Black Creek Conservation Club Newsletter Spring 2015 Members- Please take the time to read this letter! Spring is just around the corner and that means another busy season for our club is close at hand. With that said remember Black Creek is your club so please find the time to step up and help with club activities in some way. We will be setting up a range clean up date hopefully in late April weather permitting. Other projects are being discussed. Such as the pole bldg. is in need of a new roof, and a new Club sign out front to replace the current decaying one. Black Creek and the Tribal Police Dept. is running a Hunter Safety Class in April. The dates are Thursday the 16th and Friday the 17th from 6:00PM to 9:00PM both nights, and field day on Saturday the 18th from 10:00AM until around 4:00PM. The class is free of charge. To enroll contact the Tribal Police Dept. at 989-775-4700. Tuesday pistol practice and Thursday Trap will start up soon as the weather allows, hopefully by early May. The Club House rentals are starting to book up so if you are looking at renting the club you should contact the rental chairman Carol Smillie soon, (989-772-1514). The Club’s web site is back up and running! A big thank you to Club member Greg Black for his work in building it. Greg will be acting as our web master and will be maintaining the site. It has some new features, please check it out at, Also you can find our club on Facebook. Please take the time to like us on Facebook! For members using the range, the gate combination has been changed to the 2015 number. If you do not have it on the back of your card or if you paid the prorated membership dues for 2014-2015 and have the old number, you need to contact the membership chairman, Ruth Ayris at 989-772-8734 to get the new number. As a reminder the club’s mailing address is, Black Creek Conservation Club P.O.Box52, Mt. Pleasant Mich. 48858. On an important note, a couple things have come to the Board’s attention and they need to be addressed. (1) There have been a few instances where a club member has accepted club membership dues and given out the gate combination to the person so they can start using the range, without having a membership card issued to them. This is unacceptable! And it will not be tolerated. DO NOT GIVE OUT THE GATE COMBINATION TO ANYONE. A potential new member must fill out the application and range waiver and mail it in to the club’s address. Certain club officers are allowed to take in the apps. And signed range waivers and the payment of dues to turn in, but they may not give out the combination. The new member must wait for their card with the number on the back. Or if they have a 2 year membership they can get the number over the phone from the membership chairman. (2) When members are going to use the range you are required to have your member card on you! This is the only way to prove membership. This is a liability issue, and we all must follow this policy. Also, if you bring a guest shooter (nonhousehold) to the range you must sign in at the orange pay box, and have the guest sign and date the envelope, and pay the $5.00 per shooter fee. And remember to keep the gate locked; this is a liability issue also. (3) And most importantly it has come to the Board’s attention that there has been misuse of the club’s range. So let’s make it perfectly clear: NO club member or anyone they bring to the range may use the range for unauthorized programs, or a class of any kind without first having obtained club board approval. This is a very huge liability issue. Guaranteed action will be taken against any member that does this. The club is more than willing to look at any request for possible activities at Black Creek. But they must be approved before- hand. All members are encouraged to attend our monthly board meetings the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse. Our next meeting is April 13th. A reminder to all board members: there will be a special board meeting Monday, April 6 at 7 p.m. All for now, hope to see all of you out at the club this summer. BCCC president: Max Strong
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