THINK GENERATIONS THINK GROWTH THINK GIVING THINK GLOBAL © Singapore Management University 2015 ABOUT the BUSINESS FAMILIES INSTITUTE @ SMU The Business Families Institute at Singapore Management University (BFI@SMU) was established to be Southeast Asia’s pioneer regional business family-centric institute focused on addressing the needs of business families in the region. BFI@SMU serves as an educational, engagement and research platform bringing family businesses together. Offering specifically-contextualised thought leadership and applied knowledge, BFI@SMU addresses business family-specific issues such as family ownership, business succession, and governance. Its values are centered on facilitating business families to THINK GENERATIONS, THINK GROWTH, THINK GIVING, and THINK GLOBAL. OUR VISION To be a knowledge leader in business family research and education in the areas of family, ownership, business and governance that facilitates founding families as thought leaders; and to help business families in Asia develop, harness and leverage their family and financial capital across generations. OUR MISSION To engage and enable business family members to be active, committed, and involved stewards and stakeholders, through learning and education. through © Singapore Management University 2015 EDUCATION BFI@SMU, together with business family members, faculty, practioners, and professionals, organises educational programmes, master classes, and bespoke workshops for business families as well as business advisors (such as the Programme for Advisors: Understanding Family Business, successfully conducted in both 2013 and 2014, specifically catering to family business advisors). Covering topics such as leadership, succession, transgenerational enterprising families and family governance, our educational programmes aid family businesses in moulding and strengthening not just their business structure but their family values. ENGAGEMENT BFI@SMU also works closely with our Senior Business Family Members to hold meaningful Legacy Lessons where family members share experiences first-hand. In 2013, Mr Philip Ng of Far East Organisation imparted knowledge on the topic of “Family Legacy and Stewardship”; and in September 2014, Mr. Tom White and Ms. Stephanie Kilroy of Haws Corporation shared about how they turned a family crisis into a family cohesion opportunity on the topic of “Inspirational Mistakes”. We also invite world-class investment officers and renowned speakers to apprise Asian business families about far-reaching issues such as current investment trends and philanthropy for a sustainable future. The SMU Business Families Alumni Group also provides a platform for peer support and mentoring opportunities for our Next-Generation family members. RESEARCH BFI@SMU specialises in bespoke, innovative and quality research and case studies to uncover insights and fresh perspectives in the areas of family, ownership, business and governance across Asia. As part of SMU, we deliver ground-breaking thoughts and ideas through fusion of research findings and in-house faculty experts’ knowledge. BFI@SMU works together with business family leaders and knowledge partners to gain holistic understanding on Asian business families and how they can perpetuate the business from generation to generation which will benefit the society. © Singapore Management University 2015 Research grants or gifts will help us fuel intellectual leadership and continuous funding by attracting world-class academia and researchers in the area of family business, thereby encouraging innovative teaching and further innovative research for the benefit of business families across generations. In that respect, BFI @SMU has undertaken commissioned research projects with our partners such as Deloitte Southeast Asia and United Overseas Bank on topics relating to Succession Planning, Family Governance, and Entrepreneurship. THINK GENERATIONS THINK GROWTH THINK GIVING THINK GLOBAL CONTACT US BUSINESS FAMILIES INSTITUTE Singapore Management University Level 5, Administration Building 81 Victoria Street, S188065 +65 6808 5308 © Singapore Management University 2015
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