BISNO NEWS V O L U M E 1 8 I S S U E 1 M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Employee Recognition Congratulations to the following employees who achieved milestones during the past year: INSIDE THIS ISS UE: Thumbs up Tanya Osadec 15 Years of Service Sandra Mauro 15 Years of Service Kelly Pastor 15 Years of Service Dana Gaudreau 10 Years of Service Erin Graham 10 Years of Service Brian Edwards 5 Years of Service Nancy Allard 15 Years of Service 2 BISNO! Going to Great 2 Lengths Dog Sledding 3 Adventures Margaret 3 Susan Smulski 5 Years of Service Cartoon Good Food Box 4 Program The Big Bike Ride 4 The Importance of Health & Wellness for BISNO Clients 5 Facts About Spring 5 President’s Address 6 The Final Word 6 Trudy Silver 5 Years of Service Stacy Menei 5 Years of Service Let’s help our environment and save a tree……. If you prefer to receive the BISNO newsletter by e-mail please send your e-mail address to P AGE 2 Thumbs up BISNO! Thumbs Up to the entire McKellar Team! The last six months have seen a lot of changes, hard work, learning & support. Everyone has been working above and beyond. Your hard work and dedication is appreciated. Keep up the good work! Thumbs Up to Ken with BISNO’s Community Rehabilitation and Outreach Services Program! Your excellent work with one of your clients at the Canada Games Complex, has not gone unnoticed. According to the Lifeguards and Inclusion Services staff at the Complex the achievements that this client is making are exceptional. Job very well done! SPRING WORD SEARCH Thumbs Up to Jenny Veal for always having an infectious smile no matter which site you are working at! WO F B J WI H P M MV L G J Z C I D W Thumbs Up to the new McKellar Place staff! Your addition to BISNO has been a breath of fresh air. Clients and family alike will benefit from the services that you provide for years to come. You are a welcome addition to the BISNO family. Y B O G V R L P Z N Z H WN A P U J R S WY E ME D N A K O Thumbs Up to Brian for outstanding group facilitation skills in our new Brain Wise Group! You continue to go over and above for our individuals in service and provide a good example for your co-workers. N V R Z D D I U P N D L S L D N R N S S P T E E Q V L A F I B S R E T S A E G B K I F A P R I L P O D Z R K L A WR U O Going to Great Lengths C T U D Q J Q F I T MZ N O S K N C Q S I R E WH A P H J E G J A O F K P Z T S APRIL BIRDS BISNO BOOTS EASTER FLOWERS GARDEN MARCH PUDDLES RAIN SUN WALK BISNO One of our individuals in service recently cut his hair so that it could be donated to “Angel Hair for Kids”, a program that provides wigs and hair loss solutions to financially disadvantaged children in Canada who have lost their hair due to a medical condition or treatment. His generous donation will help increase a child’s self esteem and improve their self image during a difficult time. Brad, we are all so incredibly proud of you! NEWS V OLUME 18 ISSUE 1 P AGE Dog Sledding Adventures On March 3rd, 2015 BISNO’s TREK Group ventured out to beautiful Kaministiquia for an incredible afternoon of dog sledding and social comfort. The weather was perfect for this event, -2 with soft flurries falling. This was our largest turnout ever, hosting 17 clients from three BISNO sites. Our hosts, Paul and his father from Boreal Sled Dog Adventure were, as always, incredibly welcoming. They set up their tent with a wood stove for heat inside, outdoor bonfire and even had homemade cookies, cranberry bread and hot chocolate. Everybody reported that they had a great time, sharing laughs and making memories for years to come. We had one client who purchased dog biscuits for the event and spent time at the end of the day walking up to every single dog (over 30!), thanking each one individually and giving them a biscuit. Paul (the owner of the place) told me that our client even remembered which dogs took him for the ride. Our adventure would not have been possible without assistance from a number of organizations and individuals. A special thank you to Boreal Sled Dog Adventure, Superior Home Health Care and the Danny Dawson Foundation. Looking forward to next year’s adventure! MARGARET by Bryson McChesnie BISNO’s Regional Office will be closed on April 3rd and April 6th for the Easter Holidays. 3 P AGE 4 GOOD FOOD BOX PROGRAM The Good Food Box program makes quality, fresh foods available at reasonable prices, while promoting community involvement and supporting local agriculture. What is the Good Food Box? The Good Food Box is a non-profit program for families and individuals who want to purchase quality, fresh produce at a lower price than shopping at grocery stores. You can purchase a family box for $20 or an individual box for $12. Boxes are ordered and paid for by the first Thursday of each month. Food is packed and distributed from a main site to local host sites for pick up the second last Thursday of each month. This means food is accessible at a time when some have less money available for buying food. The Good Food Box program is administrated by Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre (the Lakehead Social Planning Council is a host site). Call (807) 345-7819 or (807) 628-5768 for more information THE BIG BIKE RIDE On May 19th, 2015 Team BISNO will be hitting the streets again on the BIG BIKE! The Heart & Stroke Big Bike is a team event geared towards community organizations, companies and groups. Teams made up of 29 enthusiastic riders each commit to raise $50 or more. A driver is provided by the Foundation and riders pedal through their community in support of heart disease and stroke research. A vital fundraiser with impressive results, Heart & Stroke Big Bike continues to engage Canadians across the country. Last year, over 65,000 riders, in over 200 communities, helped raise over $8.4 million for research! This is helping us achieve even greater results that change the lives of not only heart and stroke patients, but all Canadians. Have you checked out our website yet? Or liked us on facebook? Visit and let us know what you think. You will be able access our facebook page from the website. If you have any comments please e-mail BISNO V OLUME 18 ISSUE 1 P AGE 5 The Importance of Health and Wellness for BISNO Clients If you live at or are visiting a BISNO location while feeling unwell… To prevent airborne infections, wear a mask. Do not share personal items with others Wash your hands for 10-15 seconds with warm water between any contact with others, using the washroom, coughing or after changing gloves. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on them in most situations. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. If you have a cough, use a tissue or cough into your sleeve. If you are visiting, wear protective gloves. If torn, replace with a new pair. Your Health Depends on Good Communication When you are with your doctor it is important to ask questions and to understand your health/ medication(s). This can create safer health outcomes for you. Be involved! You can ask questions such as… “What is my health condition?” “What do I need to do?” “Why do I need to do this?” “What should I tell my family?” “Are there any other options?” We can Help! Speak to a staff member if you have noticed any changes in your health. We would be more than happy to help you talk with your doctor about any concerns. The first day of spring is called the vernal equinox. What does that stand for you ask? ‘Vernal’ is Latin for spring while ‘equinox’ is Latin for ‘equal night’. The idea that the first day of spring is exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness rarely works. There is always a time when it is exact, but experts say it usually occurs before the vernal equinox. The reason there is more daylight during the spring is the earth’s axis tilts toward the sun at this time of year. Another reason for more daylight? Daylight Saving Time. Canada begins saving daylight on the second Sunday in March. Benjamin Franklin first proposed Daylight Saving Time in 1784. The first spring flowers are typically daffodils, dandelions, lilies, tulips, iris and lilacs to name a few. Spring fever is not just a saying. Experts say the body’s makeup changes due to different diets, hormone production and temperature. President’s Address After the coldest February ever we are all enjoying more daylight and looking forward to spring. The residents of our new assisted living units at McKellar Place will be enjoying their views of the Sleeping Giant and Mount McKay and the great support that they receive. The Board is very appreciative of all the extra effort required from staff to make these new units a reality; we have already heard from family members that their loved ones are thriving in their new environment. In the last few years I have been taking part in meetings at the NWLHIN, the government agency that provides most of our funding. They understand that BISNO is a unique the staff for all that they do for organization that provides our clients services that are not available elsewhere in the community. Sally Colquhoun BISNO is a very focused agency, President and we are very good at what we do. I say “we”, because after eight years on the Board of Directors I do feel a part of the agency, but I know that the amazing service that is provided to our clients is really the result of the dedication and extremely hard work of all of our staff members. It is a pleasure to be associated with an agency that serves their “hard-to-serve” clients so well. As we gear up for Brain Injury Awareness Month I would like to take this opportunity to thank all The Final Word March is also the last month in our fiscal year so it’s an opportunity to reflect on the past year. I have been working closely with the Board of Directors on developing our 2015 to 2020 Strategic Directions. It has been circulated to all of the Health Service providers in the North West, families involved in our Family Service Satisfaction Survey and employees. Feedback has been incorporated and the Plan will be finalized at the April board meeting. The Leadership Team will develop an Operational Workplan and report quarterly to the Board on progress made in achieving the various goals set out in the Strategic Directions. Speaking of the Family Service Satisfaction Survey, I am pleased to report we’ve had a very good response rate and, overall, families are satisfied with the services we offer and would recommend us to others. As with everything, there is always room for improvement; so an area of focus will be how families can be more involved in supporting their family member and also BISNO as a whole. Input into the Strategic Directions was to do more of what we currently deliver for all those who are waiting for services. Along with everyone else in Canada, I’m looking forward to spring, since this has been the coldest February! I’m planning what flowers will go into the window boxes to beautify the outside of our Regional Office. Many people have purchased their seeds and may have already started their gardens indoors. At the time of writing this message we are experiencing downright balmy temperatures and 9 more days till the first day of Spring! Alice Bellavance Executive Director
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