Wasatch Quilting—digitizedquiltingpatterns.com Designed By—Nancy Haacke 801-546-3929 All patterns copyright © protected Email; nhaacke@comcast.net PDF of July 2014 Masters Club Patterns There are 55 patterns this month http://www.digitizedquiltingpatterns.com All patterns designed, digitized and owned by Nancy Haacke © All copy right laws apply 1 first last Mustache E2E Cherry or Sakura blossom simple E2E last first first last Puppy E2E Circle fun 2 E2E 2 last first Dolphin E2E first last Teddy bear and Roses E2E first last Puppy paws 2 E2E 3 All of the Northern Stars patterns were made for the quilt called, “ Northern Stars” , by Laurie Shifrin All of the quilting patterns were designed by Nancy Haacke last first first last last first Northern Stars Bdr Piece Center V North Star Blk Northern stars curls 2 Bdr Crnr Northern stars curls 2 Bdr last first last first first last Northern Stars polygon 1 Northern stars trap 1 P2P last first Northern Stars polygon 2 Northern Stars complete 10 inch star Blk first last last first Northern Stars Triple Tri P2P las t firs t Northern Stars Dbl Tri P2P last first Northern Stars Quad Tri P2P Northern stars trap 2 first first first last last Northern stars trap 3 P2P last Northern stars trap 4 Northern Stars trap 5 P2P Northern Stars trap 6 P2P Northern Stars trap 7 P2P 4 last first last first Northern stars Rec Bdr piece 1 first last Northern Stars Rec 2 Northern Stars Rec 1 Northern stars Rec Bdr piece 1 mirrored Northern stars Rec Bdr piece 2 first last last first last first last first Northern stars Blk on Pt Northern stars Partial Blk on Pt last first first last last first Northern stars Rec Bdr piece 2 mirrored Northern Stars Tri 3 Northern Stars Tri 2 last first first last Northern Stars Tri P2P last last Northern Stars star blk 1 first Northern stars Rec Bdr piece 3 first last Northern Stars star blk 3 first Northern stars Rec Bdr piece 3 Northern Stars star blk 2 5 last first first last last first last first Curls Par Dia P2P 3 x 3 Sq on Pt Curls P2P Mini Tri pebble fill Made from 2 triangles 2 X 2 pebble fill last STOPPING_MACRO LINETYPE "NO NEEDLE OFF" END_MACRO first STOPPING_MACRO LINETYPE "NO NEEDLE ON" END_MACRO Modern lines Par Diamond STOPPING_MACRO PAUSE "NO PAUSE Please change thread color" END_MACRO First_macro "No INFO This pa "NO INFO Nancy "NO INFO Wasatc "NO INFO nhaack "NO INFO 801-54 end_macro snap=.000000001 t las first Dolphin Motiff last first last first last first Dolphin Bdr Crnr Dolphin Bdr first last Dolphin Block first last last first last first last Sakura or Cherry blossom Motiff Sakura or Cherry blossom Bdr Crnr first Sakura or Cherry blossom Bdr Puppy Motiff Puppy Bdr Crnr first last Puppy Bdr 6 Dolphin Bdr and Crnr layout Puppy Bdr and Crnr layout Sakura or cherry blossom simple Bdr and Crnr layout 7 Northern Star Blk layouts Spinning Star Blooming Star Chasing Star Diamond Star Pinwheel Star Bow tie Star Windmill Star Kaliedo Star 8 Northern Stars Outer border layouts The outer border I used a border I already had called North star border any border can be used. I did the North Star border corner into a blk you can set in it does not connect. It is included in the July patterns. The small P2P triangle used is called P2P 100 and was in the October 2012 club. 9 Northern Stars quilt layout without outer border 10 Sakura or Cherry blossom simple E2E X 4 first first last last 11 Dolphin E2E X 4 fi r s t last fi r s t last 12 Mustache E2E X 4 first first last last first first last last 13 Puppy E2E X 4 first last first last first last 14 Circle fun 2 E2E X 4 15 Puppy Paws 2 E2E X 4 first last first last 16 Teddy bear and Roses E2E X 4 first last first last 17
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