THE DAILY STANDARD UNION: BROOKLYN, NEW YORK CITY. SUNDAY. JANUARY r* 30, 191 ft. gijtiiiin\iiiiiiiiiHiiitiii!iiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHffiTm The Year's Best Values from Every Section of the Store - - ^ • • • • - • • • " • ^ ^ ' $21.98 Theo. Haviland Dinner Sets, $14.75 Sample Parlor Suites 25% Less 99 Pieces, fine Theodore Haviland (Limoges) China in several'pretty floral designs with coin gold decorations. Sets complete for 12 people. Beautiful Suites for parlor or living-room—the important sample line of a fine maker. The February Furniture Sale's first splendid anniversary offering: Anniversary; American Porcelain Dinner Sets, $6.89 and $8.75 $16.98 Imported China Dinner Sets, $11.68 101 piece* in florai design with gold Una Very special, 100 pieces each. The set* at 1 6 . 8 9 In two floral patterns with fold line; the sets at $ 8 . 7 5 green and gold design. Subway floor. Central Building; 25c. Japanese China, 1254c Hand-painted Hair Receiver* and; Ftrwdei"Boxes at half price., $2.98 Cut Glass Bowls, $2.25 Fruit or Salad Bowls, 8 and 9 inch sizes, cut in a combination of chrysanthemum, fan and Venetian designs, finished with deep scalloped edge. $1.25 Cut Class Mayonnaise Bowls, $1.29 Light Cut Cream Pitchers, 79c Pint sisse, cut In a crystal, floral and 89c foliage design. Square shape footed Mayonnaise Bowls, $1.19 Light Cut Nappies, 75c cut :n ro-k crystal, tloral and foliage designs and scalloped edge. $5.49 Cut Glass Water Pitchers, $3.98 Suite 8 Pc, 1 P«» S Po. S Pc. 3 Pe. 2 *Pai Pc I Pe. 8 Pc | Pc, t Pc. $ Pc $3.25 Figured Silkoline Covered Comfortables, $2.49 Each $5.00 Figured Dotted Silk Mull Comfortables, $3.98 Each Ihtfl' size; '8 .tn„ 'mull border, filled, with, fine cotton; in yellow only. With brocJled silk mull back and 8 ln. border Full alze: dainty coloring. Subway floor, Weat Bufldinv. 25c. Water Sets, 19c. Set 98c Velvet Carpet, 85c Yard well-seasoned; In 16 wood and tile patterns. ; Third floor. Beat Bui I drag, . $23.75 Seamless Velvet Rugs, 0x12, $19.25 Wiltana and Colonial Velvet Rugs, new and perfect, in fine range of patterns, at LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE COST. Other sizes: 6x9 f t . 9 1 1 . 3 3 , I 7 ^ x 9 ft, 913.75, j 8^x10% ft, 917.50 rcg. $12.50 reg. $15.50 reg. $19.50 1 •mmmmmmmi Ill " ' " Third floor. East Building, ' I n 500 Pairs Cretonne Curtains, 98c Pair "| Including plain and Dutch Curtains with valance. .All of the.'Curtains are trimmed with a cretonne edging and are in floral and striped patterns, all are hemmed ready to hang., \ - g» * _ _ « • c—»J« 1 * * * •=--*-! 1 5 LretOtine tSCCf s p r e a d s , j Z . J V Caen l , M novelty scrim Curtain*. 89«. pair. 4#e. colored double bordered Curtain Scrims, 25c. yard. 3©© Remnants of Upholstery' Material*,| »4AA C I • i r* *• . . laeludl&ff velveta, veloer* and arm tires, c $4.00 Colonial Cretonne Curtains. $1.89 Pair ••» to % lea*, than former prices. Third floor. Central Building 8x10 Enlargement, in black and white And mounted, 18o., regrularly 35c. Olaas Stirring Rods, 8e„ regrularly 10c. 'Ingento Albumette, 1 0 c , regularly 15c, Revoll tints, 2 0 c , regularly 24c i Pictures appropriate for nursery, bedroom and living room, at these prices: 9c.» 1 9 c , 3 9 c . , 5 9 c , 6 9 c , 9 8 c and $ 1 . 3 9 ; a few at $ 2 . 9 8 . In the assortment are Mottoes, nursery rhymes and a wide variety of the copies of masterpieces in color and plain. • The frames are antique with fancy tops; some hafp carved effects, in a good assortment of Flemish and mahogany finish woods. 1 r ^ floor, o n t n U BuUdln ,. •'•'•'"'• • ' ——H.1N—!•! II •! •• IIHIIIIW IIIHI III.. I • I I — l.l.lll • • 30 year, gold filled, open face, 7 Jeweled • < j f c l » » W » « - - — • • • •• • • M l I - . 1 Ball bearing. '" Men's $4.98 and $5.98 Sweaters, $3.49 and $4.49 HIM! $1 Sterling Silver Serving Pieces, 69c Each Cream Ladles, Olive Forks, Olive Spoons, Chipped Beef Forks, Sardine Forks, Marmalade Spoons, with a new pretty pierced pattern in bright J finish. Monday only. * Subwayfloor,-Central Building. 50 Engraved Visiting Cards and Plate, 98c. We will engrave a new plate, name only, and print 50 cards for this price. Yon may choose from 5 styles of type—Shaded Old English, French Script, Solid Old English, Roman or Gothic. • 8 t m t nmTt B M t Bm«ii»* ^•'•••WWMMIWWIMW^^ . Clark's 0. N. T. Spool Cotton, 38c. Doz. George A. Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton, black or white, 200 yards on a spool, usually 4 6 c , at 38«\ a dozen. I Net Brassiere, with Shield*, sizes 34 to 40. ; usually r,0i-.. at 35o 4 Will.nxton Spool Cotton. 200 yds., black or white, several sizes, usually ZHr., at ' 2 2 c , doaen j Wooden Combination Skirt and Coat Hanger, j usually !<<-., at , . . . . ,0c I Two-ln-One Shoe Polish, usually &c, at. , 4 c :.•>!.:, Kaa! ''Building. 34c Assorted Milk Chocolates, 24c. lb. Caramels, Plantations, Nougat, Marshmallow, Cocoanut cream, Fruit and Nut centers, covered with a delicious coating of milk chocolate. Assorted only. 24c. M on tank Italian Creams, 15c. Lb.] Made from, beaten white of eggs and smooth " cream, a coating of, pure bitter chocolate wlth'Juet enough sugar to sweaten, ', I So. lb. 19c. Cream Peppermints, 10c. Lb. Soft cream, , Cuticura Soap, Regularly 18c. at 12c. cftiid # * # • • ••• * * * •' * *• * # » * •» * •• • # * •• #" • ""*.'" r„yi'i'![ss' Tooth Powder, regularly 14c, a t . . O e Psbeco Tooth Pasfe . regularly 32e„t a t . . 2 5 © Kolynoa Tooth Paste, regularly 15c, a t . . t O e Holmes' Frostllla, f i e . state, regularly 13c, ; ""»t '.. - • .*. -, 8« .Daggett & Ratnadsll Cold Cream, Me. rise, regularly 3Sc„, at. , . 24« Bell's Fapayan Tablets, for dyspepsia, 54c. rise, at 38c Wyeth's 6mm »»d Sulphur Hair .Remedy. 5«e. else, regularly $4e., a t . 24e Canthrox Shampoo for the hair,. tOc. size, regularly "41c, at. , . . . , . , . . . . , . . .28c Mermen's Talcum 'Powder, regularly l i e , . at 8c Pears* Scented Soap. 4isu.allf. 13c, at. . . . 10c Wampois's Cod liver. Oil,, usually «4c, at f.., • .87© Limestone Phosphate, usually 2Sc, a t . , . 19o Scott's 'emulsion of Cod Liver OH, $1.00 xise, usually 70c, a t . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . ' , 60© Pepto Mangan, blood tofile, 11,00 site, usually "4c, at . «*. ."08o Store orders only, i Quantities limited, two to a customer and deliveries during the week. No hurry box orders filled. None C, O. D. Street floor, Llriftgaion street. Emit Building*. $2.50 Hand Made Porto Rican Cigars, Saratogas, Box of 50, $1.25 $3.48 Gillette Safety Razors at $2.46 Gillette Safety Razor Blades, usually 75c. at 5 9 c . doz. Embroidery Scissors, 21/2 in- long, with gilt or nickel handles, usually 15c. at 9 c . T Hemmed Muslin Sheets, 37c Ea. Ol Bleached Muslin, size before hemming 2x2V-2 yards, with centre seams. At l © c . each. Pillowcases of bleached muslin, heifcned, 45x36 in. At 8 c . yard. Bleached Munlin, 36 in. Good qualitm At SViC* yard. Unbleached Muslin, yardwide, solp finish. 22c Priscilla Hams, 15c Pound These famous sugar-cured and hickory smoked Ha|as; deliciously sweet and tender; average 8 to 12 pounds. Limit two Hams; sAre orders only. Much leee than the present coet price tit carload. Iota from the mill direct. Parrels, rog. f 7.89.. This eale,<S0.80. Limit, one barrel. Half Barrels, reg. 14.10. " Limit,' niic-halt barrel. % Barrel Sacks, re«. 99c. ' Limit, two v, wick8. This sale, $ 3 . 5 9 . This sale,. 87c. M l 'Barret Sacks, regr- fide Thle sale. 4 5 e . Limit, iivd l-iii eaeke. . Untitled Document Street floor. Woit Bulldin*, ' 24c. Best Carolina Half Head Rice, I Pounds 19c Cooke just | p well and has precisely the same flavor Bin food value as the mo>Jt expensive whflle head rice. Limit, 25 lbs. to a customer, ,10c. Montauk Sugar Corn,'7c. Can | White, aw«K tender and creamy. No quantity r e d A i o n at this record price. Limit. 12 enns to a customer. I8c. Priscilla Brand Cocoa, 15c. Can Smooth, rickynnd delicious product of our own la born tori in »^ -ll». net weight screw cap tins. Unfit or <! cans to a customer. Deliveries during the week. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Street floor. Urlncston atito*. Contra! BntMtnflk Boys' Russian Overcoats, $4-95 Fine Chinchillas in Navy, gray and heather mixtures, also brown and gray heavy cheviot coatings, made to button to neck and warmly lined with flannel or fancy plaid. Many of these coats were priced a dollar more. Sizes 3 to 8 years. *r Mackinaw Coats, $5.95 and $6.95 ^ Regularly a dollar more, and worth it. Heavy all wool fabric In rich colortngB and in various "combination overplaids. Sizes 7 to 17 years. Second floor. Baat SutMUag. $3 Bird Books, by Chester A. Reed, $1.89 Ea. "The Bird Book," illustrating in natural colors more than 700 birds of North America. "Birds of Eastern North America"; having colored illustrations of every species common to the United States and Canada east of the Rockies. A most unusual oportunity for the student of Bird-lore. Meaxanlne floor. Bast Building. Subway floor, Weat Building. $7.89 Priscilla Flour, $6.89 Bbl. Cast Steel Scissors, several usually 25c. at 1 5 c . Cuticle Scissors, usually 35c. at 2 4 c Store orders only. Quantities restricted. with peppermint lOe. lb. Strei ;iloor. center. Control nuUdlng. Quantities limited and store orders only. Street floor. Livlnffaton *trect. Central Building. d Metallized and flavored Men's 8he>p. Ea»t Bide Flor De Merode Sirenas; clear Havana filler and Sumatra wrapper; we seH them in great quantities at $ 2 . 4 9 . Pencils, 15c. Dozen Yellow finMJ with metal top and rubber eraser. Index Card| BXf, for filing record, ruled; reg. 10c. per 10; sale price. 4c. per 100. Box of 250. ' An excellent grade, pure white stock, Choice of'afce ®%, or «%.. .-;.•'.:' envelopes to match; in 29c. Lei 25c. Box Business Envelopes. 15c. Box Street floor, Man's Shop. Street floor. East B:M!»| 5,000 Boxes of Writing Paper, 5c Box Cloth finish stock, each box contains 24 sheets, vejry attractive boxes. Sale price. Hose that formerly sold at much greater prices. Consisting of fine lisle thread, fiber Hose and fine cotton. Are made with seamless feet, double heels and toes. Brewster Brevas Imperials, Box of 50 ai $1.25, Regular $225 Many of tbm new and most popular hits. Al Including All p.board for Chinatown; That's the Song of longs for Me; Mother; a n i Loading Up %e Mandy Lee, and many Cthers. Tourth floor. West Building. Record Albums, Holding Ten 12-ln. Records, 49c Men's Half Hose, 8c. Fifty $2.49 Flor De Merode Cigars $1.98 Sheet Music, 7c. Sheet V' neeft and with wide roll collars, full fashioned; shaker knit; made of pure' worsted. . - .IWMMp, Of fine combed cotton yarn; the Shirts with soft French necks and short sleeves; Drawers with coutil facings, pearl buttons and double seats. Made to sell at 5 0 c , but slightly mill imper- { feet. Boys' and Girls' $1.24 Roller Skates, 95c Street floor, Central Building, Pears' fJnscented Soap,-regularly 1 0 c , Men's Balbriggan Underwear, 37c Garment movement. Street" Me»r, ^Central Building. Both stiff and soft cuffs. An immense assortment of percales and madras fabricet neat designs in the most popular colorings. Sizes 14 to 17 inches. Street floor. Men's 'Shop, East Building. The lowest price we have ever quoted for this grade. A large variety of different designs and colorings, are well made and guaranteed fast colors. stry. floor, Center. Central Building, Most extraordinary offering; for the Rings are heavy solid 10k gold, mounted with genuine semi-precious stones: Opals and Opal Matrix, Amethysts, Jade, Turquoise Matrix* Lapis Lazuli, Sardonyx. Also genuine Coral and about a dozen. Synthetic Rubies. The Rings are mostly In women's and girls! sizes. Stunning mannish effects. ! • 2,400 Men's Fancy Shirts, 49c Men's $2.50 Striped Terry Bathrobes, $L69 Argo Postal Cards, 9c. pkg., regularly 12c. Postal CsuM Printing Frames, 14c., regularly 17c. Street floor, Central Building. Framed Pictures Greatly Under-pricc $2.75 to $10 Solid Gold Rings, $1.94 NO hurry DOX Orders filled. Striped in pink and blue designs; finished with loops and pearl buttons. Candle La,«|ps, 16o., regularly 20c. A maker's surplus stock which we obtained at a concession which makes their very low price possible. There are 1,200 of the Frames—gold plated, silver plated, gun metal and ivory finished, in card, post card, cabinet, and 5x7 lizes. Store orders only. Sanitary Dress Prr>t*-tor Aprons, usually ih • . at 12c Hair IflSfJt aborted shades, large si/--. usuallv I9f., at lOc J I-irK«- spools of< k Scwinic Silk. 400 yds.. .-ually 1 $»•".. at 12c. a spool Import*.d Safety Pins. 3 sizes, usually 2-ir., ;it 8c. a dozen 1,200 Men's $1 Domet Pajamas, 73c. * We will enlarge from your negative to 8x10 inih sepia and mounted for 3 5 e. Ottr regular charge is 40c. more than we ask ponday. ••' Men's $8.95 Elgin Watches, $5.95 We can't mention the names of the makers of these hat bodies; but for yean they have been noted for highest quality and style, particularly for Hats at $ 4 and $ 5 . A factory change brings to us a quantity of perfect hats that usually retail at $3, $4 and $5. They are in several new Spring blocks of different proportions. All Sizes. Sr-««-floor.Men'a Shop. East B-j?M!na\ Picture Enlargements, 35c. Instead of 75c. These Men's and Women's Watches, closely trustworthy, are reduced I/* from our own low prices. immmmmmmmma Men's $3 to $5 Spring Derbies, $1.95 Btrest floor. Livlorstoa atraet. But Bullttng. 3Qc to 75c Photograph Frames, 24c t© year, fold filled, convertible, small tds«. wtt'll 15 Jeweled movement. , Plain or engraved case. Strwt floor. Sfen'a Shop. Ba»t Burtatm*. ^ — — m ^ ^ a w a i , w ~ — — . . ^ • — . ^ p i p , — * wmmmmmimBU/m Fine heavy bleached Satin Damask, 2x2i/ 2 and 2*3 yards, without napkins. At $ 2 . 4 9 each. Table Cloths of bleached Irish Satin Damask, 71 inches. At 1 0 c . each. Hemmed bleached cotton Huckaback Towels. At 3 5 c . to 9 8 c . each. Turkish Bath Mats, in iolors. Slightly imperfect, otherwise worth */$ more.' Gold-Filled Watches, 33% Less Women's $13.65 Bracelet Watches, $9.35 Also $30.00 to $38.00 Suits, at $24.00 In blue and black fancy cassimeres and worsted. $ 4 9 8 and $5.50 Odd Table Cloths, $3.98 3,000 Yds. Inlaid Linoleum, 69c Sq, Yd, Regularly 85c Perfect, Winter weight fabrics, one, two and three suit lengths in an assortment of tweeds, cassimeres, worsted. Made in single or double-breasted style. Above 42 breast measure extra charge for additional material necessary. : . 3.500 yards of our regular 98c. grade. Choice of ten handsome new patterns, at the season's record low price. | Men's $22.50 to $28 Suits to Measure, $17.50 This is a manufacturer's sample line of cotton, Wool and down filled comfortables; also in the cut sizes from 4 5 c . to $ 4 . 9 8 p c h , which is about l/8 less than regular prices. Store orders only. 8% inch size, cut in a combination of floral, foliage and butterfly design*, finished with cut star bottom. _. That we can say a suit is all wool or all worsted means a great deal more nowadays than it has in many years, as the constantly advancing price of woolens during the entire season has been responsible for the greatest amount of adulteration. , At this price are worsteds in plain gray, or blue with self stripe, cassimeres in black with white pin stripe, plain gray in medium or dark shades as well as a few fancy o-tferplaids. Mostly/Conservative models; a few soft roll with patch pockets; lined with serge or Venetian lined and tailored for service. Regular sizes 35 to 44 as well as some for stout men, 38 to 46. Special clearance values in Men's Suits at $ 1 2 . 5 0 , $ 1 4 . 7 5 and $ 1 8 . 5 0 , and Overcoats at $ 1 1 . 7 5 , $ 1 4 . 7 5 and $ 1 9 . 7 5 . s«conafloor.M«n-a shop. E**t Boneia*. Price Regrularly 837.50 $50.00 63.00 86.00 67.50 80.00 82.50 110.00 100.00 136.00 112.50 160.00 130.00 176.00 138.00 186.00 145.00 195.00 150.00 200.00 180.00 240.00 210.0O 285.00 Fourth floor. East Building. Description Mahogany finished frames covered In velour. Mahogany finished frames covered In velour. Mahogany frames covered In velour, Mahogany finished frames covered In velour. Mahogany frames covered in velour. All upholstered, covered tm tapestry. All upholstered, covered in tapestry. Mahogany frames covered in velour. Mahogany frames covered to velour. Covered in velour. Covered In velour. Covered in velour. i Men's All Wool or All Worsted Suits, $9-50 Size Comfortables, $1.98 to $6.75 Extra heavy flawless blanks, cut in chrysanthemum, fan and other fine designs, Pressed Glass Water Sets, ' optic • shape. finished with cut handle and cut star bottom. Set consists of pitcher and six tumblers. Subway fl«or. Central Building: | • • 45c House Brooms, 27c Extra quality selected corn straw, medium weight, four-sewed. Only two to a customer. Store orders only. This is/one of the extraordinary offerings contributed by the Mid-winter Housewares to the 51st Anniversary. 35c. Clothes Lines, 24c. Fine Aluminum Ware Low-Priced 100 feet, fine grade, hand laid, smooth finish. 16c. Clothes Pins, 100 for 5c. Only two to a customer. Store orders 4 only. Nouo O. O. I). $1.69 Carpet Sweepers, $1.29 . Broom action, lUsseU's standard easy running; line polished wood. I $1.70 Rice or Cereal Boilers, 98c. $2.26 Tea Kettles. 5 qt., seamless. $ 1 . 5 9 . $1.1S covered Berlin Saucepan or Kettle, qt., 79c, $l.S6 Saucepan Seta, 1H 2 and 3 qt., ocfCU model; $1.18 deep Preaerrinf Kettles, « q t , 79c Kirkman's Borax Soap. 6 Cakes for 15c. For sale on Tuesday only. Not for sale on Monday at this price. Sale hwelni Tuesday, 9 A. W., closing 3 P. M. Counter deliveries only and not more than six cakes to a customer. No mail, telephone or hurry box orders. H • • - • • • • Subway floor. Ka.i Bulldm*
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