PUBLIC OFFER For holding public competition among the participants of «Betting Awards 2015" PREAMBLE In accordance with Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Offer (hereinafter referred to as Offer) is public offer of Smile Expo LLC, addressed to persons engaged in activities in the field of provision of betting services to end-users (providing gambling services to participants of bookmaking) and in provision of services to bookmakers and industry media in betting field. «Betting Awards 2015» - professional competition in betting industry. 1. TERMS Further as the text goes the following terms are used: 1.1. ORGANIZER - organizer of the competition is Smile Expo LLC (hereinafter referred to as Company Smile Expo, or "Organizer"). 1.2. COMPETITION - competition «Betting Awards 2015» held by Organizer in accordance with this Offer, laws of the Russian Federation and taking into account legal provisions of jurisdictions of place of business (place of registration) of foreign participants of this Competition. 1.3. COMPETITION PARTICIPANT (or PARTICIPANT) - company carrying out lawful activities on the territory of the Russian Federation and/or abroad, related to the subject of nominations mentioned in paragraph 6 of this Offer, having accepted the conditions set out in this Offer in full, and having taken formal actions, which, in accordance with this Offer shall be understood as acceptance of this Public offer. Only nominees carrying out legitimate activities strictly in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation and/or laws (jurisdictions) for activities of foreign participants of the Competition are allowed to participate in Competition. 1.4. WINNER – Competition Participant, recognized as the best in one or more categories of the Competition on the basis of criteria applicable in this Competition. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION 2.1. The objectives of this Competition are: 2.1.1. identifying and rewarding persons who, according to experts of betting market and according to end-users of nominated services, are the best in Competition nominations; 2.1.2. informing professional betting market participants on existing and new projects, solutions and technologies, contributing to improvement of quality of betting services and services rendered for bookmakers. 3. TERMS OF COMPETITION 3.1. Opening of Registration: 10:00 am Moscow time March 23, 2015 3.2. Opening of voting: 10:00 am Moscow time May 15, 2015 3.3. Closing of voting: 10:00 am Moscow time May 25, 2015 3.4. Awarding winners: 7:00 pm Moscow time June 3, 2015 4. INFORMATION ABOUT COMPETITION HOLDING AND ITS RESULTS 4.1. Organizer places information on the terms of this Competition, nominations, participants, conditions of voting, winners and other information related to Competition on the website: 4.2. At the discretion of Competition Organizer, information about Participants and Winners of the Competition can also be posted on other websites of Organizer, in media, and on other resources containing information about gaming industry. 4.3. Information about Winners of Competition shall be announced publicly at awards ceremony. 5. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITION 5.1. Russian and foreign companies operating in the areas under the categories set out in paragraph 6 hereof are allowed to participate in Competition. 5.2. To become Competition Participant (to accept present public offer) one should make all of the following steps: 5.2.1. Fill out registration form on which is an application for participation, indicating reliable data on potential Competition Participant; 5.2.2. Choose nomination of Competition potential Participant wants to be nominated in. Every person willing to participate in Competition shall be entitled to be nominated in one or more categories of the Competition; 5.2.3. Pay bill issued by Competition Organizer. Participation in Competition is considered by Parties of public contract (Organizer and Participant of Competition) as civil service rendered by Organizer to Participants. The subject of the service is nomination of Participant in chosen and paid by such Participant competitive category (nomination), and in case of choosing Participant as the best in particular category - public rewarding of Participant as Competition Winner. Price of service for participation in Competition in one of nominations is 10 000 (ten thousand) RUB, including 18% VAT. Payment shall be made to account of Organizer specified in relevant invoice. Payment can be made in RUB, USD and EUR. In this case, currency amount is determined at the exchange rate that is current at the date of invoice issuance. The desire to make payment in USD or EUR shall be specified when completing registration form on the website of Organizer. 5.3. After processing application for participation and after 24 hours of receipt of payment to the account of the Organizer, information about the participant of the contest will be placed on website 5.4. Organizer reserves the right to refuse any person who announced his acceptance of Present Offer (desire to participate in Competition under conditions of the present Offer) before the latter makes payment. In this case, Organizer may use his right of refusal in the following cases: - unreliability of data on potential participant provided in registration form; - nonconformity of activity or information about potential participant to legislation of the Russian Federation and/or requirements of the law applicable activities of the foreign potential nominee of Competition. - nonconformity of activities of the person who accepted the offer to activities in category chosen in application; - non-receipt of payment within the period specified in the invoice; - expiry of period specified in paragraph 3.3. hereof. 5.5. Acceptance of this public offer, ie performance of the set of actions provided in paragraph 5.2. hereof shall be final and binding in terms of meeting financial obligations of Participant. 5.5.1. Participant of Competition shall be entitled to withdraw from participation in Competition without explanation, notifying Competition Organizer (representative of Competition Organizer) about it in writing (by means of e-mail) not less than 48 hours before the time when information about such Participant should be removed from public access on the website of Organizer. 5.5.2. Nominee having withdrawn from further participation in Competition (to identify the Party of present public contract - Participant) may not require Competition Organizer to delete information about this Participant from other resources (except for websites of Organizer in Internet), provided that such sources are printed on physical medium and contain information not only about Participant withdrawn (catalogs, any printed materials, etc.). 5.5.3. Desist from further participation in the Contest nominee (Participant in order to identify the part of the public contract) may not require the Contest Organizer refunds by such Participant under this offer cash or in full, or in part, regardless of the timing of Participant's refusal from further participation. 5.6. At the end of reception of services (participation in Competition), including case of refusal to participate, the Participant shall within 3 working days sign Certificate of services rendered he receives from Organizer and send signed by Participant Certificate to Organizer in two paper copies (one copy signed and stamped by Organizer is sent to Participant). For non-performance of the requirements of this paragraph (paragraph 5.6. of Offer) Organizer shall have the right to has the right to levy a penalty of 30 000 (thirty thousand) RUB from Participant. 6. NOMINATIONS OF COMPETITION. EVALUATION CRITERIA 6.1. Nominations and evaluation criteria of Participants: NOMINATIONS: «Bookmaking network of the year» «Online Bookmaker of the Year» «Betting Product of the Year» «Betting Mobile Solution of the Year» «Betting Industry Pioneer of the Year» «Affiliate Program (franchise) of the Year» «Advertising Campaign of the Year » «Affiliate Program of the Year» «Payment System of the Year» «Social Betting App of the Year» «Internet Portal about Bookmaking of the Year» EVALUATION CRITERIA: Number of votes of visitors of Competition Organizer website Number of votes of visitors of Competition Organizer website Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of expert judges Number of votes of visitors of Competition Organizer website 6.2. In accordance with nominations and evaluation criteria Competition Participants operating in the territory of the Russian Federation are evaluated for achievements in activities carried out in the territory of the Russian Federation, and foreign betting market participants are evaluated for their achievements in activities within their jurisdictions. 6.3. To evaluate Participants of Competition in nominations, Organizer invites expert judges chosen among leading experts and professionals of betting market. Judge is competent and approved by Organizer betting market specialist, who performs selection and evaluation of winners in their respective categories basing on their professional qualities. Panel of judges chosen by Organizer will be published on website 6.4. Visitors of website of Competition may vote on the website of Organizer only after registration on website by filling out registration form on website 7. PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE WINNERS 7.1. Winners are determined in each category based on criteria set out in paragraph 6 of this Offer. 7.2. Visitors of the website of Organizer, registered on website can vote for one nominee in each of available (available for visitors vote) nominations. Judges may vote for one nominee in each of available (available for judges vote) nominations. 7.3. Decision on acknowledging Participant as Winner of the Competition shall be made by Organizer of Competition with consideration for results of the vote, in accordance with evaluation criteria for Competition Participants and based on criteria set in paragraph 6 hereof. 7.4. Only one Participant can be acknowledged Winner in one nomination (category). 7.5. Presence of only one nominated Participant in a specific nomination shall not preclude acknowledgement of such Participant as Winner in this category. 7.6. Winners of the Cpompetition will be named publicly and solemnly awarded by representative of Competition Organizer at "Betting Awards 2015". 7.7. Award ceremony will be held on June 3, 2015 at 7 pm in Exhibition and Convention Center "Sokolniki", 5th Lychevoy prosek, building 7/4, Moscow, 107113. 7.8. Each winner is awarded a diploma (certificate) and a statuette. 7.9. At the discretion of the sponsors of exhibition RGW 2015 winners in separate categories can be awarded individual prizes. 8. FINAL PROVISIONS 8.1. Competition is held in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation and/or laws of the foreign law that regulate activities of foreign Participants of Competition. 8.2. Organizer reserves the right to amend this Offer (public offer). Notification of change of conditions or cancellation of Competition shall be carried out in the manner provided for the announcement of Competition. In case of cancellation of Competition at the initiative of Organizer, the latter is obliged to return Participants funds received in accordance with paragraph 5.2.3. hereof in full within 60 working days from the date of announcement of cancellation of Competition. 8.3. Having applied for participation in the manner described in paragraph 5 of Offer, Participant fully accepts all terms and conditions of Competition. 8.4. All cases not provided for by this Agreement shall be governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 8.5. All disputes arising in connection with participation in Competition shall be settled by negotiations. Compliance with written pre-trial claim procedure is optional and shall be applied at the request of the parties. Controversial issues not settled by negotiation shall be settled in court at the location of Competition Organizer. Smile Expo LLC
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