Disease and Husbandry Day Saturday 30th May

Disease and Husbandry Day Saturday 30th May
Environment and Sustainability Institute,
University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, TR10 9FE
This year’s Disease and Husbandry Day will be held at the Environment and Sustainability
Institute on Saturday 30th May at the kind invitation of Dr Pete Kennedy. The Disease and
Husbandry Day is organised by the CBKA, the WCBKA and
Simon Jones, the Regional Bee Inspector. Presentations
and workshops will be delivered by Bee Inspectors. In
addition, research staff on campus will be available to
talk about the bee research underway at the university.
The event is co-sponsored by the BDI.
Total number of places is restricted to 60 members in
order to maximise the benefits of the day and will be
allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve a
place please e-mail either:
Mike White on mikewaterland@tiscali.co.uk or
Anne McQuade on annemcquade@btinternet.com
An outline programme for the Disease and Husbandry Day is:
0900-0930: Arrive (tea and coffee available)
0930-1030: Talk on Apiary Hygiene and Disease control
1030-1600: Workshop Groups covering:
Varroa Biology, IPM and approved Veterinary Medicines
Small Hive Beetle and Asian Hornet
Diseased comb recognition and use of lateral flow devices
Practical apiary disease inspection including checks for Foulbrood and Exotic Pests
Bee research at Penryn
1600-1630: Question and answer session
Notes: 1. Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.
2. Hot pasties will be available for the lunch break. These are priced at £3.00.
Please state a preference for a steak or vegetarian pastie when booking a
3. Please remember to bring your (clean) bee suits and wellies/boots, to be
worn for the practical apiary disease inspection session.