Golf Tournament - Beulah A.M.E. Church

Golf Tournament
Beulah AME Church
3rd Annual
Golf Tournament
The Manor Golf Club
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and
Savior Jesus the Christ:
On Saturday, April 18, 2015 the Men of
Beulah AME Church are hosting the 3rd
Annual Golf Tournament at The Manor Golf
Club in Farmville, Virginia as a part of our
celebration of our Annual Men’s Day,
Sunday, April 19, 2015. A portion of the
proceeds will benefit the Beulah College
Scholarship Fund. The Honorary Golfer is
Darrielle Snipes, 8NEWS-WRIC Weekend
We gratefully request your assistance in
the form of a donation of goods, services or
cash. A donation of $350.00 can afford the
opportunity of four players including green
fee, cart, range balls, closest to the pin,
longest drive, one mulligan, lunch for five,
sign on sponsored hole and opportunity to
win prizes starting at $250.
Any organization or person may sponsor a
hole with a donation of $100.00.
All hole sponsors must be paid in full by
March 22, 2015 to have a sign on the
sponsored hole.
April 18, 2015
Registration starts at 8:30AM
9:30 AM Shotgun Start
Hampton Inn (434 )-392-8826
300 Sunchase Blvd.
Farmville, VA 23901
The Manor Golf Club
872 Manor House Rd.
Farmville, VA 23901
Beulah African Methodist Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. William P. DeVeaux, Bishop
The Rev. Dr. Quentin White, Presiding Elder
The Rev. Matthew Shannon, Pastor
Monroe Preston, Men's Day Chairperson
All praises to God,
The Rev. Matthew Shannon, M. Div. Pastor
Those wishing to make a donation may
do so by making check to Beulah AME
Church, P. O. Box 493, Farmville, Virginia
Lunch- 1:00PM
115 South Main Street
PO Box 493
Farmville, Virginia 23901 (434)-392-8000 AMECFARMVILLE
Church Clerk: Mr. James E Ghee (434) 392-8526
Pastor: The Rev. Matthew Shannon, M. Div. (434)390-6344
Darrielle Snipes,
8NEWS-WRIC Weekend Anchor
Beulah African Methodist Episcopal Church
God Our Father - Christ Our Redeemer – The
Holy Spirit Our Comforter - Humankind Our
2nd Annual Golf Tournament
Winning Team
$62.50 Individual
Your handicap:___________
Want us to find you a team_______ yes: ______ No
______ $ 250 Foursome
______ $ 350 Foursome with
Hole Sponsorship By March 22, 2015
______ $ 100 Single Hole
By March 22, 2015
______ TOTAL
Save the date for the
4th Annual Beulah Golf
Coming April 2016
The term “African” means that
our church was organized by people of African descent and heritage. It does not mean
that the church was founded in Africa, or that it
is for people of African descent only. It simply
means that those Americans who founded it
were of African descent.
Methodist: Our church is a member of the
family of Methodist churches founded by John
Wesley in England. Richard Allen felt that
Methodism would suit the people best due to
its emphasis upon the plain and simple gospel.
Episcopal: The word “Episcopal” refers to
the form of government under which our
church operates. In the New Testament the
Greek word episkopos, from which Episcopal
is derived, is translated
as bishop or overseer (I
Timothy 3:1-2). The Episcopal form of government means that the chief
executive officers or
overseers of our denomination are our Bishops.
METHOBeulah AME Church
African Methodism teaches:
That the suffering and death of Jesus
Christ is for the sins of the whole
human race. Personal repentance
towards our Lord and That the suffering and death of Jesus Christ is
for the sins of the whole human
Personal repentance towards our
Lord and Savor Jesus Christ and
to have faith in Christ.
Justification through faith. Justification and forgiveness of sins are
the same.
Regeneration is the new birth. It is
the work of the Holy Spirit by
which we experience a change
of heart.
That the Holy Spirit bears witness to
the spirit.
That sanctification is the work of the
Holy Spirit.
The mission of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church is to minister to
the spiritual, intellectual, physical,
emotional and environmental needs
of all people by spreading Christ’s
liberating gospel through word and
deed. Here at Beulah African Methodist Episcopal Church we endeavor to fulfill this mission by seeking out and saving the lost, and
serving the extended community
locally and world-wide.