Exploring End of Life Spiritual Care LEARNING FROM CASE STUDIES JOIN INTER-PROFESSIONAL COLLEAGUES in an in-depth examination of spiritual care at the end of life. Our conference begins with Chaplain Steve Nolan PhD teaching how four moments in the chaplain-patient relationship comprise his theory of chaplain as ‘hopeful presence.’ Critical discussion of Nolan’s model will be offered by both a pastoral theologian and a palliative care nurse practitioner. The rest of the day features case studies to explore the complex, divergent ways that spiritual care is provided at the end of life. First, Nolan presents a case titled “But you can’t get a bus ride to heaven, can you?” about a lapsed Baptist hospice patient concerned about his future. Again, critical discussion will be led by respondents: a chaplain and a palliative care clinician. In the afternoon, we break into small groups to discuss case studies about the different end of life contexts in which chaplains provide spiritual care. Finally, we introduce Fitchett and Nolan’s groundbreaking new book, Spiritual Care in Practice: Case Studies in Healthcare Chaplaincy (Jessica Kingsley, 2015). Steve Nolan PhD is the chaplain at Princess Alice Hospice UK, and a member of the European Association for Palliative Care Taskforce on Spiritual Care in Palliative Care. He is the author of Spiritual Care at the End of Life: The Chaplain as a ‘Hopeful Presence’ (Jessica Kingsley, 2012). CEUs APPLIED FOR | Books available for purchase AN INTER-PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE FOR palliative care APNs, MDs, RNs and social workers, chaplains, CPE students and supervisors, seminary faculty and students SPONSORED BY Rush Department of Religion, Health, and Human Values Rush Section of Pain and Palliative Medicine Bishop Anderson House T U ES D A Y June 2, 2015 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM I N C L U D ES L U N C H FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please email Eleanor_Welch@rush.edu or call 312.942.5571 REGISTER ONLINE AT bishopandersonhouse.org/event/exploring-end-of-life-spiritual-care-conference/ Room 994 Armour Academic Center Rush University Medical Center 600 South Paulina Street Chicago, IL 60612
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