:: Xian Knit Kimono Jacket 4/3/11 9:04 PM Subscribe to Caron Connections, our free e-newsletter. Enter your e-mail address Subscribe Home Yarns Pattern Boutique Designer Studio Guide to Style Caron Blog Where to Buy Xian Knit Kimono Jacket designed by Margret Willson Technique used: Knit MATERIALS Naturally Country 75% Microdenier acrylic, 25% Merino wool; 3 click to enlarge oz/100 g, 185 yds/170 m ball): Shown in: #0022 Plum Perfect 9 (10, 11, 12) balls schematic One pair size U.S. 7 (4.5 mm) needles, or size to obtain gauge Printer Friendly instructions Updated 1/26/2011 One U.S. size 7 (4.5 mm) circular needle, 29”/73cm long or size to obtain gauge One circular size U.S. 5 (3.75 mm) needle, 29"/73.5cm long Tapestry needle (tn) Row counter SIZES Small (M/L, 1X, 2X/3X) KNITTED MEASUREMENTS Chest/Bust 40 (46, 51-1/2, 57-1/2 )"/101.5 (117, 131, 146)cm Length 21"/53.5cm GAUGE In Diamond and Shell Pattern, using larger needles, 24 sts and 30 rows = 4"/10 cm STITCHES USED Diamond and Shell Pattern (multiple of 16 + 7 sts; 16 row repeat) Row 1 (RS): K1, p1, k3, p1 *k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3, p1, k3, p1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 2: K2, p3, k1, *p11, k1, p3, k1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 3: Row 4: Row 5: Row 6: K1, p1, sk2p, p1, *k2, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, k1, yo, ssk, k2, p1, sk2p, p1, rep from * across, end k1. K2, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, *p5, k1, p5, k1, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, rep from * across, end k1. K 1, p1, k3, p1 *k1, k2tog, yo, (k1, p1) twice, k1, yo, ssk, k1, p1, k3, p1, rep from * across, end k1. K2, p3, k1, *p4, k1, p1, k1, p4, k1, p3, k1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 7: K1, p1, sk2p, p1, *k2tog, yo, (k1, p1) 3 times, k1, yo, ssk, p1, sk2p, p1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 8: K2, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, *p3, (k1, p1) twice, k1, p3, k1, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, rep from * across, end Page 1 of 3 :: Xian Knit Kimono Jacket 4/3/11 9:04 PM k1. Row 9: K1, p1, k3, p1, *k1, yo, ssk, (k1, p1) twice, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, k3, p1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 10: K2, p3, k1, *p4, k1, p1, k1, p4, k1, p3, k1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 11: Row 12: Row 13: Row 14: K1, p1, sk2p, p1, *k2, yo, ssk, k1, p1, k1, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, sk2p, p1, rep from * across, end k1. K2, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, *p5, k1, p5, k1, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, rep from * across, end k1. K1, p1, k3, p1, *k3, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, k3, p1, rep from * across, end k1. K2, p3, k1, *p11, k1, p3, k1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 15: K1, p1, sk2p, p1, *k4, yo, sk2p, yo, k4, p1, sk2p, p1, rep from * across, end k1. Row 16: K2, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, *p11, k1, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, rep from * across, end k1. Italian Chain Rib (multiple of 6 + 2; 4 row repeat) Row 1 (WS): K2, * p4, k2, rep from * across. Row 2: P2, *k2tog, (yo) twice, ssk, p2, rep from * across. Row 3: K2, *p1, purl into front of first yo, purl into back of 2nd yo, p1, k2, rep from * across. Row 4: P2, *yo, ssk, k2tog, yo, p2, rep from * across. NOTES – Garment is worked in one piece beginning at lower back and ending at lower front. Collar is picked up and worked after entire body is complete. RIGHT SLEEVE STITCHES Using larger circular needle, CO 48 sts and set aside--this will be used later as the sts for one of the right sleeve. BACK Using 7 ndls CO 119 (135, 151, 167) sts. Knit 3 rows for border. Working in Diamond and Shell Pattern, rep rows 1-16, 4 times. Rep pattern rows 1-14. SLEEVES Using larger circular needle, work pattern row 15 across back sts only (for this row, do not work previously CO sleeve sts); then Cable CO 48 sts for left sleeve. Turn. Next Row (WS): Work pattern row 16 as follows across 48 sts just CO for left sleeve, across back sts and then work across 48 sts previously CO and set aside for the right sleeve: K2, (p3, k1, p11, k1) twice, p3, k1, p11, k1, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1, [p11, k1, (p1, k1, p1) into next st, k1] 7 (8, 9, 10) times, (p11, k1, p3, k1) 3 times, k1--215 (231, 247, 263) sts. Working across all sts, rep rows 1-16 of Diamond and Shell Pattern 5 times. DIVIDE FOR NECK Right Front--With straight needles, work in pattern across first 87 (87, 103, 103) sts as follows: K1, p1, k3, p1, (k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3, p1, k3, p1) 5 (5, 6, 6) times, end k1, leave rem sts on circular needle unworked. Continuing in pattern, work rows 2-16, then rep rows 1-16, 4 times. At beg of next row BO 48 sts for sleeve, then working on rem 39 (39, 55, 55) sts for right front, rep rows 1-16, 5 times. Knit next 2 rows for border, bind off in knit. Left Front--Return to unworked sts held on circular needle, knit 41 (57, 41, 57) sts across back neck leaving these sts on circular needle, then work rem 87 (87, 103, 103) sts as follows: With straight needles, work pattern rows 1-16, 4 times, rep pattern rows 1-15. At beg of next row, BO 48 sts for sleeve, then work pattern row 16 across rem 39 (39, 55, 55) sts for left front. Rep pattern rows 1-16, 5 times. Knit 2 rows for border, bind off in knit. COLLAR With RS facing, using smaller circular needle, begin at lower right front edge, pick up and knit 121 (119, 121, 119) sts up right front, knit 41 (57, 41, 57) sts across back neck, pick up and knit 122 (120, 122, 120) sts across left front edge--284 (296, 284, 296) sts. Rep rows 1-4 of Italian Chain Ribbing until collar measures 8”, rep row 1, then bind off as follows: p2, *k4, p2, rep from * across. SLEEVE EDGING With RS facing, using smaller circular needles, pick up 122 sts across sleeve edge. Rep rows 1-4 of Italian Chain Ribbing twice, rep row 1, then BO as for collar. Sew side and sleeve seams. Page 2 of 3 :: Xian Knit Kimono Jacket 4/3/11 9:04 PM ©2011 Caron International Page 3 of 3
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