Summer 2015 - Boys & Girls Club

This will be a eight week program
starting on June 22nd and ending
on August 14th, with each week
having a theme. The theme will be
used in art, programs, activities,
and field trips. The program will
be open Monday - Friday, 11:00 am
- 5:00 pm; Food for People will be
providing FREE lunch for children
(18 and younger) in the
community between 12:00 pm and
12:30 pm.
Any students in grades K - 8
wishing to participate in the
summer program must have a
completed and up to date
membership form on file at the
site and pay a fee of $25 for
existing members OR $40 for new
members, with a discount for
households with multiple children
attending. This fee can be paid
directly to the Loleta BGC staff.
If you are going to be late picking up your child from the program, please call let a staff
member know so your
child(ren) will not worry.
Lo l e ta Boy s &
G i rl s C l ub
Week 1: Animals
Week 2: Health &
Week 3: Dinosaurs
Week 4: Water
Week 5: Space
Week 6: Culture/Diversity
Week 7: Sports
Week 8: Community
Loleta Boys & Girls Club
Ivory Pierce, Unit Director
700 Loleta Drive
Loleta, CA 95551
Phone: 707-733-9593
Summer 2015
June 22nd – August 14th
Monday – Friday
11: 00 am - 5:00 pm
Lo le ta Boy s & Gi r ls Clu b Su mme r 20 1 5
11:00 — 12:00 Social Interaction & Social Interaction &
Drop-in Activities
Drop-in Activities
Running Club
Social Interaction & Social Interaction &
Drop-in Activities
Drop-in Activities
12:00 — 12:30
1:00 — 2:00
with Will
with Ivory
with Will
Field Trip
2:00 — 3:00
Brain Gain
Brain Gain
Brain Gain
Brain Gain
Field Trip
3:00 — 4:00
Art Club
with Will
Youth for Unity
with Ivory
Torch Club
Field Trip
4:00 — 4:45
4:45 — 5:00
Computer Lab & Computer Lab & Computer Lab & Computer Lab &
Drop-in Activities Drop-in Activities Drop-in Activities Drop-in Activities
Field Trip
Field Trip
Art Club - focuses on teaching members about varying forms of art, the proper use of different mediums such as pastels, paints, colored pencils, etc., and provides
members with an opportunity for creative expression.
Brain Gain - Summer learning loss has a devastating effect on America's kids, especially those who don't participate in enriching summer activities. That's why Boys
& Girls Clubs of America is pleased to present Summer Brain Gain – a fun, interactive learning program designed for summer in the Club!
SMART Moves - provides various activities designed to hone their decision-making and critical-thinking skills, as well as learn how to avoid and/or resist alcohol,
tobacco, other drugs and premature sexual activity.
SPARK - encourages members to be active by participating in group games that focus on having fun and working together instead of competition. This program focuses on skill development and living a positive lifestyle by showing that exercise can be fun.
Torch Club - is a small charter that focuses on leadership and service boys and girls ages 11-13. Members learn to elect officers and work together to implement
activities in four areas: service to Club and community, education, health and fitness and social recreation. Participants will plan volunteer and fundraising projects for
the program.
Youth for Unity - Youth for Unity features age-appropriate programming for youth ages 6 to 12, teens and parents; training and resources for Club professionals; and
a leadership awards program. The program builds the capacity for local Clubs to help their members appreciate themselves as unique and special individuals, understand diversity in society, recognize bias and unfairness and take personal leadership in confronting bias.