April 2015 — Nissan & Iyar 5775 RABBI’S MESSAGE Dear Congregants and Friends, Its been several weeks now since the Israeli elections, and many scholars, journalists, academics and pundits of all sorts are trying to figure out just what happened. Unsurprisingly, many attributed Likud’s victory as a reflection of the support that many Israeli’s have for Netanyahu’s policies, specifically in the realm of security; both internally vis a vis the Palestinians, and internationally vis a vis Iran. Detractors of Netanyahu point to the scare tactics and fear-mongering he evinced on election day, in his warnings that “Arab voters are coming out in droves to the polls; Left-wing organizations are busing them out.” Having analyzed much of the literature coming out of the post-election period, one particular essay by Israeli scholar Tomer Persico seemed most on the money in terms of explaining the results. Persico argues, quite persuasively, that the key trend in the election cycle was that of cultural identity. For example, the Shas party is supported by many Israelis of Mizrachi (that is, North African and Middle Eastern) descent. One of their slogans was “Mizrachi votes for Mizrachi” - meaning, if you are of this background, you should be voting for us. While Mizrachi’s politics are predominantly Orthodox and patriarchal, they were able to garner the votes of many secular Israelis, and even feminists, because these voters’ cultural identities trumped many of their other political and personal values. Using this same observation, Persico claims that the Zionist Camp party faired poorly because they did not promote any particular cultural identity; in fact, one of their core pillars is universalism – the privileging of general Western-liberal values over specific cultural ones. Ironically, one of the particular identities that they end up disregarding is that of Jewish identity itself! According to Persico, the Left ultimately failed to do as well as they’d hoped in this election because the Right could more substantively claim to promote Jewish identity (however defined: ultra-orthodox or Russian Jewish or Mizrachi or Nationalist). I find this argument quite compelling, and I encourage you to read the article for yourself and see what you think. (tomerpersicoenglish.wordpress.com). Furthermore, this phenomenon reflects a related struggle in the US : while the older generations of American Jewry feel a deeper connection to their Jewish identity (both culturally, and, for many, religiously), for younger Jews this connection does not come as easily. We in the diaspora are searching for our own new models of what Jewish identity can and should look like in the 21st century—a Judaism that will be relevant and fulfilling for generations to come. Yours, R’ Gabe 4004 West Esplanade Avenue, South - Metairie, LA 70002 - Phone: (504) 454-5080 - Fax: (504) 883-8010 - www.BethIsraelNOLA.com Page 1 NEWS & HAPPENINGS Ongoing Classes: Thursdays 7:30PM - Parshat HaShavua with R’ Gabe Saturdays 5:00PM - Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah with Dr. Yehuda Halper Sunday April 12th, 7:00pm at the Uptown JCC Community Yom HaShoah Commemoration Join together with the New Orleans Jewish community as we take time to reflect on and remember the Shoah. We will hear from author Alexandra Zapruder, founding staff member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Rabbi Gabe will be offering the closing benediction. Tuesday, April 14th, 12:00PM - Lunch & Learn Come learn about an aspect of Jewish Law and its comparison in US Law at the Gertler Law Firm (935 Gravier St #1900, New Orleans, LA). $10 donation for lunch. CELEBRATE PASSOVER with JOSEPH, April 15th, 2015 This April, the national tour of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” is coming to New Orleans at the Sanger Theater! Please join a contingent from Beth Israel as we go out for a night of theater together. We will be sitting in the orchestra section, at the group rate price of $70 a ticket. Please contact the shul at Info@BethIsraelNOLA.com or by leaving a message at Extension “0” to reserve a ticket ASAP. Sunday April 19th, 7:30pm at the Greenberg’s Home Rosh Chodesh Women’s Gathering Join together with the women of Beth Israel as Rebbitzen Abby Streusand leads an evening of reflection and community in honor of the new month of Iyar. Mondays 7:00PM, beginning April 20th - What is Modern Orthodoxy? Join us for a five-part series that will explore the mission, values, and history of Modern Orthodox Judaism, and how it has manifested in both the US and Israel. Page 2 PASSOVER 2015 / 5775 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Sat, March 28th - Shabbat HaGadol Shacharit………………………………………………..9:00AM Rabbi’s Sermon……………………………………….10:45AM Mishneh Torah Class with Dr. Halper…………5:00PM Shabbat Ends………………………………………….7:53PM Thurs, April 2nd Search for Chametz after…………………………7:55PM Fri, April 3rd - Erev Pesach Morning Minyan / Breakfast Siyum for First Born……………………………………………7:15AM Last Chametz…………………………………………10:34AM Burn Chametz before………………………………11:49AM Mincha / Abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat………7:00PM Candle Lighting………………………………………...7:02PM Kiddush at Seder after……………………………...7:20PM Sat, April 4th - Pesach, 1st Day Shacharit Services…………………………………….9:00AM Mincha /Maariv…………………………………………7:00PM Shabbat Ends / Candle Lighting after………….8:02PM Community Seder……………………………………..8:00PM Sun, April 5th - Pesach, 2nd Day Shacharit Services……………………………………9:00AM Yom Tov Ends…………………………………………7:58PM Thurs, April 9th - Chol HaMoed Pesach, 4th Day Mincha /Maariv…………………………………………7:00PM Candle Lighting…………………………………………7:06PM Fri, April 10th - Pesach, 7th Day Shacharit Services…………………………………….9:00AM Mincha / Abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat………7:00PM Candle Lighting…………………………………………7:06PM Sat, April 11th - Pesach, 8th Day Shacharit Services……………………………………9:00AM YIZKOR (Approx)……………………………………10:30AM followed by Shir HaShirim Reading Shabbat / Pesach Ends not before…………….8:02PM Community Seder at Beth Israel Saturday, April 4th following 7:00PM services All are welcome but space is limited. Reservations have been closed, but there still may be space for you! Contact the synagogue office ASAP to check on availability. Adults $36 pp / Children $20 pp All Children under 5 are Free Page 3 PASSOVER 2015 / 5775 Searching for Chametz - At Home and on The Road Bedikah, Bitul, Biur – Searching, Nullifying, and Destroying your Chametz If you will be at home for Yom Tov, you do Bedikat Chametz (searching for Chametz) on Thursday night, April 2nd, as soon as possible after nightfall (7:55pm this year) with a blessing, candle, and the 10 pieces of bread or other chametz (if that is your custom), and the night-time Bitul-nullification formula. Most haggadot (and siddurim) have the liturgy and details. On Erev Pesach, Friday, April 3rd, chametz is burned and nullified by the end of the 5th halakhic hour of the day (11:49am this year). Traveling for Pesach: Bedikat Chametz in your home Regardless of your destination and intent to return home during Pesach, your house should be in a condition that if you had to return home, you would not encounter any chametz. Clean for any significant pieces of food and put any chametz away and mark the areas. Fill out a sale of chametz form for your home. 1) If you will still be home on Thursday night, do Bedikat Chametz as normal. Do Biur/Bitul Chametz wherever you are on Friday. 2) If you will already have left your home by Thursday night, do Bedikat Chametz the last night you are at home, after nightfall, without a blessing. Do Biur/Bitul Chametz wherever you are on Friday. Traveling for Pesach: Bedikat/Biur/Bitul Chametz in your Pesach location If you're in a hotel, or a rental, you need to do Bedikah there. If you are a guest in someone’s home, even if they are not there, you have no obligation (although you may wish to make sure before Friday morning that you won’t see any chametz over Pesach!). Just remember to say the second 'kol chamira' nullification formula on Friday morning, having your chametz at home in mind. 1) If you’ll be in your Pesach location by Thursday night, do the same Bedikah you would have done if you were at home: candle, 10 pieces of bread, say the blessing beforehand, and Bitul formula afterward. Do Biur in that Pesach location the next morning as you would if you were home. If burning is a big inconvenience, flush it down the toilet. Don't throw it in the garbage in case it won't be collected before Pesach. Remember to say the second 'kol chamira' nullification formula together with the Biur) having your chametz at home in mind as well. 2) If you won’t be in your Pesach location until Friday morning, the question arises as to whether you have an obligation to do a Bedikah in that location. If your rental agreement began by Thursday night and you had the keys by then, even if you were not in that location yet, you should search as soon as you arrive. Biur and Bitul must be done by the end of the 5th halakhic hour regardless of where you are. Page 4 PASSOVER 2015 / 5775 Kashering Utensils—an introduction (Taken from OU.org) - Ask R. Gabe with any particular questions. ONE OF THE MOST DAUNTING PREPARATIONS we make for Passover is kashering, a process to prepare chametz utensils for Passover use. As with all areas of halacha, those who are unsure of how to apply the rules of kashering to their situation should consult an Orthodox rabbi. The Torah (Bemidbar 31:23) requires kashering utensils acquired from a non-Jew, as they are presumed to have been used with non-kosher (and will have absorbed non-kosher flavor). Since chametz on Passover is also forbidden, the Talmud applies the laws of kashering to chametz as well. There are four basic methods of kashering. The prescribed method depends on the utensil and how it was used. LIBUN (BURNING) Utensils used directly in the fire (e.g., BBQ grate) must be kashered by placing them in fire. This process has the effect of burning any absorbed taste. To qualify as a complete libun, metal must be heated until it glows. A selfclean cycle of an oven (approx. 850° F) also qualifies as libun. There is no need to wait 24 hours before libun, though it is often advised. There is no need to scrub the utensil before performing libun, since the fire will burn off residue, but some cleaning is advised. HAGALAH (BOILING) Utensils that were used to cook non-kosher liquid can be kashered with hagalah (boiling in water). To prepare the utensil for hagalah, the utensil must be thoroughly cleaned. Only utensils that can be scrubbed clean should be kashered. Items that have narrow cracks, crevices, deep scratches or other areas that cannot be cleaned, cannot be kashered for Passover. The following, for example, cannot be kashered for Passover: pots with rolled lips, bottles with narrow necks, filters, colanders, knives (or other utensils) where food could get trapped between the blade and handle. After cleaning, the utensils should then be left idle for 24 hours. To kasher, every part of the utensil must make contact with boiling water. This process can be done in parts. For example, a large spoon can be immersed into a pot of boiling water for 10 seconds, turned over and then the remainder immersed. The pot used for kashering can be a clean chametz pot that has not been used for 24 hours. When the utensil is removed from the boiling water, it should be rinsed off in cold water. IRUY KLI RISHON (POURED BOILING WATER) If the utensil only came in contact with hot liquid being poured on it (iruy), it can be kashered in the same manner. If the utensil came in contact with hot chametz solids, then one should kasher by pouring boiling water via an even melubenet (heated stone), pouring water onto the stone and allowing water to drip onto the surface. For example, if hot pasta fell into a sink, stones should be heated on the stove, and moved around the surface of the sink while boiling water is poured over them. In this way, the water will remain boiling on the surface of the sink. The stones may need to be reheated several times, since they cool down quickly. In all other aspects, the process is identical to hagalah. LIBUN KAL (LIGHT BURNING) In certain cases, libun kal is sufficient. This can be accomplished by heating in an oven at 550° F for one hour. This method of kashering can be used in place of hagalah. It is also used when the need for libun is only an added stringency. NOT EVERY MATERIAL CAN BE KASHERED. Ceramic, such as china, and enamel-coated pots, cannot be kashered. It is the custom of Ashkenazim not to kasher glass. Some poskim did not permit kashering plastic or other synthetic materials for Passover, however the opinion of the OU rabbanim is that they may be kashered, if there is a need. Ask your rabbi for guidance. As a rule, materials such as metal, wood, stone, natural rubber and fabric can be kashered. Page 5 PASSOVER 2015 / 5775 SALE OF CHAMETZ During the Passover festival all manner of leavened foods and drinks and ingredients which are made from or contain an admixture of grains (chametz) are prohibited to any one of the Jewish faith. One who cannot dispose of all his/her chametz before Pesach must authorize a rabbi, in advance, to sell his/her chametz for him/her to a non-Jew. This is called “Mechirat Chametz.” This sale of chametz is a legal action, giving the non-Jew all rights to ownership over the chametz that has been sold and permission to access the food in one’s home/office. After the conclusion of the festival, the chametz may be repurchased from the non-Jew. Please sign the authorization form below and return it to the shul office to Rabbi Gabe’s attention by Thursday, April 2nd. PLEASE NOTE: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SALE DEPENDS ON THE CHAMETZ BEING ACCESSIBLE TO THE NON-JEWISH PARTY TO WHOM IT IS SOLD. PLEASE CLEARLY INDICATE HOW THE CHAMETZ CAN BE ACCESSED FOR ALL OF PESACH. ACCESS TO CHAMETZ (INCLUDING TIMES WHEN I AM NOT HOME) CAN BE ARRANGED BY CONTACTING: NAME:__________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_______________________ Authorization Form to Sell Chametz I, the undersigned, empower and permit Rabbi Gabriel Greenberg to sell all chametz (leaven) and all products containing chametz possessed by me knowingly or unknowingly as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic law, and to lease all the places wherein the above mentioned products owned by me may be found, especially in the premises located at: Address (location of chametz): Places where chametz is stored: (Kitchen, Pantry, Bar, etc.): ESTIMATED VALUE OF CHAMETZ (Edibles):___________________ Rabbi Gabriel Greenberg has the full right to sell and lease the above by such transactions as he deems fit and proper for such time as he chooses. The authority, which is hereby given, is meant to be in conformity with the Torah and Rabbinic laws and regulations, and also to be in acceptance with the laws of the United States of America and the State of Louisiana. To this I do hereby affix my signature on this day of Signature 2015. Name (please print) Page 6 DONATIONS TO BETH ISRAEL FEBRUARY 24 - MARCH 19, 2015 Mishloach Manot 5775 General Fund Anonymous Dr. Laszlo & Shula Fuchs In honor of… Myron Goldberg's Birthday……..by Barry & Susan Fox and Andy, Colleen, Amelia & Campbell Fox The Chalew's 40th Anniversary………..by George & Elaine Haas Joel Picker…………………………….by Joe & Sarah Pasternack In memory of Irvin S. Smith Alan & Diane Franco Mike & Marcy Gertler Richard Katz Roberta Katz Sollender In memory of… Harry Finkelstein……………………………………...by Alan Katz Sara Palmer Thomason……………………………by Anita Arcana Morris Barton……………………………..by Evelyn Barton Joseph Fannie Buderman………………………….by Gary & Sonya Batten Milton Lopp Claire Kamil Merlin Diamond………………by Jack & Rachel Merlin Dorothy Cotlar………………………...by Jerome & Sandra Kanter Roses PessesTeles…………………………...by Joel & Paula Picker Harry Finkelstein……………………………….by Juliet Greenberg David Barkoff……………….by Kenneth Barkoff & Denise Caplane Regina Kansas Belasco………………...by Marvin & Peggy Belasco Libbey Gordon……………………………………..by Richard Katz Nadiv Kehaty Refuah Sheleimah to... Jackie Gothard…………………………………….by Richard Katz Anita Arcana Morris & Cathy Bart Joe & Lee Blotner Joel Brown / Kosher Cajun Sandra Carp Sarah Carp Dr. Stuart & Gail Chalew Sion & Barbara Daneshrad Jason & Rachael Beth Feder Dr. Dan & Marcy Fertel David & Anne Freedman Reuben & Marlene Friedman Dr. Laszlo & Shula Fuchs Aaron Goldberg Edward & Blayne Gothard Jacob & Lee Kansas Rabbi Gabriel Greenberg & Abby Streusand Sandra Kasten Alan Katz Stephen & Barbara Katz Irwin & Judy Lachoff Steven & Leslie Loeb Rabbi Barbara Metzinger Dale & Carol Newman Susana Palma Joel & Paula Picker Neil & Jennifer Schneider Robert M. Steinberg Alessandro & Julie Steinhaus Hal & Lauren Ungar Building Fund Bradley & Daniela Bain Richard Katz Alvis & Jessie Wilson Jacob & Lee Kansas Mark & Keri Pollock Prayer Book Fund In memory of… Claire Kamil Merlin Diamond………….by Dr. Carl & Shirley Merlin In honor of… Kiddush Fund Arabella Cook's 1st Birthday……….by Dr. Mark & Debbie Belknap Jewish War Veterans, Jules Lazard Post 580, New Orleans In honor of … Dr. Georgette Somjen………………...by Alexander & Eva Barkoff Joe Blotner's 1st Great Grandchild…………..by Gertrude Beerman The birth of Dalia Yehudis Prero………………by Joe & Lee Blotner Adra Greenberg's 2nd birthday………..by David & Risa Streusand Youth Programming Fund Bradley & Daniela Bain In memory of… Edward Bruchis…………………………..by Richie & Evellen Bruchis In honor of … Sarah Kresteel……………………………by Harris & Rosalie Dulitz Stan Streusand…………………………..by David & Risa Streusand Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In memory of… Louis Wright………………………………………..by Sylvia Stern Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush in honor of a loved one’s Yahrtzeit. Please support our congregation by sponsoring a Kiddush Lunch to honor someone, remember someone, celebrate a simcha, or even just enhance our Shabbat celebration. If you cannot sponsor a complete kiddush, you may be a partial sponsor through a donation to our kiddush fund. There are three levels of Kiddush sponsorship: $180 for a Basic Dairy Kiddush $270 for a Deluxe Dairy or Basic Meat Kiddush $360 for a Deluxe Meat Kiddush Contact the synagogue office today to reserve the date for your special Kiddush or to make a donation! Page 7 APRIL 2015 YAHRTZEITS In memory of… Remembered by… In memory of… April 1 (12 Nissan) Morris Dickerman Sariette W. Ekman Ida Breen Novoselsky April 11 (22 Nissan) Dr. Isidore David Brickman…………………Beverly Brickman Bessie Greenberg Sadie Lomm Pailet Irving Roth April 2 (13 Nissan) Eleanor Gross Alexander…………Alexander & Eva Barkoff Kenneth F. Barkoff Denise L. Caplane Meyer Raitman April 3 (14 Nissan) Bessie Flaster Davis………………………………Doris Davis Sadie Gertler (Sarah)…………….Mike & Marcy Gertler Judge & Mrs. Steve Plotkin Florence Leventhal……………………Isaac & Holly Pollack Shirley Padulsky Joseph Elias Rivlin Sarah B. Smith April 4 (15 Nissan) Maurice Burnstein Dorothy Shapiro…………………………………Ron Shapiro Michael M. Watsky Remembered by… April 12 (23 Nissan) Louis Barder………………………………Barry & Alona Katz Richard Katz Harold J. Bruchis Nettie Eichholz April 13 (24 Nissan) Harold A. Bruchis………………………………Joseph Bruchis Lillian Fisher Rita Rosenson…………………………...Dan & Marcy Fertel April 14 (25 Nissan) Nathan Breen Saul Cantor…………………….Doris Cantor Ephraim & Debbie Rothschild Maurice Grossman Annie Zeid Solomon April 15 (26 Nissan) Bertha Grodsky Lillie Katz…………………………………………Miriam Katz April 6 (17 Nissan) Norma Barnett Sylvia Packler Gerson………………Lynnda Gerson April 16 (27 Nissan) Marshall & Jane Gerson Harry Karn Mike Lavigne Joseph Novoselsky Ephraim Lubritz April 17 (28 Nissan) April 7 (18 Nissan) Hannah Arnowitz Yetta Green Helen Goldberg Frieda Rosenberg April 8 (19 Nissan) Pincus Glazer Ignatz Rosenberg Sarah Lieberman…………………………Gertrude Beerman Liselotte Rosenberg Israel Trestman…………………………Robert & Fran Lenter April 18 (29 Nissan) Roslyn Trestman Cheppa Chesky Joel & Toby Mendler Judith Cotlar Guidry……………………Sidney & Diane Cotlar April 9 (20 Nissan) Fannie Fein Simkin Joseph Covert…………………………………Mildred Covert Solomon Teles……………………………Joel & Paula Picker William Feldman Harry Turkish Sidney Singer Jacob Stahl April 19 (30 Nissan) Lonnie Whitfield………………………Rick Israel Champagne Natalie Brown…………………Ken & Sue Rae Brown Bishop Joel Brown April 10 (21 Nissan) Sarah Esther Covert Anina Bruchis Cohen Fay Gurry Rosenberg…………………Leon & Ava Nowalsky Samuel Louis Sazer……………………Morris & Lisa Sazer Cantor Bernard Schram Esther Strug…………………………Joseph & Myra Balfour Denna Brooks Zoblotsky Page 8 APRIL 2015 YAHRTZEITS In memory of… Remembered by… April 20 (1 Iyar) Albert Fox…………………………Myron & Marcie Goldberg Jennie Nirken……………………………Jack & Annette Rau Robert Richmond Bernard Rosenberg In memory of… Remembered by… April 26 (7 Iyar) Marcel Kahn Joseph Boris Merlin……………Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Merlin Dr. & Mrs. Carl Merlin Mr. & Mrs. Jack Merlin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shefsky Edith Pukof Friedman……………...Albert & Charlene Pukof Rebecca Davidson Schwartz Maurice Singer April 21 (2 Iyar) Annie Botkofsky David Charles Levin Annie Marcus Sophie Weinstein……………………………Beverly Brickman April 27 (8 Iyar) Jennie Lavine Herzog April 22 (3 Iyar) Albert Lupin Lillian Glazer……………………………...Shelley Middleberg Abraham Wasserman Betty Kansas April 28 (9 Iyar) April 23 (4 Iyar) Golda M. Katz Estelle Gervis………………………………………..Barbara Lonnie Whitfield……………………Rick Israel Champagne Gervis Zlata D. Levin…………………………...J. Joseph Blotner April 29 (10 Iyar) Max Gumelsky Dan & Marcy Fertel Sydney & Joyce Fertel Goldie Goldblum Mintz Victor Polikoff………………………Stephen & Barbara Katz April 24 (5 Iyar) Esther Pressner………………………Sol & Jackie Gothard Louis Bograd Sarah Rachael Steinman Louis Goldstein Jerrold Packler………………………Marshall & Jane Gerson April 30 (11 Iyar) Adolph P. Polmer Maxine Ball Rose Sherman………………Ken & Sue Rae Brown Bishop Gertrude R. Fischer David Gansar……………………………………Alan Katz April 25 (6 Iyar) Susan Schutz Margaret Baumsten……………………..Jacob & Vicki Karno Kate Slebotsky Hellman Isadore Berniker Samuel I. Katz……………………………Barry & Alona Katz Jacob Aryeh Blowell Richard Katz Jerome Glazer David Smith…………………………………..Alan Smason Annette Smason Our Deepest Sympathies On the loss of Harry Finkelstein, z”l, husband of Leona Finkelstein. On the loss of Deborah Pactor Gentcher Rice, z”l, sister of Jody Rau. Page 9 BETH ISRAEL & COMMUNITY NEWS CHESED COMMITTEE NEWS HOME HOSPITALITY The committee is a group of people who recruit others from throughout the community to help individuals and families by providing anything from a phone call, a home or hospital visit or a meal in such circumstances as an illness or the birth of a baby. The committee is open to both men and women and the more people involved, the more this group of volunteers will be able to do to help. If you are interested in serving on the committee or helping in some way, please contact: Get in on your share of the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim! The task is ours to extend southern hospitality to visitors who find themselves in New Orleans over Shabbat. Can you offer a bed, or a Friday night dinner, or a Saturday afternoon lunch? Contact Jessie Wilson at gimmetorah@verizon.net and find out how you can participate in Beth Israel's hospitality endeavors. Jennifer Schneider at shava5782@hotmail.com or (504) 883-5137, Eva Barkoff at ebarkoff@cox.net or (504) 832-3617. Help us maintain a network of volunteers in home hospitality. Book Dedications Dedicate a book in honor of a loved one, in memory of someone special, or for a happy occasion! Only $36 each! Contact the synagogue office to dedicate a prayer book or Chumash! Thank You to our Volunteers To our Holy Kitchen Krewe: Jackie Gothard, Blayne Gothard, Judy Antin Lachoff, Chink Lepow, Shula Fuchs, Gertrude Beerman, Lee Beerman Blotner, Jessie Wilson & Jessy Posternock Beth Israel is a proud member of the Orthodox Union and a supporter of YCT Rabbinical School! To our committed office volunteers: Paula Picker & Shirl Watsky SISTERHOOD NEWS The Sisterhood continues to grow! If you haven't joined yet, it's never too late, and we'd love to include you. You can join by sending a check for $18 to Beth Israel made out to Beth Israel Sisterhood (and note that it is for sisterhood dues) or join at the next function. For more information, please contact our President: Sisterhood Presents... Thursdays, 5:30PM at Beth Israel YOGA WITH JANICE OPPENHEIM Open to men and women of all ages Lee Miller Blotner (504) 834-2312, LMM4vols@aol.com $6 sisterhood members - $7 non-members Page 10 COMMUNITY NEWS COMMUNITY GROUPS WELCOME As we did on Canal Boulevard, our new building is available to the community for use by civic and neighborhood groups and service organizations as well as by our members for various professional, social, or life cycle functions, etc. We have technology for business meetings with video conferencing, high definition movie display, versatile space for your group or organization’s needs and much, much more. All groups and organizations are welcome to use our facility regardless of religious affiliation. Contact the synagogue office for more info or to schedule your event! In March we hosted: Jewish Family Service - Parents of Troubled Adults Support Group & Passover Food Basket Preparation, Nation Alliance of Mental Illness Support Group, Mishneh Torah Class with Tulane Jewish Studies Professor Dr. Yehuda Halper, Torah Study and Jewish Learning Series: “Preparing for Pesach” with Rabbi Gabe, and Yoga with Janice Oppenheim COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wednesday, April 1st, 12:00PM - Jewish Family Service - Passover Basket Project - at Congregation Beth Israel. For more info, contact Rachel Eriksen at (504) 831-8475 or rachel@jfsneworleans.org. Sunday, April 12th, 2:00PM - Declare Your Freedom Music Festival (DYF^ 3.0) - at Tulane University’s LBC Quad. Sunday, April 12th, 7:00PM - JCC - Community Yom HaShoah Commemoration - at the Uptown JCC, 5342 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans. For more info contact Liba Kornfeld at (504) 897-0143 or liba@nojcc.org. Thursday, April 16th, 7:00PM - Hadassah Panel Discussion - at Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation, 3737 West Esplanade Avenue, North, Metairie. For more info contact Charisse Sands at (504) 888-2824, (504) 231-6464 or annsandsc@aol.com. Sunday, April 19th, 11:00AM - AVODAH Partners in Justice Jazz Brunch - at Congregation Beth Israel, 4004 West Esplanade Avenue, South, Metairie. For more info contact Dani Levine at (504) 861-1068 or dlevine@avodah.net. Wednesday, April 22nd - Federation - Movie Screening in Honor of Yom Ha’atzmaut…“Above and Beyond” - at the National World War II Museum, 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans. For more info contact Sherri Tarr at (504) 780-5609 or sherritarr@jewishnola.com. SHOP & CONTRIBUTE TO BETH ISRAEL We are pleased to announce that Congregation Beth Israel has partnered with AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile has the exact same prices and product selection as Amazon.com. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Beth Israel. Access AmazonSmile at smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will need to select “Congregation Beth Israel Menorah Institute” as your charitable organization. You can use your same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile, and your shopping cart, wish list, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings will be the same for both. Please go to smile.amazon.com for questions and additional AmazonSmile program details. Page 11 April 2015 Sunday 12 Nissan - 11 Iyar Monday Tuesday Wednesday 12 Nissan 1 Thursday 16 Mar 13 Cheshvan Nissan 1 2 Code of Jewish Ethics Search for Chametz at GoP 11:00AM after 7:55PM Women’s Tehillim Circle 8:00PM Parsha Study at Rabbi’s Home 8:00PM Nissan 19 Mar 16 Cheshvan 4 5 Passover - Day 2 Shacharit 9:00AM 17 Nissan 6 Chol HaMoed Passover - Day 3 18 Nissan 7 Chol HaMoed Passover - Day 4 19 Nissan 8 Chol HaMoed Passover - Day 5 20 Nissan 7:06 Chol HaMoed Passover - Day 6 Yom Tov Ends: 7:58PM 12 9 Mincha / Maariv 7:00PM 23 Nissan 13 24 Nissan Community Yom HaShoah Commemoration at the Uptown JCC 7:00PM 14 25 Nissan Lunch & Learn at the Gertler Law Firm 12:00PM 15 26 Nissan Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat at the Sanger Theater 7:30PM 16 Saturday Friday 2 3 14 Nissan 5:54 7:02 Erev Passover Shacharit & Siyum for First Born 7:15AM Last Chametz: 10:34AM Burn Chametz by: 11:49AM Mincha / Abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv 7:00PM 21 Nissan 10 7:06 Yom HaShoah Torah Study with Rabbi Gabe at BI 7:30PM 18 Mar 15 Cheshvan Nissan 7:58 Passover - Day 1 Shacharit 9:00AM Mincha / Maariv 7:00PM Shabbat Ends / Candle Lighting: 7:58PM Community Seder 8:00PM 11 22 Nissan Passover - Day 8 Passover - Day 7 Shacharit 9:00AM Mincha / Abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv 7:00PM 27 Nissan 3 4 28 Nissan 17 7:11 Shacharit 9:00AM Yizkor (approx.) 10:30AM Shir HaShirim reading following services Shabbat / Yom Tov Ends: 8:02PM 18 29 Nissan Shemini Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv 7:00PM Shacharit 9:00AM Mishneh Torah 5:00PM Shabbat Ends: 8:07PM 19 30 Nissan Rosh Chodesh Iyar Day 1 Rosh Chodesh Women’s Gathering at the Greenberg’s 7:30PM 26 7 Iyar 20 1 Iyar 21 2 Iyar 3 Iyar 22 Yom Hazikaron Observed Rosh Chodesh Iyar Day 2 8 Iyar 4 Iyar Yom Haatzmaut Observed Torah Study with Rabbi Gabe at BI 7:30PM Learning with Rabbi Gabe - What is Modern Orthodoxy? 7:00PM 27 23 28 9 Iyar 10 Iyar 29 Learning with Rabbi Gabe - What is Modern Orthodoxy? 7:00PM Page 12 30 11 Iyar 24 7:15 5 Iyar Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv 7:00PM 25 6 Iyar Tazra/Metzora Shabbat HaGadol Shacharit 9:00AM Mishneh Torah 5:00PM Shabbat Ends 8:12PM
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