The Business SIde of Big Data - Big Data for Productivity Congress

The Business
Side of
Big Data
The world’s first conference to focus on how Big
Data is improving the productivity of business
and government.
Primary Sponsors and Partners:
Smart Cit ies | Health | Productivity | Everything
October 19-21 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Plenary Speaker:
Ray Kurzweil, world-renowned futurist
The Business Side of Big Data
A Business Focused Big Data Conference
Focusing on the Business Side of Big Data
Almost all Big Data conferences to date have focused
heavily on the technologies that enable Big Data to
work. This conference takes a different approach, We
are focused on the business end of Big Data; how it
can be applied to business and government to make
a difference.
It’s What Senior Leaders Want and Need
In both industry and government, executive and senior
management outside the technology sphere have
been seeking a way to understand what Big Data is
and how it can be applied to improve productivity.
Why Big Data for Productivity?
Our anticipated delegates are primarily senior decision and policy
makers. This conference is about making Big Data wo rk, not
the underlying technology.
The Business Side of Big Data
Big Data can provide critical new insights into issues
and opportunities that can affect productivity in
manufacturing, marketing, healthcare, government
services and more. Insights that increase profitability,
manage cost or avoid costly decisions.
A Truly Global Big Data Event
The Big Data for Productivity Congress is truly a global meeting of minds. Through our pa rtn er sh ip w ith th e Wo rld
Con fe de ra tio n of P rodu ct ivit y S ci en ce and with Atlantic Canada a recognized global centre of excellence for Big Data,
attendees in industry and government leadership roles from around the world will be attending. It may well be that this is the largest
international conference on the business side of Big Data in the world.
The Business Side of Big Data
Plenary Speaker | Futurist - Ray Kurzweil
Ray Kurzweil is one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists,
with a thirty-year track record of accurate predictions. Called “the restless
genius” by The Wall Street Journal and “the ultimate thinking machine” by
Forbes magazine, Kurzweil was selected as one of the top entrepreneurs by
Inc. magazine, which described him as the “rightful heir to Thomas Edison.”
PBS selected him as one of the “sixteen revolutionaries who made America.”
Kurzweil was the principal inventor of the first CCD flat-bed scanner, the first
omni-font optical character recognition, the first print-to-speech reading
machine for the blind, the first text-to-speech synthesizer, the first music
synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral
instruments, and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech
Among Kurzweil’s many honours, he recently received the 2015 Technical
Grammy Award for outstanding achievements in the field of music
technology; he is the recipient of the National Medal of Technology, was
inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, holds twenty honorary
Doctorates, and honours from three U.S. presidents.
Ray has written five national best-selling books, including New York Times
bestsellers The Singularity Is Near (2005) and How To Create A Mind (2012).
He is a Director of Engineering at Google heading up a team developing
machine intelligence and natural language understanding.
The Business Side of Big Data
Global Thought Leaders on Big Data and our Global Society
Partner Kit
Zheng Changdong
China Southern Railway
Sara Iverson, Ph.D.
Scientific Director,
Global Ocean Tracking Network
Hillary Mason, Ph.D.
Data Scientist in Residence, Accel Partners
Former Chief Scientist at Bitly
John Mattison, MD
Assistant Medical Director, CMIO, and
Chief Health Information Officer.
Kaiser Permanente
Anil Yilmaz
Director General
Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and
Dan Russell
Űber Tech Lead for Search Quality
and User Happiness
Zheng Xinli
Former Deputy Director, Central Policy Research
Office, CPCC participant
Tim McGuire
Senior Partner, Toronto- Lead,
Consumer Marketing Analytics Centre
Eugene Roman
Chief Technology Officer
Canadian Tire Corporation
David Kasik
Senior Technical Fellow, Visualization
& Interactive Techniques
Brett Trusco, Ph.D.
Professor, Bio Informatics
Texas A&M University and NYU
Sandy Bird
CTO IBM Security Systems
© Atlantic Big Data Congress
Build Relationships for Business | Trade Track
Connect | Trade | Profit
Through our partnership with the World
Confederation for Productivity Science, we are
expecting a significant number of international
attendees. As a result, we’ve developed a special
Trade Track to bring Canadian and international
delegates together.
A free downloadable mobile app will enable you to
find matches ahead of time. We will have private
and semi-private meeting areas where you can talk
in confidence. On the opening evening, October
19th, there will be a networking reception as well.
During registration you can indicate your interest in
taking part in networking opportunities. If you do
you will receive further information regarding the
Trade Track.
Trade Track coordinated by:
With the help of:
Partner Kit
Interest Points for Your Members
Health Sector
Big Data is changing the way we deliver not just
health services, but patient management,
pharmaceutical development, hospital operations
and emergency care. In this Congress we focus
on the business end, not the technology side.
Retail Industry
Big Data is having a massive impact on how large
retailers deliver products and services. From
downstream to upstream, from predictive
analytics to localisation. we’ll look at the business
end of Big Data as it applies to retail.
Big Data can play a key role in increasing productivity in
the manufacturing sector. Smart analytics can reduce
time to market, improve quality and speed to market
among many other advantages. We’ll look at how from a
business perspective. Perhaps we can help shape some
stories in advance with you?
Partner Kit
Smart Cities
With over 50% of the world’s populations living in
urban centres, Big Data analytics will play a
critical role in delivering effective services. We can
provide insights from Turkey, Canada and China
into the application of Big Data in a real-world
In a hyperconnected world filled with risk and low
grade conflicts, Big Data can make a difference in
ensuring global, regional and local peace.
Transportation & Infrastructure
Who better to hear from than the world’s largest
railway (China) on how they use Big Data to keep
people and products moving? Perhaps we can
help you gain some valuable insights?
Oceans Management
We need to manage our oceans better, from
fishing to transportation and security. We’ll be
looking at how Big Data can play a key role in
this regard. Perhaps we can help drive some
preliminary discussions for your audience?
Reach Out | Find Out | Learn More
General Contact Information:
To arrange for pre-conference interviews or
provision of extremely interesting content…and
press credential requests.
Note: Foreign press may require visas and pre-entry
screening. Please contact us for details.
Giles Crouch
M: +1.902.448.0488
T: @Webconomist
Bob Huggard
M: +1.902.240.8809
Partner Kit
Digital Channels:
T: @BigDataCongress
LinkedIn: BigDataCongress
Google+: /bigdatacongress
World Confederation of Productivity Science: