To the attention of Dr. Claudia Angelini CIBB 2015, 10-12 September, 2015 Area Ricerca CNR Napoli (Italy) CIBB 2015 Registration Form Personal data Please provide information as you wish it to appear on your CIBB 2015 attendee badge. (please print or use capital letters) Surname/Last Name First Name Date of Birth (day/month/year) Middle Initial Place of Birth (town/province/state/country) Tax code (or equivalent) Job Title/Position Institution/Company Street Address City State Zip Code E-mail Phone (Include country code) Country Fax (Include country code) Please indicate any special needs: Please, register me for CIBB 2015: I will present the paper(s) or poster(s) Paper no Authors Title I'm member of the Chairs: ________________________________________________________ I'm an organizer of the Special Session: ________________________________________________________ I'm an Invited Speaker: ________________________________________________________ I'm a member of Sponsoring Istitutions* or the CIBB committee: ____________________________________ Reduction fee motivation (if any): ___________________________________________________________ *List of Sponsoring Istitutions: IAC-CNR, IGB-CNR, GNCS-INdAM, Genomix4life, BMR Genomics, M & M Biotech, Bioinformatics Italian Society. CIBB 2015 Registration fees: Within July 23th, 2015 After July 23th, 2015 Reduction for members of sponsoring institutions or CIBB committee members (Early registration) (late and on-site registration) Regular* Academic* Regular Student** Visitor Student*** € 400.00 € 300.00 € 200.00 € 500.00 € 400.00 € 300.00 - € 50 - € 50 - € 50 (Reserved to students from CNR Research area) € 50.00 € 80.00 ---------- CIBB2015 Invited Speakers ---------- ---------- ---------- € 150.00 € 175.00 - € 20 € 120.00 € 150.00 - € 20 € 100.00 € 120.00 - € 20 € 55.00 € 65.00 ---------- Regulal (single day) Registration Academic (single day) Registration Regular Student (single day) Registration Social Dinner**** (for students or accompanying persons) TOTAL PAYMENT * The Regular and Academic registration fees include attendance at all CIBB conference sessions, conference material, coffee breaks and lunches (buffet), conference proceedings on USB key, and post conference printed book of selected papers. This fee also includes conference dinner. Note that the Academic registration fee is reserved to affiliates with universities or public or non-profit research institutions. A reduction of 50 € on Regular and Academic registration fees will be applied to members of sponsoring institutions (a copy of a document demonstrating the membership to a sponsoring organization must accompany reduced fee registrations) or to CIBB committee member. ** The Regular Student registration fee includes attendance at all CIBB conference sessions, conference material, coffee breaks and lunches (buffet), conference proceedings on USB key, and post conference printed book of selected papers. This fee does not include conference dinner and post conference printed book of selected papers. A letter of verification from the head of department must accompany student registration. Copies of student identification card are NOT acceptable. ** The Visitor Student registration fee is reserved to students from CNR Research areas that do not present any paper. This fee includes only attendance at all CIBB conference sessions, conference material, coffee breaks and lunches (buffet). This fee is not valid for paper presentation and inclusion in the proceedings Single day attendance fees are analogously as before, and are devoted to those participants that can attend only one day of conference. The fee includes the attendance at all sessions of the chosen day, conference material, coffee breaks and lunches (buffet), conference proceedings on USB key, and post conference printed book of selected papers (if considered in the Regular fee). This fee does not include conference dinner. ****Social Dinner is included in the Regular and Academic registration fees, and it is free for CIBB2015 Invited Speakers. Regular and Visitor Students have to register for the social dinner separately. Social dinner has to be paid in advance also for any accompanying person. Invited Speaker are request to pay for accompanying persons. I'm registering for single day attendance: (those that want to attend all sessions have to say NO) (if YES, please specify which day ) Day of attendance: I'm participating to the Social Dinner: YES NO ⬜ 10 September YES ⬜ 11 September ⬜ 12 September NO (please for a better organization tell us if you are participating to the Social dinner) Accompanying person participating to the Social Dinner: YES NO Payment information*****: Payments should be sent by bank transfer to the following account: Bank Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. Swift Address: BNLIITRR IBAN: IT57S0100503392000000218155 Beneficiary: Incassi Giornalieri da Altre Dipendenze Postal Address: Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 - 00185 ROMA Transfer motivation (Causale): CdS 004.001: CIBB 2015 Name and Surname and Paper ID (if available) *****CNR researchers or other CNR personnels are invited to contact the administrative secretary Dr. Patrizia Montanaro ( for an alternative form of payment or special registration packages. Please attach a proof of the remittance to this Registration Form and make sure that the name of each Conference participant is clearly indicated on all documents. Please note: - All fees are VAT included - Payments sent by bank transfer must be free of charges for beneficiary - The cut-off date for early and late registrations will be strictly enforced. In particular, on-site registration are strongly discouraged. In particular, consider that we cannot accept cash payments. Cancellation/refund policy Requests for refunds of the registration fee (less 25% administration charge) will be honored only if they are received before August 8th, 2015. No refunds will be given for cancellation requests received after that date or for non-attendance. Email to this form also including: • proof of the remittance of bank transfer • copy of a document demonstrating the membership to a sponsoring organization or accepted request of discount (for reduced fee registrations) or letter of verification of Student status from the head of department (for Student registration) In case you cannot send the documents by email you can send them by fax to +39 081 6132597, giving notice of the fax with an email to: Please note that the fax may out of order during the summer break (8-23 Aug, 2015). In this case, after having done the bank transfer, you can inform us by email to and send the fax with all documents after Aug 24th, 2015. Date …………………………………………… Signature ……………………….. Other Notes to the organisers (if any):
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