May 2015 On May 1, we wear purple to support survivors of Sexual Assault. For more info, visit Contents 3 Nursing Week 4 Connect with BGH 5 Health Care Tomorrow Update 6 Learning & Development 7 "Springtime in Paris" Gala 8 Hospice Palliative Care 10 Mindfulness Practice 11 Event Calendar 12 BGVA AGM 13 Nutrition & Shift Work 14 Grilled Vegetable Salad 15 Mental Health Awareness Week 16 People Services Updates 18 Meet our Lab Team 20 What Grounds us Together Spotted! Our Garden Street tea cart was “bunny-powered” by volunteers for Easter! Feature your team or story! Contact Abby at 613-345-5649 ext 1504 or Continue the conversation... General Happenings available online at ALL WEEK! Get your tickets for baskets and 50/50 draws! Monday , May 11: CAKE! 2pm, CSS Cafeteria & delivered to GSS Wednesday, May 13: Nurses Week Dinner at CJs. Tickets are $30. Pizza party for the Wednesday night shift Thursday, May 14: A continental breakfast for nursing staff Friday, May 15: Basket and 50/50 ticket draw For details, contact Nursing Practice Council Co-Chairs Melissa Berquist at or Lorraine White at Did you know? BGH employs 271 RNs, 125 RPNs, and 52 PSWs. May 11-17 is National Nursing Week, alongside International Nurses Day and Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12. This year’s Canadian Nurses Association theme, Nurses: With you every step of the way, emphasizes how important nurses are in our lives — at every age, in all health situations, for all Canadians. With more than 408,000 regulated nurses in Canada, the largest of any health provider group, nurses are the backbone of our health system. This week, we recognize the profession for their dedication and commitment to making Canada a healthier nation. BGH Ideas: Your Ideas Matter Our people are our biggest asset and we value your input. You have the power to provide insight on how we can deliver outstanding quality care within available resources. Please email your ideas to: Staff, Physician and Volunteer Open Houses Tuesday, May 26| 10am-12pm| CSS Auditorium Tuesday, May 26 | 2-4pm | CSS Auditorium Thursday, May 28 | 5-7pm | CSS Auditorium An opportunity to meet with Tony and the senior leadership team to ask questions and share feedback about changes here at BGH. Community Open House Tuesday, June 2 | 5-8pm | 1000 Islands Mall Learn about what's happening at BGH. Ask questions and share your feedback. Save the date! Annual General Meeting June 15, 7pm in the CSS Cafeteria South East LHIN and partners seeking region-wide public input on health care services Online and in-person community engagement sessions to be held May 1, 2015—The South East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) and its health care partners today launched a public engagement process to encourage residents from across the region to help guide the future of health care in their communities. The perspectives and input gathered throughout the process will inform the South East LHIN’s fourth Integrated Health Services Plan – Health Care Tomorrow, and provides an opportunity for community input on specific hospital services and regional services more broadly. Community engagement for the IHSP and on hospital services in your region will offer multiple opportunities for the public, health service providers, and other partners to get involved. Open house events will offer a chance for the public to gather information about health care in the region and provide input to the South East LHIN. An online survey will also be available at, beginning May 1st through till May 29th. Paper copies of the survey can be made available on request. Please contact Caitlin den Boer, Communications Lead at the South East LHIN at 613.967.0196 ext. 2240, should you require a copy. A Brockville Open House has been scheduled for May 19 at the Quality Royal Brock Hotel from 2-6pm. The South East LHIN relies on information gathered through community engagement, to make decisions about health system transformation, health service delivery, and funding allocations. IHSP4 – Health Care Tomorrow will define the activities of the South East LHIN and local health providers for the three-year period from April 2016 to March 2019 with the goal to ensure that individuals have better access to the most appropriate health services focused on their needs. IHSP4 – Health Care Tomorrow will build on previous opportunities that were identified in IHSP3 - Better Integration, Better Health Care. This process will also help to inform the long-term decision making for the future of hospital services in Leeds Grenville. Brockville General Hospital will use the input from the community engagement in order to make the decisions based on what patients, families and community members have identified as their health care priorities. “The South East LHIN is committed to ensuring that the patient voice is a driving force behind the work that we do. Listening to our residents and understanding their health care needs is an important step in our journey to improve the patient experience through quality, integration and value.” Paul Huras, CEO South East LHIN “Brockville General Hospital is a progressive community partner. We are pleased to be working with our committees, staff, physicians and regional partners on designing a sustainable health care system. Collaborating ensures that this also meets the health care needs of our community. We need and encourage residents in Leeds Grenville to share their input on how we can build a better system together. With your help, this supports our Hospital’s goal of being a champion of health system evolution. ” Neil T. Bhatt, Board Chair, Brockville General Hospital IMPORTANT REMINDER: TB TESTING NEEDS TO BE DONE ANNUALLY. N95 MASKS FITTINGS NEED TO BE CHECKED EVERY TWO YEARS. ARE YOU UP TO DATE? CONTACT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 613-345-5649 ext 1174 Don’t Forget! PRIVACY IS IMPORTANT! Remember to log out of Quadramed every time you step away from the workstation. OTN Equipment which was previously located in the CSS 1st Floor Library has been relocated to Room 506. Updates from Learning and Development vided in the policy on the care of Valved and Openended PICC lines, Implanted Ports, Tunneled and Percutaneous CVADs. The team in Organizational Development has been going back to the basics. As a part of our commitment to providing education that is current, interesting and relevant to nursing practice, we are working on updating policies and building corresponding on-line learning modules that nurses can access on Sharepoint. These can be found by clicking on Departments > People Services & Talent Management > Learning & Development > Clinical Education. We will be offering 1 hour educational sessions on May 12th, 14th, 26th and 28th at 1300 for staff to review and practice with CVADs. Some examples of the available Learning Modules are: Central Lines, Chest Tubes, Venipuncture, Diabetes Mellitus, Procedural Sedation and Falls Prevention. On completion of these modules and the corresponding quiz, the nurse will receive a Certificate of Completion. We have also located links to other learning material here such as Trillium Gift of Life Learning Module and Bloody Easy Transfusion Learning Module. In May, we will be rolling out a new policy on Central Vascular Access Devices. This policy combines several policies into an easier to follow guideline which is based on RNAO’s best practice guideline. Information is pro- Jenn MacNeil, Joan Smith and Shelley Weapenicappo Visit our Professional Development Calendar on SharePoint: Congratulations to everyone involved with the “Springtime in Paris” gala, hosted by the Brockville & District Hospital Foundation on April 25. As part of our strategic planning community engagement, we were asked to make improvements on the 1 East in-patient unit. You spoke, BGH listened and as a community, we responded! On behalf of the Hospital’s Board of Governors, staff, physicians and volunteers, we extend a heartfelt thank you for your support to make this improvement a reality. Whether a volunteer, sponsor or guest your generous contributions will improve patient care at Brockville General Hospital. More than $401,000 was raised through your generosity, and the work of the gala committee; enabling us to deliver on our commitment to you. We would like to extend a special thank you to the Brockville and District Hospital Foundation and the Gala Committee coordinating such a special event. Your support speaks volumes, and we will continue to listen. This is one of the many ways we will deliver on our goal to ensure Excellence in the Whole Hospital Experience. Sincerely, Neil Bhatt Chair, Board of Governors Tony Weeks President and Chief Executive Officer May 3-9, 2015 is Hospice Palliative Care Week May 3-9, 2015 is Hospice Palliative Care Week Join our Palliative Care team for a tea on Monday May 4 at 11am. Follow BGH on Facebook for more updates throughout the week! Mindfulness Practice for the Treatment of PTSD ~ Wayne Nadler Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist Mindfulness meditation dates back at least 2500 years to the beginnings of Buddhism. While many people in the United States began to practice Buddhism in the 1960’s, and found the benefits of mindfulness and the Buddhist principles, psychotherapists discovered that these methods do not require conversion to Buddhism, and have great benefit for anyone suffering from anxiety, depression or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mindfulness meditation is something understood primarily by engaging in the practice, but to give some sense of it you could say that it involves a voluntary shift of attention to the Meta level of consciousness; that is, becoming aware of the feelings, thoughts, urges or sensations flowing through consciousness at this very moment. Rather than simply being caught up in thoughts, feelings, images or sensations, attention is directed towards the contents of the mind. The flow of phenomena is noticed; how certain ideas return again and again; how there are reactions to ideas and sensations, that is, desire to have, desire to avoid (e.g. attachment, craving, anxiety, fear, loathing). The arising and falling away of ideas, feelings, and sensations is mindfully followed with an attitude of acceptance of whatever presents itself. The usual reactions and patterns of absorption that characteristically lead to symptoms and problems are now attended to with patient acceptance. Rather than thinking, feeling and acting according to past conditioning, there is now an opportunity to create a space of possibility and in that space change can occur. One benefit is therefore deepening insight into what is happening in your own mind. How do you construct and organize your experiences? Create anxiety or depression? Respond with avoidance or strong feelings automatically when confronted with some situation related to a traumatic experience. There is a secondary and more immediate benefit derived from mindfulness meditation. A deepening state of calmness results as the mediator detaches from the incessant and often chaotic bouncing about of thoughts, feelings, images, and sensations. Pointless inner chatter, ruminating about the past and worrying about the future are experienced at a distance, and a sense of peacefulness pervades the mind dwelling more and more fully in the actual present moment. In many variants of mindfulness practice sensations associated with breathing are used as a touch-stone, which is experienced as the backdrop against which thoughts, feelings, images and sensations stand out as they arise. The breath is also perceived with acceptance and freed from conscious interference, just as it is increasingly freed from the influence of absorptions in past or future concerns. This results in a natural slowing of the breath and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Balance or entrainment of the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems is subjectively experienced as “relaxation”, “calmness” and or “peacefulness”. In Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a person is left in a state of hypervigilance and hyperreactivity, always in a state of readiness to respond to attack; always ready to perceive threat in day to day events that in any way resemble the initial trauma; jumpy, anxious; and there is a strong desire to avoid what seems threatening to the point that people will isolate themselves or try to blunt feelings artificially like with drugs and alcohol. You can feel disconnected from others and yourself, lost in an effort to just be numb rather than feel pain. Continued on page 12 If ever you feel that you’re being overtaken by stress, anxiety, depression or something you can’t explain, call the crisis line to talk anytime, any day 613-345-4600. Event Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 May is Sexual Assault Awareness Month May 4-10: Mental Health Awareness Week 2 Wear Purple to support Sexual Assault Survivors May 11-17: Nursing Week 4 SATURDAY Ontario Doctor’s Day May 3-9: Palliative Care Week 3 FRIDAY 5 6 7 8 SARA & DIANA’S BAKING & HANDCRAFTED JEWELLERY 9 UNA’S ANGELS OF LOVE 10 11 12 STAFF FORUM 13 Nursing Week Dinner 14 15 16 20 21 22 EPICURE SELECTIONS 23 28 29 30 5 6 PEGGY’S PASSION 17 24 31 18 19 Victoria Day SE LHIN OPEN HOUSE @ Royal Brock 25 26 BGH Staff , Physician & Volunteer Open House (10am, 2pm) 27 2 3 June 1 CASUAL CRAFTS 4 Next Staff Forum Date May 12 2-3pm, Charles Street Auditorium Video-conferencing available at GSS Boardroom, FARC Boardroom. All staff are encouraged to attend! Page 18 Mindfulness Practice for the Treatment of PTSD Continued from page 10 Mindfulness practice helps with PTSD by calming the nervous system. With continued practice there is less hyperreactivity. Helping the sufferer to simply accept whatever arises in moment to moment consciousness increasingly frees you from automatic responding. Helps you realize that you are not in danger now in this moment and that your anxiety flows from automatic learning that took place at the time of the trauma. Mindfulness practice also helps you to face whatever arises in your minds such as images, thoughts feelings or sensations related to the trauma and to receive them with acceptance. This calmness and insight increasingly helps to integrate the trauma; to allow it enough mental space that the natural healing processes can act, releasing the pain and changing your understanding of the trauma; changing the meaning of the trauma. There is a greater sense of control, which paradoxically flows from accepting and letting go. The trauma gradually (or more quickly) be- comes a natural part of your personal narrative and not something that controls you as an alienated, undigested experience. Hopefully this gives you some sense of what mindfulness is and the ways in which it may be of assistance with anxiety, depression and PTSD. There are great many resources, many free on the internet. mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - An excellent book explaining mindfulness clearly for Western readers. A therapist whose site contains a great deal of information on sexual abuse and who has a special section on the use of mindfulness Offers affordable training online Free (accepts donations) resource for talks about mediation and guided meditations Excellent psychologist and Buddhist teacher whose works are available free and would help anyone get started in the right manner Annual General Meeting May 27, Brockville Tabernacle Guest speaker : Cardiologist Dr. Jaimie Hynd. We welcome all our Volunteers. Please contact Cheryl Marshall by May 22nd. Grilled Vegetable Salad Vinaigrette: 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1 1/2 teaspoons honey 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Salad: 8 ounces asparagus, trimmed 2 (4-inch) Portobello mushroom caps (about 6 ounces) 1 medium zucchini, cut lengthwise into 1/4-inch-thick slices 1 yellow squash, cut lengthwise into 1/4-inch-thick slices 1 small red onion, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices 1 red bell pepper, halved and seeded Cooking spray 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil Preparation 1. Prepare grill to medium-high heat. 2. To prepare vinaigrette, combine first 6 ingredients in a large bowl; set aside. 3. To prepare salad, coat asparagus, mushrooms, zucchini, squash, onion, and bell pepper with cooking spray. Place vegetables on grill rack; grill 4 minutes on each side or until slightly blackened. Remove vegetables from grill; cool slightly. Cut vegetables into 1-inch pieces. 4. Add vegetables, basil, chives, and parsley to vinaigrette; toss gently to coat. Sprinkle with cheese. 6 servings (serving size: about 3/4 cup salad and 1 tablespoon cheese) Mental Health Awareness Week is May 4-8, 2015 Build awareness. Join our events: May 4: Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week with our tea in the CSS Cafeteria, 2pm “Be Well” Wellness Workshop at CSS Auditorium, 11:50-12:20pm & 12:30-1PM Fasica Stretch Therapy, 10-2pm. Email for details. May 5: Kickboxing at CSS Auditorium, 11am, 11:45, 12:30. FREE to staff! May 6: “Be Well” Wellness Workshop at 1000 Islands Mall, Community Room, 1-2pm, and Yoga 2:15-3pm May 7: “Boosting your Positive Outlook” at CSS Auditorium, 12 noon—contact Jenn at ext. 1083 for details. May 8: Yoga at CSS Auditorium, 11am, 11:45, 12:30. FREE to staff! Contact Elizabeth at or 613-342-2262 ext. 5559 for more info. WELCOME TO OUR NEW EMPLOYEES Last Name Jenkins Pettem Coville Armstrong Hughes Clermont Schaub Stratton First Name Melissa Amy Tamara Kyle Jocelin Catherine Susan Deborah Position RN RN PSP PSP RN RN Director – returning RN - returning Department Emergency GSS / Med Surg GSS / Med Surg GSS/Med Surg GSS/Med Surg ICU Lab, IC & Pharmacy Day Surgery Employee Service Recognition These special events allow us to recognize staff who have been with BGH in 5 year increments, as of December 31, 2014. Staff with 5,10,15 and 20 years of service with BGH Thursday May 28, 2015 2:00 p.m. in the CSS Cafeteria Staff with 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service with BGH Friday May 29, 2015 5:30 p.m. at CJ’s Banquet Hall Check out all employment opportunities outside the blue elevator on the ground floor of CSS or visit under the “Careers” section. May 1 was a special day for Maride in our Laundry team: she’s retiring! Her colleagues treated her to a special lunch, complete with decorative linens on the tables, and a personalized hat. Cheers to you, Maride! Page 17 , Meet Our Lab Team Submitted by Stephanie Etherington Hello everyone! This is Stephanie Etherington. I usually write the bios, so I’m going to do my own in first person. I’m a part time Medical Lab Technologist working in the core lab, as well as a casual Autopsy Assistant. I’ve been at BGH since 2011, when I graduated from St. Lawrence College after doing my placement here. I started as casual and went to part time after about a year and a half or so. to figure something out or to find something new - it’s always a learning experience. The opportunity to continually learn is one of the best aspects of this job for me. I went back to college as a mature student after being a self-employed beekeeper for several years. Beekeeping was fascinating and rewarding - just not financially. In the pursuit of stability and a steady income, I found the med lab program and quickly realized once I started that this was right for me. Science is my thing and I love my job. While I enjoy being behind the scenes, I I’m so happy and grateful to be immersed in it everylove being part of the team that makes a difference for day. I’m also grateful for how much I’ve learned at patients - part of your team. Just like most MLTs, I enBGH - not only about lab medicine, but about myself joy the investigative nature of our job. It’s rewarding and working with others. We have such a great team! I adore my little village of Lyndhurst where I volunteer on the Lyndhurst Turkey Fair committee come and check it out on Sept 19! I like to read, take photos, learn to play guitar, garden and spend time with my family. I have a 14 year old son who becomes more awesome and surprising every day. I have also started a Trap/Neuter/Release program for feral cats in my village in the hopes of making their situation better. I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting our lab staff… there’s more to come! “I love my job. While I enjoy being behind the scenes, I love being part of the team that makes a difference for patients part of your team.” “Although we play a behind-the-scenes detective role, I find my job very rewarding - knowing that our lab results are assisting the clinician in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.” Jessica’s mother is a nurse here at BGH. (“A GREAT one,” Jessica says.) When Jessica was still in high school, Medical Lab Technologist working in the core lab since her mom came to her and asked if she’d be interested June 2012, when she graduated from St. Lawrence Col- in laboratory sciences. Like many people, Jessica wasn’t lege after finishing her placement at BGH. She started sure what it entailed, but after researching the college out in a casual position, but soon became part time. She program, she realized she’d found her future career. also has a casual position in the lab at Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital, where she works in the core lab and performs phlebotomy. Meet Jessica McCarroll, a part time “Although we play a behind-thescenes detective role, I find my job very rewarding - knowing that our lab results are assisting the clinician in the diagnosis and treatment of patients,” says Jessica. Outside of work, Jessica is often at the gym. “I love working out!”, she says. “It feels like my second home sometimes.” She also enjoys spending time with her family, friends and her boyfriend. “And my cat, of course,” she adds. What Grounds us Together by Tony Weeks , President & CEO A story shared with me the other day highlights the true ‘big picture’ of the business we are in - less about the finances and more about our core business - caring for people, and frankly humanity. The story goes like this. A couple in their 90’s, Eric and Ellen, married for nearly 74 years, were recently admitted to the first floor of BGH; both approaching end-of-life. The staff of the unit, led by Charge Nurse Beth Gibson, worked together to juggle bed assignments to ensure they could be side by side, in the same room. Eric and Ellen spent their final hours holding hands, until sadly, Ellen passed away. With no known children, and an inability for Eric to leave the hospital, our caring staff went above and beyond by coordinating a memorial service for Ellen, directly on the unit. Eric was appropriately dressed, and his room decorated for a respectful service, which was led by spiritual care staff on a Friday. Eric passed away on Sunday, just two days later. Staff on 1 East shared with me that Eric and Ellen touched the lives of healthcare workers beyond the walls of BGH as well, including their Personal Support Worker, and Family Physician. I imagine the list goes on, as it seems they were a very nice couple who cared deeply for those around them. When these stories are shared they are humbling. They remind us of the bigger picture, and they ground us in what’s most important in the business of healthcare. Financial challenges will come and go, but what will remain are hospital teams that have an engrained commitment of compassion and empathy for the patients cared for each and every day. We should all be very proud. The team provided excellent patient-centred care, and they took it to a whole different level by ensuring a respectful and compassionate end-of-life experience for two wonderful human beings. Rest in Peace, Eric and Ellen. Thank you for keeping us grounded. | 613-345-5649 | 75 Charles St., Brockville Angie, Beth and Katelyn, 1 East nurses
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