Storytown: Grade 4 Book: Winning Catch Lesson Theme 1: Facing Challenges Focus Skill/ Genre/ comprehension strategies spelling vocab Theme 1 Lesson 1 character’s traits and motivations realistic fiction Story Structure Story Titles: Intro/Vocab Story Main Story Connecting Story Trading Chores The Hot and Cold Summer Secret Talk (poem) Author, Illustrator, photographer…// Themes Johanna Hurwitz Mary GrandPre business, baseball, summer, Bolivia, money, cards, pie, pizza, vegetables, friends short v/ digraphs: pact, brand, brick, crop, broad, tread, film, else, gram, gum, dread, spend, past, plot, check, split, sting, strap, task, twin annoyed, depriving, foisted, pact, queasy, venture Theme 1 Lesson 2 character’s traits and motivations biography Story Structure Table Tennis Shake-Up Mighty Jackie: The Strike-Out Queen The New Kid (poem) Marissa Moss C. F. Payne baseball, female athletes, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig long v/ digraphs: cheese, heel, season, boast, chief, gape, aim, brain, fluke, crayon, eagle, throw, rose, student, goal, woke, ripen, cube, rainbow, scrape flinched, fluke, gaped, glared, legendary, muttered, snickering, stunned Theme 1 Lesson 3 compare/contrast narrative poem answer questions Eggs the Hard Way Danitra Brown Leaves Town Summertime Star Parties Nikki Grimes Floyd Cooper breakfast, eggs, summer, handball, dancing, stars, astronomers variant v/diphthongs: toil, faucet, boyhood, choice, dawn, awful, foist, daughter, flaw, annoyed, royal, allow, destroy, blew, spoon, shampoo, brown, renew, wooden, auction clusters, particular, sizzles, sparkling, stroll, surrender Theme 1 Lesson 4 compare/contrast historical fiction answer questions Last-Minute Scare Kai’s Journey to Gold Mountain My Japanese Sister Katrina Currier Gabhor Utomo travel, China, immigration, basketball, Japan -ed, -ing: counting, craned, seemed, burned, chopped, cracked, begged, moving, slipped, sailing, trimmed, shopping, returned, watching, pushed, visited, cringed, screamed, scratching, flapping accusing, averted, craned, cringed, fury, interrogation, solemnly, stern Theme 1 Lesson 5 Theme Review story structure answer questions RT: Pedro Puts on a Play Raul’s After-School Snack family, cultural heritage, puppets. mariachis. library v & v digraphs: tread, broad, split, chief, season, brain, throw, goal, scrape, choice, allow, auction, flaw, daughter, destroy, renew, boyhood, returned, chopped, counting commenced, consternation, culinary, downcast, extensive, pensive, recruit, reminiscent, serenely, vivid POB 032015 Storytown: Grade 4 Book: Winning Catch Theme 2: Getting the Job Done Lesson Focus Skill/ Genre/ comprehension strategies Theme 2 Lesson 6 plot: conflict/resolution historical fiction reread for comprehension Story Titles: Intro/Vocab Story Main Story Connecting Story A Pioneer’s Diary On the Banks of Plum Creek Surviving the Prairie Author, Illustrator, photographer…// Themes Laura Ingalls Wilder cattle, prairie -le: circle, angle, cradle, ladle, castle, ruffle, juggle, ankle, battle, candle, fable, riddle, icicle, sparkle, jungle, tangle, marble, sizzle, paddle, handle attentive, contradicting, darted, jostling, pounced, responsible, swerved Theme 2 Lesson 7 plot: conflict/resolution realistic fiction reread for comprehension Just Another Day Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World Home on the Range Hats Off to the Cowboy Mildred Pitts Walter Don Tate ranch, calf, chores, grandpa, festival, fawn, Teddy Roosevelt, cooking, cowboys, desert, range VCCV: letter, ladder, appear, lesson, soccer, classic, hollow, supper, accent, pizza, officer, lettuce, better, slipper, bottom, ribbon, summer, college, occur, rabbit inspecting, lurked, reluctant, resounded, rumpled, surge, taut, untangled Theme 2 Lesson 8 author’s purpose and perspective plays summarize Next Stop: Internet Three Little Cyberpigs The Three Little Pigs Revisited Jane Tesh Nathan Jurevicius computers, nursery rhyme characters, VCCV: history, number, hunger, company, window, welcome, blanket, perhaps, service, subject, thunder, furnish, jersey, mother, secret, harvest, winter, problem, chapter, nurses cease, exist, fierce, impressed, nimble, slick Theme 2 Lesson 9 author’s purpose and perspective expository nonfiction summarize Sand Painting Weaving a California Tradition Wonder Weaver Linda Yamane basket making, Indian tribes, plants, stick buildings VCCCV: monster, complete, hundred, kitchen, sandwich, surprise, applause, although, conflict, mattress, purchase, merchant, pumpkin, angry, Thursday, ostrich, punctual, address, chestnut, luncheon bond, delicate, flexible, infest, inspires, intervals, preserve, unique Theme 2 Lesson 10 Theme Review reread for comprehension summarize Emerald’s Eggs Local Governments volunteers, sea turtles, government review: castle, handle, ruffle, icicle, fable, soccer, appear, hollow, classic, college, accent, service, jersey, mother, problem, subject, complete, mattress, purchase, luncheon comprehend, encircle, exuberant, lumbers, mature, nurture, pliable, scan, solitary, vulnerable POB 032015 Storytown: Grade 4 Book: Winning Catch Theme 3: Natural Changes Lesson Focus Skill/ Genre/ comprehension strategies Theme 3 Lesson 11 text structure: cause & effect expository nonfiction graphic organizers Story Titles: Intro/Vocab Story Main Story Connecting Story Surprises in Nature Mimicry and Camouflage lizards, frogs and polliwogs Author, Illustrator, photographer…// Themes Mary Hoff prairie dogs, venus flytrap, puffer fish, zebra, walking stick, butterfly, chameleon VCV: begin, vanish, bonus, legal, event, moment, motive, native, suburb, mimic, paper, pilot, raven, rival, relish, silent, solar, spider, super, virus avoid, deceptive, lure, mimic, obvious, predators, resembles, traits Theme 3 Lesson 12 text structure: cause & effect expository nonfiction graphic organizers The Double Volcano Mountains To the Top of the World Seymour Simon glaciers, Alps, maps, rocks, erosion, climate, Mount Everest, school prefixes re-, un-, non-: reuse, restart, retell, resend, replace, uncork, unstuck, unannounced, unpleasant, unchain, unfit, nonprofit, nonmetal, recall, nontoxic, unwelcome, reproduce, retrace, uninvited, reapply constant, contract, depths, eruption, gradually, immediate, revealed Theme 3 Lesson 13 draw conclusions realistic fiction read ahead for comp. A Town Transformed Fire Storm Flame Busters Jean Craighead George Wendell Minor fire, camping, kayaking, firemen suffixes –able, -ible, -ness, -ment, -less: likable, removable, printable, adorable, comfortable, durable, usable, invisible, responsible, darkness, tidiness, silliness, excitement, government, requirement, loneliness, harmless, hopeless, fearless, horrible altered, discouraged, drudgery, plunge, scoffed, skeptically, smoldering, treacherous Theme 3 Lesson 14 draw conclusions fantasy read ahead for comp. Mountain Mystery The Stranger A Place in the Sun Chris Van Allsburg vacation, dog, seasons, sun, orbit ending /en/: apron, button, canyon, certain, chicken, cardigan, cotton, dragon, even, fountain, gallon, horizon, listen, orphan, pardon, pollen, prison, siren, swollen, driven dashed, drab, fascinated, hermit, occasionally, peculiar, timid, trembling Theme 3 Lesson 15 Theme Review read ahead RT: The Adventurers Icebergs: Floating Snow Cones sailing, beach, snorkeling, coral reef, icebergs use graphic organizers review: event, rival, solar, moment, unannounced, reuse, retrace, unpleasant, nonmetal, likable, comfortable, horrible, invisible, loneliness, requirement, fearless, cotton, listen, fountain, orphan cherish, delectable, fragile, guidance, hoist, intrepid, pristine, privilege, seasoned, undoubtedly POB 032015 Storytown: Grade 4 Book: Winning Catch Theme 4: Imagination at Work Lesson Focus Skill/ Genre/ comprehension strategies Theme 4 fact & opinion Lesson 16 narrative nonfiction adjust reading rate Story Titles Intro. Story Main Story Connecting Story Dad’s Invention So You Want to be an Inventor? Make a Movie Machine Author, Illustrator, photographer… Themes Judith St. George David Small dogs, inventions, science, inventors, lightning, wheat, railroad, phone, frozen food, Velcro, rubber, electricity, steamboat ending /el/: tropical, animal, April, arrival, trample, bottle, camel, capital, couple, swivel, festival, gentle, level, national, normal, tremble, puddle, rebel, single, tunnel barriers, forged, hoaxer, perfect, quest, tinker, trampled Theme 4 Lesson 17 fact & opinion autobiography The Coolest Show on Earth Just Like Me I Am an Artist farm, artist, China, Winter, ice sculptures, New York, sewing, ethnicity, rodeo The Giant Hewitt Anderson’s Great Big Life The Little Fly and the Great Moose Jerdine Nolen, Kadir Nelson fiddle, storms, swimming, beanstalk, eggs, New Hampshire adjust reading rate ending /er/: lunar, cellar, collar, corner, danger, director, doctor, dollar, tinker, finger, honor, horror, labor, master, motor, ancestor, checkers, power, regular, sugar ancestors, brilliant, exotic, graceful, mischievous, participate Theme 4 Lesson 18 theme fairy tale self-correcting over-, under-, sub-: overactive, overbite, overboard, overdrive, overestimate, overhand, overheat, overpass, overreact, underline, underbrush, underdeveloped, undergo, underhand, underpass, underscore, underwater, submarine, subway, overact bountiful, inadvertently, intentions, relentless, resourceful, roused, stature, vast Theme 4 Lesson 19 theme folktales self-correcting The New Ruler Juan Verdades: The Man Who Couldn’t Tell a Lie Hard Cheese Joe Hayes Joseph Daniel Fiedler ant, dove, queen, garden, rancheros, apple tree, honesty, fables irregular plurals/possessives: babies’, baby’s, child’s, children, classes’, class’s, sheep, feet, elk, fish, fishes’, goose’s, geese, jeans, mouse’s, mice, teeth, women, woman’s, moose anxiously, confidently, declared, distressed, gloated, insisted, magnificent Theme 4 Lesson 20 Theme Review adjust reading rate self-correct RT: The Case of the Too-Hot Apple Cider Sequoyah’s Talking Leaves storm, detectives, robot, temperatures, cider, Cherokee, writing ending /al/: arrival, gentle, national, single, level, collar, doctor, checkers, power, overboard, overheat, underbrush, undergo, subway, sheep, class’s. fishes’, women, jeans, fish beams, confound, exposed, gracious, installed, looming, miserable, monitor, ominous, self-assurance POB 032015 Storytown: Grade 4 Book: Winning Catch Theme 5: A New Home Lesson Focus Skill/ Genre/ comprehension strategies Theme 5 characters, setting, plot realistic fiction use story structure Lesson 21 Story Titles Intro. Story Main Story Connecting Story Greensville: Best Town Because of Winn-Dixie Decoding Dog Speak Author, Illustrator, photographer… Themes Kate DiCamillo town, community, Florida, dog, supermarket, friends, library, bear, communication suffix –ant, -ent, -eer, -ist, -ian: assistant, consultant, coolant, defendant, radiant, disinfectant, ignorant, absorbent, confident, different, engineer, activist, cyclist, motorist, pianist, typist, comedian, electrician, librarian, musician consisted, intends, prideful, recalls, select, snatched Theme 5 Lesson 22 characters, setting, plot diary use story structure Adventure in Mexico My Diary from Here to There Moving (poem) There’s an Orange Tree Out There Amada Irma Perez Maya Christina Gonzalez beach, pyramids, boats, restaurant, Mexico, U.S., friends, magic tricks, farming in-, out-, down-, up-: incomplete, indirect, indent, instead, include, inexact, infamous, outbid, outbreak, outcast, outdated, outdoor, downfall, downhill, downpour, downstairs, update, upfront, uphill, upwind burst, comforted, huddle, journey, opportunities, recognizes Theme 5 Lesson 23 sequence: story events fantasy ask questions Crumbs for the Taking The Cricket in Times Square Cricket Thermometer George Selden mouse, New York City, cricket, dreams, leaves, money, following directions suffix –ation, -ition, -al, -ial: decoration, abbreviation, admiration, association, aviation, civilization, declaration, addition, composition, preposition, abdominal, admiral, rendition, disposal, emotional, environmental, denial, facial, judicial, testimonial fidget, forlornly, noble, pathetic, resolved, scrounging, stingy, suspicion Theme 5 Lesson 24 text structure: sequence expository nonfiction ask questions Florida’s Great Reefs Mangrove Wilderness Mangrove Bianca Lavies coral reefs, mangrove plants and animals, seedlings, alligators, encyclopedia suffix/combo: additional, beautifully, blissfully, boastfully, carefully, cheerfully, colorfully, educational, effortlessly, endlessly, guiltlessly, joyfully, meaningfully, playfully, restfully, respectfully, childishness, truthfully, usefully, powerfully advantage, extract, remarkable, stealthy, suitable, withstand Theme 5 Lesson 25 Theme Review Use story structure ask questions RT: Welcome to Chinatown! Amelia’s Garden Chinatown, history, San Francisco, immigrants, languages, plants suffix –ation, -ition, -al, -ial: radiant, confident, engineer, typist, electrician, inexact, outdated, downfall, upfront, upwind, admiration, addition, emotional, abdominal, testimonial, decoration, effortlessly, meaningfully, truthfully, carefully aspects, destinations, expectantly, festive, gorgeous, misfortune, ornate, reconstruct, symbolize, vigorously POB 032015 Storytown: Grade 4 Book: Winning Catch Theme 6: Exploring Our World Lesson Focus Skill/ Genre/ comprehension strategies Theme 6 main ideas/details Lesson 26 expository nonfiction summarize Story Titles Intro. Story Main Story Connecting Story A Look at the Past Dragons and Dinosaurs Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp Author, Illustrator, photographer… Themes dinosaurs, Earth, continents, bones, brain, rock ‘n roll, rain forest, swamps, dance silent letters: subtle, scene, climbed, comb, exhibit, doubt, folks, exhaust, half, whistle, island, lamb, numb, often, rustle, debt, knack, thumb, unknown, mortgage complicated, contraption, eerie, elegant, massive, obstacles, roamed, submerged Theme 6 Lesson 27 main ideas/details narrative nonfiction summarize The Amazing Power of Rivers Grand Canyon: A Trail Throughout Time The Rock Cycle Linda Vieira Christopher Canyon Grand Canyon, rivers, falls, lightning, Seven Natural Wonders of the World, erosion, Indians, cactus, hiking, rocks Greek/Latin: respect, inspect, spectacle, spectator, spectrum, specific, construct, destruction, instruct, structure, autograph, photograph, phonics, telegraph, paragraph, visor, visitor, visual, visible, television ancient, cascading, distant, embedded, eroding, glistens, sentries, weary Theme 6 Lesson 28 figurative language: simile, metaphor, idiom, personification, hyperbole tall tale reread for comprehension A Giant Turns Ten The Bunyans Mammoth Cave National Park Audrey Wood David Shannon Pecos Bill, coyotes, mountains, craters, comets, ox, Kentucky, lumberjack, cave, Montana, sand, hot air balloons, sculptures, sinkholes homophones: there, they’re, their, sent, scent, hour, our, seam, seem, plain, plane, piece, peace, two, too, to, whole, hole, pail pale behemoth, colossal, cordially, fanciful, hearty, illusion, scenic Theme 6 Lesson 29 figurative language historical fiction reread for comprehension Snow Camp Diary John Muir and Stickeen John Muir: Extreme Explorer Julie Dunlap Marybeth Lorbiecki Bill Farnsworth Alaska, glaciers, dogs, hiking prefix/base/suffix: impatiently, disappearance, unhappily, unnaturally, refreshment, mistakenly, nonrefundable, remarkable, unlikely, unpleasantly, disagreement, inaccurately, incorrectly, irreversible, repayment, uneasily, unusually, misguidance, refillable coddled, dainty, dedicated, determined, endured, memorable, pitiful Theme 6 Lesson 30 Theme Review reread summarize RT: Discovering the Atocha Producers and Consumers treasure, Spanish galleon, hurricane, shipwreck, diagram, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore silent letters: scene, numb, rustle, debt, knack, specific, phonics, destruction, paragraph, sent, scent, pail, pale, tp, too, two, inaccurately, unusually, repayment, misguidance abruptly, descend, discern, distinguished, dubious, estimate, frantically, scrutinize, verify, vicinity POB 032015
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