ADMISSION BROUCHER BINODINI SPECIAL B.Ed. COLLEGE (Hearing Impairment) ADMISSION SESSION 2015 - 2017 B I N O D I NI SPECIAL B.Ed. COLLEGE At/Po.: Pichukuli, Via: Begunia, Dist: Khurdha, Pin-752064 Ph.:06755-218081,Mob:9861010750,9861026400 Web : BINODINI SPECIAL B.Ed. COLLEGE (Hearing Impairment) Admission Session-2015-17 1. Introduction Binodini Special B.Ed. College has established in the year 2012-13. The main objective of the college is to undertake manpower development and provide service to persons with Hearing Impairment. As a part of the Training Course leading to Bachelor of Special Education (Hearing Impairment & Inclusive Education) permitted by Women & Child Development Department Govt. of Odisha and Affiliated by Utkal University and Approved by Rehabilitation Council Of India(RCI), New Delhi. The course prepares the Trainees to work as Special Educators in Special Schools for Hearing Impairment, Special Class Situation in Regular Schools in Integrated set up and also work in CBR Programmes for the Disabled and work in Inclusive set up. 1.1 Objectives Of The Course : The B.Ed. Special Education (HI) aims to train the teachers to achieve the following objectives:v To perceive the so called ‘ Disabled’ as Differently Abled’ and develop in them the confidence about their potentialities, abilities and usefulness to serve the society with a sense of freedom, self-respect and dignity. v To develop professional competencies persons with Hearing Impairment. v To know and understand various methods and approaches of organizing education of children with Hearing Impairment under Inclusive, Integrated and Special Education set up. v To understand the nature of children with Hearing Impairment in the learing process. v To develop competencies to deal with academic and personal problems of the learners with Hearing Impairment. v To know and understand the various methods and techniques of evaluation and their applications. v To develop competencies to organize various co-curricular and extra curricular activities. v To know, understand and develop the ability to manage a special school. 1.2 Duration : 1 The duration of the Course is Two academic year on Semester Basis. 1.3 Eligibility : The eligibility for this B.Ed. Special Education (Hearing Impairment & Inclusive Education) course is B.A./B.Sc/B.Com or an equivalent degree at graduate level. The eligibility for admission is 50% for general and 45% for SC/ST/OBC/SEBC aggregate in the qualifying degree examination. A candidate for admission to B.Ed. Special Education (Hearing Impairment & Inclusive Education) course is to qualify the Career Making and Reservation Policy of the Utkal University & Govt. of Odisha. 1.4 Seats : There shall be 30 seats Approved By RCI for the Course. Additional to this 5 seats (15%) available under management quota. Total 35 seats. Reservations: i) SC & ST: 12% of the seats for the SC and 8% for ST (interchangeable). In case of non-availability of candidates in one of these categories, seats will be filled up from the candidates of the general category. ii) Orthopedically Handicapped: 1% of the total number of seats will be reserved for Orthopedically Handicapped students at the time of admission. In case of nonavailability of candidate, the seats will be filled up from the merit list. (Blind & Deaf candidates are not eligible for taking admission in this Course.) iii) In-service: 10% of the seats will be reserved for In-service candidates working in the organizations registered under Persons With Disability Act, 1995. In case of non-availability of candidates in one of these categories, seats will be filled up from the candidates of the general category. 1.5 Selection Criteria : The selection will be made as per Utkal University’s/Govt. of Odisha Norms and Guidelines, i.e. Career Marking with a general Entrance Test. The University Reservation Policy is to be adopted DETAILS OF CAREER MARKING OUT OF 120 1st Div. 2nd Div. HSC or Equivalent 15 12 6 +2 or Equivalent 25 19 12 Board/Council/University Certificates 2 3rd Div./Pass/ Compartmental Hon. In Main Relevant Subject 50 40 24 Hons. In Allied Subject (i) 36 24 - Hons. In Allied Subject (ii) 30 20 - Pass - - 20 Distinction 10 10 - RCI recognized Diploma level Course 20 10 - Note: 1. Hons. In Main Relevant Subject: education, special education, psychology, speech and Hearing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy. Hons. In Allied Subject-i: Home Science, Sociology, Social work. Hons. In Allied Subject-ii: All other subjects. 2. Aggregate for +3 Degree Examination means total marks of Core-I, Core-II and Core-III papers in pre-degree and/or final degree taken together and does not include Ancillary and Foundation Course Marks. 3. In case of a tie between two or more applicants (i) honors marks in the relevant subject or (ii) +3 Degree aggregate marks will be considered in that order for breaking the tie. 4. Weight will be given to those candidates who have successfully completed RCI recognized Diploma level courses. 1.6 Joining and Submission of Certificates : This is a full time course of two academic year, the candidates admitted to the course can not pursue any other course. Selected candidates should join the course by the stipulated date. At the time of joining the course, the selected candidate will deposit their original certificate which will be released after the completion of the course. The prescribed application form and prospectus may be obtained from the college web site till 30th June,2015. The last date for submission of filled application form with Xerox copy of all documents and the cost of application form is Rs.750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred Fifty only). Please remit the amount by Cash/Demand Draft in favour of Secretary, Binodini Special B.Ed. College, Payable at Rajsunakhala Branch, as on or before 30th June,2015. 1.7 Fees and Other Deposits : The total course fee for the two academic year is 1,42,200/-*(One Lakh Forty two Thousand two hundred Only). Which will be paid in four Installments. (a) First Installment at the time of admission Rs. 52,200.00 ( Before 31st July) th (b) Second Installment ( As on or before 20 December) Rs. 40,000.00 ( Without 3 Late Fee) (c) Third Installment ( As on or Before 15th July ) 2nd Year Late Fee) (d) Last Installment ( As on or Before 30th Oct.) 2nd Year Late Fee) Rs.30,000.00 ( Without Rs.20,000.00 (Without ----------------------TOTAL FEES in Four Installments Rs.1,42,200/( One Lakh Forty Two Thousand Two Hundred Only) * The fees indicating above are only Course fee . Hostel Accommodation, Boarding, Fooding, Transport, Annual Function, Study Tour, Picnic, Uniform, ID Card and any Medical facilities will be informed latter as decided by the Management. Note: v The candidate once admitted in the course will not be allowed to leave the course under any circumstances. If the candidate still desires to leave the course by any reason, the total fee and deposits paid by the candidate will be forfeited. v Original Certificates deposited will be released during the course/if and after cancelling the admission and students are advised to keep sufficient number of photo copies before submission of original certificates to the office at the time of admission. v In-service candidate will submit (i) Appointment Letter, (ii) Salary Certificate, (iii) Continuing Attendance Sheet, (iv) PWD Act Registration Certificate and (v) Relieve Order. 1.8 Hostel Accommodation : Hostel accommodation to outstation candidates will be provided subject to availability on first come first served basis. Boarding & fooding charges will have to be borne by the trainees themselves. The Trainees are deposit Hostel Seat Rent and Mess Establishment charges at the time of admission only. (Seat Rent only for Hostellers). The hostellers have to obey the rules & regulations framed by the College Authority otherwise He/She may be penalized or debarred from the Hostel without any prior notice. The hosteller have to pay their fooding charges on or before 3rd day of the following month in advance and deposited a sum of RS. 1000/- (One Thousand Rupees only) as security money for their emergency medical help (it is necessary) at the time of hostel admission. 1.9 General Framework of the Course : The detailed RCI Approved Syllabus is available in the Institution. 1.10 Annual Function : The college will celebrate its Annual Function Ceremony in the month of February of Every Calendar Year. 1.11 Study Tour : The college will organize a special Institution visit cum Study Tour programme once a year according to the approved syllabus and this will consist of 4 marks in a practical paper (Observation Report) which will be awarded at the time of annual examination and this is mandatory for every students to visit the special Education Institutions which will be decided by the College Authority. 1.12 Examination : The examination of the Bachelor of Special Education (Hearing Impairment & Inclusive Education) will be held twice in every academic year (Total four semesters). Total Marks of 2000. The students shall complete all Practical Assignments and face viva. The viva for each practical course will be declared after the successful completion of the year by Utkal University’s rules and regulations. 1.13 Pass Mark : The minimum pass mark is 50% in each theory paper and average 50% in practical papers. The aggregate pass mark is 50%. 1.14 Award of Division to Successful Candidates : The following Grading System of marks will award the candidate. Table 1: Grades and Grade Points Letter Grade O (Outstanding) Secured Percentage Grade Point 70 % and Above 10 A+ ( Excellent ) 65% or above but less than 70% 9 A ( Very Good ) 60% or Above but less than 65% 8 B+ ( Good ) 55 % or above but less than 60% 7 B ( Above Average) 50% or above but less than 55% 6 F ( Fail ) Less than 50% 0 0 0 Ab ( Absent ) 1.15 Award of Degree : The University shall award the Degree “ Bachelor of Special Education (Hearing Impairment)” to the Successful Candidates. As - B.Ed. Spl. Ed.( HI) 1.16 Improvement of Marks : 5 The student will be given opportunity for improvement of marks in any paper by reappearing in the concerned paper in the next examination. The highest marks secured by the candidate in the said paper shall be retained. 1.17 Reappearing Facility : The student who fails in any paper may be allowed to reappear in that particular paper only for a maximum of 3 times in next three years, if the student fails to pass the examination after three appearances, he/she will be expected to undergo the course again. 1.18 Transitory Regulations : Whenever a course or scheme of instruction is changed in a particular year, two more examination immediately following thereafter shall be conducted according to the old syllabus/regulations. Candidates not appearing at the examinations or failing in them shall take the examinations subsequently according to the changed syllabus/regulation. 1.19 IMPORTANT NOTES : Students once admitted in the course for the specified Academic session, has to abide the rules and regulations of the College Management as well as the Concern University. Once the admission procedure is completed there is no provision to return the admission fee or its any part or transferable to other head in any situations. Students who have not eligible to Fill the Exam forms for the session ( Either their attendance percentage short or in any manner ) their students ship will be cancelled without any prior notice and their paid fee will be forfeited. He Or She will under goes through again admission procedure as a new applied candidates if they interested. 2.0 Documents to be attached along with the filled application form : ( Self Attested By the Candidates) (a) Duly Filled Application Form with Full Signed by the candidates.( Downloaded & Print ) (b) D.D. Of Rs.750/- towards Application Fee ( Non- refundable) (c) Paste a recent colored pass photo space provided on the Application Form. ( d ) Xerox copy of academic certificates with mark sheets from Metric to Graduation ( self attested) ( e ) Copy of Rehabilitation Certificates / Service Certificates ( If any) ( f ) Copy of Native Certificate or Domicile. ( g ) Copy Of Category certificate ( If applicable) ( h ) A Sheet containing Complete postal Address, Permanent Address with Pin Code, Minimum of two contact numbers & E Mail Id . ( i ) A self Addressed Appropriate postal stamped evolve. WHERE TO BE SEND : To, The Director, Binodini Special B.Ed. College, At/Po- Pichukuli, Via- Begunia, Dist – Khurda, Odisha. PIN- 752064. 6 Send Through : By Hand / Speed Post / Registered Post Only ****** Best Of Luck 7 *******
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