Wasatch Quilting—digitizedquiltingpatterns.com Designed By—Nancy Haacke 801-546-3929 All patterns copyright © protected Email; nhaacke@comcast.net PDF Catalog 3 of E2E patterns Note: This is catalog 3 of E2E patterns. Catalog 1 and 2 can be downloaded from the website on the main page in the lower right corner there is a button that says “website info and pdf catalogs” there you can find some of the available pdf files. This catalog contains all of the E2E that have been in the pattern club from April of 2012 to June of 2014 http://www.digitizedquiltingpatterns.com All patterns designed, digitized and owned by Nancy Haacke © All copy right laws apply last first Feathers all over E2E Meandering feathers E2E first first last last CR 2 Sqd Simple E2E CR E2E Nested This goes with the set Chrystal Reflections (CR) This one is slightly nested first last first Paisley and Feathers E2E simple last SP Pearls and Paisley E2E last first last first Feathered hearts E2E Sherbet E2E last first last first Slightly South West E2E FB Swan Song R&R nested E2E first last See pg 13 Paisley Feather E2E 2014 first last Damask 2 E2E Windee with Pearls E2E last first last first Damask E2E Curls and Pearls E2E first last last Pink or Yellow ribbon E2E Clouds E2E last first Circles all around Random Circles E2E This is a variation of Circle fun or Blow bubbles Circle fun and Blow bubbles are the same pattern the name was changed later. last first first last Bubble vine s dense E2E first Popcorn E2E X 9 Circles 7 E2E original size 7 inch so you can enlarge it for larger circles. last first last Circle Meander Sq’d Quilts out quickly first first last last Meander E2E Small Random Stipple E2E Flowing water enlarged E2E for larger quilts Flowing Water E2E last first first last Ovals E2E Spiral E2E slightly nested first first last Modern E2E 1025 last Le Fleur de Lis E2E last first first last Ribbons E2E Le Fleur de Lis E2E 2 last first last first Hills E2E slightly nested Ribbons Simple E2E Default size 9 X 9 nested first last Round pegs in a Square hole E2E Square pegs in a Round hole E2E first first last Hugs 2 E2E last Hugs E2E last first first last Easter Egg E2E Paper doll E2E Puff and fluff E2E Quilts out quickly and it is fun to size it up and down for different effects first first last Starry night 2 E2E Original size 6 X 6 slightly nested XOXO E2E first last Grass E2E 2 Grass E2E 2 nested X 4 first last When you use this pattern put the vertical spacing about a –2 (negative 2 inches) It is nested about a full 2 inches first last last first Clouds and butterflies E2E Owls Damask E2E first last first Birds and Berries simplified E2E first last Butterfly damask E2E last last first Birds and Berries E2E Bird E2E last first Hummingbird and Cherry Blossom E2E Hummingbird E2E first last first last Fern Damask E2E Slightly nested Butterfly and Cherry Blossom E2E first first last Cherry Blossom E2E last Fern E2E first last first last Wheat E2E Trillium leaf E2E first Pine cone E2E Leaves 2014 E2E first last last first last Leaves E2E Oak leaves and Acorns last first first last Australian Gum leaf E2E Oak leaves E2E first last first Australian Gum leaf and seeds E2E last Tropical leaves E2E first last last first Dandelion E2E Glasgow Rose last first first Fern grove E2E last Lotus Blossom E2E first last first last Lotus Blossom Dragonfly E2E Morning Glory E2E last first first Lilies of the valley E2E last Poppy E2E last first last first Cornflower E2E Roses E2E last first Tulip E2E first last Simple Simon E2E first last Spring flowers E2E 2014 first last Cone Flower E2E first first last last Crocus E2E Dahlia E2E Fall E2E Pansy E2E last first first Aster E2E last Star Flower E2E last first Daisy simplified E2E Forget me knot E2E last Mum E2E first last Spring flower E2E first last LAST FIRST Piglet E2E Zebra E2E first last first last Dr. Seuss E2E Elephant E2E first first Monkey simplified 3 E2E last last Elephant 2 E2E first first last last Lamb E2E Lamb simple E2E first first last last BunnyE2E Bumble bee E2E first last last first Turtle E2E Gold fish E2E first last first Chicken Simple E2E last first Teddy bear E2E last Chicken E2E Ski Pose, snow shoe, and Canoe paddle E2E first last last first Bat E2E Ghosts E2E first last first Witches things E2E first Halloween E2E 2 last Jingle Bells E2E last last first first last Snowman E2E (Directional) Snowman 2 E2E Modern Christmas Tree 2013 Christmas tree modern simplified E2E first first last last Snowflake and mittens E2E Skull E2E first last Christmas Ornament E2E Angel E2E first last Snowflake 2013 E2E first last Penguin E2E first last Snowflake simple 2013 E2E Poinsettia E2E last first first last Christmas Goodies E2E Christmas lights E2E first last Coon hunters E2E Snowflake Simple E2E last first last first Candy cane and Holly E2E Candy Canes Holly Berry E2E last first Dinosaur tracks E2E Dinosaur E2E first last Gator E2E Frog and lily pad new nested E2E first Beer or Root beer mug E2E last Frogs and lizards E2E first Soccer E2E Route E2E first last last first last Football baseball and basketball E2E Football E2E Default size 6 X 6 nested first last last first Baseball E2E Basketball E2E last first Semi truck 2 E2E last first Semi truck E2E last first Convertible Bug E2E Antique truck E2E Boy toys 2 E2E Antique truck 2 E2E first Wrestling E2E Nuts bolts springs and gearsE2E Pool E2E last Robot E2E Filmstrip Reel E2E first last Movie clapper E2E last first last first Duck E2E first Wine glass and bottle E2E last Deer Antlers and hooves E2E last first Anchors Away E2E last first Sailboat E2E first first last last Whale E2E Rubber Ducks E2E first last first Sea Shell and pearls E2E Sea Horse E2E Fireman E2E first last Proud to Be American E2E Type in Americana on the website search to see more in this first last last first Policeman E2E Policeman 2 E2E last first Western 2014 E2E last first Western E2E last first last last first first Longhorn E2E last first Horse shoe E2E last first last first last last first Horse shoe simple E2E Covered Wagon E2E last first Western boots E2E first last Southwest Sun E2E first last last first Eagle E2E Southwest Eagle E2E first last SW E2E 3 First_macro "NO INFO This pattern digitized by" "No INFO Nancy Haacke" "No INFO Wasatch Quilting" "No INFO nhaacke@comcast.net" "No INFO 801-546-3929" end_macro first Last first Last Falcon shield E2E Falcon Blank E2E (above left Left open so you can put a name or word in the center of each falcon. Or I will do it for club members no charge…. See sample to the left My husband love this E2E, Great on a mans quilt! first Last first first last Camper E2E last Gravy boat E2E first first last last Gravy boats simple E2E Travel E2E first Chef Tools 2 E2E use the word Chef or kitchen on the website to see more in this category last first last Suitcase E2E first last Maze E2E 2014 Maze E2E Broken Glass E2E - this quilts out quickly and beautifully and is a really fun look on modern quilts last first Steps E2E first first Broken glass 8 inch E2E last Modern Diamonds E2E Maze E2E 2014 X 4 I did this one in color so you could see how far to overlap it when you set up the second row (green) This one can go in the modern group and quilts out quickly first last first last Modern Chevron E2E Modern Chevron 1-5 E2E Modern Chevron 2 E2E the rows are 1 inch apart the rows are 1 1/2 inch apart the rows are 2 inches apart Modern Chevron Variation E2E the rows are 1 inch then 2 inches apart see layouts Using the fill inside feature the computer will calculate how wide to make the pattern depending on the selected area. Try setting this up and playing with it a little before you start to quilt. Hour glass modern E2E— Modern quilting is on the run… with this pattern you can quilt all the way across the quilt with no over stitching—this pattern is 90 inches wide. You can use it on any size quilt. Layout the pattern in repeat patterns to cover the length of your quilt. Do not adjust the patterns unless you want it further apart or closer together. Define you quilt area, right click, and use fill inside. It will fill inside the defined area and will be ready to quilt. These instructions are for Statler Users Other machine users consult Use Repeat patterns the length of the quilt Define the quilt boundries and right click and use fill inside These instructions are the same for all modern 90 inch patterns first last first last first last Modern Ripples E2E Modern Diamonds E2E The only difference between these E2E’s is the little tale used to connect the next one by using a different length connector you can get various looks see the following pages. You can experiment by dividing out this pattern and changing the tale length. Modern Diamonds 1 E2E Modern Diamonds 2 E2E Modern Diamonds 3 E2E Modern Diamonds 4 E2E last first first last Wood Grain 2 E2E Wood Grain dense E2E This is done in a 6 inch pattern so it can be enlarged for a lot less dense effect This is done in a 6 inch pattern so it can be enlarged for a lot less dense effect This months theme for E2E is Modern quilting For instruction on how to use these patterns contact your different machine instructors. I believe you can use these on any machine. Statler Users instructions are on the page 10. first last Modern Hourglass E2E first last Modern Beads E2E Modern Diamond curve E2E Modern Ripples E2E layout last This pattern is done by using ; Modern Chevron E2E, Modern Chevron 1-5 E2E, and Modern Chevron 2 E2E Modern Chevron 2 E2E Modern Chevron Variation E2E is 2 inches apart is 1 inch then 2 inches apart Modern Diamond curve E2E layout Modern Diamond E2E (no tail) Modern Diamond 3 E2E (3 inch tail) Modern Diamond 4 E2E (4 inch tail) Modern Diamond 1 E2E (1 inch tail) Modern Diamond 2 E2E (2 inch tail) Modern Chevron E2E layout Modern Chevron 1-5 E2E layout is 1 inch apart is 1 1/2 inch apart
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