Monroe County 4-H Clover Connection

Monroe County 4-H
Clover Connection
February 2013
Hello Monroe County 4-H!
Wonderful things are happening for Monroe 4-H this February!
There is so much
planned, it’s hard to know where to start. So don’t be shy! If you see something that interests you, jump in and give it a try. Who knows, you may find a talent or skill you never knew
you had! Have fun, learn, make friends and do good things!
Susan Turner
Extension Support Staff
Charolette Arnett - Program Assistant
County Extension Agent
Kim Hollinsworth - Administrative Assistant
4-H Youth Development
Monroe County
Notification to Public About How to File a Civil Rights Complaint
The Cooperative Extension Service prohibits discrimination in its program & employment on the basis of
race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
To file a complaint of discrimination, contact Rosemary Veach, UK College of Agriculture, Lexington,
Ky. 40546 or Terry Allen, UK Affirmative Action Director, Lexington, Ky 40546, or the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250
Are you searching for a great program for you or your club? Consider reading to residents at the Monroe County Health and Rehabilitation Center (the nursing home). Jane Vibbert is looking for
people to read residents their mail, books, newspapers, etc. Give
Jane a call if you are interested: 487-6135.
Project Work
All After-School projects take place at the Extension Office unless you receive notification otherwise. Remember our snow policy: if school is out for snow, all 4-H activities
are cancelled. Even though we say we start at 3:00, we allow time for those coming
from GES. Also, I always provide a healthy snack, so no need to stop for fast food!
February 7 at 3:00 p.m. we will be
learning about the egg preparation demonstration. If you are interested in egg
preparation, it is a separate contest from
demonstrations. We will conduct an
overview of the contest and prepare an
omelet. Pre-registration is required by
February 6. Phone the Extension Office
(487-5504) to register.
No fee.
Toad in the Hole
Egg recipe from the Incredible Egg web site
1 slice bread (your favorite)
1 tsp olive oil
1 egg
Using your favorite cookie cutter, cut the center
out of your bread. Coat a skillet with oil.
Toast the bread on one side in the skillet about
5 minutes or until golden brown. Turn the
bread slice over and gently break an egg into
the center of the bread. Cover the skillet and
cook slowly until the egg whites are set and the
yolk is thickened, about 5 minutes. Season
with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.
Our needlework project club will meet on Monday, February 11 at 3:00 p.m. at the
Extension Office. Bring your knitting needles and yarn.
Friendship bracelets are making a comeback!
We will be learning how to do either a candy
stripe or a chevron friendship bracelet on Tuesday, February 12 at 3:00 p.m. at the Extension
Office. There will be a $1.00 fee for the supplies. Pre-register by February 8 by calling the
office at 487-5504. Youth ages 9 to 18 boys and
girls are welcomed to attend.
The origin of
Friendship Bracelets
Originally, these colorful bands were invented by Indians in
Central and South America. According to tradition, you tie
a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend who may wish for
something at that moment. The bracelet should be worn
until it is totally worn-out and falls off by itself, at which
moment the wish is supposed to come true.
We will be making
this chevron pattern.
Project Work
Pringles can cameras were a hit last month!
The 4-H Photography Club will meet
at the Extension Office on Tuesday,
February 26 at 3:00. Remember to
look up the rule of thirds and to bring
your heart pictures!
S.O.S. No, it’s not what you think! Seeds of Service - a new program we are doing all
about Service Learning. On Monday, February 18 we will meet at the Extension Office
at 12:00 to make cookies, package them, and then deliver them to our local officials
and community service people such as the police station. I will be driving us throughout
Tompkinsville to make the deliveries. Pre-register by calling the office by February 13.
No fee.
Clover Bud Club will meet on Monday,
February 25 at 3:00 at the Extension Office. We will be making a healthy snack
(Almost A Pyramid Sundae) learning a
new exercise and making a health chart to
take home.
Our bird feeders and bookmarks were a
big hit last month!
NEW!! The 4-H Lego Club will have its first meeting on Monday,
March 4 from 3:00 to 4:15 p.m. at the Extension Office. Gamaliel
students, we won’t start until you arrive! This is a new club which I
will be leading. The Lego club is open to junior 4-H members and
older Clover Buds, so this is suitable for youth ages 7 to 13. Do not bring your Lego sets from home!
The 4-H Council has purchased Lego sets for us to use! Put it on your calendar and get ready to build!
Fe b r u ar y 20 13
Celebrate Heart
Health Month!
6 4-H at Wee
Care & Head
7 4-H After
School Egg Prep
Registration Due
Knitting project
Friendship bracelets 3:00
18 SOS
Cookie Delivery
Clover Bud Club
Photography Club 4-H Health Fair
Terrific Tuesday
at Green Hills
Applications due
Chautauqua Presentation
Additional Dates of Interest
February 6
Registration deadline for Egg Preparation Project
February 7
Video conference 5:00 p.m. with Ky 4-H Specialist
February 8
Registration deadline for friendship bracelets ($1.00)
February 13
Registration deadline for S.O.S. cookie project
February 21
4-H A Capitol Experience - Frankfort, Ky.
February 22
4-H Summit registration money due ($100)
February 28
Ky Chautauqua presentation of Rosemary Clooney 6:30 p.m.
Ky 4-H Teen Summit Ky Leadership Center Jabez
March 19
4-H Council 5:00 p.m.
March 23
4-H Bake Sale Wal Mart 10:00 - 1:00
4-H Demonstration Contest
The 4-H Demonstration Contest is scheduled for March 11 at Monroe County High School beginning at
6:00 p.m. 4-H members will compete in various categories and will be divided by their junior and senior age
designation. A junior 4-H member is age 9 to 13 as of January 1, 2013. A senior 4-H member is age 14to 18
as of January 1, 2013. As always, Clover Bud members may participate, but may not win champion in their
category, all will receive a blue ribbon. Registration deadline is February 22.
The Demonstration categories for all age groups are:
Animal Science - selection, care and feeding of animals, financial records, operations & animal products for small or large
Bread - preparation, skills & creativity in using yeast or quick breads as part of a meal or snack.
Clothing/Sewing - construction, techniques, wardrobe selection and planning, care of clothing, posture as related to fit.
Crafts & Photography - including scrapbooking, picture taking, framing, & composition and all crafts.
General - demonstrations that do not fit in another category.
Health - information on physical & mental fitness, prevention & control of disease, grooming, health practices.
Home Environment & Management - based on information found in project books.
Horticulture - management practices, selection & production of fruits, vegetables & flowers, landscaping, care of lawn, house
Foods - includes preparation skills & creativity using foods. Excludes breads and egg.
Performing Arts - relating to performing arts including theatre, dance, musical instruments & musical performance.
Presentation Software - using presentation software & projection equipment regardless of topic.
Safety - use and care of any equipment to prevent accidents, removing hazards, safety inspections, all first aid and CPR.
Science & Natural Resources - agronomy, entomology, natural resources, soils, seeds, conservation practices, geology,
weather, & fish/wildlife. Science fair experiments included.
Science, Engineering, & Technology - topics relative to the physical sciences, engineering, & technology. Includes farm
equipment, automobiles, electricity, construction, biotechnology, aerospace, rocketry, woodcraft .
Shooting Sports - proper care and cleaning of equipment, safety, sighting alignment and shooting techniques, selecting
equipment and ammunition. Weapons of any sort can not be brought into the building.
Team Demonstrations - any demonstration (regardless of topic) conducted by two 4-H members of the same age category.
Each participant must have a significant speaking and presentation role in the demonstration. Youth may not compete in both
individual and team.
NEW - Mock Interview - MOCK JOB INTERVIEWS -Seniors (14-18) only. Resumes are expected.
Contestants will be applying for a sales associate position at a mall. The interview will be conducted in a
private room with two judges and should last 8 – 10 minutes.
Rules and score sheets will be mailed to contestants once they have registered.
Parents and Leaders
Many people have been asking questions regarding the new 4-H Achievement program (which replaced
our Honors program). The new achievement program begins with youth at the age of 9 and is cumulative
throughout their 4-H career. Ky 4-H Specialist Kim Adams will be on a video conference with us to explain
the program and answer any questions you may have. The video conference will be held at the Extension
Office on Thursday, February 7 at 5:00 p.m. I will need parents to register for this event. Register by
phoning the Extension Office by February 5.
There will be a Shooting Sports Coaches Certification workshop held at the Kentucky Leadership Center
March 8 - 10. This is for all disciplines. If you are interested, you must be at least 18 years old and have
completed the 4-H volunteer screening process. The deadline to register is February 22. More information
about the 4-H shooting sports program can be found on our state web site at
If you are interested call or email me at
4-H A Capitol Experience will be held on Thursday, February 22 in Frankfort. This is open to all 4-H
members. Members gather at the Capitol to meet with their legislators, tour the grounds, and learn more
about our government. I have also scheduled a meeting with Agriculture Commissioner James Comer in his
office for our group. I need an adult volunteer to take the youth to Frankfort as I will be out of town. Please
let me know if you are interested. It is a school approved trip.
Congratulations to our Talk Meet champions and participants!
9 year old champion Devan Brooks with Kailey McMurtry receiving blue and Kasey Allen receiving white.
10 year old champion Riley Burroughs
11 year old champion Leigha Guffey with Lydia Emberton and Karley Gee receiving blue.
12 year old champion Kaleb Allen
13 year old champion Dailey Gee
15 year old champion Dalton Allen
16 year old champion Cassady Wilson
Clover Bud participants Kaden McMurtry and Kynley Gee.
The champions will represent Monroe County at the District 6 4-H Communications Contest in Barren County
on April 25 for a chance to compete at the state contest this July! Wish them luck! Practice, practice, practice!
4-H Club News
4-H Dog Club by Michele Wheat - The club will meet on February 11 to make Valentine's Day gifts to
present to the residents at the nursing home.
Gamaliel 4-H Club by Felisa Brooks - The Gamaliel Club is off to a GREAT start
of a NEW YEAR. We had three members to participate in the Talk Meet that was
held at JHC on Tuesday, January 21, 2013. A big thanks to JHC for letting us use
their facility and to the extension office for putting everything together. Congratulations to Kaden McMurtry, Kailey McMurtry and Devan Brooks.
We are so proud of EACH of you. Good Luck to Devan Brooks, who will be advancing on to the District Talk Meet in Barren County sometime in March. We are super
excited about the UPCOMING New Year with 4-H. Pop Can Lamp activity, Demonstrations, District Talk Meet, 4H Camp, club activities and a night out
with the HOT RODS! Wow! We are going to have so much FUN! We can't wait.
Our next club meeting will be on Wednesday, January 30th at 3:30 in Ms. Shelly
McMurtry's room. We hope to make Valentine cards for the patients at the nursing
home and a color collage for a fair entry. We would love to have some more club
members involved in the demonstrations coming up on March 11. Don't forget to
get your name on the list for that soon. If you have any questions just let us know.
We are hoping to start having some fund raisers soon for those that are wanting to
go to camp. If you want to go you need to get your name on the list before it is too
late. Contact the ladies at the extension office at 487-5504. A deposit of $25.00 will hold your spot. 4H
Camp is set for May 28-May 31st at Dawson Springs, Kentucky. It will be FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Triple L 4-H Club by Regena Lyons - Triple L 4-H met Wednesday, January 16 at the extension office. We welcomed two new members to the club Weston and Lane Collins. Talk meet and demonstrations were discussed. Riley Burroughs and Leigha Guffey won Champion in their age group. Congrats to
both! Following the meeting the kids made valentine bags filled with cards and candy for Adult Daycare. Club members will deliver them on Wednesday, February 13 at 3:00 p.m. to adult daycare members. Our next meeting will be on February 20 at 4:30 at the extension office. Visitors are always welcome.