in t e ll u B s r ia r f Black Volume 1 Issue 24 On Sunday morning, there is a team of runners from the Shaw Trust all running to raise money for our academies. Gavin Lawrie, who is par cularly associated with our school, is one of the runners. So Far, they have over £35,000 pledged: If you wish to contribute, go to‐Lawrie and if you would like to learn more about who Gavin is and why he is pu ng himself through a grueling 26 mile run, watch: h ps:// New Term dates will be released next Booking Essential Every Monday this term, Class 2 are being joined by senior students from Sir Thomas Boughey School to undertake a gardening project. It is great to see our students interac ng with students from mainstream schools and becoming totally immersed in a project that is really enhancing our environment. Last term culminated in a fantas c two days of ‘Medieval Mayhem’ The range of ac vi es was only made possible by the generous dona ons that have been made to school fund and a very generous grant from Newcastle Borough Council. The students all looked fantas c in their costumes and we had great fun reining in our very enthusias c knights with their swords! The school was burs ng at the seams with prac oners, specialist equipment and crea vity. A much fuller report is in the ‘Ye Olde Blackfriars Chronicle’ – due out soon. To whet your appe te, we thought you might like a preview of some of the photos taken. There will also be a film on our new website when it is completed. I have commissioned our BTec Media Studies group to produce a film which they are currently working on as part of their course. Scholar of the Week Scholars of the week: Nomina ons for Scholars of the week go to Alice Broad and Cullyn Brookes who played an enormously important role in our ‘Medieval Mayhem’ two days. They were our returning officers for our elec on and had to sit and collect the names of all students and staff who came to vote, they checked that it was their only a empt to vote, explained the first past the post system and ensured that they had the opportunity to vote in secret. Well done Cullyn and Alice – we were confidently able to declare a free and fair elec on because of your hard work. Well Done Please let the school know if you are interested in FREE tickets for Circus Starr. Wednesday 13th May 2015 at Tipkinder Park Crewe. CW2 7SE @ 7pm Academy Update Planning is well underway for the new academic year 2015/16. Mr Kane will be taking a much earned rest a er over 27 years in headship and will return as the School Improvement Advisor for the Shaw Trust. Mrs Parr will become the Academy Principal from September 2015 with overall responsibility for Blackfriars Newcastle and Bucknall, working very closely with Mr Millington who will be Senior Vice‐ Principal at the FE College. With the con nued support of Mr Kane, we can guarantee your child a bright and successful future at Blackfriars. I am pleased to announce that Liz Pohl is our designated Blackfriars Governor who sits on the Academy Council. Liz has had a long associa on with our Academy and is a very experienced Governor with a background in educa on and care plus the experience of membership of the Interim Execu ve Board at Walton Hall that supported the school out of Special Measures. Liz visited school this Thursday and was pleased to hear about all that has been happening. She will become a regular visitor to school and we are extremely grateful to her for giving of her me and experience so generously. New Website Next week will see the launch of the NEW Academy websites. Each Academy of the Multi-Academy Trust will have a dedicated site with the addition of a single MAT website. You’ll find all policy documents, parental forms, galleries and information about fantastic days out and events for parents and carers. The new sites are responsive which means you can up-to-date on your desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile phone. We’ve got lots of exciting things in development so watch this space Dates April 27th – 1pm – Dougie Mac assembly 30th – Progress Review Parents’ Evening for Year 9 star ng at 5pm. 6‐6.30pm = explana on of op ons then 6.30pm moving onto individual student consulta ons / op ons advice May 4th – May Day holiday 11th – 14th – SATS (Year 6) 13th ‐ Salter’s Chemistry Fes val 13th – Dove Drop‐In Week of 23rd – 31st May= Half Term
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