The Beehive Issue 29 Blossom Hill School’s Weekly Newsletter 16400 Blossom Hill Road Los Gatos, California 95032 ©2015 Blossom Hill School March 25, 2015 Page 1 Blossom Hill Vision Statement – (Abilities and skills we expect our students to acquire and take-out into the world) All students will have the necessary skills to become enthusiastic, life-long learners and productive, empathetic, respectful members of society. ! Blossom Hill Mission Statement – (What we need to do as a school community to ensure this happens) The Blossom Hill School community takes pride in providing an enriched standards-based curriculum in a safe, nurturing environment. We strive to appreciate an awareness of students’ developmental needs to help them progress towards independence. ! ! ! ! ! IMPORTANT DATES March 3/26 - Residency Affidavits Due 3/26 - School Site Council Meeting 2:45 - 3:45 pm, Room C25 April 4/2 - Project Cornerstone ABC Reader Meeting 8:20 - 9:20 am - K-2 Readers, Flex Room 9:20 - 10:20 am - 3-5 Readers, Flex Room ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4/3 - Lost and Found Items Donated 4/6 - 4/10 - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL 4/13 - LGUSD Board Meeting 6:30 - 10:00 pm, District Office 4/16 - CASA General Meeting 10:00 - 11:30 am, District Office 4/21 - 4/16 - Green Team Honeycomb Kids Spring Clothing Collection 4/22 - Earth Day 4/23 - School Site Council Meeting 2:45 - 3:45 pm, Room C25 ! BEEHIVE SUBMISSIONS Need an article, event or volunteer request published in The Beehive? Email your school related item on the Friday before the next week’s newsletter. Please submit articles or questions to our Beehive editor at ! CHECK IT OUT Fun Fridays Sign Ups One Check Form Yearbook Photo Upload Link Author’s Visit Order Form ! ! FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear Blossom Hill Families: I’d like to offer a gigantic THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart, to our generous parent community for supporting our annual adult fundraiser, The Hive. The night was a spectacular success!! Our school’s tagline, “It’s for the children!” once again set the tone for the evening. While our dedicated volunteers made it look easy, coordinating the event was no small feat. I would like to give special acknowledgement to the super star event chairs: Patty Smith and Lisa Borland for their extraordinary efforts to make the occasion such a success. Sincere appreciation also goes to the multi-talented committee chairs: ! Software/Treasury Chairs: Dawn Sullivan and Gail Thomson Communications Chair: Victoria Doll Marketing Chair: Kelly Keelean Hive Artwork: Rachael Cruz ! The following committee members and volunteers also generously contributed their time and expertise to make The Hive a memorable and prosperous evening: Kelly Duvall Audrey Webb Kristin Dillehay Jen Black Julie Schaper Maria Gerst Lisa Renner Jill Davenport Jodi Distad Ellen Feichtmeir Fiona Greenland Payal Kurani Kari-Ann Sitko Laura Montalvo Stults Lillian Withrow Carrie Wei Sally Zeman Julie Bonomi Kris Kamali Michele Stefan Nicole Dennon Michael Bruza Tamara Bodner Gemma Krug The Daves Avenue Home & School Club who helped at the event ! The mission of the H&SC is to support the students, teachers, staff, and parents of Blossom Hill School by funding programs that contribute to the educational success of the students, facilitating communication with teachers and parents, and promoting community spirit. ! ! All funds raised at The Hive will be used to enrich programs at Blossom Hill. These include: • Classroom Learning Supplies, Consumable Workbooks • Literacy Program • K-3 P.E. Instructor, Mileage Club, Noon Time Sports Coordinator • Art Docents • Science Study Trips, Outdoor School Scholarships, Science Fair • Safety & Wellness Coordinator • Student Assemblies • Technology Tools & Resources • School Garden • Authors’ Visit • P.E. & Recess Equipment • Library Materials & Books • Staff Radios !! !! ! The Hive was a great success because of your generosity and commitment to providing our students with a world-class education. Thank you for your ongoing support. ! With great gratitude, Lisa Reynolds, Principal The Beehive is written exclusively to inform the Blossom Hill community of school information. Articles, information, calendars, etc. may not be duplicated or reprinted in any manner without the permission of the Home and School Club and of the BHS administration. Page "2 What’s the Buzz? ! WEEKLY WISDOM Residency Affidavits Residency affidavits were mailed to your home on Thursday, March 12. Signed and completed forms are due in the front office no later than Thursday, March 26. ! Spring Break School will not be in session April 6-10 for Spring Break. We will resume our normal schedule on Monday, April 13. ! FAQ of the Week Q. Why did one of the staff members make me move my car. I was trying to get into the drive through lane and just barely made it out of the street. A. You were asked to move your car because you were blocking the sidewalk. Per the California Vehicle code 21970: No person may stop a vehicle unnecessarily in a manner that causes the vehicle to block a marked or unmarked crosswalk or sidewalk. ! Student Quote of the Week A teacher, working with a student while sounding out his spelling words, said, “Come on, I have faith in you. You have to have faith in yourself. Why do I have more faith in you than you than you do?” The student replied, “Because you are older and you know how to have more faith!” ! OH, WHAT A NIGHT! Wow! What an incredible Saturday night it was at the Toll House for the 2015 Hive! It was a totally sold-out event with great food, good music, and a very lucrative fundraising effort in support of our kids. Huge thanks to all who attended and participated! ! Thank you doesn’t seem like enough to adequately recognize the people who made the Hive happen. Lisa Borland, Patty Smith and Dawn Sullivan gave countless hours of their time to produce the event. The behind-the-scenes work is non-trivial and these women gave it their all and then some. The committee members behind them provided tremendous support. There are businesses to solicit, items to pick up, things to organize, package, label and price, signage to create, videos to make, copy to write, logistics to plan, payment systems to test, budgets to adhere to, and BIG fundraising goals to meet. They did it all and then some. ! A special thank you, also, to Michael Bruza, Michele Stefan and Nicole Dennon for their work creating the powerful, professionalgrade video shown before the live auction. We are so lucky to have such talented parents in our midst. ! To all involved, as volunteers and as attendees, THANK YOU. ! Important School Contact Information Office: 408-335-2100 Attendance: 408-335-2145 Fax: 408-358-6438 Office Hours: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm THE GREEN TEAM’S 2015 HONEYCOMB KIDS CLOTHING COLLECTION ! ! ! April 21-24 Who: The Green Team is collecting gently-used school clothing to donate to the Sacred Heart Community Services in San Jose. What: We want our great students to go through their closets and donate clothing that they don’t need anymore or have outgrown. When: April 21-24 Where: Buzz on over to the collection boxes near the school office with your donations before and after school. !MRS. MARTIN’S ART LESSONS Please visit Mrs. Martin’s Art blog for updates on what is happening in your student’s art classroom, student artwork from across the district and parent child activities that connect to each lesson! ! Did you know that our Home & School Club Calendar is online? Click here to see and subscribe to our Google Calendar. ! ! Needed: Kids clothing for grades K-8 including pants, shirts, skirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts and/or any other clothing that can be worn to school. PLEASE NO SHOES or TOYS. A bee may be small, but a hive can make a BIG difference! Thank you in advance from the Green Team. ! Contact Jeannine Torrecillas at with any questions. H&SC CALENDAR IS ONLINE! We are on Facebook! To get breaking H&SC news and timely reminders on Facebook, go to http:// or search Blossom Hill Home and School Club and hit LIKE. A Citizen’s Guide to Understanding the Budget ! An LGUSD Publication Citizen_s%20Guide%20Draft_02_04_15FINAL%20copy.pdf Together we help our children blossom! Page "3 Extra! Extra! The Hive was a Smashing Success! ! Two hundred Blossom Hill parents were in attendance at the Toll House Saturday night and they once again amazed and delighted us with their generosity! ! We would like to thank everyone who attended the Hive and gave so generously through their purchases and their participation in FundA-Need. The children and teachers of Blossom Hill will benefit from the proceeds throughout the year, and all the crucial programs that depend on the funds raised will continue. ! ! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Teacher Adventures and Sign-Up Parties If you did not get to attend the Hive but would still like to participate in some of the fabulous Teacher Adventures and Sign-up Parties, there are still spots available. ! Fund-A-Need is also still open! You can donate via PayPal to (Please be sure to note that the donation is for Fund-A-Need.) ! ! Teacher Adventures Sign-Up Parties Calling All Kinders Only 5 spots available Cost $50 April 16, 2015 Off to the Races! Cost $100 per person May 16, 2015 ! ! First Come, First Serve (1st Grade) Cost $25 April 2, 2015 ! Don't 2nd Guess This 2nd Grade Party Cost $35 April 2, 2015 ! Bocce Ball & Pizza (3rd Grade) Only 1 spot available Cost $100 April 1, 2015 Game, Set, Match Cost $75 April 21, 2015 ! Time Out, Salon B, and Benefit Party Cost $50 April 1, 2015 ! She She Shoes and Toss Party Cost $50 May 7, 2015 ! ! ********************************************************************** For full descriptions of the Teacher Adventures and Sign-Up Parties please click this link to access the Hive catalog. ! Please email us at to reserve your space! Tea Team with Mrs. Petty and Ruby (3rd Grade) Only 2 spots available Cost $150 April 25, 2015 Walker's Wizard Land (3rd Grade) Only 5 spots available Cost $50 April 3, 2015 ! Fifth Grade Beach Day Cost $100 May 17, 2015 Together we help our children blossom! ! Page "4 !! Thank You! Thank You! We would like to send out a special thank you to our business sponsors who helped underwrite the cost of the Hive! ! Keller Williams Jen Black/Realtor Greg Simpson/Principal, Realtor Commerce Mortgage Bank Los Gatos Michael J. Zugar, Partner !! !! ! !! ! Wayne McIntyre Proud Blossom Hill Grandfather and Father Slater Thomson Intero Realty Nothing Bundt Cakes ! ! ! ! We would also like to thank all the local businesses that donated their goods and services to the Hive! Vardy’s Jewelers Sushi Confidential Pasatiempo Golf Course Disneyland Resort Hotel Los Gatos Romantiques Sullivan Winery Nick’s Next Door Benovia Winery Main Street Burgers Willow Street Time Out Clothing Salon B She She Shoes Toss Yogurt In Love Powells Sweet Shoppe Just B Massage Yoga Source BREATHE Yoga Arvin Khosravi & Firouzeh Jahanshahi Teel’s Jeweler Blue LIne Pizza Cin Cin Double D’s Forbes Mill Los Gatos Meats & Smokehouse Opa Rootstock Wine Cellar You Say Tomato Hult’s Spinello’s East Coast Eatery Dance Attack Fuze Fitness Gilroy Gardens San Jose Police Department Pump It Up Razzberry Lips Rockin’ Kidz Music Wooden Horse Netflix Zolla Law Firm Deep Reflections Bay Club Courtside Nate Anderson Top Flight Baseball Mike’s Bikes Rotten Robbies The Toll House Cinnabar Winery Together we help our children blossom! Ridge Winery Testarossa Winery iBeautify Alicia M. Gangi Debut Salon Elements Annabelle's Salon & Spa Rent The Runway Rocks Blow Dry Bar Lisa T Fine Jewelry Lexington House LIV Benefit Cosmetics Forbes Mill Cucumber Cool Dr. Erik Swanson Orthodontics Page "5 What’s the Buzz? LOST AND FOUND ! ! Donation Day - April 3 Lost and Found is Exploding! Cool mornings and warm afternoons mean TOO MANY jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts are making their way into Lost and Found! Please encourage your children to check that they have their warm outer gear every day. ! ! Lost and Found will be donated during the Spring Break. Check your closets and drawers and make sure you look for any missing items! Label Your Clothes The Buzz Club returns labeled items to their proper owners. Just make sure the name inside is clear. You can also email for help locating a specific item. !! Together we help our children blossom!
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