2015 Sponsorship Form

13th Annual
Ben Kelhoffer Memorial
Golf Outing
Ben Kelhoffer, a 1998 graduate of La Salle High School died of leukemia on October 17, 1998. Ben fought
a courageous fight and although physically he is no longer with us, his zest for life, unique sense of humor
and great smile remain with us forever.
The Ben Kelhoffer Memorial Golf Outing began in the summer of 2003. In its twelve year history, the
event has raised over $200,000 to benefit Ben’s Scholarship Fund, the Make a Wish Foundation, the
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the Children’s Hospital HEM-OC Unit.
We would like to extend an invitation to you and your organization to be a sponsor at this year’s outing that
will be taking place on June 6 at Aston Oaks Golf Club. Your support in our efforts will truly make a
difference as we continue to remember and celebrate Ben’s life. Below are the sponsorship opportunities.
Diamond Sponsor
Platinum Hole Sponsor
Gold Hole Sponsor
$1,000 (includes 4-some)
Silver Hole Sponsor
Bronze Hole Sponsor
To be a sponsor, return the sponsor information below with payment by May 29. For more information or
for questions, visit us online at www.bk23foundation.org or send an e-mail to
bk23@bk23foundation.org or call Eric Murphy at (513) 519 – 8490.
Thank you for your support.
Online Sponsorship Donations can also be
made online via PayPal.
The Ben Kelhoffer Foundation
Visit www.bk23foundation.org to learn more.
Detach and return with payment
Sponsorship (check one):
Diamond $1,000
Platinum $500
Business Name:
Gold $300
Silver $200
Bronze $100
Contact Name:
Checks can be made payable to the Ben Kelhoffer Foundation and returned to:
Ben Kelhoffer Foundation
P.O. Box 531234
Cincinnati, OH 45253
Please Return Sponsorship
by May 29. Thank You.
Sponsorship donations can also be made online via PayPal. Visit www.bk23foundation.org to learn more.