Best Of Scarves On Four Shafts A Baker’s Dozen + S carves are a handweaver’s favorite textile to make. They are narrow, so warping is quick. They allow playing with structure, color, and yarns without a huge investment in time or money. They can hang on a wall, drape over a chair, or dress up an outfit. They are both art and function—and you can never have too many of them. In this fourth volume of our Best of Handwoven series, you’ll find thirteen terrific projects (more than thirteen scarves) on four shafts (or fewer!). There are warm and woolly scarves, silky dressy scarves, scarves with fancy patterns and scarves with fancy textured yarns. There are spaced warps and novelty warps, hand-plied patterned wefts and beaded wefts. You’ll find twill, plain weave, Bronson lace, huck lace, seersucker, supplementary warp, supplementary weft, and more. The scarves in this volume are gathered from twenty years of Handwoven magazine (1979–1999). Enjoy weaving them and then give them as gifts or watch your personal scarf collection grow. CONTENTS Beginner’s Scarf in Fine White Wool — Janice Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Windowpane Scarf — Louise Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Double Pucker Scarf — Gisela Evitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Soft Cotton Scarf with Chenille Stripes — Joan Torgow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Scarf of the Night Skies — Kathy Bright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Soft and Light Scarf — Helen Bobisud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Herringbone Twill Scarf — Louetta Heindl Kambic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Silk Scar ves in Huck and Bronson Lace — Vicki Tardy and Kathy Bright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Magical Accent Scarf — Linda Flotow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Liquid Shimmer Scarf — Linda Ligon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Tip of the Twill Scar ves — Emmy Spencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Man’s Scarf in Silk and Cotton — Janice Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Scar ves with Spun Shimmer — Gisela Evitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Subscribe Today! Your online source for Handwoven magazine and back issues, weaving books, free projects, resources, events, and more! © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. Originally published in Handwoven®, March/April 1991, pp. 36–37 BEGINNER’S SCARF IN FINE WHITE WOOL JANICE JONES PROJECT NOTES Anyone who is attracted to finer yarns—3,000 yd/lb or more—but is intimidated by the number of warp threads needed for even a narrow weaving will enjoy this simple introduction. A mohair bouclé interspersed with a very fine wool in both warp and weft produces a stable but open fabric. The end result is a delicately soft and warm scarf that takes no more time to weave than a much bulkier version created with “fat” yarns. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 101⁄4" x 66" plus 6" fringe on each end. WARP and WEFT 2-ply merino wool at 3,570 yd/lb: 550 yd cream. Mohair bouclé (78% mohair, 13% wool, 9% nylon) at 980 yd/lb: 215 yd cream. YARN SOURCES 2-ply merino (Pony) and mohair bouclé (Bolero IIA) by Henry’s Attic are available from weaving suppliers in 8 oz skeins. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 142 ends 3 yd long following the warp color order. Thread two or four shafts for plain weave. Allowing 8" for fringe (including amount used to tie on), weave the scarf in plain weave following the weft color order (about 76"). If the bouclé is sticky, open the next shed before moving the beater back toward the shafts. Leave an 8" tail for the first and last picks to include in the fringe. Carry the 2-ply merino along the selvedge without breaking it when you weave the 2 picks of mohair bouclé. To weave the 2 bouclé picks, leave a tail with the first pick. Weave the second pick, tuck in the tail, and break the yarn so the second pick overlaps the tail. FINISHING Cut the scarf from the loom allowing 8" for fringe. Tie the fringe in overhand knots close to the fell using 6 ends in each knot. (I exchanged the last and first ends between adjacent groups to keep the warp from separating at the edge.) Tie another knot at the end of each 6-end group to keep the threads from tangling during washing. Wash the scarf by hand in warm water with a mild detergent. Squeeze out excess water with a towel and dry over a railing or shower rod. Press with a warm iron while barely damp. Trim fringe to 6", cutting off the knots at fringe ends. WARP COLOR ORDER WIDTH IN REED 115⁄6". TOTAL WARP ENDS 142. 92 12 8 8 18 18 8 8 12 2-ply merino 50 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 mohair bouclé 142 2-p l mo y me ha rin ir b o ou clé E.P.I. 12. 18 WARP LENGTH 3 yd (allows 2" for take-up and 30" for loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). DRAFT 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 P.P.I. 14 for 2-ply merino, 6–7 for mohair bouclé. 2 1 1 WEFT COLOR ORDER 12 2 8 2 8 2 18 2 / / 18 8x 2 8 / / 2 8 2 TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 13% in width, 16% in length. © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 12 2 16 1 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 2 Originally published in Handwoven®, September/October 1987, p. 55; instruction supplement, p. 11 WINDOWPANE SCARF LOUISE BRADLEY DRAFT PROJECT NOTES Small squares of jewel-toned silk framed in black give sparkle to this versatile scarf. Consider using the same idea in other hues. Or, use the scarf as a casual belt. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave with supplementary warp and weft. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 51⁄4" x 55" plus 2" fringe on each end. WARP and WEFT 30/2 silk (item #157) at 7,850 yd/lb: 270 yd Plum (#112) and 220 yd each of Ruby (#103), Mulberry (#114), and Coral (#116). 10/2 pearl cotton at 4,200 yd/lb: 190 yd Black. YARN SOURCES All yarns are available from Halcyon Yarn. E.P.I. 30. WIDTH IN REED 63⁄4". TOTAL WARP ENDS 202. WARP LENGTH 23⁄4 yd (allows 3" for take-up and 32" for loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). P.P.I. 30. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 22% in width, 18% in length. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 202 ends 23⁄4 yd long following the warp color order and thread four shafts following the draft. To accommodate the difference in take up, the black cotton warp threads must be beamed or weighted separately. If © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 13x * 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 Change silk weft colors (first and last 6 picks and the first and last 13-pick pattern sections are in Plum). WARP COLOR ORDER * 3x 36 12 36 12 36 12 42 3 3 3 3 3 3 52 2 12 12 2 202 Coral silk Mulberry silk Ruby silk Black cotton Plum silk 3x your loom does not have a second warp beam, slide a rod under only the black warp threads at the back of the loom and add weight to the rod. Weave the first and last 6 picks in Plum and hemstitch using the Plum silk weft including 6 picks and 3 ends in each stitch. Notice that you’ll also begin (and end) the scarf with a 13-pick pattern repeat using Plum. Weave the scarf following the treadling draft, changing the color of the silk weft where indicated in the treadling by an asterisk (*). Use the colors in the same rotation as in the warp: Plum, Ruby, Mulberry, Coral; end with Plum. Carry the black weft up the selvedge when it is not in use. Scarf length, measured under tension on the loom, will be about 64". * 20x * 2x * FINISHING Remove the scarf from the loom allowing about 3" for fringe at both ends. Wash by hand in cool water with a mild detergent; rinse well. Roll in a towel to remove excess moisture. Press while still damp until dry. Trim fringe evenly to 2". 3x 3 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 4 Originally published in Handwoven®, November/December 1991, pp. 48, 87–88 DOUBLE PUCKER SCARF GISELA EVITT PROJECT NOTES The delicious pucker in this scarf comes from the difference in elasticity and shrinkage between wool and cotton, which alternate pair by pair in both warp and weft. A hot-water wash shrinks the wool, causing the cotton to pucker in both width and length. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 73⁄4" x 55", including a 1⁄2" hem on each end. WARP and WEFT 20/2 pearl cotton at 8,400 yd/lb: 650 yd white. 20/2 worsted wool at 5,600 yd/lb: 590 yd white, 50 yd blue (blue is used in the warp only). Note that the blue warp stripes on each side are different in width. If you would like them to be the same width, you can wind the two blue wool stripe sections 4x each (instead of 3x and 5x as shown in the warp color order), placing 8 ends blue on each edge. WARP LENGTH 23⁄4 yd (allows 4" for take-up and 29" for loom waste). P.P.I. 26. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 16% in width, 20% in length. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 276 ends 23⁄4 yd long following the warp color order. Thread two or four shafts for plain weave. Alternate 2 picks white wool with 2 picks white cotton in plain weave for about 66". (Do not cut the weft yarns between pairs and start the two shuttles from opposite sides.) FINISHING Remove the scarf from the loom (you can tie loose overhand knots in the fringe to prevent raveling during washing). Wash the scarf gently by hand in hot water with a small amount of liquid detergent. Rinse thoroughly, and lay flat to dry. Do not press. Trim and turn under each end 1⁄2" twice and sew hems by hand. YARN SOURCES 20/2 pearl cotton and JaggerSpun 20/2 Maine Line wool are available from most weaving retailers. DRAFT WARP COLOR ORDER NOTIONS White sewing thread for hems. E.P.I. 30. 3x 5x 54x 3x 3x 4 4 3 16 2 2 blue wool 120 2 2 2 white wool 140 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 white cotton 276 3 2 2 1 1 / 2 2 / 1 1 / WIDTH IN REED 91⁄5". / TOTAL WARP ENDS 276. © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 5 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 6 Originally published in Handwoven®, September/October 1995, pp. 26–27 SOFT COTTON SCARF WITH CHENILLE STRIPES JOAN TORGOW PROJECT NOTES When an early autumn chill greets your day, grab a sweater for warmth and a gaily striped scarf for style and a little extra protection. A scarf for this transitional season need not be woolly—cotton provides just the right amount of insulation. This plain-weave project with a warp sett of 10 ends per inch takes only a few hours to complete. It is equally appropriate for beginners or for easing back into weaving after a summer of fun outdoors. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 73⁄4" x 53" plus 4" fringe on each end. WARP and WEFT 4-ply cotton (Peaches & Cream) at 840 yd/lb: 350 yd Dusky Blue for warp and weft. Cotton chenille at 900 yd/lb: 50 yd Moss #CC047 and 25 yd Pumpkin #CC021 for warp. YARN SOURCES Cotton Chenille is from Camilla Valley Farm Weaver’s Supply and Peaches & Cream is from Cotton Clouds. P.P.I. 10. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 18% in width, 17% in length. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 96 ends 21⁄2 yd long and thread two or four shafts for plain weave. Sley the last 2 ends on each side in the same dent for stronger selvedges. Allowing about 5" for fringe, weave the scarf in plain weave with the Dusky Blue weft for 60". It is difficult to hide weft joins with this 4-ply cotton weft. Taper the old and new ends of yarn by unplying and snipping off the plies at 1" intervals before overlapping them. Twist the splice with moistened fingers to smooth. FINISHING Remove the scarf from the loom and secure the fringe in groups of 3 ends by tying an overhand knot with 1 end around the other 2. Before trimming the fringe, wash the scarf by hand in warm water with mild detergent, roll in a towel to squeeze out the water, and lay flat to dry. While the scarf is drying, occasionally shake it and gently pull each end to fluff the chenille and smooth the surface. Trim the fringe to 4". E.P.I. 10. WIDTH IN REED 92⁄5". WARP COLOR ORDER DRAFT 4 10x TOTAL WARP ENDS 96 ends following the warp color order. 4 3 1 10 Pumpkin chenille 20 1 1 Moss chenille 6 6 66 Dusky Blue cotton 96 3 2 2 1 1 / 2 2 / 1 1 / / WARP LENGTH 21⁄2 yd (allows 3" for take-up, 27" for loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 7 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 8 Originally published in Handwoven®, January/February, 1997, pp. 46, 75 SCARF OF THE NIGHT SKIES K AT H Y B R I G H T PROJECT NOTES Weave a fabric in the silken blues and violets of the night sky. Add starlike glass beads to the weft and you’ll end up with this sparkling scarf to dress up an outfit for evening wear. The space-dyed version of the wool/silk yarn used in this scarf is no longer available, but you can dye your own or randomly space commercial shades of purple and blue in the warp for a very similar look. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 83⁄4" x 62" plus 4" fringe on each end. WARP and WEFT 18/2 wool/silk (50% wool/50% silk) at 5,040 yd/lb: 300 yd Fuchsia, 150 yd Royal, and 150 yd Iris for warp; 316 yd Admiral for weft. YARN SOURCES 18/2 Zephyr wool/silk by JaggerSpun is available from most weaving retailers. NOTIONS About 150 glass beads (these are about 1⁄8"). The holes should be just large enough to allow the yarn to slide through without abrasion. Materials other than glass can be used, but avoid plastic, which might melt during pressing. E.P.I. 20. WIDTH IN REED 10". TOTAL WARP ENDS 200. © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. WARP LENGTH 3 yd, (allows 3" for take-up and 36" for loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). DRAFT 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 / 2 P.P.I. 15. 2 / 1 1 / / TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 13% in width, 14% in length. WARPING and WEAVING Wind separate warp chains of 100 ends Fuchsia and 50 ends each of Royal and Iris. Centering for a 10" weaving width, sley the Fuchsia ends randomly in a 10-dent reed: sometimes 1/dent, occasionally 2/dent, occasionally 0/dent. Then sley the Royal ends 1/dent randomly in empty dents or in dents with 1 end Fuchsia. Finally, sley the Iris ends 1/dent in all dents containing only 1 end of the other colors. Thread two or four shafts for plain weave. Wind the weft onto bobbins and then string beads onto the end of the weft yarn (plan 2–3 beads for each inch of warp length). Leave 6" unwoven at the beginning and end of the warp for fringe and weave the scarf for about 69", sliding the beads into the cloth where desired. FINISHING Make a plied fringe by tightly twisting clockwise 2 separate groups of 7 or 8 ends each. Bring the groups together, let them untwist counterclockwise, and secure with an overhand knot 31⁄2" from the edge of the cloth. Machine wash the scarf in warm water on a gentle cycle with a mild detergent. Hang to dry. Steam press while still slightly damp, placing thick bath towels beneath and on top of the scarf to protect the beads. Use care not to nudge the beads as you iron. Trim the fringe evenly to about 4" long. 9 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 10 Originally published in Handwoven®, November/December 1996, pp. 38, 74–75 SOFT AND LIGHT SCARF HELEN BOBISUD PROJECT NOTES The different shrinkages of smooth silk and fuzzy wool turn this loosely woven scarf into a visual delight. It makes a very fun adornment, but take heed—it is an earring catcher! FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave and 2/2 twill. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 4" x 53" plus 1" fringe on the ends and sides. WARP and WEFT 20/2 spun silk at 5,000 yd/lb: 298 yd natural for warp and weft. Rayon floss at 2,200 yd/lb: 175 yd natural (#7650) for warp and weft (at the ends of the scarf only). 18/2 worsted wool at 5,040 yd/lb (used tripled): 80 total yd white for weft. YARN SOURCES 20/2 spun silk is available from Treenway Silks, Susi rayon floss from Webs, 18/2 JaggerSpun Superfine Merino from most weaving retailers. E.P.I. 24 for silk, 12 for rayon. WIDTH IN REED 61⁄3". TOTAL WARP ENDS 92 (32 silk, 60 rayon). shafts following the draft. Leave 6" unwoven and begin and end the scarf with 1" of plain weave in rayon. Weave the scarf following the draft for 59". Begin each wool weft section from the left side and use 3 strands of wool as one throughout. Cut all weft tails even with the selvedges. FINISHING Cut the scarf from the loom allowing 6" unwoven warp at each end. Tie an overhand knot at the ends of each group of 4 warp threads. Place the scarf in very hot water with Orvus Paste. Ball up and squeeze the scarf repeatedly for several minutes until wool weft stripes become quite fuzzy and are about 4" wide. Rinse well; hang over a padded bar until dry. Remove the rayon weft threads at each end without disturbing knots in fringe. Tie new overhand knots close to the wool weft with each group of 4 silk warp threads. Cut the knots at the ends of the rayon warp threads and pull out all rayon warp threads one by one. The next finishing step completes the fulling. Repeat the washing and squeezing process as above. When the wool stripes are about 31⁄4" wide, rinse well, adding vinegar to the next to last rinse. Lay flat or hang to dry. Add 2 fringes in each space between silk warp stripes: For each fringe, run a needle with 2 strands of silk through the wool weft about 1⁄8" from the edge. Bring these 4 ends together and secure with an overhead knot next to the wool edge. Trim all warp fringe evenly to 1". WARP LENGTH 23⁄4 yd (allows 3" for take-up and 35" for loom waste; loom waste includes 12" temporary fringe used for finishing). 3x DRAFT 4x 2x R S R R R S R 3x R S 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 R 1 1 1 3 R S plain weave TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 37% in width (silk), 53% in width (wool), 15% in length. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 92 ends 23⁄4 yd long and thread four © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. R R W W repeat P.P.I. 20 silk, 16 tripled wool. WARP COLOR ORDER R = rayon S = silk W = wool (tripled) = in one dent W W S 9x S S S 4x W 32 8 silk 60 12 12 rayon 92 W W W plain weave R R 11 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 12 Originally published in Handwoven®, November/December 1996, pp. 69, 85 HERRINGBONE TWILL SCARF L O U E T TA H E I N D L K A M B I C PROJECT NOTES Silk yarn and twill combine to make this lightweight, softly draping scarf. The herringbone draft is Herringbone Plaid from Marguerite Davison’s A Handweaver’s Pattern Book (page 26, treadlings I and II). The scarf can be casual or formal, depending on the outfit it accessorizes. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Herringbone twill. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 83⁄4" x 66" plus 11⁄2" fringe on each end. WARP and WEFT 2-ply tussah silk at 3,750 yd/lb: 708 yd natural for warp. 20/2 silk at 4,900 yd/lb: Burgundy, 465 yd for weft. YARN SOURCES 2-ply tussah silk (item #10) is available from The Silk Tree, 20/2 silk from Webs. (The weft yarn in this scarf is handdyed 12/2 silk noil, Soie Rustique, at 5,040 yd/lb from Silk City.) P.P.I. 22. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 11% in width, 13% in length. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 236 ends 3 yd long. Thread four shafts following the draft. Allowing 2" for fringe at each end, weave the scarf following the treadling in this order: 21⁄2" herringbone, 41⁄2" herringbone plaid, 56" herringbone, 41⁄2" herringbone plaid, and 21⁄2" herringbone. FINISHING Tie every other group of 4 warp ends in an overhand knot snugly against the outside weft row on each end of the scarf (skipping groups of 4 will reduce the bulk created by the knots). Trim fringe evenly to 11⁄2". Wash the scarf by hand in warm water with a mild detergent. Rinse, airdry, and steam press. DRAFT 11x 4x 4 4 3 3 2 1 4 3 2 E.P.L 24. 4x 4 1 2 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 / / WIDTH IN REED 9 ⁄6". 5 herringbone / / / / / TOTAL WARP ENDS 236. / / / / / WARP LENGTH 3 yd (allows 5" take-up and 33" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). herringbone plaid / / / / / / / / © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 13 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 14 Originally published in Handwoven®, March/April 1992, pp. 40–41, 81–82 SILK SCARVES IN HUCK AND BRONSON LACE V I C K I TA R D Y ( H U C K ) A N D K AT H Y B R I G H T ( B R O N S O N ) 6x HUCKLACE SCARVES 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 6x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3x 8 8 8 7 7 6 2 5 5 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 5 4 4 3 1 6 5 5 4 2 7 6 6 3 1 8 7 7 6 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 plain weave / / BRONSON-LACE SCARVES B lace 3 A corded plain weave 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 / / / / Two scarves, each 73⁄4" x 65" plus 21⁄4" fringe on each end. Bronson lace and corded plain weave. WARP and WEFT 2-ply silk at 3,000 yd/lb: 1,750 yd natural. YARN SOURCES Cascade Petite Silk is from Henry’s Attic. E.P.I. 20. WIDTH IN REED 9". TOTAL WARP ENDS 179. 5 yd (allows 6" take-up and 32" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). P.P.I. 20. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 14% in width, 9% in length. WEAVING Two scarves, 8" x 65" (scarf c) and 9" x 65" (scarf d) with 4" fringe on each end. 2x / / / / 2x / / / / / / / / / / / / WARP and WEFT 2-ply tussah silk at 3,750 yd/lb, 1,500 yd natural (warp for both scarves, weft for scarf d). 20/2 spun silk at 5,000 yd/lb, 440 yd white (weft for scarf c). / / / / / / 2x / / / Thread (A, B) 6x; end with A 1x. 2x / / 2x / / / 2x / / / 2x / / / 2x / YARN SOURCES Tussah silk (item10) is from The Silk Tree, 20/2 spun silk from Treenway Silks. E.P.I. 24. WIDTH IN REED 91⁄2". TOTAL WARP ENDS 226. 2x 2x / / / / / Although they use eight shafts, Vicki Tardy’s huck-lace scarves are part of the original article, so they are included here. 2x / / / 2x / / / 2x / / / / 2x / WARP LENGTH 5 yd (allows 6" take-up and 30" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). Begin and end each scarf with 6 picks plain weave; hemstitch including 2 picks and 5 ends per stitch. Weave each scarf following the draft for 68". Allow 6" between scarves for fringe. P.P.I. 22 for scarf c,18 for scarf d. FINISHING WEAVING Cut scarves apart. Trim fringe. Wash by hand in warm water with liquid de- Begin and end each scarf with 2 picks of plain weave and hemstitch including © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. / / / / scarf b WARP LENGTH FINISHED DIMENSIONS / / repeat SCARVES C and D scarf d FINISHED DIMENSIONS scarf c Huck lace with plain-weave borders. 2x / / scarf a / SCARVES A and B 2x / / tergent; add 2 tsp white vinegar to the final rinse. Line dry and steam press. 2x / / TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 5% in width, 9% in length for scarf c; 16% in width, 9% in length for scarf d. 4 ends and 2 picks in each stitch. Weave each scarf following the draft for 68" and allow 8" between scarves for fringe. FINISHING Cut scarves apart. Trim fringe. Machine wash, gentle cycle, warm water. Spin out excess moisture very briefly. Line dry or dry flat; steam press. 15 Scarf b: huck lace, straight treadling of blocks Scarf a: huck lace, point treadling of blocks Scarf d: Bronson lace with tussah warp and weft Scarf c: Bronson lace with tussah warp and white spun-silk weft © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 16 Originally published in Handwoven®, November/December 1996, pp. 40, 76–77 MAGICAL ACCENT SCARF LINDA FLOTOW PROJECT NOTES Very quick to weave and so versatile an accessory, this plainweave scarf has a special gauzy, springy texture created by the open weave and the uneven shrinkage of different fibers. Use it as a scarf, a belt, or tie it around a sun hat! FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 61⁄2"x 61" plus 41⁄2" fringe on each end. WARP and WEFT 75% rayon/25% cotton novelty (Pazzaz) at 900 yd/lb: 266 yd Bandana or Burgundy (variegated). YARN SOURCES Pazazz is from Cotton Clouds. Twilight, the colorway used for this scarf, is no longer available, but Bandana and Burgundy are both very similar. E.P.I. 5. WIDTH IN REED 10". WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 50 ends 3 yd long and thread two or four shafts for plain weave. Leaving 6" unwoven at the beginning and end for fringe, begin weaving the scarf by beating 8 picks closely together. Then weave 74". Gently nudge the weft in place for 9 picks (at about 4 ppi) and then beat 3 picks together firmly; repeat throughout. Beat the final 8 picks firmly as at the beginning. The tightly compressed bands help stabilize this very loose fabric. To change bobbins, weave in the last 2 or 3 picks from the old bobbin with a fairly hard beat. Using the thin part of the yarn (not the slub), tie together the old and new strands and weave in tails. Continue weaving, beating in the first 2 or 3 picks from the new bobbin rather tightly. FINISHING When the scarf comes off the loom, it looks like netting; the finishing brings out the texture. Take groups of 5 warp threads, switching the fifth end from the first group and the first end of the next group throughout (this helps stabilize the fabric at the ends) and tie with an overhand knot snug against the edge. Soak the scarf in warm water for 20 minutes, squeeze out the water, and tumble dry. The warp ends slide around a bit while in the dryer, but it’s easy to draw them back in place by grasping the scarf with both hands and gently pulling. Trim fringe to 4". TOTAL WARP ENDS 50. WARP LENGTH 3 yd (allows 2" for take-up and 32" for loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). 4 DRAFT 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 / 2 2 / 1 1 / / P.P.I. 5. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 35% in width, 23% in length. © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 17 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 18 Originally published in Handwoven®, September/October 1987, p. 54; instruction supplement, p.10 LIQUID SHIMMER SCARF LINDA LIGON PROJECT NOTES Three colors close in hue and value give this shadow-weave scarf a subtle shimmer. The treadling repeats increase and decrease in number to create an undulating design. The rayon used for this scarf is no longer available. Tencel is recommended as an ideal substitute. DRAFT 3x 1 2 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 ←3x cont'd 3x 3x 3x FABRIC DESCRIPTION Shadow weave. 3x ←3x cont'd 3x 2x 2x ←3x cont'd 2x repeat FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 101⁄4" x 541⁄2" plus 10" fringe on each end. 1x WARP and WEFT 10/2 Tencel at 4,200 yd/lb, item #132: 588 yd jade green (color #14), 338 yd smoky turquoise (color #16), and 240 yd sky blue (color #17). 2x smoky turquoise (#16) jade green (#15) sky blue (#17) E.P.I. 24. WIDTH IN REED 111⁄4". TOTAL WARP ENDS 270. WARP LENGTH 21⁄2 yd (allows 3" for take-up, 27" for loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). P.P.I. 24. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 9% in width, 13% in length. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 270 ends 21⁄2 yd long alternating 1 end jade green with 1 end smoky turquoise and thread the shafts following the draft. Allowing 10" for fringe including the © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 3x 2x From 1000+ Patterns in 4, 6 and 8 Harness Shadow Weave by Marian Powell (pages 90, 139) YARN SOURCES 10/2 Tencel is available from Halcyon Yarn in mini cones of 600 yd each or 1 lb cones. 2x 3x 3x 3x length used to tie on, begin the scarf with 6 picks sky blue Tencel, alternating treadles 3 and 4. Then weave the scarf for 60" using two shuttles following the draft. After the first 1", hemstitch with sky blue Tencel including 4 ends and the first 6 picks in each stitch. End the scarf with 6 picks jade green (treadles 3 and 4) and hemstitch with jade green. FINISHING Cut the scarf from the loom allowing 10" for fringe. Make a plied fringe: Twist two pairs of adjacent warp threads clockwise until they start to kink, tie them together at the ends with an overhand knot, and then release them, letting them ply counterclockwise. Trim fringe ends evenly. Wash the scarf by hand in hot soapy water; rinse well. Roll in a towel to absorb excess moisture. Iron with a hot iron (silk setting) vigorously until dry. (I ironed the original rayon scarf on top of my dryer very vigorously and continuously to produce a shimmering surface. To try this with Tencel, weave a small sample and practice with it first.) 19 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 20 Originally published in Handwoven®, March/April 1998, pp. 54, 83–84 TIP OF THE TWILL SCARVES EMMY SPENCER PROJECT NOTES I like to design twills by first arranging stripes of color in the warp. I then make up the draft as I thread the loom, changing twill direction depending on color changes. WIDTH IN REED Red/blue scarf: 91⁄4". Mauve/blue scarf: 91⁄2". TOTAL WARP ENDS Red/blue scarf: 222. Mauve/blue scarf: 228. FABRIC DESCRIPTION 2/2 twill. WARP LENGTH 23⁄4 yd (allows 2" take-up and 29" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). FINISHED DIMENSIONS Red/blue scarf: 81⁄4" x 60" plus 4" fringe on each end. Mauve/blue scarf: 81⁄2" x 60" plus 4" fringe on each end P.P.I. 24. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 11% in width, 15% in length. WARP and WEFT 18/2 wool/silk (50% wool/50% silk) at 5,040 yd/lb. Red/blue scarf: 66 yd Indigo, 77 yd Real Red, 121 yd Mahogany, 143 yd Cinnabar, and 149 yd Ruby for warp; 516 yd Admiral for warp and weft. Mauve/blue scarf: 77 yd Curry and 275 yd Blueberry for warp; 749 yd Elderberry for warp and weft. WEAVING Allowing 8" unwoven warp at each end for fringe. Weave the scarf following the draft for 68". FINISHING Make a plied fringe by twisting clockwise two separate groups of 3 ends. Put the groups together, let them untwist counterclockwise, and secure them with an overhand knot 31⁄2" from the cloth. Trim the plied fringe to 4". Wash the finished scarf by hand in warm water and mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly and hang to dry. YARN SOURCES Zephyr wool/silk by JaggerSpun is available from most weaving retailers. E.P.I. 24. RED/BLUE WARP COLOR ORDER AND DRAFT MAUVE/BLUE WARP COLOR ORDER AND DRAFT L = Indigo (dark blue) R = Real Red (red) B = Admiral (blue) M = Mahogany (red-purple) C = Cinnabar (brick red) D = Ruby (dark red) 24 10 2 2 10 28 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 8 2 2 8 44 20 2 2 20 52 52 2 52 54 100 4 7 78 7 4 M = Elderberry (mauve) 28 6 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 6 G = Curry (gold) B = Blueberry (blue) 100 4 7 78 7 4 228 222 13x C M C L ← cont d L M R R M M B B B 5x R B B L L L R R R B R M M D 2x R L R D R R L D D D 2x L ← cont d R C R M 13x R R R R D R C R L R R B B M L L B R M L L L B R R M L L R R B B R M R © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. M 3x 3x 2x 2x 5x 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 B B B B 3x M M G M M G M 4 4 3 3 G 2 2 G G M M M M M M 1 1 M ←cont d M M G M G B B B M M G G M M B B B M B M G M M B B G G M B M M G M B G G M M 3x M 3x 3x ←cont d M G G B B B B B M G B G B B B B M G B G B B G B B M G G B B B B B B M M M M M G M G M M G M M G 3x 3x 21 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 22 Originally published in Handwoven®, November/December 1996, pp. 68, 85 MAN’S SCARF IN SILK AND COTTON JANICE JONES PROJECT NOTES This soft, conservative scarf designed for men’s wear combines the luxury of silk and the economy of cotton. The unusual twill draft was designed by Gloria Martin during her exploration of 4-shaft designs that appear to be woven on many more shafts. TOTAL WARP ENDS 153. WARP LENGTH 21⁄2 yd (allows 3" take-up and 33" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). P.P.I. 13. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plaited twill. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE 13% in width, 11% in length. FINISHED DIMENSIONS One scarf 51⁄2" x 51" plus 21⁄2" fringe on each end. WARPING and WEAVING Wind a warp of 153 ends 21⁄2 yd long. Thread four shafts following the draft (note that there is a floating selvedge on each side). Check carefully as you thread (count out the heddles before threading each 5x repeat: 7 for shafts 1, 3, 4; 6 for shaft 2). Allowing 3" for fringe, weave the scarf following the draft for 54". Hemstitch both ends including 4 ends and 2 picks in each stitch. For an additional design element, wrap the group of 4 ends twice before moving to the next stitch. WARP and WEFT 5/2 pearl cotton at 2,100 yd/lb: 383 yd black for warp. 12/2 spun silk at 2,970 yd/lb, 140 yd rust (color #JY33) for weft. YARN SOURCES 5/2 pearl cotton is available from most weaving retailers; 12/2 spun silk is from Treenway Silks. NOTIONS Tapestry needle. FINISHING Remove the scarf from the loom, allowing 3" for fringe. Machine wash in warm water with a mild detergent using a short gentle cycle; rinse by hand. When the scarf is almost dry, press with a hot iron. Trim fringe evenly on each end to 21⁄2". E.P.L 25 (2-3 in a 10-dent reed). WIDTH IN REED 61⁄3". 5x DRAFT 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 4 3 4 3 2 2 1 4 3 1 4 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 4 4 3 2 3 2 1 4 1 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 / = floating selvedges / / / / / / / © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 23 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 24 Originally published in Handwoven®, November/December 1996, pp. 39, 75–76 SCARVES WITH SPUN SHIMMER GISELA EVITT PROJECT NOTES The shimmering color effect in these scarves is created by plying together for the weft two or more fine, contrastingcolor commercial yarns using a spinning wheel. The effect depends on the degree of twist—sample, sample, sample! All silk yarns are from Treenway Silks; pearl cottons (UKI and others) are available from most weaving retailers. FABRIC DESCRIPTION Plain weave. FINISHED DIMENSIONS Red scarf: 9" x 48" plus 41⁄2" fringe on each end. Narrow blue scarf: 71⁄2" x 66" plus 51⁄2" fringe on each end. Wide blue scarf: 11" x 76", plus 51⁄2" fringe on each end. WARP and WEFT Red scarf: Warp: 20/2 pearl cotton at 8,400 yd/lb, 720 yd deep red. Weft: reeled silk, 550 yd bright red; 2ply spun silk, 550 yd natural.170 yd deep red 20/2 pearl cotton is used for added fringe. Narrow blue scarf: Warp: 20/2 pearl cotton, 840 yd medium blue. Weft: 2-ply spun silk, 550 yd each navy, royal blue, and pale blue-gray. 45 yd pale-blue gray is used for added fringe. Wide blue scarf: 20/2 pearl cotton: 900 yd medium blue (UKI Turk #22) for warp; 800 yd each Turk #22, royal blue (UKI Nassau #23), and white for weft. 45 yd each medium blue and royal blue are used for added fringe. E.P.I. Red scarf: 20. Narrow blue scarf: 30. Wide blue scarf: 20. WIDTH IN REED Red scarf: 12". Narrow blue scarf: 8". Wide blue scarf: 12". TOTAL WARP ENDS for all three scarves: 240. Narrow scarf: 31⁄2 yd (allows 5" take-up, 12" sampling, and 39" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). Wide blue scarf: 33⁄4 yd (allows 6" take-up, 12" sampling, and 37" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). P.P.I. Red scarf: 22. Narrow blue scarf: 25. Wide blue scarf: 22. TAKE-UP and SHRINKAGE Red scarf: 25% in width, 17% in length. Narrow blue scarf: 7% in width, 13% in length. Wide blue scarf: 9% in width and 13% in length. WEFT PREPARATION and WEAVING Red scarf: Ply 2 wefts together in the same direction. Narrow blue scarf: Ply 3 wefts together, same direction. Wide blue scarf: Ply 3 wefts together but reverse the spinning direction on alternate bobbins. Allowing 8" for fringe, weave the red scarf for 53", the narrow blue scarf for 70", and the wide blue scarf for 80". Sample first to find the right twist for the weft. FINISHING Red scarf: At the center of every 5 warp ends, add five 12" lengths deep red about 2 weft rows from the edge. Twist the two groups of 7 and 8 ends clockwise; let them twist together counterclockwise; secure with an overhand knot. Narrow blue scarf: Add one 12" pale blue-gray length to every 4 warp threads and ply the fringe. Wide blue scarf: Add one 12" length medium blue and royal blue to every 4 warp threads; knot without plying. Wash all scarves by hand in warm water with a small amount of Orvus Paste. Rinse well; lay flat to dry. Press. ADDING FRINGE DRAFT 4 4 3 WARP LENGTH Red scarf: 3 yd (allows 4" take-up, 12" sampling, and 39" loom waste; loom waste includes fringe). © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 3 2 2 1 1 / 2 2 / 1 1 / / 25 © Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. 26
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