Athlete Manual 2015 / 2016 ! ! Date: May 2015 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD 1. INTRODUCTION 1. Eligibility for Biathlon BC Programs 2. BIATHLON BC ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT AND SPORT SYSTEM MODELS 3. QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR ALL SQUADS AND TEAMS: 1. General DefiniOons 2. Reference CompeOOon (RC) 3. CalculaOon of Athlete’s Percentage (AP) 4. Reference Time (RT) 5. SelecOon CompeOOons 6. CancellaOon of SelecOon CompeOOons 7. Threshold Variances 8. Adjustments for Non-‐Standard CompeOOon Courses 4. SELECTION OF MEMBERS FOR BIATHLON BC SQUADS 1. General 2. Development Squad 3. Talent Squad 5. SELECTION OF TEAM BC FOR NATIONALS 1. Preamble and Guiding Principles 2. General InformaOon for all Categories 3. Process for filling the Team BC Roster 4. Masters 5. Team Uniforms 6. Team BC Fees 6. SELECTION OF CANADA WINTER GAMES TEAM 1. CWG Athlete Development Model 2. Development Phases 3. Team SelecOon 7. BC CUP POINTS SYSTEM 8. APPEALS FOR ALL SQUADS AND TEAMS 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 APPENDIX A -‐ SELECTION COMPETITIONS FOR 2015-‐2016 SEASON APPENDIX B -‐ ATHLETE AGREEMENT FOR 2015-‐2016 SEASON APPENDIX C -‐ BIATHLON BC PERFORMANCE CAMPS 18 19 22 2 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual FOREWORD This Biathlon BC Athlete Manual was compiled for the use of biathletes in BriOsh Columbia and is provided by Biathlon BC (BiBC). The sport of Biathlon is evolving and does not remain staOc. Therefore, this ediOon of the Biathlon BC Athlete Manual replaces and supersedes all previous versions in its enOrety. 1. INTRODUCTION Athletes are reminded that they are enOtled to all of the privileges of membership in Biathlon BC and incur all of the obligaOons that go with these privileges. This manual sets out addiOonal bene-‐ fits and obligaOons available to members who are registered with Biathlon BC as athletes. Contained in this Manual are: a) Biathlon BC Athlete Development and Sport System Models b) QualificaOon Procedures for all squads and teams c) Squad SelecOon Criteria, d) NaOonals Team SelecOon Criteria, e) CWG Development Phases and Team SelecOon f) BC Cup Points System g) Appeals Processt Athletes should make themselves familiar with the general policies of Biathlon BC that are available on the website. Athlete behaviour will be governed by the following policies of Biathlon BC: a)Athlete Code of Conduct b)Volunteer Code of Conduct c)Harassment Policy d)Fair Play Policy e)Equality of Access Policy f)Drug Free Environment Policy 1. Eligibility for Biathlon BC Programs To be eligible to parOcipate in any of Biathlon BC’s athlete programs, an athlete must have mem-‐ bership fees and any other outstanding fees paid in full, and must be a member-‐in-‐good-‐standing by May 1st of the current season. Athletes that purchase their membership aeer May 1 may apply to the Athlete Development Com-‐ mifee (ADC) for admission to Biathlon BC programs. The ADC will determine admissibility on an individual basis. 2. BIATHLON BC ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT AND SPORT SYSTEM MODELS This diagram summarizes both the Athlete Development and the Biathlon Sport System Models. As far as possible, Biathlon BC will follow the Biathlon Canada Long Term Athlete Development Model. 3 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual StarOng at the bofom, there is a broad base of acOvity, centered on local club acOviOes and ath-‐ letes, organized and run by local clubs. Major target market groups are listed across the bofom. Younger athletes (under 12) join into the club programs. Most Cadet Corps that pursue biathlon have their own program, leading to selecOon of the Cadet Corps Team. Members may be selected for the Cadet Provincial Team and compete at the Cadet NaOonals. Cadets from all over the province may parOcipate “under orders” in cadet categories of-‐ fered at BC Cup events. Many cadets also choose to parOcipate in both cadet and club programs. Provincial level selecOon processes are used to select Biathlon BC members for the BC Development Squad, BC Team and the BC Canada Winter Games Team. Biathlon BC athletes that are selected for one of the Squads (Talent, Development, and High Per-‐ formance) are invited to off-‐season camps for further training and are targeted by Regional coaches for specific skill development. The BC Team is representaOonal: athletes represent BC at out-‐of-‐ province compeOOons and may wear a Team uniform. SelecOon to the HP Squad is based on performance in BC Cup, NaOonal and InternaOonal compeO-‐ Oons, and performance on tesOng protocols, on training plans and effort and on conOnuous per-‐ formance improvement. Currently most HP athletes are trained out of province. From this point on, the pyramid follows a pafern similar to those found in most sports, and respon-‐ sibility for further athlete development resides with Biathlon Canada. All maturing athletes are encouraged to take coaching courses and to conOnue in the sport as recre-‐ aOonal and/or masters athletes if they choose not to pursue high performance. 4 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 5 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 3. QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR ALL SQUADS AND TEAMS: 1. General DefiniIons a) To qualify for any Squad or NaOonal Championships all athletes must meet a pre-‐de-‐ fined performance standard. b) This standard is based on the comparison of an athlete’s best performances of the season relaOve to the average performances of the best North American athletes with-‐ in a given age category and for a given “Reference CompeIIon (RC)” (SecOon 3.2). c) This comparison establishes the “Athlete’s Percentage”, which is the key indicator used to qualify for Team BC. d) “Percentage Thresholds” are set by the ADC, which clearly and objecOvely idenOfy the level of performance required to qualify for Team BC. e) The average performances of the best North American athletes within a given age cat-‐ egory and for a given reference compeOOon are termed the “Reference Times (RT)” (SecOon 3.4). 2. Reference CompeIIon (RC) Unless otherwise posted by the ADC, the following compeOOons will be used as references com-‐ peOOons for qualificaOon of athletes for Team BC. Senior Men: 10 Km Sprint 20 km Individual 12.5 km Pursuit 15 km Mass Start Senior Women: 7.5 km Sprint 15 km Individual 10 km Pursuit 12.5 km Mass Start Junior Men: 10 Km Sprint 15 km Individual 12.5 km Pursuit 12.5 km Mass Start Junior Women: 7.5 km Sprint 12.5 km Individual 10 km Pursuit 10 km Mass Start Youth Men: 7.5 km Sprint 12.5 km Individual 10 km Pursuit 10 km Mass Start Youth Women: 6 km Sprint 10 km Individual 7.5 km Pursuit 7.5 km Mass Start Senior Boys: 6 km Sprint 7.5 km Individual 7.5 km Pursuit 7.5 km Mass Start Senior Girls: 6 km Sprint 7.5 km Individual 7.5 km Pursuit 7.5 km Mass Start 3. CalculaIon of Athlete’s Percentage (AP) The Athlete’s Percentage (AP) is the key performance indicator that will be used to qualify athletes to Team BC. The calculaOon of Athlete’s Percentage (AP) for each individual athlete is done by the ADC as follows: a) Athlete’s Percentages (AP)’s are calculated from selected compeOOons. The ADC selects the best four compeOOon percentages (CP) from denoted selecOon races to calculate the athlete’s percentage (AP). b) CP = Athletes Ome (adjusted for distance as per secOon 3.8) / RT c) AP = (CP1 + CP2 + CP3 + CP4)/4 d) Other Omes may be used to compute the AP for athletes (e.g. Nor-‐am, IBU cup, World Cup etc.) If an athlete wishes to use a compeOOon other than the selecOon compeOOons race it is the athlete’s responsibility to submit the race data to the ADC a minimum of 1 6 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual month prior to NaOonals. The necessary data include compeOOon type, athletes final Ome, and actual compeOOon corse distance. e) If the compeOOon course is not a standard length, the Omes can be adjusted according to the procedures described in secOon 3.8 of this document (Adjustments for non-‐stan-‐ dard compeOOon courses) 4. Reference Time (RT) The following Omes will be used as references Omes (RT) for the qualificaOon of athletes for Team BC. In subsequent years, the ADC will post the reference Omes on the Biathlon BC web site in the fall prior to the commencement of the compeOOon season. The adjustment of the RT, from year to year, is at the discreOon of the ADC. Note that these Omes are minutes and deci-‐ mals. Sprint Individual Pursuit Mass Start Senior Men: 26.81 min 61.67 min 42.01 min 41.97 min Senior Women: 23.88 min 56.75 min 43.81 min 42.86 min Junior Men: 27.27 min 47.58 min 36.93 min 37.03 min Junior Women: 26.37 min 45.50 min 36.43 min 36.29 min Youth Men: 22.54 min 43.53 min 31.75 min 32.94 min Youth Women: 21.56 min 40.54 min 32.95 min 28.63 min Senior Boy: 19.50 min 30.37 min 29.19 min 29.24 min Senior Girl: 22.50 min 34.52 min 34.15 min 33.56 min 5. SelecIon CompeIIons See Appendix A for selecOon compeOOons for the current season. These will be “Reference Com-‐ peIIons.” For any Senior Boy/Girl that “competes up” in the youth category, the ADC can use their pro-‐rated Ome to calculate their ABA (For example if the reference compeOOon is a 6 Km Sprint and the Youth course is 7.5km, then the athlete’s Ome will be mulOplied by a factor of 6/7.5). No other adjustment will be allowed for the longer distance and/or the fact they are carrying their rifle. Given the qualificaOon procedure described in this document, there are numerous opportuniOes for IBU class athletes to obtain the results required to compute an individual’s AP. If an IBU cate-‐ gory athlete does not afend the minimum number of Biathlon BC selecOon compeOOons, then the athlete is responsible for afending other sancOoned compeOOons to obtain the results required to compute the AP. In general, all IBU athletes are required to submit a minimum of four compeOOon percentages for the season to calculate their athlete percentage. N.B. Athletes carded 1 and 1A are automaIcally preselected for Team BC 7 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 6. CancellaIon of SelecIon CompeIIons If any of the Biathlon BC selecOon compeOOons are cancelled, then the ADC may calculate the AP based on the results of the non-‐cancelled selecOon compeOOons. 7. Threshold Variances The ADC will carefully consider all athletes that have an AP within 2 percentage points of afaining a given percentage threshold. Since these athletes are very close to the thresholds, the ADC will consider such factors as: a) size of the team, b) available resources for the team, c) snow and/or course condiOons for the compeOOons used to compute the AP, etc. The decision by the ADC, as to whether or not to nominate an athlete that is within 2 percentage points of afaining a given percentage threshold (PT) is discreOonary. 8. Adjustments for Non-‐Standard CompeIIon Courses It is quite possible that some compeOOon courses will not be exactly the distances defined by the reference compeOOon (see secOon 5.3.1). The ADC will consider adjusOng the compeOOon Omes to allow a more accurate calculaOon of Athlete Percentage (AP) for a non-‐standard course. For example if the reference compeOOon is a 10 Km Sprint and the course is only 9km, then the ath-‐ lete’s Ome will be mulOplied by a factor of 10/9. The ADC will do its best to obtain an accurate measure of the length of all courses used for Biathlon BC selecOon compeOOons. Given the cur-‐ rent GPS and mapping technology available to virtually all clubs, the acquisiOon of accurate dis-‐ tances should not be a significant challenge. It is assumed that NaOonal and InternaOonal level compeOOons use courses that are accurately measured. 8 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 4. SELECTION OF MEMBERS FOR BIATHLON BC SQUADS Squad members are chosen on the basis of their performances at provincial, naOonal and internaOonal level compeOOons. Members will be assigned to the different squads according to the following criteria which were devel-‐ oped in conjuncOon with Canadian Sport InsOtute Pacific (Carding Criteria): C a n a d i a n Development Level 1 General Criteria: a) Must be a permanent resident of BC OR b) NaOonal level athlete who is required to reside at one of the two Na-‐ Oonal Team Training Centres outside of BC AND c) Expected to be on the NaOonal Senior Team in one year as verified by Biathlon Canada Specific Criteria (one of the following): a) Athletes on NaOonal Senior Team but not Sport Canada carded the pre-‐ vious season b) Represented Canada last year in World Cup or IBU Cup (or other "B-‐ Tour" event) c) Medal winner in last year's World Junior Championships C a n a d i a n Development Level 1A General Criteria: a) Must be a permanent resident of BC OR b) NaOonal level athlete who is required to reside at one of the two Na-‐ Oonal Team Centres outside of BC AND c) Working towards being on NaOonal Senior Team and showing tangible improvement year to year. Specific Criteria (one of the following): a) Represented Canada at the World Junior Championships b) Represented Canada in last year's IBU Cup but not eligible under Level 1 P r o v i n c i a l Development Level 2 General Criteria: a) Must be a permanent resident of BC b) Must have competed in the Senior Boy/Girl or older age category in the previous race season c) NaOonal level athletes who are required to reside at one of the two NaOonal Team Centres outside of BC will remain eligible for Canadian Sport InsOtute Pacific carding d) Athlete is tracking towards Level 1/1a according to biathlon spe-‐ cific development pathway (LTAD) e) Competed at age appropriate NaOonal Championships f) Have been on the High Performance athlete pathway in biathlon for a minimum of 2 years Specific Criteria (one of the following): a) Represented Canada at the World Youth Championships b) Must have achieved 90% (AP) (avg. of best 2 individual compeO-‐ Oon) at NaOonal Championships 9 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual P r o v i n c i a l Development Level 3 General Criteria: a) Must be a permanent resident of BC b) Must have competed in the Senior Boy/Girl or older age category in the previous race season c) NaOonal level athletes who are required to reside at one of the two NaOonal Team Centers outside of BC will remain eligible for Canadian Sport InsOtute Pacific carding. d) Athlete is tracking towards Level 2 according to Biathlon specific development pathway (LTAD) e) Competed at age appropriate naOonal and/or provincial champi-‐ onships f) Have been on the High Performance athlete pathway in biathlon for a minimum of 2 years. Specific Criteria: (Must meet A and B or C) a) Athletes must obtain a shooOng average of 60% or befer at 4 of the compeOOons denoted as SelecOon compeOOons and/or NaOonal Cham-‐ pionships. b) Athletes who obtained 90% (AP)or befer based on the average of their best 4 compeOOons from the selecOon compeOOons c) Athletes who obtained 80% (AP) average for best 2 individual results in the last NaOonal Championships. 1. General a) SelecOon will be the responsibility of the Biathlon BC Athlete Development Commifee (ADC). Final selecOons will be approved by the Biathlon BC Board. b) An iniOal list of Squad nominees will be posted on the Biathlon BC Web site and sent to all clubs before April 30th each year. c) Athletes are selected to the Squads for the term of one year. Squad athletes are not guaranteed selecOon for any inter-‐provincial or internaOonal compeOOons. d) HP Squad athletes will be composed of Level 1, 1A and certain age specific Level 2 ath-‐ letes. e) No gender bias will be shown in choosing biathletes for Squad selecOon. f) The Reference Time (RT) will be used to calculated the percentage of the average of the top 4 results unless otherwise specified 2. Development Squad a) The final list of Development Squad athletes will be confirmed as soon as possible and will be approved prior to the AGM and posted on the Biathlon BC website. b) Development Squad Athletes will be responsible for parOcipaOng fully in the program as outlined in the Athlete Agreement. c) Development Squad athletes will be composed of Level 2 and 3 athletes. Level 2 ath-‐ letes will be given priority. 10 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual d) Development Squad size will be a maximum of 16 members, except by special permis-‐ sion of the Athlete Development Commifee. Athletes eligible for selecOon to the De-‐ velopment Squad will be ranked on the percentage based on the average of their 4 best SelecOon Races or 2 best compeOOons at NaOonals. e) The Athlete Development Commifee may consider Force Majeure in filling posiOons on the Development Squad. 3. Talent Squad The Athlete Development Commifee may, at its discreOon, name members to a Talent Squad. The objecOve of the Talent Squad is to idenOfy those athletes that are showing potenOal in the sport of Biathlon and may eventually graduate to the Development Squad. Members of the Talent Squad may be invited to Development Squad training camps as space permits. The decision to invite Talent Squad members to a given Development Squad acOvity will be the responsibility of the Regional Coach of that parOcular acOvity. Talent Squad members will be selected by the Athlete Development Commifee from second year Junior B/G, Senior B/G, and Youth Men and Women categories based on an average of 80% or befer in 4 selecOon compeOOons. In addiOon, they must have a minimum average shooOng percentage of 50% in 4 selecOon compeOOons. No gender bias will be involved in selecOon of members of the Talent Squad. The Athlete Development Commifee may consider Force Majeure in filling remaining posiOons on the Talent Squad. 11 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 5. SELECTION OF TEAM BC FOR NATIONALS 1. Preamble and Guiding Principles The Canadian NaOonal Biathlon Championship is considered to be an “elite” event, which brings together the best biathletes in the country. It is used by Biathlon BC in its carding criteria (see secOon 4). Both Biathlon Canada and Biathlon BC consider the NaOonal Championships as an elite event and not an event of “open parOcipaOon”. In an effort to comply with this philosophy, Biathlon BC has designed selecOon procedures that clearly idenOfy a set of minimum standards that must be met for all athletes to qualify for NaOonals. These standards are objecOve and easi-‐ ly measurable. This document describes the Team BC selecOon procedures in detail. 2. General InformaIon for all Categories The following guidelines apply to the selecOon of athletes in all categories. a. Every athlete wishing to be considered for a posiOon on Team BC must have an individ-‐ ual athlete membership in good standing with Biathlon BC. b. There are a maximum of sixteen (16) selected posiOons on Team BC. This number is set by the Board of Directors during the budget process and can vary from year to year depending on resources available and the locaOon of NaOonals. Biathlon BC reserves the right to select a smaller team if there are not enough athletes of adequate caliber. there may also be a variable number of SancOoned athletes included, depending on the number of “qualified” athletes. c. The ADC will consider applicaOon of “Force Majeure” for those athletes that have jusO-‐ fiable reasons for missing the selecOon compeOOons (e.g. documented illness, “act of God” etc.). An applicaOon for force majeure must be made, in wriOng, to the Chair of the ADC, no later than one week aeer having missed the selecOon event. The lefer must describe the circumstances that caused the athlete to miss the compeOOon and supporOng documentaOon, such as a lefer from a physician, must be included. In case of Force Majeure, the ADC reserves the right to consider performances posted at other compeOOons as well as at training camps, in order to make a more informed subjecOve decision. d. Note that, for the purposes of this document, the terms “qualified”, “nominated”, “se-‐ lected”, and “sancOoned” are not synonymous. “Qualified” means that the athlete has met the minimum standards for selecOon as a team member. “Nominated” -‐ refers to the iniOal list of athletes that have been idenOfied by the ADC to parOcipate as a potenOal member. ”Selected” refers to the final list of athletes that have been selected by the ADC aeer any appeals have been dealt with and all nominated athletes have either ac-‐ cepted or declined their nominaOons. “SancOoned” refers to those athletes who are “qualified” but not “selected”. These athletes are able to be members of Team BC but are not supported financially. 12 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 3. Process for filling the Team BC Roster Team BC will be composed of a maximum of 16 Selected athletes and variable number of Sanc-‐ Ooned athletes. The team will be composed within the following guidelines with priority given to the more senior athletes. This is an opOmal breakdown, but not necessarily mandatory. Men 1 Women 2 Junior Men 1 Junior Women 1 to 2 Youth Men 2 to 3 Youth Women 2 to 3 Senior Boys 1 to 2 Senior Girls 1 to 2 The ADC Commifee has the responsibility to select the best athletes for the Team. The available spots will be filled starOng with minimum number in the oldest category and going to the youngest category. The second step will be filling remaining spots by choosing the best candidate in any cat-‐ egory to obtain medals and by taking into consideraOon composing possible relay teams. For example: 1. 2. A Youth Woman who has 92% would be chosen over a Senior Boy who has 94% if the Youth Woman has a befer chance of medaling. A Senior Boy who has 93% may be chosen over a Men with 95% if there is a potenOal relay medal for the Senior Boy category. 4. Masters If Biathlon Canada includes a Masters category at the NaOonal Championships, any Biathlon BC Masters Category athlete who wishes to parOcipate in the NaOonal Championship may do so, provided the following criteria are met: a) Must have a Masters athletes membership with Biathlon BC b) They must parOcipate in a minimum of 2 BC Cups where they must compete in a minimum of 3 races c) They must achieve an average of 85% of the best result for those compeO-‐ Oons. Masters category athletes meeOng these criteria may apply to the ADC by wrifen request to be included in the divisional list of athletes. However, Biathlon BC will not provide support for Masters Athletes in any way. Masters athletes must provide their own coaching, zeroing assistance, transportaOon, and room and board for the NaOonal Championship. They must also pay 100% of all entry fees and any other expenses that may be incurred for parOcipaOng in the NaOonal Championship. They may purchase a Biathlon BC Team Uniform at cost. 13 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 5. Team Uniforms Team uniforms will be sold to all team members (selected and sancOoned) afending the Na-‐ Oonal Championships (the level of subsidy will depend on the annual budget of Biathlon BC in any given year). The uniforms may be worn by the athlete at any Ome or venue he or she wishes. It is important that athletes wearing the team uniform be aware that they are role models represenOng Biathlon BC and the sport of Biathlon. 6. Team BC Fees Team BC Fees for the 2016 NaOonals will be $750 for selected athletes and $1250 for sanc-‐ Ooned athletes. 14 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 6. SELECTION OF CANADA WINTER GAMES TEAM 1. CWG Athlete Development Model This document sets out the principles and development phases associated with the four year Canada Winter Games (CWG) cycle: a) Only athletes who meet the eligibility criteria, as set out by Biathlon BC, the CWG Orga-‐ nizing Commifee, Biathlon Canada, Sport Canada or any other organizing body which has the authority to set CWG eligibility criteria, will be eligible to compete for member-‐ ship in the CWG Development Squad and CWG Team. All Biathlon BC member athletes that are eligible under the CWG eligibility criteria will be considered for the BC Biathlon CWG Development Squad, without bias and according to the Equality of Access Policy of Biathlon BC. b) The selecOon process at the end of each phase will be open to all eligible biathletes, whether or not they are members of the then current CWG Squad. All eligible biathletes may enter the selecOon process and challenge for a posiOon on the CWG Development Squad or CWG Team. c) SelecOon procedures will follow published criteria, and will consist of one or more tests of performance, e.g. selecOon compeOOons, fitness tests, shooOng tests, etc. as ap-‐ proved by Biathlon BC coaches, the Provincial Head Coach and the Athlete Development Commifee. d) Biathlon BC may choose to amalgamate the CWG program with that of the Development Squad in Years 1 – 4. AddiOonal training or preparaOon opportuniOes may be made available to CWG Development squad athletes in years 3-‐4. Biathlon BC is not obligated to offer a separate CWG program. e) Athletes must be a part of a BiBC recognized squad (including the HP, DS and TS) to com-‐ pete in the selecOon races in year 4. 2. Development Phases Year 1: The CWG Squad will include all athletes that are eligible biathletes, according to the current CWG age criteria. Year 2: At the beginning of Year 2, the Provincial Head Coach in concert with the Regional Coaches, will idenOfy up to 16 athletes that show potenOal and commitment towards the parOcipa-‐ Oon in the next Canada Winter Games in the sport of Biathlon. Each of these athletes may be individually interviewed by the Provincial Head Coach to discuss their long-‐term goals and asked if they are interested in parOcipaOng in the next Canada Winter Games. The Head Coach in concert with the Regional Coaches will then nominate the CWG Development Squad based on the individual discussion with the athletes. Year 3: In Year 3, the members of the CWG Squad will be eligible for special training camps (both winter and summer) and invited to afend higher-‐level compeOOons (e.g. NA Cup). If CWG squad members do not meet expectaOons jointly agreed upon by the Head Coach and the Regional Coaches, they may be dropped from the roster. It is the responsibility of the Pro-‐ 15 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual vincial Head Coach and Regional Coaches to idenOfy potenOal talent that may not have been idenOfied in earlier years. The CWG Squad will be composed of twelve athletes (6 male and 6 female). Year 4: In Year 4, the CWG Development Squad will conOnue to be eligible for special training camps and compeOOons and athletes that do not perform to expectaOons may be dropped from the squad. The CWG Squad will be composed of 10 athletes (5 male, 5 female) 3. Team SelecIon Not less than one month before the Games, 4 male and 4 female biathletes and 1 male and 1 fe-‐ male reserve will be selected from the BC recognized Squads to be members of the CWG Team. Reserves will train with the Team, but will not afend the Games except as subsOtutes. The final selecOon of the CWG Team will be based on the sum of the points for the best performance of two specially idenOfied selecOon compeOOons (NORAM # 2 in December 2014). Points for each of the selecOon compeOOons will be calculated as per the BC CUP point system and only eligible athletes will be considered in the calculaOon of the points. SelecOon will be based on a minimum perfor-‐ mance standard. BiBC may choose to take a smaller team if there are not enough athletes who meet the minimum requirements. All athletes that want to be considered for membership on the CWG Team must afend the selec-‐ Oon compeOOons. Pre-‐selecOon protocol will be posted and adverOsed 3 months prior to the CWG. 16 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 7. BC CUP POINTS SYSTEM BC Cup Points are used for establishing various awards for BiBC athletes. Points are calculated based in the IBU World Cup Scoring System SecOon 3 ArOcle 1st place 60 points 2nd place 54 points 3rd place 48 points 4th place 43 points 5th place 40 points 6th place 38 points 7th place 36 points 8th place 34 points 9th place 32 points 10th place 31 points Further decreasing by one down to 40th place (1 point). 8. APPEALS FOR ALL SQUADS AND TEAMS The format for appealing any decision made on the basis of the rules contained in this manual must follow the following guidelines. a) SelecOons to any squad or team may be appealed in wriOng to the Chair of the Biathlon BC Athlete Development Commifee (ADC) within 1 week of the publicaOon of the Team list. b) Appeals must be based on a claim of incorrect applicaOon of the published selecOon procedure or on Force Majeure. (Force Majeure is limited to extreme circumstances beyond the athlete’s control, or major medical issues verifiable by licensed medical pracOOoner.) c) Delivery of appeal may be by mail, courier, fax or email. The Chair of the ADC will acknowledge receipt of the appeal as soon as possible and will consult with the ADC to make a decision within one week of receiving the appeal. d) If the appeal is unsuccessful, a further appeal may be made to the VP Programs of Biathlon BC, staOng what error was made in deciding the appeal. 17 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual APPENDIX A -‐ SELECTION COMPETITIONS FOR 2015-‐2016 SEASON The Biathlon BC Athlete Development Commifee has selected the following eight (8) Biathlon compeOOons in the 2014-‐2015 compeOOon season as the designated SelecOon CompeOOons for the selecOon of Canadian NaIonal Biathlon Championships. The four 4 best compeOOons from each athlete will be used as their reference compeOOons. Competition Date Venue 1. NorAm Cup #2 TBA Canmore, Alberta 2. BC Cup #1 TBA TBA 3. BC Cup #2 TBA TBA 4. BC Cup #3 TBA TBA 18 May 2015 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual APPENDIX B -‐ ATHLETE AGREEMENT FOR 2015-‐2016 SEASON Biathlon BC Athlete Agreement This Agreement is between the Biathlon Society of BC (Biathlon BC) and a member of the Biathlon BC Develop-‐ ment Squad (BDS) i.e. the Athlete Biathlon BC agrees to provide the Athlete with a program to help prepare for and represent BriOsh Columbia at a high level of compeOOon in the sport of Biathlon as follows: Biathlon BC Agrees: 1. To provide a training program to help prepare the athlete for high level competition; 2. To follow up the activities of the athletes training by having coaches review the athletes log book; 3. To provide the athlete with coaching support and guidance; 4. To provide funding support for training camps and competitions as allocated in the Biathlon BC budget for the current season; 5. To provide an appeal process that is in conformity with the generally accepted principles of team selections; 6. Justice and due process with respect to any disciplinary dispute or selection dispute that the athlete may have arising from this agreement. Athlete Agrees: 1. To pay a team fee of $1000 payable to Biathlon Society of BC at the time they accept this agreement. This payment can be in the form of 3 payments, 2 of which can be made by postdated cheques. ($400/$300/$300) 2. To hold, and to maintain it in good standing, a Biathlon Canada competitor license during the term of the Agreement. 3. To follow a training plan with the use of a log book under the guidance of their Regional Coach; 4. To attend and participate in the training camps during the season that are organized by Biathlon BC; All training camps are mandatory. 5. To provide a reasonable and timely explanation as early as possible to the coach or other person responsible if unable to attend a team event or activity scheduled by Biathlon BC or its agents. (At least 2 weeks before schedule activity). 6. To abide by the general rules and safety regulations of Biathlon BC; 7. To abide by the rules that regulate athlete conduct whilst representing BC and Canada, including, but not limited to, drug testing, blood doping, clothing, travel arrangements, training safety, firearms and vehicle usage, ethical behavior; 8. To represent the Province of BC and Biathlon BC in a dignified and responsible manner; 9. To maintain consideration and respect towards the public, coaches, officials and other athletes, recognizing that the Athlete is an ambassador for Biathlon, the Province and Biathlon BC; 10. To treat with respect all property owned, rented by or loaned to Biathlon BC, including, but not limited to, team equipment or team clothing, rental or other vehicles, motels and billets; 11. To meet the terms of any sponsorship agreements signed by Biathlon BC that include reference to equipment, supplies or athlete clothing; to avoid any confusion it will be important for athletes to inform Biathlon BC of any sponsors he or she could personally have (at time of signing athlete agreement will take priority but they must list those sponsors) 12. To respond in a helpful manner to reasonable requests for information from the press or other media representatives; 13. To compete within the spirit and the letter of the International Biathlon Union (IBU) competition rules and any changes or addenda from Biathlon Canada or Biathlon BC that supplement or override these rules. 19 May 2015 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual 14. To refrain from using illegal substances or banned performance enhancing substances or techniques. 15. To refrain from using alcohol or tobacco during team/squad activity. 16. To agree to maintain regular correspondence and routine observation of emails and social media sources, including websites, emails, Facebook, twitter, and others, utilized by coaches, regional coaches, officials, Biathlon BC and Biathlon Canada. Discipline: Athlete agrees that the Athlete may be disciplined by suspension or removal of privileges granted in this Agreement, up to and including removal from a Team if: a. Athlete breaches this Agreement; b. Does not commit to training according to the level outlined within the LTAD; and/or c. Athlete’s behavior has a serious disruptive effect on other Team members. Without limiOng the generality of the foregoing, Athlete agrees that if expelled from a compeOOon or BIBC event for breach of this Agreement, Athlete will be directly liable for Athlete’s travel, accommodaOon and other costs associated, including full costs subsidized by Biathlon BC, with the event. If deemed necessary, the president of Biathlon BC may establish a disciplinary commifee to determine the condiOons or Ome of reinstatement of privi-‐ leges. Severance: Each party agrees that it will perform its obligaOons hereunder in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulaOons now or hereaeer in effect. If any term or provision of this agreement shall be found to be illegal or unenforceable then, notwithstanding, this agreement shall remain in full force and effect and such term or provi-‐ sion shall be deemed stricken. Release and Waiver: I _______________________________________________ for myself, my heirs, parents, executors and adminis-‐ trators, claimants and assigns, release and forever discharge and hold harmless, Biathlon Canada, Biathlon BC, member clubs, sponsoring clubs, their directors, officers, employees, representaOves, agents or sponsors from any and all claims, demands, damages, acOons or causes of acOons arising out of or in consequence of any loss, injury including death or damage to my person or property incurred while afending at or parOcipaOng in any and all Biathlon BC high performance team acOviOes notwithstanding any such loss, injury or damage may arise by reason of, without limiOng the generality of the foregoing, the negligence of Biathlon Canada, Biathlon BC, mem-‐ ber clubs, sponsoring clubs, their directors, officers, employees, representaOves, agents or sponsors. Agreements with Biathlon Canada: This Agreement shall be superseded in whole or in part as appropriate by any similar agreement made with Biathlon Canada. Sole Agreement: Signatures: Dated at ___________________ in the Province of __________________, this ___ day of _____________, 2013 Biathlon BC: _________________________ Witness: ___________________________ Athlete Name: __________________________ 20 May 2015 Biathlon BC Athlete Manual Signature: __________________________ Witness: ___________________________ Parent or Guardian Co-‐signature for Athletes under 19 yrs: Both parents to sign in case of shared custody. I, _________________________________, _____________________________________ parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to Athlete being bound by this Agreement and hereby waive the rights of Athlete’s parents or guardians to sue Biathlon Canada, Biathlon BC, member clubs, sponsoring clubs, their directors, officers, employ-‐ ees, representaOves, agents or sponsors. 21 May 2015 APPENDIX C -‐ BIATHLON BC PERFORMANCE CAMPS Members of the Development Squad will be invited to parOcipate in five training camps in the 2015/2016 season. a) ShooIng Camp (TBA MAY) In Prince George The objecOve of this camp is to get the Development squad together for an evaluaOon of the shooOng skills, to correct the athletes upon their shooOng. Some lessons will be given to athletes and coaches on shooOng principal. For the occasion a shooOng expert will come from outside of the province. b) Early Summer Camp (TBA July) in Prince George This is a beginning of summer 1 week tesOng / endurance / shooOng camp. This camp is aimed at evaluaOon, endurance training, roller ski technique, and shooOng. Use of Scaf and video analysis c) Late Summer Camp (TBA August) in Whistler This summer comprehensive tesOng / roller-‐ski / shooOng camp is aimed at evaluaOon, full biathlon periodized training and will take advantage of everything that Whistler Sport Legacies can provide d) EvaluaIon Camp (in regions with Regional Coaches) October (First two weeks if possible) This camp focuses on improving shooOng skills, roller skiing and physical fitness tesOng e) Snow Camp (the week before NORAM) Canmore, Alberta Please note: it is possible for the HD and Talent Squad members to parIcipate in camps a-‐e under certain condiIons: a) AnyOme for the High Performance squad, they must advise the organizers 4 weeks before the Camp, and a cost of $50 per day will be charged toward the camp parOcipaOon. b) For the Talent Squad, if places are available. A cost of $100 per day will be charged toward the camp parOcipaOon 22 May 2015
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