“You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will live as one” –John Lennon Joe Vecchiarelli INDUSTRY GUEST Designers: Sara Nimori Model: Sydney Bruce Photograph By: Timothy Tyler IMAGINE Beatles inspired show M DA 4 On The Cover: PALOMAR COLLEGE Recommended Sequence of Classes for FASHION: Buying and Management 1st Semester - Fall FASH 100 Fashion Industry FASH 175 Analysis, Evaluation, and 10 Fashion Experts Q&A 18 16 ABBEY ROAD PHOTSHOOT Fresh New Fashion 14 18 FACULTY INTERVIEWS 21 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR 23 2013 SUMMER & FALL FASHION SCHEDULE 1 FASHION DESIGN & MERCHANDISING PROGRAM 28 FASHION DEGREES 2 RETAILING & PROMOTION CLASS BIOGRAPHY 11 DESIGNER INTERVIEWS 14 VW PHOTOSHOOT 1st Semester - Fall FASH 100 Fashion Industry Comparison of Ready- to-Wear FASH 115 Visual Merchandising I Joe Vecchiarelli 3 FASHION SHOW CLASS 4 THEN AND NOW 6 ABOUT US 10 JOE VECCHIARELLI PALOMAR COLLEGE Recommended Sequence of Classes for Fashion Visual Merchandising WHATS YOUR FAVORITE BEATLES SONG? TELL US AT : www.facebook.com/ MODAShow2013 FASH 115 Visual Merchandising I 2nd Semester - Spring 2nd Semester - Spring FASH 130 History of Fashion/Costume CSIT 120/ CSIS 120 Computer Applications FASH 125/ BUS 145 Retailing and Promotion FASH 125/ BUS 145 Retailing and Promotion 3rd Semester - Fall FASH 119 Fashion Buying / Management I 3rd Semester - Fall ID 130 Lights and Color FASH 178 Fashion Career Portfolio ID 150 Computer Aided Drafting for Designers BUS 125 Business English 4th Semester - Spring FASH 126 Fashion Show Presentation 4th Semester - Spring FASH 126 Fashion Show Presentation FASH 195 Field Studies in Fashion ID 141 Commercial Design FASH 120 Fashion Buying / Management II CE 150 Internship CONCERT HALL 7:00 FRI. P.M. MAY 3 FASH 116 Visual Merchandising II CE 150 Internship 29 PALOMAR COLLEGE Recommended Sequence of Classes for Fashion Design 1st Semester - Fall FASH 100 Fashion Industry PALOMAR COLLEGE Recommended Sequence of Classes for Fashion Merchandising 1st Semester - Fall FASH 100 Fashion Industry FASH 105 Fashion Analysis and Clothing Selection FASH 110 Textiles FASH 105 Fashion Analysis and Clothing Selection FASH 135 Basic Sewing Construction FASH 110 Textiles FASH 165 Fashion Laboratory FASH 115 Visual Merchandising I 2nd Semester - Spring 2nd Semester - Spring FASH 136 Advanced Sewing Construction FASH 195 Field Studies in Fashion FASH 125/BUS 145 Retailing and Promotion FASH 130 History of Fashion/Costume FASH 195 Field Studies in Fashion FASH 165 Sewing Laboratory FASH 130 History of Fashion/Costume FASH 93 Specification Packets and Technical Design 3rd Semester - Fall FASH 139 Pattern Making in Fashion Design FASH 167 Pattern Making Laboratory FASH 145 Fashion Illustration and Presentation FASH 175 Analysis, Evaluation, and Comparison of Ready- to-Wear 3rd Semester - Fall FASH 93 Specification Packets and Technical Design FASH 148 Digital Design for Fashion FASH 119 Fashion: Buying/Management I FASH 137 Tailoring with FASH 166 Lab FASH 178 Fashion Career Portfolio 4th Semester - Spring FASH 148 Digital Design for Fashion FASH 141 Advanced Pattern Making FASH 167 Pattern Making Laboratory 4th Semester - Spring FASH 149 Fine Dressmaking with FASH 166 Lab FASH 120 Fashion: Buying/Management II FASH 146 Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) for Fashion FASH 126 Fashion Show Presentation CE 150 Internship CE 150 Internship Suggested Electives Suggested Electives FASH 125/BUS 145 Retailing and Promotion FASH 116 Visual Merchandising II FASH 132 Costume and Culture FASH 147 Advanced CAD for Fashion Fashion is one of the largest, most well-established industries in California. An education in Fashion serves the individual by providing background necessary for these careers throughout California and the United States. Palomar’s Fashion Program provides appropriate education to meet the needs of this vast industry with Certificates and A.A. Degrees leading to potential transfer to Baccalaureate institutions. Palomar has two areas of emphasis at the present time: Fashion Merchandising & Fashion Design The Fashion program provides an environment which promotes critical thinking, creativity, multicultural awareness, sensitivity to various learning styles, and an understanding of social, organizational, and technological systems. The goals of the program are to: • Identify and respond to the educational needs of the community/industry. • Provide educational opportunities and program delivery systems to students needing nontraditional scheduling. • Develop our programs to meet the emerging trends, needs, and technological advances of the fashion industry. • Provide educational opportunities in the field of fashion for career employment, advanced study, professional development and lifelong learning. • Strengthen partnerships between our Fashion Program, secondary/post secondary education segments, the business community, other academic disciplines,, and p professional associations. FASH 132 Costume and Culture FASH 170 Introduction to Fabric Design/Painting FASH 155 World of Fashion FASH 178 Fashion Career Portfolio BUS 155 Marketing 28 About Us 1 M DA Magazine Editors Reporters Caitlyn Martinelli Sara Nimori Tatiana Tirado John Ayala Jenna Bernia Francesca Boker Elizabeth Estrella Justin Gonzales Claire Grimsley Daisy Hernandez Nick Zigich Art Jade Dykstra Katherine Jameson Jasmine Kubart Jenna Riffe Photo Jesse Gassaway Aaron Hernandez Tara Whitley Frances Lacsamana 2 IFASH 149 FI INE ED RESS RE SSMA MAKING G FINE DRESSMAKING SAN MARCOS/Evening 73277 Dana Dixon Tarra Fletcher Blanca Lara-Lopez Luoting Lin Idana Mooney Lauren Mouck Anh Nguyen Nichlas Pasley April Sihavong Danielle Ungaro Katarzyna Zygnerska Instructor, Rita Campo Griggs T T Th 5-6:20pm 6:30-7:50pm 5-7:50pm NB-1 NB-1 NB-1 ROBERTS M ROBERTS M LEC LAB LAB Students enrolled in FASH 149 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 165, Class Number 72558. Class Number 73277 has a material fee of $49. See instructor first day of class for information. IFASH 165 SEWING LABORATORY (1.0 unit) Corequisite: FASH 135 or 136 SAN MARCOS/Day 72347 Promotion (3. .0 u (3.0 units) Prerequisite: i it A minimum i i grade d off ‘C’ iin FA FASH ASH S 136 6 Corequisite: FASH 165 TTh 11-12:20pm NB-1 TEJEDA C LAB Students enrolled in FASH 165, Class Number 72347 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 135, Class Number 72229. 72402 TTh 12:30-1:50pm NB-1 TEJEDA C LAB Students enrolled in FASH 165, Class Number 72402 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 136, Class Number 72298. SAN MARCOS/Evening 72558 TTh 8-9:20pm NB-1 STAFF LAB Students enrolled in FASH 165, Class Number 72558 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 149, Class Number 73277. IFASH 167 PATTERN-MAKING LABORATORY (0.5 units) Corequisite: FASH 139 or 141 SAN MARCOS/Evening 72506 W 6:30-7:50pm NB-1 IMAIZUMI K LAB Students enrolled in FASH 167, Class Number 72506 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 139, Class Number 72187. 27 M DA Show IFASH 136 AD ADVA VANC VA N ED S E ING CONSTRUCTION EW N ADVANCED SEWING ((3.0 3. u 3.0 units) Corequisite: i it FA FASH ASH H 165 65 Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in FASH 135 Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. SAN MARCOS/Day 72298 T T Th 2-3:20pm 3:30-4:50pm 2-4:50pm NB-1 NB-1 NB-1 ROBERTS M ROBERTS M STAFF LEC LAB LAB Students enrolled in FASH 136 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 165, Class Number 72402. Class Number 72298 has a material fee of $49. See instructor first day of class for information. IFASH 139 PATTERN MAKING/FASHION DESIGN (3.0 units) Corequisite: FASH 167 Recommended preparation: FASH 135 Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. SAN MARCOS/Day 72187 M M W 3:30-4:50pm 5-6:20pm 3:30-6:20pm NB-1 NB-1 NB-1 IMAIZUMI K IMAIZUMI K LAB LEC LAB Students enrolled in FASH 139 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 167, Class Number 72506. Class Number 72187 has a material fee of $49. See instructor first day of class for information. IFASH 145 FASH ILLUSTRATION/PRESENTATION (3.0 units) Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. SAN MARCOS/Day 72053 M M W 12:30-1:50pm 2-3:20pm 12:30-3:20pm NB-1 NB-1 NB-1 TEJEDA C TEJEDA C LEC LAB LAB Class Number 72053 has a material fee of $25. See instructor first day of class for information. IFASH 148 DIGITAL DESIGN FOR FASHION Modeling Chair Sara Nimori Co Chair Tatiana Tirado Production Chair Justin Gonzales Co Chair Francesca Boker Modeling Commitee Production Commitee Debra Avila John Ayala Caprise Cochran Ashley Harris Nicola Hopwood Briana Miller Michaela Price Rosario Rocha Instructors Chetna Bhatt Rita Campo Griggs Jenna Bernia Dana Dixon Daisy Hernandez Kathirine Jameson Lin Luoting Caitlyn Martinelli Suzette Montellano Amanda Martinez Lauren Mouck Adonia Palacio Nichlas Pasely Amanda Riley April Silhavong Tara Whitley Katarzyna Zygnerska (3.0 units) Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. SAN MARCOS/Evening 72507 T T Th 6-7:20pm 7:30-8:50pm 6-8:50pm FCS-1 FCS-1 FCS-1 HEBERT J HEBERT J LAB LEC LAB Class Number 72507 has a material fee of $35. See instructor first day of class for information. 26 3 Then French Connection Floppy Hat $32 IFASH 1 15 VI 15 V ISU S AL MERCHA ANDISING GI 115 VISUAL MERCHANDISING ModCloth ((3.0 3.0 3. 0u units) Students ents ts registering regist reg istteri err ng in the LEC w will ill automa automatically atically be enroll at enrolled o ed ol d in i the LA LAB. Patterned Blouse $24 SAN MARCOS/Day 72050 T 12:30-3:20pm FCS-1 CAMPO GRIGGS R LEC IFASH 119 FASHION BUYING/MANAGEMENT I (3.0 units) SAN MARCOS/Day 72912 TTh 9:30-10:50am FCS-1 FREESE S IFASH 130 HISTORY OF FASHION/COSTUME LEC (3.0 units) SAN MARCOS/Day 72293 DE INTERNET GALLI N LEC This is an online class. An on-campus orientation meeting will be held on: Friday, August 23, from 4-5:20 p.m. in FCS-1. Students registering for this class must consult the following Web site: http://www.palomar.edu/blackboard 72754 DE INTERNET GALLI N LEC This is an online class. An on-campus orientation meeting will be held on: Friday, August 23, from 4-5:20 p.m. in FCS-1. Students registering for this class must consult the following Web site: http://www.palomar.edu/blackboard 72052 MW 8-9:20am FCS-1 GALLI N IFASH 132 COSTUME AND CULTURE LEC (3.0 units) This class also satisfies the Palomar College multicultural course requirement. SAN MARCOS/Day 72130 73499 BES-5 TEJEDA C STAFF LEC LEC (3.0 units) Corequisite: FASH 165 Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. Wide Leg Jean $84 Trenchcoat $58 9:30-10:50am 9:30-10:50am IFASH 135 BASIC SEWING CONSTRUCTION Asos NastyGal MW TTh SAN MARCOS/Day 72229 Karmaloop Belt $11 T T Th 8-9:20am 9:30-10:50am 8-10:50am NB-1 NB-1 NB-1 TEJEDA C TEJEDA C LAB LEC LAB Students enrolled in FASH 135, Class Number 72229 must also be concurrently enrolled in FASH 165, Class Number 72347. Class Number 72229 has a material fee of $49. See instructor first day of class for information. Urban Outfitters Forever 21 4 Wedge $38 Glasses $16 25 25 FASHION HION Warehouse Floral Tee $28 Advisor: Cristina Tejeda, phone ext. 2357, ctejeda@palomar.edu and Rita Campo Griggs, phone ext. 2347, rcampogriggs@palomar.edu See also Cooperative Education if employed. Students interested in a Directed Studies class should contact the Department. IFASH 90 DESIGN COLLECTION (3.0 units) Recommended preparation: At least one of the following courses: FASH 135, 136, 139, 145 Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. SAN MARCOS/Day 73271 F 9:30-10:50am NB-1 F 11-11:50am NB-1 F 12:30-3:50pm NB-1 HEBERT J BHATT C HEBERT J BHATT C LEC LAB LAB IFASH 100 FASHION INDUSTRY (3.0 units) SAN MARCOS/Day 73266 MW 9:30-10:50am FCS-1 GALLI N LEC CAMPO GRIGGS R SAN MARCOS/Evening 72046 W 6-8:50pm FCS-1 CAMPO GRIGGS R LEC Optional trip to California Apparel Mart, $26. IFASH 105 FASH ANALYSIS/CLOTHING SELCTN (3.0 units) SAN MARCOS/Day 72047 MW 11-12:20pm FCS-1 CAMPO GRIGGS R IFASH 106 ELEMENTARY STAGE COSTUME LEC (3.0 units) ModCloth Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in ENTT/TA 105 Cross listed as TA 106 Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. True Religion Scarf $25 SAN MARCOS/Day 71722 M M W 9:30-11:20am 11:30-12:20pm 9:30-12:20pm HBT-213 HBT-213 IFASH 110 TEXTILES PIERSON S PIERSON S LEC LAB LAB (3.0 units) Students registering in the LEC will automatically be enrolled in the LAB. SAN MARCOS/Day 72048 Th Th 12:30-2:50pm 3-4:20pm FCS-1 FCS-1 Colored Jean $105 Amrita Bracelet $80 Metropark Madewell Love Ring $22 Oxford $125 CAMPO GRIGGS R LEC CAMPO GRIGGS R LAB Michael Kors 24 24 Hamilton Bag $398 5 PALOMAR COLLEGE ARCHITECTURE ECO-Building "Man built most nobly when limitations were at their greatest." - Frank Lloyd Wright FASHION Advisor: Cristina Tejeda, phone ext. 2357, ctejeda@palomar.edu and Rita Campo Griggs, phone ext. 2347, rcampogriggs@palomar.edu See also Cooperative Education if employed. Students interested in a Directed Studies class should contact the Department. IFASH 105 FASH ANALYSIS/CLOTHING SELCTN (3.0 units) SAN MARCOS/Day 50661 MW 10-12:50pm FCS-1 LIBOLT R (Class Number 50661 meets 6/17-8/7) IFASH 130 HISTORY OF FASHION/COSTUME LEC (3.0 units) SAN MARCOS/Day 50660 Sandra Andre, LEED Green Associate, CGBP, IIDA • Associate Professor, Architecture Program Palomar College • 1140 W. Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069 • 760-744-1150 x3995 DE INTERNET GALLI N LEC This is an online class. An on-campus orientation meeting will be held on: Monday, June 17, from 5:30-6:20 p.m. in FCS-1. Students registering for this class must consult the following Web site: http://www.palomar.edu/blackboard (Class Number 50660 meets 6/17-8/12) Have you ever wondered… Thanks for attending this years fashion show! What is a healthy diet? How do I lose weight? Do I need to take supplements to be healthy? What can I do with a degree in nutrition? Palomar College offers nutrition courses that cover these topics and more. For more information, call 760-744-1150 ext 2345 or visit our website at: http://www.palomar.edu/pages/fcs/ WANT TO SEE YOUR DESIGNS ON STAGE? For more information about Palomar College’s Fashion Design Program, please contact Rita Campo Griggs at 760.744.1150 extension 2347 23 Check out all the Career & Technical Education Programs @ Palomar College “All I’ve gotta do is Thank You!” Bellus Academy for Models Hair and Make-up Haim Hair Salon – Lobby Models Radio and TV Nutrition Nursing Auto Fire Diesel Police Welding Architecture CFT Drafting Fire Margie Adcock – Print Services, Palomar College GIS Upholstery EME (Emergency Medical) Interior Design Business Dental Assisting Theater Journalism Photography Library David Solomon – DJ Business (760) 497-1310 www.instagram.com/djbusiness www.facebook.com/djbusiness www.twitter.com/djbusiness www.pheed.com/djbusiness www.soundcloud.com/djbusiness Fashion Merchandise & Design Alcohol & Other Drug Studies Graphic Communications Leilani Angel - Modeling Coordinator Erica Robledo – Entertainment Ryan Cooper - Commentator San Diego Digital Imagery (760) 535-0493 For a video of tonight’s show Funding provided by Carl D. Perkins Career Technical Act of 2006 7 Design your own fabric with a screenprinting class in the Graphic Communications Department 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, CA 92069 www.palomar.edu/graphics graphics@palomar.edu 760-744-1150 ext 2452 PALOMAR COLLEGE GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS SCREENPRINTING Interior Design at Palomar College… we offer an Associate of Science degree and a Certificate program that leads the way to a successful career. Letter from the Editors Blast from the Past I t’s amazing to see that after months and endless hours of hard work and dedication, we have finally come to the premier of this year’s MODA Fashion Show. All of us here in the Fashion Department of Merchandising and Design would like to welcome you to embark on the wonderful journey and experience our show has created for you. We would like to bring you to past decades and explore fashion in the eyes of the famous rock band of the Beatles. We have taken their iconic roles in music and fashion and have incorporated it into our show, music, designs, and magazine. The Beatles have been such an influence to past decades, that we were inspired to take a modern take on how they have influenced our generation. We take you through styles and designs they have inspired such as British Punk, influences on swimwear, modern takes on their famous album covers, and music that was strongly influenced by the band. On behalf of the Fashion Show Presentation, Retail and Promotion classes, faculty, students, and designers we would all like to thank you for your support through the years and to welcome you to this year’s 2013 MODA Fashion Show. 10 www.palomar.edu/interiordesign 760.744-1150 x2349 for more information 21 Interested in a career in Marcia Roberts Ken Imaizumi Q: How did you become interested in the fashion Q: How did you become interested in the fashion industry? I always knew I wanted to teach, and I had an interest in fashion, thus it only made sense for me to start teaching fashion related classes. “ Q: How did you start teaching at ” Palomar College? I moved down to the area after living in Northern California, and had found a part-time position on campus in 2006, and have been here ever since. “ industry? I saw a fashion show at Palomar College and knew instantly that that’s what I wanted to do. “ ” Q: How did you start teaching at Palomar College? After seeing a fashion show on campus, I knew I wanted to work with students, watch them grow and develop into fashion professionals. “ ” ” Favorite Beatles song: Favorite Beatles song: “Love You Now” “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” Favorite Beatles song: For more information: visit the Palomar College Library website at www.palomar.edu/library and click on “Library and Information Technology Program” “Let it Be” Ruby Vega Q: How did you become interested in the fashion industry? When I was younger my mom would sew all my dresses, and I would watch and make dresses for my Barbies. Ever since, I have had an affinity for the industry. “ ” Q: How did you start teaching at Palomar College? I was contacted by Christina Tejeda to become an Assistant Professor. ” Irma Salazar Q: How did you become interested in the fashion industry? I used to work as a patternmaker, which helped me harvest my interest and love for the industry. “ ” Q: How did you start teaching at Palomar College? I used to teach in Orange County, but made the move down to Palomar because of my love for working around creativity and the inspiration that students have. “ ” When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ´happy´. They told me I didn´t understand the assignment; I told them they didn´t understand life. 20 - John Lennon “ The Library and Information Technology program at Palomar College is a doorway to many jobs in today’s marketplace. Students get hands-on experience through internships and cooperative education options. The program offers the training and experience needed to get into an in-demand employment field. There are jobs in many types of libraries: schools, government (city, county, state, federal), private collections, corporations, law, medicine and more. Favorite Beatles song: “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” “ Library and Information Technology? ” 11 “A Day in a Life” Joe Vecchiarelli J oe Vecchiarelli, the founder and president of Fashion Supplies Inc., has worked in the fashion industry for over 40 years. He remembers going into design rooms with his dad as a child and being enamored as they took garments from nothing and magically created something great. “I always knew,” Mr. Vecchiarelli said, when asked at what exact point he realized the world of fashion was calling his name. “I was diapered in this industry.” During his college years, Mr. Vecchiarelli worked in the family business, sharpening scissors for the industry’s top designers. He later graduated from USC’s Business program and began to realize that opportunities in the apparel business were unlimited. To begin transforming the family business into a successful international company, he started building design rooms and getting involved with various college fashion departments throughout the country. He acquired Global Dress Forms, a company that manufactures dress forms in New York. He worked with Dolly Parton and created all her mannequins throughout the country. “We still work together!” he says, laughing. Rita Campo Griggs What is the secret to success in this fast-paced, heel bites heel industry? According to Mr. Vecchiarelli, it’s “taking care of the customers, and taking them to different levels that they thought they could not achieve.” A word to the students, waiting for the show (and their careers) to finally start—“You can achieve anything you want to, you just need to reach for it. No matter how hard it is, (and it will be difficult!) keep at it, and you will get to where you want to be.” ~Interview and Biography by Sara Nimori 10 Q: Q: How did you become interested in the fashion industry? When I was little I used to dress up my Barbies, and ever since I have wanted to work in fashion. “ Q: How did you start teaching at “ How did you become interested in the fashion industry? I have always had a natural interest in the industry, which led to my work in costume design and production industry for film, television, opera and theater. “ ” Palomar College? I spent many years working in the industry, and then I met Nancy Galli and started teaching one class. I instantly fell in love with it, and have been teaching ever since. ” Q: How did you start teaching at “ ” Palomar College? I have a lot of experience within the industry (in many different areas) and found it natural for myself to share my own knowledge with students who want to work in the industry. ” Favorite Beatles song: Favorite Beatles song: “8 Days a Week” “All You Need is Love” Favorite Beatles song: Favorite Beatles song: “In My Life” “She Loves You” Mr. Vecchiarelli’s career took another fascinating turn when he made a foray into the entertainment business, working in production with shows like Dancing with the Stars and The X Factor. Two years ago, he was approached by NBC to help produce the competitive design talent show, Fashion Star. He accepted, with the challenge to create a successful show more professional than even Project Runway. Presently, Mr. Vecchiarelli is ever busy maintaining his business and helping college fashion students grasp their dreams. The biggest perk to the multi-talented industry alum’s job? Watching driven students become successful designers in the industry. Along with this joy, though, he also carries the responsibility. “There is only one of me and millions of people out there that I need to help,” he says. “It’s really hard to recreate what I do.” Cristina Tejeda Jane Th Thurston t Q: How did you become interested in the fashion industry? My earliest memories includes what someone was wearing, so I was not sure whether I got into it because I was interested, or if I became interested in it because I was into it. “ ” Q: How did you start teaching at Palomar College? I worked as a teacher at Utah State University, San Diego State, and FIDM, but then moved to North County where I made contact with Palomar and have been working here for almost 20 years now. “ ” Nancy Galli N G Q: How did you become interested in the fashion industry? As a little girl I loved dolls and costumes, thus I felt it was natural for me to study fashion in college. “ ” Q: How did you start teaching at Palomar College? From a young age I knew I also wanted to teach. So I put my love for fashion and teaching together. “ ” 19 Q&A faculty with Sandy Freese James Herbert Q: How did you become interested in the fashion industry? At a young age I started making clothes for myself, and soon started taking classes to learn to create my own pattern pieces. “ Palomar College? I took a couple classes, became a substitute teacher, which lead to a full-time teaching position. “ ” “ Q: How did you become interested in the fashion “ ” Q: How did you start teaching at ASPIRING DESIGNERS industry? My mother worked as a manufacturer, which led me to having a natural inclination towards the industry since I was a child. ” Q: How did you start teaching at “ Palomar College? I worked for many years in the industry (as a designer, buyer, and manager) but decided to start teaching at Palomar College 12 years ago. ” AMANDA CLARKE Favorite Beatles song: “All My Loving” Favorite Beatles song: Favorite Beatles song: “Imagine” “Hey Jude” Favorite Beatles song: Favorite Beatles song: “We Can Work it Out” “Love you Now” Rachael Libolt Q: How did you become interested in the fashion “ industry? I used to make clothes for my barbies when I was a child and ever since I wanted to work in the industry. ” ERIKA PETERSEN ”“ Chetna Bhatt industry? As a child I wanted to be a designer, and then later in life I went to school for it. I have spent my whole life in the industry. ” Q: How did you start teaching at Palomar College? I have worked professionally for a long time, and decided I wanted to experience teaching so that I could teach students and also learn from them. “ 18 ”“ I was inspired to join the fashion industry by the Renaissance Fair and my Barbie’s clothes. When I was a young child, I wanted to wear the costumes that I played with, so I started to make them. I would like to continue my work in the fashion industry in the future, with my own company, making special order costumes and clothes. My inspiration for this year’s line comes from the fashions of the 1930’s and ‘40s. Q: How did you become interested in the fashion “ ” I have always been drawn to fashion. I have always had a very strong sense of personal style and had struggled to find ways to express that style, which is what pulled me into the design process. I plan to start working in the manufacturing industry in Los Angeles, California. I hope this will help me find direction for my future. I do not have a clear direction for my design future. JASMINE KUBART Favorite Beatles song: “I’m So Tired” I have always loved drawing, being creative and dance. I was inspired to get into fashion, when I realized my dream of combining the magic of the human body and my creativity in art. I have always loved making clothes so decided to become a fashion designer. My inspiration for this current line is my love for abstract art. I plan to continue designing and doing what I love and keep an open outlook on the future. ” 11 “ I’ve always liked athletic apparel and have been a swimmer, also a triathlete for over 20 years. When I met my new husband, also a triathlete, we knew we wanted to create our own stuff. My inspiration is to take the most technical feature rich materials and make fashionable, good looking, comfortable race gear out of it that has both hanger appeal and looks good on people. We only make items we would want to wear ourselves, not just what sells the most items. I’m currently working on 2014 colors and production, and we will develop brand new patterns for 2015 this year as well. SYLVIE LINKE ” “ YANIN LUNA Favorite Beatles song: “And I Love Her” SO I´LL FOLLOW THE SUN I was inspired to join the fashion industry when I began modeling. It was not my goal at first, but my interest in the world of fashion began to grow. The inspiration for my current line is nature. Nature makes me think of flowers, texture and colors. I tried to incorporate different shapes, prints, colors and textures to illustrate the beauty of nature. My goal is to open my own boutique and be recognized for the work I create. ”“ KOKA MUTO Favorite Beatles song: “Imagine” 12 My fascination with fashion began when I was a kid, spending my days putting on fashion shows with my mom’s dresses. When I was in first grade, I saw a tailor make a wrap skirt with a single piece of fabric. From that point on, I loved to make ORAGAMI clothes. In the future, I plan to establish my brand, after moving back to my home country of Japan. My current line is inspired by the movie series “Dracula”. I wanted to make wearable vampy style dresses, using lace and my favorite color, black. ” 17 TOMORROW MAY RAIN, “ I have always liked clothes and would make outfits up in my head and then drape them on myself trying to conceptualize the look as much as I could. My style in this collection is simple lines with interesting twists of color and fabric combination. My future plans are to continue pursuing my dream of creating my own clothing exporting to boutiques nationwide. ” “ I used to cut up and redesign most of the clothes I would buy to make them more flattering to my body shape. I didn’t realize my love for creating and designing until only about 3 years ago when I started a name for my designs and created Body Coral. My line draws inspiration from the ocean, its colors and sounds, the mystery and magic associated with it, and the beauty of corals. ” “ I was born in Ensenada, Mexico. I was raised by my grandparents and learned to sew as a child. I learned at the sides of my grandparents and aunts. I developed a love for fashion at a very young age. After moving to the US, I began my study of Fashion Design at Palomar College. I plan to continue to seek out the best instructors and become a designer of today and the future. 16 Designers: Ann Haynes, Sara Nimori Models (Left to Right): Monica Boyer, Sydney Bruce, Shawna Weiss, Katie Marie Wallis Photograph By: Timothy Tyler ” ANNETTE ARGUMEDO Favorite Beatles song: “Lucy in the Sky With Diamond” GINA SAYF Favorite Beatles song: “Eleanor Rigby” Favorite Beatles song: “Come Together” AARON SOLORIO 13 It´s Beautiful ... 14 Designers: Jasmine Kubart Models (Left to Right): Katie Marie Wallis, Monica Boyer Photograph By: Timothy Tyler Jasmine’s line is a collection of her creativity and “outside the box” thinking. She designs for the woman who is not afraid to be seen; for the woman who makes passersby wonder, “Who is that woman?” Jasmine is largely influenced by her parents; when she designs, she wants her family to be proud and know that they are amazing parents. Her line is influenced by re-purposed fabrics—she took garments that she felt needed new life, and put them on newer, beautiful fabrics, giving them the new life they deserved. And So Are You One of the most time-consuming and unique techniques that Jasmine uses is hand-stitching. A garment that is hand-stitched is given a sense of personal ownership and in this way, Jasmine leaves her personal mark on her clothing. As any designer does, Jasmine has many personal favorites in her line, but the one that stands out the most, to both Jasmine and her mother, is the houndstooth pant. This statement piece is both comfortable and stylish. Jasmine is a firm believer that a well-fitted pant with a great print is a staple to any good wardrobe. 15
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