JUN 2015 1 2 Inside This Issue 2015-6 Vice Principal’s Message by Mr Steven Lee Convocation Message: To be Human by Rev Dr Tan Soo-Inn 4 24th Convocation & Thanksgiving Service 8 Alumni News by Mr Tan Yong Zhong Thaddaeus Aaron CBS & CTS Programme 10 Upcoming Public Lectures & Intensive Courses 13 Upcoming Courses for AY 2015-16, Semester 1 17 Church History Tour 18 Library: New Books & Book Sale! Sermon on the Mount Audio 20 2015 Calendar Highlights VICE-PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Mr Steven Lee Steven is the Vice-Principal & Provost of BGST Dear Friends, Our annual Convocation and Thanksgiving service took place on the 23rd of May. It was heart warming to see the graduates step up to receive their certificates after many months of hard work to equip themselves for the work that God has put into their hearts. Our Principal Philip Satterthwaite, is currently on a personal retreat and much deserved home leave in Manchester, UK. I have been tasked to share a message from the Principal's office and would like to touch on something I encountered recently. Meeting with some friends recently, I was reminded that our God is a God of missions. For all of us including our new graduates, we need to focus upon God's heart to want to bring us all back into communion and fellowship with Him. Throughout both Old and New Testaments, we can see God's heart to bring people into His presence. The ministry of Jesus Christ was to announce the coming of, and lead us into, God's eternal Kingdom. At the very start of His ministry, he recruited 4 disciples with the focus on making them fishers of men (Matt 4:19). They were to stop fishing for fishes and start to fish for souls to bring them into the saving knowledge of Christ. At the end of His ministry on earth, Jesus gave us the mandate to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:18-20). This instruction is reiterated in Acts 1:8, where the disciples are told that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, and they are to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. We will not be alone in fulfilling this mission but have the promised Holy Spirit dwelling in us to guide and help us along the way. It is my hope that each of us grow together in Christ-likeness and take on this mandate to bring the "Good News" to wherever God has placed us; within our family, our neighbourhood and at our workplaces. May the Good Lord bless you and be with you always. REV DR TAN SOO-INN TO BE HUMAN INTRODUCTION What does it mean to be human? This question continues to haunt us in the fast changing world of the 3rd millennium. This question should concern Christians too. Christ has saved us to be truly human not to be super human. To have some understanding of what it means to be human, we turn to Genesis chapters 1 and 2, a picture of creation, and humanity, before the fall. From the first two chapters of Genesis, we find that there are at least four elements in being human, four calls, so to speak. THE CALL TO MEANINGFUL WORK We see humanity been called to manage creation on God's behalf. If “to have dominion” sounds harsh, the picture of the loving gardener in Chapter 2 reminds us that as stewards of God's creation, we care called to protect it and to develop its potential. God needs all sorts of people doing all sorts of things to care for creation. There is therefore no sacred-secular divide in our approach to work. We take seriously the call to serve God in the church and in the world. And BGST seeks to equip God's people to do whatever God has called them to do. THE CALL TO COMMUNION WITH GOD Humankind was created on the 6th day of creation. They were tasked with important 2 work. On the 7th day however, they could not work. The seventh day was the day that God, and creation, rested. It was the day that God blessed. It was a day for humankind to enjoy the blessings of their creator and to commune with Him. Humankind was created for important work but we are more important to God than our work. He has created us for communion with Him. Therefore no amount of success at work can replace the hunger for the divine found in every human heart. THE CALL TO COMMUNITY The first negative we encounter in the Bible is in Genesis 2:18 where God reminds us that it is not good for man to be alone. Note that this comment was made before the fall. At that time Adam had a perfect relationship with God. Clearly that was not enough. Humankind was created for two key relationship --- with God and with humankind. Marriage is one of the ways that this need for human community is met. The other way is to have good friends. Jesus was single but he had three close friends --- Peter, James and John. the purpose of life, a day to reconnect with God and with others. CONCLUSION These then are four elements of being human --- the call to meaningful work, the call to communion with the Lord, the call to community, and the call to live by a worksabbath rhythm. I don't think I need to encourage you to do meaningful work. But I exhort you not to neglect the other three elements. Make sure you make time for communion with your Abba Father, for family and friends, and make sure you respect the work-sabbath rhythm. I commend you then to be faithful to the Lord, to be faithful to your calling, and to be faithful to your humanity. Rev Dr Tan Soo Inn (sooinn@graceworks.com.sg) THE CALL TO LIVE BY A WORK-SABBATH RHYTHM The word “sabbath” does not appear until the book of Exodus but the practice is found here in the first two chapters of Genesis. God created in 6 days and rested on the 7th. There is a 6 plus 1 rhythm to life. We understand that the Jewish Sabbath is the seventh day of the week and the Christian Sunday is the first day of the week. We will not go into the reasons for the change today. We just want to point out that God's rhythm is one that includes 6 days of work and one day set apart to rest, a day to remember who God is, who we are and what is 3 24TH CONVOCATION & THANKSGIVING SERVICE Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church 23 May 2015 The Recessional Top Left (Graduates): Victor, Tan Kim Hong David, Chen Fang Hao Jason, Yam Tim Wing, Lim Swee Hock Francis, Yeo Chong Nim, Yap Chin Huat Jason, Tan Yong Kwang David, Frenky Jonathan Palit, Chiang Wen Wei, Chew Yu Hoong Brian, Cher Weiling Joan, Tan Yong Zhong Thaddaeus Aaron Bottom Left: Siew Kim Siang (Council Member), Loh Mun Fei (Council Member), Ng Peng Hock (Council Member), Rev Dr Daniel Chua (Senior Pastor of Mt. Carmel B-P Church), Chou Fang Soong (Council Chairman), Rev Andrew Ang (Pastor of Geylang EFC), Rev Peter Lin (Pastor of Queenstown Baptist Church), Dr Quek Swee Hwa (Founding Principal Emeritus & Council Member), Dr Philip Satterthwaite (Principal & Lecturer), Quek Tze-Ming (Lecturer), Dr Lai Pak Wah (Lecturer), Dr Tan Seng Kong (Lecturer), Rev Dr Jerry Goh (Adjunct Lecturer), Rev Dr Tan Soo-Inn (Council Member), Joyce Tan (Council Member) 4 Class of 2015 CERTIFICATE IN THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Mr Tan Yong Zhong Thaddaeus Aaron GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHRISTIAN STUDIES Ms Cher Weiling Joan Mr Chew Yu Hoong Brian (magna cum laude) Mr Chiang Wen-Wei (magna cum laude) Mr Frenky Jonathan Palit Mr Tan Yong Kwang David (magna cum laude) A/P Yap Chin Huat Jason Mr Yeo Chong Nim In Absentia Mr Xie Wenguang John Mr Ong Beng Hong 5 Class of 2015 MASTER IN CHRISTIAN STUDIES Mr Lim Swee Hock Francis (cum laude) Dr Yam Tim Wing (cum laude) MASTER OF DIVINITY Mr Chen Fang Hao Jason Dr Tan Kim Hong David (magna cum laude) Mr Victor In Absentia Rev Dr Dev Christophe Menon (magna cum laude) Congratulations! “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” 6 2 Timothy 2:15 Convocation & Thanksgiving Service held in Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church Praise & Worship led by Dr Lai Pak Wah Convocation Message by Rev Dr Tan Soo-Inn Charge & Prayer to the Graduates by Dr Philip Satterthwaite Welcome Address by Mr Chou Fang Soong Alumni Testimony by Ms Seah Chiew Kwan Presentation of Certificates by Mr Chou Fang Soong, Dr Quek Swee Hwa & Dr Tan Seng Kong Response from the Class of 2015 by Mr Chiang Wen-Wei Invocation by Rev Peter Lin Scripture Reading by Rev Andrew Ang Presentation of Certificates by Mr Quek Tze-Ming Offertory by Mr Ng Peng Hock 7 ALUMNI NEWS By: Mr Tan Yong Zhong Thaddaeus Aaron Mr Tan Yong Zhong Thaddaeus Aaron CTS, 2015 My journey with BGST began in January 2013 just after I finished Junior College. I was at a crossroad in life, awaiting National Service, a little clueless about my future and apprehensive about my impending enlistment. I was thirsty for a deeper knowledge for God and the Word, and was seeking for something deep and strong that will give me direction in my preparation for NS. With the guidance of my pastor and the prompting of the Spirit, I found my first course (CS101) online, lectured by Mr Chong Ser Choon, and registered on the very afternoon of the first lesson! This flexibility is what makes BGST especially unique. BGST believes in the equipping of the whole church, for Christians to be ably equipped and effective in ministry wherever God calls them to be. This has powerfully impacted me especially through my NS term – after my more intensive military training courses, I managed to take on more courses in increasing frequencies. First, in history and theology, then more and more and in other fields as well as my interest and desire for greater learning about our God grew. The flexibility that BGST offers even allowed me to bring over some modules in my 3month overseas deployment last year as private 8 6 study modules, allowing me to stay connected, continuing my learning and growing with BGST. Even within the flexibility BGST offers, BGST does not compromise on the rigour of learning. Through the various modules, my worldview on Christianity and theology has progressively shifted to a greater consideration of tradition and I have learnt to systematically analyse alternative paradigms that I would otherwise have feared to venture into lest I compromise my once rigid and narrow perspectives. Through the Certificate in Theological and Biblical Studies, the young and curious have the opportunity to venture deeper into theological thought, traditional roots, spiritual formation, and biblical and hermeneutical understand of the Scripture, all systematically and clearly packaged in a safe and progressive environment. I have benefit so greatly from BGST. As I journey through another crossroad in life, now waiting for university to begin its term, I carry with me not only very applicable skills for my academics, but a firm foundation and fervour for God that will penetrate through any discipline, any profession, and any path in life. And, as I continue with BGST, I am confident and encouraged that the valuable lessons that I have learnt, and will continue to learn, will positively influence my future and guide me in my walk with God through whatever plans and future He has in store for me. Finally, I thank God for placing BGST in my life. BGST has been a great blessing for me, and has provided for me a strong community of faculty and students with a passion for God. May we all truly learn to be salt and light in our world, thirsty to know God more and hungry to learn more about Him, together. 7 C.S LEWIS: HIS LIFE, TEACHINGS & LEGACY by PROF BRUCE HINDMARSH When PUBLIC LECTURE Free Admission Monday, 15 June 2015 7:45 pm - 9:45 pm Venue Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church 4 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579792 Rsvp http:// cslewisandchristianlife .eventbrite.sg Scan QR Code to Register Overview C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) was one of the most influential Christian authors of the twentieth century. His apologetic writings, such as Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain and The Screwtape Letters, have helped generations of non-Christians come to faith. His novels, the most famous being the Chronicles of Narnia, and other writings have also provided Christians with a profound and joyful vision of the Christian life. Join us as Prof Hindmarsh reviews Lewis's life and consider how his teachings may still be relevant for Christians living in a postmodern 21st century. Prof Bruce Hindmarsh is James Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College, Vancouver. A graduate from Oxford University (DPhil), he has published extensively and spoken internationally on the history of early British evangelicalism. In recent years, he has also received numerous awards, grants, and fellowships, including the Mayers Research Fellowship at the Huntington Library and the Henry Luce III Theological Fellowship. This is the first lecture of the intensive course, C.S Lewis & The Christian Life (CS221) Class dates: June 16, 18 (7:15 pm - 10:15 pm) June 20 (9:30 am - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm) Fee: S$225 (Credit), S$157.50 (Audit) To register for the course http://www.jotform.me/BGSTReg/Registration_Form This public lecture is brought to you by Biblical Graduate School of Theology Address: Golden Wheel Industrial Building, 50 Kallang Pudding Road, #07-01, Singapore 349326 Tel number: 65-6227-6815 Email: registration@bgst.edu.sg UPCOMING COURSES AY 2014-15 SEM 2 Spiritual Theology Elective INTENSIVE COURSE/PUBLIC LECTURE Jun 2015 Spiritual Theology Elective INTENSIVE COURSE/PUBLIC LECTURE Intensive Intensive Course Course TO REGISTER FOR THE COURSES WWW.JOTFORM.ME/BGSTREG/REGISTRATION_FORM Please take note that Visa Card Payment via Moodle will no longer be available. Please refer here for our payment options: http://bgst.edu.sg/courses/fee-payment 13 UPCOMING COURSES AY 2015-16 SEM 1 Jul 2015 MDiv Core MDiv Core CTS, Grad DipCS, MCS & MDiv Core CBS, Grad DipCS, MCS & MDiv Core MCS & MDiv Core CTS, Grad DipCS, MCS & MDiv Core 14 UPCOMING COURSES AY 2015-16 SEM 1 Missions/Interdisciplinary Elective Spiritual Theology Elective Jul-Sep 2015 Marketplace Concentration Elective Intensive Intensive Course Course CBS, Grad DipCS, MCS & MDiv Core CBS, Grad DipCS, MCS & MDiv Core Bible Studies Elective 15 UPCOMING COURSES AY 2015-16 SEM 1 Sep-Nov 2015 Bible Studies Elective Spiritual Theology/Interdisciplinary Elective Interdisciplinary/Applied Theology Elective Bible Studies Elective MCS & MDiv Core Intensive Course MDiv Core Intensive Course 16 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Will you join us? 2015 BGST CHURCH HISTORY TOUR TO ITALY 6-17 NOVEMBER 2015 Contact Dr Lai Pak Wah at laipw@bgst.edu.sg Due to the positive response, BGST has decided to launch another Church History Tour to Italy, from 6 17 Nov 2015. BGST's Church History in Italy (In the Footsteps of the Fathers) aims to familiarise Christians in Singapore with the historical and spiritual legacy of our Christian Forefathers from the 1st to the 16th century. Travelling from Rome to Assisi, Siena, Florence, Ravenna, Venice and, finally, Milan, we will consider the legacy of the early church fathers, the developments and key figures of medieval spirituality (such as Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Siena) and changes in Christian Art (from early Christian to Baroque). We will also reflect on some of the key historical developments in this period (such as the Crusades and the Renaissance). The Lecturers: The tour will be led by Dr Lai Pak Wah, Lecturer in Church History (BGST), who will conduct most of the lectures. Dr Tan Seng Kong (Lecturer in Systematic Theology), will also share from his experience as an architect and spiritual theologian, on the development of church architecture and early Christian spirituality. What's included in the tour: Return airfares and airport taxes (SIA), hotel accommodation, local transportation, Tour and Bus Tips, city taxes, entrance fees and most meals. Pricing Details: We hope to form a group of 15 participants so that we can confirm the tour and air ticketing details. To that end, we are adopting a multi-tier pricing approach. We encourage those who can commit to join at the 'launch' price of S$5,400. Once the number of participants grows beyond 20 people, the final price will be reduced to $5,100 or lower (depending on the final group size). Tour Brochure: http://bgst.edu.sg/media/files/ 2015/2015-Tour-Brochure.pdf For those interested, please contact Dr Lai Pak Wah at e-mail laipw@bgst.edu.sg or mobile number 98351809. 17 LIBRARY NEW BOOKS! CHRISTIAN LIFE How people grow: What the Bible reveals about personal growth Henry Cloud, John Townsend GOD - ATTRIBUTES Aquinas on the divine ideas as exemplar causes Gregory T. Doolan PASTORAL COUNSELLING Clinical Theology: A theological & psychiatric basis to clinical & pastoral care - vol 1 E.R. Swain, Frank Lake DEIFICATION C.S LEWIS Union with Christ in the New Testament Grant Macaskill The magician’s nephew / C. S. Lewis illustrated by Pauline Baynes LITERATURE Ancient Near Eastern thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the conceptual world of the Hebrew Bible John H. Walton THEOLOGY Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity John Behr MISSIONS The great digression: world evangelism since 1910: the ecumenical digression and evangelical response Kim-Sai Tan MISSIONS Invitation to world missions: a trinitarian missiology for the twenty-first century Timothy C. Tennent MORE NEW BOOKS CAN BE FOUND AT HTTPS://BGST.VLIBONLINE.COM/IMAGES/201505.HTML 18 To order Please send an email to registration@bgst.edu.sg 19 2015 Calendar Events 2015 HIGHLIGHTS [PUBLIC LECTURE] C.S LEWIS: HIS LIFE, TEACHINGS & LEGACY by PROF. BRUCE HINDMARSH When: 15 Jun 2015 Time: 7:45 pm – 10:00 pm Where: Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church [PUBLIC LECTURE] SHORT, FREQUENT PRAYERS: WISDOM FROM THE DESERT FATHERS by PROF. BRUCE HINDMARSH When: 22 Jun 2015 Time: 7:45 pm – 10:00 pm Where: St. John’s - St Margaret’s Church [PUBLIC LECTURE] EVERY NATION, TRIBE, PEOPLE, LANGUAGE: WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT INTERCULTURAL MISSION by DR. EIKO TAKAMIZAWA When: 27 Jul 2015 Time: 7:45 pm – 10:00 pm Where: Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church Chapel There will be no chapel from mid-May to mid-July. Regular chapel schedule will resume on 15 July 2015. Office Timings Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm (Closed on Wed, 12 noon – 2 pm for chapel and staff lunch) Extended Hours for Library & Book Corner Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Please take note that the Book Corner will be CLOSED on 18-19 Jun 2015 for stock take. The Library & Book Corner will be CLOSED on SAT, 20 & 27 Jun 2015 for semester break. 20 Golden Wheel Industrial Building 50 Kallang Pudding Road #07-01 Singapore 349326 Tel number: 65-6227-6815 Fax number: 65-6743-6847 Website: www.bgst.edu.sg Email: inquiry@bgst.edu.sg www.facebook.com/BGST1989 www.pinterest.com/BGSTSingapore
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