VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Financial Econometrics – E892 Risk measures Mannheim University 28th April 2015 Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Contents 1 Value-at-Risk 2 Expected Shortfall 3 Density forecasting 4 Coherent risk measures 5 Backtesting financial risk forecasts Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Contents 1 Value-at-Risk 2 Expected Shortfall 3 Density forecasting 4 Coherent risk measures 5 Backtesting financial risk forecasts Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Value-at-Risk Denote Pt the value of a portfolio at time t. The α-Value-at-Risk (α-VaR) is defined as the largest number, such that P Pt − Pt−1 < −VaR = α . This means α-VaR is just the (negative) α-quantile. Example: For Rt ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ) we have α-VaR= Pt−1 (−µ − σΦ−1 (α)), Φ cdf of N(0, 1). The α-percentage-Value-at-Risk (α-%VaR) is defined as the largest number, such that Pt − Pt−1 P Rt = < −%VaR = α . Pt−1 Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Conditional VaR The conditional α-Value-at-Risk is defined by P(Rt+1 < −VaRt+1|t |Ft ) = α . Prominent approaches: 1 2 RiskMetrics: σt+1 = (1 − λ)Rt2 + λσt2 and VaRt+1|t = −σt+1 Φ−1 (α). 2 Parametric ARCH models, e.g. 2 Rt+1 = µ + σt+1 t+1 , σt+1 = ω + γ1 σt2 2t + β1 σt2 , (PM) iid 3 Risk measures with E[t ] = 0, E[2t ] = 1, t ∼ F , F known with variance 1 such that VaRt+1|t = −ˆ µ−σ ˆt+1 F −1 (α). Pt Weighted historical simulation: Fˆ (x) = i=1 wi 1(Ri ≤ x) and solve VaRt+1|t = maxx {Fˆ (x) ≤ α}. E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Example: Conditional VaR for S&P 500 returns Adopted from Sheppard. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Unconditional VaR Parametric: Rt ∼ Fθ , θ ∈ Θ, such that %VaR = −Fθ−1 (α). Rely on parametric estimation of θ, usually Maximum-Likelihood. Nonparametric (historical simulation): %VaR = −Fˆ −1 (α) with PT Fˆ (x) = T −1 t=1 1(Rt ≤ x) the empirical distribution function. Beware that in line with the literature we do not use different symbols for theoretical known VaR and estimated VaR. The example for historical S&P 500 data is contained in our sample data analysis from Topic 1. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting A VaR “paradox” Consider one portfolio P1 which consists of long option positions that have a maximum downside of $100, where the worst 1% cases over a week all result in maximum loss. A second portfolio P2 , which has the same face value as P1 , consists of short futures positions that allow for an unbounded maximum loss. We can choose P2 such that its 1%-VaR is $100 over a week. In summary, this means For portfolio P1 , the 1% worst case losses are all equal $100. For portfolio P2 , the 1% worst case losses range from $100 to some unknown higher value. According to 1%-VaR, however, both portfolios bear the same risk! This illustrates the narrow view of VaR on the riskiness of portfolios. Example adopted from Danielsson, which is a rich source of information about risk measures and forecasts. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Contents 1 Value-at-Risk 2 Expected Shortfall 3 Density forecasting 4 Coherent risk measures 5 Backtesting financial risk forecasts Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Expected Shortfall aka tail VaR The α-Expected Shortfall (ES) is defined as the expected value of the portfolio loss, given an α-VaR exceedance has occurred: h i Pt − Pt−1 ES = −E Rt = Rt < −VaR . Pt−1 For a return density (pdf) f this yields Z qα xf (x) ES = − dx , qα = −α-VaR . α −∞ Example: For Rt ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ), we obtain ES = µ + α−1 σϕ(−Φ−1 (α)), with ϕ the pdf of N(0, 1). For N(0, 1): α VaR ES Risk measures 0.5 0 0.798 0.1 1.282 1.755 0.05 1.645 2.063 0.025 1.960 2.338 0.01 2.326 2.665 0.001 3.090 3.367 E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Conditional ES & Implementation R-implementation of above example: p <−c ( 0 . 5 , 0 . 1 , 0 . 0 5 , 0 . 0 2 5 , 0 . 0 1 , 0 . 0 0 1 ) VaR <− qnorm ( p ) ES <− dnorm ( qnorm ( p ) ) / p The conditional α-Expected Shortfall (ES) is defined by h i ESt+1|t = −Et Rt+1 Rt+1 < −VaRt+1|t . ES is a conditional expectation or exceedance mean. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Contents 1 Value-at-Risk 2 Expected Shortfall 3 Density forecasting 4 Coherent risk measures 5 Backtesting financial risk forecasts Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Multi-step ahead forecast Consider the model (PM). The 1-step ahead forecast is d 2 ˆft+1|t = , f µ ˆ, σ ˆt+1|t iid and quite clear in ARCH models. If t ∼ N(0, 1): 2 ). Rt+1 |Ft ∼ N(ˆ µ, σ ˆt+1|t 2 The naive 2-step ahead forecast Rt+2 |Ft ∼ N(ˆ µ, σ ˆt+2|t ) is incorrect! 2 2 Observe that σt+2|t unlike σt+1|t is random. The correct 2-step ahead R∞ 2 forecast is Rt+2 |Ft ∼ −∞ ϕ(µ, σt+2|t+1 )ϕ(x) dx. Multi-step density forecasts are usually difficult (often impossible) to compute. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Fan plots Fan plots are a graphical device to illustrate future changes in uncertainty. The plots have been introduced by the Bank of England for inflation outlook (as example below). They can be used to depict forecasts with confidence or predition error intervals. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Fan plots and a historical backtest Taken from “The Norges Bank’s key rate projections and the news element of monetary policy: a wavelet based jump detection approach” by Lars Winkelmann. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Contents 1 Value-at-Risk 2 Expected Shortfall 3 Density forecasting 4 Coherent risk measures 5 Backtesting financial risk forecasts Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Coherence Let ρ be a generic risk measure and P, P1 , P2 portfolios. The following properties are desired for risk measures to apply: Translation invariance: ρ(P + c) = ρ(P) − c. Positive homogeneity: ρ(λP) = λρ(P) for any λ > 0. Monotonicity: If P1 first-order stochstically dominates P2 : ρ(P1 ) ≤ ρ(P2 ). Subadditivity: ρ(P1 + P2 ) ≤ ρ(P1 ) + ρ(P2 ) as a manifestation of the diversification principle. A risk measure satisfying the above axioms is called coherent. ES is coherent. Positive homogeneity could be restricted in practice by liquidity risk. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting VaR’s problem VaR is coherent for Gaussian losses. In general, however, VaR can fail the subadditivity and be superadditive. Counterexample: Let L, L1 , L2 be continuously distributed loss random variables with cdfs FL , FL1 , FL2 . Assume FL (1) = 0.91, FL (90) = 0.95, FL (100) = 0.96 , such that .95-VaR(L) = 90. Now if L = L1 + L2 and ( ( L if L ≤ 100 0 if L ≤ 100 L1 = , L2 = , 0 if L > 100 L if L > 100 we derive FL1 (1) = 0.91/0.96, FL1 (90) = 0.95/0.96, FL1 (100) = 1, FL2 (0) = 0.96, such that .95-VaR(L1 ) + .95-VaR(L2 ) = 1 < .95-VaR(L) . Still VaR fails subadditivity only for very fat tails and remains the most prominent risk measure. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Contents 1 Value-at-Risk 2 Expected Shortfall 3 Density forecasting 4 Coherent risk measures 5 Backtesting financial risk forecasts Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Estimation and testing windows WE denotes the number of observations used for forecast (estimation window). WT denotes the size of the data sample over which risk is forecast (testing window). Example: Estimation window Start End 01/01/2000 12/31/2000 01/02/2000 01/01/2001 .. .. . . VaR forecast for VaR(01/01/2001) VaR(01/02/2001) .. . 04/29/2014 VaR(04/29/2015) 04/28/2015 Compare forecasts to actual outcomes. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Violation ratio Record the number of VaR violations: v = ( 1 if Rt ≤ −VaRt ηt = . 0 if Rt > −VaRt PWT t=1 ηt , with The violation ratio is VR = v /(αWT ). If VR > 1, the model underforecasts risk. If VR < 1, the model overforecasts risk. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Coverage tests iid The hypothesis η = (ηt )t=1,...,WT ∼ B(α) is a sequence of i.i.d. Bernoulli trials can be tested with α ˆ = v /WT using p (ˆ α − α) weakly −→ N(0, 1) . WT p α(1 − α) More prominent is the likelihood ratio test by Kupiec exploiting LR = 2 log α ˆ v (1 − α ˆ )WT −v weakly 2 −→ χ1 . αv (1 − α)WT −v Backtesting ES considers NSt = Rt /ESt for respective times; test H0 : NS = 1. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Example: VaR backtest for S&P 500 Danielsson performs a backtest study of S&P 500, 02/1994-12/2009, using 4000 daily observations, α = 0.01 and WE = 1000. He considers four approaches (EWMA, MA, HS, GARCH). Adopted from Danielsson. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Example: VaR backtest for S&P 500 Period of lower volatility. Adopted from Danielsson. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Example: VaR backtest for S&P 500 Crisis period. With the crisis period all approaches dramatically underforecast risk. VRs for 01/30/1998–11/01/2006: EWMA 1.4, MA 1.6, HS 1.05, GARCH 1.25 . Adopted from Danielsson. Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics VaR ES Density forecast Coherence Backtesting Literature Danielsson, J., 2011. Financial Risk Forecasting: The Theory and Practice of Forecasting Market Risk with Implementation in R and Matlab. Wiley, ISBN: 9780470669433 Dowd, K., 2002. An Introduction to Market Risk Measurement. Wiley, ISBN: 9780470847480 Kupiec, P. 1995. Techniques for Verifying the Accuracy of Risk Management Models. Journal of Derivatives, 3, 73-84. Sheppard, K., 2013. Financial Econometrics Notes. Lecture Notes Risk measures E892 - Financial Econometrics
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