Call for submission

9th Festival
Call for submission
International Laboratory Festival of performances
RedPlexus, network of exchanges and of diffusion of new forms of performance.
Dates : Dates : 14 -19 september 2015, Marseille, France
Préavis de Désordre Urbain is a laboratory-festival.
6 intense days dedicated to experimentation, to meeting and artistic creation.
Each Preavis festival explores the body in public space and focuses on :
-Artistic schedule (in 2014, artists performed in containers of waste sorting
and hôtel rooms).
A privilegied time to re-build its project of performance and adapt it to the
context of the city of Marseille.
Impertinent and subversive proposals are welcome.
Thema of Préavis 2015
Flow, circulation, transports punctuate urban life.. Urban trajectories are
often traced to the millimeter, they should not leave the rail
And if we introduced a grain of sand on an urban route....
It is vital to create Emergency Stop Performances on these transit urban
routes. Emergency Stop Performances dedicated to the body, desires and
rituals. We can explore and inhabit these urban routes in other ways and
propose to the public to share an artistic and existential experience.
The performances will take place on trips in the city, in public transport or at
bus and tramway stops. The car, private sphere into the public sphere, may
also be a space of performance.
The performances may take place
In a bus or tram
On the outside, on the route
At bus and tramway stops
In a car parked in a parking lot
Outside of a car (the public being inside)
I n t e r n at i o n a l L a b o r at o r y F e s t i va l o f p e r f o r m a n c e s
The selected artists adapt their project to the context of urban space, of
a theatre and of Friche la Belle de Mai.
Every artist commits to :
- Participate to the residency in public space and to 3 programmed moments
-Create a radio live performance in the studios of Radio Grenouille (10mn)
-Participate in meetings in bars
Artistic Field :
All disciplines focused on Performance : Dance, Theatre, Urban arts, Visual arts,
Installation-Performance, architecture/Townplanning
Financial conditions :
Honorary fee : 500 € (700 € for 2 artists and more)
We offer Accomodation, Food ; Technical and logistic help
We can help you to find money for your travel ( consulates, embassy)
Submissions Apply :
- Application form, completed on-line
- Description of the project (concept + biographical detail + artistic statement
+ motivation + Technical requirements, photos, websites links etc)
Deadline : April 20 th 2015
Christine Bouvier - /
(33) 4 95 04 95 34 ou (33) 6 61 34 93 62
I n t e r n at i o n a l L a b o r at o r y F e s t i va l o f p e r f o r m a n c e s
9ème Édition
Name :
Adress :
Email :
Title of the projet :
Présentation of the spirit of your project
I n t e r n at i o n a l L a b o r at o r y F e s t i va l o f p e r f o r m a n c e s