NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY International scientific research journal of zoology and animal ecology of the Herpetological Club - Oradea Univeristy of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology Univeristatii str. No.1, Oradea – 410087, Romania Publisher: University of Oradea Publishing House Contact e-mail:, NORTH – WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY (International journal of zoology and animal ecology) ACCEPTED PAPER - Online until proofing - Authors: Enrico LUNGHI; Rosalba MURGIA; Gianni DE FALCO; Salvatore BUSCHETTU; Cinzia MULAS; Manuela MULARGIA; Claudia CANEDOLI; Raoul MANENTI; Gentile Francesco FICETOLA Title: First data on nesting ecology and behaviour in the Imperial cave salamander Hydromantes imperialis Journal: North-Western Journal of Zoology Article number: 151505 Status: awaiting English spelling editing awaiting proofing How to cite: Lunghi E., Murgia R., De Falco G., Buschettu S., Mulas C., Mulargia M., Canedoli C., Manenti R., Ficetola G.F. (2015): First data on nesting ecology and behaviour in the Imperial cave salamander Hydromantes imperialis. North-Western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 Date published: <2015-05-03> Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 1 First data on nesting ecology and behaviour in the Imperial cave salamander 2 Hydromantes imperialis 3 Enrico LUNGHI1, Rosalba MURGIA2,3, Gianni DE FALCO2, Salvatore BUSCHETTU2, Cinzia MULAS4, Manuela MULARGIA5, Claudia CANEDOLI6, Raoul MANENTI7, Gentile 5 Francesco FICETOLA6,8,9 o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 4 6 7 1 Natural Oasis, Via di Galceti 141, 59100 Prato, Italy 8 2 Speleo Club Oristanese, Via Canepa 8, 09170 Oristano, Italy 9 3 IMC-International Marine Centre, Torregrande, 09170 Oristano, Italy 10 4 Gruppo Grotte Ogliastra, Via Pascoli snc, 08046 Perdasdefogu, Italy 11 5 Speleo Club Nuoro, Via Tunisi 3, 08100 Nuoro, Italy 12 6 Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e del Territorio e di Scienze della Terra, Università degli 13 Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 1, 20126 Milano, Italy 14 7 Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milano, Italy 15 8 Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine (LECA), Université Grenoble-Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble, France 16 9 CNRS, LECA, F-38000 Grenoble, France 17 Corresponding author: Enrico Lunghi, N 18 1 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 19 Abstract 21 During the dry season, the European Plethodontid salamanders (genus Hydromantes) usually 22 occupy underground environments (i.e. caves), where they can find cold temperatures and 23 high moisture. Hydromantes breed in hypogean environments, where they usually lay eggs in 24 hidden shelters. Mothers perform a long-lasting parental care of the eggs, which continue also 25 after hatching. Due to the cryptic habitat and behaviour, their breeding biology is poorly 26 known. Most of available data refer to observations in captivity, while data from wild 27 populations are scarce and deal with the findings of single nests. Here we report the first study 28 on the Imperial cave salamander H. imperialis nesting ecology and behaviour, by performing 29 quantitative observations on multiple nests. We found four nests in a cave located in Central 30 Sardinia. We monitored them through five months, recording environmental features. Nests 31 were associated to cold, humid and dark sectors of the cave, but sectors with nests did not 32 show more climatic stability than the superficial ones. Nests were continuously attended by 33 females; females left more frequently the nests unattended when temperatures are high and 34 later in the season. Newborns were attended by the mothers up to 52 days after hatch. The 35 comparison of breeding biology across multiple Hydromantes species suggests earlier hatch in 36 population/species living in warmer areas, with similar post-hatch brood attendance among 37 species. o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 20 N 38 39 Key-words: Microclimate, temperature, humidity, parental cares, brood attendance, cave 40 fauna, amphibians 41 Running title: Multiple nesting of Hydromantes imperialis 2 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 42 Introduction 44 Cave salamanders of the genus Hydromantes Gistel, 1848 are fully terrestrial and lay eggs in 45 sub-aerial environments (Lanza et al. 2006). Such features force these salamanders to live and 46 reproduce in environments with specific microclimate, such as cold temperature and high 47 moisture (Ficetola et al. 2012, Lunghi et al. 2014a). In Europe there are eight species of 48 Hydromantes, five of which are endemic to Sardinia (Sillero et al. 2014). Seven of these 49 species belong to the sub-genus Speleomantes, while one species belongs to the sub-genus 50 Atylodes (Wake 2013). In Mediterranean areas, cave salamanders can exploit both epigean 51 and hypogean environments; however outdoor environments are avoided during hottest and 52 driest seasons (Cimmaruta et al. 1999, Lanza et al. 2006). On the other hand, hypogean 53 environments represent a shelter in which Hydromantes can find suitable microclimatic 54 conditions even during unfavourable periods (e.g. hot and dry summers) (Salvidio et al. 1994, 55 Vignoli et al. 2008, Ficetola et al. 2012, Lunghi et al. 2014a). In these habitats, Hydromantes 56 select the most appropriate zone to breed and to perform their long-lasting eggs care (Stefani 57 & Serra 1966, Papinuto 2005, Lunghi et al. 2014b). Until few years ago the knowledge on the 58 reproduction of these salamanders was quite scarce (Lanza et al. 2006). Recent studies 59 performed both in natural and semi-natural conditions improved our understanding of their 60 reproductive biology, and showed the complexity of parental cares in these salamanders 61 (Stefani & Serra 1966, Papinuto 2005, Lanza et al. 2006, Oneto et al. 2010, Oneto et al. 2013, N o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 43 62 Lunghi et al. 2014b, Oneto et al. 2014). Observations in both natural and controlled 63 environments can be useful to understand the breeding behaviour of these salamanders. Oneto 64 et al. (2010, 2014) recently studied the parental cares of H. strinatii, by performing 65 observations on individuals under semi-natural conditions. H. strinatii females attended nest 66 constantly, keeping their body in touch with eggs (Oneto et al. 2010). During eggs care, 3 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 mother moved rarely from the nest; however temporary desertion of the nest became more 68 frequent after all eggs were hatched (Oneto et al. 2010). Posthatching parental care lasted six 69 weeks, during which newborns tried to keep their body in touch with the mother as much as 70 they could. During this time, only mothers moved occasionally away from the nest, and 71 females actively defended the broods against conspecific intruders (Oneto et al. 2014). 72 However, observations performed in wild conditions, and on a wider range of species, are 73 needed to assess the generality of results obtained under controlled conditions. Until now, 74 information on the breeding behaviour of Hydromantes in nature was extremely limited and 75 available for three species only. Papinuto (2005) observed a clutch of H. genei in an 76 abandoned mine, and observed that mother stayed constantly close to eggs, moving away 77 from the nest rarely and only for a short time. Newborns left definitively the nest after two 78 weeks. Lunghi et al. (2014b) reported two observations: a clutch of H. flavus in a deep zone 79 of a cave system and a clutch of H. italicus in an abandoned mine. In these species, the 80 mothers were never observed far from the nest, and post-hatch parental cares lasted from one 81 week to one month, in H. flavus and H. italicus, respectively. However, due to the difficulty 82 of accessibility and finding cave salamander nests, all the studies from natural environments 83 reported observations on single nests, without possibilities to compare the nesting behaviour 84 of different females of the same population, and only recorded quantitative data. o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 67 Here we report the first study on the Imperial cave salamander H. imperialis nesting 86 ecology and behaviour, by performing quantitative observations on multiple nests. First, we 87 assessed whether the selection of nesting areas is related to cave environmental features. 88 Specifically, we tested two non-exclusive hypotheses: i) cave sectors with eggs are 89 characterized by high humidity, low light and temperature (as observed for the adults of other 90 Hydromantes species (Ficetola et al. 2013)); ii) sectors with eggs have particularly stable 91 microclimatic conditions(Lunghi et al. 2014b). Second, we quantitatively recorded the N 85 4 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 brooding behaviour of females, and evaluated whether it is related to specific microhabitat 93 features (Oneto et al. 2010). In particular we assessed whether the periods in which females 94 leave the nest unattended (Oneto et al. 2010) are related to specific environmental conditions. o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 92 95 96 Methods 97 Surveys were conducted during an herpetological field activity performed in a Cave located in 98 Oristano District in Central Sardinia (39° 53'N, 8° 58' E). The presence of H. imperialis was 99 assessed using visual encounter surveys in June 2014, following the same procedure described by Ficetola et al. (2013). After the first observation of clutches, the site was repeatedly 101 surveyed until the complete abandonment of all nests by mothers and newborns: from 15 June 102 to 25 October 2014 the cave was surveyed 20 times. Eggs or brooding females were never 103 touched or directly disturbed. Using a metric wheel we measured the maximum depth of the 104 cave (from the entrance to the deepest point) and determined the position of each nest 105 (distance from entrance and height from the ground). We also measured the height and width 106 of nest’s entrance. Starting from the entrance, we divided the cave environment in 3-meters 107 sectors. This size approximately corresponds to the size of Hydromantes home-ranges during 108 their underground activity (Salvidio et al. 1994). In each sectors we recorded microclimatic 109 parameters [air temperature, relative humidity and max/min incident light (illuminance)] 110 using a EM882 multi-function Environmental Meter (PCE Instruments; minimum illuminance 111 0.01 lux). Data on temperature and relative humidity was recorded 17 times through the N 100 112 whole period. As previous studies suggest that Hydromantes select cold, humid and dark 113 sectors of caves (Ficetola et al. 2012, Lunghi et al. 2014a), we used one-tailed t-test to 114 evaluate whether nest sites are associated to these microhabitat conditions. We used Levene’s 115 test to assess whether eggs are associated to areas with particularly stable microclimate (as 5 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 hypothesized by Lunghi et al. 2014b), by testing whether sectors in which nest were present 117 have significantly variance for temperature and humidity, compared to the first sector of the 118 cave (parameters recorded within the cave, 3 m from the cave entrance). o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 116 119 Moreover, we used Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) assuming binomial error 120 distribution to test if mothers move away from their nest under specific microclimatic features 121 or in particular periods. To analyse mother’s choice to move away from nest, we considered 122 as dependent variable female attendance to the nest during each survey. As independent 123 variables, we considered microclimatic conditions (temperature, relative humidity), day of 124 survey, and presence of hatched eggs. Nest identity was considered as random factor. We 125 used the Aikake’s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc) to identify the 126 combination of variables that explains attendance/nonattendance of females to the nest 127 (Stephens et al. 2007). If a model showed AICc higher than a simpler nested model, it was not 128 included among the candidate models (Richards et al. 2011). We tested significance of each 129 variables included into the best model (i.e. the model with lowest AICc) using a likelihood 130 ratio test. Prior to perform analyses, humidity was transformed using square-root arcsine, 131 while illuminance was log-transformed to better meet the assumptions of parametric analyses. 132 All statistical analysis were performed in R 3.1.1 (R Development Core Team 2014). 133 Results 135 We found four clutches of Hydromantes imperialis during the first survey performed on 15 N 134 136 June 2014. The maximum cave depth was 30 m. Nests were located in different points 137 through the development of the cave, into small holes present on cave walls (Table 1). Sectors 138 with nests showed significantly higher humidity (t7.03 = -2.26, P = 0.029) and lower 139 illuminance (t7 = 2.05, P = 0.04) compared to sectors without nests. Furthermore, sectors with 6 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 nests tended to have lower temperature, although this test was marginally non-significant (t8.68 141 = 1.66; P = 0.067). Considering temperature, no one of the nests was located in cave sectors 142 showing lower variability than the first sector of the cave (Levene’s test: all P ≥ 0.29). 143 Similarly, sectors with nests did not show low variability than first sector also for humidity 144 (all P ≥ 0.10). o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 140 145 Clutches were composed by 7-11 eggs each, all provided with a peduncle (Figure 1). 146 During the first surveys (June) eggs were transparent and the embryos inside were perfectly 147 observable (Figure 2 and Figure 3a). In early July almost half yolk were absorbed and 148 embryos started to have a defined shape, allowing us to recognize various morphology of this 149 animals. In late July-early August embryos were filled up all the available space inside the 150 eggs, making their aspect more dark and opaque (Figure 3b-c). The first newborns were 151 observed on 16 August in the nest furthest from the entrance, while in the other nests the first 152 newborns appeared on 25 and 28 August (Table 1; Figure 4d). Eggs from the same nest did 153 not hatch contemporarily, but required up to 10 days for hatch completion (Table 1). 154 During surveys mothers constantly took care of their broods, moving away from them rarely (Table 1). The best-AIC model suggested that nests were more frequently unattended 156 by mothers when temperature was higher (χ21 = 4.52, P = 0.03) and later in the season (χ21 = 157 3.40, P = 0.06) (Table 2). A significant positive interaction between temperature and day of 158 survey indicated that the effect of temperature was particularly important later in the season 159 (χ21 = 5.10, P = 0.024). N 155 160 When nests were unattended, females changed eggs position, by moving them to the 161 deepest and most hidden part of the nest-holes. After hatch, newborns followed their mother 162 into and outside nests for 6-52 days (mean: 27). Some newborns sometimes explored areas 163 just outside the nest, while mother remained inside nest with other part of her brood. This 7 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 behaviour was observed 6 times, and was observed most frequently for the deepest nest: we 165 found 4 times newborns salamanders outside from the fourth nest and only one time outside 166 from the first and the second. On the 25 October all nests were abandoned. o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 164 167 Discussion 169 This study describes the first finding of multiple nests for the genus Hydromantes 170 (Speleomantes) under natural conditions, by analysing the first collection of quantitative 171 parameters on environmental features potentially related to nest site choice and parental care 172 behaviour for the genus. Before this study, Hydromantes clutches in natural environments 173 have been observed only few times (Stefani & Serra 1966, Papinuto 2005, Lunghi et al. 174 2014b), while clutches of H. imperialis were only observed in captivity (Lanza et al. 2006). 175 Clutches of H. imperialis were inside small holes located on cave walls, as observed by 176 studies on the other species (Stefani & Serra 1966, Papinuto 2005, Lunghi et al. 2014b). 177 Females look for hidden places in order to protect as much as possible their eggs (Lanza et al. 178 2006, Pastorelli & Laghi 2006, Oneto et al. 2010). Normally, observed females laid their eggs 179 not too close to the entrance, in areas that present suitable microclimatic features (cool 180 temperature, high moisture and darkness), with a pattern of microhabitat selection similar to 181 the one observed by individuals of other Hydromantes species (Ficetola et al. 2013, Lunghi et 182 al. 2014a). During previous observations, females with eggs were always relatively far from 183 entrance, and previous work suggested that these areas might be characterized by high N 168 184 microclimatic stability (Lunghi et al. 2014b). Females selected nest-holes relatively far from 185 the entrance also in H. imperialis, and the recording of microclimatic parameters in multiple 186 occasions allowed to test this hypotheses. Actually, the cave sectors selected for nesting did 187 not show particularly high microclimatic stability, compared to the areas of the cave closest to 8 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 the surface, i.e. where the highest microclimatic variability is expected (Romero 2009). This 189 suggests that the microclimatic stability, that is characteristic of the whole cave environment 190 (Romero 2009), is sufficient to maintain suitable microhabitat conditions during the several 191 months required for eggs development (Lanza et al. 2006). To lay their eggs, females 192 probably select the first suitable area of the cave (enough fresh and humid) which is at the 193 same time not too far from food resources (Ficetola et al. 2013). This choice might help 194 females to obtain food without distancing too much from their clutches. Females choice might 195 therefore result from the trade-off between environmental features, clutch security and food 196 supply. o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 188 197 Clutches size was similar to the one previously reported for other species (Lanza et al. 2006). For all the nests, hatch was relatively synchronous, toward the end of Summer, like 199 what was observed in all the other Hydromantes species (Papinuto 2005, Lanza et al. 2006, 200 Lunghi et al. 2014b) (Table 3). End of Summer may be an extremely suitable period for 201 juveniles, as it generally corresponds to the end of the dry season, and thus juveniles may 202 move outside from caves, where food availability is higher. Nevertheless, across the different 203 Hydromantes species, average hatch date was significantly related to the mean annual 204 temperature: eggs hatched significantly earlier in populations living in warmest areas (Table 205 3; linear regression, weighted for the number of clutches, between mean hatch date and mean 206 annual temperature: F1,3 = 52.2, P = 0.005, R2 = 0.93). Cave temperature is strongly related to 207 the mean annual outdoor temperature (Romero 2009), and in amphibians high temperature 208 increases metabolism, accelerating embryo development (Morrison & Hero 2003). Overall, 209 the good synchrony of hatches, with earlier hatch in the warmer localities, suggests that the 210 whole breeding cycle may follow a similar seasonal pattern across the whole Hydromantes 211 genus. N 198 9 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 Within a nest eggs hatched over a relatively long period (Table 1). Like what was 213 observed for H. strinatii (Oneto et al. 2010), eggs from all 4 nests of H. imperialis never 214 hatched in the same day: a single clutch require up to 10 days for let all newborns come out 215 from their eggs (Figure 4d). o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 212 216 Mothers take care carefully on their broods, attending and protecting them against predators and infections (Lanza et al. 2006, Oneto et al. 2014). However, is already known 218 that sometimes mothers left unattended their nest (Oneto et al. 2010). With our observation 219 we could see that the mothers choice to distance for a while from their nest is related to some 220 environmental features. Mothers left nest mostly when air temperature is relatively high and 221 during later periods. However, before moving away from the nests, mothers replace the eggs 222 in a concealed part of the nest. During our observation we always saw mothers curled on their 223 eggs inside holes; however, in two circumstance, before leaving the nest, mothers hidden the 224 bunch of eggs on the backside of nest walls, making extremely difficult (or impossible) their 225 detection. For all species, after hatching, mothers continued to occupy the nest with newborns 226 in average for one month, with strong differences among females (min 6 days, max 52 days). 227 The post-hatch nest attendance overlaps what has been observed in other species (Table 3), 228 suggesting a lack of interspecific divergence in post-hatching behaviour, but rather some 229 variation among females, which could depend from both environmental features and physical 230 status. As observed by Oneto et al. (2010) newborns never fed before leave definitively the 231 nest. Time of permanence inside the nest after hatching might thus also depend from how 232 long last yolk absorption of newborns (Lunghi et al. 2014b). However, differently from the 233 observations performed on H. strinatii (Oneto et al. 2010), in our study newborns were more 234 inclined to explore areas around the nest, even without their mother, as also reported by 235 Papinuto (2005). This difference in behaviour might be due to the different environmental N 217 10 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 236 conditions (natural vs. semi-natural) which may influence the behaviour of both mother and 237 newborns. Our study adds new insights on the brooding behaviour of European cave o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 238 239 salamanders; however information remains limited to a handful of species (Table 3), and for 240 each species no more than one population has been investigated. Further researches, 241 comparing the results of multiple nests and multiple populations will be necessary to better 242 understand the complex breeding behaviour of these cryptic salamanders. 243 Acknowledgments 245 We are grateful to many friends that took part to this long survey: Valentina Mirimin, Sandro 246 Corona, Francesca Fais, Sandro Murru, Silvestro Papinuto, Francesco Papinuto, Denise Atzei, 247 Luca Buschettu, Giancarlo Cadeddu, Rita Cadeddu, Alfredo Camedda, Franca Contu, 248 Gabriele Espis, Salvatore Manca, Carla Meli, Gianfranco Muzzetto, Simona Putzolu, Cristina 249 Santona, Loredana Tegas. This study was allowed by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, 250 out withstanding of the DPR 357/97 , Prot. 0040002. 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N o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 13 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 313 Table and Figure captions 315 Table 1: Position and morphology of nests and data on their occupancy: Distance (distance from 316 entrance); Height (height from the ground); Size of the nest-hole (height and width of the entrance of o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 314 317 nests); First born (date of first eggs hatched); All born (date when all eggs were hatched); Empty (date 318 when the nest was completely uninhabited); Nest unattended (date when mother left unattended the 319 nest). * The fourth nest were not checked between 14 and 26 September due to the high risk to step on 320 salamanders that were covering the ground floor. 321 322 Table 2: Candidate AIC models created using following dependent factors: Day (day of 323 survey); Eggs hatch (presence of eggs hatched); Temp (air temperature); Hum (relative 324 humidity); Day*T (interaction between day of survey and air temperature). 325 326 Table 3: Mean hatch date and length of post-hatch parental cares, in different studies on 327 Hydromantes nests, from natural and semi-natural environments. Mean annual temperature is 328 the mean annual temperature of the outdoor environment, obtained from the world climate 329 (Hijmans et al. 2005). 330 331 Figure 1: Seven eggs provided with peduncle that drawn them close (third nest; 15 June). N 332 333 Figure 2: First nest during survey on 15 June: eggs show high transparency and embryos and 334 yolk are clearly recognisable. 335 14 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 Figure 3: Third nest observed in different times. A) On 23 June eggs were transparent and 337 embryos in early developmental stage are detectable; B) On 9 August embryos were grow up 338 and showed an advanced body-shape; C) On 17 August yolks were continuously less visible 339 due to embryos development; D) First salamander born on 28 August. N o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 336 15 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 340 Tables 342 Table 1 o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 341 1st nest 2nd nest 3rd nest 4th nest Distance from Height entrance 14.8 m 100 cm 17.6 m 50 cm 20 m 20 cm 21.7 m 150 cm Size of the nest-hole First born All Born Empty Nest unattended 2 x 2 cm 5 x 2 cm 3 x 2 cm 4 x 3 cm 28/08 25/08 28/08 16/08 3/09 3/09 7/09 25/08 25/10 20/09 13/09 27/09* 17/08 7/09 7/09 9/08 343 344 Table 2 Day -1.612 -0.04962 Eggs hatch Temp -4.615 1.0960 Hum Day*T 0.08958 df 5 4 2 AICc 31.0 33.8 34.7 delta 0.00 2.77 3.70 weight 0.71 0.18 0.11 345 346 Table 3 Species Study Mean hatch date Number of clutches Mean outdoor temperature H. genei H. imperialis H. italicus H. flavus H. strinatii (Papinuto 2005) this study (Lunghi et al. 2014b) (Lunghi et al. 2014b) (Oneto et al. 2010, 2014) 31 August 24 August 11 September 26 August 6 October 1 4 1 1 3 13.7 15.0 12.0 15.9 10.2 Post-hatch parental cares (days) 14 6-52 30 7 42 N 347 16 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 348 Figures 350 Figure 1 o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 349 351 352 Figure 2 N 353 354 17 Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology 11: art.151505 355 Figure 3 o Ac rth ce -w pt es ed te pa rn pe Jo r - urn un al til of pr Zo oo o fin log g y 356 N 357 18
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