OUR MISSION We empower youth to reach their full potential as responsible, caring and productive citizens through professionally led programs and activities that are fun, positive and relevant in a safe, supportive and healthy environment. Our Membership fee is $50 for the new membership and $25 for existing members. We have additional fee for dances and some fieldtrips. The Teen Center is staffed with well trained, youth development professionals that understand the issues and needs of children in today’s complex society. Please stop by, meet the staff, and take a tour anytime during our open hours. Parents are always welcomed and encouraged to drop in and participate in activities with their children. Our snack program is provided by the Food Bank. We are only able to distribute one snack per child per day. If your child feels that the snack is not enough please pack them an extra snack. Teen Center Hours of Operation Monday -Friday 11:00-5:00p Fam ily N ig ht D inner las t Wed nes d ay of t he m onth We are located at 3015 J St. Eureka CA. 95501 Phone :(707) 444-0184 Fax: (707)444-0195 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Social Interaction & One on one Mentoring Social Interaction & One on One Mentoring Social Interaction & One on One Mentoring Social Interaction & One on One Mentoring Brain Gain Brain Gain Brain Gain Brain Gain Brain Gain Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack Activity Triple Play Torch Club Triple Play Smart Moves Jr. Staff Gardening Activity Keystone Activity 3:30– 4:30 Arts& Crafts Activity Nutrition Club Activity Mentoring 4:30 Cleanup Clean up Clean up Clean up Clean up 5:00 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 11:00p-12:00p 12:30– 3:30p 1:00–2:30p 3:00– 3:40p Thursday Friday Social Interaction & One on One Mentoring Keystone Club/ is the Boys & Girls Club Movement’s most dynamic teen program. It affords teens an op- portunity to gain valuable leadership and service experience. They conduct activities in three areas: academic success, career exploration and community service. Gardening-Community garden to help grow our own vegetables, fruit and flowers Mentoring-Youth are offered the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a mentor to discuss pressing issues and life goals. Brain Game-A fun, interactive learning program designed for teens to enhance there brains in the Club! Triple Play-Designed to incorporate healthy habits emphasizes good nutrition, physical active and improving overall well-being.
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