communities in the East. Ipswich, King`s Lynn & Peterborough.

Creating inclusive ‘Big Society’ communities in the East.
Ipswich, King’s Lynn & Peterborough.
“CSV Media Clubhouse is supporting BIG SOCIETY FUNDING in its work with hard to
reach communities and creating awareness about the disparity of representation and
therefore the need for all of us to be working for a more cohesive Community.”
“ Despite the considerable changes in Suffolk’s demographics this is not reflected in the makeup of
Suffolk’s leadership. Currently there is poor participation by BME communities in public office, from parish
to County councils, the magistracy, the boards of QUANGOs and the Trustees of our larger NGOs.
This leads to less well informed and unrepresentative decision making and an increasing sense
of disconnect between the general population and the leadership of our various bodies.”
This is a one-year collaborative venture between ethnic minority
and migrant community organisations, groups representing
other diverse communities, Big Society Funding CIC and local
voluntary sector support agencies.
It is time-limited and small scale, but ambitious, as a Lottery project
focusing on how we can co-produce solutions to tackle the barriers
to participation in civil society by those from diverse communities in
the East of England. Commencing with limited social action research,
and then moving onto addressing the capacity needs and deficits
experienced by ethnic minority and migrant groups, and individuals,
the project will target Ipswich, King’s Lynn and Peterborough.
Anticipated positive results will lead to possible scaling up of activity
designed to promote inclusivity in civil society across other localities.
Project targets are:
To work with up to 10 organisations representing diverse
communities in the three selected localities and involve
upwards of 50 individuals – helping them to become ‘Fiery
Spirits’ who support other vulnerable or disadvantaged community
members to attain better life chances and tackle the challenges they
face in the difficult current financial climate and cutbacks.
Our collaborative work with these organisations and individuals will
focus on helping them to improve their skills and capacity, increase
participation and enable them to contribute to the Government’s
‘Big Society’ policy agenda.
[For more information: 07913 818838]
The project comprises three main elements:
1. Facilitating social action research and focus group events with people from diverse communities to identify barriers and see how we can collaboratively improve their participation in civil society and local leadership potential – this means working at individual and group levels;
2. Supporting people from diverse communities to take an active
role in the governance of inclusive local community projects and
services - getting them skilled up and involved in service delivery
at local ‘Big Society ‘levels and with the aim of working towards
inclusive ‘community hubs’ in the communities in which they live;
3. Providing on-going help, training and coaching to individuals
(including young people, women returning to work and refugees,
as well as to people from migrant and ethnic minority
communities) to become volunteers (and/or then paid fundraisers,
Trustees, paid staff) for smaller, local, Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations that lack this
representation and support. In the medium term we hope that they will then step forward and become the kind of ‘Fiery
Spirits’ that active and engaged communities so badly need.
Big Society Funding is a two-year old Community Interest
Company set up to support the VCSE sector to build its capacity
and encourage people and members of community groups to become
‘Big Society’ activists and fundraisers - finding a voice in shaping
local services and increasing their ability to meet the needs of the
disadvantaged communities they care about. We are an independent
and non-political, not-for-profit organisation.
“ Our migrant communities have given enormous new strengths and
qualities to our region and those that have been here a while have
done most. But one thing is missing: I would love to see men and
women from migrant communities in leadership positions in our town
and across the region, so we can get some of their entrepreneurial
and family spirit rubbing off on the wider community of East Anglia”.
Ben Gummer MP, Ipswich
In partnership with:
The project activities include:
Research, outreach sessions and focus group meetings to consult
and capture people’s experiences and ideas about better
representation and social action
E-communications, and related publicity, to create ‘communities
of interest’ and creation of mutually supportive ‘Fiery Spirits’ networks
Bespoke individual and group programmes to skill up and capacity
build identified individuals
Lots of encouragement and coaching of participants in their local
emerging leadership positions and of the service delivery
‘grassroots’ organisations they work with/support
Evaluation of what we have co-produced and achieved
Funded by:
Company No: 07815137