Issue No. 7 Wednesday 3rd June 2015 Pakistan Gold in Women and Seniors The two victorious Pakistani teams accompanied by Mr. Mazhar Jafri World Bridge Feration Vice Presidentand and Mr. Azwerul Haq, Secretary Bridge Federation of Asia and Middle East. ***** Starting Time Changes***** Please note that the start time of the first match today is 10.00 a.m. The final will be two ten board rounds starting at 14.00 & 16.00 In both the finals played yesterday the teams behind at half time came through to win. In the Seniors with just seven boards remaining Pakistan were leading Sri Lanka by only 1.5 VPs, but over the final straight the Pakistanis added another thenty-three IMPS to win the match. In the Womens the Pakistanis started well and with eight boards left had outscored India by twenty-four IMPs to lead by thirteen, but India gradually clawed back and at the last board had reduced the deficit to six, on the last board there was a swing to India, but only five and thus the Pakistani Women had won by the narrowest of margins, one IMP. The Pakistan team contained three generations of one family, grandmother, mother and daughter. In the Open semi-finals Bahrain leads Jordan by 18.6 IMPs and UAE lead Bangladesh by 62 IMPs. Gala Dinner The presentations will be followed by the Amman Gala Dinner of the 18th BFAME Championships at the Laylaty Ballroom, Level -1 at 9.00 p.m. Results & Standings Open Championship Semi-final Jordan Bahrain Bangladesh UAE C. O. R1 R2 R3 R4 Penalty Total 0 61 29 28 118 2..66 37 44 53 136.6 0 12 18 50 80 15 50 35 42 142 Women Championship Final Pakistan India C. O. R1 R2 Penalty Total 8 29 42 — 80 0 48 31 — 79 Open Championship Final Sri Lanka Pakistan C. O. R1 R2 Penalty Total 0.5 54 16 — 70.5 0 49 46 — 95 All scores subject to official verification Page 2 — Wednesday 3rd June 2015 18th BFAME Bridge Championships — Amman, Jordan Today’s Schedule Morning Session 10.00 Start Times Afternoon Session 14.00 Evevening Session 16.00 Open Championship Semi-final 4 10.00 Final 2 Jordan Bahrain Bangladesh UAE 14.00 Final 3 16.00 ***** Starting Time Changes***** Please note that the start time of the first match today is 10.00 a.m. The final will be two ten board rounds starting at 14.00 & 16.00 You can find all the results and bulletins on the web-page: 18th BFAME Bridge Championships — Amman, Jordan Wednesday 3rd June 2015 — Page 3 All The Daily Round Up Round 14 Our first hand gave us hope that there might be a session where the deals were a walk on the wild side. Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul. ♠ 10 8 6 ♥ KJ92 ♦ 73 ♣ 10 8 6 2 Rounds 14 & 15 ♠ AK92 ♥ Q5 ♦ 52 ♣ AKQ75 W N S E tion? It was North/South and it was not a success – in fact neither side can make even One Heart, the opening lead always gaining the initiative for the defence. The best results for North/South was when they kept quiet and left West to play in spade partscore. Board 30. Dealer East. None Vul. ♠ QJ753 ♥ 10 8 7 6 ♦ 10 8 6 ♣9 ♠4 ♥ A43 ♦ AKQJ94 ♣ J43 ♠ Q3 ♥ KQJ8765 ♦— ♣ Q974 ♠ A 10 8 ♥ 10 4 ♦ Q J 10 2 ♣ AKJ5 W N S E ♠ KJ96 ♥ A2 ♦ K765 ♣ 10 6 3 A simple grand slam in either minor or even no-trumps if you can bid it. Three pairs succeeded whilst five rested in the small slam. What would be your prediction of IMPs if you had a bidding misunderstanding and played in Four Clubs plus three? Nine IMPs in of course, as at the other table for reasons unbeknownst to me North/South were playing in Two Hearts redoubled. The observant amongst you will notice that it is possible to fulfill this contract but I suspect that declarer’s eye was not fully on the ball realizing that a grand slam had just gone astray and went one off, so minus nine rather than plus eight. Round 15 Board 20. Dealer West. All Vul. Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul. ♠ AQ 9 6 4 3 2 ♥ J754 ♦ AQ ♣— ♠K ♥ AK98 ♦ 10 7 ♣ Q98643 W N S E ♠ 10 7 5 ♥ Q 10 3 ♦ 6532 ♣ 10 7 2 ♠ J8 ♥ 62 ♦ KJ984 ♣ AKJ5 Par on this board is Five Clubs by North/South one off, this was achieved on three occasions. Two results required the scorer to write down +990, not a non-vulnerable no-trump small slam but a vulnerable Four Spades doubled plus one. One pair managed to play in Four Hearts, but which direc- Page 4 — Wednesday 3rd June 2015 ♠ 7542 ♥ 93 ♦ A9 8 4 3 ♣ 82 Four out the five matches produced a game swing on this board. Mr Alphonse “Sonny” Moyse came to the party in spades on three occasions. Two declarers were successful and one failed, unluckily He thought that as West had pre-empted in hearts and in the two card ending he had seen three hearts honours and the queen of spades in West’s hand and counted East to hold one diamond and one club and so not unnaturally played for the drop of the queen of clubs. ♠ A K 10 9 8 7 4 ♥7 ♦ 10 2 ♣ K 10 4 ♠2 ♥ Q 10 9 8 5 4 3 ♦ 974 ♣ 92 W N S E ♠ J5 ♥ AK 2 ♦ Q53 ♣ AQ J 8 5 ♠ Q63 ♥ J6 ♦ AKJ86 ♣ 763 Whenever West declared a spade contract he made thirteen tricks, twice he was at the six-level, if North decided not to open then East open 1NT and West transferred to spades and occasionally got to the slam but South was not hard pressed to cash his ace and king of diamonds and defeat the contract. 18th BFAME Bridge Championships — Amman, Jordan Open Jordan vs. Bahrain T he first of four sessions in the semi-final between Jordan and Bahrain, Bahrain had a carry-over of 2.67 IMPs. Early morning sleepiness nearly got the better of one of the contestants on the first deal. Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul. ♠8 ♥ K85 ♦ J 10 8 5 2 ♣ 9854 ♠ KQJ3 ♥ 97 ♦ 43 ♣ AKQ62 W N S E South had already decided in her mind that North had a singleton heart and in spite of prtner’s bidding to the contrary. 4NT showed a good hand and two of the top three spade honours but no heart control. So her forward going bid of 5♣ implied a heart control and so North bid the slam. When West led the jack of diamonds it was all over for the defence and the fortunate result jolted South fully awake. Closed Room ♠ 752 ♥ A J 10 4 2 ♦ Q97 ♣ J 10 ♠ A 10 9 6 4 ♥ Q63 ♦ AK6 ♣ 73 West North East South Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni – 2♠ West North East South Ghanem Lakhani P. Barakat Pass Pass Pass Pass 1♥ All Pass 1♠ Board 18. Dealer East. N/S Vul. Lakhani M. 1♣ 3♠ 4NT 6♣ 1♣ 4♠ After the interference in hearts North/South were not going to bid a failing slam but nevertheless a loss of eleven IMPs. Open Room – Pass Pass Pass All Pass Semifinal 1 1♠ 4♦ 5♣ 6♠ ♠ QJ85 ♥ Q5 ♦ 10 9 7 5 ♣ 983 ♠ A K 10 7 ♥ K 10 7 4 ♦ AJ8 ♣ K 10 W N S E ♠ 643 ♥ 632 ♦ KQ63 ♣ J65 ♠ 92 ♥ AJ98 ♦ 42 ♣ AQ742 Open Room Sireen Barakat 18th BFAME Bridge Championships — Amman, Jordan West North East South Lakhani M. Ghanem Lakhani P. Barakat – Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass – 1♥ 2♠ 3♦ 4♦ 4♠ 6♥ Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass All Pass 1♣ 2♥ 2NT 4♣ 4♥ 5♥ On the receipt of the king of diamonds lead, declarer cashed the two top trumps and when the queen appeared he was home, for reasons unexplained it seems he trumped the fourth round of clubs and so just made his contract rather than plus one. Which is better – finessing against the trump queen, or dropping it doubleton or finding the clubs 3-3. I calculate the latter is very close to 50% whether a shade better or worse I am not sure. I will leave it to the erudite readers who are statisticians to tell me which is the more probable line. Wednesday 3rd June 2015 — Page 5 Open Jordan vs. Bahrain Closed Room Board 21. Dealer North. N/S Vul. West North East South Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni – Pass Pass Pass All Pass – 1♣ 4♥ 5♣ Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 1♥ 4NT 6♥ With South as declarer West did not find the diamond lead to trouble declarer. When declarer misguessed the trump queen he still had his twelve tricks. Another push. ♠ A9 ♥ 97632 ♦ 65 ♣ 10 5 3 2 ♠ A K 10 7 5 ♥ AK3 ♦A ♣ K Q 10 2 W N S E ♠6 ♥ 7654 ♦ 7642 ♣ J987 Lakhani M. Ghanem – – 1♥ Double Pass 2♥ Pass 4NT 6♠ S E ♠ KQ75 ♥ A 10 ♦ A8 7 4 ♣ A8 7 East West North East South Lakhani M. Ghanem Lakhani P. Barakat 1NT 2♥ Pass All Pass – 2♦ South Lakhani P. Barakat – Pass Pass 1♠ Pass 3♦ Pass 5♣ Even after the ace of clubs lead had South managed to play the trumps for no loser with the double finesse she would still have gone down because there would still be a club loser. The slam needed a 2-2 break in the trump suit – we have all been in worse slams than that and succeded. A simple partscore that did not overtax declarer, who brought his contract home. West North East South Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni 1NT 2♥ Double Pass 2♠ All Pass – 2♦ Pass West North East South Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni – 1♥ Pass – Double 4♠ – 3♥ All Pass Pass Pass When North could not get South to speak he took a unilateral position and bid what he hoped he could make. He must have been relieved when East did not follow to the second round of trumps. Ten IMPs back to Bahrain. 1♦ Double Pass I am not cognisant on North/South’s methods but I do not see the merit in North’s double, especially as he will have another chance to bid after East has responded to the transfer. Perhaps a premature articulation of his values. I assume this goaded South into bidding and East expressed his opinion with a red card and -500 appeared on the score card and nine IMPs to Jordan who at this juncture had outscored Bahrain 31-15. Board 23. Dealer South. All Vul. Closed Room Page 6 — Wednesday 3rd June 2015 1♣ Pass Closed Room Open Room North W N Open Room ♠ 9843 ♥J ♦ Q9853 ♣ 643 West ♠ J83 ♥ KQ8 ♦ Q J 10 9 2 ♣ KJ ♠ 10 6 4 2 ♥ J54 ♦ K3 ♣ Q964 Board 19. Dealer South. E/W Vul. ♠ QJ2 ♥ Q 10 9 8 2 ♦ K J 10 ♣ A5 Semi-final 1 ♠6 ♥ K53 ♦ QJ75 ♣ A Q 10 6 4 ♠ AJ842 ♥ J 10 4 ♦K ♣ 9875 W N S E ♠ Q 10 3 ♥ 72 ♦ A9 8 6 ♣ KJ32 ♠ K975 ♥ AQ986 ♦ 10 4 3 2 ♣— 18th BFAME Bridge Championships — Amman, Jordan Open Jordan vs. Bahrain Board 27. Dealer South. None Vul. Open Room West North East South Lakhani M. Ghanem Lakhani P. Barakat – 1♣ 2♦ All Pass – Pass 2♠ – 1♦ 3♦ Pass Double 4♠ I really like the North/South auction, aggressive but controlled. There was not too much to the play, declarer losing a trump, heart and a diamond. ♠ Q J 10 7 ♥9 ♦ AQ J 8 ♣ QJ62 West North East South Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni – 1♦ 2♣ Pass Pass All Pass – Pass Pass 2♠ 3♥ – 1NT 2♦ 3♣ Pass Pass Double 2♥ Double 3♠ When North shows some support for hearts and a presumed shortness in diamonds could not South punt the vulnerable game? He did not and that cost another ten IMPs for Bahrain. Board 8. Dealer West. None Vul. ♠ Q953 ♥ Q43 ♦ J 10 8 6 ♣ 73 W N S E ♠ K74 ♥ A9 6 5 ♦ AQ 5 ♣ K82 ♠ 10 6 2 ♥ J 10 7 ♦ 9742 ♣ J 10 6 Both tables successfully bid 6NT for a push. But how good a contract is Seven Clubs? I attempted to calculate the likelihood and came up with approximately 50%, maybe those earlier mentioned statisticians will come to my aid, certainly if declarer picks up the trump suit without loss then he is close to 70% and I have not factored in the possibility of a spade lead. On boards 25 and 26 Jordan threw back ten IMPs on outright over-aggressive bids – perhaps the morning coffee was now kicking in too hard. ♠ K9642 ♥ Q85 ♦ 952 ♣ 95 W N S E ♠8 ♥ K732 ♦ K763 ♣ AK 8 7 ♠ A53 ♥ A J 10 6 4 ♦ 10 4 ♣ 10 4 3 Closed Room ♠ AJ 8 ♥ K82 ♦ K3 ♣ AQ 9 5 4 Semi-final 1 Open Room West North East South Lakhani M. Ghanem Lakhani P. Barakat Pass Pass Pass — 1♦ 1♠ 3NT — Pass Pass All Pass — 1♥ 2♣ North led the nine of clubs, declarer attempted to set up his ninth trick before revealing that he had eight tricks in the minors and led a spade off table for the queen and king. North was up to the challenge and played back the queen of hearts, covered by the king and taken by South’s ace who cashed the jack, North played the eight on this allowing East’s seven to become a stopper so South now cashed her other two major suit winners to take the contract one down. Closed Room West North East South Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni – 1♣ Double – Pass 2♥ – 1♦ 3 NT Pass 1♥ All Pass When North supported South’s hearts South led a heart and that was the contract and yet another ten IMPs to Jordan. Board 28. Dealer West. N/S Vul. ♠ J862 ♥ 852 ♦ J73 ♣ K97 ♠ 95 ♥ 764 ♦ K962 ♣ A843 W N S E ♠ 10 4 ♥ A Q J 10 9 ♦ A 10 5 4 ♣ 65 ♠ AKQ73 ♥ K3 ♦ Q8 ♣ Q J 10 2 18th BFAME Bridge Championships — Amman, Jordan Wednesday 3rd June 2015 — Page 7 Open Jordan vs. Bahrain Open Room Semi-final 1 Open Room West North East South West North East South Lakhani M. Ghanem Lakhani P. Barakat Lakhani M. Ghanem Lakhani P. Barakat – 1♠ 2♠ Pass Pass All Pass Pass 2♦ Pass Double 2♥ 1♥ Double Pass Pass2♦ All Pass 1♠ Somehow North, who had not been timid in the previous boards, was unable to get into the auction, the upshot being that North/South did not get to either of their black-suit games. Two Hearts drifted peacefully two off non-vulnerable. Closed Room 1♥ 2♥ This seems unfortunate as theoretically there is a slam available in the minors and game in spades, it is not easy to point the finger of blame, both are good for their bids and had either made a bit more of an effort than it almost certain game would have been reached. West North East South Closed Room Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni West North East South Pass 3♥ Pass Pass Pass 4♠ Double 3♠ Hadi Maci Jalil Basyoni – 1♠ 4♥ Pass 2♥ Pass 1♥ Pass All Pass I much prefer South’s double to the spade overcall, though I may not necessarily be in with modern fashion, but then I am no longer a young buck at the bridge table (or anywhere else for that matter). Now North was able to enter the fray and the game was reached and even though there was a trump loser the contract was a success. Eleven IMPs back to Bahrain. Board 29. Dealer North. All Vul. ♠ K 10 9 8 5 3 ♥— ♦ AJ 8 ♣ A8 5 3 ♠ J42 ♥ QJ65 ♦ 652 ♣ 10 9 4 W N S E 1♦ Pass 5♣ 1♥ 3♥ All Pass Once East had opened his motley collection West was going to go to game. When East dropped the doubleton queen of trumps he made an overtrick and gained ten IMPs for Jordan Over the last three boards Jordan gained another nine IMPs over some partscores and finished up winning 61-37, but after allowing for the carry-over they lead by 61-39.66. At last a set of boards where there was scope for some action – it made for more exciting viewing. ♠Q ♥ 942 ♦ KQ743 ♣ KJ76 ♠ A76 ♥ A K 10 8 7 3 ♦ 10 9 ♣ Q2 Page 8 — Wednesday 3rd June 2015 18th BFAME Bridge Championships — Amman, Jordan
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