National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia Inter MET Asia Singapore 22-‐24 April 2015 Presenta(on outline ! Background of NMA ! Powers, duties, mission and vision ! Current organizational structure of NMA ! Existing facilities and services ! Products and services ! Medium and long term meteorological Investment Plan in Ethiopia (2016-‐2025) ! Summary and conclusion Background of NMA ! A small meteorological unit was established in 1951 within the then existing Civil Aviation Department of Ethiopia ! The National Meteorological Services Agency of Ethiopia was established as an autonomous government organization on 31 December 1980. Powers, du5es, mission and vision Powers and duties ! Establish and operate a national net-‐work of meteorological stations designed to represent various climatic regions of Ethiopia ! Collect all meteorological data ! Exchange meteorological data in accordance with international agreements to which Ethiopia is a party ! Establish and operate communication systems, in accordance with the law, for the collection and dissemination of meteorological data ! Publish and disseminate analyzed and interpreted meteorological data and meteorological forecasts ! Give advance warnings on adverse weather conditions; disseminate advice and educational information through the mass media; and provide, upon request meteorological services to any person ! Collect and centrally administer any meteorological data collected by any person in the country ! Control air pollution and maintain the natural balance of the air in the country Powers, du5es… Powers and duties ! Permit any person to register and collect meteorological data when it deems necessary ! Ensure the implementation of international agreements regarding meteorology which are ratified by the ! ! ! ! ! ! Government Undertake meteorological studies and research; implement fruitful results thereof Collect fees and charges for the services it renders after having them determined by the appropriate government office Represent the government in any meeting, conference or seminar concerning meteorology Enter into contract Sue and be sued in its own name; and Own, possess, pledge, sell exchange or transfer property in any other manner for the attainment of its purposes Mission By collecting , analyzing and studying meteorological and related data, we provide weather forecast and early warnings on the adverse effects of weather and climate of Ethiopia that contribute to economic and social development of the country and safeguard of life and property Vision World-‐class meteorological services by 2022 Current organiza(onal structure of NMA Existing facilities and services SOS distribution, 2012 Station Type No. Synoptic/GTS 17 Principal 173 Ordinary 631 Precipitation 420 AWS 105 Upper air station 2 Aeronautics stations 10 Geontecast 14 AWS distribu5on Products and services No. Type of services 1 Forecas(ng Product/outputs Daily, ten daily, monthly and seasonal forecast and outlook 2 Agro meteorology Ten daily, monthly and seasonal agro meteorological advisories 3 Hydrometeorology Monthly and seasonal hydro meteorological bulle(ns 4 Biometeorology Monthly health bulle(n on malaria weather suitability 5 Avia(on 6 Meteorological educa(on and training 7 Data and climatology Raw meteorological data observed at equal intervals of (me TAF, Metar and related products Trained observers and assistant meteorologist Short term staff trainings which does not span more that 15 days Staff long term trainings arranged with universities in the country and abroad Real (me data, Raw and processed data Monthly, seasonal and annual climatological bulle(ns Mean climatological maps 8 Meteorological instruments Stevenson screens, rain gauge, and instrument stands are produced in NMA at the instrument produc(on workshop Produc(on of pan evaporimeter is at its experimental stage NMA is owner of Instruments calibra(on laboratory. Instruments like barometer and thermometers are calibrated internally Remark Gaps and limita(ons ! Do not have representa(ve meteorological sta(on network in the country. ! Managing and administering sta(on network needs big investment. Do not have the necessary ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! budget Do not have the facility and budget needed for expanding and maintaining exis(ng meteorological sta(ons network (replacing faulty instruments on (me, calibra(ng instruments regularly, inspec(ng sta(ons and the like) NMA didn’t Implement WiGOS poor data communica(on facili(es – s(ll using SSB radios and telephone for real (me data transmission. Failure of Data Base Systems at (mes and unable to fix them (do not have our own DBMS) Lack of well trained manpower in all aspects Fast advancement of technology and unable to introduce and use modern technology on (me Network lines between head and branch offices not working properly Missing data and most of the sta(ons data are of short length ! Most of the sta(ons start recording in the 1970’s ! Data gaps created due to many reasons ! Instruments breakdown and slow maintenance services ! Acquiring modern instruments needs high budget and using them requires trained manpower. ! Data demand and supply do not agree ! Historical climatological data are not fully digi(zed ! Unable meet users meteorological forecast, avia(on meteorology, development meteorology services needs Need to Moderniza(on of NMA ! Where to invest ? ! Physical capacity ! Human development capacity Medium and long term meteorological Investment Plan in Ethiopia (2016-‐2025) No. Main Item 1 2 3 4 Descrip5on Period Expansion and moderniza(on of observa(onal sta(ons 1. Automa(c surface observing system 2016-‐2025 2 Processing Office facility 3Expansion of Radar network 4.Lightning detec(on network 5.Expansion and moderniza(on of aeronau(cal monitoring network Informa(on 1. Data flow from sta(on/branch offices to HQ and vis versa 2016-‐2020 communica(on, 2. Media outlet and channel interpreta(on and 3. Real (me and historical online data flow between main dissemina(on data server and users systems 4. Digital/audio/visual climate informa(on flow and communica(on to the end-‐users Moderniza(on of computa(onal facility 1. 2. 3. 4. Enhancing human 1. capacity 2. 3. 4. 5. Main data server at HQ and MBDs 2016-‐2020 Super computer for model run and research Implementa(on of WIGOS as per WMO for Na(onal and interna(onal Purpose Procuring and installa(on of standard sodware High level training (MSc and PhD) 2016-‐2025 Medium level (first degree and PGD) Basic level (technicians) Specialized and user-‐tailored Strengthen training facility of NMA Es5mated cost in US$ Medium and long term… No. Main Item Descrip5on 5 Moderniza(on of Office 1. infrastructure environment 2. 3. 6 Enhancing Sector-‐specific meteorological services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 Medium and long term climate predic(on and projec(on 1. Moderniza(on of logis(c facility 1. 2. 2. 3. Period Head Office Meteorological Branch offices Standard instrument calibra(on Laboratories Agricultural meteorology Hydro meteorology Avia(on meteorology Early warning on natural hazards Urban climate monitoring and forecas(ng Profiling Poten(al of renewable energy 2016-‐2020 Seasonal and annual climate variability Decadal climate predic(on Medium to long term (Century) climate change projec(on 2016-‐2022 Meteorological mobile calibra(on Rou(ne Sta(on inspec(on, maintenance and upgrade 2016-‐2020 Es5mated cost in US$ 2016-‐2025 Total Es5mated Cost in US$ 170,000,000.00 Summary and conclusion NMA needs capacity building in the area of: ! Physical ! Modern technology transfer ! Human skill developments ! Public and private partners(PPPs) are crucial to Address the gaps ! Hoping we will achieve together if we share our vision
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