Document 95321

February 20, 2013
Volume 17 Issue 08 (509) 826-0100
-’02 circle J 3 horse slant trailer with
tack room and water reservoir, used
very little, great shape and low miles
$6,400 obo 560-9980
-2 baby Nubian doelings $50 each
-2 filly yearlings, 1 paint; 1 sorrel $100
each; 15 year old paint mare, can be
ridden for limited time, free to good
home; paint stud horse 10 year old; 1
8 month old sorrel filly; 6 year old
Clinton Anderson training 826-5021
-2 saddles 631-0171
-5 Chihuahua puppies, for sale $150
for males $200 females 733-0409
-Beautiful plumed rooster for bug eating and yard ornamentation $3 each,
not for butchering or fighting, to good
homes only 486-1682
-Breeder Pair for Boa Constrictors
$800 for the pair, two 4 year old unsexed Albino Boa Constrictors $280
each or $500 for both in Republic 509
-Female Chinchilla for sale, great for
people with allergies, comes with
large cage, food,
and dust bath,
she needs handled her more
Up to 7 megabits
-Female DachsDown!
hund $200 485- Faster - More Coverage Area
- Friendly local Tech Support
-Free to good home female Chihuahua 826-1628
-German Shepherd, one year old
male $200, call for more details, nice
dog, price reduced already 557-9569
-Have a 5-year-old female full-bred
Doberman papered looking for male
to breed her to if you can help please
call 322-5964
-New Zealand Doe $35; Brown buck
with new cage $35 486-2493
-One female and one male Chihuahua puppy, 14 weeks old $75 each
-Papered AQHA mare, 17 years old,
sorrel, beautiful, dash for cash line,
used as a brood mare; daughter 9
year old registered Appy Impressive
and Dash for Cash line $250 each
-Parrot, beautiful bird $800, includes
cage, toys and all supplies, moving
and are not able to take her 675-2537
-Plastic dog house 429-3354
-Pure bred male Chihuahua, not fixed,
no papers, great indoor lap or nice
companion dog, free to good home
-Purebred, registered shorthorn Miniature cattle; also Mini Herford crosses, bred cows and yearlings $850 and
up, delivery available 422-6388
-Will the lady out on the Soap Lake
Road that has the mini Dexter and
Jersey cross bull calf please call me?
Call Today for More Information!
Weekly Featured Event
Highspeed Internet
or 996-3372
Page 2 - Partyline Print February 20, 2013
-Young Purebred Aracona rooster,
just gorgeous coloring, free to good
home 253-677-8191
- Automotive/RV:
-‘96 Ford Explorer runs but needs
work 429-3354
-‘96 GMC Sierra full size pickup 4.3
V6, auto, 2 wheel drive, spray in rhino
liner, no rust or dents, heavy duty receiver hitch, new ac compressor, aluminum wheels, 80% tread 826-5172
-’01 Ford Taurus S 136K miles, CD
player, power windows $4,500 4291799
-’03 Dodge Durango SXT, sports edition, 4x4, power everything, runs
good, $4,500 obo 322-7345
-’66 Ford F250 4x4, runs and drives,
needs battery $1,000 422-2540
-’68 Ford ¾ ton $100 obo, needs motor and tranny, will consider parting
out 486-2498
-’76 Chevy ¾ ton 4x4 truck, 70K miles
on rebuilt 350 motor, stainless steel
exhaust with headers, canopy and 3
sets of tire rims included, $1,850 call
-’76 custom Chevy pickup, $400 you
haul please, body is good, the only
thing wrong is that it won’t stay running once started, I can give more
information, could be a good collectors truck, motor is excellent 3227049
-’78 Overcab camper 10”, need to
sell, no leaks, good condition, make
offer, would like $500 but will sacrifice
-‘78 Wilderness travel trailer, electric
& propane stove, excellent condition
$1,800 can be seen in Okanogan on
North 3rd
-’83 Chevy 4x4, $1,000, MT, runs
good 322-8101
-’84 Oldsmobile new paint, has 1
dent, shaved trunk, needs glass
$1,500 322-5168
-’84 Toyota 1-ton flatbed, low miles
$997 476-2648
-’84 Toyota 4 wheel drive pickup,
studded tires $993 476-2648
-’85 Isuzu pickup, no title, runs great,
used around the ranch $300 obo 4862498
-’85 Jeep Cherokee, parting out, no
transfer case, for more information
call 486-4352
-’85 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbo Diesel Automatic, 278K miles, very clean,
drives and runs great $1,700 obo 557
-’87 Dodge Dakota LE pickup truck,
V6 automatic, 8 foot bed, runs great,
2 wheel drive $750 826-5271
-’88 Chevy 4x4 runs good new battery
tires and fuel pump $2,000; ladder
utility racks for a full size pickup $75
-’88 Toyota 4 Runner, 4x4, runs and
drives good, good tires, new rear leaf
springs, $1,000
One Stop Shopping - One Stop Savings
1000 23rd Avenue, Oroville
obo has a few dents but nothing bad 360-747-9959
-’90 Chevy Silverado 2500,
light duty ¾ ton extra cab, has 127K
mile, tires are new, $3,000 firm, won’t
find a better truck for asking price 322
-’91 Toyota 4x4 regular cab, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, $3,400 486-1191
-’91 white Plymouth Sundance, 2 new
tires, runs good $950 826-5271
-’92 Nissan Maxima 5 speed, 167K
miles 846-8282
-’93 GMC Sierra ½ ton 4x4, good engine and transmission, upgraded suspension, has annoying ignition problem, moving, must sell, best offer 4294566
-’94 Toyota 4 Runner, tired engine @
240K miles, would be good parts car,
reduces to $500 firm 425-422-7151
-’94 Toyota 4x4 pickup, V6, 5 speed,
extremely nice 154K miles, new tires
in excellent condition $5, 900 4861191
-’96 Chevy 1500 4x4 extra cab short
box auto, 6.5 diesel $2,000 846-8282
-’97 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, 4
door $300 obo, motor needs to be
fixed, or it can be parted out 476-2918
-’98 Dodge Ram 2500 12 valve, runs
and drives great, too many extras to
list, winner of the truck pull at Okanogan County Fair, $15,000 obo 4292125
Cowboy Pizza
705 Omache Drive, Omak, Wa. 98841 (509) 826-0246
Open Sun. –Thur. 10am-8pm, Fri. & Sat. 10am-9pm
Partyline FAX (509) 826-3929
-’98 K-1500 4x4 truck, z-71, power
everything, 3rd door, extended cab
-’98 Volvo S70 green, 4 door, automatic, 200k miles, 5 cylinder engine, runs and drives good, sunroof,
tinted windows $2,200 obo 4295617
-22 inch rims, fit Toyota, Mazda,
Chevy, 6 lug really nice with tires
$100 each obo 322-5964
-275/5/20 tires from ’07 Chevy 4862383
-3/4 ton Chevy rims, 4 of them, has
good rubber on them still $50 all
four, 4.16/5’s 486-2498
Au-350 engine, was new 2 years
ago from Sunrise Auto in Omak,
has less than 10,000 miles on it,
runs excellent, make reasonable
offer 429-8229
-4 15" rims on multi-bolt pattern,
plain black, off PT Cruiser $100 obo
-4 liter V6 engine, been pulled from
the truck and on the hoist $350 826
-4 white wheel to fit a Ford Pickup
-'65 Ford Thunderbird 2 door hard
top, strong 390 engine, needs some
body work 826-1513
-'67 International with new 345 motor, flatbed $700; '07 UM200 Enduro motorcycle $700 486-4236
-'78 Wilderness travel trailer 25 feet,
Partyline Print February 20, 2013 Page 3
sleeps 9 $1,800, will deliver; '94
Ford Taurus station wagon, front
wheel drive $500 322-8748
-'85 Chevy 3/4 ton flat bed, 2 wheel
drive; '95 Ford 4 by 4, standard cab,
3/4 ton with air condition, auto
trans; '99 20 ft Bear boat trailer, tandem axel 689-2767
-'93 Ford Ranchero $300 422-1536
-'96 GMC pick up trick SL version,
Rhino liner, heavy-duty hitch, 4.3L
V-6, auto, new a/c compressor
$3,900 826-5172
-'99 Chevy Suburban with 173k
miles, 4wd, everything works, minor
damage in back $2,900; '91 Buick
Century $750 923-2101
-Engine and transaxle out of ’02
Ford Taurus; transaxle out of ’03
Dodge Intrepid; Engine out of ’85
Ford Escort, for more information
-Engine stand, rated at 1,000
pounds $75 631-0171
-Ford F150 auto 4x4, fuel injected,
XL bed, great gripper, great hauler
-Four studded tires off a ’93 Ford
Festiva, like new condition $60 for
the set or $15 each 449-2311
-I am looking for a car trailer, must
have, need to move my cars 5572261
-Looking for size 215/70/15 all season tires in good shape, have size
275/55/20 tires and rims for sale
$300 486-2383
-Running gear and
Your Message Could Be
axles for ‘78 or ‘79
Right Here!
F250 ford, doesn’t
matter if the truck
(4 wk run)
runs 422-1080
-Print - Online - e-Edition
-Set of 4 SXT mud
Partyline Print Ads work great!
terrain tires size
315/75/16, tread @
70 % on 2 80% on
For Just $25
826-0100 - 800 725-5669
other 2 purchased from Les
Schwab for $275 each, asking $600
obo, possibly available with set of
16x8 polished aluminum wheels
8x170 bolt pattern for additional
$500 322-6251
-Transfer case drive shaft 826-5172
- Electronics:
-‘80s Duopone answering machine,
all in good working condition 8465113
-2 15” Pro Pyle PA speaker in cabinet thunderous performance re-vice
coiled with copper wire by Eminence $100 each firm 422-1513
-2 laptops, lots of features; IBM
commercial laptop; DVI cables 4295137
-2 prepaid Tracfones with chargers
$10 each 422-2144
-Apple iphone 4 Verizon, mint condition, black with magenta case,
absolutely perfect, nothing wrong
with it, comes with charger, walladapter, earphones and box $250
firm 422-1672
-Black Nintendo Wii comes with five
games, wii sports, wii sports resort,
metroid prime corruption, super
smash bros brawl, and super paper
Mario, four controllers also included, 2 wii-motes, classic controller
and a game cube controller $200 or
equal trade 631-2548
-Camera with cords to connect to
the computer and everything $60
-Camera, Nikon Cool Pix 8800 digital camera, comes with battery
charger, memory card and loading
dock that can plug into your computer or TV $250 846-6490
-car stereo $50, with CD player,
contact 322-4156
-Dell A960 Printer $10 429-1799
Page 4 - Partyline Print February 20, 2013
-Dell Laptop, new $400 322-8748
-Dell mini laptop, new $400 322-8748
-Laptops; Acer with all kinds of items
including Window 7; D4 20 laptop;
commercial laptop with security by
fingerprint 429-5197
-McAfee total protection 2013 AntiVirus/Malware on-line security software, protect 3 PC’s unopened, new,
$25 826-5437
-Nintendo DS video game, Batman
the Brave and the Bold $20 429-1799
-Nintendo DSI, completely refurbished, with box, charger, manuals
$75 826-6155
-Too many printers, Kodak ESP 7200
series all in one printer, throw in unopened color cartridge 429-3553
-Two track phones with chargers 4222144
-Xbox 360 KINECT system, used
twice, like brand new, no games with
it, $50 obo 509-990-1819
- Farmer’s Market:
-Farm fresh brown eggs for sale,
$2.50 per dozen, will deliver to town
-Farm fresh eggs $2.50 per dozen
-Plants 422-2144
-Seven fryers, 4 live and 15 dressed
ones 486-2493
-Walnuts for sale 476-2094
Drive, 1 person occupancy only, no
pets $550 per month, landlord pays
w/s/g 486-1682
-Beautifully located manufactured
home between Oroville and Tonasket,
2 bed/1 bath, w/s/g paid, large deck
with a great view, fenced back yard
and open front yard, not section 8 approved, available on March 1st $450
rent $450 damage 476-3734
-Bridgeport $600 per month, it is also
for sale 733-1679
-Duplex $625 per month, 700 square
foot, 2 bed 1 bath with covered parking, quiet neighborhood, w/s/g included no smoking, no pets 322-6735
-House for rent, nice Okanogan 2 bed
1 bath house, available March 1st
$600 per month, first/last with $400
damage deposit, pets negotiable, references required 322-4604 after 5 pm
-Small 2 story house for rent outskirts
of Malott, living area, kitchen, ¾ bath
downstairs, 2 room upstairs, access
via attic latter and outside stairs $650
per month $500 deposit, all utilities
paid, no washer/dryer, no pets, no
smoking 322-6124
- Household:
-12 set of beautiful tea cups with saucers $1 each set 826-1016
-2 chainsaws, 1 Royobi 20 inch $75;
1 Poulan 18 inch $50, both working
- For Rent:
-200+ VHS tapes, selling as blank 50
-1 bed house for rent, 209 Riverside cents each, home recording type 4221513
-52” rear projecBrewster Drug
tion Mitsubishi TV
$100 322-7345
-About 40 pieces
of Tupperware,
Computerized Paint Department
Pharmacy Drive Thru Window
mostly new lids
for smaller pieces
811 Hwy. 97
of Tupperware, all
Brewster, WA 98812
Open Mon-Sat
cheap or free &
just want to find needy homes
for them 826-1016
-Antique small “pot belly” wood
stove, 31” h 32” round-with flat top to
cook on $160 firm, will heat one room
422-0359 after noon
-Black king size sheets $20 429-1799
-Chest freezer, almost new $150 6310171
-Dishwasher, under the counter, lightweight dish washer ready to hook up
and go to work $75 846-6190
-Dressers, 1 small, 1 large, good
shape 486-2089
-Eden Pure remote control box heater; solid oak entertainment center;
solid oak coffee table; pedestal table
-Free: two older metal/vinyl bar
stools. Still very usable but one has
splits in the vinyl. Can be taped with
vinyl taper, must take both 826-2215
-Full size ‘Niagara” adjustable bed,
very good condition, used as guest
bed very rarely $100 obo, will help
load, comes with mattress cover and
white dust ruffle, will consider all offers 425-381-9480
-Full size adjustable bed, in very good
condition $100 obo, only used as a
guest bed a few times, comes with
mattress cover and sheets 425-3819480
-House plants, including 5-foot high
rubber plant, reasonably priced 4222144
-Kenmore Refrigerator, white, works
great $50 obo 486-2493
-King size bed Simmons beauty rest,
very nice and comfortable $150, sectional sofa tan with recliners at each
end $125 all or best offer, need to
sell, moving to a smaller place 4293250
-Large entertainment center $10; Multi colored living room chair $5 or $10
for both 826-5858
Partyline FAX (509) 826-3929
-Office chair $30 429-5197
-Older heavy duty Whirlpool
washer, works good, $60 486-1019
-Older rocker and ataman, antique
TVs, various sizes 486-2089
-Pillow top queen mattress set, like
new, always covered in warrantyapproved casing $300 obo 429-8793
we have no room for it
-Sine power inverter, 2000 watts, on
grid $750; whirlpool gas dryer 3 cycle
XL special edition like new $50; Kitchen aid washer XL, 3 speed, quiet
scrub $50; shop wood stove inside
firebox dimension 29”x24” wide x 21”
high, free standing with window $350;
18” Poulan chain saw $50; Ronco
show time rotisserie, holds 24 pound
turkey with accessories, like new,
cooks beautifully $75; solar water
heaters 4’x8’ $350 each 486-2478
-Washer, Kitchen Aid, 3 speed quiet
scrub, extra large capacity $50 4862478
-Water-matic vacuum for sale, a year
and a half old, still works great but
due to health issues it is difficult for
me to operate, $400 for, will consider
a reasonable offer 923-2536
-Whirlpool washer and dryer, excellent condition $1,000, large capacity
washer only 4 years old 422-1448
-Wood finished desk with roll out computer keyboard shelf, good condition
$15 422-5827
Partyline Print February 20, 2013 Page 5
- Lost & Found:
-Found Downtown Omak by the College, Healer/Australian Shepherd mix,
2 females 429-2552
-Found female Basset hound mix,
Malott on February 11th if found
please call 322-3429
-Found on Eastside Single Ford Key
on a remote control lock box 3220810
-Looking for our Pug, fawn colored,
neutered, if you see him please call
-Lost pug at 198 Eastside Road 8469507
- Lawn & Garden:
-2 coffee plants from Guatemala $15
each to cover cost of
beautiful pottery containers 422-5827
-Snowplow that
mounts on a garden
tractor $150 off a
Mury garden tractor
size 5; Rawlings size 4 1/2 $10 per
pair 826-6155
-400 feet of copper wire 429-1255
-6000 watt propane generator, all
power brand; 1 tripp lite 120ac to 12
volt d 4.5 amp 486-1914
-Adams Peanut butter jars all glass;
coffee containers and other items to
hold stuff, I have a collection of them
if you can use them call 486-0888
-Books for sale, brand new, Evergreen-A Guide to Writing with Readings, 9th Edition $30; Elementary &
Intermediate Algebra, 5th Edition $125
-Carhartt large/X-large-tall coveralls,
fire resistant, duck type fabric, were
very expensive $30 422-5827
Announces Enhanced
- Miscellaneous:
-2 grease guns for
sale, one you fill &
one self-filling $5
each 826-1016
-2 pairs of boy’s
baseball shoes, used
one season. Nike
Now you can bring even more
Attention to your important
Partyline Listings!
Enhancements options:
Bold Print - Just $4.00 per wk
Boxed Item - Just $5.00 per wk
Payment due with your listing
Cash or Credit Card only.
North Central Washington’s
Biggest Marketplace!
Call Today for More information
North Cascades Broadcasting
826-0100 or 800 725-5669
Page 6 - Partyline Print February 20, 2013
-Firewood for sale mixed loads
$180 per cord 429-9798
-Firewood for sale on-site pick up
-Firewood for sale, on the truck,
ready to go 486-4650
-Galvanized pipe 1 and 2-foot long
-Lone Ranger collectables, small
lunch box and coffee pot with cup,
slat and pepper shake, knife in case
and more 846-6490
-Nice stack of rough cut lumber,
different sizes & lengths 486-4650
-Painted wooden horse stable with
fence and accessories, two stalls
with doors that open and close on
both sides, dimensions 28” x 21” x
21”, horses not included, very nice
for young horse lovers $50 8260225
-Seasoned Apple and Cherry wood,
cut to stove length, $35 per bin or 3
bins for $100 826-0157
-Tamarack firewood $175 cord 3225560
-Water teepees for protecting tomato plants 476-3862
-Windchimes, will make to order
owner, bought for wife, used maybe
10-12 times, great deal $3,800 obo
-’82 650 Yamaha Maxim motorcycle, nice bike $1,200 846-8282
-1 Ruger mini 14 30 round magazine $25 322-0533
-2 snow suits, one is Columbia
Sports Wear, the other like a mountain rescue black, both are 38”
chest/waist, 4’9” to 6’2” tall range,
look new, sub zero rated $50 each
cash no donate 422-1513
-24 foot coachman travel trailer,
excel condition, sleeps six, awning,
custom 12,000 826-3308
-24 foot Sea Ray boat, twin engine,
nice trailer $16,000 826-1513
-250 Yamaha dirt bike, 1982 fair to
good shape, runs good, pretty fasts
$450 obo 422-0933
-3 children's bikes: girls 16 inch
Schwin, 2 20 inch boys $15 each
-Assorted bicycles sizes 16” to 27”
$15 to $25 422-0933
-Bow flex extreme with owner’s
manual, great condition, asking
$600 obo, 1 previous owner and
rarely used, need to sell asap to
prepare for newborn 429-3923
-Gary Fisher Marlin mountain bike
for sale, 21”, disc brakes, front suspension $750 or trade for a comparably-priced compound bow 5579345
building projects please drop them
off at the Loup Loup Ski Rental
Shop in Omak or Twisp and they
will get them ready to give to Howard. For more information call 8465076 and say you have skis to donate to Howard Betty
- Property:
-20 Flat acres, well, septic, of grid
power solar panels & windmill, double wide 24x56, 2 bed, 2 bath,
plumbed for propane, out buildings
$100k, easy down payment and
flexible monthly payments 4862478
-House in Republic for sale, 900
spare foot, large town lot, 2 bed, 1
bath, title and hardwood through
out, appliances less than 5 years
old, all fenced with chain link & cedar privacy, 1 large shop, 1 small
shop, new energy efficient windows, full basement $115,000 4860363
-House on ten acres in the country,
3 bed 486-0796
- Services:
-Husband and wife team will work
together and separately 322-0810
- Personal:
-Looking for snow shoveling jobs in
-’93 Bayliner open bow 115 hp
the Omak area 826-2526
evenrude outboard $3,000 422-Piano, voice and flute. First Les2333
son is free. Openings available.
-Looking for 2 bedroom house or
Call Tina M. Schmidt. 826-6553
apartment in Omak/Okanogan are, -Will remove
EST. 1898
non-smokers, no pets, 1 small child, downed trees in
first time renters 429-9945
Republic area for
-Whoever is tagging and collaring wood 476-3862
deer in Aeneas Valley please call
Temporary Store Hours Are:
486-1382 I might be of help
- Sporting Goods
M-F 8am-5pm
-Skis are needed for Howard Bet- -’05 Polaris MagSat 9am-3pm
Sun Closed
ty’s projects. If you have any old
num four wheeler,
2360 Hwy 20
After hours & Sunday help is available downhill skis you could donate for great condition,
Wauconda, Wa 98859
knock on door or call
this senior gentleman to use for
very low miles, one (509) 486-4044 or
Partyline FAX (509) 826-3929
-German Mouser riffle 8mm
manufactured in 1944 $500;
Winchester model 12, 12
gauge shotgun; Savage model 99
lever action $500 631-0511
-Honda 90cc trail bike $600, runs
good and tabbed, fun bike to ride 322
-Honda Elite 80cc scooter 3,400 miles
street legal, needs blinkers and battery $600 422-2333
-Merry-go-round $125 486-1682
-Minkota boat trolling motor, 40 pound
thrust $100 557-5632
-Ordinance stainless steel, double
action only .45 auto 2-12 round mags,
and factory case $750 422-0644
-Sale or trade 12 gauge side-by-side
modified and improved $650, would
like a quality 9mm or 40 call 322-2317
-Taurus model 94 22 caliber, 9 shot
revolver, blued, in good shape $350
obo 429-6935
-Trains ho, Aphern, Varney passenger trains, freight trains, too much to
list, call for details 846-9858
-Two paint guns, 1 Wagner, 1 Mac 1
also 1 Tripp Lite Power transformer
120 ac to 12 volt dc, make offer 4861914
Partyline Print February 20, 2013 Page 7
-Green Lee construction tool box
$350 322-8101
-Grizzly 72” knife sander/buffer $275
obo; 40# box of horn, bone, antlers
$100 obo; box of blades 17 handles,
grip material, pins, spacers, metal etc
$350 obo; buy all for $600 start a
knife making business 422-2901
-Grizzly lathe 12 buy 37 all power
6000 watt propane generator, 120
and 240 volt 486-1914
-Have a tile wet saw $50; a miter saw
combo $50 846-5113
-Jet JWL-1236 wood lathe with 16
chisels, 4-jaw chuck set, drill chuck
and other accessories $725 486-1903
-Pimco sprayer to pull behind lawn
tract 486-0761
-Poulan chainsaw
24” bar 826-1447
- Wanted:
-30 caliber carbine
shells 422-3658
-All unwanted or
abandoned trailers
of any kind, will
come and get it off
your property, we
also do on site mobile home demo
- Tools:
and clean up, snow
-2400 PSI pressure washer $200 obo is not a problem,
title/no title is ok,
-Chicago electric welder with helmet also looking for un$115 429-3354
wanted golf carts/
go carts/motorcycles, street and dirt
-Bedding, dishes and non-clothing
items to help House of Mercy 8261429
-Cab high fiberglass canopy for Ford
Super duty long box, must be in excellent condition 322-6251
-Car trailer, need at least 18 footer
-Concrete blocks 16"x8"x8" 322-3187
-Downrigger for fishing, long boom
-In real need of grass hay, if anyone
even can spare to sell ten to 15 bales
please call 846-9762, located in
Twisp, looking in the Okanogan
County area only please
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Great Ad Rates!
Take—$1 Off
Grilled Burger
With fries and any size fountain drink.
We serve traditional Breakfast Starting at 5am!
702 Omak Avenue
1/8 page $35/wk $25ea 4wks
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Call Today for More Information
North Cascades Broadcasting
826-0100 or 800 725-5669
Page 8 - Partyline Print February 20, 2013
-Looking for 5 foot x 8 foot trailer with
12 inch tires, would like to have a rear
drop gate 846-6490
-Looking for a bumper pull camper,
must be 20’ or longer and have 2
large beds or 1 large bed and two
small beds, have cash 826-5345
-Looking for a Ferret nation cage
must be in good condition, also looking for ferret accessories 422-9812
-Looking for a shroud for a garden
tractor 826-2526
-Looking for a small dinning room table and chairs, cheap 449-2311
-Looking for a small sea worthy dingy,
wood or fiberglass with oars 422-2235
-Looking for a washer & dryer at a
reasonable price and chairs and tables 826-4728
-Looking for an old saddle for yard toy
for young kids 604-219-0767
-Looking for extra fencing such as
wire and/or chicken fencing, possibly
a gate, some scrap flat wood and or
metal, thinking of building a chicken
coop or a dog fence 449-1403
-Looking for metal railing 3 foot tall for
exterior stairs, foe handicap person,
so must be free or cheap 826-5588
-Looking for saxophone to rent or buy,
also any unwanted sports card that
want little for, also a dresser cheap or
free 846-5113
-Looking for some dishes at House of
Mercy, also items for a yard sale 8261429
-Looking for some inexpensive firenate call 846-5076 and say you
wood 826-2526
have skis to donate to Howard
-Looking for a twin & full mattress,
good condition, inexpensive 631-1828 -Table, chairs, washer, dryer 322-Need a working washer and dryer
free or inexpensive 429-3716
-Taking cans476-3862
-Need Australian Shepherd or Border -Two clean, good quality twin size
Collier for breeding; Female Pitbull/
mattresses for the kids 422-1620
German Shepherd cross puppy 13
-VMAX 750 or 800 snowmobile;
weeks old $50 44-0224
Yamaha 4 cylinder 2 stroke 486-0221
-Number of person selling rams horn -Wanted 3-point disc 429-8256
snails 322-7314
-Wanted two or three ton of hay 429-Paying cash for older Geo Metro’s, 1255
running or not running, prefer 3 cylin- -Would like a used ipad or iphone 429
der, 5 speed manual Transmission
models, ’89 through ’97, nothing new- -Yarn donations for volunteers to
er than ’97 322-3034
make afghans for needy families,
-Straw bales, large or small; good
please drop off at the Omak Food
farm dog, prefer Australian shepherd Bank Monday and Thursday from
9am to 11 am or at the Corner Bistro
-Skis are needed for Howard Betty’s Sat or Sun from 9am to 1pm 425-422projects. If you have any old downhill 7151
skis you could
donate for this
senior gentleman PARTYLINE SHOW TIMES
to use for building
projects please
drop them off at Tuesday 8:00 am to 9:00 am
the Loup Loup
Thursday 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Ski Rental Shop
in Omak or Twisp Saturday 8:00 am to 9:00 am
and they will get
them ready to
give to Howard. Call: 826-0100 during the show
For more infortimes to be on live with the DJ
mation or to do-
Brewster Drug
Computerized Paint Department
Pharmacy Drive Thru Window
811 Hwy. 97
Brewster, WA 98812
Open Mon-Sat
Bus. 509-689-2421
FAX 509-689-2068
You can also submit ads by:
Fax: 826-3929
Mail: PO Box 151, Omak WA