross committee and one-off programme development with interested parties. Examples are The Shabbat Project, Beth David Celebrates Israel, Yom Ha’Atzmaut Party as well as working with existing committees to support and encourage creativity and execution of innovative programming. Membership Development: Increasing membership and member engagement through outreach, Cari Kozierok Bahar Executive Director marketing, strategic partnerships in the community along with the development of an improved system of member integration into the Beth David family. I love new ideas and am always looking for new people to become involved in various aspects of the synagogue. If you have a great idea, have professional services that you can offer or you would like to become more involved in shul life, what can I say? We need you. Please contact me and let me help you find a way to contribute your unique talents to this amazing community. Chag Shavuot Sameyach! Cari Kozierok Bahar Executive Director A time to keep silent and a time to speak. (Ecclesiastes 3:7) W hen is it time to speak and when is it the time to be quiet? On Shavuot, we celebrate a transformative event in religious civilization, let alone for the Children of Israel. Although there seem to be multiple accounts of this, the more familiar narrative, before the travesty of the Golden Calf, speaks of the arrival at Mount Sinai with instructions transmitted by Moses of the three days of preparations for a once in a lifetime of the world encounter with God. The almighty will speak with Moses, but in a manner – in a thick cloud - that will, interestingly, allow the entire nation to hear. This all will take place to a background of “kolot uvrakim”, thunder and lightning, and “kol shofar hazak me’od”, the very loud blast of the horn. The other key auditory-related term is the verb, “lishmo’a”, to hear, in various forms. This is essential to the nature of the experience. The implication is that there will be hearing and listening. This is not to be a dialogue between God and the people and/or Moses. It is a time to be silent and try to take in all that God is offering. The people even promise, "na'aseh v'nishma", we shall perform what God has instructed us and listen. There is no mention of speaking, except on the part of God. The verb, “ledaber” to speak, is reserved here for God, with Moses as a conduit only. God will speak, utter the foundation of our civilization in the form of "Aseret HaDibrot", the Ten Utterances, and the people will listen. There is no room for verbal response or interlocution here. This may go counter to what our tradition has developed over centuries – a never-ending process of investigation, exploration, and commentary to better understand to our fullest capacity the nature of God's instructions. We pride Michael Rubin Ritual Director ourselves on seeking to engage in honest discussion and criticism, even acknowledging and admiring the occasional audacity of humans to do so with God, i.e. Abraham, Moses, Job. And, yet, there are times, when silence and the absence of words is the preferred and appropriate behavior, if often the most challenging. As those created in the image of God, should we not grant each other the respect and dignity of our attention when the other is speaking, without cutting into their words? Any meaningful communication and dialogue is based on this all too rare practice. When Aaron is faced with the sudden and tragic death of his two oldest sons, we are told, "VaYidom Aharon", and Aaron was silent. When faced with personal tragedy, we are often, initially unable to fathom our experience and find the words to express our grief. Sometimes we seek to comfort those who grieve by offering words which may not always be the most appropriate, striving to explain events which are beyond our understanding. Perhaps Moses, as well, might best not have tried to rationalize the tragedy so immediately. Holding a hand, a sympathetic smile, an attentive ear – these gestures are often much more effective in such circumstances. On a more banal, yet practical level, there is a silence expected in various ritual situations. We pride ourselves, and justifiably, on being a welcoming and friendly congregation, engaging in conversation and social interaction whether on a weekday, Shabbat, Festival, or High Holy Day. And no member of clergy would expect congregants to refrain from such for the entire length of the service. However, there are sections in our liturgy which require and even demand a level of focus and attention suggesting such restraint. There is the expected quiet during the Rabbi‘s sermon and a sufficient silence during the silent Amidah. Another significant section is the “kedushah” during the repetition of the Amidah. It is no coincidence that this word translates as holiness, and is one of the major elements in the liturgy requiring the presence of a minyan. Unfortunately, many are walking and talking at this time, when neither movement of the legs nor of the lips is appropriate. I imagine, as well, that not all the discussion and exchange of ideas taking place during the Torah service are related to the Parashah’s content. At the least, we might make the effort to offer our full attention to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah when they chant their Maftir and Haftarah, what is usually, if not always, the case. Of course, we may not always, if ever, consider what someone else has to say as having the weight of a “Diber”, a Sinaitic Utterance. Nevertheless, let us not expect that something meaningful offered by another need be prefaced or accompanied by thunder and lightning or the sound of the shofar, nor assume that what we wish to share is the right thing to say or that it is the right time to say it. We often speak of giving. Yet, as we celebrate the receiving of Torah at Sinai, let us endeavour to place greater emphasis on finding the willingness and the discipline to be quietly and respectfully attentive and receptive to that which others wish to give us. Hag Matan Torah Samei’ach! Elah, Iris, and Michael 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 From the Ritual Director 7 Ritual matters 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 SYNAGOGUE SERVICE TIMES June to August 2015 Candle Lighting May 23 - 25 May 26 – 28 May 29 – June 4 June 5 – 11 June 12 – 18 June 19 – 25 June 26 – July 2 July 3 – 9 July 10 – 16 July 17 – 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 – 30 July 31 – August 6 August 7 – 13 August 14 – 20 August 21 – 27 August 28 –September 3 MORNINGS: Saturday Evening Sunday to Thursday SEE SHAVUOT SCHEDULE on front cover. 8:31 PM 6:00 PM 8:37 PM 6:00 PM 8:41 PM 6:00 PM 8:44 PM 6:00 PM 8:45 PM 6:00 PM 8:45 PM 6:00 PM 8:42 PM 6:00 PM 8:38 PM 6:00 PM 8:32 PM 6:00 PM EVE of TISH'AH B'AV TISH'AH B'AV 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:25 PM 8:16 PM 8:06 PM 7:55 PM 7:43 PM 8:15 PM 8:15 PM 8:00 PM 7:45 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM Sundays 8:30 AM | Shabbat 9:00 AM | Monday – Friday 7 & 8 AM SPECIAL MORNINGS: Wednesday, July 1 Sunday, July 26 Monday, August 3 Monday, September 7 8 Friday Evening Canada Day Tish'ah b'Av Lord Simcoe Day Labour Day 8:30 AM ONLY 8:30 AM ONLY 8:30 AM ONLY 8:30 AM ONLY Dear Members, Please note that in consideration of the potential challenge of garnering a minyan during the late summer evenings, we have made the Friday evening services at 6:00 PM and the weekday, including Sunday, evening services at 7:00 PM through the Labour Day weekend. Of course, that is with the caveat that you all continue to help make up the quorum! Relive the excitement of that special day Tanach Reading Opportunity Corner Reading Openings: This corner is for those who would like to read Torah or a Haftarah in general, but also especially for anyone who might like to mark the anniversary of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration or Wedding Aufruf by reading from the same portion chanted on that special occasion. You will find here a list of coming Shabbatot & Festivals when there is no Simcha taking place at our Synagogue, meaning the Haftarah and any Torah reading is open to our members. If you are interested, please contact Michael Rubin directly by email – – and confirm your chanting assignment! Also, we would like to update our records of when your Bar/Bat Mitzvah took place. Please email Michael Rubin with details – Gregorian date and Parashah. We look forward to hearing you relive the excitement of that special day, however many years ago. Shabbat / Festival Parashah Haftarah Torah Shabbat July 4BalakAvailableAvailable Shabbat July 11PinchasN/AAvailable Shabbat July 18Mattot-Mas'eiN/AAvailable Shabbat July 25Devarim-HazonN/AAvailable Sunday July 26 Tish'ah b'Av – Shacharit Available Available Sunday July 26 Tish'ah b'Av – Mincha Available Available Shabbat August 1 Va'Etchanan – Nachamu N/A Available Shabbat August 8EikevAvailableAvailable Shabbat August 15 Re'eh (RH) Available Available Shabbat August 22 Shofetim Available Available Shabbat August 29 Ki Teitzei Available Available Shabbat September 5 Ki Tavo Available Available Shabbat September 12 Nitzavim Available Available Shabbat September 19 VaYeilekh-Shuvah Available Available Shabbat September 26 Ha'azinu Available Available The event of the year is coming - Save the Date! Beth David’'s 60th Anniversary Gala Celebration Thursday, November 19th 2015 Watch for details - coming soon! High Holy Day Participation It’s never too early to begin thinking about what one might do in order to make the experience during the days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur more meaningful and even enjoyable! Taking part in the services in one way or another is certainly one way to enhance your many hours of time in shul. 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Ritual Matters Some of the possibilities include: • Reading Torah • Chanting a Haftarah • Making a short presentation (3-5 minutes) at the Havurah service on a relevant topic to be determined together with the Ritual Director • Blowing the Shofar • Leading Pesukei d’Zimra – the introductory portion of the morning service • Helping out as an usher at one of the various services • Participating in a traditional honour of an Aliyah, Ark Opening, Hagbah, Gelilah If any of the above have some appeal for you, please contact Michael Rubin to accept your assignment and help all of us have a more significant and meaningful Yamim Nora’im. 9 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Adult Education Weekly studies Yiddish Literature Self-Study program MONDAYS: 10 AM This class meets weekly for the study of Yiddish literature and language. Beginners are welcome. Open to all with Norman Shelson MONDAYS: Parashah of the week in summary (beginners welcome) TUESDAYS: Current events with emphasis on Israel From 9:10 AM - 10:00 AM following morning services Everyone welcome. Shabbat Sidra Luncheon SATURDAY June 6th: Following morning services. Join us for a discussion of the Torah and Haftarah portions of the day by a member of the Beth David Congregation. ParashahDiscussion Leader BeHa’alotechaJack Pollock Registration fee: $10.00 per person. Advanced registration for luncheon required . Contact the Synagogue office or register on-line at Congregation-wide Nosh ‘n Drosh with various discussion leaders SATURDAY, JULY 11 th after morning services Group discussions of the parashah of the week - Pinhas Open to the entire congregation Admission is free but advanced registration is required. Contact the Synagogue office or register on-line at We look forward to exciting and inspiring Adult Education programs in 2015-2016. 10 For registration, additional details and program updates please check our website at or call Beth David at 416-633-5500 or e-mail MAY Members: $7.00 Non–members: $10.00 RSVP to Rose Haspel at 905 764 8141 by May 25, 2015 Sunday May 31, 2015 1:30 PM The Ganz Social Hall Michael Kinkis and Rachel “A MUSICAL SALUTE to the STATE of ISRAEL” JUNE Wednesday June 17, 2015 The Ganz Social Hall 12 Noon Everyone has a wonderful time at the CLUB CHAVERUT BBQ Hot dogs, Hamburgers, and Dessert GOOD FOOD AND GREAT ENTERTAINMENT THREE PLUS ONE-The Jack Gelbloom Trio “Music to get your toes a-tapping” 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Club Chaverut Members: $10.00 Non-members: $12.00 RSVP to Annette Ross at 416 635 8910 by June 8, 2015 JULY Sunday July 19, 2015 7:30 PM Summer Hours The Ganz Social Hall Club Chaverut Weekend Film Historian, Kevin Courier presents “Hiding in Plain Sight-Jewish Sensibilities in Hollywood” AUGUST Sunday August 30, 2015 7:30 PM Summer Hours The Ganz Social Hall THE CHERYL WHITE RHYTHM and BLUES BAND Vocalist, Stand- up bass, Harmonica, Guitar, Drums Come out for an evening of exciting music Members: $7.00 Non–members: $10.00 RSVP to Rose Haspel at 905 764 8141 by July 13, 2015 Members: $7.00 Non–members: $10.00 RSVP to Rose Haspel at 905 764 8141 by August 24, 2015 Theatre Trips Tuesday June 23 “Sweet Charity” - Shaw Festival Wednesday September 2 “The Sound of Music” - Stratford Festival Tickets (including bus): Club Chaverut or Sisterhood Members $90 Non-Members $95 Bus departs Beth David 9:45 AM Bus returns Beth David approx. 6:30 to 7:00 PM Contact: Leona Eligberg 905-881-6343 Ruth Shapiro 905-771-1893 11 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Sisterhood 12 “ M As always I welcome input on your thoughts about our Sisterhood.. ay and June look to be very exciting months on the Sisterhood calendar. The semi-annual WLCJ regional conference was held April 26th and 27th in Syracuse New York. Although I was unable to attend the conference, Rita Wertlieb, the past Women’s League President, as well as Terry Davis from Kehillat Netzach Israel Ashkelon were speaking. Beth David Sisterhood is partnered with Kehillat Netzach through WLCJ. This partnership allowed our own Danya Tugg (a participant in USY’s Nativ program) to be hosted for Shabbat and receive holiday baskets while in Israel. I will get a full update on WLCJ initiatives for 2105 from our new regional president, and will update everyone in the next Window. In March we held our 3rd annual wine tasting event sponsored by Simcha Wines. We enjoyed the many wines of Israel and learned about Tzafona Cellars, a new winery in Niagara-on-the Lake, which will be producing kosher red, white and even ice wine. On May 9th, our own Naomi Nemirov gave a presentation on Rosh Hodesh Sivan. She is always enjoyable to hear and we learn much from her varied knowledge on Talmud and biblical studies. May 30th is Sisterhood Shabbat. This year’s speaker will be Yedida Eisenstat. She is one of the five Jewish Theological Seminary's first cohort of Fellows, a new initiative to expand and diversify the JTS's adult learning opportunities. The Fellows support JTS's mission to be a leading educational voice and L isa L ev ine P re s ide n t resource for the Conservative from the Toronto Police Services Movement. The other four 32 division. He frequently speaks inaugural fellows are based in to various community groups and the United States while Yedida forums about personal and home is based in Toronto. She is an protection. assistant Professor at York As always I welcome input University where she teaches on your thoughts about our "Rabbinic Judaism, The Jewish Sisterhood. Experience." Chag Shavout Samaech, I look forward to hearing her perspective on the Conservative Lisa Levine Movement, and about her years Beth David Sisterhood President of learning in order to receive her PhD from JTS. Thank you to Marion Mayman for introducing Tuesday, June 9th Sisterhood to these dynamic 8:00 PM Jewish scholars. This is a new program, and I hope that it Sisterhood Hall will grow in the upcoming Special years, hopefully becoming Guest Speaker: as popular as our amazing Shinshinim! Constable Howard Clements, On June 9th our speaker Crime Prevention Officer, will be Crime Prevention Toronto Police. officer Howard Clements Sisterhood Shabbat Saturday, May 30th. Speaker: Yedida Eisenstat, There will be a sit down luncheon after services. Reservations required. Cost $18. Please contact Bea Muroff 416-633-2777. Assistant Professor in the Humanities Department at York University. Her topic is Looking for Order in the World: The Suspected Adulteress, the Rabbis, and Measure-for-Measure Punishment. “ T BDBIBA Brotherhood continues to experience a steady and increasing participation in our programs and events. he warm weather is finally here and is a welcome sight after the past frigid winter. Beth David Brotherhood continues to experience a steady and increasing participation in our programs and events. We are continuing to develop different and innovative ways to enhance your Brotherhood experience. We are becoming an interactive group, both responding to and getting feedback from our members in a very positive and cooperative fashion. I hope to continue to meet existing as well as new and prospective Brotherhood members at our various events, programs as well as at our joint Sisterhood and Club Chaverut and shul wide events that we actively support and participate in. Our March 2015 Wine and Cheese evening, an annual joint program with Sisterhood, proved to be another successful event. We had a very enjoyable evening tasting various kosher wines provided by Simcha Wines and many of the participants took advantage of the discounted prices to restock their wine cabinets. In late March 2015 we presented our annual Brotherhood Shabbat, with this year's theme being “March of the Living – Never Forget” that we presented in association with the “Beth David Celebrates Israel” committee. Brotherhood members led the Shabbat services including the Torah and Haftarah readings and for the first time we extended this year’s theme over the entire weekend. We were enthralled with our Shabbat speakers - Nate Leipciger speaking of his experience during the Shoah and Allie Fenwick detailing her life altering March of the Living adventure and our well attended Sunday brunch S te v e n R i se n m a n President speakers - Nate Leipciger, in an proceeds are given to support encore performance and Abe the Magen David Adom in Israel, Glowinsky, talking about their which provides emergency personal March of the Living medical services and saves lives in encounters. I want to thank all Israel every day. of our Brotherhood members As we enjoy the warm who participated in another temperatures I want to let very successful Brotherhood everyone know of our upcoming Shabbat and each of our guest events. In late May we will be speakers – Abe Glowinsky (Chair having a special musical brunch of Adult March of the Living with a wonderful musical act. program), Allie Fenwick (Student On June 7, we will be making Participant in March of the Living our annual visit to the Rogers program) and Nate Leipciger Centre and enjoying our Toronto (Shoah survivor and March of Blue Jays taking on the Houston the Living Participant). A special Astros. We sold out our allotment acknowledgement goes to Nate of tickets this year so, in order Leipciger, who spoke passionately not to be disappointed next year, on both days and made the please purchase your tickets early. weekend an unforgettable This July, the FJMC bi-annual experience for all of us. convention is being held in Miami. This year’s annual If anyone is interested in attending Shoah Candle program please contact me. has proven to be one On behalf of the Risenman family, of the most successful. I want to wish everyone a Happy A very special yasher Shavuot. koach goes out to our Shoah Candle Chairman – Richard Long for his Steven Risenman tireless efforts in organizing and Beth David Brotherhood President managing this initiative. Under Richard’s excellent leadership our Shoah Candle project has been rejuvenated and Dedicate a Seat $720.00 continues to What better way to honour a loved one grow in success each year. This or commemorate a special occasion unique program than by encourages our dedicating a pew in our sanctuary. present and The name you choose, be it your own, future generations that of a loved one, a parent, or a child to honour and remember will receive recognition the millions by way of an engraved name plate of lives that on one of the seats in the Sanctuary. were tragically destroyed during the Shoah. A portion of the Shoah Candle 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Brotherhood 13 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Youth YOUTH HELLO HELLO MY NAME IS MY NAME IS SIMMI TOBY Youth Director HELLO MY NAME IS ALANA BERNICK HAILEY MERTEN YEDIDIM ADVISOR Pray & Play Leader 2014-2015 YOUTH STAFF 14 Beth David Youth upcoming events HELLO MY NAME IS SHARON SWARTZ Junior Cogregation Leader Purim party filled with incredible costumes! 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Getting ready for the fireworks at the Yom Ha'atzmaut Party Youth volunteers packing the purim baskets Beth David Youth loving Israel at the Yom Ha'atzmaut Skyzone party for grade 1-6 Matzah Making for Grades 1-5. Everyone is enjoying the chocolate covered matzah! Grade 5-9 Go-Karting Adventure Chocolate Seder B'nai Mitzvah Program helping out at Evangel Hall 15 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Families 16 A “ We welcome your programming ideas and suggestions and we love to hear them !!! s I wind down into Shavuot on the “yom” stretch for the end of the year I realize that with all the programming and events that have come from the work of the Youth and Families Committee, the year has gone by very quickly. Here are the highlights and what to look for in the future! With the implementation of the new Youth and Families Board and our Youth Director, Simmi Toby, we have had the ability to create so many more creative programs. We have had our usual crazy and successful events such as Sukkah decorating, the Hannukah party, and our Purim extravaganza but also some new ones like the Tel Aviv Street Party dancing and fireworks. As we wrap up the year there are two big events to look out for. An Ice cream Kiddush for Shavuot (big kids welcome) and our Israeli themed,“Friday night live dinner” on May 29th. This year every other week, Junior Congregation has flourished with Sharon Swartz as its leader, and with Alana Bernick on the other weeks as our junior/ teen kiddish club leader, something different awaits the kids every time. Keep your ears open for more programming and fun from tots up to Bar/Bat Mitzvah age during the next few months and stay tuned for a surprise Shabbat morning in August for the kids where they can all roll out of their Carla Af fe Chair of Families and Youth Committee beds and come to shul in their PJ’s! In the next little while it will soon be time to say goodbye to our wonderful shinshinim Gal and Ishai! I just want to take this opportunity to say on behalf of the entire families committee, thank you to them and the work they have done with the shul in the past year. They will be missed! In light of this we will have a congregational Kiddush on June 6th to further our appreciation and recognize their efforts in our community. I would like to thank all the volunteers and the stand in volunteers who always come to help such as our famous BBQers and our Bhelp serve food for the whole Shul. I also need to thank our board for the hard work it has done over the past year. Keep in mind that we would love more volunteers and there are never too many so if you want to help, come approach someone on the board. We welcome your programming ideas and suggestions and we love to hear them !!! Carla Affe-Bienstock Chair of Families and Youth Committee Past Chair – Adele Goldberg, Chair -Carla Affe- Bienstock, Secretary- Brenda Osler, Treasurer- Nava Blankenstein, Liaison for Youth programming (Kadima and USY) Judy Steiner, Liaison, and for Junior Congregation – Avital Stopnicki Dear Friends: For the past 7 years, Beth David has participated in the Israeli Shinshinim program which is an initiative of UJA Federation of Toronto Israel Engagement and the Jewish Agency For Israel. The goal of the Shinshinim Program is to create a “living” bridge between our Jewish community here in Toronto and the “real” Israel, by means of these young post high school Israeli youth. In the 2015-2016 year, there will be 24 Shinshinim coming to Toronto to spend a year doing community service in many Toronto synagogues, Jewish Day schools, youth movements and camps. Two of these Shinshinim will spend their year with Beth David and our partner institutions, The Montessori Jewish Day School and Canadian Young Judaea. Our Shinshinim enhance our knowledge about, and connection to, Israel through their programs and activities throughout the shul, working with our youth as well as our adults. As you are no doubt aware, they become part of our community through the personal relationships they form with Beth David members of all ages as well as host families. The cost to Beth David to participate in this wonderful program is approximately $9,000 per year. The Board of Directors supports our participation in this program and has raised the challenge that we fund-raise toward the cost. If you are able to make a donation of any kind, please contact me directly at 416-407-8818 or, by calling Jeev Logan, our Finance Manager at 416-633-5500 X 27 or With sincere appreciation, Karen Bernstein Lay Leader, Shinshinim Program, Beth David Looking for a way to honour a loved one or mark a special occasion? Inscribe a Book Etz Hayim Humash $108.00 Sefer HaHaftarot Scroll Scribal Dedications High Holy Days Haftarot $1800.00 Festival & Special Occasion Haftarot $1200.00 Dedication of Weekly Haftarot $900.00 Illumination of a Haftarah $613.00 Special Verse $360.00 Word $72.00 For additional Sefer HaHaftarot dedication opportunities, contact Michael Rubin. Cards To send a Get Well, Condolence, or Special Occasion card, call the Beth David office, 416 633 5500 Ext. 28 Charitable Registration No. 11880 4616 RR001 Noa and Itay Introducing Beth David’s Shinshinim for 2015-2016 It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you our incoming Shinshinim for 2015-2016, Noa Bezalel and Itay Kleiman. Noa is 18 years old and lives in Shoham, which is located between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. She is currently finishing her final year of High School, majoring in History and Biology. She has been part of the Israeli Scouts, the “Tzofim”, since Grade 4, and is currently the Head Counsellor of her “tribe”. In her free time, she enjoys singing and spending time with family and friends. Noa is very excited for her year with Beth David and is hoping to bring a sense of Israel to the youth and adults of our community, by enriching our knowledge and understanding of life in Israel. She is looking forward to feeling a part of our shul family and building strong personal relationships with members of all ages. Itay Kleiman lives in Ramat Gan, which is right beside Tel Aviv. He is 18 years old and is majoring in computer science and physics. He is also involved in the Tzofim and likes to play the guitar as a hobby. As for his army service once he returns to Israel after his year in Toronto, Itay has already been accepted to the prestigious pilot’s course in the IDF’s Air Force. Itay is very excited to meet the Beth David community and looking forward both to bringing Israel to us as well as experiencing, and learning about, the Canadian Jewish life. We look very much forward to the arrival in Toronto of Noa and Itay, and welcoming them into our community. 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Shinshinim 17 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 The Window Notice!!! The Window is published four times per year, in time for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Pesah and Shavuot, and distributed to all Beth David members via mail and e-mail. In view of the increasing cost of printing and recent hikes in Canada Post rates, beginning this year, we will deliver the Rosh Hashanah Window and Pesah Window via mail and e-mail, while the Hanukkah and Shavuot Window will be delivered only via e-mail. Copies of the Hanukkah and Shavuot Window will also be available in the Beth David lobby and at the office. Thank you for your understanding and support. 18 THE WINDOW BETH DAVID B’NAI ISRAEL BETH AM ADVERTISE IN THE WINDOW Call Faye at Beth David Synagogue 416.633.5500. EXT. 0 Or email for information and to place your ad. Full back page (colour) $750 Full colour page $650 (Anywhere in book) Full Page black & white $400 ½ page $225 ¼ page $125 Proud to provide the Weekly Shabbos Kiddush and Meals at Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am HIGH QUALITY MEATS • PREPARED FOODS & SALADS • CATERING • SHIVA MEALS • WE OFFER FREE DELIVERY 416-789-5333 / 3459 BATHURST STREET Special Anniversaries 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 June 2015 Jean & Chaim Bernholtz Sheila & Howard Isenberg Judy & Andrew Menceles Doris & Irving Gruneir Florence & Irving Koven Esther & Enio Zeppieri Rosalind & Joseph Greenfield Karen Bensoussan & Perry Finklestein Shirley & Harry Weiss Paula & Howard Klaiman Penny & Lawrence Geffen Lola & Mark Kochman Francine & Marty Sigal Laurie & Mark Bernick Basha & Simon Kerbel Eleanor & Bernard Schimmer Bernice & Paul Levin Rosalyne & Alan Federman Naomi & Stephen Nemirov Joyce & Albert Binstock Libby & Harry Kraft Wendy Berman & Rony Mayer Julie Levine-Bleiwas & David Bleiwas Sara & Harry Gorman Cynthia & Kalman Bielak Pearl & Mark Gryfe Paula & Theodore Larson Dianne & Sidney Orfus Charlotte & Jack Muskat Frances & Morris Weldman Esther & Allan Bortnick Sheryl & Sheldon Cheskes Leah & Sidney Finkelstein Leah & Bernard Papernick Clarice & Ronald Rosen Anjie & Richard Tarek-Kaminker Sherry & Joe Garber Avra & Marty Goldhar Naomi & Martin Kingston Andrea & Martyn Wayne July 2015 Heather & Michael Goldberg Erin & Gavin Benjamin Gina & Stephen Kay Laura Fisch & Howard Simkevitz Cathy Giordano & Jonathan Golden Marlene & David Ellison Berthe & Colin Morris Evelyn & Melvin Kruger Elyza & David Polsky Ethel & Leonard Feldt Yasmin Nizami & David Moses 20 June 1 60 June 1 40 June 1 40 June 1 68 June 1 61 June 3 35 June 4 62 June 5 10 June 5 60 June 6 30 June 8 35 June 8 40 June 8 35 June 9 30 June 11 65 June 12 50 June 13 61 June 14 62 June 16 30 June 16 69 June 16 62 June 17 25 June 18 20 June 20 68 June 21 45 June 22 35 June 22 35 June 22 40 June 22 63 June 22 61 June 25 40 June 25 30 June 26 60 June 27 61 June 27 61 June 29 20 June 30 30 June 30 30 June 30 40 June 30 30 July 1 25 July 2 20 July 2 15 July 2 15 July 3 20 July 10 10 July 10 55 July 12 45 July 16 15 July 17 10 July 17 15 August 2015 Janet & Isaac Wilchfort Sue & Barry Smith Cathie Smith & Steven Friedman Barbara & Steven Shulman Geraldine & Norton Longert Jessica & Brian Kimmel Kelly & Adam Bender Bonnie Ohayon-Ossip & Marc Ossip Tiffany & Gordon Rabinovitch Ettie & Aaron Schimmer Deborah & Harold Stocker Rose & Howard Kardish Sharon & Jerel Paskowitz Doreen & Paul Bornfreund Jennifer Sacks & Stuart Brotman Deborah & Victor Goldman Carolee & Lyle Sadavoy Jennifer & BJ Gottlieb Renee & Jeremy Cammy Jennifer & Jesse Brodlieb Lisa & Michael Melnick Elisheva & Eran Feldman August 1 25 August 5 30 August 6 30 August 9 25 August 11 62 August 12 25 August 13 20 August 13 15 August 13 20 August 13 20 August 15 50 August 17 45 August 18 40 August 19 45 August 20 15 August 24 40 August 24 45 August 25 15 August 27 15 August 28 10 August 28 10 August 29 20 Milestone Birthdays June Faye Baine Samuel Chvertkin Lynn Cohen Harold Cohen Al de Castro Joseph Feldt Abe Gertler Harry Gorman Michele Himelstein Roberta Hoffman Marla Kleinberg Larry Lexchin Zoltan Marek Michael Morris Phil Myerson Heather Ordon Dianne Orfus Irwin Ozier Morry Parl Erwin Pesses Madeleine Sarick William Shelson Bertram Shinwell David Shopiro Ann Shour Yetta Shubert Albert Wasserman Beatrice Weiss Zomoroud Yaghobian July Howard Atin Michael Balter Wendy Berman Margaret Feldt Hymie Goldberg Lauren Goldhamer Sonja Goldstein Howard Goodman Steven Hacker Anne Harari Edith Kates Sam Krongold Sam Krongold Mitchell Leibowitz Baila Lubek Paula Mastey Gadi Mayman Jonie Minden Ida Nourani Elaine Pesses Murray Rosen Marie Rubin Bernard Shoub Helene Shulman Vivian Weinstock Harry Wolfson August Howard Abraham William Bernstein Chaim Birbrager Cheryl Cohen Sheldon Dilman Dorothy Farberman Samuel Feldman Cathy Giordano Molly Goldsman Debrah Goodis Joseph Greenfield David Halperin Susan Halpern Sharon Haniford Ben Houpt Renee Joseph Andrew Menceles Lucille Mosher Naomi Nurgitz David Rubin Elaine Sammeroff Steven Schmeiser Jerry Sherman Van Shron Beatrice Shute Frank Simkevitz Esther Siskind Ethan Glickman Son of Rob and Jennifer Glickman, brother of Sophie Glickman, grandson of Taube and Sol Zeifman; Lynn Glickman and Martin Lapedus; and Stanley Glickman z”l. 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 B’nai Mitzvah Ariel Sharer Daughter of Dalit and Shlomo, sister of Ben, Rebecca, and Jesse, granddaughter of Edna z”l and Yossef z”l Sharer and Mariana and Paul Seiler. Matthew Sosnowicz Son of Debra Richman & Michael Sosnowicz, brother of Ryan Sosnowicz, grandson of Barbara & Laurie Richman and Tobi Sosnowicz and Herman Sosnowicz. Mitchell Gardner Son of Paul Gardner & Lisa Rodin-Gardner, brother of Natalie and Laura Gardner. Aaron Steiner-Mayman Son of Judy Steiner and Gadi Mayman, brother of Samantha and Jesse, grandson of Marion and Shlomo Mayman, and Sheva and Jack Steiner. Booking a simcha for 2015 - 2017! Do you have a son born in 2002 or a daughter born in 2003? It's not too soon or too late to book your Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration. If you are looking for 2015 to 2017 bookings, you can book your simcha now! Please contact Robyn Zajac-Cooper 416-633-5500 Ext 35 or email Musically enhance your Bar/Bat Mitzvah luncheon with TWO MOISHES A CAPPELLA SINGERS FOR YOUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH Two Voice Harmony Marshall Loomer Michael Rubin 92 Searle Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M3H 4A7 416-633-5500 ext 34 | 21 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Beth David & Beit Halochem Canada Are looking for Host Families & Co-Host Families to participate in this year’s ANNUAL GROUP VISIT May 31-June 14, 2015 Beth David is proud to host the annual Beit Halochem Breakfast and City Tour on Wednesday, June 3, 2015. “Adopt” an Israeli veteran for those two weeks and enrich the experience for a wounded hero and your family together. Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity! Call 905-695-0611 or email Best of Israel 2015 Led by Rabbi Philip Scheim Beth David Grand Tour and Community Mission June 29 – July 9, 2015 No one belongs here more than us 22 For further information, contact the shul office at 416-633-5500 ext 0. Micky’s Corner By Miklos Em he c ht I saw the face of god I have seen many faces throughout my journey; distorted, anguished, full of hate, blind rage and fear; white and black, red and yellow; laughing and cursing; radiating joy or trying to hide a tear; I saw drunken faces staring into a glass; faces of prayer, and faces going to kill; faces of deep pain and faces of ecstasy; faces of health, and the pale faces of the ill. The face of god I saw, when a month-old boy slept, and held his mother’s breast securely and tight, and pearls of white milk trickled down from the corners of lips of his contented face of pure delight. Eternity If we look at the vast expand that is extended with no end; we will all agree that Eternity is just a clock without a hand. Unusual Question “Be inquisitive!”, The sages and wise men said. By asking questions, you learn. It is not a fad. When a door is open, it is called ajar. The following question we really can’t ignore: So, when a jar is open, why don’t we call it a door? “We mourn the loss of the following members of our congregational family and extend our sympathy and prayers for comfort and consolation.” 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 In Memoriam Naomi Gertler, wife of Abe Gertler Beulah Ludzki, wife of the late Gordon Ludzki, mother of Avra & Marty Goldhar Norman Siegel, husband of Doris Siegel Carl Rosenbloom, husband of the late Bea Rosenbloom, father of Molly & David Bloom Min Meirovich, wife of the late Leo Meirovich, sister-in-law of Lou Meirovich Condolences Lending Money He approached his friend, and was blunt, “I really need the money up front!” “You sure do need that?” “No, friend, provided that I will drop dead this instant!” Strange Book Yesterday, I went to a mall, right away to a large book stall. But strange it may look, a medical book has had no appendix at all. Lawrence Cohen, brother of Debrah & Neil Goodis Anne Bowman, mother of Glenn & Carol Bowman Leona Finklestein, mother of Allen & Miriam Finklestein Helen Gelman, mother of Gloria & Phil Freedman Fernande Zevy, mother of Dov & Caroline Zevy Albert Minden, father of Jonie & Terrence Reiber Anne Koreen, sister of Saul Yablo Rochelle Magill, sister of David & Molly Bloom Alec Shapiro, brother-in-law of Sam Chvertkin Bayla Panzer, mother of Danny & Kathy Panzer Rose Milner, sister of Sam & Belle Feldman 23 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Thank You! 24 Breakfast Mrs. Etty Alami Dr. Arthur Ameis Mr. & Mrs. Max Ander Mr & Mrs. George Benbassat Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Bernholtz Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Blitzer Mr. & Mrs. David Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bockner Dr. Harold & Mrs. Frances Borenstein Mr. & Mrs. Perry Brock Mrs. Freda Brodbaker Mrs. Ruth Cappel Mr. Hartley Cohen Howard Dalal Mr. & Mrs. David Dimitry Mr. & Mrs. Alex Eisen Dr. Stanley & Mrs. Paula Epstein Karen Fainman Mrs. Beth Feffer Mrs. Rochelle Feldberg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Feldman Mr. Jacob Galper & Mrs. Mindy Simon-Galper Mrs. Gitta Ganz Dr. & Mrs. Joe Garber Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glickman Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Golberg Dr. Jonathan Golden & Dr. Cathy Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Eric Grief Mr. Howard Hacker & Ms. Lisa Feld Mrs. Lila Halberstadt Difat Jakubovicz Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jaskolka Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kasman Dr. & Mrs. Martin Kates Mr. & Mrs. Sam Klaiman Mr. & Mrs. Jake Kornblum Mr. & Mrs. Morry Lewis Dr. Alfred & Mrs. Elaine Lightstone Mr. Aime Maman & Mrs. Nava Blankenstein Dr. Harvey & Mrs. Sue-Anne Mayers Ms. Esther Meisels Ms. Jonie Minden Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Murray Mr. Brian Noy & Dr. Jennifer Hirsch Mrs. Miriam Orbach Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peleg Mrs. Nancy Pruskin Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ratz Mr. Steven Risenman Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mr. Phillip Rubinoff Mr. Lorne Shelson & Ms. Annette Waxberg Mr. Norman Shelson Dr. William Shelson Mr. & Mrs. Allan Sheps Ms. Joyce Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Sherman Mr. Fred Shore Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Shoub Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Snow Mr. & Mrs. David Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Norman Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Issie Spivack Mr. & Mrs. Hersh Tencer Mrs. Sorele Urman Mrs. Belle & Mr. Bernard Weinstein Mr. & Mrs. Marc Weisz Mr. Cliff Williams & Mrs. Sally Krigstin Mrs. Zena Wise Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wolfson Mr. & Mrs. Morris Wosnick Mr. Julian Zuckerbrot & Mrs. Sara Wolch-Zuckerbrot Kiddush Mr. & Mrs. Alan Bensky Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Blitzer Dr. Stanley & Mrs. Paula Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Feldman Mr. Michael Gross & Mrs. Reyhaneh Tabarrok Mr. & Mrs. Barry Levine Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vilensky Seudah Shlishyt Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Benjamin Mr. Harvey Bitterman Mr. & Mrs. Martin Dworkin Mr. Abe Gertler Mrs. Barbara & Mr. Mike Pajak Dr. Aaron & Mrs. Ettie Schimmer Barry Lubek Special Fund Mr. Barry Lubek Building Maintenance Fund Mr. Howard Atin Mrs. Rosa Bensky Mr. Stanley Capland Mr. & Mrs. David Cohen Mr. Harvey Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Epstein Rabbi Baruch & Mrs. Josette Frydman-Kohl Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hoffman Mr. Frank Kaplan Mrs. Esther Kirshenblatt Mr. Richard Langer Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mr. & Mrs. Paul Levin Mr. Joe Lifshitz & Dr. Susan Gelman Mr. Gordon Magrill Mr. Barney Nurgitz Miss Irma Pappenheim Mr. Brian Risman Mrs. Annette Ross Mrs. Roslyn Rotin Mrs. Eva Shanto Mr. & Mrs. Leon Sher Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mrs. Molly Shidlowski Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Shinwell Mrs. Sandra Shuman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Slobodsky Mr. & Mrs. Motek Szpindel Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Udell Ms. Vivian Weinstock Cantor's Fund Mrs. Faye Baine Mr. Gerald Belz Mr. Gary Bensky Mr. Hartley Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Ken Fuller Mr. Howard Hacker & Ms. Lisa Feld Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jaskolka Mr. Stephen & Dr. Suzanne Karr Mrs. Estelle Keshen Mr. & Mrs. Morry Lewis Mrs. Minnie Meirovich Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Morris Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Muskat Mr. Brian Risman Mr. Alex Roth & Ms. Elise Rose Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Schimmer Dr. William Shelson Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mr. Fred Shore Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Stone Ms. Barbara Swimmer Mr. Albert Yalowsky Adult Education Fund Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Bernholtz Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bornfreund Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Dalia Day Dr. Stanley & Mrs. Paula Epstein Karen Fainman Dr. & Mrs. Steven Frohlich Mrs. Gitta Ganz Mr. Eric Grief & Ms. Bonnie Baker Mr. & Mrs. Lawford Harris Mrs. Rose Haspel Mrs. Sybil Jackson Mr. Paul Jamieson & Mrs. Brenda Abella-Jamieson Ms. Cheryl Katz Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Dr. Alfred & Mrs. Elaine Lightstone Mr. & Mrs. Marvyn Lubek Mr. & Mrs. Murray Major Miscellaneous Liliana Morais Mrs. Janet Page Mrs. Nancy Pruskin Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Mr. Alex Roth & Ms. Elise Rose Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Schimmer Dr. Avram & Mrs. Rosalie Selick Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shelson Mrs. Anne Sokoloff David & Robyn Stone Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Stone Mrs. Marion Tully Mrs. Zena Wise Families' Fund Mr. & Mrs. Max Balaban Dr. Melvern & Mrs. Rene Katzman Food Drive Fund Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Bernstein Mrs. Elaine Bisgould Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bloom Ms. Mindy Ganz Dr. & Mrs. Joe Garber Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goldfarb Dr. & Mrs. Martin Kates Mr. Peter Kohl & Dr. Sheryl Korn Mr. Gordon Magrill Miscellaneous Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ratz Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rubin Mr. Norman Shelson Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mr. & Mrs. David Solomon Higher Jewish Education Mrs. Elaine Kirsh/Schoenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Morris Mr. & Mrs. Phil Myerson Itanu Accessibility Fund Club Chaverut Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mr. & Mrs. Carey Drutz Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mrs. Zelda Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Mrs. Molly Starr Ms. Frances Winer Jeannette Cohen Fund Mr. Hartley Cohen Mr. Harold Cohen Megillat HaShoah Mr. & Mrs. Alex Eisen Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Miscellaneous Donations Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sonshine Passover Hametz Sales Ms. Maureen Ander Mr. & Mrs. Howard Astroff Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bagelman Mrs. Cari Kozierok Bahar Mr. & Mrs. Max Balaban Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Bernholtz Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bernick Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Bielak Mr. & Mrs. David Bienstock Mr. & Mrs. Albert Binstock Mr & Mrs. Martin Binstock Mr. Harvey Bitterman Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bloom Mr. Charles Blum Mrs. Maxine Budin Mr. & Mrs. David Cohen Mr. Gary Cohen & Ms. Judy Hain-Cohen Mr. Hartley Cohen Mrs. Ava Cross Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mr. Glenn Daurio & Ms. Rhonda Franklin Mr. Stanley Davis Dr. Stanley & Mrs. Paula Epstein Mrs. Beth Feffer Mr. Richard Friedman Dr. & Mrs. Steven Frohlich Mr. Jacob Galper & Mrs. Mindy Simon-Galper Mrs. Gitta Ganz Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ganz Dr. & Mrs. Joe Garber Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Golberg Ms. Gayle Goldberg Marcus Mr. & Mrs. Allan Goodman Amanda Haberman Mrs. Eva Halpert Mr. Rael Herman & Mrs. Andrea Shugar Mr. Brian Hochman Mr. Lloyd Hoffer & Ms. Sandra Dawe Mrs. Sybil Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kardish Mr. & Mrs. Joey Kardish Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Karstadt Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kasman Mrs. Marla Kleinberg Mr. & Mrs. Jake Kornblum Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Dr. Stephen & Mrs. Frances Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. Gilbert Levy & Mrs. Sally Mintz Levy Ms. Beverly Lifshitz Dr. Alfred & Mrs. Elaine Lightstone Mr. Lou Meirovich Mr. & Mrs. Barry Muroff Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Mrs. Nancy Pruskin Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ratz Mr. Steven Risenman Mr. Alex Roth & Ms. Elise Rose Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Sadavoy Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Schimmer Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Schwartz Mrs. Rhoda Shack Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Sharpe Mr. Norman Shelson Mr. & Mrs. Allan Sheps Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Shinwell Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Shoub Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sigal Mr. Jay Silverstein & Ms. Beth Karstadt Mr. & Mrs. Norman Silver Mrs. Anne Sokoloff Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sonshine Mrs. Rose Stone Ms. Barbara Swimmer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Tepperman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Torok Mrs. Marion Tully Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Udell Mr. Leonard Vanek & Ms. Arlene Lax Ms. Frances Winer Mrs. Zena Wise Mr. Jeffrey Zacks & Ms. Corinne Berman Sharon & Bram Zinman Prayer Books - Etz Hayim Humash Mr. & Mrs. Ron Amber Dr. & Mrs. Allan Bortnick Mr. Lewis Ekstein Dr. Mark Florence & Ms. Cindy Dunn Mrs. Sybil Jackson Mrs. Andree Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Levin Cantor Marshall Loomer Mr. Stafford Moss & Mrs. Tobie Seligman Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Papernick Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom The Blankenstein Family Foundation Prayer Books - High Holy Day Mahzor Mrs. Marlene Abella Mrs. Barbara Berman Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Bielak Mrs. Marcia Brassel Mrs. Maxine Budin Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chisvin Mr. & Mrs. Ted Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Al de Castro Mr. Jeffrey Ekstein & Mrs. Linda Whitehead Mr. Lewis Ekstein Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Gilbert Mrs. Paula Goldfluss Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hertz Mrs. Grace Horenfeldt Ms. Sandra Kahn Mr. Jarred Katz & Mrs. Robyn Feldberg-Katz Dr. Ronald & Mrs. Marsha Klein Mr. & Mrs. Jon Lazarus Mrs. Marsha Levitt Mr. Philip Levitt Mrs. Helen Marks Mr. Stafford Moss & Mrs. Tobie Seligman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pollock Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mrs. Roslyn Rotin Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Rudolph Mr. & Mrs. Jack Salz Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Schwartz Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Mrs. Frances Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Snow Ms. Barbara Swimmer Mr. & Mrs. Neal Temple Mr. Leonard Vanek & Ms. Arlene Lax Mrs. Miriam Wise Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wolfson Mrs. Shirley Zuckerbrot Rabbi's Fund Mr. & Mrs. Barry Applebaum Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bagelman Mrs. Faye Baine Mr. Gary Bensky Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Bielak Mrs. Shirley Bocknek Mr. & Mrs. Frank Daniel Mr. Steven Friedman & Ms. Cathie Smith Mrs. Tsippie Geffen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gorman Mr. Howard Hacker & Ms. Lisa Feld Mrs. Lila Halberstadt Mrs. Andree Kaplan Mr. Stephen & Dr. Suzanne Karr Mrs. Millie Lax Mr. & Mrs. Paul Levin Mr. & Mrs. Morry Lewis 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Thank You! 25 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 Thank You! 26 Mr. Lou Meirovich Taryn Meles Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Morris Mrs. Lucille Mosher Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Murray Dr. Richard & Mrs. Naomi Nurgitz Mr. Brian Risman Mrs. Rhoda Shack Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shelson Dr. William Shelson Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mrs. Shirley Sieger Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Stone Dr. Harvey Taub The Morris & Beverly Baker Foundation Mr. Albert Yalowsky Ritual Donations Mr. Gary Bensky Mr. Malcolm Bernstein & Mrs. Helen Brent Mr. Charles Blum Dr. & Mrs. Allan Bortnick Mrs. Flora & Mr. Aaron Daniels Mrs. Goldie Dilman Mrs. Hilda Fisher Mr. Steven Friedman & Ms. Cathie Smith Mr. & Mrs. Hersh Golberg Mr. Howard Hacker & Ms. Lisa Feld Mrs. Eva Halpert Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hayward Mr. Ian Hendry & Ms. Karen Bernstein Mr. Jack Krepel Mr. & Mrs. Morry Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Morris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris Mr. & Mrs. Jack Muskat Mr. Brian Risman Mr. Jerry Rosenbloom Mrs. Dorothy Rosner Amnon & Andrea Sarkozi Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Schwartz Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mrs. Rose Stein Mr. & Mrs. Motek Szpindel Sharon Train Mr. Cliff Williams & Mrs. Sally Krigstin Ms. Frances Winer Scholarship Fund Mrs. Sybil Jackson Ms. Judith Klarman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Shabbat Shalom Sponsorship Mr. Eric Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Ken Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Lawford Harris Mr. Ian Hendry & Ms. Karen Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. & Mrs. Murray Major Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Shinwell Mr. & Mrs. David Solomon Shinshinim Mr. Ian Hendry & Ms. Karen Bernstein Mr. Andrew Pascoe & Dr. Adele Goldberg Tallis Fund Mr. & Mrs. Allen Richman Torah Maintenance Fund Mrs. Flora & Mr. Aaron Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feldt Mrs. Hilda Fisher Mrs. Gitta Ganz Mrs. Bess Good Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kruger Mrs. Diane Minsky Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Morris Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ratz Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mrs. Rose Stone Ms. Barbara Swimmer Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Tugg Ms. Vivian Weinstock Yetti Dobbs Memorial Fund Mrs. Gloria Agasee Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Bielak Diane & Robert Bronstein Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mr. Glenn Daurio & Ms. Rhonda Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Alan Federman Mrs. Beth Feffer Barry Goodman Mrs. Bess Good Annette & Harold Grafstein Pearl Greenspan Mrs. Judy Kasman Helen Katz Sandra Katz Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mr. & Mrs. Barry Levine Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lieberman Mrs. Helen & Mr. Arthur Rose Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Samson Mrs. Ruth Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. David Solomon Mrs. Mylene Solomon Diane Titus Katherine Titus c/o Beverly Titus Mrs. Zena Wise Shirley Zuck Mr. & Mrs. Howard Zweig Yom Hashoah Candles Mr. & Mrs. Albert Binstock Mrs. Elaine Bisgould Mr. Harvey Bitterman Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bloom Mr. Sheldon Bornstein & Ms. Marla Levant-Bornstein Dr. & Mrs. Allan Bortnick Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dadoun Mr. Glenn Daurio & Ms. Rhonda Franklin Dr. Stanley & Mrs. Paula Epstein Mrs. Beth Feffer Dr. & Mrs. Steven Frohlich Mr. Jacob Galper & Mrs. Mindy Simon-Galper Mrs. Gitta Ganz Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ganz Mrs. Pearl Gertzbein Mr. Sheldon Glass Mrs. Molly Goldsman Sarah Goldmintz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gordon Mr. Fred Goren Ms. Ruth Gould Mr. & Mrs. Paul Herman Mr. Lloyd Hoffer & Ms. Sandra Dawe Mr. Wilfred Horwich Mrs. Sybil Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kasman Mrs. Estelle Keshen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kraft Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mrs. Bernice Levin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Dr. Alfred & Mrs. Elaine Lightstone Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Lightstone Mr. Richard Long & Ms. Ruth Klein Mr. Barry Lubek Mr. Gordon Magrill Mr. Lou Meirovich Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Modlin Mr. & Mrs. Barry Muroff Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Muskat Charles & Dahlia Obadia Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Randall Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Ratz Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reynolds Mr. Brian Risman Mrs. Dorothy Rosner Mr. Alex Roth & Ms. Elise Rose Ms. Rosalie Sandler Mrs. Rhoda Shack Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shelson Mr. Norman Shelson Mrs. Pauline Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Shinwell Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Shoub Mr. & Mrs. Frank Simkevitz Rabbi Mark Smiley & Ms. Aviva Silverman Mr. & Mrs. David Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sonshine Mrs. Mildred Sonshine Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stocker Mrs. Sorele Urman Mr. Leonard Vanek & Ms. Arlene Lax Mrs. Beatrice Weiss Mr. Clifford White & Ms. Elaine Zolt-White Ms. Frances Winer Mrs. Zena Wise Youth Fund Mrs. Anita Ekstein Mrs. Eva Halpert Mrs. Lorraine Levene Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levine Mrs. Greta Miller Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ptasznik Mr. & Mrs. Motek Szpindel 27 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 5775 Shavuot Window 2015 18 Holes of Golf 4 person shot gun Power cart with GPS & green fees Use of club practice facilities with club Pros for onsite lessons Gift Bag loaded with goodies! All day use of Gym Sauna, Whirlpool & Swimming Pool Complimentary bucket of balls Register at Early Bird Deadline: May 28, 2015 Fee $180 per player $200 beginning May 29th Sign up Today! WANT TO HELP OUT? FOR MORE INFORMATION, TO VOLUNTEER OR DONATE AUCTION ITEMS Contact: Faye Major (416) 633-5500 28
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