Office of the Birbhum District Primary Schoo! Council Vidyasagar Bhaban suri, Birbhum il;]"' :1i112111222i"**' dpscbirbhum@rmail,com website- Memo No.- 3Q ( g oate- lt.O({'15' FromThe Secretory Birbhum District Primary School Council, Suri, Birbhum To, ' The Sub-lnspector of Schools, Bolpur lntensive, Bolpur West, Sadar Central, Sadar West, Sadar East, Sainthia, Rampurhat East, Rampurhat West, Rampurhat North and Rampurhat South Circle, Birbhum Sub : Reouisition for the primarv schools oremises for the ensuinp Municipal Election in Bolpur, Suri, Sainthia and Ramourhat Municipalitv on 25-04-2015. Enclosed please find herewith an order of the secretary , School Education Department bearing memo no. 797(44) 5E(Ad mnl/12E-02/L5 dated 31't March'201.5 which will speaks the subject stated above. Also note that the teachers of above mentioned municipal areas those who will cast their votes in the said election will be entitled for on duty on 25-04-2075. You are requested to act accordingly. E nclo.- As stated. P/*,r.*,,- 5ecreIary, Birb. Dist. Pry. School Council Suri, Birbhum & District lnspector of Schools (PE) Birbhum &" Government of West Bengal School Education Department Administrative Branch Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 7O0 091 ,!qTG?,^dmn.)/ tzE-oLl 4 s Dated, the 3l ** Rcrttel,. | 2A I S. From : Shri A.Roy, Secretary to the Government of West Bengal. To : 1.D.l.of Schools(Primary Edn.)(All 2. D.I. of Schools(Secondary Edn.) District) District) (A11 Subject: Requisition for the school premises alongwith the services of their non-teaching employees for the ensuing election for the Kolkata Municipal Corporation and 91 other Municipalities to be held on 18.04.2015 and 25.O4.2O 15 resPectivelY' In sending herewith a copy of the Memo bearing no' 646(3)-SEC/ lM2Ol2Ol5 dtd 18.03.2015 on the abovenoted subject and received from the secretary , west Bengal State Election commission the undersigned is directed to request him to take necessary action so that:- l)the premises of the schools in the aforesaid Municipal areas as mal b€, required by the Municipal Returning oflicers can be used for polling and other allied election PurPoses and; 2)servicesofnon-teachingemployeesofeducationalinstitutionscanbe officer utilized by the District Magistrate and District Municipal Election concerned,[s required; 3)furnitureinthesepremisesasmayberequired'withthefacilityof may be fl\4j power,drinking water supply, toilets and use of public convenience availableinthesaidpremisesinconnectionwiththeensuingelectionforthe Kolkata Municipal Corporation to be held on L8'O4'2015 and 91 other Municipalities to be held on 25.O4.2015 Enclo: As stated. W Secretary ytr(q+) /,0+) No. -SE(Admn.)/ School Education DePartment Dated, the 3l.t* l'lPlaA, LOI: Copy forwarded for information to:- Naidu l)The Secretary , West Bengal State Election Commission' 18' Sorojini No'646(3)Sarani(Rawdon street), Kolkata-700017 with reference to his Memo sqc I lM-2O I 20 15 dtd 18-o3.2o 15. 2)The District Magistrate (All). I -2- \ 3)President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education. 4)Administrator, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. 1ffiairman, DPSC(AII) Siorbhr* , 6)Office Copy. ,.rM School Education Department
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